Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 31, 1895, Image 2

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    IrYOU Agt lOOKiNCi f OR
results. When neople think they
want a thing, they do want it and
they get .Thompson.
A foolish and unnecessary cry
of fire caused the death of twenty
four people in a Baltimore theatre
Friday night last.
A goodly portion of the surplus
which "Harrison's administration
got away with" in fact, nearly all
of it went towards paying off the
bonded indebtedness.
The new revenue bill, which
passed the house last Friday,
repeals the present tariff law until
Aug. 1, 1898. It restores W per
cent, of the old McKinley rates on
wool, woolens, lumber and carpets,
and makes a horizontal increase of
And the Lone Limb U not the Only
Reason (or a Government Reward
The election up in Manitoba
brings to the front the fight over
the school qupstion. It is a question
of parochial schools or a public
school system distinctly apart from
the church.
It is claimed that the president
has appointed ex-Ministers Lin
coln and Phelps as two of the
commission to examine into the
Venezuelan matter. An associate
justice will probably be the other
, , , , tir Let more revenue be collected
. .. . ,f , . , and give us fewer importations of
cent. This is the bill in short, and ?
... i. foreign goods and the greenbacks
it is, estimated to increase the , , 6 , . ,
revenues about $40,000,000 yearly.
The passage of the bill was resisted
by ex-Speaker Crisp and 80 other
democrats, but for what purpose,
except to be on the wrong side and
to exhibit the stolid stubborness
bo characteristic of the democratic
majority in last congress, it is dif
ficult to understand.
It is Doticoable that the antago
nists of the measure in the house
had to draw largely upon their
imaginations to say something
againet it Crisp argued that the
MKinley law was responsible for
the conditions that now confronted
the nation, even to the extent of
nullifying the "good" effects of the
Wilson-Gorman law. He notod
thai during the last four months
of Harrison's administration the
deficiency was over $1,000,000, and
during the nine months preceding
March, 1893, over $58,000,000 in
gold had been sent abroad.
Conceding that the above is all
true, it docs not take a long array
of figures to show that from the
date of Cleveland's election to his
inauguration wa just four months,
and that the businoss men of the
country at ouco began to prepare
thomsolves for the inevitable, and
the McKiuh.'y law was really
annulled thb very day that
Cleveland wa elected. Do you
BuppoHO that a rational man
will buy goods and make large
transactions fn uncertaintii'M? No,
of courso iiM Houco Mr. Crinp'a
fl.OM.OOOaruuinei.t fall flat It
is also nutieeiililo that ho takes
pains to avoid atatiug how much
cold was returned to America
against tho $.18,000,000 sotit out
or tho many reasons why gh
Kliould go abroad at that time.
LV'U if it wero a net balance
against us Mr. Criup neglected to
state, aa many politicians do, tha
it wm evident tho republicans
could not bo successful in 1W2,
many months before election,
liusinpsa men knew what it meant
Hailroad building and th further
ing of other pnterpiims penned,
and money owed to foreigner, is
being aitorixd in bunine nt
bringing returu, wa called homo
It U uacdcaa to arguo agaiuet ti
.it. i i .i. i.
com, uaru irtmia mai aro paten
to all.
ft U gratifying, however, that
tho lamo argument went f
a .a..i
naugui, aul thai tin teveiaie
tneaaure amd y a ltrg ma
jority. It i now hnjxd hnt it il
peeihly paa tho eiiitto and tla
receiv final vanrtioii at tho White
llotiHO. I'reKideut t'leveUn l t an
do do greater act to redeem him
PlSiU rv, of Maine, i the "Me
Kinley" (f tho hotie tf reprroeu
1 r H refreshing to out (hat tl
aenaU it tmrg on tho titter i.
f the financial cueaion.
Pit 'lt liaa Ueti a'.itii(ldif
tho chargo tf tnurdxriiig Ad lie
Oilmore, at Had Fraucieoo.
will not be in such demand to drag
out gold. Then pay silver certifi
cates in silver and the troubles are
all ended.
