Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 13, 1895, Image 2

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not advertise because he tried it
once and failed, should throw away
hia cigar because the light went
out The mai who does not ad
vertise because he doesn't know
how himself, ought to stop eating
because he can't cook.
The house of representatives
has passed resolutiouB of impeach
ment against Embassador Bayard
for his unpatriotic utterances in
ii,ngiana. lie made severe re
flections of everything in America
not Clevelandized.
Look! Like a Commoa Farm Band Dido't
Know What He Waa In For.
From the Chicago Tlmcs-Herald.
However jealous the American
people have ever been concerning
a regular army, always maintain
ing a policy that it should be small,
no such feeling has existed in
respect to the navy. In that arm
of the service we have always had
a pride, with the ambition that the
stars and stripes might be carried
into every sea and respected and
honored throughout the world.
Whether this feeling grew out of
the war of 18113, when our navy
gained all the honors, or whether
it had its foundations in that sen
timent of the founders of the gov
ernment that a standing army was
a menace to popular liberty, there
is no question ;as to its existence,
end while congress has at times
been lavish in its naval expendi
tures, it never fails to scan with a
critical eye the expenditures re
quested by the department of wur.
With our vast extent of sencoast
' and our general maritime interests,
we need a large and powerful navy,
one that will at least bo adequate
defense in case of need. That we
should do more than this admits of
doubt. In fact, it is questionable
whether we can do more.
From every point of view, wheth
er that of the jingo or the non
jingo, we iieod more power in our
navy. '
The truth always hurta. Now,
don't it?
Every rosidont of Hoppner
. should take an interest in the
board of trade.
The years 1804-5 abound in
murderous fiends, Durrant, Hay
ward and Holmes being prominent
among the number. Hanging is
not enough for them if guilty, and
of this there seems little doubt.
Uayward has already expiated his
sentence and the others will hardly
IIarby Hayward, the convicted
Minneapolis murderer, used the
following language in bidding his
brother good bye: "May the curse
of God full on 3 ou and yours and
allow me from the minute I drop
from the scaffold to haunt you day
and night uctil your death. Then
I will welcome you in the brink of
hell with a red-hot iron." The
brother had testified against the
criminal and thus gained his
A Welcome Usher of '96.
Tbe beginning of the new year will
have a welcome usher in tbe shape of a
fresh Alraanao, desoriptive of tbe origin,
until re find uses of tbe national tonio
iinl alterative, Hostettiir'a Htotnaob
Hitters. Combined with the desorintivs
mutter will be fonnd calendar and
astronomical oaloiilatioD absolutely
reliable for correotuea., statistics, illns
tTHtiona, verses oarefully selected, and
other mental fond highly profitable and
entertaining. On this pamphlet, pnb-
liHlied and printed annnally by The
Hostetter Company, of Pittsburg, 60
liiindH are employed in the nieohanioul
department alone. Eleven months are
devoted to its preparation. II is pro
curable free, of druggists and country
di'Blera everywhere, and is printed in
KmkHhIi, German, Frenoli, Spanish,
Welch, Norwegian, Holland, Swedish
and lloheminn.
IIaYWARD was hanged yesterday
morning at Minneapolis. He was
game to tho last
The "K)litical pot" is simmering
Borne all over tho Htnto, but Mor
row county does not boo in to bo
bothered much.
Kt. Loi'lrt wins the tho next
republican national convention.
Ran Francisco wan second and
Chicago wasn't in it.
From the Capital Journal.
Henntor Hlicrrawi conferred great
honor upon Oregon in naming Senator
John EI. Mitohell at ohairman of the
committee to arrange tbe standing com
mittees of tbe sonata.
Tbe committee is about equally di
vided as to silver, four being for free
ooinage, while Chandler is very friendly
to silver.
Henutor Mitohell, chairman of the
(immittee, aua it ill bold its first
metiiig Monday, immediately after the
adj iurumeiit of the senate.
Henutor Mitchell will do d.iubt be
able to secuiu very favorable places on
Oommitteea fur Heiuitur Moliride, bis
colleague, and the gennlity and ability
f the two gentlemen from Oregon, will
go far to reconcile tbe people, of this
Mtate to tho Ions of that gentleman of
eminent ability, Hon. Jos. N. Dolpb.
