Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 03, 1896, Image 3

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Eecovery by the Tfse of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" Some years ago, as a result of too
cIosb attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a do
dine. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once,
and (jriidnnliy lncroasnd my weight from
one hundred and twenty -five to two
hundred pounds. Since then, T and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the best of
health, a fact which wo attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
bad It not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation I cannot say too
much." H. 0. ITixsoy, Postmaster and
riantrr, Kiuard's, S. C.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
AVER'0 Pi'Ia Save Doc r's Bills.
Here and There.
fcTony, the Convioi," tomorrow night.
A danoe was given at Lexington on
Jan. 1.
Sam Hale was over from Butter creek
Wheat is 40 oeols per basbel over at
Mr. Ralph Benge came in from Sooial
Ridge Wednesday,
Dm Hale and Rnb Sparry were up
from lone Tuesday lust.
Charley Sperry spent New Tear's day
with bis parents in HeppDer.
Jhs. Leabey dropped down from npper
Willow oreek the first of the week.
OhII at Wells & Warren's to Ret yonr
reserved seats for "Tony, the Oonviot."
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman. He opner.
Mat Halvorson, oneof Ion e'g progress
ve merchants, wasiu Henuoer Wednes
MisB Pettys. who has been stonninc in
Heppner for a short time, returned home
this week.
Heppuer should turn ont en masse to
see the play, ''Tony, the Convict." Ex
oellent musio.
The report that Jenkins and Masters
bed been caught at Long Creek proved
to be untrue.
Miss Lue Donahoo returned reoently
from. Prineville, and will remain in
Heppner this winter.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per Hue will be
Jharged tor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lint of weddina; presents and donors,
nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
oo t ices of special meetings for whatever Durnoae.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertalnmenta from which revenue it to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
enw a line. Thee rules will be strictly adher
ad to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
ipon application.
Brown, who was
down in Douglas
Murderer Sam 0.
sentenced to death
county, has escaped.
F ank Eogleman was up from lone to
enjoy the New Year's danoe. He depart
ed for home yesterday.
Snow fell to the depth of two or three
inches in Heppner New Years, but tbe
weather is not severe for winter.
L. 0. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Repairing neatly done. May 6b, Abra
bamsick building, Heppner, Or. tt
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
I he Uflzette will take last spring
calves io lieu of oasb. Any one owing
who bus cattle can eaaly liquidate, if so
inclined. tf
W. J. Leezer sells a one pound pack
age of tea, "Crown" braud, at 60 cents
and gives in addition one silver plated
ieaspoou. a
Don't forget tbe New Year's ball at
the opera bouse. Oood musio and a
grand time is tbe program for the
J. D. Muir oame over from Pendleton
last week and spent tbe holiday witb
relatives here. He is engaged in farm
ing over in Umatilla.
Btafre for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
lonn Day and canyon city, leaves as follows :
Every day at a. m., except Monday.
A rrives every day at; .n.. except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the lntorior ronntry.
Willi Cohn, Agent
Extra Pal Star Brewery Bear
In Half Pint Bottles can be
bad only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where high grade Miuon and Cigars are also
kept by Ted.
3 I 0
Niw Fikd Yaho. Win. Oordoo haa
open op tea fred yard ant door to
tha Osteite) oflW. ant on solicits
hart of yonr patronage. Billy ta rlgbt
al Louie at Ibis bualrteee, and your
hnreee will b writ .xiket after. Prices
feaeooable. liar and graio for aala.lt.
rtiia wrtr, ('. f. A.
Bea I)lg Cel.. eaye: "Hhilob's!
Catarrh mlr la lbs ft rl modieloa I j
bat eeerf'ioot that nl1 tin ma any
tnod." Pn.a 50 eeola. Vat ala f
Walls A Warren.
Geo. Noble was in from bis McKinney
oreek borne Wednesday to take part io
the Odd Fellows installation and other
fraternal festivities.
Newspaper men and attaches have to
etij y holidays lika other people, benoe
if news in pretty abort in this issue, try
to think bow tt is yourself.
