n U sJTOCK. BRANDS. While yon toepyonr subscription paid up yon eankeep your brand in free of charge. Allyn, T. J., lone. Or. Horses Gli on left shoulder; cattle eame on left hip, nnder bit on ri?ht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row conn ti. Baird, D. W. and eon. Horse brannVd D B on the left hip; cs'tle the same on Mt flmk. crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Hm-eee branded 7 K on either shonliler. Itanuo in Mor- TOriannSBtBr, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in encli ear. Brenner, Petflr, (iooHeberry Oriigon Horse branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. lr . . , . Hrosman, Jerry. Lena, Or Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; oattle B on the loft side. Left ear half orop and right ear ntjpor slope. Barton, Wm., Hnppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in BBiL?in T C ironnnnr. jOr. Horsee. circle r .itUntinM leroii Wt hip; cattle, same. Brown, vv. j.. ijpiia, wmis-ni. over It, on the left shoulder, Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box brand on riht hip oattle, same, with split in eBBorTp. O., Heppner. Or.-H-irses. P B on left shoulder: cattlo. same on left hip. Brown ee W. J., Kox.Or-Cattle. JB connnctod on left sido; crop on left, ear and two splits and middle piece cut our, on rigui, um , "V brand on the left thigh; Uanijo in I'm valley, Humus W. bar Cattle same on left Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A on shoulder; (battle, same on right hip. Koung, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horsee branrlaO TH on the right shonldo- orflos, 'A on U",t0no"narren. Wagner, Or.-Horse, brand, edOon right stitin; cattle (three ham) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Itange in Grant and Morrow counties. (WE.. Caleb.Or.-Y I) on homes on loft s iflel Dwithunarter circle ovor it, on left shoulder and on left Btifle on all colt nnder S years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Cate,Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H (! on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cat tie i crop out of each ear and underbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle C on left stifle. Hange Mor ow and Umatilla oonntieB. Cnrl T. H.. John Day, Or.-Doublo cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and uudei bi ir! right ear, split in loft ear. Hange in Gran county. On shoep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Bar markoii ewes, (iron on left ear Suuched upper bit in right. Wethers crop , in fight and nndnr half crop m loft ear. All rangs 1U( A'j!.Le;ia.Or.-Horses, Won rightshonl dor; Cattle, same on right hi p: ear mark square orop oil left and spin in """ ., Currin.lt. CurnriBVillo, Or. -1I (!ox Kd. H., Hardman, Or.-Caitle, C with E in center; horses. CK on left 'up. i'li-linm H. K,., Monument,, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left Bhouldor; cattle same brand on bot h hips, mark under slope both oars and dewlap. Cliapin, H.. Hardman. Or.-Horses branded O on right h p. Cattle brauded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tle sa.,e brand on right shoulder, and cut olf end of W. M ,. Galloway. Or.-Cattle, It 1) on right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, it 1) "Klfllr.-.. Douglas. Or.-Horses branded KLY on left shoulder, cattle name on loftlnp. hole inFmr'ye(l'H.,nardinan. Or.-Horses brande.l ri reversed (i with taill on left shoulder ; caU tlesame on right hip. Kange ill Morrow county Florence, L. A., Ileppner. ()r.-(,attlo, LH. or, right hip; horses 1? with bar under on right ''Khltme. 