LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY USING Cherry Pectoral AYER'S A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Here and There. Works, bin Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WOELD'S FALB. AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. Take Notice. 1. The sum of Bve cento per line will be charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of tespnct," lists of wedding presents and donors, uid obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meptltms for whatever Diirnose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other jntertatnments from which revenue Is to he de rived, sha'.l be charged for at the rate of five ,ents a line, Thene rules will be strictly adher N uid every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at ft a. m except Sunday. Arrives every dnya 6 p. m except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the luterior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Extra Pal Star Brewery Bear In Half Pint Bottles can bo bad only at the City Hotel Bar! Where high grade Liquors and Cigars are also kept by Ted. Adt lrjvpotnr in E'iBlern Oregon wbo daairea the tfrviora at n attorney in Wasbitujtnn, D. 0 , will llnd it to bin dv ant awe to call on or address this pa per. 6tf O. B. Halt, (he totignrial artist, oat) be found at his parlors, Matlock corner, where ha will dispense at popular prices, haves, sbainmna, luirout. etc. . Bn Mathews is now sole proprietor of the city meat murkd where be keep a fresh supply of bfef, pork, mutton, veal, sanaaae, bnooo ami lar.l, which be sell for the loweat market price. Fred Bock, the PortlaaJ btttilmr, In still with bim. tf Now is the time to t the Weekly Oretroninn, the ifrentost neepper of the West. With tb(E"ti,toib strict ly in advance, one year. ' 60. No better ootrbioation of ucaspnpira enn be made io the elate, lifhidea we will gi as a premium an AiMitinnnl jonrual.lbe Web foot riaoter, an agnrnltcral psper. Come io now and atitwerlhe. New Fiicd Yard. Wm. Gordon has opeoed np tbe fuel yard Brit door to the Gaitl nRl 'e, and low solid ta a bare of yonr pnirnosite. Billy ia right at borne at Ibia lmsinrss, and ynor horse wdl b w-ll looked after. Prices reasonable. Ilsy anil grain for sale, tf, fur Hale. Ten shares of stork in the National Back of lleppner. Ad Iree Kit bard T. Col, RfOrlrer, Atlington, On-gun, G4tf. Oa Mitchell was in HeppoerSatnrday. Andy Tillard was in from Batter oreek today. Senator A. W. Qowan waa a visitor to Sulem recently. Alva Leach, of Lexington, was in Heppuer Saturday. Harris in Oummings waa down from Hardcnm Saturday. The Nilea-Vinson, Marble til In Walla, Wash. Go Noble was in yesterday from McKiuney oreek rauob. Billy and Ted Barratt were in from Sand Hollow Saturday. W. S. Conner, of lone, was a visitor to Heppuer Saturday last. Judge Surgent, of Mitobell, is visiting bis uuole. 0. O. Sargeut. Mr. Harvey Akers, of Gooseberry, was in Hepouer last Saturday. Mrs. A. AbrabnmBick is reported ill with fever iu Sao Francisoo. H. 0. Meyrs, of Blalnok, came in Sat urday overland, returning Sunday. Tbe employes of tbe R. B. line receiv ed tbeir cbeoka today. Happy boys La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Or. S. (T Hmith. n m I Asm mi. Hnnnnnr. P. Devin and Norman Kellv made their regular visit to Heppner Saturday. Dave Herrin's fine "progressive" Fox hounds arrived from Missouri this morn ing. F. O. Bucknum and family departed Saturday for their future home at Trout dale. Born To the wife of Jas. F. Soyey, at Col well Grade, a girl, weighing pounds. Geo. W. Smith, Cha. Johnson and E. B Stauton were in from tbe oountry S iturday. The prizes for the grand masquerade will be exhibited in Wells & Warren's show-window. 