VTOCK BRANDS. While jon aeep oar subscription paid op yen flan keep jour brand in tree of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses 0(i on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Bairrl, D. W. and son. Horsen branded D B on the loft hip; ca'tle the same un left fl itik. crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Haoge in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horsee branded 1 K on either shonluer. ItanKe in Mi row oountv nanniBtr, J. W., Harrtman, Or. Cattle brand. ed H on left hip ana thnni: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, liooaeberry Oreeou Horses branded P B on left snoulder. Cattle name on right side. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horaee branded on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half orop ind right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle U with dot in nei ter on lert hip; cattle, name. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Hover, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box , brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in AJM'h HAr. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; oattlo. same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle. JB oonneoted fin lnft.ai.in. nron (m left ear and two hdI its and middle pieoe ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Hang.) in Fox valley, Wrant county, Carener Warren. Wagner, Or. Horsea brand f ed O on right stifle; cattle (three bars) oh right ribs, crop and split in eaoh oar. Itange in ftrAnt ana Morrow counties. Cain.E., Oaleb.Or. Y I) on horses on left Btirle' U with qnarter oircle over it, on left shonlder and on left stiHe on all oolts mder S years; on left shoulder only on all horsee over 5 years. All range in Grant oonnty, Cate, Chas. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shonlder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Corrigall. M M, Oallowny, Or Cattle crop out of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forelt"Hd; horses half oircle C on left stiHe, Kange Mor ow and Umatilla counties. Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and tindei bit in right ear, split in left ear. Itange in (Irani oonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spour point on shoulder. Kar markoii ewes, crop ou left ear pnnohed upper bit in right, wethers crop in right and under half orop in left ear. AU rangj in (Irant oonutv. . Cook, A. JLena,Or. Horses, flOon rightshonl der; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark sijuaro orop off left and split in right. Currin. B. Y., Curririsville, Or. -Horses, w on loft stifle. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with t. in oentor; horHOS. CE on loft 'lip. Cochran, It. E., Monument, Grant Vo , Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark wider slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tJe main brand on right shoulder, and cut oil enil of n.inuliuia. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. It 1) on right side, swadow-fork in each ear; horses, It D on loft hip. .. , Ely. Bros., Douglas, Or. norBes branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle same on leftliip. hole in right ear. Emery, C. H., nardman. Or. Horses branded f) reversed C with tail on left shoulder; cat. tlesatne on right hip. Kange in Morrow oonnty. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses V with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, B. P. Hepnner, Or Horses, F on right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh, (ientry, Elmer, Eoho, Or, Horses branded H. fl. