Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 03, 1896, Image 2

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l JLiA 4,.
n si a w "w w . i .
charged to The South African Co.,
hut it is an exhibition of British
greed, just the same. Dr. Jamie-
son, who is leading the invading
forces, has been recalled by the
British forces at home, but before
getting out was badly licked by
the Boers.
Iadiaa I ml tat on of the Sjracasaa and
Pjthlas, Hli Friend.
Politics will
pretty soon.
begin to "bile"
No man holds a more prominent
position in the U. S. senate than
Hon. John H. Mitchell.
New Yeaii's day has ushered in
1896. The number of good resolu
tions made on that occnsion that
will not last till spring are proba
bly as numerous as usual.
The republicans have reorgan
ized the U. S. senate without much
of a contest. The populists took
no part in it and thus gave the re
publicans the majority desired.
Col. Jas O. Bradley is an as.
pirant for first place on the nation
al republican ticket next year,
Gov. Morton is also in the race,
and his friends are working earu
The republican party is "in for
iQnow. The Oregonian is scor
ing their action in congress.
Lively as a Cricket.
Although in the first insUnoe as
"luugiflb us ft tortoise, the kidneys be
come as lively aa a cricket when a
hflttlthf ill impulse is given to them with
Hosletter's Htomnoh Bitters, a pro
moter of Botivity in these organs which
counteracts a tendency to their lethargy
and disease. Ioaotion of the kidoeys.
it shonld be remembered, is the first
stage of those dangerous renal maladies
against whioh the resources of medical
science are ton often exhausted in vain.
Peri! is forestalled by the Bitters, which
averts Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy,
gravel snd the troubles ariing from a
wenk bladder. Equally efllcaoious is
it in checking and eradicating malarial.
bilions and nervous ailments, dyspepsia,
constipation and rheumatism. Appe
tite and tleep are improved and oonva-
enoenoe uasteoed by its benefioient
action. Either when health is slightly
or seriously impaired, the value of this
restorative and preventive medioine
is speedily made manifest.
Among those who contributed
articles to the Oregonian's New
Year's number, the Gazette notes
Ed. R. Bishop and Hon. W. II.
Ellis. Their subjects were splendid
ly handled.
Tbe Oregonian's New Year
number was all and more than was
expected. Intending settlers want
the truth, and the Oregonian man
agement have followed the plan of
statin, facts without undue em
bellishment, yet indeed fluttering
to our great state.
Dbath of Mrs. J. L. Hill On last
Saturday Mrs J L. Hill, of Albany.
ifeof Dr. Hill, the Grand Chancellor
of the Knights of Pythias of Oregon last
yeur, expired suddenly from apoplexy,
aged 45 years. Mrs. Hill was a daughter
of Hon. 8. M. Pennington, and native
of Oregon. The Hill familv are very
well known, Dr. Hill being a brother of
Hon, W. Lair Hill, tbe distinguished
jurist and lawyer. In the loss of Mrs.
Hill, not only Albany, bat the entire
state suffers, for she was a useful and
noble woman.
One of these acts of negative virtue
whioh have long been regarded asberoio
was discovered in Athena by District
Attorney Lawrey, who fathers tbe story
of it, which be told to the Pendleton
Dniput and William Oeorge, both
Indians, are respectively the Damon and
Pythias of tbe narrative. Uuiput is not
a good red man, he being a little too
maob inolined to . gratify a desire for
intoxicants. A few days ago be over
indulged in liquor, and was arrested by
Marshal Gills and put to work on tbe
streets for a period of ten days. The
seoond day he was seen bv William
George, who, instead of deriding him as
is the custom of free Indiana in such
events, sympathized with him.
"Why don't you let him go and get
enough money to pay bis fine?" asked
George of the marshal, turning abruptly
from his friend.
"Can't do it Bill," was tbe response.
William further interposed, but find
ing his plea to be of no avail, be tacked
"Dmpb!" he ejaoulated; "if you'll let
him so I'll work until he comes back."
