r v a sm uur mm m mur mms a ii f i i at i c iiia ASTORIA republicans elect their city ticket to a man. A democratic or republican newspaper is of the most service when it leaves partizanship be hind. It 18 reported that Garcia, of Cuban fame Las turned traitor to his country, and joined the Cubans. The powers have triumphed in their contest with Turkey and gun .boats have passed through the Dardanelles It SEEM3 that Ernest Russell, the supposed murderer arrested by G. W. Harrington, is likely to be released as innocent. The election at Astoria went againnt the "gang," and the Astorian, a so-culled republican paper is in the deep soa, whore it belongs. It LOOKS as though the senate would be organized before Christ il i il man. and that t in rpnnlilifiina I ' . ' would uo it. llio younger Bon ators on the republican side are pressing the matter. The Gazette shall eternally and verlastingly advocate an open river as the salvation for our people in this section from a worldly standpoint, of course. We cannot get good rates till the river isopon, open, open. CriAUJiCEY M. DkI'CY is in the railroad dent which will control rates from Chicauo to the port of New York. His argument that his combination is beinu imposed on by the little "fish" doesn't reach the American people. Mr. Depuy is alio to protect himself. Mb. Simon Mr. Jon Simon has issued his edict lis to what kind of a platform the republicans shall adopt next year. your ago the best friend Simon ever had didn't kuow where ho tood mi tM financial question, or anything else. Mr. Simon then had a "bug'' in Lis car a senatorial bug. Bexatoh MiTcnF.u aU'ntN a busy HPiiator, lina introduced abill for the erection of a public build ing at roitlamt, w h it-It will con! n round II.OOO.IXM). Thi U only ufileiout for the l"iiinii.l f (ho metropolis), it long ng Imving outgrown Iha ol.l-faHhioned Mruc- A I lure winch now graces Portland our A NtWKrAITD. man lx not have to advertiftQ that he !in "marled Lit utock way Mow coat m il will ell hit utock at a morifi.v." I'eopla aeem to know 1 1i nt intuitive. Ijr. They rnah in and gi t n fn-i pufl and rtii.h out iln rnn way they rama in, without rvi-n Imvitui iotondei! paying f r tln l-n til they ill rereivo hmi the pai r cornet out They don't si-imii (, think that ha in n.tiliiin hi pajier to tnaka a Imi'tf, the an-no a they are tloing in thir 1 mini moma. Slrp into a at. ire and rati fr a pool of thtra I, a pap-r of pina or anything i' tin tnall-r how in aigoificont in Ta'tn. an. I yo i wouU not think of marching nut with "tlianka, I'll d aa irnich for you ornftimf." No, ti, ui t !i A down tha rah or havn it rliarfiv, to yoni acooui.t, no niatt.r if it WMu't but two renin. Cut in all, thera ar grrat many g ft icu I of tha orpaier. ALU 0. Tilt Hmt, thf prratM dem orator U not of cur . repnbli,. dia l at !,... b Colombna, Obl i, last Tbofe,lay. ; Iol553baM tie cboiw f the demvraf,jr f"f lb presijencf,' a nil tboasli h Hi! n n.'c.c I, I,;. .tf.i .1; 1 ..1 .1 . ii . . . U.'l'-ai 1111 . '. i " , i-ii acrtica that b l a I 1! 1 c I i. tVJUU UJ Vlt. All lvl kUM J Thurman was a patriot He did all he could to preserve the Union without a war, but when the re bellion came he advocated the policy of Grant to "fight 'er out if it took all summer." Judge Thar. man served in many capacities congressman, district judge and U. S. senator being among the positions held by him. In his death the nation loses a steadfast friend, a good citizen, a patriot. Allen G. Thurman was 82 years of age at his death, When most needed it is not unneaul 'or our family, physician to be away from bnme Stioh was the experience of Mr. J. Y. Souenok, editor of tbe Caddo, Iini. Tr., Banner, when his little girl, two years of ajje was threatened with b sfvere attack of croup, tie savs: "My wife iriHisted tht I go for the dootor, but aa our fumily physioiao was out of town I purohHRed a bottle of Chamber Iain's Congb Remedy, wbioh relieved her immediately. I will not be without it in the future." 