Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 27, 1895, Image 3

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The Danger is Averted by Using
. "Nearly forty years hro, after
Rome weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray Und began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
vitli immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I. commenced using this prepare
Here and There.
.Mrs. E. W. Rhea ia reported bb beint
New Year's ball next
T, J. Matlock was in from the raucb
Tuesday .
VV. O. Hill
Christ mas.
wa9 np from Lexington
Frank Sloan is io from
this week.
Batter creek
Billy Gordon was on tbe eiok list two
days this week.
Lishe and Eob Watkins spent Christ
mas in Heppner.
Leet Greenwood is Bpendiujr Christ
mas in tieppuer.
are visiting at
tioi, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs.'lI.M. IIaicht,
Avoca, JCefo.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Ayer's Samaimrllla Removes 1'hnples,
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per Hue will be
Sharped for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of
ren)wct," lists of wedding presents and donors,
nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever nnrnnaa.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
enis a one. rneio rules will be strictly adher
id to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpou application.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Ixng Creek,
ionu uay ana i:anynn i;ny, lenves as lollows
Every day at li a. in., excont Hundav.
A rrives every day at f ui.. except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best Hue to or
from the Interior country.
Phlll Colin. Agent.
Extra Pale Star Brewery Beer
in Kalf Pint Buttles can be
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where high grade Liquors and Cigars are also
kept by Ted.
Niw Feud Yahd. Wm. Gordon has
opened np the Yed yard next door to
tbe Gazette olllce, and now aolioita a
bare of your patronage. Hilly is rlifbt
at borne at this business, and your
horsei will b well louked after. Priors
reasonable. Hay and (train for sale. tf.
Newt Jones and wife
Billsboro this week.
Mrs. Jerry Cohn is up from Portland
visiting her relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunt were over
from Clinks canyon Tuesday.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8. C. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Rev. Father BeotRen, of Pendleton.
will hold Oulholic servioes in Heppner
jext Suuday.
I. L. Sargent and wife are spending
the holidays with their son, 0. 0. Sar
get, and family.
Hon. Henry Blackman, collector of
internal revenue, arrived thU morning
for a brief stay.
A New Year's ball at the opera house
is planned for next Wednesday evening.
Are you going?
Fred Hallook, Art Minor and Ike
Euois lei t this morning for Wall oreek
for a bunting trip.
Wm. 0. Geiger left last evening for
Forest Grove and will spend the winter
with bis relatives there.
Mrs. Chas. Johnson, of Tbe Dalles,
spent Christmas with ber parents, Mr
ead Mrs. W. U. Ueutry.
0. C. Hargent and family enjoyed a
noma tree on Christmas eve. The tree
contained over 200 presents
Thos. Carle. Geo. Noble and Oscar
Sohiiffrr are in town to participate in tbe
Masonic installation tonight.
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aud Wash, ate., Portland, Oregon.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins arrived from The
Dalles this morning and will fill bis
regular appointments at this place.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
hamsick building, Heppner, Or. tt
Misses Belle Frenoh and Ethel Boyer
went down to Lexiogton Christmas to
visit Mirs French's sister, Mrs. Potter.
0b Rogers, we are informed, on tbe
20th mat., sold a car load of beef oattle
to a Portland firm at $2.b5 per hundred.
ibe Uhzette will take last spring
calves in lieu or oasn. Any one owinp
who baa oattle can easly liquidate, if so
inclined. tf
Mrs. C. S. Van Duyn and daughter,
Edna, ure expected to arrive home from
Mow io lime to enjoy a New Yeai'i
W. J. Lerzer sells a one pound pack
age of tea, "Crown" brand, al 50 cents
and gives io addition one silver plated
teaspoon. a
Don't fnreat tbe New Year's ball at
the opera bonse. Good musio and
grand time is tbe . program for the
The leading tea dealers of Heppner are
on baod with some speoial drives io this
ne. A natural leaf Japan, good quali-
, no dust, sweepings or trash, at 25
oents per lb., old prioe, 35 cents. Im
perial Gunpowder, a regular 75 ceot
grade at 50 cents. Fine English Break
fast, a regular 75 oents erade. at 50 oents.