"If be doesn't oome back, you'll have
to serve bis sentence," said the marshal.
"All right, I know be'U oome baok."
And George let down bis blanket an
inch or two, and taking Uniput's brush,
started to work.
TJniput walked down the street in a
cheerful mood. He was gone two days,
and the marshal was enacting the part
of Dionysins, and telling William bis
friend would not return, when suddenly
Dniput put in his appearance. He
paid his fine, and William was released
Then the pair walked away arm in arm.
Two Judges. One Lawyer and Two Collect
Presidents Selected by President Clero
laad to Visit Venezuela.
President Cleveland has announced
the appointment of tbe Venezuela bound
ary commission as follows :
David J. Brewer, of Kansas, associate
justice of the United States supreme
oourt; Riohard H. Alvey, of Maryland,
chief justice of the court of appeals of
the District of Columbia; Andrew D.
White, of New lork; Frederio R. Cou
dert, of New York, and Daniel C. Gilman,
of Maryland.
The commission is generally regarded
as a very satisfactory one, whose opiuions
and conclusions will be reoeived by the
American republio with that confidence
whiou the standing of the members of
the commission in the public eye in
spires. Brewer and White are republicans,
Bnd Alvey and Cou.lert democrats, while
Gilman has never figured prominently
in politico, but bis proolivities are under
stood to be republican. Thus both
parties, it will be seeo, are equally rep
resented on the commission, with tbe
fifth mmber having no outspoken polioy.
All will accept the places to whioh they
have been appointed.
The Cuban insurgents are assert
ing themselves, and will undoubt
edly win their Independence. Cu
ban leaders who fall into the hands
of tbe Spaniards are executed as
traitors. This should be otoppod
by other governments, for the
belligerency of tho revolutionists
is well established.
Tuehe is no doubt now but the
sale of 1100,000,000 iu bonds will
bo consummated to get gold to
bolster up the country's finances.
There can bn no uoHnntion of this
gold gambling till tho treasury is
protected by HufliciiMit receipts to
meet demands. And wo riiiitiot
bold our gold in America when Mix
balanco of trndo in largely ngaiiiHt
u. It takes gold to settle llieno
Theiie is nothing in poriwlimt-
ing tho sin.le atandard but dirilmn
or and dingrace. Trim tlm metals
art far apart, compared with gold
value, but the difTereiico is tho ap
preciation of gold, and every cen
of it comes out of tho unfortunate
debtor. They say that binit taltiKin
is impossible, What then intiht
lo done to atop tint gold gambling
and continual appreciation of gold?
Silver and gold are far apait. Yen
I ni . m . a
luey arr, t uoy an getting inrther
pact all the tltu iMH'ttlitit the
financiers of Great lint-tin have
madetbi country In lievtitlitt theii
bauds are tied. We should hut
the inotitable, throw olT t!i chair
of slavery, go through tin Are aiu
restore former money condition.
When a person begins to grow thin
there is something wrong. The waste is
grester than the supply and it is only a
question of time when the end must
In nine oases out of ten the trouble Is
with the digestive organs. If you oan
restore them to a healthy condition you
will stop the waste, put on new flesh and
muse them to feel better in ever av
The fond they eat will be digested and
appropriated to the needs of tbe system,
ami a normal nppeiiie will appear.
i onsnmption frequently follows
ssting of bodily tisHiie because nearly
all consumptive have indigestion. The
Shaker Digestive Cordis! will restore
the stomach to a healthy condition in a
vast m ij inty of ease, (let one of their
iM.nks from your druggist and learn
about this new and valuable remedy,
KeXAToP. JoXFft, of Atlanta,
bat rfteotel an atnm.lmci.t Inch
be prope to o(T.r t tlu hull
bond bill. It provide that any
all- a .
