Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 31, 1895, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs
"Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for we, changing
the medicine as often as lie found the
things I had takeu were not helping
ft Jj-
A. m
Here and There.
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who bad
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry' Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bo'ttle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
liave used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
"Tony, the Convict," Saturday night.
Frank Whetstone is baok from Portland.
New Year's ball next
La Grande Marble Works, La Orande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Call at Wells & Warren's to set yonr
reserved seats for "Tony, the Convict"
M iss Ivy Mitchell is up from The
Dalles to spend the holidays with her
p irents.
Born To the wife of Johnny Wad
dell, on Hinton Creek, on Sunday. Deo.
n, a Doy.
A New Year's ball at the ooera house
is plauDed for next Wednesday evening.
are you goingr
Heppner should turn out enmaBse to
sea the play, '-Tony, the Convict," next
Saturday mgbt.
Aooordine to the E. O.. H( n. Henrv
Blaofetuau took in Pendleton while on
tbe trip up this way.
The Gazette neeleoted to state that
Mrs. Fhill Cobn and children returned
with Mr. Cohn from Portland.
Beet accommodation and oourteons
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aDd Wash. 8ts., Portland. Oregon.
O. L. Patterson, of Long Creek, was
recently installed as Worshipful Master
of Long Creek Lodge, A. F. & A. M.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
haaisick building, Heppner, Or. tt
llie u-uzette will take last spring
calves in lieu of cash. Any one owing
who has oattle can easly liquidate, if so
inclined. tf
W. J. Leezar sells a one pound pack
age of tea, "Crown" brand, at 50 cents
and gives in addition one silver plated
teaspoon. a
Don't forget tbe New Year's ball at
the opera bouse. Good musio and
grand time is the program for the
a Port
tank of
Take Notice.
1. The Hum of five cent per Hue will be
3hared for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of
respect," lists of weddiint iresonts and donors,
ud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of newt,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever Diirtmse.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
mtertalnment from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall bo charged for st the rate of Ave
,ents k .me. I hose rules will be strictly adhcr
ad to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
Btage for Hardmsn, Monument, Long Creek
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows
Every day at I) a. m.. except Holiday.
A rrlves every day at f A., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phlll Cohn, Agent.
Extra Pale Star Brewery Beer
in Kalf Pint Bottles can be
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where high grade Liquors and Cigars are also
kept by Ted.
Nw Fkkd Yakd. Win. Gordon has
opened np the feed yard next door to
the Gazette olllce, irad now solicits a
hare of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. J?rioes
reasonable. Hav and grain for sale. tf.
Cur Dale.
Ten shares of stock in the National
Bank of Heppner. AdJress Richard T.
Cox, Receiver. Arlington, Oregon, (4lf.
Any inventor in Eastrn Oregon wbo
desires the servipi-s of an attorney in
Washington, I. C , will find it to bis
.advantage to call on or address this pa
O. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, can
be f iond at his parlors, Mullock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shave, ibamrxm. liaironls. etc. "
Ben Mathews I now sole proprietor of
the oite meat market where be keeps
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
ssussgo. Iisoorj and lard, which be sella
(or the loweet market price. Fred Bock,
the Portland butcher. Is still with bin), tf
On Christmas, August Staub,
land sausage maker, fell into a
boiling hot water. He lived
short time.
J. M. Eeeoe, D. D. 6., has left Salem
for n trip East, and on bis return to tbe
ooast will looate in either Portland or
Los Angeles.
Grant Co.News: Miss Conlee, teacher
of tbe primary department of our pnblio
sohool, is spending vaoation with rela
tives in Morrow oouoty.
Whether you want photos or not,' we
request yon to oall at Herrin's studio
we are prepared to furnish you tbe best
work in any line of portraiture. 96tf.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew
er has restored gray hair to its original
oolor and prevented baldness in thous
ands of cases. It will do so to you.