Tbe two last makes a tine blend. Free
mplea to those who wish to try it.
cbilling's $1.00 grade at 75 cents.
Several other lending brands at corres
pondingly low prions, at Odd Combina-
lon Store of P. O. Thompson Co. 97-4t
Miss Binnie DeForeet. director of the
elocutionary department of the Portland
University, will give an elooutionary
reoital at the opera house on Tuesday
evening, Deo. 31, commencing promptly
at eight o cloak- Miss DeForeat has
bad years of experience as a teaoher of
elocution and on tbe stage. An interest
ing program intersperced with musio
will be rendered. Such an opportunity
to bear the best talent is seldom offered
the people of Heppner.
Tbe seoret of a speedy onre in sick
ness lies in selecting the proper remedy
and this Is diffioult to do unless one is
ure what the ailment is. But one thing
sure, had tbe liver been actively at
ork sickness could not have come. It
then always safe to take Simmons
Liver Regulator which keeps tbe liver
well regulated and all poison expelled
from tbe system.
Mrs. B. F. Vaughn has aooepted tbe
ogenoy of The Pacific Corset Faotory,
and those ladies who desire anything in
that line will please call on Mrs. Vaugbac.
It is well known that this firm makes
corsets to order and those who want
comfort and exact fits should see Mrs.
Vaughan before ordering. 97tf
To the aged, with their poor appetite,
reebie circulation, and impoverished
blood, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a boon
beyond price. Its effect is to obeok tbe
ravages or time, by invigorating every
organ, nerve, and tissue of tbe body
Sey Ayer's Almanac tor the new year.
A grand ball will he given at the opera
onse Wednesday, New Years night,
an. 1, lo'Jb Excellent music for the
ocoMBion will be furnished by Messrs.
Hale and Wattinburger. Prioe of ad
mission, $1 00 A grand time is assured.
Mrs. Taylor Dndson and obildren,
Miss Ava and Master Harlan, are over
from Fairhaven. In last, issue we noted
tbe visit of the young lady but our
scribe was not aware of the presence of
tbe other members of the family.
for Hale.
Ten shares of stork in the National
Bank of Heppner. Addrea Richard T.
Cox, Reoelver, Arlington, Oregon, t4tf.
Any inventor in Estern Oregon who
drain the iwvioe of an attorney in
Washington. 1). C , will fluJ it to bis
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. 6tf
O. B. Halt, th tons. trial artist, ean
be found at his parlors, Matlock comer,
where be will dispense at pnpnlar prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Ben Mtha Is now i proprietor of
the eitv meal market h-r be keeps a
freeh supply of b-i-f, "rk. ninilon. veal,
usage, bs00 and lard, winch be sells
for Ibe IowmI mark-l once. Fred Bock,
Ibe Portland but hr.l still wltb blm. tf
Now ia the time to get ibe Weekly
Oregooian, Hie gral neppcr of
the Wot. lib i hell -!. both trict
y In adrto,one )ar. 3 60 No better
CoBiblaatfP f Dl"t"l"
Io tbe lat. IIh..! we will give a
premium an additional Jourtul.the Web-
foot rlanter, an agnrtiitcral ptr,
Come in D" and anUmrlhah
Remember the DeForest elooutionary
recital Tuesdav evening. Admission 25
cents: reserved seats 3d cents: on sale
at W. li. Baling'.
Mathews Bros,, City bolel barber shop,
tonsoriul artists. Uairoutting, shaving
shampooing, etc., done oieutifloally
Bath at 25 cents apiece.
A beautiful snow atorm le on, with
tbe wind blowing, a hurricane. How
ever. It is melting aa fast as it fall
the Heppner t eigbborbood.
Hall' Hair Reoewer core dandrn
and scalp ffeotl'Ts: also all case
haldnesa where the glaode whiob feed
tbe roots of bair are not closed op
Married Oo Toesday evening, Deo
2-Hh. at the False hotel, Mr. Iran
Hale and Miss Utile) Howard. Jndg
Keitbly officiating. Siuoess to tbern
w bather yoo want photo or net, we
requeai )oo to call at Uerriu's studio
we are prepared to farnisb you tbe beet
ork in any Una of portraiture, trfitr,
J. W. Kerns, tbe city painter, I pre
pared to do all kind or painting and
paper banging and will do bouse clean
in and take np and pnt down carpets
Office oo Mala street, opposite City
We're always eontrttlni and dlg.ln and drl
for somrthlnf "to tickle the spot."