J I' DOE UlFlH W. FF.OKfUM, of
New York, has been nominated and
confirmed an a supremo junior-, to
Biicoeed Judgo iluckrion, dicoan'd.
Kestivky'h firnt republican
governor, Win. O'l'-onni'll Hmdl'),
WB8 sworn in lVt 10 nt Frunkfoit
Fully iJO.OOO 'i ! were prenoiit.
It 1h hard guiding what con
groHS will do lliirt HKnioii, with tho
liotiHfl overwhelmingly republican,
tho Bouato a lio and a bull invk
over tho wholt.
TllE tepublicnim of tho Hcnnto
tuny yet organize. I ho h j ttl irt
liAVo decided to withdiaw in
body and -r in it tin rcpiildii-nna
to got away with tho priz. a.
If H a pretty hard tank t down
Dingr Hor in in n. liiigT in
worker and that ia what the pcoplo
want, and when it come t.i tho
nomination ho will get in Uko
Til r. I,ndiV Homo Journal
recent date) contain a aplondii
rticlo from tho pen of px-TrcsidiMit
Honjatnin llarrion. Hon' l eart
Cliraprr lhan I'. ctnra
' I waa nervoiH and weak and omild
not do more than half a day's work. I
could not write without steadying my
hand with the oilier one. I procured!
bottle of llood's Harsaiiarilla ami liegan
aking it and am now able lo work and
write and am feeling well. This fall my
wife w as sick and was cen lined to her
ei about half the time. I advised hr
Intake ll'iinl'i HtraapariHa as it waa
die. per than tlootora and she finally
uliaeiited to dn so. After taking It for
a almrl time she waa able lo attend to
her work. I liave not (mind any better
meilielne aa a bl mid pliritler than llood's
Hataparilla. I keep Hood a Haraapa
rill In Ibe lnni all the lime lo ward
olT grip and other diaeaaes." It., Weiriob,
Frem an I'ti liatigr.
henator liavi t U. Hill and (teneral
Mut hew ltrady were rival after-dinner
speaker at recent New York luncheon.
Mr. Hill eNk flrat, and thinking to
rite a bit of merriment at lbs airtaiias of
the other, tie said:
'Tw tat Braitr ami Inanity
1 lietr milr mi Irltrr,
II llra.l, art I. toi l),
I ! I.ko tiia.tjr iH-io-r.
1 he laiiuh w enl found, id which Itrtdv
tnr llmr lti J 'to, with only innderatw
auenraa, toil all the Inns ht waa thlliklaf .
When In lorn lo speak tbe rrsall of
tin lliiitigkl reaolved llaelf luto Ibis:
Brlaava It It I ii. hrll
1 hrrr only una Irtt.f,
ll It (II nll
I I Ilk Hill tH-tlcr
Last Monday afternoon, a Gazette
representative dropped in at the jail and
fonnd tbe prisoners deep down into tbe
mysteries of "seven n p." Ernest Rm
sell, tbe accused murderer of J. M
Brown down in Clackamas county, and
who waa reoently arrested over near
Long Creek by Sheriff Harrit gton, waa
on the point of taking all four poiota
just as the Gazette man eutered. He
paid very little attention to anything
else and was by far tbe coolest man iu
fretty soon the tour-banded game
broke op into two separate games, and
then tbe eoribe saw bis chanoe for a
'Well, partner, what are you in for?"
broke in the Ohzette represent! tive.
Tbe prisoner looked up quickly with
a pair of steel gray eyes that searched
every nook and corner of his question
er's oonnteuance. "That's jnet what I'd
like to know myself," Russell rejoined,
as be caught his partner's jack with a
king. He played nod talked right along.
lour snerin arrested me over near
Long Creek, and the warraDt read
'charged with larceny,' so Harrington
said, but I never stole anything. Don't
know why I should be arrested on suoh
a charge as that. I haven't been away
from Clackamas that's where my folks
live very long. Just got a job reoentlv
with a man named JackBon, near Hamil
ton, herding. was working at this
when arrested, and tbis thmg spoils my
"O, I'll be biiok this way after a while
on my way over to Qra. t. I like that
section first rate, and there's work to be
"O, I was raised in Clackamas county.
