u i J VUAZHTB Hermann did not get the chair manshio of the rivers and harbors committee, the plum going to Hooker, of New York. Oregonians true Oregonians regret this. For Dyspepsia and Liver complaint yoa have a prided trnnrantre od every bottle of Sbiloh'e Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. TO HOMESTEADERS. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. One of the Remarkable Aehievemeats the Science of the Age. of The Law in Regard to rutting and poHinfc of Timber. VENEZUELAN AFFAIRS. DIs- The house and senate have ishown their hands on the Vene zuelan question by supporting the president's suggestion to appoint a commission to enquire into the matter, and to ascertain without doubt whether or not Venezuela is right. The findings of this body will determine the future course of the United States. The position taken by the ptesi dent and congress is the position of the American people, and from this there can be no receding. And if there is no war this incident should admonish us that in time of peace we should prepare for war. But there will be no backing down. England knows this and will act accordingly. War between the United States and England meanB the destruction of the lat ter's commerce, the throwing out of employment of thousands of people and subsequent ruin of that country. England's possessions are scattered aud coutain by no mean an entirely loyal population. Then there can be nothing gained for England by going to war, but on the contrary there is much to lose. With the United States it is much different. Consuming much of what we produce and manu facture, we are in a measure to close our ports and "live like kings," for the Burplus, in the event of war, would bo consumed Dy me enormous army ami navy, and bosidcs there would be an in- creased demand for many things Hhat are not manufactured vory extensively. If we fight, justice must bo on our side, and it cannot in the end injure us, financially or otherwise. Though it might cause tho destruction of a fow of Mir const cities in theincipioiicy of tho trouble, in the end it would in- i . i 1 t crenbo oui wcaiuj aim tuna us together, Noith, East, Smith aiu: West, as wo were iu tho "era t good feeling," during tho adminis tration of 1'resideiit Monroe. La Grande, Ore., Deo. 11, 1895. Inas much as much interest is being mani felted in the question as to whether or Dot a homesteader is permitted to ont timber aud remove the same from the tract embraced in hie entry, and as an errooeons impression is going abroad as to just what the law is on the subject, we have thought it a matter of justice to those ooDoemed, to state tbe rule appli cable to such oases. Homesteaders will find the sama printed in red Ink npon tbe margin of tbe duplioate receipt issued by the land officials, and it is as follows: "Timber land embraoed in a home stead, or other entry not consummated, may be cleared in order to cultivate tbe land and improve tho premises, but for no other purpose. If, after clearing tbe land fur cultivation, there remains more there is no objection to the settler dis posing of the same. But tbe question whether the land is being cleared of its timber for legitimate porposes is a ques tion of f sots wbioh is liable to be raised at any time. If tbe timber is cnt and removed for any other purpose it will subject the eDtry to cancellation, and tbe person who out it will be liable to civil suit, for the value of said timber, and also a criminal proseoution under Section 2,401 of the Revised Statutes." This has been tbe law of the