6-9. A grand masquerade ball will bi given at tbe opera bouse on Christmas uigbt, Dec. 25th. 6-9. A premium to cash purchasers at PhillCohn's drug store. Don't fail to get your ticket for tbe wbeel. tf. Ike Ennis, Art Minor and F. P. Hal look spent Sunday on Ditch oreek. Tbey were tolerably successful. The ladies of the Episcopal church will presuut tbe dram, 'Tony, the oonviot," at sometime during the holidays BeBt accommodation and oourteoos treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wasb. Sts., Portland, Oregon. ' J. N. Wilkenaoi; brought in some cord wood today from the mountains. He finds considerable snow above L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra hamsick building;, Heppner, Or, tt Mr. C. 8 VaoDoyn, of Tbe Palaoe, is in receipt of the news of tbe death of his father, Saturday last at Ooburg, Mr. H A. Thompson, of the liverv firm of Thorn son &Biuos,made a abort visit to tbe metropolis a few days ago, Look in J. W. Vaugban s sbnw oases and see if you can'l buy notions cheaper Iban you ever saw them before. 94tt Cbnrlev Smith, tbe sixteen-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Smith, wbo reside near Lexiogton, is ante ill. Ibe U zette will take last spring Oalvea Id Ilea of oasn. Any one owing who bas cuttle can easly liquidate, if so inolined. tf W. J. Let ter sells a one pound pack age of tea, "Crown" orand, at 60 oeuts and gives io a edition one silver plated teaspoon. Mr. N. It. MoVay, of Gooseberry, was in town Saturday. "Mac" has io about 2,'0 ho res of wheat wbicb ia getting a good start. Mat Lichtentbal sends baok one of W O. Wright's finest canes as a Cbristmas present to bia brother, John Lichtentbal, of Chicago. T. ft. Howard makes a specialty in supplying stock meo with all needed article, besides carrying a general line. See bis new ad. tf Dr. Bill, the horse doctor, bas been found guilty tf lsro-oy down at Portland end will rest at the "ptu" for a year or so, Ue should cava been tbere year ago, Schilling's tl.00 grade at 73 cents. Several other leading brands el Oorree ooniling'y low prioe. at Odd orahlna. tioo Store of P 0. Thompson Co. 07-41 J. W. Kerns, tbe city painter, Is pre pared to do all kind of painting and paper hanging and will do house clean ing and take no and pnt down carpets. Ofllce on Mala street, opposite City bote I. Wi n always sontrlvlng and digging- and drlv ll f(ir something "to tlrkl ths spot Thn who you feel merry, Just call on Llsh aprry W bo .pTom and Jerry red hot tf. At tbe Belvedere saloon. Tbe leading tea dealers of Heppner are on band witb some special drives in this line. A natural leaf Japan, good quali ty, no dust, sweepings or trash, at 26 oents per lb., i ll prioe, 35 cents. Im perial Gnupowder, a regular 75 cent grade at 50 cents. Fine English Break fast, a regular 75 oents grade, at 50 oents. Tbe two last makes a fine blend. Free samples to those wbo wish to try it. Tbe officers elected for the Northwest Fruitgrowers Association at Walla Walla are as follows: President, Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Walla Walla; secretary, O. A. Tonoeeon, Tacoma; treasurer, W. 8. USoer, Walla Walla; vice-presidents, tt O. Ma roskey, Garfield ; Emile Scbanno, Tbe Dalles; H. A. Eussel, Idabo. Mrs. B. F. Vaughn has aooepted the agenoy of The Pacific Corset Factory, j and those ladies who desire aoytbiug in that line will please call on Mrs. Vaughac, It is well known that this firm makes corsets to order and those who want comfort and exact fits should see Mrs. Vaugban before ordering. 