Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 24, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a &ep roar subscription paid up yon
eon keep jour brand in tree of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Home G(i on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row conn tr.
Baird, D. W. and son. Home brandd D B
on the left hip; oa'tle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left, Bange
in Morrow Cuuntjr.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row oount?
Bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Gooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right Bhonldor; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop 'nd right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
6ft ch fr
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, oirole
C with dot. in net ter on left hip; oattle, same.
Brown. W. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer. W. G., Heppner. Or.-Horses, box
brand on righ' hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
honlder; eattlo. same on left hin.
Browniee, W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle, J B connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece oat out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in tox valley,
GCarenern$'arren, Wagner, Or.-Horses brand .
edOon right stifle; cattle (three bare) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Hange in
Grant and Morrow oonnties. ,,,,.
Cain K., Caleb.Or. Y I) on horses on left stifle
TJ with quarter oircle over it, on loft shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts tnder IS years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
Cate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Bange Morrow and Omatllla oonnties.
Corrlgall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out
of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half oircle 0 on left etitie. Range Mor-
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl, T. H.. John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and uu.lei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. ltange in Grant
oonniy. On sheep, inverted A and spear nomt
on shoulder. Ear markoii ewes crop on left ear
pnuohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop m loft ear. All rangs
in (Jrant oonntv. . .
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, flOon nghtshonl
der; Cattle, sameon righthip: ear mark square
orop off left Bnd split in right.
Currin. R. i, Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
MCoxKl 8.. Hanlman, Or.-Caitle, C with
B in center; horses. CK on left Sip.
Cochran, R. K., Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapln, H.. Hardinan. Or.-Horses branded
0 on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; catle sane
brand on right shoulder, and cut off end ol
rlUugT'-.. W. M .Galloway. Or.-Ctt!e, R Don
right side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, R U
""EWBr'os., Douglas, Or.-Horses branded KLY
on left shoulder, oattle name on leftlup. hole
in right ear. ,. 11,
Emery C. H., nardman. Or. Horses branded
1 (reversed ('with tail 1 on lelt shoulder; cat
tleVame on right hip. Range in Morrow comity.
Klorenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or.-CaUle, LK on
righthip; horses If with bar under on right
shoulder. .,
Klorenoe, B. P. Hepnner. Or -Horses K on
right shonlder; oattle, K on righthip or thigh.
"ientry. Klmer, Koho, Or. Horses branded H.
H with quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillanounties.
Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or.-Cattle, round-top K
with quarter oirole under It on the right hip.
7,' " Z 1- .. .nil Tlinat.illaflotinlina.
nnutv iu J. ...... .. . ,1
Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner. Or- I- (T P L
connected) on right shoulder on horses; on oattle,
on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in
riiiht ear and slit in left. Range in Hayxtaok
distrlot. Morrow oonnty.
J t t l - 11..-.- n..HtiHMX tt.ri.mm
with b ir above 1') on right shoulder; nattl-same
on left aide. Rang in Morrow and Umatilla
Hall, Edwin, John Dav, Or. -Cattle K H on
right hip; hors e same on right shoulder. Range
In Orant oonnty.
Hiihaa. Mat. Heppner, Or. Morass shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Hi Morrow !i,
Hunsaker, H A, Wagner. Or.-Horses. M on lafi
.u....l. Bon left. hiD.
Humphrey. J M Hardinan. Or.-H iraes. H on
Hn.l.m. I.nther. Right Mile, Or.-Hors II on
the left shonlderand heart on the left stifle Cat
tl. ,n I. ft hin. Ranee In Morrow mmnt
Jones, Harrr, lleppn-r. Or -Horses hrin ld
H J on the left shoulder; chmio lira iml J on
rmht hit), also nnderbit in left mr. Rniige iu
Mt.pnt AiitltltV.
Jmikin rt M.. Heminer. Or Horses, honM
shim j on I"" shoulder. (Vile, the
II..... , ICI-hl Mile
l..hn. ,n K.ilir I .na. Or. Mnfae. niri-U T ....
left an Mm natlle. M'ni on right hip, under half
oroo in rint end sultt n left ear
li ........ M,k ll,.imner. Or. -Mirwa bit
KNY on' le'l hip oattle earn and orop off left
ear; under sI'Um on the right
Kirk J T.. Heiitiner, Or.-Horaa W en left
-U....I l. MMttla Httufl t-fl hin.
