"NT IW Ml M .14!, M HIIIM HIMtlUMWMM MWUUIl PAPER nfMI M'VM tlMf KMMIIHmMH i OFFICIAL 1 I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT 1 Advertising brought me til I Is owing to my liberality in ad verting Robert Bonner. own, A. T. Stewart. 1 1 1114 lM M I III I I I W I I I li lMI H II I III THIRTEENTH. YEAR I1EPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1895. ( WEEKL7 x0. 6691 j SEMI-WEEKLY N0.3S7J leiiiwf mmmm V.Jgjl. SEMI .VEEKLY GAZETTE. HUBUHHIU Tuesdays and Fridays BY m PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $4.5'i pitr year, $1.23 for bix months, 75 ou. 'or thve aioiicas. "Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. rpHIH PAPEB is kept on rile at E. O. lMke'e L Advertising Agency, B4 and 65 Merchants Exe!ian, Han Francisco, California, where cou raots for advertising can be mado for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. in. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. in. dally, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m ; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:'2"i p m. and 8:47 a, m. ; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. United States Officials, Resident Grover Cleveland VanlrHlrinnt Ad fti Stevenson Sectary of State Hichard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury John Q. Carlisle afeoretary of Interior Hoke Smith stnnmturv of War Daniel H. Laniont Meoretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert 'Postmaster-General William L. Wi son Attornoy-nneral Jndson Harmon Weoretaiy ot Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon, 'Governor W. P. Lord Peoretaryof State H. 11. Kincaid Tnper Phil. Metncl.an Snut. Public InRtmrtion 5. M l'Win Attorney General C. M. Id'eraan . ( G. W. M c.Bride oenmura 1J. H. Mitchell I TUnger Hermann wiukhwui J W. K. HI lis Printer . W. H. L ed K. 8. B au. nnraina .llllliaa. F. A. Moore. ( 0. K. W.ilvarton Sixth Jndlrinl IMntplrt. C rcuit Jndxe 8tphen A. Lowell "roMHciuing Attirnoy.... John H. Uiwrey Morrow Counij Ollletiil" ..-.ml MMmititr . . V. GoWHi BeDresnritative J 8. Roothli) nnrvJadge Julius K.i.iily ('ommiwnnnr. . J. M. Baker. Clerk , Hhoriff Tremurar Hnrveyor , School Sup't..., Coroner . H. Ilowar . ... -T. W. Morrow G. W. HnrrM.gt.ti; .... Finn Uillmin J. f. Willi' Gi. Lnrtl Anna Malaise T. W. Ayers, J BrrPNKR TOWM omOKBS. Mnyoi Thus. Morgan H Minrilinen O. K. Fantawiirtli. Mehtenthal. (Mis Pntteraun, T. W Ayt.rs.Jr 8. a. Horner, E. J. Slonum. oonlfr .V.J Jin "p Tr...,rw E. li Fif-lnn HarahaJ A A Itoliert Precinct Office . nr ik PMU K. L. Freoland Cinjtar.to. N. M. WlwUlou. rolled States Und OrHcera. TBS MIAMI, OB. J. F. lonr. It i' -r A. 8. Hunt lleeeiv-r LA OUMIOC, OB. B. F. Wilson Ilnlter J. H Kobhins Ilwieivnr 40 ICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Wavcrley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond Ib as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, INDIANAPOLIS, lND U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. Creguiator -, i.i a - 8 1 U.S. GOVERNMENT 1 PAYING MILLIONS I ' A MONTH C To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their W Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a W relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars fe) on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW jl To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new W7 law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it fg) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. VCv f?