TURNING GRAY AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS ThoJisger is Averted by Using im HAIR VICOR AVER'S '"Nearly forty years ago, after Tsome wuiks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out bo rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldnese. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this preparer Here and There. Geo. Mnir was in town yesterday. W. G. Brown was in from Lena yester day. Bob Johnson was in Heppner Saturday last. Jay Devins Satardnyed in the metrop Phill Cohn land. Mrs. A grippe. Lafe Fenland Saturday. Mr. G. B. Coats was in from Hardman Satordiy. Bob Gurrao' was down to Heppner Saturday. Mat Hughes was down to Heppner Saturday. Smith Buroh was down from the moun tains 8unday. from Lexington spent Saturday in Port- Wright is quite ill with la was down to Heppner 'tioi, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs.II.M. IIaight, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY PR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer't Saraaparilla Removes l'implet Take Notice. 1. The Bum of Ave cent per line will be 3harfred for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of respect," lists of weddtim presents mid donors. ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself itlve as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever mimosa. 2. Notices of chun and society and all other Mitert&tnments from which revenue la to he da. rived, shall be charsed for at the rate of five enM a line. These rules will be strictly adher Ad to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Btaeje for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, lonn Day and canyon city, leaves as follows ; Kvery day at a. m.. exceot Hundnv. A rrlves every day atf at., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. Extra Pat Star Brewery Bear In Half Pint Bottles can be bad only at the City Hotel Bar ! Where high grade Liquors and Clgan are also kept by Ted. E. D. Palmer was op Saturday last. Ed. Moreland was down from Hard in do Saturday. Wm. Letraoe was one of Henpner's visitors Saturday. Lee Kilbnnme, of Gooseberry, was in Beppner Friday. A. W. Patterson came np from Port- nod Sunday laet. Joe Masterson is down from Luther Hamiltou's sawmill. J. M. Hamar was in from Vinson Saturday and Sunday. Last Sunday, the 22d inst., was the shortest day of the year. T. R. Lynns left Tuesday to visit his parents at Walla Walla. W. L. Hill and 0. W. Craddick were in from Davidson Sunday. H. E. Warren and Wrieht Saline were in Heppner Saturday last. Wm, Spenoer won the tea set, put no by Ureen Matbewa recently. W, T. Campbell says Social Ridge is having fine weather for crops. T. J. Oarle, the erstwhile mayor of If tie, was iu Heppner Sunday. Mrs. Julia Bradley will serve supper tor the Christmas night dance. rred Asubaugn ana brotuer were in from MoKinoey creek Saturday. Johnny Ayera and family were in from their Butter creek home Saturday. Ike Basey reports but little snow out in the upper Clark canyon looality La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Scbonl is not in session this week and will be dismissed till after the holidays Born Sunday at 1:30 p. m., in Hepp ner, to the wife of Lewis Kinney, a 9 lb. boy. J. P. Hsyden, representing Lang k Co., of Portland, was in Heppner Friday laet. Ben Poppen dropped in from Hard man yesterday long enough to say ' wie gttbts." Lefzer has sour-kraut, sweet sour piokles and German 8-9. Morgan, who was formerly a Heppner, is teaching out at The leading tea dealers of Heppner are on band with some special drives in this line. A natural leaf Japan, good quali- ty, no dust, sweepings or trash, at 35 oents per lb., old price, 85 cents. Im perial Gunpowder, a regular 75 cent grade at 60 