The passage of the new tariff
bill is made with the understand
ing that it shall be in effect only
two and one-half years, with the
assurance from the president that
he will sign same should it pass
the senate. Of this there is little
The Gazette believes that the
passage ot ins revenue bin is
sufficient for all needs at the
present time, and that the bond
proposition has down deep in it a
scheme to uselessly retire the
greenbacks. It is our opinion that
it should not become a law.
To be prominent anywhere one
must have marked characteristics.
So it is with an advertisement in
1 I 1 . 1 as
tue crowueu columns ol news-
lapors and magazines; in order to
iroduce the best result it must be
Icar, definite, conspicuous and
reHh. Is your of its character?
Both, llcrmaun and Ellis voted
against the Ihh.cI bill, thus showing
that they wore patriotic and do
terminod to rttiind by their constit
uents and the dictates of their
owu consciences, llio uiiHtneHS
ement of Oregou'a population
could not have been better nleased
or more ch-arlv represented, eve
tad they been previoiibly con
Av EXAMINATION of the work
iniTH of tho WilHon-Ciormnn law
shows that during the first year o
its cxintenco it actually took nut ol
tho treasury in gold $179,000,000.
Then thero is need of an increase
in revenue, and also something to
Htimulato eiixirta and tho uo o
fewer foreign good. Tho efforts
to "rupture tho market of the
world" have provod llat failure,
(From Journal, Lewlston, Me.)
Samuel R Jordan has jast given the
Journal an aeoount of bia life, whioh in
view of his extremely bard lot for the
past few years will be read witn interest.
"I am 48 years old and have always
lived in New Portland. I enlisted in the
Brmy in 1862 as a private in Company
A.. Sen Me. Volunteers. My army ex
perience injured my health to some
extent, although I worked at black-
smithing Borne part of the time, when
suildenly, several years ago, I was pros
trated with what able physicians pro
nounced Locomotor Ataxia. At first I
oould get around somewhat yet the
disease progressed quite rapidly until I
bad hardly any feeling in my legs and
feet, they felt like sticks ot wood atd I
grew so much worse that I oould not
move for three years without help, as
my neighbors and friends oan testify.
I employed several pbysioians in my
vicinity, and elsewhere, and they all told
me that medioines would not help me,
that they oould do nothing to effect a
oure and that in time I should beoome
entirely helpless. I beotme discouraged.
I was a great care to my wife and
friends. Shortly after I met an old army
oomrade, Mr. All. Parlln, a resident of
Madison Maine, and he incidently men
tioned bow be bad tried Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for a severe case of rheuma
tism and a spinal and malarial trouble,
that he had suffered with oonsequent of
bis army life, and had been greatly
benefited by their use. By bis earnest
recommendation I was induced to try
the pills. After taking them for a time
bean to feel prickly sensations in my
legs and a return of strength so I could
move them a little. After a few weeks
began to feel a marked improvement
in my oonditlon. I soon was enabled
to walk around a little with the help of
crutohes. After taking tor some time I
can now walk without crutohes, my
general health is much improved and I
ve regained my old-time vigor. I can
walk about and enjoy life onoe more,
for which I feel very thankful, and this
bappy result is due to the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Fink Tills for pale
people are not a patent medioine in the
sense that name implies. They were
first compounded as a prescription and
used as such in general practioe by en
eminent physician. So great was their
effioaoy that it was deemed wise to
plaoe them within the reaob of all.
They are now manufactured by the Dr.
Williams' Medioine Oompanr, Sobaneo-
tady N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never
in loose form by the dozen or hundred,
and the public are cautioned against
numerous imitations sold in this shape)
at 60 oents a box, or six boxes for 12.50,
and may be bad of all drnggislsordireot
by mail from Dr. Williams' Medioine
Celebrated at the Catholic Church, Fol
lowed by a Dinner At The Palace.
At the close of the services at the
Catholio ohurch last Suoday, Mr. Ed.
Doberty and Miss Annie Dunberty were
made man and wife, Rev. Father
Beutzen performing the ceremony in the
presenoe of thelargecongregation wnich
bad assembled, in a most impressive
A wedding dinner was given at The
Palace at the close of services. As near
as our reporter oould learn, the follow
ing were present: Rev. Father R. J.