-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. (J No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. f S K. B.Thit Company i$ controlled by nearly one thousand leading nttet- paper in the United State, und tt guaranteed by mem. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxativa medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS i.ivfr regulator (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. Ana more than this: mmmuins LivtK KtuU' LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, ana wnen tne Liver is in p-nod condition vou find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache ana constipation, ana na or that worn out ana debilitatea reeling, These are a 1 caused by a sluggish Liver, Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, ine rung oi Liver meat dnes, and Better than Pills. 9EVERY PACKAGE- Baa the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. Zellin & Co., Thila., Pa. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT Trade Mark Dr. A. 0wn 8S3RXT SOCISTISS. KAWLIN4 HUSr.NO.IL O. A. R. 1-Ut Uixiniftnn, Or., tiid last BaturrUf of v month. All etrns r lnvlt"H U )"in. C. Bo. Osxi. W. HmTB. Arllntanr. if roinmamUr. MONEY LOANED, ir' M'.ria on Till prme.1 ratm l'roertjr Neotit I. Mara rervd to iimotlt Brat lnrtv iihiii linrovel trns In Oron, with nierii wrili- at a rateol Intonit not to encwl nr rnit p-r annum lortfaKi rviivwxl that have In-ru Ukn li)' other com. panic. AddrcH wllh tamp, Hrr it)r. tlin. L U M It E It ! r. I! A VK POM MAI.C A I.I. KIND or UN IT dnxap-l Lnminr Itmilnaul Mf.pnrr. a' bat la iiiowo w in HOOTT HA.WMZIiU TIB 1.0UO PEKT KOII.H. - CUAK. I t Ou 17 U f PfUVBRKU IN HKI'I'SrR, WILL AIM) Tb tov 1'ioUil.iin ar itrli tlf fur fah I. HAMILTON. Trop Kaiioi m o! iwi w eiiiLii. r.n. h bi-hop. FrwUml. rwklr. THlS'lcr)'ik:NBLBtKlVir.lNiF.i coi,i,i:(TK )N Ml ti Kv.irl.l- Timi, EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLI UriTNF'L (KKWN 0.itiii)-!!:i;':! Sit!." line m FACTS AHIC FACTS ! ! YOU CAN BUY iV00 worth of dry gooU and grocoilet ud then have enoiiKli lu(t out of 1100.00 to purchaae a No. 1 Crcacent Bicycle. Thla li a Hrat clana macliino. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give no better acrvlce t CRESCENT "Hcorrher," weight 20 pouti'la, only I'JO. La'llisa' ami Oxnta' roatlatera all the way from 0 to 175. 'Boya' Junior," only I M with pneumatic tlrt a good machine. "Our Special," Mcn'i j0; Ladiea', '&. AVDHF.SH. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and only iclentlflo and practical Electric Belt made, for general use, producing i genuine current of Electricity, for the cure f dlxense, that can be readily felt and regu lated both In quantity and power, and appllad toanvtartof the boar. It can ba worn at an time during working hours or tleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE RIIETnrf ATISITI Lt itIIA4.4 li K!S K II A L DEBILITY LAItlK HACK NERVOIS VISEA9ES VAItlCOCRLK SKXUAt, WUVKNES9 KIONKY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied, la fait talcing oi arugi lor an n curra In aecmlngly hopolon caaea where every ,. ..i -n .. .t: ... -if n v . i I 'IM.9Ut UIUKI IUI ftll luun, iviiciiuiniiu. liidney ana urinal Troublea, ana will eoeel other known meane haa failed. Any aluKKlKU. weak or dlaoased Oman mar by thla racana be rouaed to healthy activity beture It la too lit. Lesd'.iib medkal men iim an . ;oummend the Owen Belt tu their practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contalna f ulleat Information regarding the Pure or arute. rnronio ana norvoua u wmci. rrii'ei. ana now id omt. hi imnnii. ucrninn. MVpaian and Norwoglnn langunKva, will ba inn I led, iixn application, to any addrcaa tor V cents postage, The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. MAIN ornrl AND ONLY FACTOHT, The Owan Electric Delt Ddg., 201 to 211 Stale Street, CHICAGO, ILL Tlx Largost Etectrie Belt Citablohmentln tht World THE PVTTEUSOX ITB. M, Heppner, Oregon, Agrnti nt MORROW AND GRANT Counties. rw If B HE INTER OCEAN I -IS TTIR- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BV MAIL DAILY (without Sunday) $6.00 per car DAILY (with Sunday) I8.00 per year . The Weekly Inter Ocean , 00 rZRYCAR )HIJl. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved atand the arlu- and Permanently 1CURED wi i nuu I Knifo or Operation Treatment Absolutely Painlc CURE EFFECTED . i a a Frnm Ihroo to bix Week? WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Orrirrn : l'.om i"07. Marauam Ku.l 'iur PORTLAND. OREGON 5: full nm Sl Mink i.l aW tkm. Krfll vKsi arvl MontMtl, f 'n up In h m.t U(r,t ntMt, In- fAUt I, tml F imUL AulliKI tttti m4 p3 imi Him CUllihO. :3 TMlNlWr0RKUSICUtCM0C0.-3 CANvaaarna uikim :T A NTW5PAPTB TMR tHTCB OCCAM kt akrt 4 lk Um laj aM rrl It !-' iwHMr iwina tf iim aMarlaa ALL tHH a rLft AND THU BLSI Uf CLkMLMT LITLHATLHU. In fr. Ji iit t. l.ui.i. t. M"" lot'KT f'lh mill ar.itlly. P'Ml f.f tllrg 1 Ih mmmn sthselihe H A W P op nxT.iino nuns H i"ia iNt'r A mm. atiJ r rtm ai O -u( la 12 h'.n'. Sinqle Faro 37 CO. Round Trip SlOOO Trx.ii fMtki ff The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It hat anwrttilwf af Immil tati awnWf ( tax laaillr It l VM Id Dl f AKIMI N kiim fry M 4 Ha k 14. I, LJ tTICAl I.Y IT 1 HM1II IC. M ( N rert tb brnwOt W tw ( Iikhhimi m alt li mIimI f . It aWva Wn Ums Inu Mi UP UUUl. Illll UKUl IT IS A TWELV t-PAOE PAPER. inn rvtr ocr " i munrtj ts chicaoo, thb xpwi ad comrcii. 4.1 .N U UP A Wt ItV Itll AUKlMANv MMlAN. ANI It Mill) AliAPll lt T T MH M I D Of I ItU 'LU'Le Uf IMAf I-LCTION THAU A fAI'LN AKIMI.H t.Af. H Itla tul H4 lb. ! al Ik. Wl k4k la rVHk I.Na jra. rvawnilw ltM tb. atM af Tk. Wkly I MX Oual la ONLY U8 tOU Ul riu UAH, THE 2NTER OCEAN. Chlrrca nCIlS'CAS'YOS' .Arr'-vr.:lVJ.r.r Tin; Lancasiurk Insuka'.ck ('o. I (HI I'aiii f..in stii..i,. - f t ... I'.tf hil.l'wU llll'l f rm t ,t .ti i 11 1 1, I .li. r n I I Hl, i.r l".aiiilf. TV (! Nl.-n-U(,l I T'l !-.' tt i.'r. t, V...( t, it, . ,,l t. ',t, of r i. r.,n I ..., . .,. Iisi'l l. 1 I -r r lwtr i. ,.rf. if -I . ,.t i Ill lll'l, I I', -I ' . ."..I ' t I I I-I.... i II, .1.. f.l I) A l . !". 1 II. ,...if f.l I" f ! " In ' ll.TtM. Mli ,.if.rl I ,.,,(-' t I l I f i. .,! I .l T ' i 'i." . I'.,i. ,i, j I .,.l.f f.'tl,t r... I IHI. ro'.l'a'V "i l.lr, !. I fa I, .., f I )'. I. j ..Itirv.i.l l. II. l-,.n i.l a..l,,i ,l -ara a.4 .f IliSa llf.n a"t In raa I, lai a -. t., a--.. I", vai.l .'",l I, f ll 'a.l I laft I n a.il a I. in f-. ium a.ai. l.-ti M,.a ! 1,1a r''a lt ll.li : ajf !' . Ihiaa il. ' a la J. ' lai l I.i ..f f . f a1 It. -.. f.f II, Ml, tra..ff M, . fMf,i fi,rar i lau-1 .,ia ,i . I'f'i I r I rt-rn ' n ( . . I i . I . . j at P . WANTED -AM IDEA Wl.fall k MAICIIKHI'lilf, lJV SIArVI H I'iTTKLS'tlV. l-lf.M. t . ,V.rJ t.lr.a) l, -.t ' t -l V rvi'f'r Ci.j i f . .1 A' FROM JEST TO EARNEST.' I don't understand you at all," said Pierce Trevor to his friend Ralph Dewey. "You talk as it I were a conun drum." 