50 cent bottles for sale by PhillOoho, druggist. A BILL OF MERIT. Introduced by Congreaaman Ellin to Cover Many 1 rite rents In the Northwest. Congressman Ellis has introduced the following bill: For the relief of citizens of Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and Montana, who smved with the Umted 8tates troops against tbe Nez Perce, Bannook and Shoshone Indians, allowingsuoh persons 31 per day during the time of snob service, and to pension those disabled, ere; to reimburse settlers and par ohasers on even numbered seotions of the public lands within tbe limits of congressional grants ia cases of forfei. tare of odd-numbered seotions, and refund the sum of $1.25 per acre to all persons who have paid 32 f0 for such lands; to purchase a site and ereot a public building at Baker Oity, Or. ; to amend the law so as to allow persons who filed on land ander the aot of September 29, 1890, to purchase tbe maxim um alio ved under tbe law, whether tbe same lies contiguous or not, and where settlement baa been made ami the law complied with, as first pro raulgated by tbe department, without rtiuiiirniK umuui Btuueil em, as oat . ? . . 1 u requiring aotual settlement, as has been uelil by a late ruling of the department; to sell tbe unsold portion of the Uma tilla Iuilian reservation at not less than the apprised price, lands not timber nut to exoeed one seoti'in to any one person, Bud not to exoeed 1G0 acres of timber land, no residence to be required; to allow persons who have paid only a portion of the purchase price for for feits! IiiuiIh, which is less than the goveinme.t price of similar lands, before patent, to pay the government tbe sum equal to the diftireuoe between tbe prion so paid and tbe government prire, and the amount to be demanded by tbe railroad conpany shall be the amount paid to it by auoti purchasers; authoris ing Hie secretary ut war to exobange with the Oregm National Guard, Huriiiufli'ld rill, a of the pattern of 1884, f or the same iimka of rilli's of the pat tern of 1H73 ; granting a pension to J, M. Hwift, of Baker City; granting a pensiou to Margaret 0., widow of the lata William CJ. McKay, of Pendleton, Or.; granting a petiMion to James W Kills, of allowa, county; fur the relief of John W. Iis, fur balance due for s -i vices as regmtor of land offliie at The Ia1e, Or ; for tlto relief of 1'eti.r (imot Slxwart, to py for military reservation taken liy (he ituveriinirtit near the mouth ..f iha (lulmuliia river, in 1RV2; to )iay T. J. Miller, of iVssrxi County, fur ferry Imat destroyed by armed forces of the United Slates during the llalinm k war in 1H78 to kaep it from tieing used by the I ml I niih; to repay E 0. Maateo. of rirtUml, Or., fliK) rrrutiMuisly paid n land entry which was afterwards camel... 1. The shskxr have made a dieeuvery liicli is il. niiue.l 1.1 ki'c.iii.IiIi much g i.i.l ItesliKiiig (hat three (..urtha of .11 niir sntT miik arle from liunseh ruiililea, n,t iha Coilnliy la literally (ill.-l wiiii .ri,,U who cannot rat and d'tr-at f..., willinut ubwqilently Kiiirnng pain and d.tria, ai,d that many are aurvmg, wauling to mere kelel.ins, U-Caue llirlr f.ii. dues llirra t o .hhI, I hry bava devoted moi b alu.ly ami lliiiiitflil lo Ilia Biilij-cl, and Iha re nil ia this discovery, of tbeir tbgealive (r.lia. A liltl ti.ink ean k ililaii.el from tmir lriiirgi thai will nuii! nut the v or relief al ntie. An InvestlKallun Hlr.Mt nolliing and will result In mui b Mi l tl il.lifn all hale l.i lake 0.t..r Oil, tin! a t l.k l, alitch la palatable. Mho hi'iri-W'in. lUmbo broiinht in II.Mina Mulkey from I'fg I'oek !! TlmraUy, eq rotiU Id the lo'ltand hoapllal for Irealment. Oe the way to the depot Mr. Mulkey was itiroao fr.m Iha (Vntial hotel 'bos eod bally brnteed alaml the faoe-more ihn even a well man would rare la nii.leitf.t. Ii waoci,iae. by tbe leans toltli.f frltihiened at Hie lueotnolive, averlurniug it and lhreing all lbs in an ibe as be lly borl, I pei (r nnl. on bet Ibe 'Due aufTore.1 a bmkea lop. Il ara Un t irtf I'ay l liniia.n a (, f., f (.ntia.ie, A-lt.iua. ('..an'., ( i.l Is and Croup ere etif. ririi I i M.il. h' I'uia. I I.a U .Ii. A U ... l.ita Uo. ais.