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Bangs in Morrow and Umatillaoountiee. Hiatt A. B., Itidge, Or. (iattlo. rotind-tip K with qnarter circle under It on the right hip. ItanKe in Morrow and U instills onn"na. Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-J" (T F L connected) on right shoulder on horM'is; on rmtll.., on right hip and on left side, swallow fork iu right ear and slit in left, Ititnge in Haystack district, Morrow oonnty. Howard J L, flalliiway. Or. Horses fnros with bir above i tin right shoulder; cattl-'sttne on left side, llHtigu in Morrow and Umatilla counties Hall, Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; hora sameon right shoulder. Kange In tlrent oonnty. Hughes, Mat, Hepnner, Or. Horses shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co. Hunsaker, H A, Wagner. Or. Horses, M on left shoulder: nat tie. Aon left hip. Humphreys, J M Hardman, Or. Horses, II on left Hank Huston, Lnther, Eight Mile. Or. Horse II on the left shoulder and hetrt on the left slide Cat tie same on left hip. It'inge In M.trrnw cunitt? Jones, Mirrr. H'Mipn -r. Or Horses l.r.in l I II J on the left shoulder; ca'tlo lira id,. it ,1 on right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Kiingu in Morrow coiiutv. Juiikin. M. M.( Heppner, Or -Horses, horse, shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sauis. Itange on Mile, Johns n, Kellx. Lna, Or.- Horses. nirelaT on left atitle; cattle, muk on riul.t hip, iinilHr half oron in rtaht end solit n left ear Riny, Mtk, lleppnr. Or. Horses KNY on left hip ca'tle same anil orop off left r: und r sloiieouttie right Kirk J. T., Hepnuer. Or. -Horses IU nil lefl houl lr; eat'le. Htl on li.fl hll. Kiiuibsrlaud.W.H. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 I, on esttlnoii right and left sides. swallow fork in lift ir and under nop lit rltdd ear. Horses sams brand on left shoulder. Hang in Oraot nty, leiften, Htephen, oI,Or.-H Loll left hip nn cattle, crop anu split on right ear, HorsMs Same bratnl nn left shoulder. Itange llrant eonetv. Lteu-illeri, John W., L ' 1 Or. II ir... brillldel lilf..'IM'l .11. ntniiw'" I O'l I. f ,,,, I 1 1. Hie. I'st'le. sauir on ft'i hio, K in . ., r Imiion l-esiiey. J. W !l..(.nr Or II. ir.. L-hi 1 I. a i l o . I'-lt sIioiI It; .'! in .,1 .' hip, W illie over rofhl ), Ihr-e shi4 iii r iiht Lp 1, ll IfgS H-MI'Mier Hr. M ir.M l,rr' rloulllrt II CH.M'-'U I lel l,M r.t. s woig M oil te'l 4h'il ir. Miris M. IV. Heppuer. lr. -Nn t.re., . f ircli, on ngtit Mp; Imiiw siiiii on right slide, K"" in M rriw e-Minly. Minor, Ikw, nnimr Or. "attl, M H on Htfhl hip; horse M on lefl shonldef. Morgan li. N . Hipne. ir. -II mn, M) On left should caitle as neon lf hin, Mltehell. Owsr l-eia. Hi. - llors H oil rig'tt hip; eallle 77oe rn'il aid t, N n l'ew. ltm l k ' 11 N hi. Be.l, ,n lefl sliolllder; Csllte S II HI Vi'ti h((e Otier, I'nrry, lsaiitgoiil, f - I' O ou i.,f sti r.. to. ik-l.r. J. W . ,is'ss Or i Ii.ii II on I fl thoul'lcr; ratlls saiiie on r s'il hip. I'iri1. OiiT. P.i'il Mtrt.ll., I r , i,,!- ( rlreUshl'M ... I li W t r u I Met . blp. Sllle, f 'fl III lef' r,t ,.p t,M , 'I n lff htii. Union HiV M u, 'arkr liU.Mi, Har I ntn.Or. -II .r, 1 1 .H Jfft h'Hil lr. I'lle-f, I'm t. lll'l(l'is Oi. I.r e tirl K (I. K e.eiii e i mi I ! 1 1 I - . .!