'So vou are! Now, look here, Dewey, let's have a clear comprehen sion of the matter. Do you love t anny White?" Well ves I rather think, on the whole, that I am a little taken with the sparkling brunette." " 'A little taken!' llow very entnu siastic you are! And she, poor child,' is more than 'a little taken' with you." "I flatter myself that you are rifrh t' "Well, then, why don't you ask her to marry you?" "There it is," groaned Dewey, "you are all in such a hurry. Can't a man admire a girl without being brought to book for it the very next day? I won't be hurried. When I get mady I'll ask Fanny to marry me. Are you sat isfied?" "Very far from it." "As Miss White is only your wife's cousin, 1 really don't recognize your riirht to catechise me! "Does that mean that I am to mind my own business?" Ralph laughed. "Construe it as you please only pray don't1 bother me any more. lie threw himself lazily on the grass, flinging his cigar into the very heart of a cluster of wild flowers and mak ing an impromptu pillow of his arras, crossed underneath his head. "Sleep, then," said Trevor, t little contemptuously. "I can't afford to lose the brightest hours of a golden day like this." Our hero had not lain there many minutes, however, before the soft chime of girl voices sounded througl the tiny bugles of summer insects ana the monotonous murmur of green boughs overhead. "Girls!" muttered Dewey, 'tenn t fellow be clear of 'em anywhere? liut they're on the other side of the copse, that's one blessing, and if I keep quiet they'll never beat up iny ambush! Thev were on the other side of the copse three bright-facod girls in flut tering raiment. "It's so delightfully cool hero," said llildfgarde Aymer, a fair blonde, as Saxon as her name. And one can talk here, too," said Mary Hell. "At the hotel one is never certain of not being overheard." Dewey gave a silent chuckle at this. Fanny White, leaning against the twisted stem of the veteran wild grape vine, devoted hor whole attention to her parasol handle. She was the prettiest of the three, with deep liquid brown eyes and hair black as the blackest let, while hur skin, just touched with the creamy tint thut characterizes the Creole, glowed carmitui on her check. "Fanny, do let mo try! said Ililde- garde. "It will be such a splendid ioke. and vour English adorer is so long In making up his mind." Hut but what will Capt Aymer th inli?" "He'll bo delighte 1; men always glory in a bit of mischief, and Kent Is such a splendid actor, Do, Fanny!" urged Mary Hell. "It will be just for all tho world like the theater, llildcirai'ilo'n brother U to pretend to Ihj d!sH'rately in love with you and you are to eiicnurue Inn at tentions until that alow-moving Uewey U bro-'irht to the imint. llow I shall cuoy iim progress of the situation. liut your brother must fully under me, said ! uuny, lienl Utingly. Of course; aha n l I explain it to mm myavlf? There's not a bit of harm In it, and Mr. Itewey coitainly needs some stimulus. Now, do con uiill Kate will be hero this very evening. Mie don't forbid it, HiMcgardo, earri'rly cried Miss Ih'll, "ami all the world knows thut silence gives run sent Come, fcve how long the khsdowa ar getting?" A lid the three graces fluttered down the hillside. Dowry rose to his feet and walked sway also. "Mr dear little glrU," said he, by way of tmliliMiuy, "it s