8. P. Heppner.Or -Horses F on right shoulder; cattle. K on right hip or thigh. r,7 vi... n',,l,(i. Or. Horses hiclrled II. urau,, ,., u ,. ft lill. TUII , ., ..n ,...;,., i A 1 Hange in Morrow and Uintillacmiiti.. nsngoiu in ,,,. nr. 1'iitt n. round-top with onart'er "circle under It on the right hip. k! In Morrow and Umatilla count"... ii ...v bitinal. Wagner, Or- I- (T F L ronnectoSl) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right h p and on left side, .wallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack llirlet. Morrow oonnty. it j t f. rif.lt. arv. Or. Il'irwi 4- (ero. ,,i. i, ,rhi,ve it) on right shoulder; cuttle same on left side. Hntigr m Morrow and all Kdwin. John Day. Or.-C'iflMe K H on right hip; hers same on right boulder. Itimge in (Irani oonnty. ii ,.i. Mt. Heiinner. Or. Horses srisded . . ... .'v.. i..fi i.imliler. Kan Morrow Co. Hnnnaker, H A. Wagner. Or.-Hor.ee, on left ..1.....1.1.... ....uIb OunlefthlD. Humphrey., i M Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on I-.. II.... L. Hnston. Lnther. Kight Mile. Or.-llorse H on tti left .hoiil.l.-ran 1 n"an no in-.,.,, ....... . ... il.uinai.n left hilt. IWiig" 111 Morrow county 1..,,. llarrv. II Hiri-T. Or Horniw lirtn l 11 on the left shoulder; nuhl hill, also nilderblt III 11 n,.i,ll1v Jnnkin.rt. M.. Heppner. Or.-Hiryt, htmv l.m J i.n left sliouliler. lattle, tllSSK!ll. i .V. K..H. Or.-llor.e. rinle Ton left siiHe:'catte' M'ticttii right hip, ni.der half cropm ri-'.' "d .i.lit ii left ear Kenny. M-k.. Heppner. nr.ir.rw. ""' ' KNY on left hip cattle ime and crop otl l.rt w en l'r lteon the rllit Kirk. J. T.. Il.pnr. Or. -II .r.e. All on left honl lr; rattle. "; "it hil. k lM.rla-i.l.W. U.. Mount Vernon. 'r.-l Lon n.itie.et rtghl and l-ft i I.-..hIIow fork in I. ft ir and under ni"P i "bt ear. Il.im.wni hran I oil left .houl.ler. U..m in Giant Mr. ft Htepnen. ri.i.nr.-H Lon left hip on caitte. crop and plil on right ear. Iltirw. SHine bteiel on left sleMililer. Hange Granl "llleuallen. John W.. I. -." . Or.-llonw brun t I t-!f-. lrel .Jl.r.enw,.ln ..'i .Veil. dr. .ule. m ii mi lf' bio. It i ige. tieir 1 t U-.l.t-r. J ll"."i .r Or ll.ir.,.. l.-.-td I....I tntit.lt li.eii.l r; entile -,.l nti I 'tittle lira I'te-l J nn left ear. K in:t - in GET THE BEST When you are about tobuva Sewing Machine do not tie deceived by alluring advertisements nnd be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it thot you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honestand square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is M Light Running f'. There Is none In the world that -:-3 can equal in mechanical con !jjk struction, durability of working parts, nnenesa ui iiiiimi, uu.n.Ly in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, nlike on both sides of needle patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patenter), driving wheel hinf;ed on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE EEW HOME SEWING MACHIEE CO. Owv: Mass. BosroH, Mass. M TNtnw Bofjirf, H. T .CA'.O, It. ST. 1.0' I . .MO. ll,M,'..l..'Il.J..'.!J. I-.VM KlcASfWO, .TTAKT.l, O V. FOR ;A'. F. BY P. C. THOMPSON VO.,Ugents, Ileppner, Oregon, 1 AJT urn Send 5 Crs. for Sample Package .SVoi Francisco Office, NAP II. II GltKENSFF.LDKR & CO, So. 2:D Suiter Street. , It,1! I r. 1.1 )., I'll ..I.I. I I lip!,er Or. Il-.ii, , -I, H ft.,ti le .ti.iuliler. .-(.jetet. Or. I 'ttl. I,,,!-.. MSHI'l OH I l.fi'el-i-l fii;.-i . hr..i,i (hi .Ml .. Itr. iil.i. M II hip nr. Itt-I. tt.tgi. H dtitil.l.i H eiit... .w.tirf I! oil let! Miii.. M. ' . cirele ,,t r.vfi.i hl ll.nge .11 M e". i- v. M..eit. it- er. tie " rial. I I.. i, li.ir M "t. le'l Mtio.i, I S . H-...rier. i". . 'I tin lfl .IimiiI ll ealll" ' "I 1 "" " 'P' Milrtn.ll. Ovr. Iimw. nr.- HorM, Jl on right bl; rallle 7Jnn right Neal Anlrw. U. Or.- Ilt.r A N e..n- tlri ,,n lft MiiHil.lr; rattle wit""" U.lhl.li-. tiller. I'twry. Iimgioit. Or.- I' O on ll M.fn. 1. W., 1..tiuU. Or,: l,-.r O nn left .hull lr. rent. nti filt't - Htiil,IIUt.H'ii .in." ui-. 