Doiiier oi tuvor 1'u.uion, who in a
f itiwo of th Tutted State, may
tender the am to th aecrrtary t
inn treasury aim nav u cii.c,
lnU silver dollar, th -iniirnr
to l th diuVr'litt I M-l a immi the
oticinal valuoand ll.n n aiki 1 1 1 11(
of tli bullioQ in New York; for the
cancellation of all batik holes i
lea than f 10; directing; the Mere
tary f the treasury u riu the
tlvrr bullion in the treasury ml.
tlrr-r dull!, to li i;.v in f cbiu
None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsnpsrilla eujoys the eitraor
dlnary distinction of having been tbe only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Obioago. Manufacturers
of other sarsaparillas sought by every
means to obtain a showing ottneir goods,
but they were all turned away nnder tbe
pplication of the rnle forbidding tbe
entry of patent medicines and nostrums
Tbe deoision of the World's fair autho
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
effeot as follows: "Ayer's sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medioine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
When the ohildrrn need Castor Oil.
give them Laxol. it is palatable.
A Nkw I'ahtok The Us v. Cbailes
Howard, nf Weston, will leave Tuesday
for Heppiier to Inks charge of It
Methodist I'.Monpal ohurob, Houth,
here. Mr Howard has ben pastor of
the Weston eliurt h for some time, and
he received lit order to proceed to
lli ppner from Hiehop Wilson a few days
situ. The I.Minp at first Inteinled to
hare an Kiiatern clrrinninn take Hi
paHtorale, but not finding one that he
thought would give satisfaction, he
amiighrd Mr. Ilonard to the charge.
The lleppner rharrh has beeo onstip-
ollisl for soma time. A sneoeaaor lo
Mr. Howard at Wratnq will soon be p
pointed. rendlxton Trihnne,
Many merchant ar well awar that
llifir 0iitomra are thrlr brat friroi!
and Uk ilrnre in supplying them
Mil the N-i giHHl iililsiiiahl. A
Instant- nielitlno IWry A Cameron,
litiiniliirnt drtitfiiicts ! limbing, Mich
Hn. Tliry ay: "W hsv no he
isiion In ref.,nimMi.iig Cbamlierlain'
I oiiwli lUtueily in nnr puelomer. a It
itiK bet mmgh nirdiein w bav ever
ll, aad !) give lifniino
Fr sale t AO p-ot r bottle by 1'hill
iitin, ariin(it.
Pills do Not Care.
Pills do not oure Constipation. They
only aggravate. Karl's Clover Riot Tea
gives perfeot regularity of the bowels.
For sale by Wells & Warren.
Liap Teas iabtt. The first leap
year party of the season was given at tbe
reeidenoe of Mr. and Mrs. T. Q. Bisbee,
of this plaoe, last evening. An enjoyable
time was had by all present, parlor
games and soial conversation being
participated in notil a late bour, ben
an exoellem Innob was served by tbe
ladies. Those present were Misses
Mabel Letzr, Maggie Adkins, Laura
Muir, Jennie Noble' and Cora Bhea,
Messrs. O. E Freeland, Root. Hvod,
James Bar', H. E Warren, O C. Baling
and H. T. Bagley. Miss Lillian Biebeei
who is attending Portland University,
and in whoFe honor tbe party was given,
will depart f ir school aguia on tomorrow
Not a few who read what Mr. Rnbert
Rowls, of Hollaud, Vs., has tosay below,
will remember their own experience
under like circumstances : "Last winter
I bad la urippe whioh left me in a low
state of health. I tried numerous
remedies, none of wnioli did me any
good, until I was indnced to try a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The
first bottle of it so fur relieved me that
I was enabled to attend to my work, and
the seoond bottle effected a oure." For
sale at 50 cents per bottle by Pbill Cobn,
G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artist, oan
be fonnd at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, hairoiits. etc.
oxygen starvation
You can starve the body in more ways than one ;
you can give it food and not feed it. It neds oxygen.