97 tf A genuine ghost-story has yet to be attested; but not so a genuine blood purifier. Over and over again it has been proved that Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands alone among medicines as tbe most reliable tonio-alterative in phar macy. It stood alone at the World's Fair. T. M: B. A. Huosaker returned yes terday from Heppner. Mr. Huosaker reports much activity among tbe farmers of Morrow oounty. The recent falling weather bas enabled them to all begin plowing, and preparations for potting in a large orop are being made. Frank Rogers, Oscar Minor, Green Mathews and Wulard Herren returned Friday from a ten-day trip to tbe Ditch oreek oountry. They oaptured consid erable game, and last, but not least, was a noe epeoimen of tbe lynx family. The boys bad a glorious time. A. S. Batty, the erstwhile traveling mau, forged a note on J. and E. Harrington, brothers f Sheriff Harrington, of 'his county, und is in even more trouble than ever. His former capers would have put bim in the penitentiary, but tbe "oiooh" ia now o implete. E. O.: E. Boettoher will in a few davsshipa traluload of sbeep to tbe East, 10 cars going from Pendleton and 5 oars from La Grande. There will be about 3000 head in all, 2000 being taken from Mr. Boettoher s band down near Pendleton. D. H. Jenkins was in yesterday, from Hard man. Harry Bennett came in from The Dalles Bunday morning. Barney Doherty. of Galloway, spent the past week lu Heppner. Mrs. W. P. Dutton has been 111 for the past week, but is now convalescent It Is rerjorted that 101 conversions have occur red at Long Creek during the recent revival. Mrs. Bradley will give a supper on Christmas night. In connection with the, ball at the opera heuse. 7-9 Chris. Borchers. of the Palace bar. has just re ceived two sets oi fine bar glasses, presents from wen anown liquor nrms. Henrv Maver ahd familv. relatives of Fred firug, have located in Heppner and Mr. Mayer has opened a cabinet Bhop ou May street. Tom Quaid is In receipt of a letter from across the water" announcing the death of his brother. Rev. Father John B. Quaid, at CheD8tom. Monmouthshire. England. He had beeu a priest for over thirty years, since which time nis Drainers, rat ana 10m, nave beeu in America. Rev. Quaid was i'l only five days. Karl's Clover Root Tea s a sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases Nothing relieves so quickly. For sale by Wells & Warren. OCR JOURNEY ABOUND THE WORLD. Rev. Francis E. Clark's New Book. Charley Jones, the well-known "old- timer" in the tonsorial line, bas again located in Heppner, having purchased Green Mathews shop, Minor building opposite tbe city botel Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Cbaa. Boyse, who is at present teach ing at Gooseberry, was in town last aturday and Sunday. Mr. Boyse bad tbe misfortune to lose bis wife reoently and about two weeks ago bis babe an infant. Echo stage leavps Heppner MoDdays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eobo Tuesdays, Tursdays and Saturdays. fare 82 eaoh way. Oftioe, Wells 4 Warren, Heppner, Ed. Driskell, Prop Wills & Slocum bave purchased a toy printing press which does good work, so far as it goes. Tbey use it for many purposes whiob would not warrant any expenditure for regular Job printing. Tbe price or four sbaves buys a Woetenholm I X L razor at store of P O. Thompson Co. A fine line nf guaranteed rag rs at SI 00. 