Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 27, 1895, Image 4

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While Jon s.eep roar subscription paid ap ycu
0&n keep your brand in treeot charge.
Allyn, T. J., lone. Or. Horse. GO on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
rinht ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row ounntr.
n,;i rt W nl non. HorHM branded I) B
on the left' hip; oa'tle the ssmemi left flnnk.
crop off ri(?Vit ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Home,
branded 1 E on either shoulder. llange in Mor
row count . ,
bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thinh: split in each ear.
Brenner. Peter, (iooneheri-y Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. ( little same on
right side. 1T . .
Hrosman, Jerry, lena, Or Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left Hide.
Left ear half orop nd right ear nmxir slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Hones, J B on
right thigh; oattle same on right hip; split in
CBl'il will. . ,
Bm.n J. C. Henrtner. Or. Horses, oirole
ft A..i : .a, lor on loft. MlK Cflttle. fidTlO.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar
nver It. on tho left shOHlder. Cattle same on left
iv tit n umnnaf. Or. Horses, box
brand on ri'gh: "nip oattlo, same, with split in
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or .-Horses, P B on left
shonlder; cult o. same on ibit mo.
"X ' ' -.tit t u..- rt.rntt.ln. .TB connected
onT cr.P:.n left ear and two spl.tnand
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
H nn the left thigh; llange in tux valley,
Grant county. w. Or.-Horse brand
edO on right stilie; cattle (three barn) on
. ' i.t -lh. cron andsnlit in each ear. llange in
U rinTf'a leb.Or.-Y I) on horses on left stifle
TTViL.rfirBl over it. on wrt, snoumer
and on left stifle on all colts u -dnr S years; on
loft shoulder only on all horseB oyer o )ro.o,
rn,??'V;uu " Vlnion or Lena. Or. Horses
H O on right shmilder; oattle same on right hip.
J? KJ " rim.tllU nounties.
LiV m M Oalloway. Or-Oattle crop out
of each ear and underhit, wattle in forehead
half circle C on left stifle, iluuse Mor.
TT t ; I In nnnntioB.
Carl, T. H.T John Way, Or.-Doi,b!e cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei .
in right ear, split in left. ear. llange in Hran
I f, Ou sheep, inverted aud spoil- ,,,,, it
on shonlder. Kar markou ewes cr op - . -
pouched upper bit in right, vyoine,
right and nnder half crop m left ear.
in trautcm.u,,. .. riehtshonl
T.! .!,; right, hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in ri"iht.
(Inrrin. li. X., Currinsville, Or,
left stifle. ,.
u.l a Tfnrilman. nr.-
" " ,u.. loft Sin
Bin center: nor-.. r- t
(-oonran, r. .".," . . ,.,...,(, f,
sh: oS; same brand on both hips, mark
orses branded
the same. Also
.uo"" ,' "TV . ,;ht thlvh! ca tle same
P""1". ''. " Zl . and out oil end of
Wren, A. A.. Heppner, Or. Horses running A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. 8., Gooseberry. Or. Horse braniW
THnn the rht shonld"
crop in
All ranga
Horses, 50 on
Caitlo, C with
. and dewlap
Crispin. H., Hardman, Or. Hoi
O on right hip. tU.hrw.W th
brands CI on now- k
brand ou right shoulder,
rlghtear. n.n... Or.-tottle. ll lon
...;n.? .T:J;;i:f rkineaoh ear; horses, It U
on left hip. hranilwl KI.V
.."r.;;, iT.rttle same on lofthip. hole
on left shoulder, oattle sa
lP u n,dman. Or.-Horses branded
r . Imversoo wo o m"i ' ...
right hip; horses
Hmaon right hip. llange m Morrow coiiniy,
i. Ituoimer. tr. 1 aunt
rioniii, ..... ,i,. ,, ;,,!,(
r won '
Hetipnor, f)r
right snouioni. u"".
H. P.
right hip.
7h .n vou arc about to buy a Sewinjr Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisement
and be led to think you can get tue Pest made,
iicest linitttud and
lost Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
you buy from renauie manu
facturers that have pained a
reputation by honest and square
iralinf, you win men get a.
iewintc Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage ana is
i Light Running
There Is none In the world that
ffiCTJiAJ can equal in mechanical con-b'W-fr&fQ
struction, durability of workinif
I' SiSr nnrta. fineness of finish, beauty
P-' tP n appearance, or has as muny
V improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented),, other has
it ; New Stand ( fatenteii), driving wheel hinfred
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
28 TTkton Bqttark, N. X
E. McNEtLL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
st.. .. v, Wftaftw Mars.
una. w n.it.n 'lirrAS.