The oxygen you get from the air is carried to all parts
of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One
drop of blood contains millions of these. When these
are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it
shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and
loss of weight. ' What you want is something which
will make more red corpuscles.
of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, is something
more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a
number of substances active principles which will
increase the red corpuscles of the blood,
soc. nd $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Mary Anderson de Navarro Recounts Home
Incidents of Her Karly blags Career.
Mary Anderson de Navarro looks
back with evident enjoyment npon what
she calls tbe "barnstorming" period of
ber ttsge oareer, which, however, in ber
case was short, beneficial and pecuniarily
profitable. Of her experiences in Owens-
boro, a small Keotooky town, where
he and ber little band of aotors played
for a week, Mrs. de Navaroo writes in
January Ladies' Home Journal:
was a tall, slender 'Juliet' and my
'Romeo' proved to be a plump, pleasant
little woman, probably tbe mother of
several would-be 'Romeos' and 'Juliets.'
Tbe moon she ('Romeo') swore by we
found to be tbe headlight of a railway
engine hired for the oooasioo. This was
held by a srusll negro boy perohed npon
a ladder, who was so amused by the
play that he laughed until he shu k
over the most tragic scenes. His mirth.
as may be imagined, was not conducive
to the moon's steadiness. At one time
she was shilling iu an opper box, at
another ou the Lead of a bald mnsiulao,
often blinding the unfortunates fn the
front stalls, here, there, everywhere
save on the fsae of ber ('Verona's lovely
flower') she bad been especially hired to
illuminate. Tbe conductor ot the
orchestra was a carpenter by trade, and
saed away as lustly during lb day at
the board b wsooovrtiog into proQI
statue of 'Evsdue's' nobis anoestur as
b sawed upon bis violin at night."
"I was a stockholder in the first rail
road ever built in Oregon," said a
veteran Wall street man to a New York
Sun reporter, "and it was a snap. The
roan was a street in Portland, it was
built in 1861, and road, rolling stock and
mules cost only a little more than
$20,000. - It was a mile long, and every
man, woman and child that rode that
mile had to oome down with 25 cents
There were only six stockholders, and
the first year we paid for the road and
divided nearly 850,000 in profits. We
didn't know what a good thing we bad
and when, in 1864, Ken Holliday offered
us 920,000 for it, cash, we like fools
sold it to him. I wish I bad it now."
Tbe road referred to is tbe old First
street property, and has been abandoned
for some time, as parallel eleotric lines
took away all the business. However,
tbe writer has riddeo on this line when
it was really a veritable bonanza and at
a time when it was the line of Portland.
Tbe capitalist referred to would hardly
oare tor tbe property now.
Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of
the oity meat market where be keeps a
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baoon and lard, wbioh be sells
for tbe lowest market prioe. Fred Bock,
tbe Portland butcher. is still with bim. tf
Now is tbe time to get the Weekly
Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, one year, $3 50. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, tbe Web-
foot Planter, an agricultural paper,
Come in now and subscribe.
After Deo. 1, 1895, tbe Gazette will
make a discount ot 10 per cent, from
list on all staple job work. This re
duotion is made on the supposition that
oash will be paid for all work as soon as
1TANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
TV or ladle to travel in Urenon, lo' establl n.
ed, reliable house. Kalnry 7s0 and expenses
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad'
dressed stamned envelope. The Dominion Com'
puny, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chlrago,
ill. marl
A Great German's Prescription.
Diseased blood, constipation, and
kidney, liver and bowel troubles are
cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For
sale by W ells & Wsrreo.
Are yia Mad
Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
IhUlnrs. IsM nf Appetite, lell
rtkioT Hluloti Viuiii-f I a positive
cure, ror sal by Well A arreo.
I. O. O. V. ITt.t.Tin.-On la
WtHlnoaday evening, Willow IsmI-
N. M, I (I. O. I"., an I lh Itrbrkahs
v at oa installation al th O IJ
Kello' hall, in lb preMnc of th
iiipiiitwr of th order and Ibetr famili.
