Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 13, 1895, Image 3

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C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For five years, fsTdTered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
clans visited Hot Springs, Ark.,tl.ree times
spending iooo there, besides doctors' bills
but could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
re?wereT,llree PUmlSi " 5
leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles
neing twisted up in knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured-,- by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
relict only by means of hypodermic Injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
in clay, In sulphur, in poullices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to 1C5 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World'8 Fair Sarsaparilla.
AYER'S PILLS cure Headache.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per lino will be
3harg;ed for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect." list of weddtnat presents and donors,
ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself ?ive a a matter of news,) and
notices of special meqtinirs for urhntpvomnmM.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from whinh rpvnnn is t.r hnia.
rived, shall be charged for at the rat of five
jenw ime. i nese rules will be strictly adhor
ad to in everv liistiinnn
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
ipuu application.
Ht,aie for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek.
Every day at a. m.. except .Sunday.
Arrives every day a 6 p. m except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
Extra Pals Star Brewery Beer
In Half Pint Bottles can be . .
had only at the .......
City Hotel Bar !
Where high grade Liquors and Cigars arc also
kept by Ted.
Any inventor in E8trrr Oregon wbo
dmireg' the services of on Attorney iu
Washington, I). O , will find it to bis
advantage to cull on or address this pa
per. 5tf
O. B. Daft, the tousnrinl artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popnlar prions,
haves, guamons, haircuts, etc.
Ben Mathews in now sole proprietor of
the city meat market where be keeps a
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baooo urul lunl. which be sells
for the lowest market iinrip. Fred Dock,
the Portland hntcher, is slill with bim. tf
Now ti the time to get the Weekly
Oreifooiao, greAtrst nespaper of
the Went. With th()iZ"M,btb strict
ly in advancf, one year, $1 CO. No better
Combination of newspapers can he made
io the state, Kt-siilrs we ill give as a
premium an additional Journal. the Web
foot Planter, an aifnctiltr.ral paper.
Come in now and snlsanrlha,
New Finn Yamd. Wm. Gordon baa
opened op the t-cl yard next door to
the Qsttie o(11ct, and now solids a
share of your patronage, Lilly is rlgbt
at boms at this business, and your
horses w.ll be well looked after. Prices
reasonable, (lav and gram for sale. tf.
fur lUle.
Teo sliares of stork io the National
Bank of Hepptier. Address Hit bard T.
Col, Receiver, Arlington, Oregon, t.4tf.
ArterPen. 1, ."A the Os.-ltc will
make a d sc mot nf ID per eeni. from
list i o all s'il jolt work. Tide re
daction Is ml on lb snppoeltloo tbat
eaah wilt I pai l f r all woik as soon as
e e riet Hetieeel
! - V
; . f -
Here and There.
Ogaoizs the Are companies.
Ed. Day was to Heppoer Tuesday.
Ed Hale is suffering with a sore throat
this week.
Mat Halverson
Tuedday last.
was up from lone
Al Roberts, the oity marshal, has a
very sore throat.
The Nilea-VinBon, Marble
walla Walla, Wash.
Sam Junkina is in after a summer's
hard work with sheep.
Photos from $1 to 810 per dozen at
tno new Herrin Gallery. it.
Wm. Hughes ia nnrsiDg a very bad
jaw, the result of neuralgia.
Jaa. Leaoh, of LexiDgton, was a visit
or to Heppner yesterday.
W. E. Kahler has bought out J. B.
Crosson, a Dalles City grooer.
Geo. Perry, of Lone Rock, was in
town Tuesday and Wednesday.
Elmer Gentry is tmnlin? his winter'.
wood down from the mountains.
Harry Haves oame in from ml
look's lower horse ranch yesterday.
Heppner's fire oomDBnies have not
met fur months. This should not he.
Call at Herrin's and sen th noiir.a
pictures, they ure 12 for a dollar. It.
Supt. O'Brien oame up the branoh
Monday, returniog the same eveuing.
La timnde Marble Works. T. DfiJ.
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner.