-V.iw.a Kvane. cf i.e lime, bear Utiegtua, flnl.hed ' .i.,l.. it,. ...k ..i ......... ....... 1 J ..... " m "'" rr,.,. ..,.,,., ueppasr. Ibey aolJ ; r..tjceiit j.r butnel, wbnk speak f.r iiaelf a i ii, a.lily of f,,, tfl4i 3, ,ol -OB j he., ,., b ,,, r.,. Uf, fel'. rap.-e, wuk b is goeJ bow. Hmte, rbi flra, et' 1 an .i,i.. .,.-l,.i, 1 rr-heit, a. aU l . tr l.l an I Irrnal. .. . . . ... - .- - li e -.. i,, rill I. la ayets t !.( a .f . c.m... I I, l.i.f 1 1 Lai iv wj kasu Urvl trvel.e. j The Quaker of Ilk JEFFERSON M. CLOUGH REFUSES A TEMPTING OFFER FROM THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT. His Bealth was too Poor to Permit At tention to Business. A Great bofferrr for Many Years Bat Has Now Recovered. (From the Bprlngfield, Mass., Union.) There isn't a gun manufacturer in the United States, who does pot know Jefferson M.Clongb, and w by? Because be has been intimately associated all bis life witb the development of the two best American rifles, tbe Rmineton and Wmohester. For years he was superin tendent of the E. Kmington & Sons' great faotory at Iliou, N. Y. After leaving there he refused a tempting offer of tbe Chinese givcrnment to go to China to superintend tbeir government factories, and aooepted instead the superintendenoy of tbe Winchester- Arms Co , at New flaven, at a salary of $7,500 a year. It was after this long term of aotive labor as a business man that he found himself incapacitated for further service by tbe embargo which rheumatism bad lail upon bim and resigned bis position more than two years ago, and returned to Belcbertowo, Mass., where he now lives and ons the Phelps farm, a retired spot where he has five hundred aores of land. Being a man of means be did not spare the cost and was treated by lead ing pbysioians and by batbs at cele brated springs without reoeiving any benefit worth notioe. Daring the sum mer of 1893 and tbe winter of 1894 Mr. Clough was oor fined to his house in Bleohertown, belug unable to rise from his bed without assistance, and suffer ing continually with acute pains and witb no taste or desire for food, nor was be able to obtain snflloient sleep. Early in the year of 1894 Mr. Clongh heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pdls for pale people. He began taking these pills about tbe first of March 1891 and continued to do so until tbe first part of September following. Tbe first effect noticed was a better appetite and he beuan to note more ability to help him self off the b"d and to he better gener ally. Last August (1891) he was able to go alone to bis snmmer residenos and farm of 163 aores on Grenadier Mand. among tbe Thousand Island, in the river Bt Lawrence, where from the highest land of his farm he onmmanls a view for 13 miles down the river, and 60 of tbe Thousand Islands can be seen. Instead of being confined to his bd Mr. Clough is now and has been for some time able to be about tbe farm to direct Ibe men employed there and he is thankful for what Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills have done for bim. These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Hobeneotady, N. Y and are sold only in boxes bearug the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six hoxn for 82 50, and are never sold in bulk. They may be had of all druggists or direot by mail from Dr. Williams' Medioine Company. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a promi nent lumberman of liartwiok, N. Y., was siok with rheumatism fur five months In spesklng of it, Mr. Kot in son says: "Chamberlain's Pain Halm i lbs only thing that gave her any rest from paiu. For the relief of paio it oannot be beat '' Many very bad oases of rheumatism have been cured bv it. Fur sale at 50 eenta per bottle by l'hill Cobn Druggiat. Cimiihtmas Tiiki On IVo. llih, last Saturday, a nnuib.