cents. Fine English Break fast, a regular 75 cents grade, at 50 oents. The two last makes a floe blend. Free samples to those who wish to try it. Schilling's 81.00 grade at 75 oents. Several other leading brands at corres pondingly low prioes, at Odd Combina tion Store of P. O. Thompson Co. 97-4t Our readers who have been looking for Hood's oalendar for 1896 will bs glad to know that it is out and may be ob tained from the druggist or by sending Bit cents in stamps to O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The new oalendar is cer tainly a triumph of art. It represents a lovely bead in beautiful brown tints. surrounded by a gold frame, embossed and decidedly "up to d te. It makes a useful ornament for the home and a pleasant reminder of Hood's Sarsapa-rilla. Mrs. B. F. Vaughn has aooepted the agenoy of The Paciflo Corset Faotory, and those ladies who desire anything in that line will please call on Mrs. Vaughac. It is well known that this firm makes corsets to order and those who want comfort and exact fits should see Mrs, Vangban before ordering. 97tf To the aged, with their poor appetite. Feeble oiroulatioo, and impoverished blood, Ayer's Saraaparilla is a boon beyond price. Its effeot is to check the ravages of time, by invigorating every organ, nerve, and tissue of the body. Hey Ayer'a Almanac tor the Dew year, The Gazette negleoted to say in last issue that pending the settlement of the P. Cohn drug store muddle, Mr. E J. Slocura will act as reoeiver and look after the business. As he is an old hand in that line, customers will reoeive good servioe and striot attention. Masonio Lodge Matters. At a regu lar communication of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. A. M., last Saturday bight, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Masonio year: Geo. Gonser, W. M.j J. L. Ayers, S. W.; Geo. Wells, J. W.; L. W. Brings, Trees.; S. W. Spencer, Seu'y; Bob Hynd, S. D.; N. Brown, J. U; R. C. Hart, Tyler. On the eve of St. John's Day. the 27th inBt., a Joint installation of this lodge and of the Eastern Star will oocur at the1 opera house, followed by a supper. No one will be present except the Masoos and their families. Catarrh Cared, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilob's Catarrh Remedy. Pnqe 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Wells & Warren. Frank Ross has opened up a restaurant in the Minor building, next door to C. M. Jones' barber shop. White labor throughout and rates by meal or week very reasonable. 99-tf. OUR JOURNEY AHOUND THE WORLD. Rev. Francis E. Clark's New Hook. A Great Blessing My wife and I have found in Hood's Earaaparilla. She had rheumatism very severely, with ankles and legs badly swollen, and hardly able to get np and down atalrs wit bout help. Many other remedies failed, but Hood's Sarsa- a parilla entirely c cured her. It was only shortly after tli, I was taken 1 't 111 a a m A affect- my limbs and hips, so I just tried the same medicine with the same result. My wife and chil dren take Hood's Sarsaparilla whenever they feel the need of a medicine and it im mediately makes them feel better. Hood's Sarsaparilla Saves me doctor's bills. I am an engineer, and well known in this locality." Q. W. Wyatt, White Bead Hill, Indian Ter. Hood's Pills OTi'r New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon has opened tip the fred yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solioits a bare of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Hay and grain for sale. tf. Cor Hale. Ten shares of stork in the National Bank of Heppner. Address Richard T. Cox, Reoeiver. Arlington, Oregon, t4tf. Rev. Father Bentgen. of Pendleton, will bold Catholic aervioes io Heppner uext Buoday. Hall's Hair K'oewer cures dandruff and soalp