T. W. Marshal, the traveling man. in
terviewed his friends here Wednesday.
The prizes for the graud masquerade
will be ixhibited in Wells & W urren'a
show-window. fi q
Mr. and Miss Allen, sm and uanuhinr
of R Allen, of Toll Rock, were in Henn.
uer Thursday.
Emit Marx, renresenlincr Msrlr &
Jurgenson, of Portland, was a visitor to
ueponer yesterday.
Grandma Mitchell relnrned hnmn lunt
Wednesday from a brief visit with rela
t ves on Butter creek.
A premium to oaeh purchasers at
Phill Cobn'a drug store. Dou't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tf.
Swayne Troedson's son, of Douglas,
was bionght up a few days ago to be
treated fur rheumatism.
BeBt accommodation and oourteoos
treatmeutatthe Imperial Hotel, Beventb
and Wash. 8ts.. Portland, Oregon.
Juke louog was in from Eight Mile
last Wednesday. Jake reports fall sown
grain in fair condition in bis section.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Uepairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
hameick building, Heppner, Or. tf
Ben Hunsoker returned Wedjesday
fr. m hie Havataok ranch. He will re
turn to Xhe Dalles in the near future
dims. Montgomery has confessed to
he killing of Hiram nail, near Oregon
City. Hall was robbing Montgomery.
unosin j w. vauguan snow oases
and see If you oan'l buy notions cheaper
man you ever saw them before. Oltf
Miss A. Lundell departed for her
Eight Mile b me yesterday. She has
been stopping in Heppner for some time.
The Heppner board of trade met last
Weil need ay evening and adooted bv
laws. They will incorporate in the near
Frank Natter, Geo. Thornton, Park
Garriguea aud Dave MoAtee were
among the most active fireman this
W. J. Leezr sells i one pound pack
age of tea, "Crown" brand, al 60 cents
and gives in addition oue silver plated
teaspoon. a
Jaa Tallett, of Oakesdale. ia visiting
bis ancle, Frank Gentry. He came down
with J as. Gentry aud Frank Paugburn,
some weeks ago.
T. K. Howard makes a apeoiulty in
supplying stockmen with all n ended
articles, besides carrying a general line.
See bia new ad. tf .
A Christmas tree meeting will be
beld in the recorder's nflloe neit Satur
day evening at 7 o'olook. Every bnsiuess
man should be present.
To retain so aonnoant need of bair of
a natural odor to a good old age, the
hygiene ol the scalp must be oliserved.
Apply Hall's Hair Kenewer.
J. W. Krns, the city painter, is pre
pared to do all kind f painting and
paper banging and will do house clean
ing and take np and put down carpets,
'JlhYe oo Mala street, opposite City
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
lleupoer and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day eicept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est ronte In tbe Interior. P. Coho,
Ws'rs always foutrlvlug and dtuslnt and drlv
fur something- "14 tlrkls th snot,"
Thru hrn frm Icrl merry, J ml rail on LUh
w ho keeps Tm and Jerry r1 hot
If. At the Belvedere saloon.
Wra II a ilea' sii months' oil fo
f,,l0wed hitn to loan lbs other day. It
rttl q n a sostin among lbs lit.
lie people of oor villsgs.
Cyl US is a sheepherd
cr who has been out
four months, hut he.l
loooks like a new man0
now for he lias been
dressed up at
IIokni.r & Riika's.
& Rhea,
Dk Bniiit
Antelepe Herald : Tbe fiendish thugs
who have been burning bay in tbe
Mitobell and Bridge oreek conn tries this
tall, not being satisfied with this fiendish
praotioe alone, have cow turned their
attention to tbe poisoning of sheep.