Then hn you feci marry, Just call on Uah
w ho kr Tom and Jerry r4 hot
tf. At lb Belvedere saloon
.faplala Hwexy, I', a. A,
80 Ite.. Cel.. : "Shllob'e
Catarrh llnied Is the firt medicine I ;
bat foun t (bat ul tdo me any
gfwd." l'M(e 00 oeote. For ty
Welle A Warren.
Nerves ea tit.
I as nervous, tire I. Irritable, and
eroea. Karl's Clover lUmt Tea ha mad
me well and happy Maa. F.. U. Won
MX. for ! by Well A Warrea.
Christmas Matters. Tbe Christmas
exercises at tbe M. , ohuroh, South,
on the evening ot the' 25 tb. were well
attended, tbe bouse being filled to its
utmost OBpacity. Tba program was
commenoed with singing by the choir,
followed by Wm. Walbridge with tbe
devotional exercise. Snpt. H. T. Bag-
ley mada tbe opening remarks, followed
by the S. S., with a welt prepared pro
gram, ibe essay of J. w. Humor on
the "Work and Objeot" of the S. 8.
showed careful preparation and was
instructive. Special musio was rendered
by tbe choir and tbe solo by Miss
Florence Crittenden nod duet by Mrs.
A. Minor and Miss Maggie Adkins are
deserving of speoial mention. Tbe
children rendered their respective parts
in a way whicb proved they bad re
ceived careful training. The meeting
was a grand success considering the
time consumed iu preparation and the
oomraittee ia charge are to be con
A Baby's Life Saved.
"My baby had oroup and was saved
by Shiloh's Cure," writes Mrs. J. B.
Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale by
Wells & Warren.
Red Blood
Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cure
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That is Why the cures by Hood's Sar
saparilla are Cubes.
That la Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures
the severest cases ot Scrofula, Salt Rheum
and other blood diseases.
That is Why It overcomes That Tired
Feeling, strengthens the nerves, give
energy in placs cf e-hsr.-t!on.
Tim. ia Why tho eu'. -s of Hood's Sar
Biriariila kava iauroijod year alter year,
until it now requires for its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
The World has the Money,
We Have the Goods !
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the public eye today. Be sur
to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hnnd' PH1 b"T-
The Masqubradk. Heppuer psople
usually attempt to eojiy themselves on
Christmas, and Deo. 25, 1895, was no
exception to the rule. The masquerade
at the opera bouse was well attended on
this occasion, aud the whole festivities
a grand sucoess. Tbe number of
maskers were unusually large. Tbe
prizes was awarded as follows: Ludies,
tbe best dressed charaoter, Miss Iya
Swaggart, ''Queeu of Diamonds," set ot
silver knives and forks; best sustained
characters, Mesdumes A. A. Roberts
and Otis Patterson, "Bootblacks,"
ladies' gold watch. Gents, the best
dressed charaoter, Floyd Thomas,
"English Dude," album; most oomloal
charaoter, Cbai. Sargent, "Paddy from
Cork," album; best sustained obaracter,
Art Minor, "Sueepherdar," genta' gold
watch. Dancing was indulged in till a
lata hour.
co-partner-hip heretofore existing between
8. W. Meadows and W. P. iScrlviier, under the
firm name nf Meadows & Scrivner, doing busi
ness as blacksmiths in the town of Heppner,
has this day been dissolved bv mutual consent,
8. W, Meadows will continue the business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills for the said firm.
All accounts muBt ha settled by caBh or note
Mr. Scrivner desires to state to the public that
he will continue his business as wnnon maker
and repairer at the same stand, and guarantees
satisfaction as heretofore.
8. W. MEU10W9,
Pated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, 1M)5. 93-03
-a. ly oi Morrow,
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old-
timer" in the tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite the city botel. Charley will
ppreciate a call when in town.
Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays. . Leaves Echo
Tuesdays, Tursday ano Saturdays.
rare $2 eaoh way. Olhoe. Wells A
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop.
It is announced that Mr. Ed. Dongh-
erty and Miss Anna Dongberty will be
married at tbe Catbolio oburob next
Sunday, after wbiob a wedding dinner
will be served at tbe ralaoe.
H. Tippett. Bill Clark and Wm. C.
Geiger returned this week from an ex
tended bunt np near Jones prairie.
Tbey bad a good time, and captured a
big bear and other game.
Oasa Roger went down on the
Columbia, remaining Deo. 18th and l'Jth,
and caught, scalped and skinned ten
Morrow oouoty ooyotes. Uis grey
bounds are invinoible.
For 822.50 I will aell a first class, high
grade, high arm sewiog machine guaran.
teed for 10 years. For further particu
lars Call on or address, N. A. I -each,
Liexlngton, Oregon. 8H-tf.
Messrs. MrCarly and James Johnson
and Misses Stanley and Mo Bee departed
tbia morning for their home on Mutter
oreek, having enjoyed Heppner' Christ-
msi festivities.
It F. Mioor has patented a car trnck
thru promise to be of value, both to Mr.
Minor and the railroad world. Tbe
Osteite will give description ot same in
tbe near future.
Frank Ros be opened np a restaurant
in the Mioor building, next dior to C
M. Joiira' barber chop. White Uhor
throughout and rate by meal or week
very reasonable. li'J-tf.
Married At T J. Allvn'e. er lone.
Cbriatm, Mr. Oo. Atlto and Mis
Cora Huaeell, Judge T. J Carle peform
log the eeremony. Sucoess aod bappi
oee to I hem.
Mr. and Mr. Tbne. Nelson were ex
ported to visit relative ber during tb
bolid), but their plao bav been
obauged aod the visit will Dot be made
at tbi time.
Hoy Olaseoork earn id Tuesday Irom
Pilot Itoek to vitl bla relative, end
to be present at the marriage of hi
later, Mi Maud Olaaecock, and Jay
W bblpley.
T. ft. Howard makes a specialty in
applying loo men with ell needed
articles, beside carrying a general hoe.
He bie new ad. tf.
Kltner Hloeom, the artist, will make
cabinet photo for tbe hell .'W day at
IJ pr doiea. Uallery opposu opera
bouse. If.
Pills do Not Care.
Fills do not oure Constipation. They
only aggravate. Karl's Clover K ot Tea
gives perfeot regularity ot the bowels.
For sale by Wells & Warren.
After Deo. 1, 1895,' tbe Gazette will
make a disoount ot 10 pet oent. from
list on all staple job work. This re
dnction ia made on Ibe supposition that
oash will be paid tor all work as soon as
oompleled. '
Of tlie First Rational Dank at Ilepp
ner, in the State of Oregon, at the
Close of Business, Dec. 13, lH'JU.
Loans aud discount $12f,R0'.34
Overd'fta aeon red and nnsermred S.446.20
U. S. Bonds to seoure circula
tion 12.500.00
Premiums on U. 8. bonds K7.Y00
Stocks, securities, eto 14,033 81
Bauking-bouse furniture, and
fixtures 3.884.44
Due from National banks (not
reserve agents) 1.C.KI75
Due from approved reserve agta. 0,17'.I..1S
Checks ami other oaeb item l'2!l 73
Notes of other National Banks 1,(RK).00
Fractional paper currency,
nickel and cents. 73 90
Specie 10,O4 00
Legal tender notes.. . W7 00
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (5 per rent, ot
circulation) fslJ.riO
, State of Oregon.
J. H. Townsend, 1
Thomas Waldcn. W O i"
beott, Geo. V. Harris,
To Thomas Walden and O. W. Harris, Defend
in uio name or IllA Mjit.i oi (lrppnn. vnn urn
nereny remitted to appear and answer the eom
plaint filed acainst you in the t hove entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term 01 me aoove entitiea court town
Monday, tile 2d day of March, IH'IH;
and if you fail m to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the e art for the
relief demanded in said complaint, t i-wlt:
Judgment acallist 1e(itiilinf. Thmmta Wnl.
don, for the sum of Two Hundnd Four and
hlxty One-Humlrcdths Dollars In II H Col, l
Coin, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
tem. per annum, irom the nrstdayof February
m, uiiiu pain, ana ior me lurtner sum or
inirty-rive Dollars, attorney's fee. together
with the costs and disbursements of this n It to
ue taxed.