Tbe Gazette baa reoeived from tbe
Pope Mnof. Co., their pad oaleodar for
18U6. Tbe Pope people make good
calendars as well aa bicyoles.
W hether you want photos or net, we
request you to oall at Herrin's studio
we are prepared to furnish you the best
work in aDy line of portraiture. 96tf.
A young man named Davis fell
through a skylight 80 feet, alighting on
his bead, in tbe Deknm bnildiog, Port
land, this week, lia died in a very
abort time.
A reception will be tendered Rev,
Howard, (he new minister of tbe M. E.
cburob. South, this evening. Members
of dm oburcb and a few invited friends
will be preaent.
Frank Rom ban opened nparestanranl
in Ilia Minor building, next door to 0.
M. Jonn' barber shop. White labor
throughout and rates by meal or week
very rsaaonable. U9-tf.
Regular preaching services Sunday
morning and evening at the opera bouse.
by Elder Jeukios. Yon are lorited to
attend Ibess services and bring your
friends witb you.
For .22.50 I will sell a first class, high
grade, high arm sswiog machine guarao
teed for 10 years. For further particil
Ura call on or address, N. A. I .each.
Letiogton, Oietfno. 8H-lf
J . W. Kerns, the city painter, is pre
pared to do all kinds of painting ana
paper hanging and will do house cleao-
ine- and take od and put down carpets
Ol!tre on Maio street, opposite Cm
Lost Ooa of V. A. Uerreo's floe
"Progressiva" Fol hounds. Has browo
spot on bead, ooa on aide and one at
rnoi of tall Eyes not lbs asms color,
Suitable reward wilt be paid for b
return. It.
Tha OstMt will goto tbe rash system
on Mareh 1. lH'tl. Patrons of Iba paper,
by anbaonptloo or otherwise, will I
aoliDrd wrennallv to the Dear future
Alter March 1, those who do not pay do
not "l any paper.
Prioeville Review: Tbe maddest
woman In town ia a married lady, who
on a recent night eat op until one
o'olock waiting for ber husband to come
borne from lodge, ob, no, she wasn't
going to say a thing to him. Finally,
utterly worn out bv ber long and fruit
less vigil, she went to ber room to turn
in and fonnd tbe missing husband in
bed, fast asleep, where be had gone im
mediately after supper instead of going
to lodge. And all that woman is mad
abont now ia that she can't get into tbe
right position to kick herself.
E. O.: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley N. Mat
look expeot to leave tonight for Los
Angeles, California. It is their inten
tion to remain in Los Angeles perma
nently, while Mr. Matlock will go into
tbe real estate business. Tbe permaneut
departure from Pendleton of Mr. and
Mrs. Matlock will cause general regret
on tbe part of the many friends they
have here.
The following have received lioenee to
wed at some time during tbe past month:
Cora B. RuBsell and Geo. M Allyn; Mrs.
Malinda Hymer and W. J. King; Ollie
Howard and Frank Hale; Mand Glass
coek and J. W. Shipley; Anna Briarly
and John H. Garrett; Lula M. Mnnkers
and Sylvanus Wright; Anna M. Doberty
and Ed. Doberty; Sarah Ji. Lane and
Jerry Phillips.
Mrs. B. F. Vaughn has aooepted tbe
agenoy of The Paoiflo Corset Faotory,
aod those ladies wbo desire anything in
that line will please oall on Mrs. Yaugbac.
It is well known that this nrm makes
corsets to order and those who want
comfort and exact fits should see Mrs.
Vaugban before ordering. 97 tf
The Indies of Heppner have decided
to give their Leap Year dance on Friday,
January 17th, 1896. It will be a public
affair, to those who bold invitations,
Ueuts wbo have no esoorts will require
an invitation to gain admittance. Ad
mission, 50 cents; supper $1 per ooople,
A January thaw is always more pro
ductive of .oolus and oougbs then
January freeze. Then is the time Ayer's
Cherry Peotoral is needed and proves so
extremely efficacious. Ask your drug
gist for it, and also tor Ayer's Almanao,
which is free to all.