Ladies of Heppner are requested to
meet at tbe Palaoe, at 7:30 o'olook next
Thursday evening, to arrange for a
Leap Year party to be given at an early
Eagle: E. N. Crookett writes from
Bellevue Medical college in New York
City, that he is getting along O. K
and will return to Long oreek early in
tbe spring.
A debating society is going in good
shape at Douglas, with Geo. Miller as
president and Geo. Wilson, teaober at
tbe mine's school, as secretary. I bey
meet every Friday eve.
Alfred Troedson, son of Sven Troed-
son, of Douglas, and Otto Lion, a young
man living in tbe same viomity, were
visitors to UepDner Saturday. We so
knowledge a pleasant oall.
J. W. Kerns, the city painter, is pre
pared to do all kinds of painting and
paper hanging and will do house clean
ins and take up and put down carpets
Oflice on Main street, opposite Uity
Heppner should give tbe drama,
Tony, the Uonviot," a rousing bouse,
Saturday night next. Reserved seats,
50 cents: general admission, '25 cents
The net proceeds will go to the tpisoo
pal chnrob.
Never let a eougb run on from day to
day. It indicates either inflammation or
irritation, which. If allowed to continue,
may result in serious Injury to the lungs.
A few doses of Ayer's (Juerjy Pectoral
cores any pulmonary complaint not
entirely beyond tbe reach of medicine.
We're always conniving and digging and driv
For something "to tickle the spot;
Then when you feel merry, Just call on Llsh
Who keen Turn and Jerry red hot
tf. At tbe Belvedere saloon
Eagle: Walter Caverbill was in Long
Creek Tuesday from Pine Creek, preparing
for Christmas. To ao Eagle reporter he
stated that he is slowly regaining his
sight that ftiled him last summer. He
has been under tbe treatment of an
Eastern physician for some time Bnd
has gained perfeot sight in bis right eye.
The sight in his left eye is yet dim, but
be has hopes that the treatment will
restore the sight of that eye iu time.
Oregonian: E. A. SampBon died at
Lewiston, Idaho, December 25. He
formerly resided near Ooburg, in Lane
oounty, but moved to Idaho about 20
years ago. He came to Oregon in 1847.
He was a brother of Mrs. T. J.Vaugban,
of Coburg, now tbe only one left of a
family "f 15 children. (Mr. Sampson is
an unole of Dr. B. F. Vaughao, of Heppner.)
Just as we were going to press a pugi
listic, enooonter ooourred at E. L. Mat-
look's saloon, in wbioh Leslie Mat look
and Free Green were tbe prinoipal par
ticipants. After a few sharp rounds,
Greeo was deolared out, and was im
mediately arrested on charge of assault.
His trial is now progressing before Judge
Mrs. B. F. Vaughn has accepted the
agenoy of The Paciflo Corset Factory,
and those ladies who desire anything in
that line will phrase call on Mrs. Vaughac.
It is well known that this nrm makes
corsets to order and those who want
comfort and exact fits should see Mrs
Vaugbon before ordering. 97 tf
Sheep are already looking up over the
prospeot of the passage of the tariff bill.
Tbe Gazette predicts that yearling
wptbers will bring $1.50 per head or
more next spring. Already an order has
been reoeived at Heppner for d.UUU beid,
at $1.50 per head, to be delivered after
shearing in the spring.
Eating is a necessity. To the healthy
it is a pleasure; to the dyspeptio,
torture. By the use ot Ayer's Rarsapa.
rilla,. tbe weakest and most disorded
stomach is restored to its natural con
ditioD, and food is once more partaken
of with youthful relish and satisfaction.
N. D. Elliot, one of the proprietors of
the Newberg Graphic, aooompanied by
bis partner's son, Mr. Woodard, came in
Saturday morning to visit Mr. N. O.
Marls and family, ot this vicinity, leav
ing for home on last evening. The Ga
zette acknowledges a pleasant oall.
A grand ball will be given at the opera
house Wednesday, New Years uight,
Jan. 1, 1896. Excellent musio for tbe
oooasion will be furnished by Messrs,
Hale and Wattinborger. Prioe of ad
mission, $1 00 A grand time is assured.