-r of our oitix uia mM at tbe recorder's idle aa ailvertieed. Oen Coiiser was made chairman and W. Ii. Haling, Nro'y It was dec ded In hold a Christmas tree no the evening of Deo. 2lth. It O. Wide reports having oollcolil 9 14 75, with a balance on band of $11 Ml. mid that tree bad been ordered H. C. Wills was then appointed treasur er, and W. L Haling. Hec'y. The eorn mlllee no arrangeiiiwiiis are as follows: H H. Horner, chairman, H P. Oamgnea. O. A. Minor, Frank Oilliam and (ten. Conner. W. L. Salmg was sppolnted as chairman of irngram ciimiuiHee, with H. H Horner and J N. Ilrown aitaii'. The Chriatruat doiugs iiromiae to bi successful. A Fart War III knowing Consumption, l.atini pe. I'lienmonia, and ai Throat ami Lung iliem-a are cured by Khtinh'e Cure. For sale b Wells k Warren. IOIM1I MTTtR.-Kat J. YoOlfl lodge. No .'i, IK-ifree i.f Honor, at ita regular Convention U.t week, fleole.l the following ofrloera for the enduing term: Chief of honor, Mrs. Josie Oar rmn; ladr i.f boeor, Mra. Kale Hunn; chief i.f crra"ire. Mr Alico Horner; fiir.le. Mm Caroline Hail; fluaneier, Mre F Oilll-m; r-o iv.r. Mrs Mar Hall; elder nler, M Maggie A Ikina; Inald watch. Mrs l-na MaMieas; out side watch. Mra. M. K. Huiea.1. All Krr.iaiairt,4 II. Ak your pliuMan, i.ur drutfrfiai and y-'iir frirn.ia alxoil Knil-ili's Cure for l',M..nin,lion They will reeomiurod It. For sale by Wede A Wartro KAKLM rrw tbe Urns i'lnk fpt lUiro-Tii Mr. ku I Mre. Iloeee Hhaw oa Iha (lib lust, a by. V, O. Klley wears a broad smile, and ,0ffnm n Kt), ,hop ,0(bf H,r Ir. F. A. Vangt.an t e.l through liwig C'eek front lle.pof TliUfs.lay i4 last week ea rou'e lo C.n.. (My, turn William and W'm Cmt.man j relume! fmra a fr d)e hunt op co lock efeek laal k The i.nlr game rl'"'e. was a while w.a-el '"'f- H C.M. wbuU leaching " n Ibe ll-.yili.incl el MeooBjs.i, la Ln. Creek la.1 M ndy. II rep..fta gmnl eee la lie s .bonl r'TO Ca i-ubue sen.! Una k lb.. tZSCd by Mr fl.rr.ti a;.e rpr-'Maoiiy id do tt. Ike (reaie.l rel on .knmg lb. I r r-e. arrel n , . . he enniir el al h M F.. et e'Ch by Hev. I'.mma lUrretl. Over stelt B. e..n. ,,..,. ... i.i.w,int le.v P t i t aa.l.r. II.. .lata e-l f . Ii.. ni-etig. 1.1 . . . ... . . - wi4 V'ieek ae u baeJrtJ ms.k. WASHlNOrON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent President Cleveland seems to have a special ton iness for doing unaccount able things. Although he must have known after his message was made public, if not before that tbe one point in bia message in whiob the oountry wae deeply interested was his stand for tbe Monroe doctrine, be went off on an indefinite duck shooting expedition just before the time when he knew Eudand'fl rpannnaa In hia afan1 fnp tha ' Monroe doctrine would reach Washing ton. Surely be nevr did a more nnao oonntable thing. Be promised in bia message to oommnoicate witb oongress again r.s soon as England's answer was received. Now, Heoretary Oloey has that answer which, by the way, is not at all i leasing, but ft is not to be sent to congress or made public until Mr. Cleveland gets tired of duck shooting and returns to Washington. Ia it sur prising that tbe president is being harshly criticised? Discretion is one of the most valued possessions a oandidate for offioe can have. It may be that Gov. MoKinley and bis friends have it to burn, but a number of shrewd politicians are of the opinion that tbey did not display any when they came to Washington and opened headquarters in tbe hotel in whiob the republican national com mittee ia to meet tomorrow, to decide upon the time and place for holding the national convention of that party. It is not for one who sees all tbe aots of of politioianB only from a news point of view to say whether Gov. MoKinley'g friends aoted in bad taste or were indis creet, but it is oertaiu that tbey set a bad preoedent. Just suppose that it ehonld