Sam 1,'icl.vcisco, :t u
FOR Sfi'.r BY
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
St. Paul Kansas City
lint rim. morniw
Howard J li, fHlli.-av, "r:-",1,"?',n,1
rithhir ! IMnn nitiil shuildnr; oattl
,n lft side. IUuijii in Morrow and Un
inner, or non.ni, v on
V on ritfht hip or t,hih.
.r.'lL. a.sT.r it. on left stlHa
!"'!., and Umatilla ooonties
Tliatt A. B Ki;U. "'--X'Tih
with qnarter oirole under It on , the
Hance in Morrow ami uu,." 'r
.. . .. u 1 Wanner. Or h (T
coi mSllon riKht shoulder on hor-.s; on cattln,
on r ht h p and on left tide, swallow fork in
?"h , ear anil slit in left. lUti m llayMack
distrlot.mor'ow oonn.j-
tl' H'llllK
on lrt sine, w -
' Ha!l""Kdwin. John Dav. Or.-f'attle K H on
riiiht hip; hors -s same on rlnht shoulder. Hamc
'"hMMr'tleppnar. Or.-Hor. shal-i
heart on the M t sho-ildnr. tan Morrow ( ...
llunsaksr, B A, Wanner. Or. -Horses. B on Inf
lho,il lr;eitle. 'n lft hip.
Humphreys. J M llardmaii. Or.-H ors., II on
tolU?ion. 1,nther. K.i .ht Mile Or -llors, H on
the left shoulder aid irl n the Inf t. stilii ( at
I. " . i- .... Ituiimi in Morrow non'iiv
n..n Or -II omni hrmlil
II J on 'the left. nldr; .a'tle lira ..I.hI .1 on
.,l.i i,i., also underliit in left ear. Itamtii in
Morrow county. .... ,
Jutisiu.t. M.. Heppner, Or Horses, liors
h" 3 on I'-" shoulder. Cle, tho san-
llani flM Mile.
, . w.ii. I...,. Or.-Hor.. e'rU To.
i-. ...e...'.nl' ..n on rinht hip, tl'elef hull
Kenny. Mike. Il-ppner. or - II .rse. b"- '
KNY on U'l top cattle same and crop "H left
air; under slope on the rlll,,1 , ,,
Kirk J T . H"i'i.ier Or.-ll .rsee nil nn Ixfl
tho.il l r1 nsttle. 1M on left hlo , .
Kinibrla.id.W.O.. M.wnl Vernon. Or.-1 l.nn
oatt le on nidit and irisi.i..eii..-........ .... m .
sr and . I.r e.op in r ich! ear H..r saint W
bra', I on le't should-' H..e It mnt ...nf,. W
U often. Hleph-n. , oi. "r.-JJ I. " l-J hip f
on mule crop and stdit on riuhj ear. llor.w -
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details cull on O. R.4N
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Qen. Pass. Agt.
They Are Employed to Amuse Mem at
When, for instance, a Chinese jrentle
man intends (fiving; a dinner to three
friends he will arrange for it to be pro
vided on a flower boat at a certain
hour, and also for the company of eight
dining-out girls two for each gentle
man, says a writer in Century. I
call them dining-out girls, as it best de
scribes to me their calling. They will
come prettily dressed, their hair done
up in most wonderful shapes and
brushed over with a sort of varnish
which makes it appear like a fantastic
head-dress, carved in ebony. They will
ornament this structure with bright
flowers, though the wreaths will be as
stiff as their hair; or they will some
times add jade, gold or feather-inlaid
ornaments. Their faces will be painted
in white and pink very artistically
painted, smooth and soft-looking, de
licately traced; sharp black crescents
will mark their eyebrows. Dainty, de
mure dolls they will appear and pretty
to look upon; but seemingly one touch
would destroy their artistic effects, as a
rough hand the radiance of a butter'
fly's wing.
Two of these young ladies will at
tend to each gentleman, sitting slightly
back from the table at each side of the
entertained. They will fill his liquor
cups, sip from them and pass them on:
pick out dainty pieces of "chow" (food)
with chopsticks and hand them to him:
crack jokes, fill and light his pipe and
all the while chat gayly and eat dried
watermelon seeds. That is all I ever
saw them eat. Behind each group ol
three a solemn-looking coolie, or waiter,
will stand to fan them all the while,
Other waiters bring in food, wine and
tea, change the dishes and attend to
their wants. The meal will last for
long time. Eventually all will rise and
retire to an outer room furnished with
broad couches covered with matting,
Opium pipes will be there for those
who care for them and tobacco and
cigars in plenty. The girls will sic on
the couches, laugh, fill the pipes and
still cat watermelon seeds, while the
gentlemen will recline at their ease, en
joying their society.