Last week Mr. James Connolly, who
reoently bad his hay burned by incendia
rism, bad 400 bead of bis sheep poisoned
on the rar.ge, either saltpetre or etryoh
nine having been need. Conroy 4 Joyce
a few days afterwards lost about 50 head
in a similar manner. This is the most
despioablu practice gever instituted in
Eastern Oregon, and ever possible effort
should bo made to ferret ont the perpe
trator, and if caught, he shonld never
be allowed time enough to say his
Fossil Journal : Toe 8. F. Examiner
contains the startling intelligence that
Garland Stemler, the Oregon youth who
was lynched at Yreka some time ago,
was undoubtedly innocent of the mur
der for which he was arrested, another
man having confessed the orime. This
will uo doubt be pleasant reading to the
cowardly mob that did tbe dirtv work.
The boy Stemler attended the State
Agricultural College at Curvallia lust
Economy is something that every
body tries to practice, and yet just a
little oversight will sometimes rob the
most frngal and thrifty family of a
year's aavings. You want to do as J.
P. Hiokmaun, of Monticello, Ga, did.
He writes, "For six years I have kept
Simmons Liver Regulator in my house,
and need it in mv family and have had
no need for a doctor. I bave five as
healthy children es you can find."
Mrs. M. A. Donaldson, who suffered a
paralytio stroke several weeks airo. is
oonvalesoiog rapidly and will soon have
good use ol her paralyzed limbs. She
is able to move with the aid of a crutoh
from her bedroom to the hotel parlor.
A galvanic battery prescribed by Dr.
Howard has had a good deal to do with
her quick recovery. Journal.
It is often a mystery bow a cold has
been "oaught." The fact is, however,
that when the blood is poor and the
system depressed, one becomes peculiar
ly liable to diseases. When the appe
tite or the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsa
parilla should be taken without delay.
Tbe Christmas tree is an assured fucr.
The sum of $43 75 was subscribed early
inis weeg tor mat purpose, Mr. K. C.
Wills having oiroulated a paper for do
nations. There remains already $14
from last season wbiob will be used on
this fund msking iu all$5S.75.
Miss Atbaliah Sbulse, daughter of
Rev J. M. Sbulse, of Shedds, Or., has
gone to Hanford, Southern California,
in the hopes that ber health may be
regained, exnecting to winter there.
For ber sake her father may transfer to
a California oonference.
Ayer's Pills, being oomposed of tbe
essential virtues of the best vegetable
aperients, without any of the woody or
fibrous material whatever, ie the reason
why tbey are so muob more effective aud
valuable than any other cathartics.
Tbe best family physio.
Times-Mountaineer: Mr. W. E. Kah
ler and family, reoently from Hardman,
Morrow oonnty, bag moved to The
Dalles with the view of making this
their future borne. Mr. Kahler will
engage io the grocery business.
Charley Jones, the well-known "old
timer" in the tonsorinl line, has again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite tbe city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call when io town.
Sio Yon shot Lii Sing jS iturday last,
mortally wounding bim. Sin Yon bua
been indicted and will no doubt bang
for big orime. Portland Chinamen are
much exoited over the trnoble. The
troublo ooourred at Portland
Tbe Gazette is a borne institution,
pays taxes In Morrow ootinty and patron
izg borne indoxtry. It will not be
taken Io by "snaps," to tbe detriment of
borne people. Portland doesn't support
onr community.
Karl's Clover Root will purify onr
Blood, clcsr y.mr Complexion, regulate
yonr bowels and make your bead clear
as a bell. V.V . 50o., and $1. Sold by
Wells ft Warren, Drnggisla.
Pure drngs, chemfoals, paints, window
glsss and a complete line of stationery
at lowest prioes and a chance to win a
$100 price at Phill Gobo's drug store,
next door to Minor A Co. tf .
For 822.50 I will sell a first rls-s, bgb
grade, high arm sewing machine guarsn.
teed for 10 years. For further particu
lars call ou or address, N. A. Ianb,
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf.
The Outfits bae made a ten percent
reduction in prices of staple j ib work.
No lower prices are quoted In the elate,
unless there is a chance Io get eveu
gome other way.
Call no Phill Cohn for floe wines and
liquors for medioinxl pnrpoeog, A com
plete ling f Key West clears, and a
preminm ticket fur the fiw Victor
tiiovtle. tf.