'I t lf rifle I, I mi 1 PI M The thnmh Is tn nnf.lllng Inrlri of rh.ru ler. 1 lie Ktii.rr 'I j pr In cli.tra (irong lll. great run mil nriiil.e"". i'loerly allird Is I hi .tul.trd Type, the ihumhof thost liUolitio lilo E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THI5 THE CURFiiW CRAZE. It la Seizing Upon the People of the Northwest. In Minnesota and the Dakota Children Must Keep Off the Street, at Might Revival of an Inquisitor ial Custom. GIVES TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ky UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA In our western states there is so much faith in the mysterious power of legis lation that not merely commercial ad vantage and political honesty are or dered bylaw, but even private morality is often made the subject of legislation. This is done, says the New York Sun, as hopefully as if all the laws of the past had done what was expected ol them. The latest of these experiments is the Minnesota process for making children good. It is a revival of the curfew custom, which does not seem origiual until one considers that its ap plication to life on the edge of the twentieth century is in reality making a new thing ol it. This revival affects all persons under sixteen years of age, and is the device of a Minnesota editor, who hit upon the discovery that chil dren of evil inclination will change their natures if they can be kept off the streets. The plan was first put in oper ation in Stillwater last winter, and has swept like a fire over the state until to' day nearly twenty cities have passed ordinances reviving the old cover-fire law which was borrowed from or else gave rise to the military institution of the reveille. Only the largest towns, like St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, have held back and given reason for the belief that parents are still entitled to the exercise of their judgment in the ordering of their home government. Without considering the prerogative of parents the mass of the common councilmen, preachers and editors oi ,lnta itfttlnva 1, a cirutien tin avntll. SAN FnANUIbUU. hent one, as itundoubtedly is if the rignts oi tne parents anu oi tne mm- Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For Mr. A. H. Cranibr, ef 158 Kerr 6U, MemphU, TenrL, write, that bi wile bad eaa eer wnich bad eaten two larire bole in ber breast, and which Hie beet physici.n of the surrounding oountrr treated, and pronounced In curable. Her grandmother aud aunt baa aiea oi Cancer and when told this, the most eminent specialists ol Hew York, tinder whose treat ment she was placed, de clared her esse was hopele". All treatment having lailed, she was given up "."'? 8. 8. 8. was recommendea, and astonishing as it may Seem, a few bottle, cured her sound and well- Our treatise on tow dis ease will be Beat iree to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ca ft Vn uni u. iiinuL mniuw m COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t For a prompt answer and an bonest opinion, write to BI IN N iV CO., who have bad nearly fifty years' experience In the patent business. Communlca. tionB strictly confidential. A Handbook ot In formation concerning l'ntents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue 01 mechan Ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken throuuh Munn Be Co. receive special notice In the Scientific Amerlrnn, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the larirest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 2.60 a year. Single copies, cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address WUWM & CO.. New YoitK. 301 Buoadway. 9 For full details call on O. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, tr address W. H. HURLBURT, OeD. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon. QUIOH TI3V0CU I TO San. Franoisco And all point, in California, via the Mt. Bhasta routs oi the Southern Pacific Co. The great highway through California to all points East and south, brand Moenlo Koute of tho Pacific Coast. Pullman Hnflet Hleeuers. Hecond-class Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for seoond-olass passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc.. call npon or address K. KOKH1.KK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. don. r. A r. Agt., Portland, Oregon Simplest. SfiF.t Strongest. p Al'mrt Wurkl"f' Solid aUk4Mt Tp )rff Accur",e' Receiver. Compact, 1 r to tiia btiy man or woiimnt jN inorrPi f mniiy Mm; .me pre. utttnlc vnliime vt tifw Uvh, con d' li' J In t fiiirH (iRr. Mi i)m( (hf rtTonl of Ihn whom worUl nrl for nn -it ih mny be r t lt tmif to liotir. 