ToBciiiDA Nbw Hospital. Senator
B. F. Alley, of Florence, Lane county,
and Mr. Henry Rust, a well known
brewer of Baker City, members ot tbe
board of trustees of tbe Soldiers' Home,
at Roseburg, were at tbe Perkins yester
day. At a meeting ot the trustees this
eek, it was decided to build a hospital
on the grounds of the borne. It will be
one story in height, with a basement,
arranged for 21 patients, and plans and
specifications will be advertised for in a
few days. Tbe trustees have a fund of
$5000 on hand, saved from the state and
national appropriations to the Soldiers'
Home, which will be devoted to the con
struction of the hospital. Senator Alley
left last uight for Baker City, and be
may make bis permanent residence
there or io some other town in Eastern
Oregon. He has reoeived a favorable
offer to dispose of his paper, the West,
published in Florenoe. If aooepted, Mr.
Alley will remove from there. Oregonian.
All Kf commend it.
Ask your physician, your druggist and
your frieuds about Billions uure for
Consumption. They will recommend
it. For sale by Wells & Warren
I Prize Hood's
Barsaparilla more than any remedy I hav
ever taken. I have never been robust and
was subject to severe headaches, and had
no appetite. Since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Hood's Pills I am a well woman,
have a good appetite and sleep well.
I . cordially recommend Hood's Bar
Baparilla. Mrs. S. M. Qortiam, Fillmore
House, Fillmore, California.
Hnnrl'c Pit I c cur aI1 Uvor wiioa
"uuus 11 ness. headache. 25c
The World has the Money,
We Have the Goods !
The drama to be presented Saturday
evening will be well worth hearing. It
is a strong play and tbe oast isoomposed
of looal talent. One of the features will
be tbe vooal solos by Mr. John E.
Latbrop, ot Pendleton, and Miss Brown.
Charley Jones, the well-known "old-
timer" in the tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, Laving purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite the city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call wnen in town.
Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eobo
Tuesdays, Tursdayi and Saturdays.
Kare $2 eaoh way. Umoe, Wells A
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop.
Billy Dunn, the branch line oon-
dootor, returned home Sunday morning
from Portland where be spent bis holi
day vaoation. His family will remain in
Portland for a short time.
Masonic Installation. Ou last
Friday eve tbe masons of this plaoe met
st tbe opera bouse to install the officers
of Heppner Lodge and those of the
Eastern Star. The following Eastern
Star meaibers were duly oonduoted into
office: Mrs. J. N. Brown, Worthy
Matron; T. W. Ayers, Jr., Worthy
Patron; Mrs. 8. K. Horoer, Associate
Matron; Miss Elizabeth Matlock, Sec'y;
Mrs. P. O. Borg, Treas.j Mrs. Will
Kirk, Conductor; Mrs. Frank Gilliam,
I Associate Conductor; Mrs. J. W
Leezer, Chaplain; Mrs. T. W. Ayers,
Marshal; Mrs. T. W. Ayers, Jr., Ada;
Mrs. J. A. Patterson, Ruth; Mrs. Geo
Oonser, Esther; Mrs. John MoOarty,
Martha; Mrs. E G. Sloan, Electa; Mrs.
Will Spenoer, Warder; J. N. Brown,
Sentinel. After tbe installation ot the
Eastern Star officers, the Blue Lodge
"followed suit,' and the whole was
oompleted by sn elegant feast. It is
needless to say that all did justice to
the tempting viands. The program was
interspersed with solos and duets wbioh
were specially prepared for tbe occasion.
It was one of Heppner Lodge's happiest
co-partnership heretofore existing between
8. V. Meadows and W. P. Scrlvner, under the
firm name of Meadows it Scrlvner, doing busi
ness hs blacksmiths in tlio town of Heppner,
has tills day been dissolved by mutual consent,
8. W. Meadows will contlnuo the business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills for the said firm.
All accounts must be settled by cash or note
Mr. 8crivner desires to state to the public that
he will continue his business as wagon mnker
and repairer at the same stand, and guarantees
siiusiaution as neretoiore.