Knuiherland.W.li.. Moont Vernon. Or. I Lon
eattle on right and left id. swtllow fork in l ft
ear and under mon in right ear. Mono sain
hr.,,1 ,.n l.fl ahoillilnr linn l. llranl .niil,
Ijufteii. Hleiiiien. Pnt.r.-H Lon left hip
on em lie enio and split on rigM ear, II
Same hralld OU Ir-fl aho'll lr. Uvig rant
"i!iiillen, John W.. )r. - H r
hr.i, l..l half-elrele Jl.efiiv'l lf! 'i-i il
der. Cat'U. sain- on l'i hin. Hange. near U-i
lliey, J. W ll.onr r - ll.iri li'ndt
Laii't lft eho'il If. p-II" sa-nt on .'l
hip, waille over right y. three ulin in r
ir" I. tleiirge llll'lr r. -HorsM 'ri lt
dixlhl II 'M.nM H.i nel'tl eallel
wing II on left h 'll l-r.
D,,a M, ('., ll,...o-r, lr.-l't'le hrvi l
eirclt. on right hip; homes eaine "II rigid sllll".
Ilnegein M avow mamty.
Minor, ar, rteppn-r r.-IH, M l i
tight hip; iftnm M n left shoulder.
ktotn, H. N , Heppu-. Or.-H ifese. M )
00 left hiHildt eallUt eoioeon left hip.
Mitehell.Osnar. or.-lliHM, tl on right
blti; oeiiie 77i nM side.
Seal Andrew. Urn H.-tl l - Horses K N e.,n.
vtml 1 hi Wft shimldnfi eel lie aaitieim teiih Mps,
idler, I'arry, L-tliiiiu. r.-r II mi leti
i.l- rii. J W . t..ngle Or ; l, 'i-U on I- fi
ehualiler; rellU seme in r'tfl'l hip.
PeerwMt. Uls. .' MiU. M . .fir-
far rlnl shield im l"l sleHild r I II . 1
kip. faille, f.ira in U'- w 't'it rr n I. H
on left Ion. lUnS'infU'ii M l.
I'arker llaam. tlar I nan.Or. - II irw ll'itr
left h'tot ler.
I'llMM. Vr . lMI"1.il, '. " " "'11 I
K (L K eiiM'i..i-r l-
1 il lr . et.(
meiMi rig'ii hip Hsu w r .
I'hhw. t. M . Iai ' " " "
i left ah-ell lr, eallle, e"i
I' ,n
1 Ml Mi.
n.-r hii la "h ....
'4U. A I'-. I'WS t ! "la n m. r
- li.ml.Uf. mil. J 'I J ! ' I 111 f.
ft hip. upper slope In Uft "r e I slip in IV
H.l. Aadew. Mefl'ei Ot.- H . smi'
ar.n won ,iirir'r.-Wi it on 11 I1
Hesh Mm.. tUii.wev. . I t
SI III rtsh" lifl '. I "t " -'i
rmt. ..e) left and tlo "a k H- I
..niw and s ll-rtilng e.inHM.
s)w limK". O. II ...
hnn I-.I all . "' 1.."
Fitle ot"f hfajo-l, eitU m rig'. I 1,10
SJ e. If
k..i. mm. II lirvlll. IH e..nn.H.
run tttanr eierle i"p e' 'e-.-i
u,l n.,1. lt nM w an I t'li in Ml
bnn4 isi Wl Puiel . lU'tge l H .
Um.l and lill'i -mnum
H-4. J. W . Il-p.n. Of II , Jll ..
Uft ekwvidar. I !. O M ctgM hi
I ft . tali etltU. J left kip, tWalk'W
tiMk t r.Kl ear. sj.lHl ta lrt. .
Su.,lM, Umpvnt. - M.ema. I Hh
left kipi Miti- Urt kip.