affections; alen all eases of baldneaa brw the glaoda whioh teed the roots of hair are not closed np. Eagle: E. M. VanSlyck. formerly a drngiristof Baker Oiv. is doing eocsid rable work in tbe Oreeoboro Ihia fall opening op quarif aud plaorr properties. Mr. J. W. Vaughan'a stock deervei ao examination. Hie price are wonder fully low. See ad. elsbeie. Nice towels, 25 cent. Evry thing elee tn proportion Wbrni Vaughan eey ba will surprise you ba means it. J . W. Kern, the eily painter, is pre pared to do all kind "f painting and paper banging and will do bonaeolean inr and tai np and put dnwo carp'. Offlra oo Maio tret, oppoeite Cilf hotel. We're aloays contrivln, tnd digging and driv ing rot nmethlng "Io ticket tha pot;" Then aa row fl wrry. Just rail U Who Iiim Tm anJ i'tty rl It., (, At lb Belvedere aahwD. aarl t lover Hoot Tea la a if re Cure for Headache id nervona lliaraa Nothing thWf 90 OUlclly. For sal by w rf W. J, piokles, piokle. Thos. resident of Liberty. E. A. Sampson, an nncl of Dr. B. F. Vauuhao, living at Genessee, Idaho, It seriously ill Tbe prize for tbe grand masquerade will be exhibited in Weill k Warren's show-window. 6-9, Representative Bootbby, aooompaoied by hi son, Tboa., were io Heppner Saturday last A grand masquerade ball will b given at the opera boose oo Christmas night, Deo. 25tb. 6-9. L. S. Abraham, representing Wood socket Rubier Co., waa in Heppner Sooday and Monday. A premium to cash purchasers at Phill Cohn' drag store. Don't fail to get your ticket for tbe wheel. tt. 8oow at Tbe Dallea and Hood River interfered with the passage of train (or a brief period laat week. Geo. B. Tedrow oonteroplste moving over t bi old stand, next door to the poetoffiee, io the near future. Beat aocommodatloo aod eoorteoa trenlmeotattbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh aod Waab. St., Portland, Oregoo. Mis Ave Dodaon Is dowo from Fair haven to visit ber grandparents, Mr, and Mr. E. Minor, and other relative. L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Mar M., Abra- bemairk baildiog. UePDoer, Or. tt MoCage Reeder wat la from upper Batter creek yesterday. II that stork have been ted but littla o far tbi inter. Tb Gazette will tak last aprinf calve o lien of ean. Any oo owfog wbo baa osttl cao aasly liquidate, if ao Inclined. tf So thorough u the excellence of Ayer's Hair Vigor that it can be used witb benefit by any person, no matter what may be tbe condition of the hair, and, in every oase, it occasions satisfaction and pleasure, in addition to the benefit wbiob invariably oomes from its use. Charley Jones, the well-known "old- timer" in the toneorial line, has again located in Heppner, having purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite tbe city botel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Died At Baker City. Deo. 2095, after a protracted illness, Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs., A. B. Vaughan, aged 4 years, 1 month and sixteen days. Al, and family have tbe sympathy of a large circle or rriends. Rev. E. P. Greene was up from Arlington, Saturday, Sunday and Mon day. He antioipatea that Heppner will form his sole obarge after Jan. 1, 96, witn bis resideuoe at tnis plaoe. Echo stBge leaves Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Echo Tuesdays, Tursdays and Saturdays. f are 82 eaoh way. Ofhoe, Wells k Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop. Eagle: G. 8. L. Smith expects to leave next week tor England. He will go via Cripple Creek. Colorado, where he will examine some mining properties for English companies interested there. Pure drugs, ohemioals, paints, window glass and a complete line of stationery at lowest prioes aod a ohanoe to win a $100 prize at Phill Cohn' drug store, next door to Minor & Oo. tf Mrs. Hetty Young, daughter ot Mr B F. Vaugbau, wbo visited it Heppner tbis rail and winter, will leave tbe WH lamette valley about Jan. 1st, for ber borne io California. Tb Ilia ot Wears. Const ioalioo. ceoe mora than half tbe III ot women. Karl Clover Knot Tea I a pleasant core for Coostipation For by tilt k v erreo. 