case tor many years and is tbe law now, and persons interested should aot accord ingly. B. F. Wilson, Register, J. H. Bobbins, Receiver. WABBINGrON LETTER. (From the Herald, South Bend, Washington.) It falls to oar lot this week to tell our readers, and tpeoially those who are not blessed with perfect health, ot one of the greatest and simplest remedies ot the century. Personally we enjoy tbe best of health, year in and year ont, but among onr friends is J. L. Myers, proprietor of tbe Broadway Pharmacy, a man who knows his business thorough ly, is entirely wedded to chemistry, and hygene, and oftea "talks shop." One eyening tbe conversation turned on new discoveries in drugs. He told us that one ot our mutual friends, John Wyandt, a Locomotive Engineer, owed his health to a new medioine known as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and that Mrs. Lawler, the wife of Patrick Lawler, cooper at the Tannin Extraot Works, and well-known in this oity, has been raised by them from what her friends thought was her death bed. Having had our attention called to tbe matter so particularly we have since found that everybody has a good word lorrinit mis, ana especially were we interested in tbe case ot Mrs. Lawler. Finally we oalled at ber home and asked her to tell ns It Pink Pills had really done as muob (or her as had been told, She said they bad and she would repeat the faots to me. Mrs. Lawler said: "Two years and a half ago I was taken sick. I then lived in Taooma, and for five weeks was not able to turn myself in bed. Mv hoBband and boys lifted me around and oared for me, and tbey scarcely hoped tor my recovery. I oould eat nothing, was simply worn oat. "I sent for the Pink Pills and I began taking them. It said in the directions that they should be taken immediately after eating so I ate lightly then took the pills, and in two days was able to sit op. In two weeks I was np and around, and was able to make the trip of 125 miles by oars to South Bend where my husband bad gone to work "Sinoe that time I have been well and have done my own work, aud now when I feel worn out or ill I always take Piuk I have JOX. None Bnt Ayer's at tbe World's Fair Ayer's Barssparilla enjoys tbe eztraor dinary distinction of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the Pills and tbey help me at once, World's fair, Ohiongo. Manufacturers I in tbe two years and a half, need twtntv omer sarsapar iihs aongni ny every 0ne boxes of them and we all use them of means to obtain a showing of their goods. ont they were all turned away under tbe pphcation of tbe rule forbidding the entry or patent medioine and nostrums. he deoieion of the World's fair antho. lies in favor of Ayer's HurBaparilla was effect as follows: "Ayer s Uarsspa- a is not a patent medioine. It does nt belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is I here on its merits." Tiik Htock Outlook. Tbe Monument orresnondeiit to the Qrsnt County .Newi ssys unit siook ot all kinda are poor and that grass is about one-eighth r an inch high, res, Col. Dan persists in SHvmg that CoNOBEHHMAN ELMS, of Oregon when interviewed iu Wahhitigtou a at t a M ait to ma Dent meann lor raising revenue for tho government, aid "I fayor tho iinjMwitioti ofnn al 1 a . I a umoiifti tax oi 91 ikt (mrrel ou beer. This would btiug in at lens AM. I UU . 