- m oa right hip Huk M er e.,. v, l'l"t,J.II,l,'l'H'...U, l V . , ertail ir left ah'i'll lr; fV'l, aa a -hi let l,i, Bjn I hi' in a h 'lta. a f . I i-i, Hi l . to . . I I' , autaildnf rtn I. I I - ,i . I , . . ft hip, HVWW alops in e'l iHInl II I ttaM. ltMl, la leer, llrlnn Or H n r 9ri' w,ia .tr4irit -t l -iii I ,1 ii I, K ih It'' , lei,,,a, H' ! n , , I Mlliii', 'ii l I cv'l" l ! il, 1 ' i,i.. er-i n1 lell an I dlau oa k liiuiM I IA sod a I -il'il-ig -ieli Hs'it. salt liii' !, O Mr, brt'i l I H ,e ritfhi iit, ,i , pirate ofMW Itfan . ftlsan "i i.s'ii h i. lUl' S H.Kftiw e-"i- if. Ib.iaa, Was II OalrttiUe, IW - H II f.,e-. i IIH narlMr circ le nt4 l..f ,hi efila,H, t,,M s,. sxxl cf.p ..ej ril,l mm' an I ai.l.l .i 'i. aa tan. n U aWil liaira i Hrft. II"..! an t a ra .isa H i.w J W 'l..."- "' 'I . . I' Urt simldaf . ( "! i ' HI,, rViaU'.l W r , M n iu 'I I n m ui ane i-vii. la.. ... . ,i tik l vHl ear. WIhI In I"" I h..a , ll.,.n. It a) I- lefl l.p, ..il aa.iw ,ra l"'l ti.. Haa, 1 .l.-l, ll.i.Ua Mr r'lr t.n n'. -., .( Hn i.i.i ..... .1 1 , t . a.... !'. . . I l,, ., , . a . . , , H n In H , ,1 i if H . . . . ' . M ...-a I. ..... ,.. .,!. .. .. "1' Illl,4i h, I If . t Iwi Ih , I 4 H .... ttl In, , f.a a'. ,.. ' It- IK ,.. . I,.,,,, , Mea ru., i..a. . Ila...an i.t , H r I ..-. r-m. I. ,,,, I a. U fmtm,Mm, Mia J , II., IH ,).K' l.M I.M !,. f .t , utl mmt M.wwi II M,H. . ,H l M hn a,...t ,). ... in . H . r4 II llM i . . . , , M aVauvi., I.ai I .s i lm. i a II -I , It, l i a.tl i -m, .l ... .i w .1 I '"" t I ).. tl I . , u S -M ' I 1 e"t It W ll-t,,a u pafl W-' . -a. ,, w ,,,, , . an'. I ia ' !. !.,, II M I -a l H f es-rt-)l t' a.e .. , ... I l-l... M it. H m , r" .hi'.. .- n 1 aa a H.II..1 Ira Was II ll-aal IH II M Ua M Wa).4Wi, tntm aanaa s-f t Isfl sax mt4 'M aax I w r.a, a. j j u . e !--m 11 , , 1 1 C.wans laanW) 1 s Uts a a II l ata. (V a" la W , mnm - l aes aV S 1 s..ff l f ., II - IwwM v Ml --. Im. la la.r. Ilaa-raae Of R.ae . a mm U'l .! la) a I-'I I,, ( kiwaM aaaka tal a. W S'l la" aip I al 4 - ll-l-.oaw, l ll amaa. (I Us Sav -I . a I.A a a,.. I..i l- , . M -mm lanwlar ! l.-.ao a -. S.l'H tie r una laau W I a 1 1 t. a k, f tWB, BJ VHst" -V f. .a Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. B.. Uooeeoerry. Or. Horses branrW T4nn ih right ahonlrla- GET THE BES1 When you are about to bn r a Sewing Machine on not I e deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, tinest tinished and Most Popular for a mere son;. See to It that you buy from reliable manu f.iutt'.rcrs that have paintd a reputation by honest and sq uare dcalinjr, you will then get a Kewin.n; Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There la nnne In the world that 'Vo'i'3f can ec!ua' 'n mechanical con H, ,' tMSa utrucUon, durability of working lA parts, fineness of finish, beauty X;. OX in appearance, or has as many vv! improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both KitleB of needle pattnted)y no other has it ; New Stand ( fai'rtetf),drivmi' wheel himred on ad instable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WR.TE FOR CmCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING HMHIKE CO. OitAtmP!, Masb, Bostoh, Mara. 28 Vvinrt BrapR, N. Y HICKliO, lT.h. KT. LOI JS, MO. iAJ.A-.Ti:iJS. Bah Fkancikco, f 'al. Atlanta, Oa. FOR 8 A'. F, BY P. 0. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon, Send 5 Cts. for Sample' Package San Fntucinco OJJIce, NAP1I. 11. 0 UK IS iV.S FE LDER A CO., No. 'i'iO Suiter Street. The thnmh Is in nnfiUlne Iner. of rhsiactrr. The hiiiiBrr Tiim In. dliaU'S strong will, grrai enrri nirrgt a nrnineaa. i hmh stiilatid 1 ype. Un I Iimh-Iy sllird is tin r. I lir ID li nub of ihosi sdvsnrnl lilraa and bnalnrsi M-a bfliHia to Ihe busy msn or wonisn; snd iHunorrsi a rsmliy Msisms pre- pans rrprrlslly fr (lull IHTSIUIS wlu.le volume of inw hless. con ilrna. d In s atiisll si.sre. an i hat Ihr rironl of ilm ehi.le world's work for a nioiith msy hr tt m In hsif an liiir. The I i.nu sl 1 m ludu stei rrili.i.nii.il, riilinr... slid s love of lnnir. hi. trv, an. I (li llon. A prraos Villi Una , of lliiimh ami r. liiifhly nihiy llir llti rary sllisrllolis of la iin.ii.. s IMi.fsniiie. 