1 ItV r vHIS is;i shecphcrd f ' A c , j -', ' l cr who has been out I k VJ four months, but hc I f .'..A loooks like a new manO V now for he has becn O dressed up at V ! ! I loRNF.R & Rlir.AS. Horner & Rhea, first Nal'l S BnlHlef For 822.50 I will sell a first class, bigb grade, high arm sewing machine gnaran teed for 10 years. For further partiou Urs oall on or address, N. A. lob, Lexington, Oregon. 8s-tt Masque ball tomorrow niirht. Admit tanoe, geots, masquers, $1.00; ladies free. Spectators, ladies, 50 oents; gents, 91.00. ote that lady masquer are not obarged. Bill 6mitb, awaitiog trial at Condon for having obtained money under false pretense, escaped from Jail last week and bad oot been captured at hstao count. Call oo Phill Cohn for fine wines and liquors for medicinel purposes. A com olrte Hoe of Key West clears, and a premium tioket tor the liw Victor bicycle. tf. J. W. Beckett inform the Gazette that a rabbit bunt, an ovatr supper and a Christmas tree will form a goodly part of the entertainment of that vicinity tin week. Ed. Haling i over from Walla Wall Impend Cbristma with bi relative. He ba been wltb Milt Morgao for some time, working o Mill dairy ranob. Whether yon want photo or oat, w requeat oo Io call at Ilerriu' etodio vt are prepared lo arolsQ yoa toe unl work io any Una of portraiture, ttfur, Married -Near Parker k Gleasoo'e mill, last Wednesday. Henry Holl and Mis May Brock. Tb ynnog couple were tender 1 a danoe oo Ibursday Matbewt Bro.,Cily botel barber shop toosorial artist. Uairoutling , shaving, shampooing, eta, doo cleo tiQcelly . Bath at 25 cent apleo. J. P. Rhea anJ Ooar SohsfTr were in lletipner Hatorday last tn attend a regular 0mrannirati'io of lleppeer Loitge, No. C'J. Tb dreaslng ease pat ap f ir raffle by Frank Kolwrta, wa woa by rrank til liara KnnJay. It I a splendid affair, orlh I2U. W. 3. Lerrr Mils a on pound pack eg of tea, "Crown" bread, al 60 cent aod give to ad lilmo oo silver plated lreapW. FJmer Hheom. the artist, will nak cabinet photo for the bell 90 day at liper d"in. Gallery oppoeit opera , bone. I. 1 Cllde Well i fitting on th rom a l i Joining W. i. Letr plane, and will ! eh -nly pot to a cigar aid o tj'eetiinry ! Il-Tk l.aeh X'eetit tMirehaee entitle yon tn a . I f .r the III) b'rjel el Phill C-Hins drug elnre, at it dmr to Minor k it;.. ti T J A'Uowaeoo from In Hatof ila ll alien I a feol-r rnrniaunl iCMi'il f ft -lHM.ee lftg- Nt C'J I riQ't l.reaehiorf imi at tb f.r b el.,,dsf V4 fcijig ao l J en ng by I'.'der J W, J "itmi, I McAIm k K'ick 'b Vietof l,Tt"'e al I'l.ill Olu'l Uf. I helf ianfnKf wa rl OTll, t ffc Xttt Wiok -e tiMldiog a ba'B This highly Instructive and splendidly illus trated volume is a record of a recent journey around the world, by Rev. Francis E. Clark, D.D., President of the United Societies of Chris tian Endeavor, and his wife. Throughout the long journey, which occupied mate than a year, and covered nearly fifty thousand miles by sea and land, they enjoyed rare opportunities for observation and study. It 1b one of the most valuable bookB ever issued by the American press. The reader is personally conducted through Australia, India, China, Japan, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, and many other lands. We see these countries through American eyes, and obtain a perfectly clear view of them and their people, tupplemmtcd by two hundred and twenty splendid illuKtratiom from photograph!, most of which were taken by