H-eW, Ifcualae. tW - f.lllr
a ,m
f,i,t l.l-lw ll..- l M.-.f.. rw-'t I
S miii Una Msiie. itr. II
M $, ..!. -ill I 'l ""I' ' "
ILiaina Jaw" il. ." Of k-ra- !-
JM ) h !" "
. Ul
ivklla. IU' ) Ui iisw ....
nt,i wiA., r"l I 'K-
Mr J . H-i-- mv
aiwaeon ' M wav t
Ufi ... I- ,". 'f
),.,, f l H-,-mp t t ! i
Wfl I ,,. -- -' I -'
aV UM-i I " -rit
w..i- t A. !! "
UiN atwauMf saxlt I --"
fii'i-w H"- I . im ls-r
at--, to ,
I vMiR W Mw- O. "11
n .1--.I.M . ae !
a,,iti In " aw
vm. . at !" " - H--a W
t MM-S-4 a " Wfrsa I
rw.1 mi iiM afc-wl-stlAaa
U r-, W M-- "- '
M iiv. aw-lMt " 1
a-t- f' -w '' ' - , ,
Imm J e-
W I ! -. " " W
' II . W..-4 Ml ai-aW. !-
,.f l -r
I .. .. . I ..' I
t. IN II
M ..! - ' "
, . , . ... .'
w I ... "-
ft . - '
liiwts I W"
Wren. A. A.. Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young. J. a.. Uooeeberry. Or. Horse brandar
THonthe right shonld
When you are about to buy a Sewinpr Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisement
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest unished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to ft that
vou buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and square
denting, you will then get a
.Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
iu easiest to manage and is
f Light Running
Of iVf There is none in the world that
'''Jlii3 struction, durability of working
;rA parts, fineness of finish, beauty
, ( in appearance, or nas an uiuoy
rs-' 1 imnrovements as the
j' '
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (Jatented),noo.beT has
it J New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
OttAJ'ns, Mass. Boston, Mass. armoKSQTiAnit.N.T
Fort ni.F. BY
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon,
Send 5 Cts. for Sample Package
Sun Francisco Office,
No. 210 Sutter Street.
Ths thnmb Is in unfailing Indn
of chaiacur. The hquarv Tjpv In.
dlrau a strong olll. grrat rnrryj
and nrmnrs. I'lowly atltrd is th
tiiattilaird T;i. Ihe thiimh of tlioat
of Bilvancrit iih-ss and biisinvst
auiliijr. Ilotli 'l thrxt ts brlnni
to ttto busy msn or w'oiiinii; anu
lM'iimrrpii's Fsmlljr Mauajtlna prs
mrt'S esiKM'tslly fur smu prrstins
wliiil. volume of nrw lilisa. con
di'iix d In a small spscs, so ihat lh
riToril of iha Vihiilo world's Mors
for a month rosy hr risil In half an
tmor. '1'tif CnOK'sl T?p Inilitatft
rrtliirniriii, ruliuri. and a lov of
tnii'ir. Ht. Irv, ami flrilnn. A ihtsoi
villi this tvi of thumb will thor.
nnifiilr riijn tin. litrrary atlrarilunl
of hi TiH.r-.l s Mncsdii. 1 h Ar
liic 'l'l In. he nil- a Inns of
Ihsiiit Slid art, which will Slid rsrt
it'Siire In llir ms'niftrrnt oll.plrl.
cii i if iuib Ntu rh Murk ol art w m
,'Hl! Ill i U UiO irnr'Mllli IMiB
r i;iitl. W tli tlx. !! ciiuUt(
nil tr wnirt-'Ci Utf iitluf U ntv
li'tMd In rli tsim.Urof lb Mm'
u, ml h an '(!? rw m n.
fux-tf 4tn4 vtiptMblf Iilnirir4 Ihftl
l) Mrti)M U, m rra.iif, p-art-
f..lt-l itt 4Wt tfflkl Of III (.iLhtM
onlff Tii 'riH'( hlf Tyvm w ih
thumb ol 0 thtitkrr and (nvfpitif
uf Mr, hn ntll ! rtrly Irtttr
lrl In thNa ftrvtiiartl ittutithif
In Irrnnirii MaWKfttn. In rry
f its ftt.mrHt tiftrimtili.