Ring out the bells the hour grows hot, 'tis
Eighteen Ninety Six;
Columbia's sons have surely got the Britons in
a tlx;
Your starry banner proudly floats and Justice
rules on high,
But 'on't forget to wet your throats with Sperry's
Linwood Kye.
tf. At the Belvedere saloon.
Dr. Shields, an eminent physician of
Tennessee, says: "I regard Ayer's
Sarsaparil'a as the best blood-medicine
on earth, and I know of many wonder
ful cures effeoted by its use." Pbysioians
all over the land have made similiar
A. G. Bartholomew, aocompanied by
is brothers, F. K. and W. H. Bartholo
mew, oame io yesterday irom band
Hollow. A. G.'s brothers reoently ar
rived from the East and may looate in
this vioinity to go into the sheep bust
To-night, thank God! I am content,
No matter when the call is sent.
No matter when my soul is blent
With other souls above.
Contented here and perfect there;
Never was promise half so fair
As that which tells us "God does care;
His words are words of love."
So, though the day may still seem long,
And though your life seems full of wrong,
Through evil and through good be strong,
Be patient, and be brave.
God's messengers may be named "Pain,"
"Sorrow," "Affliction"; yet not in vain
These messengers all sing one strain,
'-Remember, He will save."
John 0. Coit.
From Demorest'i Magazine for January.
Nerves on Edge.
I wsa nervous, tired, irritable, and
cross. Kan e Clover Hoot Tea bas made
me well and happy. Mrs. E. B. Wor
den. For sale by Wells & Warren.
A Bad Accident. Last Sunday morn.
log, about 8 o'clock, up at Wm. fenlana s
sheep ranob, Thos. Marshall, son of
John Marshall, met with a painful aooi-
dent. While hauling hay to the sheep
the team ran away, throwing young
Marshall over on the doubletrees, and
then be was dragged quite a distance.
Tbe horses began kicking, one of tbem
striking him on tbe thigh, breaking tbe
femur about one-third the length of the
bone, just above tbe knee. Tbe tibia of
tbe same leg was also broken twice, onoe
near the knee and once near the ankle
Dr. MoSwords informs the Gazette that
he was not braised otherwise and that
there Is no danger of any fatality in this
connection, as the patient is doing well.
Makes the Blood Pure
This is. the secret of the cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read this:
"lam so glad
to write that I
inl now in per
fect health and
it is all because
Hood's Sarsa
parilla made
my blood pure.
My health
broke down
with troubles
peculiar to
v.-oraen, m y
nervous sys
tem was shat
tered and I
had to take my bed. The physician said
there was little hope for me. A neighbor
told of wonderful cures by Hood's Barsa
parilla and I decided to try it. When I
had taken 3 bottles, I could sit up aud now
I am perfectly v, ell and strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done all this for me." Mrs. C. F.
Fadksek, La I'latta City, Colorado.
Hnnrl'c Di11 cur8 naWtual consttpa
IIUUU S flllS tion. l'rlce 25c per boi.
The World has the Money,
We Have the Goods !
They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop 1
goods either, but goods of today, bought
for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold
on their merits and at prices that will have '
you to call again.
T W raa far
is Hhitob's Cnre. A nsgWted foaiih Is
dngrnn. ritp It at ones with
HMlnh's Care.
If you're in doubt whether your
trouble is Indigestion or Dyspepsia, just
take a tew doses of Simmons Liver
Regulator it will settle tbe whole
question. "I have tried Simmons Liver
Regulator for Dyspepsia and find it just
tbe thing to relieve me. A small dose
after meals is sure to prevent Indi
gestion." S. 8 Perkins, Sharon, Qa.
It is the best medicine to aid digestion."