Beutzen, of Pendleton; the groom and
wife. L. A Smith. Jas. R. Kinney. Jae.
Carty, Chas. Van Winkle, Jas. Doherty
and wife, Francis Keller, Ed. McDaid,
Tom Gilfillen, Mr. and Mrs. Barratt,
John Kilkenny, B. P. Doherty and wife,
Pat and Phill Doberty, Miss Mary Mo
Devitt, of Pendleton, Mrs. Felix Johnson
and son, Jas , I. L. Van Winkle, Jas.
Neville, Pat Kilkenny, Mike Kenny and
wife, John and Frank Kilkenny, John
Curran, Barney F. Doherty, E. McDevitt
and Jas. R. Kenny.
Clay Folsom took a flashlight picture
or me garnering at tbe table, it was
quite suooeeaful.
Mr. and Mrs. Doberty nave many
friends in Morrow oounty and all join
in well-wishes.
toast bread
and keep it dry. There'll be no danger of its molding.
But moisten the bread with water, and see the result,
in a short time it is covered with mold. It is just so
with consumption. Its germs will not grow in the
lungs unless everything is suitable to them. Weak
ness, poor blood, "loss of appetite, coughs and colds
often prepare the ground for the development of the
germs of consumption. To destroy-germ-life the sys
tem must be kept in a well-nourished condition. Do
not lose flesh. Take Scott'S EmulS-OIl,
with hypophosphites, as . . -
a preventive. It furnishes the reinforcements neces
sary for the body to conquer in the easiest possible
form. The oil is in a state quickly taken up and rap-
Ktunreon is finer and much more paiat- transformed into the organs and tissues.
oUa T-F ntwi talra a cTnfT(iTl That I
weighs eight or ten pounds and cut out
steaks five or six inches back from the
That 11 tha Way the FHhnrman EaU It
. If He tad Get a Voting Fish.
"In the minds of most people," said a
man with an expert knowledge of fish
and fishing, "the sturgeon is doubtless
acoociated With the idea of a big fish
only; they think of hirri when he is well
grown and has come to weigh seventy
five to two hundred and fifty pounds,
and I suppose that most people, when
they think of sturgeon as a food, think
only of smoked sturgeon, which is the
form in which it is most commonly
placed in the market. To those famil
iar with the fish in these forms only the
idea of broiled sturgeon might seem
humorously preposterous, but broiled
is the way the fisherman eats it if he
can get a sturgeon of the right size.
"The flesh of the old sturgeon is
coarse and rough; that of the young
For Dyspepsia
and Liver complaint you have a printed
guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh'e
Vitalizer. It never fails to oure. For
sale by Wells & Warren.
N..M Hat Ajrr'i at Ik Werkls fair
Ayi-r's Hri'MilU ej'i) the itrar
dinar j dtMirirtmoof having two thoo
hi. i, I purifier allowed an MUibit at th
World's fair, Cbirift, ManafaMurtrs
of other tm.nlliii aoatfM j ery
meant totUin txiwinf of their g'X.l
otil they were all lurnet away utnler the
l'l'lutiio of lha rule forlnJJiog lb
entry if atent medicinee ami boelramt.
I he deeieinn f the World's fair audio
Mire In fv"r of Afrr's Hareapanlla was
in rfWl aa fnlloae: "Ayer'l Hartapa
nila is tiul a afent oiedirlne. It ilne
mt If lontf to the i of ooetrnrot. Il ie
here on lis merit."
Mitjur 3. T. I'ioton is manager of the
State lintel at Denion, Texas, wbirh
From the Oregonlan's Washington Cor.