8. W. MR K T)OWB,
Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, 18115. 03-03
They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop
goods either, but goods of today, bought
for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold
on their merits and at prices that will have
you to call again.
We Select Our Stock,
After careful examination, we then have
the best at correct prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will
greatly please us. We arc determined to please and
excel. Handling all linps in the quantity we do, en
ables us to excel all competition.
Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or.
the Ills of Women.
Oonstipation, oaoses more than ball
tbe ills of women. Karl's Clover Root
Tea is a pleasant cure tor Constipation
For sale by Wells k Warren.
Sam la tbe time to a tbe Weekly
nnmnoMD. the iireaieet neerieper of
the Weal. With the 0slle. both strict-
ly in advance, one )ear. 60. No better
combination of tespprrs can be mads
Id tbe state. IUei.les e will give as
premium so add it lonal Journal, the S en
root rianler, an aurlrtillcral psper.
Come in rio sod sub-frit.
Independence West Hide: Charlie
Vsoduvo isemployep by the West Hide
Trading Co. to deliver groceries sod has
to got np at Ave o'oloas In tbe morning,
tie bought ao alarm clock. It worked
II risbl tbe first morning, but sines
then it wakes Mr. J. M. Vanduyo, io
the nrxt room sod he calls Charley op
in tbe morning. Tbis is cms wbers
tbe wroDg fellow ss ws wood.
1. a..,. Ii.. I ..fr !. teierre mm.
Tt.nn..ndenf pwos of Consiimt.tioo. 1 health so I sweet breslb secured, by
A.tbma, Cogt.s. CMs sod Croop ste Hhliob's Cstarrh R-medf. Pnos 60
i d.v l.v shilob's Curs. For : cent.. Nasal IoJ ector frts. For sals by
sale by Wells A W.rreo.
, Wells Warren.
, - v. V '
1 1 IS is a shecphcrd
cr who has been out
four months, but 1
loooks like a new man 0
now for lie has
dressed up at
IIorni r & Rhka's
- (i)
Horner & Rhea,
s s
e s S s first reiiee r"."
For 822.50 I will sell s first class, high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years. For further particu
lars call on or address, ri. A. leaob,
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
Mark P. John, tbe Pendleton Jeweler,
arrived in Heppner tbis morning aoooru
pnied by bis wife and child, wbo will visit
with friends ana relatives in ins oity.
Mark returns tonight.
Frank Ross bas opened tips rest snrant
in the Minor building, next door to C.
M. Jones' barber shop. White labor
throughout and rates by meal or week
very reasonable. 1(9-tf.
D. A. Herren recently received from
New Mexico, as s Christmas present,
four Navajo blankets, worth f'i) stieoe,
tie very much appreciates tuem.
Mrs. C. 8. Van Duyo and daughter,
Edna, returned tbis morning from the
valley where tbeir Christmas vacation
was pleasantly spent.
Fred olslcbior claims to be ths beet
well digger id the couoir. Wells dug
by tbs day or hy tbs foot. Address bim
st Dsvidson, Ur. 4JU lm.
T. ft. lloward makes a specialty in
snntilviiig stockmen witb all needed
articles, besides carrying a general noe
Hoe bis new el. tr.
Charlie Van Duyo returned home this
moroing from Iadepeodeocs where be
has until recently beeo olerkioir lo bis
oocls's store.
Elmer Hloeom, the artist, will msks
cabinet photos for ths out 30 dsys st
ti per doieo. Osllery opposite opera
bouse. if.
Miss Mary MoDevitt, of Pendleton, s
oiere of Kd IViberly, as over to etteod
lhilHiberty lX)oaberly nuptials last huo
Isaiah Q Wren got back Hnnday from
Celif.irola. He left the Oilbonseo s st
Redding, Cell'., whtrs they wi t winter
tXto'l fail to besr Mts De Forest lo
ber reodtlloo of tbs "(J but Htiry"
Remember the De Forest elocutionary
etertainmeot tonight,
Ed. R. Risbop Las parebeeJ tbs Mc
Fsrlsod store.