J. J. Blaok, Duncan, Arizona.
Tbe drama to be presented tomorrow
evening will be well worth hearing. It
is a strong play and tbe oast isoomposed
of looal talent. One of tbe features will
be tbe vocal solos by Mr. John E
Latbrop, of Pendleton, and Miss Brown.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old
timer in tbe tonsorial line, bas again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews shop, Minor building
opposite the city bote). Charley will
appreciate a call when io town. 1
Mrs. 0. A. Rhea received aa a Christmas
present from ber sister in Missouri, a fine
pair of peaoocka. It is presumed that tbess
fowls are tbe only ones of tbe kind in
tbe county. In fact, they are rarely
seen ou this coast.
Services at the M. E. churoh, by tha
pastor on Sunday Jan. Mh aa follows
Morning sermon, the third ot tbe series
on "Tbe Uhuron;" evening sudjpoi,
The two Foundations." Speoial music.
All are welcome.
Heppner should give tbe drama
Tony, the Uonviol," a rousing bouse,
on tomorrow nighl. twservei seats,
50 cents: seoeral admission. 25 oents
Ths net proceeds will go to tbe Episoo
pal churoh.
Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays
Wednesdays sod Fridays. Leaves Echo
Tuesdays, Tuesdays and rjatnrdt)
fare 12 eaob way. UHloe, Wells
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop.
co-partner-hlp heretofore exlstinc between
8. W. Meadows and V. H. Scrivner. under the
nrm name oi Meadows & Hcrlvner, doing busi
ness as blacksmiths in the town of Heppner,
has this dHy been dissolved by mutual consent,
S. W. Meadows will continue the business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills for the said nrm.
All accounts must be settled by cash or note
Mr. Hcrivner deBires to Btate to the public that
he will continue his business as wagon maker
and repairer at the same Btaud, and guarantees
satisfaction as heretofore.
8. W. MEtDOWS,
Dated at Heppner, Or., Deo. 3, 186. 93-03
We Select Our Stock,
After careful examination, we then have
the best at correct prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will
greatly please us. We are determined to ploase and
excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en
ables us to excel all competition.
Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, n tne state of Oregon,
at the close of business,
Dec. 13th, 1895,
Loans anddisoonnts 8 80.3C8.84
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 4.805.69
U. o. bonds to secure circula
tion 12.500.00
Premiums on U. a bonds 800.00
Stocks, securities, eto 6,090.47
Bankiughouse, furniture, & fix. 2,509 30
Other real estate and mortg
ages owned 200.00
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 2,899.37
Due from state banks and
bankers 1.521.57
Due from approved reserve
agents 2.0M.79
Checks and other oash item. . 597 01
Notes of other National Banks 150.00
Fractional paper curreucy.
nickles, and oents 3.15
lawful momsy aaisavs in sank, vu;
Soerie I4.5IH20
Legal-tender notes... 275 00 1,791.20
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir
culation) k 562.50
Total $119,941.89
Capital stork paid in $
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, leas expen
se and taxes psiil
Nstional bsnk notes outstand
Dos to State banks and bank
Dividend unpaid...
Individual deposits
to cheek
Demand certificates
of da-
2 98132
123 47
DUO 00
A ty of Morrow, State oi Oregon.
H. Townsend,
Haintiir, '
Thomas Walden, W. O.
Bcott, Geo. W. Harris,
To Thomas Walden and Q. V. Harris, Defend
In the name of the State of Orciron. von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com-
piaim niea braiiisi you in the xtiove enuiiea
suit on or before the first dav of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court tow It:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1H96;
and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the piaiutltr win apply to the e urt for the
reuei uemanaea in said complaint, t'l-wlt:
Judgment avalnst defendant. Thomaa Wal
don, for the sum of Two Hundred Four and
Sixty Onn-H unil red tin Dollars in U 8. Gold
uoin, with interest thereon at the rate ol 1(1 per
cent, per annum, Irom the flrstdayni February
iw, until pain, ana lor tne luriner sum or
Thirty-Kive Dollars, attorney's fee. together
with the costs aud disbursements of this -nil to
be taxed.