Representative Ellis has discovered a
queer ruling of the pension office which
be is trying to have righted. It is iu
the oase ot Thomas Taylor, of Lostioe,
Or., who is now 77 years old. He had
been drawing a pension of $24 per month
since 1868, but in Maroh 1895, one ot
the numerous speoial examiners going
through the oountry fell upon the old
man and secured from him and bis wife
an admission that be bad suffered from
pneumonia previous to the war, and bis
pension was out off on the ground tint
bis disability was contraoted previous to
bis service. He was, however, allowed
a pension at the rate of $12 per month
under the act of June 1890, known as tbe
disability aot, but tbe pension office
further beld that, as be bad wrongfully
drawn a pension from 18G8 to that time,
be would not be allowed to draw any ot
tbe money nntil the government bad
oollected in pensions all that bad been
paid heretofore. A little calculation
shows that the old soldier would have
to live to be 110 years old before be
would begin to receive any benefit under
the act whiob gives him S12 per month.
Taylor enlisted just before he was 45
years of age. He had a son killed at tbe
battle of Shiloh, and, npon receipt ot the
news, he went immediately to the front
and served for three years. Represen
tative Ellis says there ought to be a law
barring the government from suspend
log and dropping a man from the pension
rolls after be passed through the ex
amination ot the government! own
officers and bad been allowed a pension
after a careful scrutioy.
The famous Judge Loug case may
head and broil them you will find them
very good. But the -sturgeon is rather
oily and you can t eat very much of
them. Young sturgeon is sometimes
fried, but not so often; it is better
broiled; but along the water front men
make a stew of sturgeon, with onions,
that is by no means unpalatable.
It was the custom, years ago, for the
Japanese ladies to gild their teeth.
Terra cotta. sleepers are in use on
Japan railroads. The increased cost is
compensated for by the greater resist
ance to decay.
Mmk. IIissa. Oiiyama, wife of the Jap
anese minister at Vienna, has joined
the Roman Catholic church, with her
husband's consent.
Japanese politeness translates into
queer English. "How is your honor
able wife?" one gentleman will ask. "I
thank you, honorable sir, my dirty fool
of a wife is well," is the answer.
The Japanese are now getting used
to glass. At first the glass in railway
car windows had to be smeared with
streaks of white paint to keep passen
gers from poking their heads through it.
Gen. Sib Garnet Woi.selet says that
one secret of the superiority of Japan's
military system is that the profession of
arms is held in high regard, while in
When you ask for Scott' Emulsion and your druggist give
you a salmon-colored package with the picture of a man and
fish on it you can trust that man with your prescriptions I
so cents and $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York
Attorneys ett Xvtwsr,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
A Brand New Man!
um ;nn miua
It is not meant that the man is so new, bat that this paper is called
upon to announce to the public that the Ilardman mercantile
business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to
A Well Known Morrow County Boy.
He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi-
China the lowest classes only are re- tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr.
cruited into the army, and soldiers are
rather looked down upon.
"Do you think," he asked, "that there
Is any truth in the saying: 'All the
world loves a lover?'" "Why, of
course," she replied; "that's one of tha
things we take for granted." "I'm glad
to hear you say so. You know I have
always told you that you are all the
world tome. Washington htar.
Brown's stock and place of business will convince you.
GrKO. J.
Hardman, Oregon, Successor to
After Deo. 1, 1895, the Gazette will
make a discount of 10 per oent from
list on all staple job work. This re-
dnction is made on the supposition that
oash will be paid for all work as soon as
I m t . . .
the traveling men say is one of tbe bent oov" 'u" l't0T ca"' " ,ue uPrcm
bot,l iu thst section. In sneaking ,,( court .nouiu U..1J that a pension Is
l . . i. ! .1. ,1. - . m
tllmmWlnin's l!li. Cholera d r' ""'" wul,;n "ouieuiioo or
iMarrhoea ltntnedy Major Pinion : I J 'e bong, la this cane, Pension
"I have nd it niynelf and in my family CmmiiMiouer Locbren reduoed Look's
ror evrai years, anil take pia.irj in ,,rtlaj(lo. and the Utter claims that, a
saying that I coiiKidttr it an infallililw ,. , ., , . '
cure (nr diarrhoea and dyenlory. 1
always recommend it, and have (niiiient-
ly adroiniHiereil it to my guita iu the
hnl. l, ami in every re it dm proven
itNxlf worthy ui iinqqallQml emiorwnipnt.