Married. On last Saturday evening
at the parlor ot the Palace hotel io this
oity, Miss Anna Briarly, daughter ot Mr,
and Mrs. M. M. Briarly, of Monument,
and Mr. J. H. Garrett, of Pilot Rock
were united in marriage. Rv. Jenkins
f Tbe Dalles, officiating. Miss Briarly
as been engaged as an instructor io tbe
pubho schools at Hamilton and was
considered one of Grant oouuty's best
teachers. Mr. Garrett is also a sohool
teacher, having been until recently em
ployed at Dayton, Wash. ISutu are
graduates of the Monmouth Normal. I
fact it was while attending school at
Monmouth that they became acquainted
Mr. and Mrs. Uarrett departed Sunday
morning for Pilot Rook where they will
make tbeir future borne. A life full of
goodness, gladness end prosperity is tb
wish ot tbs Gazette.
ty of Morrow, State ol Oregon.
H. Townsend,
Thomas Walrten, W. G.
Scott, Geo. W. Harris,
To Thomas Walilen and G. W. Harris, Defend
In tlio name of the State of Oreiron. von are
eretiv requited to annear and answer the coin
plslnt Itlcil against you In the shove entitled
sun on or Deiore tue urst day oi me next reuu
lar term of the above entitled court towlt
Monday, the 2d day of March, 181)6;
and if yon fall so to answer, for want thereof
the platntilt will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit:
Judgment aealnst delvudHiit. Thomas al
Ion, for the sum of Two Hundred Four and
Sixty One-Huuilredths Dollars in U. H, Hold
Coin, with interest thereon st the rate of 10 per
ent. per annum. Irom the nrstdavol reurdary
lxM'.l, until paid, and for the further sum of
Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee. tonethcr
with the costs and disbursements of this utt to
he taxed.
And that the mnrtitaKe described in plalntlfri
complaint tie foreclosed and mat tne premise
therein dcsorined. to-wit: tne wwi m wc.
I'plN. K &- K. W. M.. be sold to satisfy said
Ana mat tne said ucn. w. Harris ana an per
sons clalmliiK by, through nr under him lie
forever barred of all right or eouity of redemp
turn In ssld premises.
1 his luminous is published bv order ol Hon
Stephen A. Umell. indue of the sixth ludli lal
list rlet of the State of Oreiion, dated December
1Mb, is'.'.i. i, r. bio in n,
m-iVl. Attorney for i'lalntlft.
Wben most needed it is not unnsual
for our family physician to be away
from home. Huch was tbe experience
Mr. J. X. Snbrtick, editor of tbe Cadd
lnd. Ter., Danoer, when bis little girl
two sears of age was threatened with
severe attack of croup lie save: "My
ife insisted that I go for the docto
hut a our family physician was out
towo I porcliaeed s bottle of Chamber
Iain's Congh Remedy, which relieve.
her immediately. I will not be without
it to the future." 60 cent bottles for
sals by I liillUotiii, iirnggiNi.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time.
are going out of business.
line of the stiM'khnlilcrs of the Heppner
Riilhliiiit & Mian Association will lie held st
their ultlre la Heppner. Orcifon, nil the second
Tuesday of January, lH'.sl, between tlte hours of
10 a. in and 4 p. in. of aaid dsy, lor the purpose
ot eieuling directors lor me eiiauiuK year.
hi). K. IIIXIIOI',
Heppner, Or., Dec. .1, imtt. ml Hec'y,
ll Iiik of the stockholder of 'I he National
Heppner will be held st its hmikln
esdsy ol
Hank of
house. In Hciipucr. on Ilia second Tin1
Jaiiusry, iH'twecn llie hours of In a m. slid 4 i
in of said day. lor the purNimi of electing dlrov
tors for theeusuaiK year.
i ll R. IllSlllif, Cashier.