91 25, $1 50, 91.75 and 92.00 each ; oall and inepeot. 97-21 Pure drugs, ohemioals, paints, window glass and a complete line of stationery at lowest prioes and a chance to win a $100 prize at Pbill Oobn's drug store, next door to Minor s Co. tf Wm. Baird, of Cross Hollows, Grant county, died on Sept. 29, 1895, from a blow received from Johnny Reiter, Tbe latter was armed witb a pair of brass kouokles at tbe lime. Hemen Col well. E. B. Stanton. L. W. Lewis, Cy Metier, W. B. Gilliam and Joe Hayes met last Maturday in Heppner to look over the field of politics from a populist standpoint. For 922.50 I will sell a first class, high grade, bigh arm sewing machine guaran teed for 10 years. For further paiticu- Ura oall on or address, N. A iaob. Lexington, Uregoo. UH-tf Call on Pbill Cohn for fine wines and liquors for medicinal pnrpoaes. A com pieie noe m ney west cigars, and a premium ticket for tbe 1100 Victor bioycle. tf, To make tbe bair grow natural oolor, prevent baldness, and keep tbe sealp healibv, Hall's Hair lUnswer invented, and bas proved itself suoceae fa I. After Deo. 1. H3. tbe Osteite will make d sc 'iinl of 10 er eent. from list ro all s'sple job work. This re-1 duellos is made .n il npM,lon that 1 easb will lie paid for all work as mn as oropleted. Ike Ills t Wastes. Constipation, cao-es mora than balf tha Ills of women. Karl's Clover IWt Tea ia a pleasant c ir for Constipation. fore by Welle Warren. VioN JMIS is :i shcenhcrd- I,'' . v four months, hut hcl ' loooks like a new manO ; :' now for he has hcen x t i O dressed up at I - I Iornp.r & Rhka's. Whether yoa want photo or oat. we request yon to oall at Herrin's stadio are prepared to fnrnisb you th beat work ia any line of portraiture, wif, Mathews Bros., City botel barber shop. tonsorial artists, llsiroulling, shaving, shampooing, etc., dooe ecientifioslly. Hams at ' cents apiece. Young men: Bay a set of tnoeenickle plated "Crown" sad-iroos, a a Xmti preeent for yoor twit girl. For sale by P. G. Tbampaoo Co. OT 21 Elmer Hloearo, the artist, will make cabinet photos for tbe nnl 3U days at 12 per doieo. uaiiery opposite opera boose. tf. F.eeb 23 cent nnrebaae entitles yoo to ticket tor tbe IX) ijieyele at rbill Coho's drug store, next door to Minor Co. tf. This highly Instructive and splendidly illus trated volume is a record of a recent journey around the world, by Rev. Francis E. Clark, D D., President of the United Societies of Chris tian Endeavor, and his wife. Throughout the long journey, which occupied more than a year, and covered nearly fifty thousand miles by sea and land, they enjoyed rare opportunities for observation and study. It is one of the most valuable books ever issued by the American press. The reader is personally conducted through Australia, India, China, Japan, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, and many other lands. We see these countries through American eyes, and obtain a perfectly clear view of them and their people, supplemented by two hundred and twenty aplendid illustration from photographs, most of which were taken by Dr. Clark himself; for he carried a complete photographic outfit with him. Dr. Clark was one of the last Americans to travel through China and Japan before the war between these countries was begun. In this rare volumn he gives us the latest and best in sight into the 'ally life of a Chinaman in his own country; his favorite food and odd dishes; opium fiends and their ways; the singular ritrs witnessed In the temples; the public execution of criminals; Chinese farms and