be followed by all thi candidates of all tbe parties. It would make the meetings of the national committees decidedly disagreeable for those un fortunate enough to belong to tbem. Delegations from six cities are fighting for tbe convention, but a sporting man offered to wager two to one in any amount that Chicago would win, and there were no takers. The same man offered even money that the convention would be held between tbe fifteenth day of June and tbe tenth of July witbool finding a taker. As usual in a new congress tbe oom mittee on mileage was the first one named. The honor of being its chair man fell to Representative Wrigbt, of Mass. So far as tbe publio ie oonoerned this oommittee is not an important one, but members of the house regard it differently. Tbey cannot collect the mileage whiob kind old TJnole Ham allows tbem shutting his eyes to tbe traveling many of them do on passes npon tbe trip from tbeir homes to Washington and return, at tbe beginning and ending of each regular session of congress, until this oommittee has O. K.'d the olaim. Some day a sure enough thirty-six inob reformer is going to get at tbe head of this committee, and members of the bouse are going to have to prove that they paid money for a railway ticket before they will be allow, ing mileage. Mileage was originally allowed oongressmsn for tbe purpose of reimbursing them for money aotually spent in getting to Washington to attend a session of congress, but tbe amouul now allowed is ia exoess of the obarges made by any big railroad for fare, so that even those congressmen wbo bny their railway tickets make money on tbe transaction. It is surprising that some of Ibe oongre-smen thirsting for fame aa reformers do not attack this mileage business, instead of breaking laoces agHinsI gigantio windmills. If oung blond ie what the senate needed it has got it in prnfuaion, the new senators b ing V e youngest set of men who ever took their seats in iha boily. Henator Uutler, t N. C. is tbe tonngeat, being only 3'J; Thurston, ol Nehr., Tillman, of H C., Pritehard of N. U, and Marliu of Va., are just 4; Clark of W)o and Maniell, of Mont , areH; Chilton. . .f Texas 42; Mob". id-, i Oregon, and Carter, of Mont., are 4 1 ; Wetraore. .f R I. in 49 and Baker ol Kansas, tbe oldi it of tbe bum b, is only 61. ' Koine of the silver men in congress do nol Ink aa mm h aloek in the friendehip prnfi saed f.r silver by Henator Chandler, of N. II., sa they did before be intru dined hia lull providing for the free coinage of silver at a ratio of l.V to 1. The reason ia found in Ibe little .rnviao Itached In that bill "to lake ffecl whenever Kngland, (iermany and Prince shall enact a similar law." A mivei man speaking of Hie matter laid : 'It strikes me that Henator Chandler and President Cleveland are pretty nearly l he same sort of silver men." Cingceae will do lull of importance until the senate and bouse Committees ate stilri. Hpcaker Ked eeeme to ! having unexpected ditllcultiee lo ar ranging the hon.e cmrailleee, la the euate a republiran caucus committee is eiiKaged m making op elate for tbe epph.vl of the csucna, but il ie f r tr. ni certain lhat the work will be com. 1'leir.l tn fore II bohdav rei eae. The elneriiy of the democratic senators in anree,rtf i,i kw ,0 republicans in organise the senate is pntxtiugtbe latter n. little, 1 he v seem lo fear trap of eome eort The populist senators say hey wnl ant and e what Ibe oiber felloes tK oieaowbile voting as a noil, if anv voting is duoe. W.aamuTni. Dec.OtQ llj. Make y.areelf St rang Ifyoit wonl.l reai.i pneumonia, brB cluii. ipli,., f.ver, and persistent eougli and c I . Thwe ill attack lb weak and run .Iowa .tem. They eao flu. I do foot I... 1 1 aner the blond i kept pure, rich and full nf Vitality, lb ppe. I ie tf.d and digealmB Vigorous, witb II l Mr.aparllla, lb one Ira blood I'ur.fler. II Hid Till rare liver III, roesli. fat on, luliouaoeM, Jaundice, tnk btaJ Si'lie. flleat rile.1 