a very cleverly Concocted little plan, but it won't work, and I've no doubt I shall enjoy it as much as Miss IMI iirupowa to da" Aad he laughed aloud to think how Completely he khould outgeneral Ids feminine adverasrira. "I'll keep I an In aunpenaa for an other mouth. jut ti pay her for that!" ha added, within dimwit. "I like the f irl well enough, but for all that 1 won't be hurri d into matrimony." Knowing what ba knew, therefore, Mr. Ifewey was not at all surpnwd that ruing when be walked Into the b'lUil drawuig-ruoin to aee a atylioh young man In the um( nu uf a captain silting on the sfa and U lng very de voted to Miss While. "lt 'ein work." said Mr. Iewef . and ha sat down to tUy La. Lgtiitnn with a pretty little Widow, t sum. nsWhed him from tnalu h-r eyeUhe 'it doesn't j.r.xlm any effrrt at all upon hi in - the brute !"snlj llil.li garle, who bad ieet'l t-i- the rerrtanl lover brought to capitulating terma at tor. "Thst'a bwaoaa we d'tn't put It us atrornr cttoueh il tUe riuinn a w , a a.iii)". I raU'i'.l Lav. )nil here to le..tfi tb bride of tl.al Sflf eirieii1 fTI'X 'fell we that I mar hop!" ll.! lVHe aw. l Wh hr fn.nd'a ban U "Mie loe.a fnm. Kent-aha ea yia. I ran It In br area," aba eried i al'antly "Mand a.da, li;l lf ar-l.." said Af nr "I bae the Brat rlifht b.f. Mie u mine n r " And ba tk h.r ln!iljr Ut In I raat Via -it ws t I! at the llM'.a in'tr al .f arllif l.a I lenf. I'fliif, I fe l"fi rmii'f K-it ant I tnnt bat p;J I at ' I .f" ll'.ttl alif f''l". r.r'-t ,l l-.f h lli,r hklt ,th sl'ii t tt'if fr iir I f .it-t '"Are t'-u b! f, I ann T ilemsa !e I Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report aCdini A&&XJDtm PURE settled and Ilildegarde had gone to tell Mary Bell as a "great secret" how the little stratagem had ended. Oh, Kent," whispered Fanny, I never knew what true happiness was i before." And Capt. Aymer must have been unreasonable indeed not to be satisfied with the answer. lie departed, carrying in his keeping the loving little heart of Fanny White. Ralph Dewey contemplated the de parture of Hildegarde's brother with no small degree of satisfaction. "Now's my chance," he thought "I guess, on the whole, I'll not ksep her in suspense any longer, poor child. I only wauted to let 'em see that I wasn't to be coerced." Mr. Dewey proposed accordingly in due form that very day. "1 am very sorry, Mr. Dewey," said Fanny, looking provoklngly lovely, "but but I'm engaged." "En era " "Fanny 1 may call you Fanny, mayn't I?" "Oh, certainly," said the little bru nette; "it's all in the play." "Well, then, Fanny, I think we ought to promenade through the halls arm in arm a little while, and if we were to whisper instead of speaking aloud" Fanny laughed and consented, and the whole evening long she and the captain exchangod very commonplace remarks in very confidential whispers, while Mr. Dewey and the widow played backgammon serenely. "Hike this." said Cant Kent to his sister, auu Miss Vtnito had gone to her room. "She's the prettiest eirl I ver saw." "Oh, but Kent, you mustn't fall In JOX. Brown Do yon really think that bi cycling givxR enoogh exeroiae? Jones (just learning) -Enough? Why, msn, it's a gymnasium, toboKgen slide, Rud razzle-duzzle rolled into one ! Puck. The inventor of a bioyole suit that will ennble a womnn to look as graceful standing on her bead, or reoliniog in tba middle of the road, as when dressed for sn evening entertainment, ia sure not only of fame and