iri.nnr 6rid. ihriHociit'
ft rrj
the dtr
f.t. imnrr. and fs.1 of
l.niira Is stnoi'r a !rtrt
I ..nuiy Hs?snm, sixl was Wf age
r . n. .1 liirrn of th M.wlli.ic
h'ii.1 In J- nr iWitl,: h will
i .m Ir 1 hi, aid f.m will bsre
a .I. ', n Vl nr In on. Aildtsaa
.1, li. antf , ratni.har,
l t.l lta WmL S,m Tk.
l h.),.h a fs.htoa wtafsatn He
M i f. i fhtia .simI nssttk
rin ismilf ani d.irsttf wtsllm wld
W I'f utUtttr ll.lrrwt In he
I. 0 hm frailftlM T)
1 1. .mil. whkh ln..ai.sla lis .(
44 .lpdMiM. stiff aail. aid
mi- 'h. nmixlsd ll, ih tnne
wh)ti ri.' ff tlsiiy le
r I'f w t.,n (.. 11 smIwIW to
i M fflw. If y.Mi Bh.i)MS.ntd wtib
i. Ii a ( r..f .fnvi, and
i I i i ! t !(.. THt tMya
i... .A . ,!! I. L.ting la mm4
. .... a. i (j i eeiu'i lie lUweit waste at
The caerailaltt ef thsee twsertt
Is karws le momi wer-ame.
Tbr H'uiosie thai g sf 4sailly at
aloaya le Ve eeatia-a.
Te espteae Ike keatanel
Hy ef
Rip.tns Tnbutcs
Ae et-ae4 ilk y wly kaetraj
ft f Tat-ftlM i f , H Va
Of dr m f miU
linn cl wirtl co . 1 1 tsws it . .
Tl re.'ilaf tlKrnt,4i , n,
it Weklj (iasett la i: V) an I lb
rolaf l-ei.f ll.e We.kly (hrgnnlal
i II .W An iit U.-i!.irg f .1 l,e
I Haile an I ayit! f-f -ra f rat In
1 ..Itao ta ,rt t.li II. (Lull art,)
i ..', j rtM.a f ffir.i, Attl4riU
wMlwe t l li.eiy . .,l.-,i Ii.mis
i ... .. i.
Mill. - tW' iW
ur or tnr, it I h iitrhr, n(in
dtiif ft in ttii unittal iiiiittiK by
k living A.iwrr i.iiii-rt, mhUh tll
L i lmvui to rtrff fUitwriU-r to
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
3E0 "O" L73E3 S
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Obeoon.
San nroiaoisoo
Aod til point In ('alifornla, via tba Mt, Hhasta
route 01 ma
Southern Pacific Co.
His treat hlsrhway through California to all
polnu lust and south. Grand Hoanio Rout
Of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Bullet
Ulaepera. Beoond-olaas Hleepert
Atlanhed to axpreaa trains, affording superior
aooomBioaaiions ror anoond-olasa paasangars.
For rataa, tiokeU. slmpiuf oar raserrations,
ui. onn upon or aaarma
R. KOKULEK, Manager, K. P. ROQKRfl, Asat
Gen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
Most Modern and progressive
For catalogue or tufonnatlou writs to
Nrw Havtfii, Conn.
If you use Ihe PctlllB I
InrahaWrs a Bruoilcrw
Make money while
othrra are wauling I
lime It old pntcrssra.
4H Page I I
Illllktrstrd 1 1
, Catalogue aW
Catalogtellaall alsmt
It ami dearTitH-s every
article nretlnl lor the J
Poultry business.
The "ERIE"
merhanlrall the best
wheel, f ruirluilcL
vie are Par ihe C.iasl
A gen is. Ilii-Ycle cats-
logue, mailed free,givca
filldrar-rlritlrm wrlcr-a ete (lTITa
ha st.cn IIik kb, li li Mala hi.. Kits An;;rlra.
A. P. T. L.
The American Protective Tariff League
it national organization advocating
" Protection to American Labor and
htduitry " at eiplained by its conttitu
t on, at follows :
The eh al tale league shall ka ie anle't
iMntia lab k a lar,e mparts, shuh sxsil
eJ4wetir sasure ssmis bMlwstriel prvaueie
- - . . - - - aM hM.a. Liu.
There are no personal or private
prof ts m connection with the organiza
tion and it it sustained by memberships,
contributions and the distribution of its
publication t.