Know Brownell and Rinearsoo uud
Sheriff Maddock. In fact, I have no
intimate adquaintance with these men,
but I know 'em all by sight." Then
Russell counted ap "bigb, low and the
game" to bis opponents "jack," and the
talking and game went right on.
"Have you aver been in trouble be
fore?" asked the soribe.
"No," said Russell, rather absent-mind
edly, with bis eyes on bis oards. "I'm
i laboring man and have always tried to
get along without tronble or difficulties
Did yon bear abont my brother? Well
you newspaper men 'oatcb on,' and I
thought you bad heard about bis getting
arrested for killing elk out of season
reopie tuinui think that waa me, you
Then the reporter taking leave, Rus
sell said "so long." He was pleasant
and agreeable, and is, perhaps, 25 years
of age, about 5 feet 9 Indies high, weighs
about 150 pounds, is light onmplexioned.
wears a light mustache sud short, sandy
Deardi haa ratner light hair, lie was
dressed like a workiug man, but it be
was shaved and dressed up be would
pass tor a very good-looking young fol
low. At the request of Sheriff Harrington,
nothing was said to Russel about the
crime that be is really charged with.
He seemed to doubt that laroeny was the
obarge, however, and it is more than
likely that he kuew better tbau anyone,
for Sheriff Maddook ii ooufideut that he
baa the right man.
Hherifl Maddock says Ibe first clow
wua obtained in a singular manner and
came from an entirely unexpected source.
Last AuguH Maddock arrested the
brother of Ruaaell for the unlawful
slaughter cf elk. Tbe hunter waa au
engineer by occupation and a member of
the Brotherhood of Engineers. His cell
mate belonged lo the same order. In an
oul'iurat of confidence, tbe hunter told
his fellow. p'iaoner that bis brother was
Ibe murderer of Brown. The reoipieul
of this piece of startling information waa
unable to overcame bis conscientious
scrapie and made a disclosure to lb
sheriff about two weeks ago.
In a dainty booklet printed iu light
blue, ealmnn-pink and gray tones a
splendid illustiation of the beauties of
art applied to printing The Ladies'
Home Journal aunounoea some of its
lending literary and artistic features for
1896. There will be a series of papers
upn the domeatto and sooial side of
Washington by General A. W. G'etly,
U. 8 A ; another by Ex-P:es'dent
Hiirrixon, telling of '"This Gouutry of
Ours" ; a third by Mary Audetson de
Navarro, who writes of her stage ex
perienced, her struggles for recognition
and artistic trinmpbp, with a supple
mental article tolling of ber life and
urroundiugs today. In a lighter vein,
lory E. Wilkiun will present a series of
Neighborhood Types" papers, pen
pictures or qnaiut and familiar pereoc-
ages New Englauders; and JercmeK.
Jerome will reflect old England life in a
number of "Stories of the Town"
stories of London in bis inimitable,
orisp style. "William the Conqueror,"
Rudyard Kipling's most facioating
romance, ia also among the features for
1896, and Julia Magruder's delighting
serial, "Tbe Violet," will continue
through u considerable portion of tbe
year. Besides these two popular authors
there will be short stories by BretHarte,
Lillian Bell, Ian Miolareo, Sophie See',
Frank R. Stockton, Sarah Orne Jewett,
R. C. V. Meyers, Will N. Harben,
Caroline Leslie Field, Jane Austen
(posthumous) and other prominent
writers. Dr. Parkburst will write a
series of forcible articles for young men,
applicable to their daily life, while the
girls will be written to by Mrs. A. D. T.
Whitney, and Edith N. Thomas, the
gifted poetes, will be represented by
ber finest verse and prose. James
Whitoomb Riley will contribute a
number of poem, varied in theme and
treatment. In its masioal offerings the
Journal will be unusually replete.
Among tbe best things promised is a
minuet by Faderewski, the famous
pianist; a waltz by John Philips Sanaa,
the "March King" ; compositions by
Sir Arthur Sullivan, composer of
Pinafore," "Mikado," etc; Reginald de
Koven, composer of "Robin Hood,"
Rob Roy," eto ; Edward Jnkob wski,
Bruno Oscar Klein fitd others. Thnre
will be instructive musical treatises by
Mme. Melba, Mnie. Blauvelt, Mme.