1 lie t'oiihal 1 linliclt n rtiiftiinii, rulinrp, mttl lov uf tnti-tr. h trv, ait'l ft Hon. A frri Willi tin t of llminti Will tltoN l oiitfhlv riil'-T ihf llU-rnr y ItiwItotii of It in'f--t M'tfuiii. 1 he Ar til r 'v-i It.ftM fit- ttic 1 4 Ih dtiif ftiil mi, hk h mil find rnr '1 mmurr in ihv tiinmflrtt oil-l'U t. I urr i-f ft- , I. x VI toi lirn, Trn. I il 1. 1 i finin hf .riK'ittl (miiif nig by In- 4iiiri't,( Ih'" iin-t c 1 ItfulMl of luititf iinHi r i-atitii-rp, hlih mil Mont Modern snd progrctMv For irihIokiio or Inftmnailim wrtlu to TIIU MARLIN VIRil ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. I. M.. 1 1! H , I.- .1 I! II .1 I, i r ii ti.i k, l .tile I nk in I '! '"'' Ull l'l Inn. IUti 1 ' "' I'vtkf t ., II it I tne It eft ....!! l -r. I'll I '' t. Ill ..I. ' I. r e.it,..r a re- mi im'.i Lin lu -r.J M .!. . .'. .. ' .. nU .1, ill I . ."1 an t"f 'il' In ..n . . A l ' I. ui-. lit ,i- ft l,l., Ul-liet l.ifi 111 I'i'l I -'Hi l' I'i" tMl.l. I. l.tW, II 1 I "IH " I l" rn wiili ,ii t'" en I.. . . i' .i.t I '! ! ( ,.l, II..- . Il .ti". "r I I Mi Hi-. llt.ie'H" IV i..i I'f ! ' l,tt r-.i "II I-" ' 'H' " " " ,..ti.i H . l l. .li.li.ge-i..ii tl-., t..W l.ii , II br., UI II m-' ' -. 'I -eir, t i.t lion I. "! ", 14 1 '"p H ''! ei'''?. H .,. Wm II ll.imilU. 'I'I " ill, ,rt i it. U i.t i "l" ' at, I i e..i"1 eM' ' -' f1'' 1 '' " t. !.( I m Will.-"..'. Ili'irfe HI M n. ttt"l ' I l'i t 1 M .. ., H J' i Ml . I. .. ,1.1-1. I !). ' ' ' 'I ' Hl.l.l I'JI-I " 'I -'.I-1 J N l.K U'l !tHi - " ''' I'M-. '' (. Ill '. .'! -,,,l I" I"' H.i I " , llfl'i-. ' II M. pft ,'U- .iii' Mt l.p, ik.i-. 1; i . II.HV,... r.i rl,t.i .,p..l H.i ? 'tl'H . I- f ll.l ,...,, I II. H I h..ii. lit.- .... ..I I M" H ( iik..U e'tl l-'l HMH J.i il....i ,.. jM,..,,li , .... I iwiu li. Bill- !...' .B H -... I I ' H . , . t . I ...il . I - !,,! 'i'l" l.'-lll-" ' I iMll" " M i M-1 - M IimI.I Km . Bu-'B ' I'1 r.w." ,Hi - ! tf B. I- "1" I 'I l-lf ll,..-, ' Ull 1 11. IM ' f I " I p.BU,.. I Mil-. III- . I- - J " U .... .... . I ell mm i Si'"n I - . IttMtll W Ui.-i" ' ... t mf Bt."nl- I- ' - .m . I ( l B, UI IB B IIhmi-b, M M I - ! H '.. ' Hf B.e b i-l l'i t" ' " I .,...l II I .., II lit -. 11.1 .BiM' l l - I l B t I. IB I t B- " IB I ' B B'lB B 1 HI l I If Bf.-B ,.g BI B I I , I , !. y - --. " C.0mm btvl-l ii il b Wfl .... it Iw ) .B.B e-n'( t II I -- ' Bit, W .il ( .. - j aterls I' '' ' i ' fl.BBM BB lBHM . (! ,.lB. .BI j IB BI .', ..... t. -B'f. M1 II -B-. I- M .4 M' - " ' ! (SHIS l .-B I t " ' I '' ', I I 4-I.1. H- '. " i B-BBB. .-. l ". " '--' r rn..-. - B.t . le'l . " ' i '"i jAien I" ri rv niliM-rtltrr Ul 1 1 i' riii.r. !' Mfiiie lii. The I ; i.t i.f tin fii ih sink nl art das ,M rL',tM',; at.U Hie ri-prmiurilun ih t lie it.vi iiiii.ihii rrtini in. I'I ,'.1.1. lit ulilf- III.. Bit I tiUlitS mi or Baiir ii.ee' pit lure i -uib li.l.nl In ii'li iniriiU-rof the Mni-a-rn.i'. at . I lite m i It ste bo pin. f.i.. U ai.tl tt-ti.iy I lii.irinl ilia! 1 1 ,r Mi.n I. Ill liaiur, a ri. (il. i 1. 1 srt tf Ih lilhrM m ilrr 1 It l ull. b... I.k 1 rit Ih Ihiimll of U s tlilltkrr and llitrutiif if l.lf, ho alii ! deeply li.lr- rlr.l III Hubs ilir..il liit.iillilf tit ItitietfiBt s MtM.'snie, In rtery iter i.f Ha tiiiitw rim UrMirlniei.l. Bliuli rmrr the rnnr atiiiHr atei Iri.tirti- fjrlil. ilinitiWIinf ser f . I l,.n. T. at.. I I i.l of ih df. t titiit. .t s I Binip'v a terfnt I .11,11, M.'rirte. ami ta lntf ajra iiiwiiii ittin of lit M.N.lit'li' Pi ll.l III mf ll'm f .plllHl . II .W i-i i.i. J.t. si 4 'Hi will i il t fe'a. lti In HUB, Aii.lreBj W .linn... n a.iai.r. Puliii.her, 1 l. llh NW. NrJ 'I Im.ii -h t. Ia.I.hiIi BiRi'Mltie, US f.. t f Blii.rt ptfi.iHl luartlrtee i ii f mill, iil il.rt,.rlH ltillrf. Bill i f ,,. l.l,,i. It li IibI III lhiB 11. I.HillilliB Til hi it b . i, In- ! la II ftil .i. i,.l B,.lt i a'l, ' 4 -!!, I...H..I, , Ih.