Casa4ae la ft-l(i nmSiis
S.-llr.... ' !..l .
' orrat Cjm eetwte. "
f CCI D; Ws iW 4 wttm eenirisxVene,
. sMil se targa. to m sm.
TniNO: We Mi-iiMrf wkwi
a.sie an pt.HM e I i v" tK". ttw
e-eWMt to ! SJJUM Ht a OeanM.
ruaiTH : U4 asll m4 eseMl . e-
Sfi-e e-f ef "In. mi4iIn
W vsSaM awn Srarf,
WO li tUvel. N Vw
a ''' a as sae I
sk mmth iiii
e ert ia heel stats at le ft star Ueetta,
aats we u a w i.m
SMymk sVm KM fct.. Ait
asa as wfss fa ifcs rf as
tT 's th e si nmr, trim a intentions
earflsa aVe .. i a W. a as anJt at
esst eVsn) sl. Ma ato linin tok.
as fee. "- W, "eatakj" "W nu
ll fit. 4 e ! i 4 OTka St. kM aVM aal
at see e4 a eat 4
9m tog Wft as as aha
aaaaas. Irf as av alsaat a. asiaal
ra" 1 1 klMManulManmsvalaartli
aa - lama,' s.ll .ml as n -i,
m I .siawiHiMsiatrNi
I stMHt sl
ef i
4mm i.aWasii i aa.ai
atwa Ms s t a 4 km an ai sf i
sf I I II Ske - ntnmiM l.i SI I i. m a a
- i, aM s sat
t a mmmt ii mt i m vmt .
mt hI !., mm kaaafS a an
itNvrnnr;ntuN a cv.
(VaaavMava a4 !. e4 vrt, t'aliaU,
! eUI'Mrc.N.U..
' flM. ahinitrMi.n. c.
Simplest, j'JilsvllljJuJV Easiest
itrongeit, IsyiTlFCTff al Working,
5olld lUlsllZajLlUO Moat
ylR jjCr Accurate,
Receiver. sVgljaay Compact,
aM- m e .
A. ii a mn i twkw awvtSt eaaAA-etwal
Mail baps can now be taken on and
delivered from train running sixty
miles an hour.
Hanoi, in Tonkin, is now connected
by railroad with Langson, four hun
dred miles away toward the Chinese
Sib William C. Van Hobnk, of the
Canadian Pacific railroad, says there is
no foundation for rumors of his intend
ed resignation or of the road's being in
financial difficulties.
The Canadian comptroller of cus
toms has issued an order forbidding
collectors and other officers connected
with his department accepting passes
from railroad corporations.
Tub North Carolina legislature has
passed a law imposing a fine of ten dol
lars a day, after five days, in addition
to the penalty of twice the value of the
freight, as a penalty for holding over
freight by railroads.
In Switzerland there is a law by
which railway and steamboat com
panies, factory establishments, etc.,
are liable to indemnify their employes
in case of accidents, or their widows
and children in case of their death.
The management of the Northern
Pacific road has forbidden employes of
the company to engage in any other
business, and, as a result, a number of
the agents have resigned, their salaries
not being sufficient to support them.
Big Four officials claim the most re
markable run ever made by an engine
was one a few days ago over their line,
when one of their Garstang engines
hauled a train of six cars weighing two
hundred and seventy-four tons nine
miles, between Grafton and Bellefon
taine, up a twenty-seven foot grade, in
ten minutes and six seconds.
The mews of the engagement of the
crown prince of Naples to Princess
Maud of Wales ia confirmed.
Miss E. V. Cornelius, of Philadel
phia, has devised a new way to be of
service to her sex and make a living at
the same time. She is a "professional
Yvettk Guilbbrt has met with her
first check at Naples. The Neapolitans,
who expected to see her dance the can
can, covered with diamonds, hissed her
off the stage.
Tadzu Suoiye is the name of a Japa
nese young woman who has been study
ing in Wellesley college for three years
and who is now teaching in Osaka in a
Christian school for girls.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox is an untir
ing patron of manicurists, givers of
facial massage, chiropodists and sham-
p- i U She says she believes on prin-
cipi 1 being as good looking as she
can. 4
Mrs. Paret. the wife of Bishop Paret.
of Maryland, is a friend of the birds.
hhe is trying to form a society in Bal
timore the members of which will be
pledged not to wear any feathers on
their hats except ostrich feathers.