And that the mnrtiraee descrhed in DlalnttfTs
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
inereiu oescriiHMi, to-wit: me hmm oi Mec.
Ipl N. R 2b K. W. M.. be sold to satisfy said
Alio mat tne said ueo. w. Harris and all per
sons elalmlnir by, through or under him lie
lorever barred ol all right or equity of redemp
tlon In said premises.
i ins summons is puhiunea by orner oi Hon
Stephen A. I-owell. lodge of the sixth ludlclal
district of the Btate of Oregon, dated December
Uttll, 1KI.1. J. N. VKIIH 14,
m ill. Attorney fur Plaintiff.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time. We
are going out of business.
lug of the (Un itholders of lbs llrppner
Rutlding A lan Asa -elation will be held at
tht'lr ollli-e la Heppner. Oregon, on the sn-ond
Tuesday of January, lx, between the houra of
10 a. in and 4 p. m. ol d day, lor the purpoae
of electing directors for the ensuing vear.
Heppner, Or., Deo. &, lw.v sn hee'y.
lug of the sbK-shiilders of Tim Nalmnal
Hank of Heppner will l lirld at Ha iMiikliit
house, In Heppnnr. on Ilia x-eund Tuesday of
January, lrteeii I he hiiura of III a in and 4 p
m of sii (1st. lor I ho purpow ol ducting direc
tors for the eimiing car.
Mi K. niHIIOC, ( ashler.
Heppner, Or., !. 4, Iva'i. J In.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
IJ Grande,
ylllS is a shecphcrri
cr who has been out
four months, but he
loooks like a new man 0
now for
he has been
up at
Mrs. ? J. Crawford and liltls dttuh
fer. Delta, arc oer from Pendleton on
visit to relatives, baviog arrived last
Wednesday. Tbey will probably rs
main till spring.
Whiskers that art) pre amtnrsly gray
or failed suonlJ bs colored to prevent
ths lx.k of aire, aod liuekiogbara'
Drs eieels all ot tiers !n Ooloriog brow
or blark.
It any patron ot tha Ostetts eannot
car for Iba natter don't leava it la in
rfllee "not oslled fur," but sobs ap liks
bonest tnso and bsvs It slopped.
Fred Melehior elaims to be tha best
well digger in tie county. Wells dug
by I he day nr by tbs foot. Ad1ra bl
at Davidson, Or. 400 Irs.
T. ft. Howard makes a specialty In
snpplyii g stockmen witb all needed
arth-lM, bealdes carrlo general llos.
rW bis new ad. tf.
Klmer Hlooam, tha artist, will make
cabinet photos lit tbs belt days at
12 per doieo. Uallery oppoeitt opera
bouse. tf.
Jobs Ambfosa is in from lbs ooan'ry
May. lis Is feeding bis abeep on Ibis
aide of lbs mountain Ibis winter.
Tbs O .telle bas plenty of spars to
sell, (hie gtan at M advertising
Colon bs will soggrsl that.
I. Hhlpley baa pnrebssed Baa blsss
boar bids and will bats a coal mad
ileit-ber c A. O. V. W. Mga will
ieatall Ibis evening dewg at tbs K. of
I', tall. I
Js IVvia was a visitor Io Iba tnstrop-
t lia V rdnved ay.
Ut IVwetl was In from Hstid Hollow
I' .lay.
!. an I Mrs. IlafVM Fl.trf' It.fsal
I. I'l
j Ml Wa4rfal
Si m than W.Mi lr'al , the es
a.!pt.'eb4 t ll'el'a H-eat s'llls.
'even after nibr p'ejiriine and
pi'Ciane' p'ewrill"a ! fil4.
, 1 a reaena Itowever, e ilftb s &
thm l. l I i'i- -l an I pnnn'i.
4.Me riefps sal gwd .llb
r. 'u'i... a. H- 4'e H'aparilla M lbs
Total tl 19.9 II. TO
Rtati op Oatoow, )
Oonniy it Morrow, (
I. Ed. It liiehntt, Cashier nMhaalKtva
named bank, do aolerouly swesr that tbe
above statement ia trne to tha beat of
my knowledge end belief,
Ki It llmiiop, Caahltr
8nberibed and sworn to br-fors ma
this '1HU day of Dm . 105
K. L KassnxD,
Notary f nblio for Oregon.