In all its stages
completely eradicat
ulcers vield to its healing oowers. It re'
moves the poison and builds up the system
Vlliuble mttlie on tb diieite and Its tintmtnl Rial lee nt
1 o
Send 5 Cts for Sample Package
.S'd;t Frincinco Office,
No. 220 Sutter Street.
San. Francisco
And all point in California, via the MU Bhait
route 01 me
Southern Pacific Co.
rhe (treat hiahwar through California to all
points Kast and South. Grand Hoanio Rout
of the Paoino Coast. Pullman Buffet
Hleapera. Hecond-olass Hleeper
Attaohed to express trains, attordina superior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, ticket, sleeping car reservations,
itc. call npon or address
K. KOKHl.KR, MansKor. K. P. ROGERS, Alit
Qen. f. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
yv 1 5,,Mt- ?iSV. L"!htC8t,
" fji P jfjjjjjir Accurate,
Receiver. Compact,
eimi otsti'l on
1,-witlUn. I I'm W.,
bran (,. iiilf 'ii -"Vi"
dr. Caul", rn'ii " I"'' I'"1'
lll'"ll , ...
lntK'r. J w iil"i"'
lili, ws'ileor r.i(ht
lift -li'i'il I (i'ii( im'il
. lr l ,r...
1 . 1 I .fl ,'l . ll
Ki'W nir I,. I
lf.,rs lirn, I
e rtt M m;i .'f
lir"n sill" 111 rn'il
i ... I il. tlHi,i,nr. Or
rt..i.l' 'I h. Hm-io- -lll
I n ' . , . ,
M, It i" . ' I -r. Kr .1' I '
r,r, l, ifl. l; li " " " ''d
Um hi M -r r Miuir
Mn..fr. il,ir,
.. .V.. i
on U't sh.Mililo rame
Mit.'hli.var l "'.
bin; ns'lie tl ill rtM ld'.
Nal il'
Ir. -'"stile.
n left .Ii'i'll'l-W.
M l ..
l-,n. lU't r -M-irswe S N
smxiI on lfl .li.ml lr; ea'tle 'h 'ill-,
itllf. I'errf. Uim'm. .-' '
-s . .,
eht..i.li.r; rnl '"" "" "'I
',ri'i. K. l ii Mil...
,.h l,.fl alt, .til, I r
! ...
nil '1
I if l.n I
ll,., ll I if 'M'll
. . ? i', .. . u
wn l hlii. "i '''
!,. s illoii. it w I ns-i.ilr. -
fi 'i i ll lr.
I'll, Kr I. Iaiift rtl
BI..M. US'!! ! lll 1 ""m "
I'lllW. " '" ' , " ""
ri. Ml '"I "'ils n-
n - hi' la "' . . ,
..j... a i' llr : K dii
- .','.Hl -, ."l. I 'I J ri.Min.-le I 1.1 r-
ft hiai.ui.i-f la "' 1 mUu 1
sa lf-. H,i-I sn -
-"H .,w---.r-i--' -'
an."1'' .-ill-. "";" '
,,., ..1 i.'i . I .i.ii " '
M .,. S "I l r-.."i-l-"--
11..,., selr-a- i."'l.
a... ii au .hi .'i .i. nil".
I.M.I Mil' "! 1'
lie -r.. '
IV-..W. Van II lir. HI.
' I. ,.'
and r-,
ft.-- trt.'
I'll . It
.lit Ml
rr la i.a l'-l p."