Heppner, Or., Dec. 4, lau'i. I.'4JW.
J Grande, Orcifon, Nu.
Ciuiteh Klmtiom lleppner Chap
ter, H. A. M., at their last Thursday
meeting elected ths following officers:
J. A. Tsttersoo, II. P; Frank Gilliam,
King; P. O Borg.Herihe; J.W.Morrow,
Com. Capt. of the Hosts; Frank Sloso,
Prin. HoJ itiriier; Otis Patlersoo, C.
Royal Atcb Captain; J. N llren.
Master of Third Veil; K. (1. Hloao,
M enter of Hoond Veil; Geo. Noble,
Ma-ter of First Veil; J. W. Vanshao
Trees.; Oeo, Corner, Hec'y, Tbelnetal
latino oeearred the same evening io the
peseittcd ti e mi mUrs ol Ite t hsptir
Karl a ( lover Hai Ite
Is srrs Sure (or Headache sod Oervous
disease Nothing relieves so H('kly,
Fur sals by Wells k W arro.
Orcifon. Nu. 1Mb. I'!,. Coin
plaint Iib liiv l-n msde at thl ollicn by tbs
duly rerilied HH' It ot utiiiucl M llrlde. llc
lev that Win, H. Vnublu. who nmdn Itmlirr
Culture entry So. l.i.J, a' I be IaihI I nine aI U
Grande, tlrevoti. on tin I ,lll diiy of lierellllicr,
k-I, for the N' of N, See. It, 'I p. I a, II a K. .
M. Iiss wholly Iwiiiloiivl I lie anldlrail; thst
claimant has failed to planl any cs iihiii ald
tract ol lai d si any time alnc lb entry of lb
same and that f here Is mil now any tree grow
ins uiereon aa i.t law miiiirci.
Iberelore, with a view of tba cancellation of
the aaiiie. tbe sal'l parlies are each hereby re
iintred and iimoioiif-d total and apcar iM'lore
J. ft. Morrow, coutity t iers of Morrow county
Oregon, at lila otlire in Heniiuer. orcsou.nn tbe
I ,i h day ol January, , ai tne Hour oi in
clink, A. M .and proline sm li Iraiimouy ss
they may have coiircriilntf tba Bald allcg-altona
1 be filial hearluv to I had helor llie reller
and re, elver at la Grande, itirumi, on January
J.lh, I"., at Hi o I II" RAM
BE. ll-soV, ll..ier,
TiltnV I II. Hi ill III Ns, lle.rlrr,
( elsrrk la Iks Ilea
Is due to Impure blond sod eannol be
cored with bl aiplietlooa. IIikxI
Hareaparilla baa esred bun Iredsof rases
of ralarrb tiersnse II bortfiee the tdrsnd
j and In tin way remote the cans of
thediee. It elobnilda op thsststem
land preveet silsek ( posoetonis,
1 dipbib'tis sod typhoid fr.
Hi'-d's Pill beora the favorite
reibsrlis wlb every one bo tries tbm
A Hsrrf F.vsvf -Li sight Bmr.
OS friol He f Mr. IrA. trohetty sod si's
falhered st the rsidtr.f Js lobrty.
r.flilack Ilnrae sn I le lrt's'd In iono
jrvnt amoemetit till S lele hour. It
I S O.oat agreeable rerulft, b't.f to
'he ntomhrd r !! wto wre
i Inrlsss'S ! blt g .i.f. I. tlf Sb4
. M'S. l'hnlf er sp,n li 1 buels asl 04 o.. i t.,.-,
c,e e-old atoi I lir sn st jojaU
I tune,
ril' flea' M-dlag tl
j fryttifAnmaH'mlOf. inUiiee Itehmc
i Sft 1 atirf r.f ; T.'I SlgM; woree .y
: rrl( hiiig. If llnw4 tt rotil tin
j !tmre f'-rsa. ebieb rrfto t.!d sail
! n! , tfmieg vrv fss s
I tl VTlt ' IS i-l.il g SO'1 loeo-1.