111 .iw,t"ju,iju aiiti wouui Harm no. ImmIv. Its only I fleet would lio to diminish to aoino extent tho onnr tnoua profits of the brewers," 1 ia to lo hoped that other reulli can congressmen will oon rerog cizo the fart that there i aiiothc way of raiting reveuuo than tniing Dccosaitie-a of lifn. Toliami, ln-i-r, a a . a a wLihky ami every oilier luiur) ahould boar tie bunb-ii of taxation t i -n t t . . waciaouTiiio teiii.; mm, Mr. Ellia ia also in favor of a lot ill co wool and luruWr aa a futtln meant of raising revenue, IlrcKXTM a young U lr, in at tempting totmard a lx.nl dou the WillainrtW, struck a fr.i place on the gang Una, falhi and ttion kei t on Inline till l landed io a titling tmaturn hnl way am tha dirk. A i.l. newvpajirr tnan, aim ir. i, -i tit . wnf U MatM How II ift 1'i'lnM II .a a mat ma young imv wiui tvnaiicr ab'.acMorttj Uardsl tlx Ul lik llalaam mrui through Jrruaclutu l'.s)laMis attacking our iparte. It lliia tak- it. when we are feeling out of aorta. I have recommended them to many ot my friends, and they always helped them, and I can say to all mothers that they will find them a good medioine to build them up, oure beadaobes, dizziness and tne Ills wuioh so often beset them." Mr. Lawler also stated that be bad often taken Pink Pills. That be used to be troubled with sick headache and dizziness in the morning, but that Piuk I'lllS bad cured mm. Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and riobness to lb blood and restore shattered nerves. Tbey are for sale by ail druggists, or may be had by mail n Buying that this is misleading, and that there is a large surplus ot bay in from Dr. Williams' Medioine Company, democrats aav thev ..... Iut tat . a n I llraiit County. Just as well tell tha ml h, Dan, by saving that iu the main John Dhv valley there is plenty ot bay tnd no gra, while in other aectioua of tha county there is a soaroity of hay, and nut very little. gra J nut tnll your readers alNo that if thera is a long, mid inter, such as was fiperimioed fonr years ago when so much stock of all id pcri'lied. Hint thn number of oar- 0 im( s of dumb brut.' sputtered over the barren hilis of lirnul county will far i wd your itiuitt sanguine) eioe Ution, Hag It. - - The wifo of Mr. 1). Hnincu, a promi nent liitntirrtii'tn nf llartwick. N. Y, wh sick wild r ht-iiniH t mm for Ave month In HNkitig of it, Mr. Knl in nulla): "i.iintuiierlniti s Tain ll.ilm is h" only thing llinl gn her any real 'rotil ynin. t-nr Mm relief of mn it 'annul he lieal " Many vry bad oaaea r rhftiroalmm have been rnrej by It. Kor sain at M mills per bollla by Phlll :list I Wit Hobeneotady, N. Y.. lor 60 cents per box, or six uoxea lor w. From our Beeular CorreaDondeut. Those who regard men as merely grown up boys are not surprised at tbe indications of congress getting "Christ mas in its bones" and even those who look npon Christmas as merely a bit of left over childish nonsense do not feel that tbey bave any kick coming to them beoause lots of senators aud representa tives have already gone home to spend the holidays. Their going or staying would not affect publio business, as the house oan do nothing until its commit tees are aononnced, and it is now said that Speaker Reed will tot announoe them until just before the reoess ad journment, which will occur the last of this week. The republican caucus oommittee baa finished seleotiDg tbe chairmen ot tbe senate committees and the republican membership of those committees, and a oauous in now in session to consider them, and, uuless advance indications were all wrong, it's quite a lively oauous. One ot tbe causes is that Senator Stew art, populist, of Nevada, has been named as chairman of tbe 1'aciflc railroads com mittee, whiob, in view of legislation for the settlement of the debts those