Whether yoo want pit itoe or net, we
rrqnret ynq to call at Hrno's stndlo
we are prepared to furnish )ou tb host
work in any line of portrait ore. Irfitf.
IWmio Mntkey was brought io Thnrs
day last Irons ln Creek to sertons
condition, gnff-ring front bart IrooMe.
lie left irorLfdiately for below.
Lone Ito.ik. K. of P. lodge, expects to
rate a grand CDristmas ttaii, the iss
Rocs boys ran not be bel for linepllelity
and Kiittibtly courtte.
Mathesig Bros., City botsl barber shop,
tobSoMal sr lists, llaircultirif, shig,
hmpnlitf, etc., dote aeietilifieslly.
lUlhs at 'ia cents apiece.
I Pome r,f Heppner ' people are looking
ver the gioond for Dew rsee track.
I It Is the inietitma lo make balfmile
' track, regnlaiioo shape.
Mr C H VsnDnya, aeeompaiaed bv
; hr rlsns'lit'-r, K loa, departed no leal
jevi.mii'e teste ! a brief visit to rela
tiv g in lb vlly.
K'm Ht'ifam, the artit, will rnske
cIhM hntoe for the Hell days al
li prr .l"io. Gallery opposite opre
t If.
Y.rU . Ci.l .neW entitle yoej to a
t. s.t f .r !. fl l t'efle at Thill
C.i''s dg 'or., int d'if li Miif k
A !' est lotrtar
Wilt) the lf sitn's of sollf tsar
h is Bivleof lte eot.dilma
i, .Ti". it is oi.tv rltil Ibsl eome
(K, rfl,l Ix fi,n ( ! hf steal lo1
sk eh rnMM Mrftm.s t-i bvlle wilb
! I fee pr-.V stid flrfi' fo lte j
il.e p" 0' t-r I It.e lrlJ iltict
L I 1 h-'h 1.4 .k n. ?
b U'f 'I ett '' m'"i r' I !
gfsi, M twiM sH H sn'i'el-g if t ;
SiM'It (taCM op ntv tot 0f'
bHb fcae t'a '! ii.srwhct .
, Ky tl.el niit.Hi t the hi A is
' la ih '' that n. let aciflaihe
! i""il'l t. j'-'.'s, rrkirtf l-ej
t"nan 'S 4 t"'-'" ''' t
ilef'c faesi!t le g'el ll'1
' pun3-r, g p-.iti o I rai4gel ir
if f r b w e ' nn j
Hg Went Astbat A. 8. Batty, a
oommeroial traveller known to the
merchants of this oity, was arrested last
week at tbe Perkins hotel io Portland
for obtaining money uuder false pre
tenses. He issued a check on a San
Franoisoo bank in which be had no
funds and cashed it down in Astoria.
Mr. Batty was formerly an employe of
Feldman & Co., of Portland, and it was
through bis business connections that
be obtained the money. When arrested
all he had to say was that he felfsorry"
for what be had done and would "try to
straighten out the matter." Prior to
his apprehension be was preparing to
leave for Central Amerioa. Eagle.
None Bnt Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Siirsaphrilla enjoys tho extroor
dinary distinction of having been the only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
of other BarsaparilluB sought" by every
means to obtain a showiDg of their goods,
but they were all turned away uuder the
application of tbe rule forbidding the
entry of patent medioines and nostrums.
Tbe deoision of the World's fair autho
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medicine. It does
not belong to tbe list of uoatrums. It is
here on its merits."
Has to go. A German friend of tbe
Gazette thus soliloquized to his faithful
dog. "Mien tog, there is a great differ
ence from you Bnd me. Now, ven I
gets up in the morning I has to wash
myself and bring in der kindling before
I get a bit of breakfast. But its different
mityou. Youst as soon as yon gets np
all you has to do is to stretch und den
somebody gits yon a breakfast. Veil
you play all tny, but I baf to vork all
der vile, you youst hat fun. Veil the
time will oome already ven you haf to
die, und den, mein tog, dat is all of you,
but it is different hi it me, I hat to go to
hell yet."