A' d that the mnrtirairs deatTltorl In nlalntifTi
t-oiiipiaiiii oe lorecioseii and mat the ureinlst'
invrrui tti-HiTiofti, io-wii: me mv'i oi hec. vii.
PIN. It Hi fc. W. M.. bo sold to mil fv in rt
and that the said Geo. W. Harris and all per
ms claimlnir bv. tbroinrh or im.ler him I,k
forever barred ol all rluht or equity of redeuip
tlon In said premlaes.
I nis summons Is nubllsheil bv ortlor or Hon
Stephen A. Ixiwell, Jutlgeof the sixth Judicial
dMrlct of the Slate of Oregon, dated December
1MH, lH'i... J, N. BKIIWN,
VJ-J-ili. Attorney (or Plaintin
They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop
goods either, but goods of today, bought
for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold
on their merits and at prices that will have
you to call again.
We Select Our Stock,
After careful examination, wo then have
the best at correct prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will
greatly please us. We are determined to please and
excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en
ables us to excel all competition.
Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time. We
are going out of business.
lug of the stockholders of the Heppner
BulliliiiK V 1-oan Am i lalioti will be held at
their ulliee i Heppner. Oregon, on the acrontt
Tuesdav of January, IWSl, between the bourn of
III a. m and 4 p. in. ol a d Uy, for the purpose
ol election directors for the running venr.
Heppner, Or , Dec. lW). a'.il Scc'y.
Capital stock paid in .n.(Ksi.m
Hurtdiw fund 12,0KM)
Undividml iirotita, l- ripen-
44 and taiea paid 21 ,7sD 93
National Hank Notes out-
stiiiiilinir ll.'tOtii
Due to other National lltuks.. 479 11
Due to tt it banks and bank
ers 6.2MQ2H
Individual doMHiiU auliiect tu
vh-ck tia.71.1.06
lX-inunl rrtiticutes) of dt hwiI 'iH.HlC.tjU
i' Ink of tbe liM'tholilera of Urn Naimtial
Pankof Heppner will lx held at Hi lmnklii(
houi, In Heppner. on Ihe sei imd Tuesday of
January, Iwiwfen the hours of In a m ami 4 p
m of khI'I day. lor tlie purHM) ol electing dlrec
tors for Hie cumins year
Kli H Itlsllol' r..l,l..r
Heppner, or., It r. 4,
J. C. BORCriJCllS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
TNBilt I I I.Tl'KK
liraiitte, rireKnii, Shy.
Statu op Oiiic mim,
zNs s;lIIS is a sheepherd-
O :v 3 four months, but he
r loooks like a new manO
i f; now for he has been
' ' , O
;;,C: dressed lip at
I IIokni.k & Rn: a's.
Horner & Rhea,
f.ral Nat' 0" 0it4$
. . . m mm m a a 11 r i1flrtr'iii" tAa.
Masasrb TiatobU t'ar4
"I vst sti(Trlotf vitb stnmarh Iroulit,
an I prororscl a billls id llKH'a Harsa
panila. It bslif d a n mnrb tlitt I
lMik tnorsi nf it, and now I !) ksp
it In lb I, tons and osa It for fy ail
mpM. I also f ivt it to mf rbtldrao."
It K. Mmpatip, 0Nitrty, Drrgoo.
Ilnd'i fills eora all litsr Ilia.
Coturror Monnow, t "
I, Vtmre GniM-r, Caliifr of Ilia
ali.i narrnxl bank. di olemuly aar
that lli alxiva stnt'-uiPtjl ia trim to tlie
brst of my knoalnla and lln f.
iiti. CVtssRa, Ca'tiirr.
HuWnlisxI and sworn to lu f ro mn tula
2llliday..f lJro , Ih'jJ.
J N. lUrtats,
Notary I'ultliO.