-B flail li ll.... .. i Hal f In lbs i if .,nii ihi1i wl ttti la I ' wb-5 -! ' al Vt j lllii.'l'tiiled J 1 f X .:.I..0U8 t KI .K. fiHIGKEHRalSIHQPflYS lfvoniiethePHaluina In. ttl.attii a Brawlcrb WAe iii.tnry while e.tiirrs nte wnning lone livtililprtK imw. Intnl. glcllmll almlit Il and .IrK ti'B rvety ait it le urrtlid lor tht . tHlUlllV buiuci. met hanlrnllf the brat wliccl. I'f fllieai mttufi. at piiiilic t.it Agent. Iiievi le cula-1 .guc.malim nee, gives , te triT4 wantrn. rKTaLUMAIrldpBaTOtCO..rftlimt.Cl. Iln II ll.il ll. HI n M iin M , I.. Aligrlrs. w.i yt v. . N S - -BkBBB' rn,ii..ii I. I , el, If tini r hhb iti.nii4 ai'b S tM,i!ia ri-t-v iIibbi, Sn4 I . ll1! '..A 1. ... I Bl'l.'l I ! I Bl'f II"- THI M BS kai I 1 tliii bt i.f BAitl g Inimrf i at-4.es IB BBS . . t..i'b i, M Htllt Urn) Ibb I. . I.Bl.if H K ii f LiBelMl I I 1-4 I,ia,..l II , W I , Mi I" 7 , Ml ti i ti It. II , I ,B ass4 at . !ll'(", t erAieearslltuf f ih Iws4b la tevwa la mm B . "l.. ll ,iial l.l ausnlllf t Nl l-i hibbI la r BtMisA. .aBStsiBsBMlls WbiII Sl lijr Iflp.ntifTnhutcs "! t4 Willi "f flr irtt cut -n k Co.. I ll.. f TIm feg.itsf s ' I fit-iii tc ul Ilia H.ii.1 V.I liti'U U : 1 an.t ll lifiil I'll' i l lie Vtlt Otrkotiia Is II 'i Af lie il.. -r tt.tsiat ( f ll IUH ami ( I f nia jtar In a It si ( I I li H e llirlia an I ts.k!; I w .. -i. I'll'-1 .ll i l I tl Bf(l fa 11. ''ll' i'i'ii'ia f t I ) t It an isl n-tillat Ui A. P.T. L. TheAmefican Protective Tariff League ii national o'g.Aniiation advocating M Protection to American Labor anj Industry" at eipljined by its const tu t on, at follow! : " Ti. oh rt ef th ImuI aKH k I" plBrt ABiBr,n Uli s Ur.ff an import, she b Hll .eialv'v HewK A W-t.it tn4ul'il livUactS ."lt (vmpii.fli w a " ' There are no penonal or private profit in connection with the Of gani.a , on and itittuttained by memberthlpi, contribution! and the diltnbution of it! publication!. Flff-fT : C'WrB4B is sel..4 f4 J bibwb " B V w ! tfCOMO W r4 a-4 bLobb. BKtrMt.oea, ksths siesll Hf. W v MB. t M I ) 0 ' W all.ali Btf lie 4oWB"s Mifi.nf N . f l 1 a- s,i,t".B, Is" BtBl B.S . IB W" 4J'Brr tO BelS. rCUHTH : tWns SMMtal ae rsauBat saBitB "rv B i ' aise'e I ".IB. it .!' W t Vbb Uwf(liita7, 1)0 VV Sl ii Vt, TfB. $1800.00" 05X.N AWAVTOINrtCTORS. flBBHtf 1r ,B BBB B SB BB B- BSB-air ibs swbI ftm fs awr lUwta. bb4 ibs -I ibm B4bx t a bbb bi a ' SWb tent M bbbb aiktafNirSStkMI IT'S THE mr,TRlVUL mOTIONS THAT i HID l ORUNU wb at Vt "rat " Wbt at. I b4 -nl 4e Ik M.iaa ., " 11 " t" " "'-f "." ,,Bl I..S. 'Wsi aBTis., bs s ii .. - tB ihaKf ae - M BB IM M l i4 B1B , SB4 tJlB.l I. nni ts IBS as IKM B Uv t IM east. 1 1 I, s) Bt.iii..Bl IT 1$ NOT SO MR0 AS IT MXHS. flNltUBlBBial BIIIIBlaB - hBB-VSl BB. BBM-BB4 M W BkBB, l C ,BlBalBBaBB.BBlMB)4BIBS SB SV lllllll f BlBMt V BtBJlll BBBI i mini i B k- ,eil M 4 a. t all bbb WSBBB 1W.B ajBl.BBIlllllBl Bh S BB BB , IB B. " I Ull 1 B B l HI ll 4 BBMB 4 W " ,Bl"l-BB( S .B-BI BtB',l Wl-I B. 41 ks .bb.4 I'Bai1-"" t bb4 Vaw B B. ! ,i a I bbws ik ss a b sk1 .ill . lla BiB -ll it BB. l. BB,B..aiaalt't44mlly vicinal generally are not worth con sideration. The new practice has spread into South Dakota, where four or five towns have already adopted it, and it is prophesied that by next Jan uary all the towns in both Dakotas (the same that were carried for prohibition by tlse strength of the Swedish vote) will put it into effect. Then, as one enthusiastic Minnesota editor predicts, "the curfew bell will ring in an order of things that shall, in the not far distant future, raise tho standard of manhood and womanhood both morally and physically and make better citizens oi the rising generation. In some of the towns and cities the church