When most needed it is not nnusunl
for our family physician to be away
from home. Suoh was the experience of
Mr. J. Y. Sohenok, editor of the Coddo,
Ind. Ter., Banner, when his little girl,
two years of age was threatened with a
severe attack of croup, lie says: "My
wife insisted that I go for the doctor,
but as our family physioian was out of
town I pnrohased a buttle of Chamber
Iain's Congb Remedy, wbiob relieved
her immediately. I will not be without
it in tbe future." 50 oent bottles for
sale by Phill Cohn, druggist.
Eagle: Bums' new gtlOOO scbool
bouse was formally dedicated reoently
with appropriate ex?roiseg. Addresses
were delivered by Hon. J. B. Hunting
ton, Prof. W. Wetzell aud others.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga
Tenn., says "Rhiloh's Yitalizer 'saved
my life,' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used.'
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble
itexoels, Pnoe 75 oents. Foi sale bv
wens s. warren, uruitgiais.
LET I K II t.lr.
J Or., Dee. !, lx'Jj.
Bnmey C W I'clcr Nnte
Barrow C E Kcppcr N
Sawyer Amelia
When calling for these letters please saj
advertised. J. I'. U ll.l.UMi-, I'. M.
1 w ill la-a meeting of Ilio alx-klioiler id
the first National Bank nt Heppner, at their
ottlce, on the '.Mid Tuesday of January, lym, be
tween the hours of In o'oliN k, a. m .and 4
o'clock p m , of said dav, for the purxnw of
electing dlriK-tora mid lor the transaction of
such other business may spM-ar.
CiK'i CiiNbKIt, I'sshler.
Heppner, Or , Deo. 5, I .. g'i Jin.
uiidi r snd by virtue of s decre snd nnler
nf ssle duly made sod entered on Nov. 41 It vv
In the nutter nf the cUle nl U W. II. HiIhiis.
deceased, by thr ( nu:it) Cm
OreKon for Morrow County.
rt. nf the htnte n(
us In nnil.sie
Ill llllllcrsilflleil
liilnl'lrator of Hie salil
eslstv. III oiler for sale at ul,ir am lion, to thr
hlshest blddi-r for rash III hand on pwturd.y,
January II, !"'... st II o elm k In tin. (nreu.Hiii of
that day at tb f runt door ol the roiirl Imiis, In
lli ..iier MorroM I ouuly I ire.m.all llm lollim
Ins il-. illl real ,rnM.rty Ih IiihuIms Io the
alaite named ralate ltua'e.1 In Mnrrow Coiiuly
ircon, lii II I he eouthaeai iiar1er ol
crllmi laelie (li) In Tiiwi .hlpHine i i .inlh,
Kanta twrtily tbre (in I l Mtllamelir
Meildlan. Mbl aale la made siili),, o all liens
Slid Dm umlMTam-ra now esutle iihmi the aald
real pnierty, ani siilijeft to V.m uflrinaMoii
of all sai- In lie made by tbe a Una entitled
County t nun,
AMlltfW Rfwi
Admlnlsttalor of the ratal of (. Vk . II.
Ilrlii.. Ns'i ai.
Iiate.1 Hits ;n, dar of lmrinln-1. i'i. n.
ADMl.MM Kf(iHtl Mil UK.
Voth r. t iifiiriiv uiws hiattmk
11 lltnli t.lmii-.l i,aa Ihvii iluly ai l-ilnte.il,,
tbe minify i,urt ! M'lirna rimiilv, iireaun,
a-lnil'il.lfatiif ,,f , a e.t.li. i, Alrtamlrr
Kill hie. ite.raw.1. ami all imi l.n I nr
rlalma asalnal aald ea'ale are heol.y hnllll. il
Io irrant lb aaina, iloly eiiri.. Io ai. a I
ti.lnl.tratiif al Iha of J S lln.an. In
lle..her. Iireanii. a Iihlii sli mniitlis I luin llu
dale ol inia imiiia.
J. A WihiI.I'MV.
. Administrator.
I N Hs . Aitr for Aduif.
iale. )nr. In, aV VI.
w. J.