'Ihe Ar '' 'I'M liilnt.a a l..va ol h. suty siul art, t.li h Mill tint rsrt pit a.urr in lie- nisi'ti Ki i nl oil. lurk nt. of linn, l.l ,11 in, , irirn. flu. i d fioin II. r .ii.iiisl is.iiiiiig by ' I ii,, pi.., Hi. ,( ti ii'hratrd of ' ntiiif HoMt-r psintiTS, h will 1 , I ' I'Usn lo r. ry uh.rilrr to! ) i iii.ir.'ai s sist'SrliiS I'll llti. The ; ro-t i.f i,ia u ih auik n art s . , r-l'at's'; snd Ihe IrpnatiK-lh s.l J i annul lie ili.i iu,Mii.it ft. .in Ilia in final, iu .una una, an I l.ullls i. il or wairr-ii.lor (.nuns Is iib- M.iiru in ra. n niinoa-r ll lite Maa. si i.e. ami Ihe sriilrs sra an pro, fax Ir Bud antl,l. Iiln.lrstrd ll.al Ih Mat'sdM Is, la tvailiy, xsl f.'M.i of art aoika i f Iha lntb. oi.trr 1 he 'l.i.i.,r Trn i, il, In. hi. h of i. Imi k.r ami Inn-tit,.! I.I I.I. , ,n lll I itrrply Inlaf. !'! In Ih. .a. il. v, ..,d monthly In In in., al a Watfstne, la eery ter ii i. a . ". I'll. O. isitnui.a l, rt, r.iin ilia rnilre snlallc and . Iri.liftr Brill I t f,,,ii llMa atrra f-l. fanrv, slid (a. of ha Hay, I. ii...f. i a la sinit-'v a larrfrri I null tlR.artix., sil tu he.ff see I ... I,. . i,., .nn ,, Ih. M.M.Ih.Irs K i. t In ...ir ..4'-.i..ii.; win i wit i tin. s. d yea still fcars a .b-tiaa Vara .ra in one. A t.liaas W .l.aaia... Ii.aeasar. Pshn.hw, ra. it.n eiiaas. flaw lull 'Ih'.itfch l"S s faahaa. a.agafltM.. It ... i fa-lil, para siul uasrtat e nnlaml'i n-i il,ain-ala atsllrn, stl l i ..oa-llalila li lrnral In Ik.. I. ( ihe r.e.ii.le Tila. rat 1 .....h I. ai I, h li.. Sal. a is liaaana.l iM..ii, a-. (I isd, a4 e...ih, riei..lat Up. ihoae Usue I.I.N tv.M.g ea.llill la It f et a. ft ..... ,., shsiM a-iharrlh im If y a ia ssai4iBo.iraiwtih ..,1 t, a siarrta.ra r.n-T ilnsai, sa4 I. l , Bra ns ll..ai till Vila ItaS SM a at el a.t i g N...I . fl. la saat r . ..'S i g IB BMtal US lltatBlI BaMS stf y T be BratleslB sfikaas twesr4 IS IB BMBl f4rSS. !? IHwatfai Ihsl f .Belsr nastily I rial Blwsy BMBl BMailBat. TBB tBIBBSHBB IB 1MI IBl BBaa y ( RIp.mfTnbulcx 4, st.a' ..fceay fMva!ykSarar I'.l1lla il MR I Ba4 TsV "' ' lirikiCeimCHCu. 1 M-jtf. TU S'WISKI, IM l Ha r tb I W ill U.lrllB U IJV I M. Ant or., BttlBul ifi !-' S.il ai. I tatiitf I. f i.i.a taat " , a . Itaare... a. 1.41. Ik llatelU bl rteatl, Ito.i.s flf.1 Allot leal-I , at III . i i - r t i "it n'ne r. , ', I- rl,U 1 tv i niiif i f.s v f! KRJIHi i f ' E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE 15 Ar GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Puss. Agt. Portland, Oheqon. QUICK TllVtX: ! San. Francisco And all points In California, via the Mt, tihasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. rhe (treat hicthway through California to all points East and South. Grand Hoenio Route of the Pacini) Coast. Pullman Buffet Uleepers. Beoond-olass Hleepera Attached to express trains, attorrhnir annarinr accommodations for second-class itassenuers. For rates, tickets. alenpiuR car reservations, sto. call upon or address K. KOKHLKK, Manager, E. P. ROOBR8, Asst. len. r. 4 P. Ant.. Portland. Oreiron Most Modern and progressive Fur raisloKue or Infortusttua wrl'.o to Tim MARLI.N HRH AUA'.S CO., Hew Maven. C'tin. NIGKEfi HAISSQ PAYS lf von use the Petalu urn I Til t K ""erii? Inrubatsrs A llrood Mnke money visW-IVf oihcm aie wnai lime hyoldprfs rssrs. Ti ji a I I CiitsloKlellsallaU.iit Ifjl 4s Pai;e I I lt.aiidd-BrTiiw-s every $ Illustrated 1 1 anirlenrnlrd lor IhtaKu Cntn!ogu , puultry busmcss. The "ERIE" mechanically Ihe brat wheel. I'rrulrst model. We are pacilic Coast Annus. Hi. vi le ciita- kwue.raatlrd free, gives f.illdiHirTlr(,in firlcea etc , ai"T WAHTsn. rtlAlOM k WCCBlfOl CO., Petalsras.Cal. Usakih lloi kH, tu H Main M., Li Ani;rlrs. A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff League ii national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " at explained by it conititu t on, at follows : " TKs ob art sf this leafus shell bs is saB A -"sr., an latiee By s iar.fr Be imports, ahiek tsall B4a4lBly BBBurS aiamnlS induatr.al BrBSlMle B a nil I. a BaaapetiiiBfi ef foes ja aBor. " There i t no personal or private profti in connection with the organiia t on and itittuttained by membership!, contributions, and the distribution of it! publication!. fiMT : Ceefae4enre Is sl.e.ta4 eBfr4,a at s.Besa.e " ana) Otv.-sl CurrBapaoaanlB. fCONO Ws aa t-4 aairoros BBntr.iwtrn), "H e larja, W M aaua. THIRD' Ws wti .a a laa la e aWixarW W"f-f S'l BBM Iks Ta- BuMt.an. C.V nIBSia.BeB.iB4WB'yB4JrsBB' AOsenlB. FOURTH : tmm4 BaUI aa-B rerBa B Baa-a nay bT ta " saasa loaeaasai' W.HMe t Wilm. UvHvsilwnniri US Waat J $4 ttaaV sir. Tar. " $1800.00 0P.tN AWAV TO INVENTORS. a B wmr-mrm tmm kal alsu Ihe I tm4 rt at asil l BU. . . H ta Bacnataa. rtlenta. aa BBiwiaraBB Baa. la ia..lsahsnUl AllHa HBll M Hat IBS Ul Uuat IT'S THE IU MrtCTkl I l INYCSTIONS TM4T VIIXB I 08UNLS, a. a aa W By aVI asi ag Um saiBi t aa a, h." a4wkBA ---- aajrya., ' sol It I Maa i.lal ltaf fast M Baa aa SB aal t Bay aa.rat.-t , Baa thaaa tals 'I ll 1 1 ' ate IM aau Vm a..., Urraat mat as IB Mat asks. 1 rytssWe si ., waaMas IT 1$ NOT $0 M4RD AS IT SCLMX. fti "l faiasi aaa ts.a.a m swa.aatio mI b a. as " aat el ftaaaaaW BaAataWd at W Wa I C .BSB t ,w aaalaaa n i.l IbSbbh at W siiiiih M mm V t UmU t rm t Ba tt I .nial, Iras si Baa, lailaa) a mmtm Bbb W aaat. aw bo a aw. a Saik vans aa lias Bjnae. . I In USB it i n sf la,n ml V ' S n I tmnmrnm ' tasawl a I, BM S is I aB mt Wm Bam i a. MB) ta I Brfsa) Baat f-ng -a" V Va B tkaa) It. i )mn wrnnrRnt-RN cn., lilltllirs (4 AaaeTaiasi bmb! I awaiga) NMtO, III' Mrrrt.N.sV.. fjif l't. V athlrmrtBi, fl. C. lay tsssa-Wf at nnWtat Slmplesl. JJ,y3L.C.slt Jtroncest, tftitft'tiJ Wurkin' Top M4a Accurate, Receiver. -QY& Compact, V " . aaSkaBB7 a?sa mm aj alia, mm M nms BatBlt -Bat 4 Ba- . CHEESE-LOX MAKLNG. Vast Numbora Turoed Out Yearly by Expansive Maohlnery. Competition Amons; Manofaetarers Created a Great IndustryHow the Boxes Are Pnt Together. Baa An idea of the raacrnituJe of the cheese industry in his country is given by the fact that the boxes in which the cheese is shipped represent a cost of nearly half a million dollars annually. It is not many years, says the New York Sun, since cheese was shipped in any kind of barrel or box which would hold from one to half a dozen good steed forms, packed in straw to keep them from being; bruised or broken in the handling. It was only factory made cheese that received such protec tion, while dairy cheese was sent to market destitute of any covering other than its own roughly bandaged rind, which in most cases proved invulner able. Competition among manufactur ers has changed all this, and at present the manufacture of boxes gives employ ment to a large number of hands and necessitates the use of powerful and expensive machinery. It was customary in the early days of the business to saw the hoops, as the large body of the box is called, out of the log in planks about one-fifth of an inch in thickness. The waste of mate rial was a most serious objection to this plan, fully fifty per cent, of the timber going in sawdust. The invention