Th ITir l.o. with a On pr.,
rlra-ant ttii, and all nj iy4 lb
e.nn iwtnensoly. Tb following ar
lh names of tlia Install!; I. O.O.
r N. M. WtisLMM, X. (I J Cbrl.
l..,,r, V. (I ; J. L tgr. rWy
M. UhteolUI, Tfa. lUWkah'. Mr.
W. V. Ilaark. N (1 ; Mr. Andy J.
Mrvraaun, V. (I l. A. 1 1 erf en, IWy;
Mr. K. U ry. Trva. About 1(J
rl reDl.
Iti.irr Car Kiti..,-T1.s
W.iiuaa'a Relief tVf p at a rntsl ti!.
I"' al Illnt" nli lb Mltl
s.lerii .is f f tl, s.n.ii.g tear: frt
Attorneys at Ivow,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
A Brand New Man !
It is not meant that the man is 80 new, but that this paper is called
upon to announce to the publio that the Elardman mercantile
business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to
A Well Known Morrow County Boy.
He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi
tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr.
Brown's stock and place of business will convince you.
Hardman, Oregon, Successor to
Literary Noti There is bnt one
collection of the portraits of Lincoln
that pretends to be cnrnnlnte, and that is
th oolleotion made by the publishers of
MoClnre's MaKseins. Tbey have been
able to seonre either originals or copies
of every photograph, daguerreotype.
ambrotype, drawing or paintinir ot
Lincoln, so far ss known in eiistenoe.
There are in tbi collection fifty photo
graphs, ainbrntypes and daguerreotypes.
The best collection of Lincoln hereto
fore published in any work contained
ten portraits. It is possible that the
MoClnre's collection may be still
further incressed. The entire aeries of
portraita will appear io MoOlure's Maga
zine during tb current year. With the
February number twenty of them will
have been priuled. These portraits
cover a peiod ot about twenty years, ar
from originals taken Id a great many
JiflVrent conditions, and are o varied,
and present Lincoln nnder so many
different aspect, that tb result ot lh
whole collection i to make Licooln
vivid aod real; so that even those who
never saw bint ean form a very accurate
idea of bow tb living man looked and
L trlrt, Morrow County, State of Oregon.
w. .. Kaiuer,
W. E. Dennis,
To the Constable of the Sixth District, Morrow
county, Btate oMiregon:
In the name of the state of Oreeon, we com
maud you to summons W, E. Dennis to appear
before the undersigned, a Justice of the I'eaee
in District No. 6, In said County and Mate, on
or before the 11th day of Januury, 1 KM, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at my olllce In Hepp
ner, In said District, County and State, to answer
the complaint of W. E. Kahler. founded on an
express contract and wherein the ald plaintiff
demands judgment for the sum of Fifty-one and
33-100 (V'I SI) Dollars and costs of this action;
and In case he fails so to answer for wa t there
of, the plaintiff will take Judgment against him
for the sum of Ffty-oue and 33 1U0 Dollars aud
costs oi tnis action,
This summons is pulilUhed ny order oi r.. 1,.
Freeland, Justice of the Peace for the Sixth
District. Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated .November 2lal, iwi.ri.
391-07, Justice of the Peace,
rxomioNARV Kr.riTAU
Tb elocutionary recital given at tb
otr boo last Tueaulay ritif by
alia llioui lrF rest, of b 1'oMlaoJ
University, wa io all respect an l-
eeptinaal aterlinm ol Miss IV
Forest's retllalions were all pleaaiug,
and ber presentation of lh n stioaeJ
lb result of careful Haiom of nataral
lalvnt, Tb loiluaiug I lb program as
Overltir I t Tanare li, Mr. J N. and
J I). Hroaju; reeitsti'.n, b.i and tb
Fairy irritation, "Lltl Orphan!
Aaol," nuii toral duet, "lWaqtiful
MontliLI," Mrs. J. It. lroo aod Mr
Freeland; roiUtkoo, Jamie,' red
lath', "Mblp of Faith;" nasi, male
otarult. Mxr. Horner, Haling, Fr
l. an I lll'; rxiltion, "Tb T
lUII," leoilall .n, "A Oboat Htory."