Clementine de Vera Sapin, Mrs. Hamil
ton Mott, Miss Maud Powell, Benjamin
Davies, Charles Adams, Thomas a'Beck
et, Frederio Peakes, George Cbadwick
and otherB.
Artistically the Journal gives riob
promise, and during the next year will
present several groups of K ite Greens
way's bonnie little people; Charles
Dana Gibson's best work on a new lines
aud S'me of Albert Lynoh'a newest
creations. W. L Taylor, W. T. Smedley,
W. Hamilton Oibson, Alioe Barber
Stephens, William Martin Johnson,
Eric Pape, W. A. Rogers, Reginald
Birch, Frauk O. Small. B. West Clioe
dinst, T. de Thulstrup, A. B. Front,
E. W. Kemble, Irving R. Wiles. Abby
E. Underwood and other artists of such
commanding prominence will contribute
their finest drawing. In its depart
merits tba Journal promises to be
stronger than ever, and more oompre
heosive in its scopo of praotioal infor
mation. In this direotion it will print
a series of illustrated ortiolea on home
building, giving plan aud details for
the construction of meilliim-ai-'d
li'inses. The I, iilieg' Home Journal for
11 ill, in faot will be oomplete, aud
ULiq'lely so.
Small Blazb About 9 o'clock tb'n
morning, the fire bell announced a
small blrza in the E Minor building,
opposite the City hotel, in wbioh Cbas.
Jones' barber shop is at present located.
The hose teams answered promptly and
a stream was soou turned on wbicb put
out the fire in its incipienoy However,
E. L, Matlook with bis improvised
bnoket brigade, assisted by numerous
citizens, oiieoked tbe fire and kept it
under control till tbe arrival of the hose
or!. Tbe G-ztte would suggest that
tbe chief, S. 8. Horner, is the only person
that should give orders at fires, and
that the efficiency of i ny tire company
is measured by its ability to qui'itly obey
instructions. This morning every fire
man was a small Ki'zad chief himself,
which interfered much in the work. The
damage occasioned by this morning's
blaze whs small, perhaps not more than
got). Mrs. Le Ballister's millinery store
suffered some from water, but tbe
damage was Flight.
a health signal.
The baby's mission, its
work in life, is growth. To
that little bundle of love,
half trick, half dream, every
added ounce of flesh means
added happiness and com
fort. Fat is the signal of
perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty.
Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can have, in
the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his
ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect
growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full
grown, new life.
Bi sun you get Scoffs Emulsion when you want it and not a cheap substitute
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $1.
W. J. Brown and John MoAlister
are in Heppner this week, a'ter n bard
summer's work. Mr, Brown has some
good mines over on Meidow creek,
John Day, and will begin to operate
them next season.
The reading room sooiable, last Tues
day evening, was well attended and
could have been enjiyed if it had not
been for the disagreeable demonstra
tions of a lot of bovs on the out side.
Hoodlumlsm does not look well, and
does not pay either.
Major v. T. Pioton is manager of the
State Hotel at Denison, Ti-xas, which
Ibe traveling men say is one of the best
hotels in that section. In speaking of
Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Major Picton says:
l,I have used it myself and in my family
for several years, and take pleasure in
saying that I consider it an infallible
cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. 1
always recommend it, and have frequent
ly administered it to my guests in tbe
hotel, ami in every case it has proven
itself worthy of unqualified endorsement.
For sale by Pbill Cobn, druggist.
Attorneys at Iaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
A Brand New Man!
It is not meant that the man is so new, but that this paper is called
upon to announce to the public that the Ilardman mercantile
business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to
A Well Known Morrow County Boy.
Tha Oregoaiaq sums op lbs murder as
The first murder of this year in Ore
goo was that of J. M. Itrown, of the Mar-
quam district. IU misurd from his
iam b about the flM of tbe year, and
hena search was instituted bis body
was f.miid, January l'l, about 3K) yards
from hia bouse, hidden in afenocenruer
covered with burl.tp and with several
troca rails ileil upon It. Brown had
for several years ted ivrd a p nsion from
Ibe govrri ment. and bd, a short lima
before k Is death, s'firr l ai Increase,
with a considerable rmi of bark raont y
and Ibe niotiv cf the murderer, II waa
SltppoiHd, In StiMir lliM Wnliey.