G)rrwt-Alttt: C. A. libra, T. A.
libra, J. li. Naitr, lhrrrb.ra.
it,ih. iM'r. r'i.iii.
plaint hs Inn Ihtii mude at t li la t.tli, e by the
duly vrrlllnl alU.lnv It ,l vi I M, Htl lr. albc-
Ins that Win. II Yanhlae. who made TlnilM-r
( iiltnre ititry No. I.t..'. al ll.e l-and I I'tw o at m
i.rande. I iriK.in, mi tin. ,ti, iUy,,f hH-iotilMr,
lwl, lor lb S'i nl N', S.T . 1 p t, kiir., s.
M . baa holly aMii.,,,iii-. Ihe aa, lrai-1; that
claimant baa latli-d ,t plant any trm-a iihiii alt)
Irai liilla d al any time aim tb nilryol the
saint aiil that there is nut no any Irres grtiw
Ins Iheri-on aa l, law minirnl
I beff lorr, UN a view ol Ilia rattrrllatltill III
tlir aauir, tb aald tilli-a ar e, h ht. l.ir re
iiilrptl and niniiiniieil In m ami apprar l-(,,rr
J W, Morrow, rtinutv t-b-ra ol Mttrrow roiinly,
ri-ftiti, al bis nrliio In Heppner. on-a-oii. on the
I tli day of Jaiinatr. I a,. a IS ,t,r ,,( in
Hilt" k. A M.and pnaliK nth ta aiiniuriy as
tbry mar have remr. riling Ilia aalil allevalltM.a
The Anal hearlna l la hal IM-I.ira Ilia n-a-laler
and r-rlif al m itrautle. rr(,ii, mi Jauuari
i'.ih, I" . al lu u i lia k A M
H f V i:"iS, K-aiatrr.
WiJ I II liniilllNs, Kmvlo-r.
"There is a tide in ihc affairs oj men
That, if taken at its flood, leads on to fortune."
Tbe flood is here and bo is
With a full line of
Inrtlvvnro. Tinwaif. OlunHvnivt riwltory. Wood
mid Willovvwuro.CcdiirTubs at Hod rook i'ricos.
Ix til" ihr t iT t-i ht rR Tlie t H
ty u Mirtriiw, Slat ut (f-.in
tha V.fil.ara t a.nmia)
nrai la a n 1 I mil,
Uu.lla-I. l lali.Ult.
U W niattrl, Jmt ft,
lail,lm. M Mar
n.i . Mi ran la
aud i. S Hrnia.
Ti l W. Msaart ai4 Jams
In U.a Miit ll.a (Hata nl (rr.ff
N'OTH V. I II HI'. I ll V 1 H AT
lltl'lrf atl'l by Vltl'ir 1.1 a -lw p. ad tl-lef
til aa d'llr Ina-lr an l Ml. tr-I tin Ni, in lrt
In Ida tnalO-r ..I II, Ml.lr l M II Hflana.
ilawtnl l-tltirl. Itl.,,,tl, i, ,a Klata id
itf-c.ii ,,r i..rfia .,,,n,i tlinf In i..,ki
tb iii'lrralannl aa ahi,li,M tal.,r .,1 lf,a aald
ralala will ,ll, r aala al .'l.i- an. Il'.u to Ilia
I blihrat l.l l.lrf ,,r r atari In hand nn ealil lar
Jam, air II la. al II ,. I . s In II, a ..tr.,i,
that alar a lbs Irittil a.f It.arotirt .at.iaa. In
Ma-ppawr I I. Itarir-n a 1 1 l.a I..I l,.ta
I f d.a. it-1 ml .t,irti l-1. .i.ar 1 a.ar tt lha
t a" BaatH aailata aitialal In l'tf ftw l'a4i,ty
ltr..ti .,all II, a n.tlham .,-iarlxr a.l
j ar. larlta J, In T-aa tal,l-lhr i it a..nh
I Hat t' laantf ll.faa iti t ! SillamrUi
Mral'lfati l-l aalv ia Ifta-la. a.il.;r I If. ait rf,a
, at1 lata nttira,. a...a ailallff nn lha aald
ra-ai praat-ataffT. ani at-tM t a ll.a rrt. firman.