..1 flt l "f I I ''1 '
,t-i U'l . 1 1, ll. ' '
II '
The tlinmh Is an nnfslltng Inrtri
of clisiai ler. TUe h.iin- 'I )r In
dlcstn a strung III. grrst enrntt
and DrtT ( ln-ely sllirn Is tli
HhSlillsli-d 1 yt". Hie thlllnhnl tliosf I
of silvaHi-pil liliss and biiamrsa
si. liny. 11. .Ill ol llir-r lyrs bt-limi
to lh tin'T iiisn or ainiiaiii sua I
iN-nxirrol's I sinilr Msisriiie pre-
lino's riii-i'l'illy f"r such ihtshiib
whole viiIiiiiip n( ni-w lili-ns. con
il'-nm il III s Mimll simre, m ihst Uir
rrriird of His avhnle world's wnrk
fur a pmMli nisr be rr-sd In half so
hour. 'Hie Colin al 1 ' liiilirsti-a
rrnirmiiit, culiuro. and a love of
inii-u-. ihk trr, anil Art Ion. A ih-ioi !
ttllh linn Ivmi i.f iliuinh will tlior. I
.' 1 1) v i iij.. tin- III' rnt sllmi in. in
of lh in.. ii -I s Miikssiu . '1 lie Ar
tiri.r '1'vi.n iiuiii mI.-s a li'ie of
I., aniT si d srt, wl.ii h III flml ran
it,-a"iire III tlif nisrninrrlit ii.trl. I
1 llti- 1. 1 mi s, Mi ifl ln n-. i(.m.
ilu. id I1..111 II i ik-ii.al I'sitiiliiii- br 1
' Ih- U'liiiri', ilii ni"t ci-ii brninl of
v 'V liiinir tl'iwrr I'Slnlriw, wlilih will
j (- iriien In etirr auliMftbrr to
p iiiiin ni a aiSL-srnie i"r i-iki. i ne
iti.l nf ti.la iiniIi wtilk ol srt was
I ki.ii; ai d Uir ii-it'Hii una
i. it. .ml It i.i.i lu'"lliril fl'.in the
or mal. II "I'll ttf. sn rliiitt,lle
ml nr walr-rm'tiir .mIiii ! ub- j
lirlud In rs b bunilirr of llir Mra
cine, and Hie sri'ilr-s ere so on.
fil-rlr and sniiblf lilnnlrslrd Ihst
Ibe Msi-sailie Is, la n-mlif, a l-fi-(..ilu
of ait wnilis of II. hn.br
ortlrf Tin l'hlli.ri,l.lr 1 'l U lh
Ihtinib nf lh liitiikrr and Inarnli
i.t l.lna, wba will I ar-ir Inier
rr.tfi In lb" drarlnit-it moiitb,
111 llmi.inal s Maifasine. In rarrf
in.e id IIS aiirnrri'iia UriertrTii'lils.
wli i b cu r lbs enure arilatic ana)
i.nr rld. chfiHiirlli'f ry
fail, Isli-rv, Slid (! of Ihe flat.
Ihmirial I S'i.' l-r-lfert
I nn.a Maiarliie, si.d wsa Ifl. sata
I '...I,.. I V'er" "f 'I" MuMb.lr-a.
hrit.1 In v.inr aaWrtirllnti; H wiH
i,,.l mtiT .''. S'd fm will ksea
S 'li.rrn alatarttiea In ('tie. AtMree
M J, l,.a llraiiaseT. Il'llbr,
1 Illb flrn-l, New Ynk.
'i it.Hiii M s (sritii'W Wifarsa-lne. M
t .f.-i fa-lilne .4.--.s'd iiasnli 'e
i,ti tintily stil rli.tirallc anslirr. will
1. . ciii.tlalian li.trir.4 in lbw
l-.r,.aa. 0 ll.e r'ei'ili TS lf
Most Modern and progressiva
K.ir rstslomie or lufonnailun write to
New Haven. Conn.
If Villi nae the Petalum
Imubalers HnnMlrra.
kl.ike mmiey while
olhrre are wa.ting
time by old pn m-s.
filial. -K tells all about
ll ailildra-rilH-s every
at title nredril for tilt
poultry business.
jzk The4' ERIE"
wea Vr mrrhanl-rally the beet
f 7".i . Awheel. 1'trlllr.lm-ntlrl.
I iiSV I we aie l'n.Hic C.l
V';T V yAKenls. iiiivcle csta
Jr, aSi" li Ui - "-' ' f
r. II . I-.!. r.rlm ete alirT WArtTFO.
PETALUMA inCtTBATOl CO..Petalimi,Cal.