IK k lag tile., hvmpl.mia Moisture; mlenae itching end .tinging; tno.1 al eight; wnree by cratthitig f allowed Id eoolione I a iti-.r form, hlca nftea HeevJ and nli eai, Wntnleg very or. Hwtiai Ol.TMler ln. tbe itching D. bleenj. lag. bl nlevraiioa, aed la roo.1 rmie lh lamore Al droggi.l.. or b mail, f. Meeola. Ir H;ba iio, I'lul Ulrlila, W all, Tb'U.pa-'O run elag elweea tlei. ner an. I Moniment, arrmrg ev.ry da n M.m..I.j an. eavit.g every J el.'ei-l hi. I.e. Htioflv! ! f I eap oet i-tttie .t tte leiener. V. O be, HE FORGED CHECKS. From the Grant Co. New. A warrant is nut for one D. H. Phillips, and tbe sheriff is longing for a eight of this "good man gone wrong." Phillips by profession is an humble sheep herder, and nntil recently be baa been devotedly following the lamb for Beck Bros, of Hamilton. After the flooka were brought in from tbe mountains the herder found time banging heavily on his bands, Rnd by way of diversion he decided to bave some fun out of Beck Bros', cbeok book, wbicb had been left where be could find it. Three checks were written on the Heppner National Bank, fur 891. $96 and 8101 respectively. The signature of Beck Bros, was cleverly imitated, and Philips bad no diffianlty in disposing of one of the Obeoks at Hamilton, near the home of Messrs. Beok. Thre be "en joyed a drunk' of a day or two and went d wn to Long Creek where he oashed another cLeok and the spree was oontmued. Then ocming over to this city be endeavored to create a whisky famine and sold tbe largest of the cl ecks to A. Hinsoh. In the mean time Mr. Geo. Beok had learned of tbe otber two cheoks and bad hurried over to Heppner to stop payment of tbem if possible. The cashier had already paid them when Mr. Beok arrived, but tbe one that was disposed of here arrived while Mr. Beok was in Heppner, and payment refused. As soon as Mr. Beck oonld return to Canyon City a warrant was is-uied for tbe arrest of Phillips and Sheriff Combs started ont on tbe trail of tbe fugitive, who had disappeared a short time after the check transaction. The sheriff heard of bis man at a sheep camp on the headwaters of Beech creek, but after leaving there the trail was lost. Mr Combs searobed for him several days, and finding no traoe of his leaving tbe oounty posted deputies at various places wbo are keeping a lookout for him. On the night of Thanksgiving tbe saloon at John Day was brukeo into and tbe till robbed. Besides, a gallon of whisky, a gnn and an overooat disap peared on tbe same occasion. Phillips had all of these when ween at tbe sheep camp except that tbe whisky jug was quite tbe worse for wear, Tbe staite driver reported that one night recently, near Monument. Woods Carter while driving along tbe road was stopped bv a man witb a gun, wbo evidently took Mr. Carters rig for tbe stage. Supposing this to have been Phillips, this is the only time he has been known to show himself einoe leaving tbe sbeep camp. Uonoerning the cheoks, we are in formed that Messrs. G V. MoHaley, of Hamilton, and E O. Wood all, of Long Creek, purobaaed the first two at a great discount, therefore, when they are required to reimburse tbe bank, aa tbey undoubtedly will be, tbey will not be losers to any considerable extent. Mr, Hinsoh. however, discounted the last ouly 75 cent, but paid a part of the amount in dry goods. None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair Ayer'e Barsaparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having beeo tbe only blond purifier allowed an exhibit at tbe World's fair, Cbioago. Mannfaoturers of other aarssparillas songht by every means to obtain a showing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned awny under tbe application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medicines and nostrum. The deoision of the World's fair autho rities in favor of Ayer's Harsaparilla was In effect as follows: "Ayer s Harsapa rilla ia nol a patent medioine. It does not belong to tbe list of nostrum. It