bells are rung at the curfew hour, and in all of them the town bell, either in the fire tower or the town hall, rings out the command for the police to clear the streets of children. Then, where the law is enthusiastical ly enforced, a stern search and chase after children is begun. They are pur sued along the streets, and barns and sheds are ransacked for them. The police lurk near their haunts, and, no matter how innocently they may be spending their time, they are caught and warned and dragged off to the sta tion houses. The ordinances prescribe the ringing of the hour, which is nine o'clock in some towns and ten o'clock in others, but the law in usually clear in its declaration that the hour and not the notice of its arrival, shall be heeded. No boy or girl can escape arrest by reason of deafness or th bare assertion that he or she did not hear the alaim. This custom has not spreal in this way without tho ae coiiipiMiimcnt of protest. Men have declared ' in print ond in emphatic speech that tho curfew ordinance is not only unconstitutional, but that it is productive of worse conditions than those It seeks to cure. They have shown that it is born of a poimlutlon whi-ri-iii some other I'lt-mi-nt whet her Scandinavian or whatever is stronger than the Anglo-Saxon with its unalter able love of individual liberty. They have argued that it is as un-American as it is n n progressive. The ewcnc of the new rule has Iwen shown to be this: That if a child roams the street at night he is in danger of Winning a criminal, and in order that this narrow view shall triumph tho law slips in and inukes him a criminal by arresting him and locking him up in the company of hardened character and with a stain Umiii his reputation. Hut these protests huvo made no Impression upon any common council Wcaiise the new idea lias been adopted with enthusiasm, ea, M-cially by the half million foreign' Inirn M-roti In the Minnrwita popula tt. n. " hat if it i unconstitutional?" they ask land this iiuestion Is repeated editorially In the country press. "It it not more nnroi stitutional than many another statute that grace the law lwH.li, and it la a gmsl thing bei-suae It will make g-xl ritiiia of bad chil dren . HtH CLAIM TO DISTINCTION. NOTICE OF 8ALK. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT UNDER and by virtue of a decree and order of sale duly mnde and entered on Nov. 4th 18115, In the matter of the estate of John H. Gentry, deceased, bv the County Court, of the State of Oregon for Morrow county, setting in prortare me uimer- ignert as administratrix ot me earn estate win tier for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand on Monday, Dec 12th lH9!i, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of that day at the front door of the court house, in Heppner, Morrow County Oregon, all the following de scribed real property belonging to the above named estato situatea in Morrow i;ounty Oregon, towit: The Northwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of section two (2) In Townshlntwo f2l South. Range twentv-slx f2M East of Willamette Meridian; said sale is made suhieetto all liens and incumheranees now existing upon the said real property, and subject to the confirmation oi an sales to De inuue uy the above entitled County court. mks. katb umiBi. Dated this 6th day of November, 1K95. Administratrix of the estate oi John H, Gentry, Deceased. 387-9G. BEES FORM FRIENDSHIPS. Sste RAMBLER init 0 a 5 Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable lact. ii stands in meg front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake, p m Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel bcfli e punctured, It can be mended by you in live minutes, as it is equipped with the world t renowned G. & 1. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Q Sold In nil sizes for ladies or gentlemen at f 100 each. H Tandems for two men or man and woman, ?160 each. is THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market, pi For style, finish and durability it Is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men. women, hovs and elrls. with 28. 