Dr. Clark himself; for he carried a complete photographic outfit with him. Dr. Clark was one of the last Americans to travel through China and Japan before the war between these countries was begun. In this rare volumn he gives us the latest and best In sight into the 'ally life ot a Chinaman in his own country; his favorite food and odd dishes; opium fiends and their ways; the singular rites witnessed in tbe temples; the public execution of criminals; Chinese farms and farming; the seamy side of Chinese life, Japanese acrobats and their wonderful performances; Japanese life, queer customs, art, wonderful skill, etc the burning ghats of India, where the bodies of the dead are consumed on huge piles of wood (a ceremony Dr. Clark witnessed); the Tower of Silence, where the dead are exposed to be de' voured by thousands of waiting vuitures that constantly sit on the walls; wonderful native jugglers, fearless make charmers and fakirs these are but a few ot hundreds of Interesting topics presented. Their route led across the land that Joseph gave to his father and brethren; past the very fields where tlio Israelites made bricks without straw, and along the highways whera once rolled the chariots of the Pharaohs. The story of the discovery ot the mummy of the Pharaoh who oppressed the children of Israel, is wonder fully Interesting. It was found among t.iose of forty other mummies of kings, queens, and princes tn the royal mortuary chamber In the Theban Hills, and the Identification ot a Pharaoh is complete. Illustrations from photo graphs show where the mummy was found, and others give full length, profile, and front views of this ancient king who was contempo rary with Moses and reigned tn Bible times, thus enabling all to see "just how Pharaoh looked." r. A Jouruor was ma4e of hundreds of miles In an old spring wagon across Turkey and Armen ia, through an unknown country, Infested by robbers and hostile natives, the scene of the late horrible massacres of Armenians by Turks and Khurcls. Dr. Clan was the last Christian to travel across these countries before these terrl bio massacres were perpetrated. The story of this perilous trip Is full of thrilling Interest ud exciting adventure. Mrs Clark accompanied her husband every where. 8he draws a vivid picture of life In far on" lands, "As seen through a Woman's Kyes." Her narrative Is packed with anecdotes, Incl dents, and personal experiences. Her story of the long journey In the wagon la highly enter talnlng, Its privations and perils, especially to a woman, being many. Hh was the only woman in the party, which consisted of herself and seven men. Dr. Clark's name It a familiar household word, and his fame as President of the I' lilted Societies of Christian Kndeavor, with It two DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The World has the Money, We Have the Goods ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE . co.partner-hlp heretofore existing between W. Meadows and W. P. Rr.rivner. under the firm iiHme of Meadows & Scrivner, doing busi ness as blacksmiths in the town of Heppner, ha? this day been dissolved by mutual consent, S. W. Meadows will continue the business, col lect all debts and pay all bills for the said firm. aii accounts miiBt De Betilea Dy casn or note Immediately. Mr. Hcrlvner deBires to state to the public that he will continue his business as wagon maker and repairer at the same stand, and guarantees satisfaction as heretofore. S. W. MEDOW8, W. P. SCRIVNER. Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, 1S95. 