farming; the seamy side of Chinese life, Japanese acrobats and their wonderful performances; Japanese life, queer customs, art, wonderful skill, etc.i the burning ghats of India, where the bodies of the dead are consumed on huge piles of wood (a ceremony Dr. Clark witnessed); the Tower of Silence, where the dead are exposed to be de voured by thousands of waiting vultures that constantly sit on the walls; wonderful native jugglers, fearless snake charmers and fakirs these are but a few of hundreds of Interesting topics presented. Their route led across the land that Joseph gave to his father and brethren; past the very fields where the Israelites made bricks without straw, and along the highways whera once rolled the chariots of the 'haraohs. The story of the discovery of the mummy of the Phaiaoh who oppressed the children of Israel, is wonder fully Interesting. It was found among t.iose of forty other mummies of kings, queens, and princes In the royal mortuary chamber In the Theban Hills, and the Identification of a Pharaoh Is complete. Illustrations from photo graphs show where the mummy was found, and others give full length, profile, and front views of this ancient king who was contempo rary with Moses and reigned in Bible times thus enabling all to see "Just how Pharaoh looked." A Journey was made of hundreds of miles In an old spring wagon across Turkey and Armen la, through an unknown country, Infested by robbers and hostile natives, the scene of tbe late horrible massacres of Armenlnns by Turks and Khurds. Dr. Clare was the last Christian to travel across these countries before these terri ble massscres were perpetrated. Ths story of this perilous trip Is full of thrilling Interest and exciting adventures. Mrs Clark accompanied her husband every where. She draws a vivid picture of life In far off lands, "As seen through a Woman's Kyea." Her narrative Is packed with anecdotes, Inrl dents, and personal experiences. Her story of the long Journey In the wagon Is highly enter taining, Its privations and perl Is, especially to a woman, being many. She was the only woman In the party, which consisted of herself and seven men. Dr. Clark's name is a familiar household word, and his fame as President of the t'nltrd Societies of Christian Endeavor, with Its two and one half million members, hss extended to every comer nf ths world. Msny distinguished persons urged Mm to write this book. Thty knew that ht had acquired In this remarkable Journey a wealth of material which, with his unique collection of photographs, would make on of the most valiiah1 bonks of the dsy. It contains steel plat portraits of lir. Clark and of his wife, from remit photographs; a large map. exhibiting tli abol wond at a single glsure, showing the author's Journey fmm the urglnnlng In the end, and ZJ fin Ulna tratlons, from photographs from life, lore must Ik seen to be appreciated W do no! know w hen Kin twsr hive given ns more genuine pleasure. If we iprai warm ly nl Hi bonk. It I In tuM It rli hly drnrr Nervousness Cannot be permanently cured by the use o f opiates and sedative compounds. It Is too deeply seated. It is caused by an impoverished condition of the blood, npon which the nerves depend for suste nance. This ia the true and only natural explanation for nervousness. Purify, en rich and vitalize the blood with cod's Sarsaparilla sad nervousness will dlsrpear. Elood'i Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood and will send it conrsing through the veins and arteries charged with the life giving, strength building qualities which make strong nerves. If you are nervous, try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same relief of which hundreds of people are tel ling in their published testimonials. Get Hood's ont Hood's Because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only True Blood Purifier prominently in the publio eye today. Sold by all druggists. HnnJlg DSIIo cur habitual constlpa liUUUS rlllS ,!