of the rotary cutting machine has pre vented this waste and at the same time produced a better hoop than the sawed article. The chief timber used in mak ing cheese-box hoops is the common swamp elm. No other timber seems to possess the same qualities of light ness, toughness and elasticity, so re quisite for cheese boxes, as this once despised product of American forests. The logs, after being cut in the proper lengths, generally five feet for an ordi nary cheese box of fifteen and a half or sixteen inches diameter, are thrown into long vats filled with water, where they are boiled from fifteen to twenty hours. The time required to soften the timber, or cook it, as the operation is called, varies according to the size of the timber and the season. Large logs require to be cooked longer than small ones, particularly when the logs are frozen. It is not uncommon to find the center of a log still frozen after fifteen hours of boiling. Experiences is the best guide in this part of the business, and to know when the timber is thor oughly cooked and not overdone is one of the things acquired only by con stant observation. When sufficiently boiled the logs are lifted in iron grap ples from the vats and laid on skids, where the bark is removed. Then a log is lifted by a crane and swung into place in the machine, where it is held in a horizontal position by chucks or dogs that center it at each end. . In this position the log revolves like a roll of paper in a printing press. The knife which does the cutting is very heavy and is bolted to a heavv head called a carriage, which is fed for ward by screws toward the revolving log. In the most approved machines the knife has an end or oscillating as well as a forward motion. This reduces the strain on the machine and permits the cutting of soft, unsound and shaky hearted logs. As the knife comes in contact with the timber the inequali ties of the log are first shorn off. nnd gradually the lug becomes ix.rfectlv round and yields an unbroken sheet of lumber, like the unwinding of a roll of flntli. 1 li ih slicet of wood is broken . . f : .. , . . ... mi hi i-iiiirriiu'iiL ii'iiguis, which are passed under dividing knives thnt cut them into uniform widths, correspond ing with the required depth of the box. If the boxes are to be made up at unci win lump ure lient uround iron cylinders to give thei.i the form of the box, after which the bottom is pressed in ami nailed in pinee. Comparatively few boxes are put together In the larger mills. In inot eases Ihe product is iirion ami shipped to the cheese man iifaeturing centers, where the boxes are completed. The boxes in the finished slate are too bulky for econom ical handling. The remnants which are not wide enough for hoops are uaed for the cover iatnl siul for the narrow hand that goes around the bottom of the box. The 1mxch vsry in alze both as regards depth and diameter. The most com mon site will hold a cheese of from sixty to sixty-tWo pounds. Such box Is ten Inches deen and fifteen and one half Inches in diameter. This Is the size of cheese most In drum ml for cx rt. The !.e for home consumption Is as a rule much smaller and requires box from five to six inches deep, but of the snnte diameter as the? other. Various kimla of timber are used to form the heads of the (mix, but rim Is the accepted material for the hiaips. Owing to peculiarities of the soil, the tiinU-r In aoiiie liH-alltira Is Inclined to f shuUy. the rhreks or shake running nrotuiil the log and following the grain of Ihe timla-r. Such timber viae war leaa when the hiaip wrr aawed, but in tlin rotary prta-eaa much of it can tie