I leg. tU lefetM, aid le rw ! ra a
! eetTio lh IntP't. AI dfej,v'i. "I
! t fca.l. f Vje-tita. 1 Haeibsa ,
1)1 THE IMcTtT H ST foil IIIK Ot
ly of Morm. siai ol unf it.
Th lof1l,fB I oontle
lnm ma n t liml,
l liinud, I'lalntlrT,
O, W etarl. James ll.
Itainlltoii. 'i tt liar
rliia-lo". Add la faMls)
and J S lin.ai,.
iNlalidaliU, J
To (i W. Slaaart and James II Hamilton.
In tl,a nama of lha atat of ifff'.n, tnit ar
hertt.f r.,ilrt t.a ar and r ti.a r.m-
f.iallil flled aallil ) In II. al.te n.lll ."
lit ft) of hef.rta ftfat 1av nf tl.a ha . I fegu
Ur u r ra ol in aar ...iu... iii, t it
Ma4y, Ike 14 far Iml, less,
nt If tiei fall i.li'4iir lot ai.lil.rr4
llta f iainliS as 1 1 1 .. tl.a r. .M 1-4 l,
y,l (t,aii'td In aa.d r,.f m.hi, u. II
A Ah to ..f t, im "f ioa 1 l.'i4Ml li:'t
rM oHn aMd li,lr flf..i, at o fa' of
J ii. ii(i li I r-f ti.si-a .f l(.i
rillf Inn II i,..i-lt a)ltH i.l.i.il
th. at tf ra 4 ii.l yi rt,i r ano'ini
fr..rn mh d M Jan . a I and tt. rm
4 rn H'li.dr .. i. ., a, ,4
li arid 4I''"' "' M '! lll
Ala, f.lh (.. ..-.r .f lh an.rl.a at
Utmi I.T rt.le.. li l SKIil I-.
tr. fy.et,t M " 'd r.i.,' t'
,.l lh ' ' H. ) M ! '
t ' ..I II. , n4 !,..( Ih i , ,
) . . II. a ,4 I Sm . I
1 f ." .4 fi if H l,t I' . ,A
A I' ) . If "..! .-4 -il..a
i,4 li. 4r,,a..l e a.'. f" av a
a. t m. a ? ai " i i 1. 1 1
f. .. 4 t,. . 4 a t ... Im , . ....!
,.i ti. i. ,.,...i -,. .. I' t ,. a i.,,-t
r t I 'la'.'t-'t in t '.is . . .i
I I, Namwl la et ..i i 1 .-.'a .f M-n
S1,.a l I ..! n U a-.th
' o4 l, alai t4 lt.'M !fcp-4 (
l l . JS'.l
1, arnr M alalia?
NiMK E (IK St I.E.
under ami by Irtn of de. re ami or le
of al duly ma le and nlere. on So 4ih w
In tb mallet of tb ll ol tt. II Hrlans
de.'1-aae.l. I'T III onlily I oiirt. rif tb Mat
otrsoii for Morrow ioiinfy .'tlln In proiai
tb lllideraloed a adlniliM rator of til 01
ealate, III oflef for aale at illi am tloli. to lb
hllltieat I.I Id-f tor ra.ll III band oil Oatnrda
January II at II o r l k In lb orn-.ii i
that day at lb front d'M.r of tt,roort liooa.
llei..t,r Morri.a l ouoiy Oregon, all lb folio'
i. .r riiM-l real prM rty U-i..i.irii.tf to lt
iUii. name. I ut aiitiai! In Morrow fount
llregrou. lo It III .ti1let .iar1er of
ae il. n tt il; lii Toar.al,l.thr i t, o.,i,t,,
lai'S tart.ty ihre ii, t tttllameii
Merl llan aal-l aale la ma le a-il.je. I to ail llrha
and In. timi" ran t now illus nfe.n Ih aald
rwl l.r..t-rtr. and ibjel to II, c oiiftrn.atlon
of all aa'e ! I ead I ) lb nllllt
t otiuti t o'iH,
AdmloUOaior of lb ratal of (J tt. H
tflao. Ht r.