"For sale by I'lull iSobo, driiHgi!.
the government, after due eiaminatioo,
ha KfHiitid ptiiin, it enunot for any
otln-r act than that of treao refuse to
pay it ; that it beoomes a vtn! right
a contract, wbicb Iba government it
boand to carry out
A Nalaral llraitlflrr.
Karls Clover Rmt lea purifies lbs
blood and gives a clear and beautiful
eompleilon. For tale by Well A War
A Mii'iM MrAHtRK.
ra 1h !Mm ( (Mi, 1.1.
llei'tMrolnliv F.lh bas lntroJaoeJ
into Iba ItdUMl tf reftmeuUtlfM a bill
for th relief if ib aeiller opoa our
eira Un.lt. The meaaurt la at
Betitlr a jiil n. aed thould rclT
th favorable pitii.leralii of eoogrf m
at early dale. At ran I tea fri-aa
Aa ii-banga bat tbrte Items:
Takt priil in your Iowa.
IU pablic tpiriled.
If there it a project on foot to impruva reo
tha Iowa help il along with yoar money
it yon cd; uqi anyway oy your guou l, raves Foil nroHAHl. IleV. fcrouia
word. Ilarrctt and biubaod took their depar-
N nailer bow "one Imrae" your town lure today for Ppokaue, where Mr
my be, I thankful that it lu I a one-1 IUrrit bat been engaged In unit Id
jack town, and put forward your beat refial tervioet. Mrs. Ilarrett bi been
florl to nikk it a two bir oily. la Ouot county for the put two and
Tbtrttt lull of capital waiting for io- one-half month, engaged la evangelitlio
vetlment May. IWaibly aornt of il work. Hloo tbe 30lh day of November
large anj orderly eongregalinot. The
I.l-ll. . ft
U'k.i n.. u th., in ..tin .h. miornmi ina oer n.irw nert
f.M).l due ya nt gHi.l-ia fact, wheat! reaiilte.! id over 155 MBvrrtions and
)ut aiDi b.rm ili.u good, for ucb over l0owinr.i to the M. E- fharrh.
7 ANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
nr Indie to travel In Oreifon. lot establish
ed, reliable houe. HHlary i. ami expenie. , ., , , . .... T ,n t- RirDaL
steady position. Knelose reterenre ana sen an- Alt lueso uau UB piocureu m i uwiuyouu . jiuuo, umu umoi
lleppner, uregon.
These ircntlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties,
and can save money and time in making tbce vclluiii with traveling men.
Trices In keeping with the times.
drvsaed stamiwd envelope. The Dominion Com'
ptuiy, Third F
loor, Omaha Building, Chicago, I
trict. Morrow County, State ol Ori'gou.
W. E. Kahler,
vs. V
W. E. Dennis,
lli-fiMiilant. I
To the Conmable of the Sixth District, Morrow
t ounty, Mnte ol Oregon:
In the name ol tbe Mute of Oreeon, we com
mand you to summons V. E. Dennis to apear
Wlme the undersigned, a Justice of the Tear
In District No. A. In siiid County and State, on
or bclnre tbe 11th day of Janunrv. t the
hour of Hi o l inen a m.. st raj ntrnt in ncpp
ncr. In said District, County and State, to answer
the complaint of W. K. Kahler. founded on an
enirens contract and w herein the n I 1 rUlnllfl
demands Jinlifineiit for tbe sum of Kilty one and
;U .1 Dollars and roata of this action;
and In case he falls so to answer for wa it there
of, tbe nl.lntlll will take ludmneiit aealnat him
for the sum of Kfty-one and .1.1 lm Dnllart and
ciMia of this action.
This Biiiuinons Is published by order of R. U
Frm'land. Justice of the I'caca for the Sixth
Dlntrlct, Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated November '.'1st, l"'i.V
ni-07. Justice ol the I'eace.
Your Face
Te.imeoi iiKiay. iiwauiij mm ot n wora. moot tut iVIIu day or oer
oooljbw aar.1 Jvai,Uge,.r,.l, Id ,ur , bat beo prewhibg in lx.og Cr
town, but if the tow a la lull iif croaker , , . ...... . .