rail aa 'ra l., be ina-l l.y II, '. anllitxt
i nxniy I (inri
A ti,t.l.tf,l,,f uf !(,, aataie uf II . II
ll'taaav I aaawl
ala Ihia alh lav taf rtt4l-r a-f. rA M
P llaml.W,.
y.M at
haral-y f-,'iltM U. ai-laaaf ant anaaat ll.a a-a.m
:l ftaaf'! lai In la i
a I I .fa lha Saal atay a.l I
Kt l'rsitrT fiii'l1M
.n'.iit(f ttr-tarail'na f-r a ail
J ... .,l 1 alt.l S;al aaal, al , a .a ah -a at t i.a-
' ' , l. l i. . , l " "I wl IM ll lif al ll.a Mil laai
i;ii lit MtirKT af Hal" atda ttr , t.,mul .(,.. ...u,, ,,1,1., .a
;i .l.arlijr than anjf dlrr i:urtao j g.r. ia M af . I.
Its (at III lf W.WH l'. If fnn fall IthlMaH 1-4 at.U,ah4
ll.a . alt, 111 alii a-iy U. lha rr-.al ) l.
iil a,amaaa a, aai'1 aM ,ala,l la.al!
I i nun it.
i ;.i i.' ti.ua
itif I'.tT. '' a ir'rfaar t.i i a t . u.a aa-a .4 a- 1 ,, t
- .... - 1 , .. (... a, l,.n wa k,, l-tl. Btltl ' " 1" a.
,t,r ,t,.. I aa tai ti a :ti" aiiK.r, , J
AIl)lTK4tll hum R.
V"ii'K u iirnrar i.ir that tint
I' ttt,.all.r-l I,. a ln alnlr Sllala,la. l.y
I faaatM a-l M'.afa.w f.a.t.t, ttftf
a-lanla,talfa'tf a.l I1m aalala ..f Alaalaf
.rt, 1,1., alnaaaH a"'l a I lta..-.a .al'
a,al,a aral--al aaid aatata aa l..a aviA.
lat I ..,! 1 1, a aa-na rf-ity .ial laa aa.il al
a , - lalaa'a.a al lha ... a.l J S ttta.an
ll.,.i. a iik(i a, 11, I.t an a,.a.ll,a la,-a lha
rial aaf 11,1a fe,.Hl.a
I a 'ki rar.
A lltillal..f
I H . li 1.4 A'la f
I w I'a . ff.toi
... Mab.'.i . U K fw rti l to liat
t;a .1 ai d airtKwl to l.a r-a l4 tha
.. .t at l.'aaoa'.a
! i . t hai. (ota ittiB Joarrit 7iur.
.i Uaa iH-a-n nam!n lr d arattnt f
,,f S,a ronfr-t ' f t lt- 3 '
' .. la r.f't a.f 'T-,'ita t 'lnMlf
I ',, , t, a 1rr aft '"1 ' :" bihl
;;. f . l,i r ; i:
lrnar. t.i a'k!ft-f tHKmjr
UI a.1,1 ai (, aam l",aa ll.a al 4a,
!;, ., -. I i a-al I f.,t lha m aH 111 a. I
I'l la II l-lla l.l aaa alia la.taaaat
ll.ara,a al lha rata a.l alfhl fmt aaal txat ,uum
a.m lha aa a, rial a-l iaata y, a! Ihaat.fai
ol '".a KtM l-a ata at'..fi, t laaa. aui
M'l S- A S al...aa. .aaata ,4 II. ta ,11
Al.. 1.4 lha ..r,' ,ta a. lha a.f aa t
a'al hf ala..la.t la fttaaarl la a.
l-f" ! Ha aa-.a m'A '! ! t t
M lha aw iar at lha ut lha lha
('t'll aal , ...4 lha S , ,4 a , a.
.S a- 4 lha a tt r-( ha a a. u t I h
Illa.iUMt. ,. , IS H l,.i a,
fta--! a.iaaa a "4 14 ,a t--a. a i a taa f l-.a)
aaa al lha 4a,.ianl w m ataiia I'-aaf ala
K't r r
nr aim an'ii i. in BirtiM
Thsy run sn tlnht
1 bry run off In lha nlfhl.