II a A nl il lloi . ti H Mam M,, uua anceirs
r?: I a l-nl-e 1 I
Vl lllu.;.ted 1 I
J V ii 1 1 -i i-vrj wm m-m-t
A. P.T. L.
' i,..n.l. whiih In., bei'S la Hseaisil
sire. alerMlr,i.Me, e..ft eail, a-4
..,,-.lh. Mfjiiilnt III. Ibraw tlS UJ
Wlihh bi. eaaenltellf rt la
', r ea er-rr ...,r rrf w '-un etmnld enberrlbe UI
. r.i . l , ailn. If "l S BSriiSilrrJ Wllk
, .. t. mil I. a n"ia e.-r ifreei, an4
,,i i. i il i erviif ihra Till Vl nn baa fes
i.. i .. ai aaa'i t W""-r b r,,ii.g la aw
b'bg tal erUts'l iU UtMSlf wsau sf
!.-. I I '' .
. .. 1 Ml H.i . . H
left sarrabbrt. t 'lie. tl '''! bi..
miM w r. ii-i ih- i 'I--
I a, -a t- aril- -' ' '
tm ta M t'.i I" I-'
aa,,.p I.,.,m. H'rtwee.
left b'V. "' WS " ie't b''.
t-ilal. r.ila.
, , .h. I ..I.I al-. .'. I . I '
i.l at ... l-r Ha- a- " ' ' ' '
ii, l. i..,tili r ll
tl I a " v '
J,.- ti.th.l,IN I'
ll J 1 1
W i
N I-
, I... i
al I
a a .
I a, I.
II aa M hi
;, I'
It al..1 1- ..i, II a . .
U e- "'-W - I
au., a l s.ti.r--. -
SUM ai re"ie b I " "" "
M-a J 'l-f
mm ...M bit t 4'"W '" '"'
K.w H . M'll-
Wf -i;-.'.vir.i-r.r'T..... .
tt l..l. .,, .
- I I
I .. . ....-. J a. H.1 . '
lf, , r '
I ,,. a I ,l -i
ab winter
I.. N W II.. '
baft .,..- H b.
,.K ., I.l ,. a
MI... II I
Ht l b." " "
kU.''-'la- ' - " ,H
mm th.M l'l !
ba."l II ""
rx.il r, i.' t I
a. ,m I.. j
.. .bar!
II ...-
Ill f-aj J
. . a', I I
r l.
"V - v 1 r;r,i '.i - - -
t-l it -a mi -
C. V.-4 - b-t -bb-.
SI ie.r , r
. - - ... u'l 1 . " ..11
V i. i. -
r, , , bWxre ll
?bef0rrertlvesttaftbMtwaf arte
Is beanea le taaosl f-enMrfta.
Tby llal-.l tbel frlf eneellly bj
Met alaaeit sweet t be AasntA.
1kM sstxee Ibe beall eaL
H ef
4a i ra,a,l lb eey eatvieosly tee W
lnif li,thR
tf , M
iftkl Cbl ( l (0 , II larwea) II , f.
TlieAmeiican Protective Tf iff League
ii a national orgAnization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
InJustiy" at epla'med by its conitltu
t on, at follows '.
'tKbfte tb lesgu sbstl be is paeter-l
Ata-eriisn lef br e tar.ft a trweort. whb sss4
ada.waUi seewre Aeieneee MatV tel StdDl
. . - . . . .a aul.. 1. 1 e
ega-nai a., irmpraart, '' ii . .
There are no personal or private
profits in connection With the 0 gsniza-
t on and it niuttained by memberthips.
contribution! end the distribution of its
fllllT: Ce sr a.l4 eeta4..j
irCOSO: We aaWaMlaaM eawtr.but.ee.
, ..! seet e lef a. w ir .
THiNO' We awbi-ah tsrye b (Kaata-b
" r'arH I'-a la. " -.a.. c.tw
.la a.1 44 I a"iamis 60 tent
r0U"TH : lw4 aeeUI ea4 reuavat Se v
semr-e -ry e l-e " ae". I.neat
at)iM W.'bue C Wskemse Oiatn SrwUy,
I J9 West 24 lv-eV new vera.
liaaawraerysuM itaaaentkisef
aswwwaw.se essses , g
ks e aarwra tax keel fatawto W am ellewta.
a4 saaaaa ebaa aaa a aa s er
latMl r4 Sbaae brabl fcira Al Ma aaaw
ewek aa iafaM r-a M ssabst tta awl tk
Vaaksa Iba "a.waai.kaw "skakiaaW eewV sM e
sa4 avww wean m baeaag lb ajaara an s berk,
a. " -,mm muM." a S- "Waiaa.
W hiii, aaU nawtal eaba but .-. aVe ssm
ee re tee a4 wee ar.ie.g , aaai iwaaa wrf
aeianiaiail aa aa eia-e l KM lefN laaies ks k
leak . aryMlkaaiaeltMemk(aeB
ferae tokaa aa -" b e aawrwasl we la
be " bal kavwaaa. .1 I aa Ik nkm t'as
Sealed In the Walls of Parliament
Opened Every Twenty Years.