(, price 240. per box. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, & Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Kail roads. HATES $S.oo PBR I" A"V Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CiXXC.A.3-0. XL!.. WANTED: 8 vcral trustworthy gentlemen or ladies to travel In Oregon, for establish ed, reliable house. Salary $7M) and expenses. Btcady position. Enclose reference and self ad dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago, 111. marl. The World lias the Money, We Have the Goods ! DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE co-partner-hip heretofore existing between S. W. Meadows and W. H. Scrivner, under the firm name of Meadows & Scrivncr, doing busi ness as blacksmiths in the town of Heppner, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, S. W. Meadows will continue the business, col lect all debts and pay all bills for the said firm. All accounts must be settled by cash or note Immediately. Mr. Hcrivner desires to state to the public that he will continue his business as wagon maker uid repairer at the same stand, and guarantees satisfaction as heretofore. S. W. ME4DOW8, W. P. HCRIVNEK. Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, 1M5. U3-03 They are not Second Hand or Jnnk Shop goods either, but gooda of today, bought for cash anil will be sold for the same. Sold on their merits and at prices that will have yoa to call again. We Select Our Stock, After careful examination, we then have the best at correct prices. Boots, Shoes, Hats, We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will greatly please us. We are determined to please and excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en ables us to excel all competition. MINOR & CO., Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or. Mis I Slsci Have just pur chased a job lot of fine, stylish cloaks, in ladies' and chil dren's sizes. SUMMONS. N JUSTICE COITRT KOR THE K1XTH Dis trict, Morrow County. State of Oregon. w. t. Kanier, Plaintiff, vs. W. E. Dennis, Defendant. To the Constable of the sixth District, Morrow .oumy, male oi Oregon: In the name of I he state of Oreeon. we com maud you to summons W. E. Dennis to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the I'eace In District No. 6, lu said County and state, on or before the 11th day of January, 1H, at the nnurni ion run-it a in., at my mnce in Hepp ner, in said District, County and State, to ausnei the complaint of W. K. Kahler. founded on an express contract and wherein the ald plaiutlll (leinsnup judgment lor me sum oi r in y one sou M ltsi O'iI.KI) Dollars and costs of this action; and In case he fails so to answer for w a t there of, tbe plaliitin will Uke Judgment against 111 in for the sum of Kfty-oue and iU 1U0 Dollars and costs oi tins action. This summons Is published by order of E. I,. Freeland, Justice of the Peace for the Sixth District, Morrow County, Oregon, Dated November '21st, 1"''.S. E. I,. FRF.ELAND, .191-07. J ustlce of the Peace, NOTICE. VOTICK I HEREBY OIVEN THAT A MEET- 11 lug of the stockholders of the Heppner I niiiiiiiiig t uiaii am nation will he m-iu at their ottlce la