fortune, but of the nn dyiog love of every womsn oyolieL N. i , Dispatch. Rrtdbnrn I suppose that when tha Emu uoipsted Woman has ultimately oonquered our girls will be going for soldiers. Chesoey I should not be surprised. They went for them long before the E. W. was ever thought of. Hsrlem Life. The Hoboken minister who has opened a saloon is prepared to administer spirit ual consolation either by tbe ohapter or by the glass. Kansas City Journal. The Double Vision "I think you've got your nerve" exclaimed the wife with asperity, "to come home drank and ao ouse me ot boiog two faced." Detroit Tribune. "I ehall not fall In love with her there's no danger," said Aymer, "but it's such fun! I'm so much obliged to you for suggesting it" Fannv cried herself to sleep that night. Dewey didn't seem to care a pin whether she flirted with Capt Ayine.r or not. Tho next day ahe went out horse back riding with the captain. Kent sat on his horse like a centaur and Fanny came back rosy aa a whole bed of carnations. Are you going with ua to the Cedar Falls to-morrow, Fanny?" asked Mr. Dewey that evening. "We ald some thing about going together a week or so ago, didn't we?" Funny wbh ready with her lesson. "Did we? I had forgotten; besides, I promised to go with Capt Aymer." "With Capt. Aymer? Oh, well, all right, I'll take Julia Symington." Fanny's lips quivered, but Ililde garde shook her head at her, and she did not rait back the young English man, as had been her impulse. Capt. Aymer proved a most devoted cuvalicr and Fanny half reproached her If that she had enjoyed the day eo much. "It's very wrong of me, alghed Fanny to Ilildegarde, her faithful confidante. "No, it isn't; It's exactly right," re sponded Ilildegarde. "I I begin to be afraid ba don't care for me." ' tie's a brute," a sorted her frieud; "and it will serve him right If you never look at him eiralit. So the glowing midsummer awept by and Mr. Dewey held aloof, bugging himself to think how he was outwitting the conspirators, though an occasional tM luge of Jealousy now and then pasM-d through his mlud. I'reMMitly tin-re was a aire outcry among the allied forces. An order bad come from the Inexorable war depart ment and the captain muat go aonie- whira on tha frontieratraightway. "The matter was beginning to get a little serious," ha thought, "and jutt a soon aa that eonfoandrd puppy gets away I'll make little Fanny a happy woman. Mavbe, though, It would be well to punish her for a few days longer." "Oh. Fanny, ranny, aren t you sorry T' aobbed Ilildegarde, clinging around her tall brother, whose fare ws unwontedly grave. "Yea. Ilil.legsrde," said Fanny, "I am very sorry." (apt Arim-r looked penetratingly Into her face. There were real Wars inlvering and aparkllng on ber ey. Iatie and the rwl had all paled from ber elieeU. "rarinr!" he said, impetuously. "1. It from your besrlT" 1'annv -allly little creature that she wa brgan to rry, and Ilildegarde ruaheil forward "h. Kent! You pe..rnl. that "A man Isn't reapntiMble for bis fate. and I have fallen In love with her," es elstmrul the young nftieer. "fanny am I to love vu In sin Fanny trlr to Uagli hfat.rtrsll . ' f -uf coiirw, all till. I only a part of the programme." she faltered. "Hy Joe., but It's not'" cried Aymer "Wlist WI Ins UmiM earneL "Y.a-to (ant. Aymnr." ' . t aniiy," said Italpb, erf u tnetiUtivrlr, "where', the ttaa c.f carry ing on this pretenMi any long. rt ll 1 Court I know It a'.l a