The originals of our yard measure
and pound weight otherwise, the
British standard weights and meas
ures are scaled or walled up in the
sides of tho house of parliament at Lon
don. The cavity in tho wall in whiehl
these precious standards arn nrnnPryed
Nome what resembles a tomb and can be
opened only by tearing away the wall.
Tho two articles which are therein so
safely cased are both of metal. The
yard measure is of bronze, in the shape
of a bar, thirty-eight inches in length,
thirty-tiix sections, or one yard, having
been marked off upon it with some
finely scaled instrument. The weight
standard is a cube of platinum, weigh
ing exactly sixteen ounces. Weighty
as it is it is scarcely more than an inch
in extent on cither side, and, if sold for
the metal there is in it, would bring
nearly two hundred dollars.
Once every twenty years tho walls
inclosing these standards are torn
away for the purpose of removing the
two pieces of metal and comaring their
length and weight with the ofllciul
standards in use by the bureaus of
weights and measures. These com
parisons are made under tho supervi
bion of the president of the London
board of trade and several other ofliuials
appointed by the dilTerent branches of
the queen s government.
Lxtremely delicate and elaborate ap
paratus for making these comparisons i
lire used, nnd if the units in use by the
bureau referred to huve been changed,
or deviate the least from the standards
with which they were compared twenty
years before, they ore immediately
changed, so us to conform with the
originul bronze and platinum types.
The ceremony of "comparing the
etaiiilanh," was last made in April,
After the enmpariMins had been made
and no variations detected, they were
again walled up with the understand
ing that they would not be again dis
turbed until April, l'JIX
A Horrible I'baa of Just Ire Anions the
In Ireeember, v, I was in Canton.
One afternoon I vUlted the principal
law court. 1 wo prisoners In chains
were introduced mr an old man, too
Infirm to wnlU. t lie other a youth, tol
rrablv vigorous, but abject and forlorn
In demeanor. The prealiling mandarin
appeared, bat down and aiptwd lil tea.
while an onVlal paltered out a long
oral inn, presumably an Indictment,
fur tin1 priiMinera proceeded, a 1 un
demtiMNl. to plead "ii"t guiltv." What
followed. bav a writer In the Specta
tor, wa tins: The old man was held
up -not held down while two stolid
Chinamen flogged him with long
pliant rane aluve the knera. The
youth via diventnl of bin chain.
hieh were then piled up In front of
hi in t'pon llir ! a compelled to
kneel, w hit hia feet, hand and nig.
tail were alt attached hv a ford to
n pn.t Whiinl him and tightly secured.
The mi-, i if the victims and the eorn
plete riiiip.H.ur of the bperUtorw were
itil, .' '- ' aal I - mnh to
my guide, whom I generally regarded
a an amiable being. Ilia reply was
"Thi very Interesting. I never aero
this da-fore." though I hav no doubt
hr had. The rtplanatltin of the dread
fill ka-rti- krua ther could be nn
a that. Iy lh law of China, no man
can ! i-krviitcl until Ii ha ronfet
his guilt llira two individual ha.
twrn ei.nkleted beyonil doubt of hrln
on i rinif., but they refused to con few.
The allernallv trfor them ta t
euliott nr di lh by turliir. and appar-
etillv tliev prefrrreil th Utter, lh
e.-riiiioliV I II tiea was to r-
rate. I ile die ill dti-itt unld rilher life
or ft ..ihitttitt gat way. II" the ehj
came, of enure. 1 never knew.
more completely reoognized as earl of
Argyll; and we are not sure that the
dukedom has not impeded one or twe
promising politicians in the house of
lords. Certainly a duke rarely rises
there, unless he becomes known to the
country before the title crushed him.
Is it that the rank overpowers the pop
ular imagination till men cease to see
the person a thing which constantly
happens in the case of kings or is it
that men can never forget the special
rank by merging it into the simpler
and more familiar title of "lord?" No
peer except a duke is invariably men
tioned by the title which marks his
grade. We have no idea of the true
explanation, but we know that a po
litical earl who accepted a dukedom
would lose heavily in popular estima
tion, and that even a marquis, like
Lord Salisbury, who would alter his
rank so little, would find that the cor
onet of strawberry leaves acted, to a I
certain extent, as an extinguisher,
while if his son never entered the!
house of commons he would have to I
struggle against some inexplicable
weight- The fact is one of the very
oddest in the whole of the odd history
of the influence of rank, but of its
reality we entertain no doubt whatever.