Imsiii I r
t-V th ol Mul -b' Cur. ThM great
How's Tala!
V offer On HnndrH Dollar rwn
for a y oi of Catarrh that ran Dot b
Curetl hy 1111 m Catarrh Cur.
V J. CUES' BY A CO. I'rop , Tol.Jo.
V tb nnderigod, hsv known
F. J. Cbeney for lb last IS year, aod
bliv him perfectly hooorabl in all
busioea traiisactlon aod rjnaoclally
abl to carry oat oy obligation mad
bv ibeir rlrcn.
Weal A Trnat. WhoUaal Drogfial.
Toledo, 0 Welding. Kionao k Marvin,
WlmlMal I)rogla ToMo, tlblo.
1111 Cfclarrb Cil' I taken Inter
Bally, aetirg direrlly 0 tb blxcxl aod
imio in surface of th yteni. rri,
73 eeot i boltl. HIJ by all drag
gila TestimoDlals fre.
i v s sui rv r i
aa j m . taM
kfor them
jet them, plant
hem. They are I
'standard seed every
where ; sown by the
Inrccst planter in the vi
Whether yon plant Wiur feet
round or Ml acres, you niitimu
ava Frrn iiwrd annual ior iw,
in iiiom vaiiiHioe ikxik itr ir-
mera anil gardeners ever given
away. Mailed fre.
. M. FEKKV L (O,
Delroli, Mich.
Vour Face
.!-, F.n.ili Kellf. ir erlje.t. "b 1 "" T
. ii ,i . . ., " , bt Mirlbl die. lor saU b
llaab rHs-Hi; orlary. klalli A
Hmeal, lrnff. Mv tl HmPb;' lrntiivi io
;l.i.ln. M-.i talt; rHJeior. Ass i I ! tv.r. M fc
lUi Ihe IrrMiirjf I I f, H it.t .i lu. tor. Alt (1 1 ! "Virm lmra nal-r wlbl or
IL tiuri- i.f .uf,l,aii.J ili.r "H' "" aiit br.i.' aal ..li. mr Hb a
it, ,i , f ni., rii.iit lni-ell.
IiUillOO tttl li f ll.rt Mirtliian a, , ....
I) I th rrsl'llJ't"ll i f tin ttr. li.
Niw Ta' -O WednrJy
evening Mer. 111 k Wsiaubrer
gav a ball at lb opera b'0 wblcb
wl ailendeil, aod, w bs-lwv, very
moob fejovej Tb rnnsle eielltt
as I th bi'I affair spteodUlly na.
Juried. Tb peit event of lb kin J
will t tb Leap Year ball oo Jan. 17 lb.
rof pain to lb rbt pi ot
flaooel Urop-eJ Willi Cbarstrlaa's
I'aio tlm and bo a ii J on over tb l
of lb pi, nj aootber o lb bark
heiwe lb sti.Mil.Uf. will tT.r, relief.
Tbl l irslly Valoabl lo ae
nr tb io M ro4 bt eld and
ttv I ls. leery toward pnotaooia
Ft r ! bv Itill Uba, draggtat.
tVif . IU U th i liL
f .k .. . m -
g mi i iv.ri.sig wt.iiim.
Will b wrlht with most eggtg
mil, an y oti lnt In
euiewso wivh it
Tb Bunt rmnpVrt an4 Ostful dvkS vf
adJrJ lo v sewing scabia.
Dsrably tsg Hididly Biltt
Of flat flilik ad Nrftcl AitatBt,
fw ALL Stwiblg Artloltt,
A4 wiH er a4 pteaat y p to th full
liaart d yoor tijwiUUuaa.
ArmJ I a al a a Vto I ixx-
fej srrnwrv, Librral Itrws, Aima,
I mM,tf ,.r J.r,. I'l.iSiuM an I
tauka ia filbt-r k ! I vt sl-r. si. l brsiiii K u.ib t Ui.ngt - n,
) hm College.