Apprkiia were I hut he hud lo aliot
In bis cabin, with a gun ! led m ih l-d
slug tuad by eniitng nt a pl.-oe t
eolrttg aire, and hia l"ly then drag
gd lo Ida Hit wtii ir it w f.mud. He
a Ul aan alive In Hit ltMr p't of
b-frobr. 1 !!'!. ('lirU Kaoalm wt.a
arrealrd frVhruary 15, elf.d with lb
enme, Imi waa Utrr relr-d on avcounl
of insufficiency tl vidufli
10(1 Reward IIOO.
The readers of this paper will lie
pleased In learn that there is at least
una dreaded diseasa that science b'ia
been ablt lo cure in all its stages and
that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is
tha only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, reqniras a oon
Rtitn'ional treatment. Halt's Catarrh
Cure Is token internally, anting directly
upon the blond and mnooua surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying Ibe foun
dation of tba disease, and giving the
patient strength by building tip tba
cotiaiitution and asaistiiig uature la
doing its work. The prnprtatrva have
so much faith in its curative powers, that
they off.-r One Hundred D'l'ara for any
cae that It fails lo cure. Send for lUt
of tetiroiniala.
Ad tree.. F. J. CHENEY A CO.,
w""S"ld by all droggisls, 75c.
We have secured for the exclusive
use of tbe Gazette a series of articles on
the Sandwich Islands by the distinguish
ed historian and novelist, John R.
Musick. These articles are being pre
pared by Ibe author on Ibe spot. He is
now et Honolulu, and will visit eaob of
the Islands of the Hawaiian gronp.
They will have the peculiar living fresh
ness that can only be given to such
when written at tbe place on the very
days tbe writer beholds them. They
will be a series of. descriptive and
historical articles, or letters, about that
country. Mr. Mnsiok will furnish na
articles rioh in descriptive soenery, filled
with authentic history and faots, and
lightened by inoidents of travel and
adventure, making them more tacinat
mg than a novel.
No portion of tbe world is today
attracting more attention than tbe
Sandwiob Islands; and yet, much at
they are talked about and much aa tbey
have been mixed in American politics
tor tbe last forty years, tba masses of
readers know but little of the social life
and customs of tbe Islanders, and could
not tell off-hand whether they lived in
modern bouses, iu hots, wigwams, or
It will be tbe object of these letters
oot only to briefly sketch tbe past and
present of the Qawiiiian Islands, but to
carry you directly luto tbe private life of
the teople who inhabit them; their past
and present government, tbe overthrow
of monarchy, and tha aetting op of a
Kepoblio will be oarrated frm a Don-
political standpoint. In tbis respect
tbey wilt bave a peculiar Merest be
oauia in tbe coming presidential contest
tba question of annexation will ba
agitated. These letters will oonlaiu
hundreds of items of great interest, all
told iu a highly entertaining, instructive,
and unbiased manner. In short, wa
have a riob treat for oar readers for tha
entire winter.
Wa nrga yon to get your neighbors
and friends elsewhere to subscribe for
Ibe Oszt'tta Tba articles alone will ba
much mora tbao tha enbaoriptino pries
of tbis paper. Then always remember
tbesa lettera are riolusive; do other
paper in Ibis vioiulty can furoisb them.
They ara fur lha (Jhitta.
He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi
tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr.
Brown's stock and place of business will convince you.
Ilardman, Oregon, Successor to
W. 33. KAHLEE,
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
Theto gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook. (illlUm anil oilier counties,
and cau mvu money and time In making thexc nectioiu wllh traveling mull.
I'rlcci in keeping with the timet.
JullN H. urAXIM HMILlNli.
I'llral 'll.t Hiking I'llea.
h)iiilim-M.iinture, ioWiim Itching
and titigiitg; niiwl at nlgtil; wcraa ty i
...... I. I If .11..-. i .. . ....... "
MM II, g. II p.,"W lfIUir
Kihul OwntuiNii. -A few of lha
I ynong urn of thie pin (v a parly al
j lha parlor of Ilia 1'alai'e (Mel on lal
evening. A lnnulii rtl was
I by "mloa bil," C. H Va luo.