Tlie only Ktclusiva Hardware Store liclwoi'ii The Dalles and TcDdleton
Mpprnpr. ... OrpL'on.
I. A IN ifXlW
111. Eeelsj Uiliile
l-'or tho Cuio ot
Liunr, Opium ud Tobacco Habits
It Is lmal4 at IWIrm, Orrgon,
Tht Most lifnut iful Town on ths Oui
Call at tha (iilSTTB ntTIra Inr particular
Si al, ilyiaihClriilial. Iraaunaul rttaiaand suia
am,,! to f, a Van li'ijn Kelt d,..f In lly II . Ul.
Hns everythincj in tho line of Fresh Groceries,
Cundies, Nuts, and nlso keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
r nri st t.n i tint tin s
It . a .4 ll.a al holla. .1
Ika ht '.' ! a' I a. l ,t . a al lhat
a.l..a ,.. II ).. ,a.it , ia-,-,a'r, ! I
aaaa, lha , a4 t't a a aa . I
t. riot a, . a.l a. I la. I 4 lha - t-. .4
a. a I .1 l..aa a---l Ia I aa ta t'n aat
a -a I, ..It,. , i, ,i a a "at a --!-' a a
t.r i i,,t.K i ..r i,a
It'lp-Ml (if.lla V -' i "
aVof'rf r Intention,
l ii tft i ii li a.r iMr
i J. Iweezer's
Is the PI.tcc for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Cummings & Fall,
tnf Pn iroei
IK f;S uiiai-l
,rH f,l,ll ''HI' ' a. laa-t ahl.li ah. fala .aia. .rK ,.t lha , . I, , ... I. ..,.. ., ,.. . aa aa
was if rn-fi"! V , ir '.n I ,..hii v in 4 n. a h t ,., i. ., , ' lal I I . . a
:,cmf If tii If t " ff.H '"h-av..a.a. M.. -a ..4 14 . -hi... fc .K, .,..,.. ..1 - I '1 I 1 If I - I f 1 1 Cj I 1
' . ' ..... . ' " -' I- 1 ! -'1 I , h.. a ...... l at aal f .4 . I I. 1 T I I I I I I I I I I I "N I
' . I M 1. II r ,- ! tl-J " , M . . ,.,. .. I. an. I. .aht h ... I.. ,4 II.. i, ..... A l ... . , .1 , , . .., V V V I I V A A V I Va a
t) .(.: an '' ir,rat sj.vaatti I ' tha aak ..a.. ai,iw,,.,B ,.... , .. ... ' '
T,.ct,.,ra-.fi.-.,.'w .rMr.... ,:,T,;::,:.v:;:v'aVH ...-... ..h. t,. . ,
I i. V! iIS. ! r" '? '" " -- . , ..... I t . t a a ,f n i .
f.atai,,.,rait-t.f In a. ... ;i. . '.' . ,!. T.t'. V".! ! -!T...h ' 17.. -"J ,'..'" k,H,M' " ' ". "" r ""t
at i. ll - "T '''! X as,. . h a. ... I - . I .,, Za " " I .. ... -la. ... UATICSS HU.IMI Pltll IIA V
J .,-,, staki.nn ai.4 '".' ,'.
, d.a,a a vt - a-w U.Vta.a tUaa tiMj
U-'-v4 4U
Ii.'1 f t'4.
1 a.
... , I. It ,..,al..l..a (IJ.,.., i, ,-.,
aw. . ava,
S aa I a a
r.4 . Mat 4 4 (likioa
ti a. "m waLw
I ca w
f.0 la w.ai
It a a i
f a 1,...
Ttaoa aaaaaAa
Claicaj raTiata.
Coif atOMTa.
a I ! ia-.tta amM
i a. .a..at". V-aa)
f a aa'- 4 i.u.a ta A.
m . itt,a i 1 1 t i -h. a..
., I. -a 4 .aaaa la M.S
Scientific Amcricnu
a. a
aa . aaa H Sa
I . m-4 a-. iai4rS
I... t I la aa-h-art i , "aa.'a M
. a t-y A . v US
! la S. ar, s,w ar itn