roads owe the government, will be a very important committee. It is believed 1 that tbe slate will go through as ar ranged by tbe oaucus oommittee, but if the righting oauous is a bitter one it will probably result in deferring the reorgan ization ot the Beoate until after Christmas. Tbe silver senators will have a majority of three in tbe finanoe oommittee which will enable them to report a tree coin age bill whenever so disposed, but the more conservative silver men do not think tbey will do so at tbe present session, beoause it would only be a waste ot time. Even if the senate should pass it, there would be no snow to even get it before the bouse, to say nothing ot getting it through; and should both bouse and senate pass it a veto would await it at tbe white bouse. Still the silver men are glad to control that com mittee. They oan prevent anti-silver legislation, if they oan't get what tbey want. Tbe frowns of tbe administration have not deterred the silver demoorata from renting a house just serosa from the oanitol building and going into business as a national organization, by formally opening beadquurters for tbe dissemi nation ot literature devoted to silvr Senator Harris, ot Teon., is at tbe bead ot this auti-administration demooratio movement. Tbeannonnoed objeot is to fight for silver inside tbe democratio party, but tbe interesting thing about it is, what will Senator Harris and bia followers do if tbe anti silver or admin stratum wing of their party coutrola tha demooratio uatiooal convention as most politicians believe it will. Some of tha populists believe the silver democrats will then go to them, but the silver are so certain to "Waiter, I oyster soup." "It shall not happen Detroit Free Press. found an oyster in this eg bin, sir.' ii tne oonoen was taken ont or some people there wouldn't be enough of 'em left to baDg clothes on. Texas Sittings. Said Adnm I swear ta von, yoa a tbe first woman I ever loved. Replied Eve I suppose I shall bave to believe yon; but this is so sudden. BoBton Transcript. All Recommend it. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shilob's Cure for Consumption. Tbey will recommend it. For sale by Wells & Warren "Papa," inquired a small girl at tbe dinner table the other evening, "what's a millionaire? Dorothy Smith said to 1 me today, 'Your tattler's a millionaire.' "What did you say," asked tbe small girl s rather. "Oh, I jus' said, 'So's yours."-New York Evening Sun. growing time. That boy! A little lad, all fun. A little chap, all coat A round cipher, not know ing whether the stroke will go up and make him six, or down, and make him nine. It's growing time with him. He is burning up fat. This fat must be in as constant supply as the air he breathes. It has got to come from somewhere. If it does not come from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body. He steals it and you say " He's getting thin he's growing so fast." Scott's Emulsion will take that boy, set his digestion at work, re-build that body. His food may not make him fat Scott's Emulsion will. Bi imtyou pt Scott's Emulsion vike yu want it and not a chenf sulsCtntt. Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Drug-ists. soc. and $i. Not at Home. "Unless he disooveres me," she whispered, as she shrank behind the ounaius of her window, "he'll fiod me out." With beating heart she listen ed, while the hired girl went to tbe door aud made the talk. Detroit Tribune. at Javv., A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption. La Grippe. Pneumonia. and all Throat and Lung diseases are HEPPNER onred by Shilob's Cure. For sale by Welle fc Warren. Attorneys All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON A Brand New Man! Statb Teachers' Association By request ot Snpt. balsiger. we wish to slate that our announcement of "Teach ers Association in a previous issue was incorrect. We should bave made it read state teaohers' association, com meocing Jan. l, 1896 holding tbe 2d and It is not meant that the man is so new, but that this paper is called dosing tbe 3d, at Portland. Teaobers i i. il . - 11 A It. ft I lit A rin.llmntl WHAMAftV.LtA Uivu t-ir nuuuuum iiv bill? puuiiu uoii tuo uaiuuiou ujcituuuio business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to will please note this as it is tbe desire of tbe superintendent that all who oan will attend. GEO. A. BROWN, A Well Known Morrow County Boy. He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr. When most needed it is not unusual for our family physician to be away from home. Suoh was tbe experience ot Mr. J. Y. Sobeuok, editor of tbe Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when bis little girl, two years of age was threatened with a severe attack ot croup. He says: "My wife insisted that I go for tbe dootor, but as our family pbysioian was out of town I purchased a bottle of Chamber am s Oongb Remedy, whioh relieved Brown's stock and place of business will convince you. ber immediately. I will not be without J it in tbe future." 60 oent bottlea sale by PbillOohn, druggist. for Painful Acoidbnt Mrs. Harriet flallook had tbemisfortuoe to fall down a flight ot staira at Judge Dntton's place. neiowtown, last Friday night, breaking tbe radius of one Brm at tbe articulation of the elbow, and otherwise bruising ber. As she is quite aged tbe aooident is a serious one, though it is thought that she will reonver rapidly. Dr. Mc swords was called and reduced the fracture. Hardman, Oregon, Successor to "W. E. 'KAHLER. Major 3. T. Pioton is manager ot the State Hotel at Denison, Texas, wbioli the traveling men say ia one of tbe best hotels in that eectioo. In speaking ot tlbauibHrlain'a Colic, Cholera and inarriinea J(nieily Major l'icton shjs: "I have used it myself and in my family for several years, ami take pleatmrn in saying that I consider It an infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. 1 always recommend it, and bave frequent' ly aduiiniNierpd it to my guosta in the hotel, and In every r it baa proven llaelt worthy or nuquliQl endorsement, tor tale by l'hlll Coho, druggist. PAH1 1. 1) AWAY. Wikut Wuriiita.-Htin.Jay au I Hun- Uv night was prHty windy over in tha llelner neighltorhmid, reselling almost gale nrly )rlerdy niorniig It emu from tha aoiitbwpat, and uodoubt- y I'lsyml sad bavuo with weakly ena- lfuct.l imt-tmil.lliig ami rotten tmo- g t p at Ilia r(Vi truck, nn of th Utili iu unr M.frJ. whlla K I Oetebrl from ttis Kfglitrr. Again lbs Register ia called npon to giva spar to tha ebrooiollog of tha death of one ot Oregon's early pioneers Halurday evening, IVoember 14. lV.tf, Isaao Vandnyo, Br., passed pear-full away, at bia bom tear Coburg, agd HI years 3 tuootha and 2H daya. Mr. Vanduva wm boro la Hnmerest county, Nw Jsrs, Augait 17, lfili). tint 1H15 b moved Willi bis parents to Ohio, wbra Lis mother died. Ia IS. 7 bit (stlie r IraDsfrrrad hi reniJeuca to I rrr.i r.ltou wrr disturb-d in their lumtwra l lh eimplKia dlrnciioa of I Vermillion o.mulr, Indiana, wbr oir ""- ii-n.i iim aul. M( ...1-1 Mn.l luirt it..,. I,. 1 1 M irlt ialril iff I bttiM htalca will !l ttft J .i.! h . i,r ..ii4,i. f U.,, than it Intra an I g-l tti f t. .