Is the Place for Vrih
nthn iho. unu
I Am Glad
To tell what Hood's Sarssparilla has done
tor mo. I had the grip snd its ill effects
settled all over
me. I had cramps
In my legs and
frequently I had
to get np at
night and walk
to relax the mus
cles. I also had
stomach troub-
V les. I then took
5 Hood's Sarsana-
rilla. One bottle
T-sd thecramp,
Wr 1. -It and another has
greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and
use Hood's Pills which are the best I ever
took." H. A. Melvik, Sisters, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Es the Oniy
True Blood PurSfSer
Prominently in the public eye todays
HnnH'c Pillc easy to buy easy to take,
liUUU fllia eMj in effect. 24c
Cummings &
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of 0, B. &
Q.. C. M. Ht. V., C. & A , P. Kt. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
la.oo PIJK DAY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
CIXXC-A.O-0. XL!,.
WANTED: 8 veral trustworthy gentlemen
or lH(lieS to travnl In llimnin fraatul,HHt..
ed, reliable house, tlary 7so and expenses.
bteaily position. Enelose reference and self d
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Onmha Building, Chicago.
ul- marl.
eo-partner-hlp heretofore existing between
H. W. Meadows and W. V. Kcrivner, under the
ttrm iimnenf Meadows & Hcrlvner, doing busi
ness ns blacksmiths In the town of Heppner,
ha this day been dissolved by mutual consent,
S. VV. Meadows will continue the business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills fur the said firm.
All accounts must bo settled by cash or note
Mr. Hcrlvner desires to state to the publle thnt
ho w ill continue his business as wagon maker
ami repairer at the same stand, snd guarantees
satisfaction a heretofore.
Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, lsna. tf:i.03
mci, Morrow uounty, male of Oregon
ii r.. fvuilier,
W. E. Dennis,
To the Constable of the Sixth District, Morrow
tunny, rime in iiregilli:
In the name of the Mate of Oreeon, we com
mand you to summons v. K. Dennis to appear
before the undersigned, a Justice nf the Peace
in insirict M) a, la salil County snd state, on
or before the 11th day of January, wi, at the
hour of io o'clock a. m., nt mv ol'llce in Hepp
ner, InsHld District, Counlv and Ntate. tosnawei
the complaint of W. K. Kahler, founded on an
express contract stid wherein the ald plalutlll
demands Jnilgment fr the sum of Kilty-one sod
:-lisi (.il.:tl) Dollars ami eosts ol this action;
and In case he falls so to answer for w -t there
of, the plalullll n ill Inke JmlMiin'iit avalnst bim
for the sum of Kfty-one ami i t) Dollars and
costs of this sclloii,
'I bis siimiiioiis Is published by order of K. I,
Freelanil, Jiislli nof Hie peace lor the Sixth
District, Mnrrow County, Oregon.
Dated November 21st, IS'i.'i.
y 7. Justice ol the Peace,
li II of th alia s holilera ol ItlM Ill.liltlinV
HillldlliK ,V lmn Asa a-lalliin will lie held al
Ibelr nltlce la lleniitier. uri'voo. mi ll.e I
llles.lav of Jailllarr. Is si. Im-Iciii the honia..!
Ill a. in snd I li in. ol a d ilar o.r il...
ol clii tlimdln-i tors lor the enmiins tear.
Ili iiner, Or., IhH'. her'y.
ln of the sl.a-k hoblera of I he National
Hank ol lli-Miner sill Im hehl al n I,.iii.,
hooae. Ill II. iiner. on Ilia areiitid Tnrailay ol
January. Iielawn the bun rant In a m and 4 li
m rn i.n-1 iiav, lor Ihe mrHiaa ol rlri lliig dlrw
ton for ilia rnsii.ns year.
M R.
riilier. Or , lire. 4. I
llHIInf, ( ashler,
ft Jill.
TIM ll'.ll ITI.TI'KK
I ramie, I in a.