Itale II. la ;ib day of rnlr l4 r. o
J. O. BORCI-rrcilS, Prop.
-r ! .
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
"There iu title in the affairs of men
That, if taken at Us flood, leads on to fortune."
Tbe flood is here and bo is
With a full line of
IIardwn.ro. Tinwaro. OlntsHwart', Crookerv. Wood
nnd VV illow ware, Ctnlar TuIjh at Hedroek irico.
They run so Hunt
They run off iu ths night.
The only Eiclunive Hardware Htore lu twetm The Dalles and Pendleton
Ileiipner, ... Oregon.
The Eeeley Idluls
For tho Curo oa
Liquor, Opium ml Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Ofrfon,
Tin Jfuif rtViiufiiil Tovn on th Oxui
Call st Ih fUisrrs oftice lor pertietiUre
sir l. tit tii0diitil. 1 reelmanl arli aia and sure
lMIM1stTHt s Mini r.
Nrti r i
iiri rity i.wrn tiit tus
,. !, ltl 4'lif SI l-oi'le-l I t
i, rt.otiif to'irt ! M'rr.,w r.,'ii,t nr.'.
a'lmli.ulial'.f et tl.a ! of Aletat.-lef
fill. I.I. t..l and ad a.ot
rialo.a alt.t al I .! ar f.ef.i.f .. f. .
t .ee..t th oi. 4'tf vrl'W'1 to aid Si
ml.l4ral..r. at II, rt J Hei. la
Mrt..i..r o .., wilt. la an monil.a ria Hi
4r. ol il l i...i
J A '"I rNV.
A i.it. iiai.f
J f a a. 'r 1t.
l. d N I'.. I'. I'.0
suihk or sum aiiiii.iiii mriisn
Nrrtt' r a irl ST r, r J til tt TlirSR
I i i' a m. !. M t(. a tt'.l't. .f
tl. fle O.H.....I Sa.k ! II' If". l.l
. r- an II., ;... f.laf of la,. .art. IA l-
ten ti. K''ia of I't a oi.e s a oa .and
r.. p tw . .4 Oatd 4mt t'4 tl f..iflM 4
ale. .. 4i.'..a .d t"f II. Ir.y to,, ol
a-e a Mi.et i..,... a ."! a.ia.
I t.f.r t . Iw k. i. S'l i"
I H'ttu t,f Intention
IAMir,rrt s
t l-e It I .
,l - 9
ti . I
I- n..
tt ' I
" I. I,... J tt
I !., n, ..
i . .
.. .
Snra,i U,e. a Vn thitn. Meil if.-.r Ut t lly It.drl.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Condies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lnmps nnd Tinwnro.
Stock is Comploto. Notions a Specialty.
tt ir
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Cummings & Fall,
ror iron
It I I i.nxt r ..y."
S m I !.... l. ll .l
..'. r.a ..d k l. r.
t , e s a I . . a .it 4
I ll .l a I at , i. '!
w .... .. m . at II. 1 1 t,
Ja- '?
1 1I .14 ta S l"i
trf tt, fi.d nni.i
I H 4
Gault House,
i Mf ' tl t
.4 ".
af. Ili'l t"4. ,
tt 1,11 M tt. t l"l tf-4 ot f
4 i w a I' i A ' cue At
a.1ui Let I i u
lA'l'ICSS SSU.4..S Ilil4t IfAV
( .4 m Sl,.a ! I ll,.i
t&lsstlSl Msrk
IVU sass.
f I. W. ra
et i .1 it rt. saw
t i.- . r "" r""1"
. ., , , 4to .. IHM -k
t e 1 1 . J ' . fre 4 iajis4 le tee
wMteMt4r4Ht .! ,iaf SO
a,.. i t imi.4 a le
Stov. 4 ttia H wff, fias)
,. n nta a
, moot, lei el of.s t
II. .
t M., A