-i i heir improvi,! too trap around I heir qrtrs. Tba '') rr f,.r a llaia thai lb labl would all ! blown away. I'd in llri.p er, evwtmin h waa tarnil do ih n toaar.l Islington, and avral CP .H.insi h.i -r nut a hill Uu ba.1 didi'dll lk ta k-lng their ia.ls tUts r h t ta It at all. Wor.l aia irtti th ronnlry ttitl th mw i l.ly Ifflr.l. 1 1 wm Hi wimlimt "phi r thai Trf struck IliU ot!..t. barring tb Iiingioo r)cl..n i4 a fw yr .v A Ktrl tWaaliter Ka'l's nr Rwl piriOs th Mm an. I f ir rlrar an. beautiful ff"ini., ii..n. rrlby Writ A War- Imatar Nfa -MaT-i' Magstia fr January will t an tlt nt 30iXU "'i. a ir0qlalioa ru! I any I woof th high lii. mafciia. It willUII in ioiy i i i.inc.in a a rlrt ta a c-nalry l.-p, l li ir gMmmar la lb ('Mala i f Wrlgl.lng out a BJ r an I .lp f pi., allied ta thai tl at iocl..-. whiaki, ariitnpg, y bis H li ry ly ...... .,h - ,m.,,;m .n., pmiinni, i n 'uaaa ia pr .l natinilMa, wom-w hiiwi.i am i AiiDtti, i.ingi.s, i.ia l l tuua ammnnr MtMrir a a .H Uia l.n i c-f,l .-ry Jay I t Hut. b e tum oitmUr i f II. UI.Ulr, an I lho. t.i al ty U ll ttarr. Iti aa.-irc tt Ik ! of 1ppi 41, . .. ia lie a "ltipli t-t taw rwrait t.t th married. M.r.b .7, rtarab Mil. a. Io 1H40 Mr. Vandayaa settled Id M rcr enniy, Mwn'i. wbrra be resUI'd ant il starting cr.. lbs plaias w'll, aa ct ttu la lb lViflo eal to KM, Arriving in Orrgon Kpptmbr IJih of lhal year I piil In lb locks Mb Hani ism, bill in KM. Hlmnrr 1Mb, b tuck mmpm'H if id farm br b rfaide-l up to lb lien ot bis ileatb. Ilia Wife died a fetal ar . II Ipsv ighl living elill.1r(i, Mr. M. A. rrulh. Kila Tlo ma. J.il.n and William, of t'..lu'g. 4 ami Marlon of liiilfpaaJriir anl lrnlii p ll I'oer. On hi on lb did. IrtrJ aaj tmn.i lrncly Iter Uirgnn' tl.lrr- r pa on I ll.rnogb Iti darknr Into lb lift, I cf rhiiyj ami r , l lib o.ly tb alilalK'a t4 gJ ld and brru ci..i. ,i re mil ii et nnr !. Vanduva aimnl among lh furrrio i.f ih bar.ly pkra, r tW4i. and l 'p.l by all nj brorJ by tb fnrli m It Iraira. control tbe democratio oonvention that tbey bava not considered what tbey will do if they fail. Tbat sort of talk ia bluffing. Great generals do not plan a campaign without providing (or possible defeat, and Heoator Harris and those who are in tbe movement itb him bave bad loo much Io do with politioa not to bave made plans to govern tbeir acts ia ce of defeat; tbey don I want thesa known, that's all. That there bas been for several years a tendency on the part ot tbe senate to hen ran more exclusive it oodeuia'de, It began when tbe publio were that oat or one of tbe elevator in lbs sen at wing of tba Capitol and waa added lo when the pnblio mat dnid access to lb tcnal chamber after tba senate adjourned. For tbe first time lh peopla who were Dot provided with tickets were shut ont of tha galleries of both honae and aeoal, ou ibe opeuing day of thi evaion. The tbiugt all abow a grow ing desire for (lolasiven, bat a plan now ooder Oobiideratioo famishes proof pwiliv, so tar a tb senate is ootiOerued It ia proposed to remove tb old wood brtiohes in Iba nt galleries and to replace thpo with foldiug opera ebaira. no ur that ts good idea. But it la further proposed ibat tbe chairs l aumlwrvd ao Ibat they may b rrvd by tb aeoatnra opon all intert-atlug occaanmi aou in iu bpi liter tor Ji. i tnhulrj among their friend. That ia a very bad id. If ..iid, at it almt ppilaluly will b, do peraoo bo (Viold not gt a tlt'pet from ator could tx a Imillpd o lb smal galleriet ba I her was any pmbabiltiy of aoythiog iutprting