Military instruction in public
schools is being strongly advocated
throughout Ohio.
A new rifle, in use by the Italian
army, sendtt a bullet through five inches
of solid ouk at a distance of four thou
sand feet.
The death of Marshal Canrobert re
culls the fact that from him came the
historic remark: "It is magnificent, but
it is not war." The words were uttered
as he watched the charge of the Six
Ciex. Vah Vlif.t Is not tho oldest t
ing officer of the regular army. Lieut
.Michael Moore (retired) entered the
service as music boy in April, 1813, be
fore Van Vliet was born. The lieuten
ant is a Brooklyn num.
Sksatoh (iokixim in his eloquent lec
ture, "The Last Hays of the Confed
eracy," is lavish in compliments and
profuse in praise of nearly all the lead
ers on both sides of tin great war, ex
cept Jeff Dnvis. The name of the pres
ident of the confederacy is not men
tioned. (iits. Daniel Moroan was known as
the teamster boy of Virginia and the
hero of Cowpens. lie nerved as a wag
oner in Hradilork's retreat, won honor
in Arnold's assault on Quebec and
fought brilliantly agsinat the British
in the south. Physically he was, neit
to Washington, the largest general of
ficer among the continentals.
Viikj the czar was made colonel of
the Uoyal Scots C.rays an officer of the
regiments said to his orderly: "IKmald,
have you heard that the new emperor
of Iluaaia has been appointed colonel of
the regiment?" "Indeed, air," replied
Ismald, "It ia a vera prood thing."
Then, after a pause: "Beg pardon, air,
but wull he be able to keep both
Starwd la W hollas, W. Ta., aUaartaref
m tealary Age.
CampMl Hubbartl, a nail traveler, of
iMieeiing, recently said to a (ilolto
I Vim ntbi man: "I have lust been
resiling the decialon of Judge Naah, at
Inllaa, in the ticket broker raae under
be tirw Trxaa law, Intrndetl to do
away with the) a. aipera' buaineaa. It
atrikca me bring an exceedingly
clear and a f.trcrful exptaltUn of the
ulijeel ttialtcr involved In the Trailer
pisatecution. It la rUavly In line viith
ileclaiuns In favor vf the ecahtera In
Minneaota. Illinoia and rrnnsylranla.
The gravamen uf I lira decisions la that
an unused railway ticket, or ao nnuaed
portion of a ticket, la legitimate pmn
ertv.anil any taw which Interferes wild
tla ilianatitUin by sale la contrary t
public- policy, If nitt In direct conflict
with the cimatllnlloa of the I'nltcd
Male. This dec la ion of Judge Naah
will help the a. alprr, not only dowt
In Triaa, but alt over the country
The nlrtil t. tahlch the ticket brolirra
help tli weak tstavla arainat the atrong
ittira ia but tittle rcalljcd. and ullhoul
their aid many of the lines would go
untlcr. It la their nirllii.l c.f rntling
ralca aerrrtly Ul alitiiu'.ale buainre.
and the bn.Urra ere really regular
atf' iila uf thea o mi p litre. II y the bye,
prrhapa jou il.tn't know thai theacalter
rtuaineaa originated In my town
Wheeiing It waa abmit twenty II v
yram . We had emiple of brifht
yiHing fc'ilona there -t'pt.m W. tVirary
and anttther ehap tie me. I frank They
!k a notion to a peculate on a amall
eat in tickets of the lUltlmore A
I'll In, an t the Cral a.-alplnrf tranaav-tloa
that tf ivutTtHi In the hlal.irf rtf
rtiM.tlrtf ttk) pSw ther la Wheel-
J IrtaT the I''ttioiare A thU estriipanv
ma te a J f.gUX upon It. and the ra
rril t the atrfIrK rmrt of the
I n v t Ma'etv The ra'.t waa that the
Uj.r. .m c-urt hari.I'd il terl Ma U-turns
IW", ! i.t'i ri?.-. t tlat wUrn a nan
v a tl f.-r ati maiiv niilra of
trar.,al- n he ta rntttod t. tra.-l
From early child-
hood until I iu'
grown my family J
spent a fortune
trying to cure me
I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs ,
and was treated bv the best medical i
, men, but was not benefited. When '
all things bad p n O tailed I de-1
' termined to h K 1 1 1 1 try S.S.S.
and in four IIU III months was!
entirely cured. The terribh eczema I
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have I
i never had any return of the disease. I
any return 01 ine disease, i
i nave oiten
I recommend
ed S3& and
i have never
, yet known a failure to cure.
uno. w. IRWJN. Irwin, pa.