I n mr f.rm. hieti .fta lew. and i ahich aaa a faml feature. An erjy
grauilfallif r'a lat anin.
ill, ei twomlng eiy aora. MwTt a t.V lira a a had t y all i rramt
llmyi.ol 11.1 II..I....J a ...I l.l ,1 i
ri,;iH, fTOIt H lia raniiol aral lna (orf. i,u(ti..o, and ib m.-l
1 rnm.tr. the ,,i,,,r. Al dra.-gl.ta. nf ,,,B ' " "
i ! iu.il. f.ir ft iivni. Ir Mv.tii.a Hn,'t tt J I i !! ti be.r,
1 ri.ila.Mpl.l..
iVuticus. "iliat ii erf." will! ...7t:.7J
break tho trpuUii'Mi I ail)' in U.
. i . . a . a!
in Oregon, u tlnv u t Alton ll
to their owli w.n, an,aini. IUt
tnotjy can nt pro'iiulad l y any
tulMoling or tiulMnviti
I ll.ll has da
ti rarb of l
tiUi'k kiid iiiib.ib n 4iiy lliryar.
ent", lnt til m .:,!!, t., b il
rrom III S. Y. World.
I'nl. Conger ooght to know that Mr.
MoKmley is not lha only "pivol.l ran
ilhl ile" for iba preeiilential nouilnatioo.
Ohio is not half aa morn cf a pivotal
state in politics aa ia New York, of
whiob 0'ivernor Morion ia a cllnen.
lo liana, wbera (len. IUrn.no livaa. ia
mora of a pivotal alata Iban Ohio.
Kvery state of Iba Ut P-o la pivotal al
liinea, aa Nw York ia all lha lima.
Mama ia Joubtlrat rrgarilvj aa lha nuwl
pivotal alata by tba Un. Ibrnnaa 1J.
IUe4, though it ia aay off al ooa tad of
lha country. AoJ I hia, by tha way,
remind o lo livk In Webatar't Diction
ary, wbicb Jrtlaaa pivot aa "pio
flt'il only al ouaanJ. npoo ahieb any
ihiog inraa" lhl, If Mr. 1UJ
.1 eu'l fit Ih.t rirWO'lptliNl, an 4 lao'li
I'lV'Oal fandMl.ta. Indeil. w shall hava
liMk loaarit II agnn, wbrra Iba linn.
Julia II. Miietwll ataad amilmg.
Tha shaker hava roaJa a iliaoovcry
which ia deatineil lo aoompli.b roncb
gooJ. Raabciog Ibal Ibraa-lnarlha of
all our anffering ariaa front atoniacb
Iniuble. that lha country ia lller.llv
flllail with pwipla aba ranool vat an j
dig'.l IihhI, witboiit atibatqusntly
anffitrinf pain aal di'lrra. ami that
many ara at .rung, wetting to nvra
kvlrtoo. Iecna llie ir f.mil .o- them
no gitml. ttiey bv drvolml nioi h la 1)
anil moogiii in tha uii)"Ct. and lha r
anil ia thia Jiaciivrry, of tbnr Digittt
A littta b'xik eao c.btaiial frtu
ynordraggit lhat atll polo I ool Ihr
av or relief al ntio Ao inviigatcM
HI Coal ooitnpg aod will result lo tnnrb
Chil.lrao all bata lo laka CmIiw
but no ltnu bleb ia palalabla.
Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
lie will make it an object for you to trade with
him as his price are right, and all goods that he
handles are of tho very bent
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
i a .
rr. h i
T 1-1 3D
Palace Hotel,
C. i VAX DUX, rwjriftor.
hme tah n full amfrol of ihit
popular hnugf, and trill make it
lri (lg fmt clam.
T,r f-a and fn 'lt.it ..r all Out
'llm k tl ar ii vti.mgti I i lUuglilrr
V llonk lha llippnr Oatla a tnfla Atul aill -m! iirm mn ! IVwIlaad
strung in rni.citiflg tha adilur of ll.a (.it Tt i il.-r .t.v l lck oaa
Iiil.iiii. an I ac'u.ii.g Mac of driving ,A In. ntaa'ar'a lat d a.ily, ai d It a
I , ff dug n-.tl.ii g. M.a bad on f.t, f brunt I at... H,-.t .traka in
limn tv k at halrm. Illieg for'm niHropli ara tar and Old'
lil b li boat imi if lha St only Uft U 1 un(ria ought bni a Ksl fig ara.