-I rll.r il II, a never." Th g"l !0
tt!l ( lit him
ihm a iu mu. i K """""''! 7 , . " " ..,. .fl.i.ny still .a In him wlv
. .., t V I. i - It- but eluUI lr fxat 'Vtsj-I sM Mitt " Tbrf.t t
111 m tlJT AII'O, 'l ,'.,fr.fai,....a ,m. II , . .. " c taut I t..fi a l
'.mti Ilea an I t Wall, lb m wing
I ri.nr bi ft" oiti nf nty j.h
nnli.w re-titl li,l it rl4. e-.J
'rl.l. rtamv H it mot it. g. u4 It
li.lll fpaim Ibal tty will "J
lt. remain let 4 'hmt lit r-r lqI b
ll nbi.ki I tt t( lhlr il.ai l. i ik..
I tl rllel 'f That !, it'tlik I- tt !' I It rg'l!allttia , alirlh gray .i.H f II, brains t.f I h , lg.,i b. I. b4 tlr
dcv4t till . lietrtt Ja.ua if ,.-,'. i. m t,we- .m .,. lh
, , , . . I tl ll.r.H- He It M. ,.-lt. U 4 -,!. wl sell I. t-l - l. -' I .. WtMlug l l ,1
Uiil willi.iul rtti,t i of r'Pt;fa -(-,.,, ,m P.in.iie- . . exitni. Vt t- t.-. i ''"'m r t. tilU
i. .l,t.i . ,,,t j. B, 4 iMip lt.'l Ul -"'' a. "After bi j " '
0 !t ai.r I "lt-i Wtt ton II 4 !" eth M esvioegar. , - '
' w . -n " , i . - m
tl CSiWI'ltf I 11." Ii1' if at . U-i l.t M lb itNt Mb I''", ClV b-'. l-bl t-s lb ! if a kit tne I
Ti m i. i !, liMiftli exit t,4airt iiomihh ,tal hi lli'4ti . "svieg, i w mi .t,i m, i i , Will fni il fei
I'.ittU'l f.ri-f
i II. o (MUblrr f I
imMl 1 . V.. .hH a-1 fat
HpMMIMM IS )! tit.
Ova . 1 10 w. , oet
m -t as SM ImM MM aaa
tm4 t-a VMil) aWf
-, wi, sf ei- . ! m
nil miHittt,'Mti
a iismiii. " mi r.', '
M mmt tVs t, k B4 M SMSMMa
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All theso can be procured at Thompson A. Bions, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Urpgon.
These centlemen are well aootialnted with Orant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties.
and cau save money and time lu making these sections with traveling men.
Prices in keeping with the times.
Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object for you to trade with
bim as bis prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are of the very best
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Ploppiior, Oregon.
Palace Hotel
C i VAX DUN, rrojridor.
hart UAcn full control of ihii
popular houte, and trill make it
tiriclhj firtl clm$.
fr Hathi b4 fr 'tus lot . Osea
IF Mr. Colorabus er alir in.
17 att.l rllr at Mat LichUo
thal's bf migbt rnal a fw Jiaorir.
ry qoit a roptnorob! Ihat f
14.1 Chris m a gfat t!icnvfrrr
io bis dftj. II vntil.l tt this ttm
tliaOTfr th fififf t WKk of 8hos
tr hoo io Hppor, aod th
c bpotTat .IL hut mora dura
mortal rniti ant ?
rw iu. rv.,,,1 vx v.w
Ctira Wurk a .iiall.
s's.ssniis s
Plenty of them at tho
Gazette Olfico. . . .
Oils ralta
rear!! Jcl.at,peal ur,; It, M
a-UaiiUa 1 1 rll to ot a Urea ILi p.
pjotttnl.f rf lb lBi-aiU'0 it .
;f Crl. VIM H rr