Correct At teel : Mm. IVnland, An
drew llotxl, I'. C. Tbompsoo, Directors.
4 Baby a Ufa Kave4.
"My baby had rrnnp and was saved
by flbilols Cure." writes Mrs. J. It.
Msriin.of llonlaville, Ala. For sals by
Aells A Warren.
Oregon, Nov. p.lli, li'i. I'otn-
plalnt having tfn mdn at llils orliee by the
liilf vennm anniavii ol N.tnni-1 Jl. nrl.l". alli-g
log that Mm. II VanhlM.. h mad)' llmlirr
( nllnrn i-mrr Nn. l.i.J. al the lnd lirhra m la
Grande, Oregon, on tlx I'ati ilay of in-rnilM-r,
wi, lor Hie ' ol h', . 1 ii 4 a, K n R.
M . has wholly a'amdon.-.! tit aaPI trai l: that
rlahnant haa failed Io Plant any Iriw uan Mid
trf-l of la d al any lloi aluee the entry ol the
earn. ami lhal ih-r la not now any irtee grtiw
lite un-reon as in iw rr.mire.i
Ihrrelorr. lin a vie ol ilia ranrvilatlon nt
the Mtn, lli Mid ariles ara rw h liefrl.r t
ulrrd and iiiiunoiird Io I and a.rar U-lore
. w. Morrow. ffMiniy rlefv ol Morrow rotmly
Oregon, t hi oitn in lleiipm-r, orrgou.an tin
I .Hi 'lay of January, I-"., al Ihe hour oil"
ci rlia-h, A . M , and pr.aliif-e aui h iMilinony aa
they may hat row eriilng Ilia mI.I aileaallo
I he dual hearing In lia-l la-fora Ilia reglaier
and m-Hvpr al I mande. Orrgoii, on January
i.ih, l., at io o i lia HAM
K r. ltxS. M.l.ier.
W. OJ i II. KolihlNa, llm 'lvrr.
"There is a tide in the affairs oj men
That, if taken at its flood, leads on to fortune."
Tbe flooil it here and bo is
With a full line of
Ilurdwuro. Tin wait. Olanwart f'rcK'kerv. Wood
and Villovwaio, Cedar Tnhrt at IJedrock l'ricei?.
Thy run nt light
Tliry run off la the night
Tie only Eicluaive Hardware KUre l)Ptwe-n Tbe Dal log and Fendleton
Ilpppnpr, ... Oregon.
H Al N
In TIIK CIKfl lT Mil RT rog im iocs
y ut Murru. su ol orfe.
the Nortlivra t'nnntleaf
luteal tne n I Trust.
Uraltl. Calnlirf,
U W aiawa'1. Jm n.
Kami lion li II af
rmjrio AMI. far.lo
To O W. auwart aod m I). ItstnllU.S,
In lha nan, of the etale of Oof"", fa are
!'.? ri-tlil l..a i-mi and aoaaaf Ihe
alnlS!l aalt. a..., n in. i.iv i.tn,4
'ill an or II. a kial .lay ul . I ru-
lat Urra ol ll. ala i.llli-l conn. In wit
n4r. Ike 14 Say ef laerk.
tt, f .ei fall aalnenawM, l anl Ih.rwnt
tha (.i.li.d will (.lr the rmiry 1- tl,a
tail! rii.an'td In Ml4 i.i tiil. lowt
A ee raw ..f ihm aum 4 I luwaiM l.lla
fold f.wii Ha Inbnal bt.-n al a. nl
aiglil yml rw.il fml anium Ihmi ll.a Sr4 4af M
nmk r up hai.k
otk'k is iisnrar uwrn tht
under and by tidir M a le-w arid order
of M'r duly made aridentrr1 nn Snv. Iih I
In Ilia mailer ol lha a.tai ol W II hili
ne.Ml. I.v ih. ..Miily ..nrl. ol II, eiai ol
Orraoii i w.row I oonly aelllna n .rolial
tli iiidria-i..! aa a.oiln.irat..r rd lit Ml'l
awtai., III inr lor Ml. al mI.Ih- am Hon, Io ifia
htaiieal l.idder Utt raaii fit hand on aalnr-lay.