X rtcniXOE aayt that a man t",,,f ,a ,,B' ,b r t , " , , 1
. ' . , . , !p k tu Mil's p al w koow t It aif. i.f Mr. 0 lUhia.. vrvn.L
bcaiin hia t.n Ifallter di.l lint, , ftrf , d.y. aa ih 0iita wmill
oii'hl to wer kne j-nnla and a m b in. . I.
queu. The Man who ,U tu t Mll! ,,,.,; .'.t, ",7", .
tJi ltine Iti'CrtUa it Ct lunuejr , ll Hi-.-. i , l.T,t l'....1imi l.., ll 1.
ii . i . . t it.., ' I" . lil'.in..t!j in. anl a .!.., 1
ooui.l qiu ... . . ,.Vir III. B-alby W.ll.i,.., ..,;a)aa,
II0J9 rt'aa n, JIj" Wan who tl.ra tta, I'tiggis. I C ta tagg
Kna.il Jrturo.l: Hob. W. It Elli r
Or.fin waa rlrctl awrat.ry of lha
naitiioal ri oblic.n eaiixaa p'i ir to lha
(vnvrnng f cngr.M Ihi. t, Tins
h inld giv biro a dacidul lift loaa'da
A g'and Raiirrada ball wilt t
! Iba riira btiM ra Ctittm
m.hl, IV 2.Mb.
J. It Iim.Wv, of 1'oa, ia la
Ihn'.dav lo rl " lrim.el for
ri.rnmau.io. Il t oaiklng on eiotctiaa
in bm hniwa fur luipfovnii.nl in tba
arar fiilora,
Ooo. Millar cam op on tS. moroiog'a
train and wa all r'urn Ibta av.aing Mr.
Ml'lar la ttv. pitaaatar and alurvkMpar I
at lkmaiM and rapofta liMV.ry qui.!
la to vicioOy.
(. liilaoa, of Iba basl of khaa
. . . . .i i m . k .
f nil. . -1 law m .'ii nnmi'w. vi i
It la ar-14 on m rwinhr a. 0"..
It rif Ivpiwil riMiiiiiMut
i f"f . M a.ffa !.
II l.tlr mfofftia Ih fl.fvlta Ih.t
o. f.tt.r. J II M.nr.a . 1 1 iw. l.ol ' V ' V."
li'arvfoiaa r nartaica. . I .. ilt.ft , jr,i 0"ay. to l.a al-f.
... .t.k wiiti ib..m.ti..a d. n, O.I.a baa t-a in Ibia
m -t.!h. In rr.k.o( . f .1, Mr. K 4 ia. tN,ll- M ,b .i B)naia.
n ) .; - v oamp.fi' ii n a inini:
t. i.ni. Ihlt g II. al . h'f trmt
ff. n i... Kw "h. r.lirf nl I. a tl I l tall r. J. II Mm.', aa
.u o h. hral " Mi f bad r.M , ''" li, t"tl l M'r-m i(
ft il PUU..I..HI L. m rami bv H , WaU , ,'t J i-a Hpt 7. if arl.. nl ' i-
fSrC.- 0C8T
FM'. Colamhui cr alire to-
1 Uy aud called at Mat Lichen-
thal'a ho tniclit rnak a now diamv-
frjr qoit aa tyiomntalila aa Hut .f
ll'.'i fluia waa a Kroat iliao-.toror
in hia day. Ila would at (hi lima
dtaftiTfr tl. filirat t.k .f HliOr
pr ahowo in llci pnor, atid tha
Choarwat aa wol. ,h .j,
raortal wan want ?
TV ill. rviwt w .ual
Mala irwi, Htrif .
Cu.hrn Work Socially.
5i.T- V
ncnty of them at tho
Gazette Office.
.t. tiii fv I'pilljlMUfaia. II aa aif.slly lik I and , Zj'f ,
I - 14 ratj f f.
h t I a ,! T ,a
rt f 'u . afw ( t- w ' - a ay : I i
!- a I .-.. -n I i
ii u