B,.n. of that r.t .l.l will go Ib.ra. u'1 dorio ,b' lm ,b bM
IlriTMrN li'utl llit Hi
I'aiiiab frNk r I U fnijSli
f.r lima f it tl. r f il , If
It III tf It I l'' tllifeale.l.
If yoq hav a loalhitig fr ftxij tbrr
i tin u bf forctot it d wn, for It will
tint tw iigMle.. Yon mini reet.ir the
tlitfrativ urgai a lo llieir natdral alrengtb
Dl can it the f'Hhl lit he ,1 g-tel who
an ai'i-eiii will eoroe, n. wiib II a
reli.ll fif f'x-J.
lit ltre.1. Iapmj feeling will give
place Io vigor and energy, theo co will
get tieb na yoor tnnea ao.l lvnoe
ttrong. Tbe Hbaker IhgeatiV l'r,lil
tt m I hf the Monnt llxiana hhakert
olitaia f n .1 alrew.lv digeete4 au.l I a
dlgealerof fixnl a well, lit -(.. a It
pmnipl an J lit rff.-ola rermauent.
a eM.l ( tbe loll. Ihelwo silal oini j V t.reeer.bw U lot. because tl
are, Bill, that actual reaijeoct ball B.K , b all lb virlurt il Caof Uil aoj It
be M tuiretl la w.Uf lo i.biaia a pateat;
l ter.,0.1!;, I hat Irawlw t.f laai nl j , . .
' . , , , H.-a.t. MTTtM-Met Ala Jnnet
Mignoo my be tnrehae.. wavt.U4 , . , . .. .,
.. "i. - . ' ... i b givea np her In the llePl n.r
ii hu ii.'t r.nr im ' svirs sis iiitj . w
sg'egale. IV dh be revielottt art
einil.l.U. tn.l lt l lli will Confer a
tnlMlanlial bent fit apoti InteaJmg -nr.
.kuM. ..I .).. I l..t-H I A .. I
.UuuU b. tueree l la having bit bill b- 'l'."
fftt e law ,
In leaving (Irani e-mnly aba separates
from a bowl of friend" aod with Iba
honor of leing Hit not tueoraaful
revivalist Ibtl tver vlsiiej tint interior.
T'ltRf (a co Bl f a fuithcr
l-iul ittu. Mora rBot atnl'
i .i.il ... -ill ..hi. it. Wall
IPWPr IW p'l lMi'ite win e -111" ii.e :
a raft wwik SHtlH
('.'tisomi t.n, iiife, re4iaoiia.
n I all '1 (... an t t.oeg .lieeaaHl art
enr.. hf Moioli Oar. Ff eale I7
Weill W ff.e
.i M no Kic.smaii, a r agie
Bil belwera lb lonog U.liet. Mwt
Jaae ileparle.l a H.lut U) 'a Ira n fr
Itartin'a lerry, (!, where ab will
nb wild rela
tive Tlioagb Mim J.iur rvtgntua
a a leather f ll Hrr-paer ecbm.l
retee. a rl lato the eho aaj
f-'tuaiuniM, lie It.aVlle lnil. that
there will t a rv'rw...ng ia la lle
a I liia if alia kia.maa li I he alf.vly
I'oer lXINtia Ij! Halor.lay Iba
niernUrt of Iba (I. A. It., lUallna Post,
met at Ieilngloa an4 elecle-l effir
for th aoming year. Tbt following
were (electe.l: (1 0. Koine, Com
mander; A. i. Hieventoe, M. V. C; N
. U bet.ione, i. V. C. ; J. L. Hill. O.
VI ; T. J. Iegtte. lm.wr of lha Iy;
N. H. M'baletnfie, lrli(ale lit Fecamp
wen I; IV. I F. MMpley, aargesm. It I
rlmll thai Iba lealalialu.w wi; be
bell 00 Iba atenlng of Jan. i'lh. lo
lleppaer. All aomra.lea an4 famili
an I i wf velet an J familiee art
lnvile.1 t la preeeul. A Out teetl
wl'.llwnna of Int letting feature if
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him aa Lin prices are riht, and all goods that he
handlaa are of tho very bout
Will fee wreath wills m meat engaging
Till, after fan Invest In a
ipuiewta with it at
Tk winat ensnplet an. aarful detket teat
a l.UJ la any Main g atavbiat.