turned to i;,s,,t account. The bulk of tlio rltti IiiiiUt useil lt this buaiueaii Is I'roii.rht i:i fuett Canada. Tl.n wrhWrii peninsula of Ontario lying tmrlh of t-ske Krie contained one of Km largeal tracts of rlin liml-rr on the cotil iueiit. It has la-en greatly de ptele.l In rtjiTiit yrara. The hg are taken nut In winter when the swsiiihi a froen and are kl.Med near the railways or on the lake shore. The built uf ttirin are taken to the mills by water In low of powerful steam tugs. The kkaiik's HUB. ' ts the skunk a lUn.fMtu animal? I should ay r lull We. I 11 l.laf.. f M laouie, ll,e .irr .Uv. ! L.,... very tii.tiy people ,. aurprlsed at the . iti,.,i, hut llieie is una si.,.;.. of Hi .a ui.poj.ii'nr tnlw that I e much If .II. a.'.v.l a a ralllesnakev a. I b an. e l one ye tr wli.it K-J nirnlnif In wesiern Iritt O tilht In mi l.um mi r a par ly of u w tj i s npln out on the prainaof l.lau.i r.miity, when we wrra aw,,.u.l .r t; ,., f B e...,r,.,l t,v wh hit i , -it taken alunif lo for Ih oniiit ik, BJ.H ,hll somrthniif had bitten bun. and rstm lrtati.nl ah. .ed I Hat Ida h. s 1 was prTt If u l!y t .rn, Ucraisat liumistaks. Me vl lriirv ,.f bib.u'.U In Cie- io it.. ly. and there ws tio d.4i,t t:,,t t na tlone ihe deej The v-rjue-t that a few ilars later the Ly Ji. , ari.l hor. rU.'.e dcs!h if ti.1r.'ph..! , lratoe.1 Ihst it wss n t ftiv;(,r i;, t,,, of IS,,,, Wf,i, I t lr f al t.s jy, allies) the dr.-a t a:;.i.v., ro I .o.-il w,i g. lheMu-sW.(.t.n( l.N.rrt,l ;,(r, I h (I l Ut, ,m p. ,10 t't.t;, hr. 1r.-: : ..i , iii, u Its . t- a in ' .'i tmm.m' . V ktlll I,", nt TaaTV ERGURIAL POISON Is the result of the usual treatment of blood disorders. The system is filled with Mercury snd Potash remedies more to be dreaded than tha disease and in s short while is in a far woraZ mnriitiAN than lufn m r UI1B w.w.v. aw vuuunoa result la RHEULlATISn for which S.S -S. Is bottles will sfford relief where all else has failed. I suffered from a severe attar of M.t.nri.i Kheumatism,, my arms and legs beina; swollen t, e,r ?aturl si7, causine the most KJhSi.t'iii-" F k".8- r1 8Pent hnndreds of dollors without relief, but after taking a few bottles of l improved rapidly snd am now a wellman., complete ly cured. I can heartily recommend it to any ons Fullering from this painful disease. W. F. DALEY, Brooklyn Elevated E. R. Our Trestltsoa Bkwd snd Skin Diseases milled free to aav address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlaata.Ga. BTsl "?rTriTP TDinriTTIs raCAVtftlO.mflUtmAKKSi COPYRIGHTS. kCA! I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to fll IINN iV to., who have had nearly fifty aears' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning 1'n tents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catRlogue of mechan ical and soientlfio books sent free. Patents taken throunh Munn ft Co. receive special notice In the Scientific American, and ius are broimht widely before the public with, put cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the vlV .;., ,?yettr- Sample copies sent free. Building Kditlon, monthly, 2.50a year. Single copies, cents. Every number contains beau tllul plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plsns, enabling builders to ahow the latest designs mid secure contracts. Address ilUNN & CO- flKW IfOKK. 