, Merer rails to cure, '
even wnen ail otner I
remedies have. Our
. treatise on blood and i
I skin diseases mailed
' free to any address. I
SWltT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlsnu, Ga.
dates stamped upon the ticket by the
company's agents. From that time on
the scalper's business flourished, and
spread with amazing rapidity all over
the country. It is now as safe and as
legitimate a line of business as banking
or insurance or manufacturing, and is,
moreover, a mighty help to the travel
ing public."
The MlDd Is Like a Great Library, Each
Volume In Its Place.
A noted medical writer likens the
brain to a vast library and each idea, or
name, or incident, to the volumes com
posing it, says the New York Commer
cial Advertiser. The memory, he savs,
acts as librarian and tucks away each
volume in some peculiar niche of its
own. Now, when we call on Librarian
Memory for one of these volumes, he
usually knows where it is and hands it
to us instanter; but occasionally he,
like other officeholders, forgets his du
ties. We call on him suddenlv. waking
him from his nap, pernaps, and he can
not remember where he put the name
of Smith or Jones, or the little fact re-
garding the tariff or Agamemnon's
wives or something or other. ome
times he finds it after a moment's
search, and sometimes not for days.
But ho keeps up a still-hunt for the
missing volume, even while you forget
all about it; and some time when you
are least expecting it, presto! there is
the very thing you are trying to re
For instance, somebody asked the
writer of this paragraph the other day
suddenly for the name of a lady and
her daughter staying at one of the
Deacnes near Jioston. The name was
a perfectly familiar one, being that of
an acquaintance; but with the question
it suddenly vanished. It was iinpossi
ble to answer. Librarian Memory
was asked for it three or four times
during the evening, but it eluded his
efforts completely and for a day or two
the event was forgotten. Finally, com
ing down town on the electric car, with
the mind absorbed in other things, the
little librarian joggled our elbow.
"Here he is. Smithson, volume 41,523,
shelf 217," he whispered. As usual,
when one ceases to want the thing it
turns up. Ah, if one could only change
librariuns when tne oia one shows signs
of weakening!
Snanklna; la
Done In All
Plaveee and at
All Tlmea.
I have never seen a Havana man
smoking in church, writes a correspon
dent of tho Washington Star. It's
about the only pluce where ho docs not
smoke. He smokes in the street cars,
he smokes at the public dining-table,
he smokes everywhere. The presence
of women is not considered at all.
When coffee is brought on tho table,
the Spaniard or Cuban lights his cigar
or cigarette and begins to send up
clouds of smoke. lie never even think
of saying to the ladies: "llyyour leave,"
for the custom of the country Is to
smoke everywhere. On the railway
trains there ts no smoking compart
ment, for a man ia privileged, and. In
fact, expected, to smoke everywhere
If he is not smoking, his nelirlfltor will
offer him a cigarette. The driver of
your coach will smoke and very likely
offer you a cheroot. At the opera the
man will walk and smoke tn'tween the
acts in the spaces behind the Ihixc and
balconies. You will see finely dressed,
seemingly well-bred men, with ladies
in full evening toilet, entering the
theater and smoking as they go. You
never see a pipe In Cuba. It la the
country of the cigar and the cigarette.
One of the odd sights to a stranger Is
that afforded by the negro women, who
smoke big, long and black cigars In the
street. It was l-erc that the amok Ing
habit, which has spread around the
world, had Ha atari, and the Cubans are
atill more devoted to their cigars than
any other people. The cigar Induatry
and the tolmci-o trade give employment
toa large portion of the population of
Havana. In every quarter one will run
aenma small eatabliahmenta where
from two to ten men are employed
making cigar, and some children and
women engaged In stripping L'-mcco.