atrataireia." "Jut it lan't a atrstsgern." aald ran ny. Indignantly; 'i love hi in and I .a lov in. -and there's mjf ring." Mm bld up a I"" Bng.r as she lik. whereon (litter. I a SvIiUlre 4ismnnL rWi Mr lmrf fmnd blmaelf out ma-' ,.., i, "The mnn who beat Breokinridge" la being pointed out on the floor of tba house. We always supposed the man who beat Breckinridge was a woman. N. Y. Press. Binoe tbe business office tried to ex terminate them, the oookroaohei in thia ofliae are giving 5 o'clock pink inseot powders. All socially inclined bags on Ibe street have oalled. Minneapolis Journal. There never was a sheep eo old that some restanraut or hotel liar would not refer to it as a lamb. Atchison Olobe. Theory. Tommy Paw, why is it the good die young? Mr. Figg They don't die yonng be eanae Ihpy are good, but they stay good because they die young. Indianapolis Journal. Orooer How did you like that last miliar? Customer I'd matnb that sugar against sny other brand with eight onocs gloves for $1,000 a aide. Oroner What are you talking about T Onotomer I was merely trying to con vey the idea that it haa lota of sand. 'hileilelpliie Iteoord. Thomas Have yon nameJ tbe twins over at your house yet? Joint Yep; pa called tlieiu Thunder ml Lightning as soon as he beard slsint them N. Y. Truth. Miij ir 0. T. I'ioii.ii la manager of lbs Hsta lintel st Deuiaon. Trias, abioll the Irsvi-ling men asy Is one of lbs beat hotels in that section. In speaking ot 'hainlieiUin's 1 5-1 Cholera and lllsrfbne Remedy Major I'ioIoo aaya: I liavr nwi it myaelf snd in my family fur aeversl )esra, and take pleeeure in aaymglhat roiinider It an inUllibla cure f.ir illnrrluwa and dysentery, 1 slwsya rwnniini-nd it, snd have lreinent ly adminiaiered it to niy giiMts in tbe hud I, and in every ra. it baa proves llaplf worthy ni iiiiqnallfUl endoraemeol. Mr aale by I lull tiim, uruggiai. rniH4iu. nitim (if John Hiir.KMiM. In cimiiinn wuh many eminent nan, Mr. Nheiman baa alaaya bad eitraordl- nary vi iipralli.n for hie mother. He re mark, thai !. "has a Attn belief In Ibe Ihhle aa Ids only treed of rehsloua faith an l duly, and willmaly ace irde lo tv.ry human being tba lishl to chooae bis form of worship ereorling lo bia jnJg ronl, hut in cawi of doant It le best to follow li,. l.erhlngs of bis mother." Mr. hi, rr man's catlmlioiiy is very broad. Conimeotitig on MormosiafB be dteUr.: It is to la liow. that the government end ipte i f the L'ihi. I Hiaiee will let ile Mnrmnne severely ahme, allnwief ll.ern In brlifte what Ihey will, and la l i In I'.e wsv of Wiifahlp what they eti.t.e, e ll.i. ay onlf sen their e-.i.n If-ne. m sHrgl lev.l.tlone be at. aan, and MmmiM lm will dMappesr a''M t I'1" many vin atiepla of ruinanMy to elfditf. Hi. Infaleili ft life nl delb r.rawnliow never k"l. drla. a, ti'r di.t-iibs fallb, l,...r iiirsiil and grixiadlea. J .ho Mieiniaa af pes's In this book as a lyi'esl American ff Ibe Hi n b'eosb. II l av.h l and i l.l-gojial.c n'.t la lbs iynn,e ... i the ts'gnt arrnr f n- ben a!l was fiuer! eftrr all. and aeeordingly r traal. Il'i e i"l "! r aa a le, hi!. V'. 'Il ..r, Mi. a l. !). Il.l.le gar le an I a. I I - r ! r Inriie I a unaii llll ,.. . r . t if J.,t (tatty Wiiat i be rl evtmy V h ut mere i n,l. Wbes I s sarpilaioglV aia, f tM nd an Atnertean I m'd l- a Fienehmaa," ws d m-t I n.l. HI .y l)l r fi 'tl mn Y i-ftl .1 II. O.n It-1 iiie As !, f ,! i IWvMwa, II. ..ni I t ait "J lm hh.ffran's fse.," by B. lu l Ue.u.Ur J i ,