occurring oa lb tl or. wbicb w all b very unjust an J very ao Amerieaa MierrU'v Carlil't aaanal report la more aaliaf clr r to rnagr than w lb flnaodial part ol iba rldnl' m-aang. I'rpaidenl Clinil bat rtnrti4 to Waslitngton, bat it la Bot rertals Ibat b will tnd Hataburt't anwr to cngrpa nnlil afiar th ncM, altb Qgb il la an.rtno. Itisl M.labnry ba iiirraiptip l lo mk pahlit b nr la U-n b n if lbt la any (urlt.r delay oa Hit aid. t a.niiutox. ) C, IW. lit, KiJ. Birthday Pabtt Miss Mary Mc- Swords oelebrated ber twelfth birthday esterday arterooon. Deo. 23. at tbe residenoe of her parents on Chase street, in oompaoy with a number ot ber young riends who bad assembled by previout invitation Several boura wat spent pleasantly and moat thoroughly enjoyed. There were present: Mabel Ayera, Win nie uilliam, Una (iilliam, Edith dager, (JiBra Morgao, Wiltetta Leezer. hsue Leeter, Mamie Estes, Qraon Greenwood, Uertrod Walbrtdge, Ola Fnqua. Pearl Wells, Ester Ford, Luella Nelson, Nora Matlook, tdna Mallnry, Etta Rogera, Leah Minor, Willa Minor aud Zoe Pat terson. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & BinnB, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Orpgon. Theae gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crnnk. Gilliam and other counties, and can auve money and time In making tbeae sections with traveling men. Prlcea In keeping with the times. TMOMPsoisr & Biisrisrs, Took Fbrmcb Lbve. About 3 o'clock Hunday afternoon, John Mastara and John Jenkins, eaob serving anix months' sentenoe in the county jail for petit larceny, Moaped and are still at large. II mier Harrington, who t tbe iailor. had been allowing them to carry in tbeir wnoii, unlocking the corridor tor tbat pnrpoae. Tbe corridor is ot lbs I Paiily make and defies th efforts of tbe beat julbreaker, but as these boyt wr reaideuta and had served ont mora than nail tbeir respective terms, tbey wr givea soma privilege. After unlocking th corridor, j oung Uarriogton stepped out of tight for a tew minute, and npon his return found tbat the birds bad fl iwo. Close search failed to reveal tbeir where abouts. Jo MeAlith, wbo I awaiting I trial for perjury, refused to acoompsoy Ibem. LITERAKV MUTED. Et-Prealdent Harriaoo reeeive a Isrg r om Mr in artioie oa I bis Uoonfy nf Onr." which b ia writing for Tb I,, liea' II tin Journal, tbao baa ba paid to anv public man in America fur inagaiin work ot a similar tatnr. lii Ort article, lo lb Cbris'm nnmber of I rh Journal. old over I1 10.010 extra eople nf lh magaxlo. ot which 725 000 enpiet wer printed aa a Drat adilioo T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an object for you to trade with him as bis prices are right, and all goods that he handles are ot the very best Door avi i l i.l tf ' ,tl wr 'A!Trn;-rral tnnlwnrlhf (rniUmva I n in lllr lo lral In (rron. !' Miahll b. M. rl labia honae falary I m an.l atnvnar. eirailf ialllin Knrli re'eranr an-1 aril a4- nta"l lmi1 nli. il l"nilal"n Com ny, Iblrd rim. lmaha ulMlng, ihliu,, III. ma A. ImrM pvrHii"Ku j or. J ly. Hamilton, I II Whn railing a.lwrUM.1 I.KT1 VK Mitr. AT RfclTXE at.Xeal.ro lof Ihaa ltln plma aay 4. r. iijj. r. m. f r. . I, 1 1 ,r if 'H n I aigi li luratirg ,lunnila ' I ty t.il. j Hi-1 f btcb tt ffclf ati ar id . ! braUh , than it jwti., titi I'liililty enri rrlfiili it brk t t" via faUr tho I'.nglatid ran g"t il aaar from oa II nhooM tlirn pat law a - fairuiaie i i niaan g.. i M uir ali at money, i I t!in Ink 1 1: Uo I, p l l biU' h I a'l. MtMU'Wtl. tl r tn i . iTm t- 'tt 'I ;.!; I tusl. irniult i f l ie t . .!. It.' a t- waul t li. I ! i " i? fraaxdabt ibirg nil d ik g' wi ae.1 if ol, hi twwly will aqllila.l i i - in. .'in a.. i at r -f nin i iii- im m Uof tln!a'..f ' I! lt k! ' mm tn.M. i t, l -' 1 1 I'f 'f " I "ii' fllf ' int S,m..m I . U i'a'f It It Hli g. U.M, It. W '! 