93-03 They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop goods either, but goods of today, bought for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold on their merits and at prices that will have you to call again. We Select Our Stock, After careful examination, we then have the best at correct prices. Boots, Shoes, Hats, We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will greatly please us. We ave determined to please and excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en ables us to excel all competition. MINOR & CO., Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT "OR X tyofM J. H. THE COUN- Morrow, State of Oregon. Townsend, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Walden, W. G. Scott, Geo. W. Harris, Defendants. To Thomas Walden and G. W. Harris, Defend ants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against vou in the nbove entitled suit on or before the first dav of the next regu lar term ol tne above entitled court town: Monday, the 2d day of March, 1806; and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintllf will apply to tho o urt for the relief demanded in said comDlaint. t- It Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal do n, for the sum of Two Hundrd Four and Sixty One-Hundrcdths Dollars In U 8. Gold Coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, Irom tne urstuayol reuruary nw, until paid, ami tor the turner sum or Thlrty-Klve Dollars, attorney's fee, together witn me costs and disbursements ol this -lilt to be taxed. A"d that the mortgage described in plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed and that the premises inerein aesennrn, to-wit: tne hw'.j oi nee. i. Tpl N, K li E, W, M., be sold to satisfy (aid uugmeni. And that the said Geo. w. Harris and all per sons claiming by, through or under him be forever barred of all right or equity of redemp tlou In said premises. This summons is published by order of Hon Stephen A. Ixwell, iudite of the sixth Indicia district of the State of Oregon, dated December lhlll, 1MK,. J. N. BKOWN, 3W-H2. Attorney for Plalutlr). Selling Out Our Entire Stock of Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Dry Goods, Yarns, Etc. If you want bargains now is the time. We are going out of business. FELL BROS. NOTICK. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEET lug of the stockholders of the ilciumer Riilliling .V l-i)Kll Ass -ctaMiiu will lie, held at their olllce la Heppner, Oregon, on the second Tuesday of January, In'.Xi, between the hours ol 10 a. in aud 4 p m. ol "a d day, lor the nurmise oi electing uireciors ior ine ensuing rear. Ml. H, HIHIHir, Heppner, Or., Doc. t, W.I.V M Hec'y STOCK HOLDERS' MKF.TINO. XTOTH'E 1H IIEItKIIY GIVEN THAT A MEET- M In Hank of THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOROH33RS, Prop. - - - - Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. He till III house. In Heiipner, oil the second Tuesday of January, betaccn the hours of lo a in and 4 p. in of said day, for the purine of electing direc tors (or the euiujig year. f.l) R. niHIKH', I'aahler. Heppner, Or.. Dee. 4, Iw,',. rIJin. 1 1MB tit (TI.TI KK SITED UTATES I.ASD OKKK'K AT I.A I'.lli, loin plaint IihvIiik tH-en ntsdi at this rtlticp by the duly vrrltiel anidstlt ol Ntimiel Mi-Hrldc, surg ing that n tn. II aohlH-. ho mad" Iluilirr ( nllnre entry No. 1 al (he lnd lirnce at la (iraudft, Orctfon, on tin l.rih day ol Ih-rrtnlirr, I M, ior the ?u oi v, . i u a, k n n, - M . hfta ar hollv Italiilolied tin Idtrai-t- fhsl claimant lias lulled In plant any trees iiiu ald TIIUMDKK LIQIITNINO "There is a tide in ihe affairs oj men That, if taken al Us flood, lead on lo fortune." The flood is here ami bo ia With a full line of Ilanlwuit). Tinwaif. GlanHwarc, d-ookorv. Wood anil Willow warn. Collar Tubn at I Jedrock I'rieoH. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING GANG FLOWS! In llierrHiu as by law minimi I hen-lore, alih a vleo ol the cancellation of the ame, the said imiiIIi-s are ear-h tierehy re- qnlrrd and siiminotied to li and aiitar before l V. Morrow, coiiniy cleri ol Morrow county, Ort-goti. al his olllce In Heiipner, (ireiroti.oii lie I .Hi ilny of January, I, at Ihe hour 'if Hi n'cloi a. A . M , and prodnre such testimony as thry tuav liav concerning lha Mlil aileg-siloha 1 he Anal hearlm lo Ik had lielor Ihe resliter and r-eWer al Im itratide. Hrrgoii, on January .m, al 10 o I II" sa.w B f. ll1. Keglster. ?Ao. J II. KullHINH, Kxrlvrr. and one-half million members, has n tended to every corner of the world. Many distinguished ,r"'1 l"'1 '"f 'J'",' V'." "'" V?'1""? IIOTIIIW tt 1 1(1 '1 IIIIH HI Wfll .ills inula, , 117 knew that he had acquired In this remarkalitt Journey a wealth of material which, with his unique collection of photographs, would tnaks one of the moat valuah'c books of the day. It contains steel plate portraits of Dr. Clark and of his wife, from recent photographs; e large map, exhibiting the whole worid at a single glance, showing the author s Journey from the beginning to the end, and TJUflns lllua tratlons, front phMographs from I1 la. Ihrst must be seen to le appreciated. We do not know when am ta(e have given us more runtime pleasure. If spk warm ly ol the book, II la hm-ane It richly derve It. II Is sold only by agnla. and Is iin-eili, with an eiiorivmis sal At"lho liitrodma a Aral cl work Ilk this ousl.l lo l mrdlallv weli-ntnnt. heller that lha beat way tb keep out pool hoiks is by Inlmdiii'ltig it mm ones, and a l-eller on than this has ne.er laeen bronghl tonnr nolle, ful II Into ynur hnm. II will ha read over and over et-aln by old and yming, with pleaatif and pruM. lha work Is itillhd hf lha old and well known arm ol A D Morlhlnglon A Is, Hart lord, l ino , whoa Imprint la eultlrlrtit gnaran tr ol tha trellem ol tlt voiuma The anH-y for the aiva work has boon aM-nnd hr Namiirl I. lorer. lha editor has rwn Ihe proauertos and will say Ihat II la a al- uahl wurk aod should M In errry lamlly (7 f They run ao light They run off In Ihe night. The onlj-vicluMivo HarJwriro Store liftwem Tlio Dal Ion and Fetidleton IlPIipner, ... Orogon. KAIN ItAIN (lUMUUNH. IN Tiir im fir .rnT rR tiik roi'N ly id Morrow, etal of Owm. Th Northern ( nimtleal Inimmvnl T fast, UmlUd, flailitifT, s 0 W atawaet. Janis n. Hamilton u W liar rlnfi'i -. Addla far p and J. N Hrwn. Defends tila. MiM'H'K. OK MAI.K. Vtuk t iiniimv i.wrs that lliy N under and hr tlrttie of a derrtMi and older I ol saW duly made and entered on So 4ih l Ih li.. tt..ll. ..I II.. Hl.l. ..I II IS' II M.l...a dnreaM1. hr Ihe I miiily rotirt, fil Ihe Mateol iiresun lor Morma I utility a.-IMng In i.folrfiia the lililerlsiiel as adlnliiltisliir lit llie aald mate, w III i.ili-r lor sale al ptiltlie am lion In ihe lilt-heat Itldd.r lor I Ill lis nl oil Kalur-lay. January II. ! al II ! k In Ih loremeiu of thai 'lay al Ihe front door ! the nmil limiae. In llepiiner Morrow I fiuitty (Mes-nn all th lullo. lot dr rllied real irtfer1ff u-lonyliig In th I liame.1 ealale lliiat-! Ill Morrow futility llrefoli. tiill Ih Mtlhel niiartef of .-. lion laelve lli In In i,.lil. Ihri-. 1 1 ..nlli. ttanre Iwenly thre ll fast Mlllamell M'll llan aald sale la made nltir. t In all llena and ih iiniierni now eiiaiing iimio in aatd r-l trifrly. and s-ii'K ' to Ih rortnrmatt id all m'x lo Im mad l.J tha alnna nulled i or j For tho Guro Oi Liiuor.0iium isd Tobacco Habits It le located at Kelem, Oregon, Th 3.r limuUul Town on tkt Cixuf Call al lb (lustra offlra for particulars airli tlycvnhdeiitlal. Iraaunaut frlai aud sure cure Mwart 'id James D Hamilton, ", y rt.rvby riMleed tn ai-pr and anf th To t Iwfendariui In Ih aamaof tb ll nf rfin pialnl t,ed al" ?" ' I" a itillid n ara mm I oo lit y I oil rt. I hi Adml-ilsiealor of prlao. iera-l h.id Ihl :th dar of AMilirW k""l eatala of l W , II lertnlr fi ff. "I AHMIITKTM H MlTH . Nciiii r l iirprnr Ulideraiflie-I ,a i f e Ma'la'l Hr , Josl - Mini .e ek. Kb-ita on hkaailni Dana li-d i When tbr te lee a . .