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65. $.r.r. $45 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge S clincher tireB ana are tuny v,arraur.ea, Before you buy a bicycle, write for CRhOogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call : on our numerous agents. Hummer iiuhucib imiueu in uvciy luwu m vieguii, vttuiiiiiig ton and Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, M Northwest representatives Gormully & JeiTery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main i Store, 327 Washington si., i-orunno, tr. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. . Hows Your Liver? Al as latkkltt r ' John wrnnrcm-oN A ca. j fmlfiilt 4 i -4 .' I'!', ' CIS I Mre.l. N . V.. 'ftafjiM. ahin,ifi, f. C. i js a-B vrW . It twn) lrlMel tilrl la ll Tells f liar aniatBajaral t s SM-rlaneBB. She mas the pride of the faculty and the jb-I uf lh claw a irl '' Jfrap pliil with l.i-'nritlim only t lay thrm j.nv, nn l ti Iiibx-litin and I i reck wire a perfe.-t ns iimhl le desired. av the New Vi.il. Mm. All a-.rl of lirilUant ttiliik's hi re eXH-trt nf her after she i left enlii"ri. 'I he iirmltlent ai. that she l..i. I one of the lines! mln.ls the od- ' li-i'- luiil 'er had the irirtl uf t-ul- Ihatln. The literature iriif-Biir pri'.lii li .1 thai sin' w mild make a shin. ' inif pl.iiv fur her-M-lf in titcrattiri Tin1 priifessnriif ii atlieiimtli lied tear at tin tli.tiik-lit uf her a I'm-ii from hi ( cla. Aa fif the flrl. hrr fellow- i lii.. lit, they raeh and all n-irarileil her a a Biirt uf liisire Kliut and Maria ' Mil- lu ll rollt-d inl.i uiir. And. In inte j i.f tins many fond h"- and hiitil prt-li. t inns, the ifirl, Itnnniliali ly after 1 she wa graduate!, inarrinl. Ten years j later her rl4 nu t fur a reunion. The tin i . r ii u le It a-.it uf i r I. ti. i in)' 1 I j. Ii arii- and t.;. what l.a-l I...; h lied iltiriHir the Ittt Mttl .n.-v tlie iind lil t h I Mite had Wi ll re now ii in iiiiini-. sn.-tlier in plo'.iii! tiro-,-! i.i. I. Attothif limi writuti l'ir heart out in ere, ainl a fourth ha.l U ei'iiie a sili erf ill t . lur At lnt It' watte turn uf the gn w itii a nntiil I'.reri UbIy Im l. her l.realh a lie r.e anil U-eaii ' iurl. I, ii. hate n.t N-eri ! I.lle Ihiriinf all the )rar ham I Wiifi a ftame 1 V tha rrt tin I am j kmwn in the rity where I ilwrll a the ttirtiiitit wlii atrr,- riine ea.tt a l -i.lH i in r nin are ii-iiliietf i' n -t met)nli ral llrrr .tii IM it a Urn. lieu tenant uf lliBr. ri- iit'r wimii.lixl hlni.'f t-.i'B ' r It - i.letit The il.l..f ..;. I nn ,e .. tMi'r I h' Ii ii- 1. 1 1 1 1 ii I i ti iii-.ii. i'i. r i',.,i v hi , !. In--!- u ti e i Ct- tl trt f In: tn i'.' a'l, HJ hiiI it tit Lit m- -ti r u Vr. Exnerlenre of a Young Man to Whom They Took a l.lklnif, "I always loved bees," said the young man in pold-bowed (flosses behind the dairy counter as he handed down a honeycomb for the inspection ol an idle customer. "When I was on the farm," ha continued, "I could go all about the hives and not pet stun?, and none of the others dared no near tho bees. We used to have an old farmer come around and tend to the swarms, but one day when 1 was a boy work ln;r in the ilelds I heard u great hum ming noise up in the air and saw a swarm a-coming. Well, I picked up a tin pan that was there and hammered on it till the bees settled on the end of a fence rail. Then I thought I could teuil to the swarin as well as the old farmer, so I got au old hive, washed it out with honey and water, rubbed my hands and urms with burdock juice and honey water and went at the Wen. I -.'