1 1. i n i in tl4 tl" ll.ij..,f a I M , a'lmi g ., ( M . ! an I l.a r tn lai !. j I f..U , V-'l,l a I f a( i t f, ola M ll. iWf.f i', lit.' IkJ'fl rn.Hr ti c viim ll.y fr ng latl alg il s,.n,a . ii l, ft n4 fna-lay cbl f nun lay al 3 i . k j 1'nwingt lrt-l f-f !!; lrBif pi . ! 2ih. j VI' M. J. rtMt,( t,a Imm.ii in i-a U- iff, Hll ha IrA, i I kn I t l"IW ..ng llh.i. a.IU I'lli in Ii ..i' I r,n . f It V f t. V f t .It M ! - ,. 1 1 al I. 4 -I tli ' a b I Vl " l' 4.. lv i. ..Vt.Tk V l tif rn iKnihtf ea ... i i 1 1 Uttnf r "h i i,, u . t.li 1 ..I I ! Ma ffe . t i i,t . i i V. I. M f. I hint wut. i)e, t at. Tb Monnl lbaooit Mbakrrt bav rav. rnil peifwied su lntriitn rnr fur d)l. I helf igliv IW dial cut at a. - . i ui a t-XHl airjf digeairj aa4 a i'kf of fiKvJ b pity vnitBiJ. lb Imfilar of tbit lanli a will l pp'ria't wbii real' tbili iri'..fii. n it rooimiiBilf a vict ro "f -ru fniBl of a..ma.b Iroot.l. Il...,tah. ol pat, Ihia t-e- l'l a lii'U Mm linali'.i. at. aa I bt tby ral r lbm am and d feaa. 1 hi liiiv l". f dial of tb Mt)kf xvi any tn'h trfa(rf'rl al "t-ca, ttiakr llito i. bliimp f .i, ai , arlf mlefMtr.1 to , feat lh lull K-k hH ria hB fi.iw-1 tn C ban I i f drng'.' f if 4ll itnill.lB t I .n. N tt,it. bt ri..' Od r a I i ailh.a aHta-y I'ail ra lik ik triMo. IU JfaTtrg rot T ro TMt UTM M- 1 irtrt. Mmo Cuunlt. tl ut lit., w, a aiiir, hslntlir, a . ft, IWonH iKrlm.Iant T lh Cnr.l. o IH aitth tttrlf t. Mufto ri.nhlf Mat of orvvin In the nam of lha ut of Oraann. w roi ti.. , ii b, a.inimoita W K tnnia tnatar Store on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Heppner, Oregon. THE Palace Hotel C. i VIS DUN, Fritlor. km taken full tvntnA of IkU popular hm$r, and trill make it itrtdly frit (lt$. MKALS, 2.' CTS. IJICDS, r CTS. ff luita bb4 fr 'Sua ts all 0Mtf SsSK-SSSrS DISGQVEBED BT LHST ! hoiai i n..a ,,,, Hte I " 1 ! a lf lna.11 I'lXfV I.I o,,nl, inKKK loaoaarl lha ron.iatttl of W f liaaiaf MMal mm irM.mnitvl.ii4 ak.Ma m f-iainti T P (r ri. in i, io !,.t, m in ui.il Imi m ml I ' M .. 4i Imr.it.iul r.a'1 of Oil. aiM, I . ..4 I. M ).i . m In .im lr aa I Ik.ra -A. ""J ol ! aniiia ai. uk ('!. aaint aim l.. is. of fit awl at H IxMia n4 r.i al ihia a. ti. I l,I Iuia4 It .i,k!,M kf aHat H t i 4nr . r.w ait in fee M,. If tm I onhlf I a. IvM .oif I L rtftt at. iMli af la ra. ri' fit-! ii- ( rii. hn I lfM-M.Mlaf. I Hchifg an .to g- lig, m t Bt ';M. Bora f ftng If allnwM k , man toil r ff. .b e trf'.B t laa.1 a. l' '!'., Ir filff fi't ... ftwaf tii at at- i Ii a ilcl- I S'll l'i.a-1 !.!. ii, r. !..., ao I in n, i run fan, . II a I tm.a M ,fr.itg .U. of t fi t. f Mf,.f, p, ,,.,, I'bi titla. mm Colamrnia rt liv lo- tnl railed at Mat LirhUo- tbal'a Uu night mak a ttw diacxtr. try ijQit aa topoioratl aa that if UJ1 I'ht it waa a grrat diaoitprrr io his day. IU would at thi tim dii)r tht fint tk rf Kh'wa vr ah'iwo in H'ptor, atd th f bcwt m well. hat mora dm mortal man want ? m. i.icirrr.NTiiAU Mai '. Iltf ! Cuatntu Wolk iiallj. 4 taMaaalaa4s4 fa! ! Nttaawa jHw1 tt f ACwf wtl. Oft Oaaf u. .i .-4 . fa a a taM ana ki aa H fWav, Wik aWf. j -a. a ". ra-- a a -s l'-a , kvf. fa. tl. f aa. va V. a a kv. j . I". A -. C.A.SNOW36CO. , BLANKS. Plenty of them ai tho Gazette Office. . . I aaa .int. (owl W.a.aaH. e. nil, UU. NOTARY PUBLIC UIMdlir MM . CAl.ta CONVEYANCER