is here on its merits." TiAcacna' Association -Commencing on Jan. 1, I89U, holding tbe 2nd and closing the 8rd, at Heppner, tbe Tesoh era' Association will convene. Il is tbe desire of tbe superintendent thai all teacbere attend. Camta, and Trade-Marks obtained and all f at-J rntbtuiiMi. conducted lor MooiaaTt rf. Ou. Orrict is OeeOSiTC U, a. eT(NV Orriei and can ar. ur palcul ia kat tuu Uiae Uwac remote front WaahinKtoa. bead model, drawing or photo with deicrlp tlr.fl. V e adviM, if patentable or Bat, Irr. el Jurge. Our let not due till netcnt h aecarrd. A PMl.tT, "H"" toOl.taiB i'aienta," wltr. mt vl tmm in the U. 8. aad lanif a couauiea eat free Addrcan, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oa. Part av Orrict. wa.xiaioToa. D. C. aa).eaVvaya Your Face Will be rrtfce wlia a eaetl eagegleg erniie, alee few l lileSewiDiHaciB ICuieeta wivai it ei PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSTON RELEASER, Tke sirat cmiplri and aaeful Utc eve Jitrd le say wts .luae. Carably nf Hiidiotit' lilft, or n riittk prfct Adjtst, trwi ALL Itwakla Article, And will serf an! plea pM p M tbe fall kmH ef your ttpetttOoa. Actii Diaiiti Waerio le awocca J Wfttuiry. LiUral Unb. AUvima, WHITE SEWIN3 WACH1.HE CO., CLIVtLANO. O, a 1 l - .r I. it...f. ,f t rtn ee . I. I.. If : In . .o 1. ' . . el ew'.a. .e k,. ,a mrr I .- ef aa. I ....n t l-a a'.i a-. I 4. 4.antM,ilt.l f 1 l.wlai . van. KV Ikie leave, Vaavk kU4wa, t , I ----- v aw ettv for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate ! The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott's Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. Bi turt you gtt Scott' i Emulsion whin you wnt il muduot a chitp tutUitutt. Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggists. 50c. and $1. TFSTeiTaigS cS& LYONS, Attorneys at Icrw- All business attended to iti a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Oollectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL UANK BUILDING. HEPPNER. A Brand It is not meant that the man is so new, bat that this paper is called upon to announce to the publio that the Uardman mercantile business of VV. E. Kahler has been sold to GEO. A. BROWN, A Well Known Morrow County Boy. He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr. Brown's stock and place of business will convince you. Hardman, Oregon, Successor to W. K. KAHLER. All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Thee gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties, and can aave money a d time In making theae ectiuni with traveling men. Prlcea In keeping with the time. Thompson & Biisnsrs. T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN- Grockries, Gents' Stockmens' And Wants He will make it an object for you to trade with him as Lis prions are right, and all good that he handles are of the very best Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Iieppiior, Oregon, In Hi 0 BT LUST ! I F M'. Colambua wr-re alive to. day ami callinl at Mat Lichtoo- thai u might mak a Dfw tlionv erjr rjutt- aa wtTuotabl aa that i f t'hia was a crr-at tliaoirorcr io hia Jar. Me uulj at tli time (licovir th fiurat uk of Shrwa w howo in Hpppurr, ao.l th chfaji aa wrlL S hat inort i ! mortal rnan aaot ? M. lalCIITKNTIIAL. Mala StraaH. M'tpoM, OTafoa. Cuatom Work a Frcialtj. LEGAL Nffi lbs Palta NOTARY PUBLIC .CONVEYANCER the food for all such. How many pale folk there are! People who have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pendulum between strength and weakness so that one day's work causes six days' sickness ! Peonle who hav no 1!fA OREGON New Man! Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? Furnishing Goods, Supplies, Etc., Your Trade ! T II 12 Palace Hotel, C i YlX DITS, Ityridar. J have tfiJcrn full control of thi$ opular hmite, awl trill mike it ttricthj Jlnt cli$. MEALS. 2." CTS. HHPS, 25 CTS. lUtht and Ttm 'Bos lor all Outtt, Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . CAM,