I.AMl Olrii K AT l a
ill. Nov. Ii.lh. l"i,. I'm,,
flalllt liatlna l-u made at II. Is nil,, r by th
Inly rl!le. afnlat It ol alnll. I Mi Bride allr
Ins thai Mm. II anltla-. aim ma-la 1i.iIt
i n II or enlr y No. I..'. al Ida land limiai at Im
iifaiele. in..,n, mi the I a li day of miiiI.
Iwl lor Iha N't ol V, er. a. 1 p 4 a. H i K. !
M , baa holly alwinliiiie. Ihe aald Ira. I, thai
elallnalit lias l.lliw .ia an tr-. l iiaili ,
Irai I ol la d at any lime Ima Ihe rnliy of I ha
me and Hist I here is m, m.a any Ire. grow
log Ihereoi, as l. law n.iiiri .
I hen I., in. hi, , ,v t, - -t laal tan of
th unrie. Ihe aald ni. , are ra.li heiri.y r
JilHrd and nililiiiilie.l Io Im and a-ral la lot
I W. '1'iir.ia i..inlr rli r i.l M.,,,,,a ,,.iii,tt,
in-fi.n, al his nrliia In II. I .m r iii.a .n.iMi the
lan.i.yoi Jatniary, ., al the l....,r id In
'iil.ak.A l, and .(.-lnie an. h leal I, noli f
may na I roiu r rnti.a Ilia Mi a I leaalli.l.a
I lie final lieailnf I., Im had ItI.ii. II, a reflaler
snd mei.eral Uiii.i,.riir Jaimau
; .Hi. al Iu ii , I.. M '
N W lln Kei.irr
r"'r' J II hnnillNi4.lla.rl.rr
Is I km
nave jtisi i)iir-
chased a joh lot nf
fine, stylish cloaks,
m ladies and hil
drens sics.
Thsss Msil k
Clsssa OmI Difsrs lh
t4 af Ik 6sr) rSl
triss will k Mssl
ts(r)ltHllaf If L.
I Slocum,
H'lN'tH Kl l t.
If" f !, Ia,
(.nn cries, (.heap for
o tits Hrs on haho
.mm f
The World has the Money,
We Have the Goods !
They ar not Second Hand or Junk Shop
goods either, but goods of today, bought
for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold
on their merits and at prices that will have
you to call again.
We Select Our Stock,
After careful examination, we then have
the best at correct prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
We make a specialty, aDtl by giving ua a call you will
greatly please us. We are determined to please and
excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en
ables us to excel all competition.
Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Tocket Knives and Overalls
Tea Pots and Tomatoes
Also some other things
Selling Out
If you want bargains now is the time. Wc
are going out of business.
.1. C. BOltCr i KltS, Pi'op.
Kecj)S the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
- ' aV JJt V - XsT
"There i a title in Ihe iiffmrt of men
Thai, ilnkrn al ilu J1, Uivh on to fortune."
Tim H'khI ia lura ami mt i
With full line at
1 1 a nl waif. Tlnwaif. f IIuhhwiim , f ?ifM'Uor'. Wood
ihhI Wtllfvvmi Cm tar Tul at llfilrvnk lrl'!M.
1 Im only Ihrlusivn HsnUnrn KU.ru l. ti...u Tlio Dnlli t und lVi.dli ttm
lif'il'Wfr, .
h tt; Uiluls
a.H-.aa.4 in t t Vn
Hn cverylhincj In tho lino of Fresh Groceries,
Cundici, Nuts, und nko k rpi Crockery,
Lirnp. und Tlnvviito.
Stock is Comploto. Notions a Specialty,
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Undkrwkar, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
Ttiy run s llM
li..y ma iu ths klhl.
. . Orrnn.
I-'f t lac Cuifi o
l.iuir,0iiium v,l Tobacco Habits
11 Is la'd sl aim, Ottflosi.
J XI t ffiafial Ti'tr on IfsC
la I sl II ll.isfta antra f. rlrulsrs
auk. i. i.-i.l. li,iial Iraaiaavtal arlsstsatrl Sure
lts aM 4).. In I ! p)"4a4