January l. I", al II o . . I In IN. lor.ii.ain of
lltat day al Ifi frool dr ol lliarwinrf l,.,i,a In
II. I.l.tier Villlfia I OM' ly O.ef'm ail Ol loili
i.( rw rid real f.r..fwrir u-n,i,rii,a' It Iha
a.. naml Mia. stt"t(t In M'irrow f ..i.rily
(fra-MO. I.iw 11. a... if h wl noarl.r of
ae. tt'iit laal.a fl.') In Tow oal.li. Oir r a.ilh,
Fiaor. Ia..ly Omw I ''I I wlllam.ll
Weil llan Mid Ml. I wa l -.l.j t Io a. I lie".
and !'. i)n ra ea im.w tl(ii'V Mf..n In Mid
al ...'.iwrfy. ao-l '!' . rl I" ! r.i,Srmaioll
..I ail m'm I., tna la tf ll,a alwte eniliivd
I on nl y I oiirl.
iHra a"l'
a tinlnl.Ha'or uf ll, UI wl U IS, II
RrlaiHi. iMa.'l
mi.. II II. laf -f wan,t lA
The kh Inns
t i.l urniil rwf a"
nr. mn, nll land
y - lb. eon M aal
For tho Curo o
LKjuor.Oiiium ai Tobacco Habits
It la Inrated st Salem, Orefoa,
Th ilo't Hfitutiful Town on fas Coat
Call al Ih ruiarra nffira lor trilra1eni
SI rli lly cuiilidaiillal. 1 reeuneul private aud aura
AhWlHlatflaTiIHa MT P.
NiTl P. I llfHPnV
U..4.l. i "-I l.a I
lt.rn-u.ty ...'iff
a i-e.ln!tri'.f
Nn. hi. I'M.
r lain, afat a! Md ea'ai
S iiy ai-i-.ii.i4 l.y
I If, .rrow i.o.i. ly
Ih alf of Ala.ai.'lal
aod ad iw..a ha.iof
r r...ind
Swvwaanr Io f. . Van liya. Kl d.e.r Io ( lly IM.I.
Has everything in tho lino of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinwnro.
Stock is Complcto. Notions a Specialty,
Horner & Rhea,
a first Neweal isak Cailief
.rr "J-- '"''" """'
It w.l s
anj At ti
M e (if...i.l at, fffl-taal
t pm'f, 1U "f 3w.
pllty law H-iim.iii. I.i ata with ,.tM
tl.iwni al tt. lat. 4 )ffi.l f ew.il ef aamm
fr.. th wa ay ! l.i . i lv a"l IMhis
wf in. It i.4 eed t..ra imi l-, a ad
cwi eni aiai.wrMM.nta .4 tt.iaa-.tt
lia, M II.. ..e. lav,r 4 . w.'rfla-a es
erift hy 4.l.i'ti.t t W a.war In aw-..
th fMy.a.tl .4 tha m a-d -.n.rte I
n. tb a aa i im w of Ik a ' n
f t A ih. r , ad th , th a fc
II ..d lha aw uf iha aw of . tf, .l In
1 a I .'iih of ha- . W kt , fol th m . l
Mid f,..-lw d l J..lyi. ad ta.tiM
aal-.t Ih. 4f.n4anl l HI Mll rfi.4.
hMMIIIikklMI r.l '.f ail- fl'lha
f.e.va.ts .il h. a.. .4 Mid p "! In I ".. I
.rf Ih. a! nw.M '. and 1- - l-iohal
f.i I !. In f. atnllS .-nn. al-l
I hi annw.n.a la .al.al l-y n.H M Men
aiei nanS lex I l II at'a l .dn al
I di'fl uf lk aaalw wf lirawnn nata-4 to-anW
I i "A a n a
j I I. A'i.,.-y f-f rmtif
to f.l.W.1.1 t
i. I'.lili.l,.! at ih
M..ief lH..n. '
ai. uf this .'