To say "that is a ducal opinion," is to
say that it is an opinion that no one in
our days need consider.
That the RAMBLER
t. r.i ho v iar a-bool. over msrie is an indiSDutable fact. It stands in the
frnnt rank with all hteh irrade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be
punctured, It can be mended by you in five minutes, as It Is equipped with the world (
renowned 6. & J. clincher tirei with wood rims or copper-piatea sieei mus.
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, 1B0 each.
TUF RflMRLEPistliefaBtest. lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it Is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on Btrlct median-1
leal and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
v,... ,i ii. with oil onrt 24 Inr-h wheels, at 165. 55. 145 respect
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double lucking edge
clincher tires and are fully warranted, i
Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctaogue, circulars, terms nnd discounts, or call ;
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, v. ashing-
tonand Idaho. ERR, LU CYCLE COM PANY,
NorthweBt representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co'
Store, 327 Washington &t..
'Rambler Bicycles.
Portland, Or.
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power IHouse.
King- of Bicycles.
It can be stated with almost literal
exactness that rot a square yard of
Holland is neRlected by the sturdy people.
Liviko ir not cheap by any means m
Norway. To get food one must go to
the hotels and restaurants, which are
distinctly expensive.
A frying pan with legs about six
inches lontr is among the curios recov
ered at Herculaneum. If belonged to
Docilla, who had scratched her name
on the handle.
I 1893, for the first time in four
years, there was a slight excess of
births over deaths in France. The
number of illegitimate births was
70,000, the highest on record, 8.8 per
cent, of all the births.
Constantinople's ancient walls are
to be restored; two commissions have
been appointed to superintend the
work. The Turkish government also
proposes to establish a school of archi
tecture in Constantinople.
Wubn a prince of the Austrian royal
family dies, his horse follow the
funeral covered with a black cloth and
lame in one hoof. The lameness is pro
duced by driving a nail through the
horseshoe. 'This is the sign of the
1 deepest possible mourning.
All the little booths in the Champs
Elysees, the delight of the children,
where cakes and lemonade and toys
were sold, are to be removed, and
kiosks, like those on the boulevards,
are to take their places; two of these,
however, are to be reserved for chil
dren' supplies.
at a recent sale m laris, long om-1 . . . , . ....... - riitfAnn iff
cial communication of the committee Factory ana Main UHICC; mKC inu namcu oi.t wn.wraviw. iuu
of public safety, signed by KobeKpierre,
larnot and llerault de fceclu'llea I
brought one hundred and five francs.
The order to execute Gen. de ltiron.
signed by Fouquicr-TiDvllle, fetched
ninety-six franca.
Four Models $85 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
BRANCH BS i New York. Sao PrtncUoo, 5lt Uk City, Drover, Memphis, Detroit, Toronto.
A. U'. PATTERSON, A grid for Morrow County, Hrjynrr, Oregon
i '
. aa
Tl ea'l'ef e il "fi 'i.n rii ft Ui
lieiiil n VI) He e f . ."! , I Ihe
refitsr r kt ( !ei Weekly Of"iie
Mft VI. A.., ..i.e eul-. fi!,ir I. ll
(lei'Me Mi l t K at f"' , ear in
a.lt S't . en , . I l-''l H ' Oentle ee.l
'4i.liil.,',....i! r;;' I.l !.-
sexto's , tf f.eif S 'lta liiS I !
ee ) rait in e 1 1 " lila rilillr l W
l eS eeaf al-a f
4eietin V 1 1
MaJk e eaes a
ar a. ik iM.t. trmm ef ra, ea a2 m aWeas.
Ik a aa- blwae. fcee- -a rte. il.lanil
Viti smsm .a- e. et iiiw ii.ae,
el rmm W tfce - awl a. mt ' S naiaaag
aleleeiataai, 4 S a n liai.e.
W s-aaM-l 1-, tne t 1 S...aa S
taiei as a. eaa-.Kae Vat kae(ap Se skeat
a,.iiaaeiai -A
eaaaaieaite jfM my Sea'
i jims vrnnrKrstt?s a co..
lelliHaaS mt A S"4 I I'teajta,
! .iSrMrret.N.W..
!lV.jt,. WAshln(fl.n. C.