Heppner. Oregon, on the second Tuesday of January, I '',. Ix twcen the hours of Hi a. in and 4 p m. of a d day, for the purpose ui eivriiug utreriora lor ine ensuing vesr. r.D. K BlnlloP, Heppner, Or , Dec. ft, 1W. st dec'y. HTOfKIIOMtrJta' MKETIMi. OTH'E IK HEREBY lilVEN THAT A VKFT il lug nf the spick holder nf 1h National Rank ol Heppner will Im held at lis tanking honw, n Hcppnrr. on ths second Tuesday ill January, tielwern Hie hours ol o a m and 4 p. m of said day. lor the purpinw of electing direc tor for tli eiisu.ua r,r mi K. niNiior, i sihier, Heppner, Or, !. i, li. l)lo, m" Thaaa Gooda Must bo Cloaed Out Bator tha End of thaSeaaon and Pricas will ba Most Astonishingly Low. lis I! fas, PIONEER BRICK, Main Street, Heppner, dregon. Selling Out Our Entire Stock of Millinery, Undkrwear, Hosiery, Dry Goods, Yarns, Etc. If Is Sold only by agonls. end la merlin llh ti rnormou !. Agents who utrlur firs' rlaa work Ilk this onhl to l coNlUllr wel'-ninM. Vt lMllt that th t-t wy to k-P nut nnnr book I by Introducing ! Sim. Slid better no Uisll this has nl rr bn hroMgitt Uiour tintlr. put tt tuio your home. It will l mtd over and over arala by eld and young, with plnuur and profit. Ilia won l puiiliarieil by in m1 11 wall known flrtn nl A I) Worthlniton A In, Hart ford, "tin , who Imprint la surtir-ianl g'larsu U of th srflianr ol tha so'uin Th aeaury for th iwit work ha hevii Seeiirrd by amul I, Imft Tha elMof ha een th prraiim-to and III oar ll.al It la al - uiil wutfeand should b lnrry lamll, ; t urrtrit irrra ttt., ! Campbell. M L MnT. AT HtTPNr.ft A Hlarl Ileaalller. Karri CI rvor ll-Hit ta punfle (ba tUxl ami fire a clear an. I baalifu orxpltiioti. For ) br Wll k War. ro. AbVrKTIHKU la, l pliell, M L llni.rton. f.eo trm slt. J sine Miller. C When railing for these teller pleso MMia. . r. aiuus.. r, a, NOTICE or T(H KHOI.IiKIUI BirilNU a..tn-To th wif of Hry FhlpM, la llri.toier. oa ll .ih i.al , S pound Ilat.e, s liter I tad but 111 Souther and Chi. 4 ar getting along bky. Horner & Rhea, for a f rancts K. s book. de. ripi M iie t the l,p sr'.ui'd tha on ! flea, iS M ta lo-ioter f lb -t hrta'ian gndaater" a 4 ante hi larteie-e while .e,ng alter th Votk t is H'iraYf.ivrtTinTTiirag 1 will he meelln at the (t.etholdera nl tha First National Hank nf Hrppoer. at their nWir. an the oi Toeattay nf lanua'y, I te taeea ti, tenor ol u olrs a m . nd i orlokp hi , nt said dsr. lot h prie . leriing flirari.ir rw lor iha iranoritoa uf u a olhaf buainea a ma, w- t.fil llMU,IMM' Nappncr. or , t A. -i ii t' tetrala ol II, a lr.ia tuiau renl. gk'tar' In Pa!g Ut 1,1 H, a bU CblWItt ao 1 l,ir fotopiaibi ton b a riaiJ f 1fll bO bnlfe tA hhlli.b a Vila lef. l aefrf faJa 4 iia, Yut l by Welig A H'fa. ArliogUio lle.f,J: Mr.J.W Rtf .rJ b4 lb gu4 lwlab ! Se tfl nf Ib'Hk 'an (.iienoa,b. a aa rag. abila o Hliawtri ot. day last . 1 U ai l,, lleea s J Uuil lib r pla.ol; rSat4 la lbl.ratm pur. b b naa. At li ar lb aa owli r w a I .(!. m iioa It Ifca ftx'ae of b"4f il aaiar. Tba i ks'iasn ura t. pf u'H Ha aav Io a'l; aa L'mr. i'ifc ri4. l.aalltl n I e tt'eatb e n'e I, bf .ilMi lU'l K-a-If 'i sins W eia. Ti -l Iijoetwf re. rw If Notlct 0 Intention. t ni.rrirR tr UdiiMr. uttfui I lee II. I a.Ht' M her. gle ll.al Iha f'.iloa log named ellef ho 4e4 nrf. r4 k lolenlb.a tn make -al be4 In it l nl rain '4 that aal I pnerf alii l ata t KelnnjJ. t kl'trrow. eHit,tt r ierg, l ttapnaf '., aa jii"'T s. I"- Ttl'iMA H BOW. 4 tiw M lh DWs f t aH 4 l't' II T II ttl'f M He rmea lh ifil.oa h alloeeae fen frrnee lilt B..,iii,,.,.4 iaKtama o4 )l'ipa 4 oald l4 ll