The TsHBrblag ea4 relbtle Waf la Whlrh
lli.rae aalklis f napailhy.
Many popU Wile that homes da
not wcrp, but lhis wh ha h4
much to lo with three faithful r tra
in rr know that on aetrral nrra.ona
thry M ill ahi-it t. ar ta wrtl a eir.
arrw In thermit heartlrrakln)f man
ner In the rl, Mrher th hartllnr)
of tltr p-.til.'a rauara the rhlcra t el
ni.Mt ovt-rliak the nrorMit of ruvJ
Ink for thrlr nrtx'.a. It iatiite rommon,
when tS wrathrr la ritrriuoly r.ii, to
! It'avc an unllanUrll r'iiT lie.l up
(.irli cr llirr hnur a hi-u th trro-
pr-ratiir l nrarlr trr. ami hil lta
oMrii-r ia l.-iiiivarl Df tni-.ll-.rs nf pi't
ti'if itrtiiat. In tliia ra th ufTrr(iaT
U rtt lrm l hy rri- hh h are atnnt
l.tt. a-.ha. anil t'i unml t aaal.l trare
fr'.-r onto th cheek ItU ll"lr
ht-n h"f falls In th ii-rrt aiut
, Crt lr Jtir.! the h. k gyiwrallr numta
it arii a.) mn.h that It l ht
cithrr ery or rran, but un4.'r am
f..t;-'tll .r an lnjnr hr rUl aotU'lt
t nn't!iy In th mt rliatinrt manrtrr
I rvmm!r r 'rit nnr rf my
o-n. wri a .wTatv'i-rit rf tl
,-w lift lrirffm. hkH tr.l tn
I .aT noch t pirn- It f n.
p.r thlnf h ir-hlM fp I" m on
u.r, ik- an. rrvi a truriv l.i. a
hu. I In lwiM as anrtUir.- I ran !
evri1 Th islit w r t.t. hlnf
oi -. a an alvi the rri(i;-, antml
k'r 1i. I l.r n I'i rail i 'i;;4 nut
anil th rnri.l 'rpMi1
I R 'UTU h T4.(si a.ir bt'.e of
r-eav, aril th t.f Vlrla.
'astii 1 a l.i nar mUr
Un. than t'l.K vr uou.
i:t tHI4 prr-' baa T ru
Is one of the very best wheels ever made
front rank with all high grade machines, and
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want
punctured, it can be mended by you In five
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, (ISO each.
THE RAM BLER 1" the fastest,
For style, finlBh and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- j
leal and scientific principles.
m For men. women, bovs and eirli. with 28. 26
iveiv, are biciiuki iucmiuui Kiiuin wncciB,
uimuner ures aim are iuny wurraiueu.
Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctaloffiie, circulars, terms and discounts, or call S
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing-
tun hiiu iuunu.
Northwest representatives Oormully &
Biore, an n osninguin El., roriiano, ur.
TIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
S Kingr of Bicycles, (f
Four Models
Factory and Main Office: Lake
BRANCHES i-Mew Verk. Saa) PraocUco. 5alt Lake Clt jr. Dearer, Mempbla, Oetrott, "Kroeto.
A. W. rATTEllSOX, Agent for
It to Advertisers at a great fmnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
nm : raFii : pits i
Youro HOUND to TnkoEni.
Leaves No Constipntion,-
C" II. a .! a all II l!lra. f ,.tMU 4 a T. ....
e mi fUl "fM. rv-lj t a'l af M , '
twwft r4 hi. 3S ia r' Hm.
is an indisputable fact. It stands in the!
If you buy one you will make no mistake.
to be happy, for should your wheel be
minutes, es It Is equipped with the world 5
UghteBt and strongest wheel in the market.
and 24 inch wheels, at 165. 155. 145 TPgiveot-
wiui u, at u. niga-grucie UOUUJH lOCltillg CUgc c
Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
- 885 and 8100.
Cycle Co.
and Halstcd Sis., CHICAOO. ILL.
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
VOF . . .
(HDllM Mri'iri! 'tt,
. fW f."jr:' 1 tt I J Vr, eM tha trf laJsa.
111 (ttueM fire