I t-r A.e.eaa . aVe " -- mmfmtm
IM .rAe mt rinilek fs.SMllly tAklea I Ie4
eeee )W relllllf rsnale.
W me,r tmi o jwulinrtty In the
rnflish d'cliiif alxtiit it!e,of which
have tirver Ttl rToriW
plenstitTi, Mti th Umdon Ppretot.if.
Th riiU.ai r.'t"il" dis'ilie the tit'.t
of duitii, Ntine of h al'lrst perrs lo
p4iUr have tnrn ilukra; tot to he)
duke weifh lntrol of 11,'Meoinja o
niao in the f rrt r.- f,f pimrt There
U Widely difusaaal iuipreutnn. I lie
orijr.ti of whli h rnnl tr.. K t i
duWe ) an re U ba 0 l.ttie etupid. that 0
l'r.;,tit duke I. In f- t. on In. (.,!
My. The t't'.e l 0 rsUe ilrswba. U
I.l r.. at it aa e of tVitiliifv. il
lu'se of JVrl'jr iau'id lirvrr ha tr
ef,i. , Uiuwrt -f lUt.
Ihe duka Arc '.'. aU. la Aa lo'cl
Titx personal and private charities
which merit the attention of Mrs. Tot
ter rainier coat her l-I.VOog year.
Mha. Ilcsnv M. Ktanlct has fad
for collecting parasolsand has gathered
gn-at ipntiy of them for her cahineti.
Some of tho Ihmton twautiea, who are
fund of athletic exerrlwa, array them-
Ires, just u'ter break fast, in half
g tuna nil in n.t vine and run loot-racea.
Tll( priri-..aa of Wales and her daugh
ter hav uken up wood carving aa
nieaua of pleasant oeeupation. The
prince la already great carver of air
loin and game.
Tub czarina of Ruwio la fond of
swimming and to indulge in it la hav
ing a bath of white marhle made In the
winter palace, in which ahe ran have oil
the pleanure and comfort she desire.
O, II. I. r.rt.vinT will have hia Bum
mer villa at Newport an arranged that
gueata will drive In on the lower floor
and their horaea and carriage will t
taken up on the elevator, just a they
are driven In. so that peraona may
light directly at the ballroom d.mr.
A Thru. U s M4 raaef.
A jrtntnp Vi'iUxn thrush taken from
the tu'kl U. aumnier and raise, I by
hand has a bath and run every morn
ing on my fl r v. ith all the uth r Mra,
says a writer In Harper's Young I'rople.
A few day a ago he had hia freedom, aa
usual, while 1 vaa at break ft. m ray
return a glance at hpev'ky d a, loa-d
met!ting hanging from hia bill an
inch r nwr In ler.,-th. The bird waa
caught, esiiii'ued. and It waa found
tliat tlie little svatt p had ai:ttrd
plr.-e of elastic c-rJ vahti h It hrd f mnd
tu tl,e s,- Ing tUi t. The nitil-rr was
C'tind val'.h white cl.'tU. and 1 up
paase the f.ai'.ish bird had mistaken tins
ol'jetl f ff 0 Cne 11 worm. I wn the
abort time it had lien in ire mm
stoma- h the lower half of It had ba'.lei..
as.l fists tf rarrfnt maftsf rment Vaa
it Cnalijf etrctel. It neaeirsHl altj
In. hra In lrnh and waa aa big ario 1 1
as th.' enorsa-et wrapt lug line. It .
ptrauwnt to id I lliat the W ilson thntse
aang aa usual nest m n.ng
1"fi jrals un the a!eg'.ci It al
ways, str.kea the right keynote.
No m mil what he mar r'aimt-it
In i hutch, a atingy tuan caoivtH m
happy ie.
rtnttt difat t"p wofkiflf at tha
Irade te-au e!y te,r In lie
tbd s-nd il to tt t.
Tot rel'urU'O ll t I nans? in ehorrh
t erarimee reff I Ifl plstwa where)
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. Vou need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
f 1 T
" e X X. I"I " f
Yourc .BOUXD to Tnlco WZm.
Lenves No ConMipnttcn,-
Hl 'h!. wflVI ha t--w ' J HB1 h -KU j
(we. . a Welt ee .1) tl lU-fie, fcjr, t.4.,. el Tet.U, , T. eal.
C. f IrtaWO Mil to II - fid. h. M t a l ... ... , fc.il
rH f !". M ei. tf tl. l Ht.MlMi VIIUCAL CJI
lit lil-.i. " HM Feaeaaw, (xJ-