(it them oft that rail by the handful and they never stung me. "After that I regularly tended to the bci-i. Whenever there was a sivurni 1 rolled up my i-leeves, took off my sh'i.'s a i.l h it und went at them. I have taken them from ull sorts of pta.vi, h.:t I was ntuiiT only one. They'd li .'lit tin my head by tlw dozen and erii.vl through my hair. That u.c I to -ii I cold ch.lli down my back. Sien li.n-.'i my arms wrens si covered with b. tliat friiin wriot to elbow you cotil. 1 i'i . the. lie th. 1 he one. time when 1 wi . idling I had found a swarm on a hi,; ii I mh und wn-i Hiwing il off and Ul the :.:.nii! lime hnhiiii;' on to it so t'l .'- it i. liiuil I In it fall t ) the giiiil.l I V.-i.il Ih: bees. I.l il ii g tills I Mnot".e 1 one of the Wen nn 1 It flew ulrui'iit at my temple and slung me just nUive the eye. Since I left the f:ir:n the t.i'k have given ir.i I lie ice huMMi-ii Tin-re's Mil ll tllbt lltttllt It, Inch like N'inii; fulUs and hate others, an.! I d -n't know any res son for the differenee " A t'urloas raraslta. It it an old saying that every dug has hit dn v. According to art hngliah au Ihority. that day Is neither very long or Mtecially eoin'ortnltle in l iji. It iuiHaihle to keep foreign dog alive fur much more than a eouplo of year. ThoM Imrn there may live four yenrs. The cause of this morlolily Is a H-ele of worm that lives In the IiIihmI tcwK arteries and heart. Adult eeliiien of this parasite sume timet tueamire a much aa Ave Inches, anil the Mood of some animals la actually aw arming with them. Tuppiet are often troubled with them, although It aeema to take aUmt l month to develop them to a troublesome stage. W hen a dog la at tacked. It begin w ltd a aharp barking, which la at once recognized aa the be ginning of pour I'ido'a last chapter, 1 hut far no remedy ha Ix-en found or even anggeated. The same parasite l found in dug In eastern Asia, am! identiea! tymptnuia are tioteil. The animal may live all months to two year after the first indication are ob served. Wawtta ream Arrteav An important lingulstie ei-lition Into Afrh a ha Jut leen cimpleted by Kev. (haile lioblnson. who was arnt out by the llaussa .In tl.. nary. He first went to Tri'li and Tunis, where there are llaua euhmie. and then by y uf the Nnfer and llie lla-tme rva lied kano. the Miiiiiien-ial eeliter uf Hans land In returning from Kano to l:g- I gar un the Niger be traversed four lmluln-1 and twenty five mile where no liiiropran had eer l-een. He j wnif lit l ai k three thousand tie i .rd 1-t a dn ti-'iiary. material for a ' atissa grammar and manuscript eon- i tammg hit.ry and histurual and re I l.gBMi kongs. The llsttssa is the wt Iniptlint lanftttge uf nuttliern Afrl-a The pef! ho sp-ak It ettrnd from ', the Nirer reirii-w a- r l rs.Hi.iaa an-l euver a territory eily urte thousand, mile ire. Ihey are very Industr km '. ' and are the utily nation that Mr Man-' t sb)( t ,i ,1 i ' in- I l--i-s t i. r l- It j a 1 1 h I r r re i - - 4 a.i -nl.l ! This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exerciseneed it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. LIOHT. 5TR0NCI, King of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. SPEEDY, HANDSOim WORKMANSHIP. Four Models 885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Pactory and Main Office; Lake and Halstcd Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. BR aNCMUS i Nw York. Ssa PrancUco, 5alt Laka City. Ucover. Msoipblf , Octrolt, Toronto. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOUTLAND, 0HEQ0N. A. W. PATTERSON, A yml for Morrow Courtly, JIrjimrr, Oregon OUR STOCK OF a . a SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin: Patterson Publishing Co. V ii H 1 ll WJTU mm ; I If liie a.ef J. i an I ' " w Hi ! ' t ..ii S,-. m"- r t ia ) nr j iSe h -tf ! j.t,ii i i illj'jlinill. Viiut u I50UX O to Tnki.-'K,,. Lonvc No Coiutipntion, S! t n , i. f t f a 1 i i M t . r ll,,- I vv t'arv It. a i mb! iii. mi,., sk , j O'Wr ai ibi a in m t m rw.. , I ,ila r-Brl (4 ne, s t.l. f in r.i i ...t. ii ' ,i, v...w.B...., iaarw.ii Mala.ia. T-e f,tt ' Ml.il u. I: ii I I,- .1 i it I1.IBB 141 BB ! a. . ' i the sm P9JB. ft Utaal b"I.