Ttie WIIITi: I
Oirabty ata Htatfietttty Itllt,
Of Flat f laita aai Ptrf.et Adjutamt,
ttwi ALL ttwg!a Ar1lcl
An4 wU err an 4 ret p to lb fall
bna ol your r p.uiKo.
ATt l iatitt Wavttn la antmw
ae4 levnitfry, Li!'al ttraM. A4Jms
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Heppner, Oregon.
Palace Hotel,
C SL YIN MYX. rentier.
Antr takm full control of thit
lojuhir hnutc, awl trill tnake it
ttru thj fxrtt eta.
rr llttbt .1,4 rrr -Hut M all cv.
. . , . The Wife i.f Mr
TbttifnM runt alage lweMi . i...,..
i 1 , '1. IV I H.
nee anl MmitlBtesii, arriving everv
of llartWM-a,
a .i'k atilii f he 11 mi attain f.e
d.f n.!- M.m.l.y aa.l leaViag wvet, ifc I, rf il. Mr. K..I In
eel Mate iba latne. T. la ba, ,b. (!f ,t,,p g,,, h.f ,t ' Mr. M. Fatten I Vi.de.i ai Kei,..iMe
fn.!t -l. Vt the '! ( ('' H ee.tei aa I el 1 ') I il.e If in linux sxli.
... . . ... . . . . . . . - r.
pre. tea l-M tie.W.I u. b..,.-
bate leew rnr.l ! It ,.
IU. Ittft 0-t. Halnr laf
wmraing. Fra h MeFrn arle. al
le'ln.r. after aa hanre nf eev.a
tnnnt'tea tainee la lb F.'l. M'.
M H arlan I rainmel via a F'.i- es
n. l.i. f.ni ty are kw ari l llooj
It . I,, l,.i, re, ml j r.itef aiih r.'.atitea. tii.ee e irtiieg
M-a, I, t -mr, I.im Jkimv, ,4 Lia tlei-nuer
l I I ...
I iimnm u 1 i i. irmit. 11, .1 b. a,
l'i,bl..l. ,u'm Il.im la ' I wdb a Wbile !..
vrtl. tat etr of teaebera
"Titrar U ij. lxk l-ut a e
iff Will 0B il." fCf t it-
lha i'i'U'a h al I '
fia.l.l. vjilldilbi itb
t if
:. It.ee lf.. Cilf bole! txi be ! e.en ! b. t
.- . t ... 1 il etna. Ilsirealiiae aaaviee. 1 1 bent .u,
1 ,r,Han,r.N.g. ee, 4- ta aeteatiflaaiiy. I l'e .! al S remt -ei btle l y I In. I
! Irn Jii at W ! tee. JlVba !.
wat. Lve)tbiitg la )n el tal
Iber i aab r avflaiai ff b4 li.
mi I m-M.v .ii e4 a4 l a
l tMse4ai4 N assisnt till
Mtllilmt W. a est.Oef
4 f-t"4M im I. ass aeii.
tm4 m r, ".
' , --, tl r',-- . t"
,lc tk
a eewhl. I' -e l-"
.1 mm W. . sen
I Wm einsf tl . a t
at eaaf W "waaaaja. as a
eH - - tm
mwm AT LEST!
X dy nii'l
lamtitu i r alire U-
fal!rl ht Mat I.iHitti.
tUal'a lo titight iiiaa a in w diacuv.
fty quitrt a tutiiif nl! a that cf
ll'ri t'hlU a a fcrrt dlaoiiterer
it) hi day. lie would al Una limn
discover tli fitir-at lick lf Sluwa
tpr abnwo io llrj j nor, and tho
fheajH-al a well. hat tmr d'a
Birtl man vr.t ?
f ir A.i,.Kff iw tr im
Plenty of them at tho
Gazette Office. . . .
lliklMlihin NOTARY PUBUC
J. ofrici