-..a, , Bbel liwbeflt t tlir1 rek't h Leni'al f fl Ibie eal f if tiiie ri'V'" II- eareearri It, Ut trirlicll, iim lli-la air. f!"1! t I "'T ' ' I""! t'irl ! tt ''ailusiitly Iba th'f J. J HnrM'e IV'e eel easi'f, t'etent M e(!riilr, It lif enl !. S ill on of heli.r Ih flral 4f H Ih nSI regu lar terra ol Ih al nlliie-t co irl. In all Haedaf. Ik 14 af ( Maerk. !. aid If Toil tall oianer, tne os'.l lhrrd Ih plaintiff will eil-ir n Ika rmt t'-f tha flll 4nai4ed la ald cmi. alr.1 l. ll A s Im l-r th Maul ' I M.naa-.d le.lla S g-.id e.,ia a Hh etfr.t lh -a-.a al H- ri irl a-1,1 r rftl faf f-nuitl from lha ge, of Jul, lj. nitili fwid if iitasum nt aisaad Clllf law Hiiielied'hS Ir-ii ara lin ..i.r.l li,rrf, al ir rat id if rl r iil tt am.iia. Irow Ih vth ilay "' - a y l. and Ih -ia a-f i it, H'lndrt t. .ara i"niMi a, and aaiia ard !''".'! of Una suit Aol"f!ha leirr r.f II. r.orlga f r,t4$ l.y rtef.f.aattl t ) aiart lo aer-ir th aymer,! . ha aan ar A nf 1-f I a rrf ih km- i lus'ief ih . g 4 of IK -r ! ad ! Ih a 9 a) a si k4 Ih a al IK 'd li. a I e 1 1 t r.ia nt lit M , lot th ol aan ri..ia ar-1 -r.-n a '.1 aeei, i.ivri i ii at tiir. M d'l.T B-.illite-l l-t l rmi iiiy rtmrt nf M'irriitt intmir irr-fi a'tnilnlalralMf ol II, ealal ol Aletao-I.r HIIhU. dr-eaal ahd ad lrrttiS havl't eiali a arli Mil ea'ai ar l.-r. i in.iir.d lo .r..i.l l,a aiA. d-iif t.rtrtrd In aald ai lii,ltrir, al Ih i.e.. of J a. Hr.a. In lle.,i..r rrr.f .n a m. in at a moulds Irmu ll.t dale nl Ihia oolif I A Wr-il THY. A I'RinisUaini J t faa- . AH? lid Adml jit l" l'i, t'ot rsntirr. nr nun kNM.iiiie knrriv, ii' r i uroi ey mv r hut tin er i i i r.m,'.f ol it, -. a hold. i.f l r.l .H-.-..l Ha- S r.l I1.,.i..l al II.. Ill i'i Ih ji.d .lay of i'.trF . !, II. h..'a r.l lo ones a .! II itili!. . ol a id dar Ih p-trtaM r. I a i .1 !... and Ih Irai.aa I of ,. , i.ll.et l-.ai'.ea a r t-l-a i.r-r l ! H. hl M.( ft r III , fee A. A 'l (ii N u. ..! to C. H Van Diiyn. Nest door l t Hy llotl. Has everythino in tho line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinwore. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, r J. Leezer's Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. flflSH BRUD. CAtlS MHO NlS ALWAYS OH HA HQ. Cummings & Fall, rVofc nf Intention, la) Ik rnd MM " , ... . ; .r.l- IhM'l.i.l.nl ii matn Mi , I Afirri' tf Hl.MM-f rrvrw j was nana n ..w sU-Smi rsis a- ai Ihe I ;i . a u t.. ,i i. ,i I fy T T IKIeeil to ll-o Mnrxl "''- ) aaairoia-.ir., .1 ,,. ... ., k.. .fM,....r . . 1 I I A l I rin nl th svir i.1 a-d . a ii j a . i i. ..if,,., i.. ...... a . a 1 ' I I 11111 11 I I I I Si lino 'l l r. tr fr- i ! a. I A...,4d In t-.in s .,. ai- I a - 4 l .1 m, t ,.... .. i l. e.,1. I T f 1 II I I I llfll.lV , I i.i a is o-,i. !. at w rd II -a , j . n ..,.. ... t, , i n , . : X. . V I I V AV Al ' F 1 J ACl'cau ba Or rvir. ..,,.4 .i. -,da IM aiii j.dw.a) r,, tt i. f .5 t 9 I tn'l f eg lUe 1 1 ' J ' ,b " 4J,iln'TaiV1-" Ifl-.giik io fHI A'.o. lit.. inil.B I ,m II s f' t : 1 m 1 ......a. .. 1 1 -. ,v $,',- t 1 f e- . rm4 m T I .. . a - t. . f i .wfe . ' 'e- a-... e Mi 1 1 . t. I. I' - ' I a n- ''or a. I M- I 9, 1 I IJ a J JT- I a-r v tOltntlBt AWM i. i w , . - I a-1 H . r rt s i a r1 iia""r i. I. If A'II(U I'liX IIAV (r . Maii a-o M t -UtnolM, ctvttr. TtAoe Cleicat PereaTtV tOeONT. l. ea-aii- 1 f "'J t a a i.i, ai - ' tM i.ihi m- --" "'" -..t t.w !... I' -rl y.. Mi.. I" as ao ha ah Scientific tttrtna t'arr4'i. .--i-fT . .ii- ran ea eao a, .. , ... r l " ,k. I w il al li W r, V. .r,S . , I'lanl v V.. irfs-oy, P4 1- W. s we 9 f f.fti sr