Job llteoa. ' n.f a ro hf li at rwa J A 1 hola l. M' IV-4e. f Mappnel, rag'. a. r wtii-, If you want bargains now is the time. We arc going out of business. FELL BROS. TlafKH n ut UK plaint hlS VM""n.d " at 'tin.' nth hy'lh l H J 1 Ij iV C It I I 0 X Its L 1 iV IX duly vrltir.nolallnlamn. llcMrlde, allrg A " J . O. HOJ10H.li-US, Prop. SMaaiaaaiaaeaaaaM Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. JilTKD HTATK1 LA Ml OrTlfE AT LA lug that Kin. II Vauhloe. aha mada llmlier t nil. ire entry So. al th land lllir l la llralMle, Oregon, nil the I stl day nl IN-ceinle'l ISM, for lh .Si nf Nl, Kee.ll. Ill 4 . H fl R, W w , naa wnoiiy aiHuoiuioHi ine aal'i iraci, tnal rlalmaiit haa failed Io plant any tree uimn .aid tract o I d or lime alnce the enlry o th eame ami Hi at there la not now any tr. grow in tro-reon aa r,y law ir'ioirr'i I nerriore, with ilea ol lh raoeeiiafion n lh aanie. the aald barili are mm h Io 1. 1. re 'iolrc.1 and suininoneil to h arid appear le-lor I I w. Morrow, roufity rlrr. nl Morrow rounty. Oregitu, at hlaorticeln llcppnrr. irem. n Ihe l ,ili.l.ol January. al lh hour nl IU nrdak.A M,nd prietur imh leaiiinony a ihey may hae ronrernti, the aal'i allrgatlona I he goal hearing Io lie had Iwlora lh legloler and recelrel al I itraiide, Ul.goli, ou Jaiiualy inn, l-i iu a ( I" s a m Ufa lliw. Kegl.ier, fH'd J k'lrililNt. He,i.f. TIllJNDKU I.IOIITNINa "Thrrr in a lih in tht offntn of tnm Thai, iftakrn ul Hi jttxxl, lvnl$ on h fortune." TLO flKl is IllTO t)'l no is GILLI AM. cVs HiSUKK With full lio of Ilattlwniv. Tifiwnif. f Ilui-Hwnif. "ifM-horv. Wood it ml Wlllowwnri', ''litfTulH nt HiMli-cN'k l'iicei. Miin r or nit.r. VOTHK H llaltlllY i.ivri HAT a llii'trl and hy r-ie of d im l'd fr.-r ol aa a duly maffe and entefe-l on . ih In the mallei til the elale nl i W II Hrla dereaar.l .ir Ihe I o-itit, I oiirl. nl Iha Slae ol the uiMlrr.lgwt aa admit, Mrebt fd '.ra TUB LICHrhST RUNNING GANG I'l.OWS! earale will .f! l.. Oale at pur,! an lloli Io h l,ll,..l 1,1 I . .. ra.h In hand i,ti eal'irdar, January II l al II o . ! S In Ihe I thai day l lh f ..i.l d'e.r ol Ihe r.o1 ho-iae f llr,,tel Morrow f ou i.l, I nrgon all Ihe t In ..oi riiie-l real pi...nf 1 -. .,!, lo iha at,a HnH eatale altualr-l In W'.rro I .polity lroti. Ifiall Ihe ,-,lheal o-iaMel td oe. 10. lael.a f I l In to .,t IhPea I i o..ilh eaoee laenly Ihrea l.-l Seal atiUmelfa M rl,lan ul-l Hl.li mi l t lo a I Hen. nd iwi,inleii,rH how e.l.tl' unn the aali ni 'i I. Il.e ...oSritia Su4a l.t ll. nll,ed i oui.tt i ourt HikfW k'e.ft HM.,Minr nf II, ea'aie o O , II Rftao. IwtaH lM ll,ia ill, lar o hcea.Hr A grt'A They u n light 1 hay lu bit lu th Bight. Tt wily Eicluaive Hardware HUiru l- twen T, Dalli mn renllcton GILLIAM t IMHUVM, Ilrtifncr, a . . Orrtiin. ItAIN It AIM tVa.1 brIaflf fli M tl m r ii urn Iha r.,..i ...u.l .1 a .'f a o. ... V ! II I lordaa) al a;, (Hagoa, th ',. Of .J Iha ai hie, Heiel a r,.li-4.l aa I ea' In ..aeL the e A i I.ihuii,i al li.e .e ll..t.e. ll(on ttl 4 let Iht . I a K.fry. Admlntailabrf i J w. ar 1-4 A1 r l-al.t mf i.. iA f,v4 eat nf Al. I.'- 11 -1 I . ha.l- 1 e a'a V...i.f i...if. ( I !,, A I.. 0l- l o I n In,., a. in sts SROHlhS lri th. I or- Th Vt ti"tHl To oa (A CWi la'l l lh i.l. ft af la tarlUalae wtw ti, ion I. tl t oaia.al frli4 r tir i W. J. T- Is the Place for I'rcsh Groceries, Cheap for C.ih Only. fHSH CI.UD. C4t3 HD PUS HAAfi IM MA HQ. Mr4hr Ta feaia. si 4 a rwr nmi. Ho cvcrthinfl in tho lino of Frr:h Groceries, Condics, Nut unci nho k p5 Crockery, Lumpi nnd Tlnwiuo, Stook ii Comploto. Notions q Spooialty,