Mn,. 4-ilf rt,r,.'t l Mi'l ad
nf J n tir..wn. Ill
IhlnSil lr.ni.l.( It-iia Iht
J i a .
any l'y A1ni
I'., i.
a taieii rer.
MillfK HP SUM a Hull. f lie tOPMftit
Viti' r t wparar .ivn TMt th rap
i . i a .: -A Iha ii.. (,.,11.1. .1
i y ... s i e.. t nt Hi (.-'. ii. .ii
..w,, !,. ., T',1.1 el lani.a.f.
laaan Ih . .4 . ft nil. a M .and f
n.i.sa n. , .4 Mt -lav. f--l in. a. 1 1
al. .. .1 1 .m. .aw -d tt th l.ai.aa. ii'.-i id
i J. Leeisers
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
rmn shad, cahs Ann rus always oh hahd.
ti'itt l lintamlH
f n It !, Ia ta"l la
Pllt fllM' I'SI fit,
hy trM'-wa-M-welrire; faUy.ea le,ia(
tti'tnrlr.: m -il wl !ffl.li noree ty j
ten'rlier If alt-.et t iv-alinae
j tno-irfe f-.rtM. wtiti.. ft I 'rw o
i n .eiate. . n, $ y www. r a ,
' Otey yjeaf et (s It.e tw.-r T aa i '''
I fceala rnniilne, aii ! eaw
I MSee Ifce ISBrffl. a imfi'. "f
: by ma.U f-i Vie- U. ,tf HayiesA Hnsi.
I'bila Wfhia,
m4 ' w'.ay and
n , r 1 1 I w i.a. t.'.nn ihf a'l .1
a. mi I .a-l m...a Ha latnl'.n I .na
, lalld t, llfhS ail dtn. I k",
h nh. I, ...
Iflynl III
'w a - .l a.i
i.l i l .-.. tt
m- v
Cummings & Fall,
"frf of httntiun.
(iii rri-r at 1 1 i.mi: r i.r-,i.
$ tl a... . Ihl I
roro itoij
fa) the tn1 h:ie-ie
inns i Mr
IKa If.
l..ii.... .
hi . .,m a -I
l.i... I e v
lie.-, a, nn 1 ' ' I j. I ' 9
lit WS III
ic i. a r v
M..I a. I a. I a S 4 n..Kf nf
...a a .e.i in a i -i .1
..( Mif ,..4 n.ala
.... I. ,., l fnl.
f pityy. st,, riiti'lll
la I l '
II.-.. H at ft
l. ft 4m P (-) .(
:,. a
a I '.!
i ,
t Wlfia a
i w
a . . a '
I n . ,
aa r.... wf
i.we y ..m at
t f Mi4aa H. I
Wt' a.-
Gault House,
l ill' Ml .
ta ' Wnl fnlw ftea4 el I' a
t n 4 " r i , r n a i ,
ill.l M I, tr ea' "l
In sr M,n..a ae4 riuuw s.
1 1 r C J s-i
I fie'
Cdsstlftl A-wrtwM
Agency fof
.sW. I
Ytaoa ssaac.
Olsioai saraaiTV
f I.' eW -l r Si-He. a WrlM
tti a a a ki, m N".Hnt Saw
. 14 taxi ""e al !"
.... i ,a Hi M--al -w
Vv- l(n-"li,l"ww1SlaaS
Sfitnttfie ratritau
4. l--.l t . a lealia- fan. M e4)
W i .-Un f I ...4We.
W.a a - I wl . '(. P f
V. , y e. 4 a . V v a- UAw
vaaaeaauaa Set tavarfwa, ew w