361 Bhoadwat. NOTICE OF Ati'i NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT UNDER ami by virtue of a decree and order of sale duly made and entered on Nov 4th 1895, in the matter of the estate of John H Gentry, deceased by the County Court, of the Htate of Oreeon for Morrow County, setting in probate the under signed as administratrix of the said estate will oiler for sale t public auction, to the highest bidder for cash In hand on Monday, Dec lath 19!, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day at the front door of the court house, in Heppner Morrow County Oregon, all the following de scribed real property belonging to the above named estato situated in Morrow County Oregon, towit: The Northwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of section two (2) in Township two (2) South. Kange twentv-six (26) Last of Willamette Meridian; said sale is made subject to all liens and incumberaiires now existing upon thesuid real propertv, and subject to the confirmation of all Bales to" be made by the above entitled County Court. . , . MrS- KATE GENTRY. Dated this 6th day of November, 18115. Administratrix of the estate of John H. Gentry, Deceased. 3S7-96 CALIFORNIA FRUIT. Much of It Is Taateloes When It Reaches the Bast Peaches from the Pacific Do Mot Com pare with Those of the States Plenty of Good Prunes and Grapes, However. "'Dead sea fruit!' That's what I call it!" exclaimed a gentleman, who, after attempting to eat one of the largest and most beautiful specimens I oi California peaches ever seen in Ful ton market, threw it away in disgust And he was right; for, while it was an obiect to delight the eye, with its great size, perfect slinpe, delicate bloom and superb coloring, its flavor was decid edly vegetable. So New Yorkers of experience in such things buy Cali fornia poaches to look at, and to serve with the dessert as the crowning orna ments of a perfect dinner, but lay in a supply of llcluwiires to eat, while in Chicago they say: "Oh, yes, California peaches are pretty, but the St Joe product is good enough for us." The largest pruno orchard in this country, If not in the world, is located at Los (iuto.s (the cats), on the western edge of the Santa Clara valley. It contains three hundred and eighty acre of trees, two hundred of which are planted to the acre. Over one hun dred men and a score of teams are con stantly employed in this great orchard, which hat it own waterworks and electric light plant. Its drying ground Is twenty ncrs in extent, and it yields a net income if bomething like fifty thousand ill Hart a year. Near this Us iatos orchard is a curious factory, said to be the only one of its kind in the world. It Is a fac tory for the making of grat. food, and It is devoted tu the extracting and concentrating, but not fermenting, of grape juice. During the season it con- sumi-s u;ty tons of grapes every day. and produres ono hundred thousand gallons of Juice, concentrated to one- fourth of its original hulk. TU .... iiiBjrrapca ii mm io aucu enormous quantities iii this Interesting factory, both red and white., are wine grapes, which, as the tourist observer soon discovers, are very different from raiain grapes, the former containing sue more juice, and the latter the more saccharine matter. One of the sur prising things about raisin vineyard is the small site of its vines, which, be ing cut every year, are rarely more than two or three feet high, and the great sIm of the bunches. These, when fully ripe, are eutand laid in shal low trays between the rows of vines, where, without the addition of any sugar, they are allowed to dry in the sun until they become rstaina, which Is all there la M the process, The m.ial surprising thing- of all is the discovery that all ralita grapes are while grains, until they are turned purple In drying, which Is hard to re alise, but la nevertheless a fact Har per's Weakly. Illy la rsilaitelphla. That quietude eondu.f lo longevity srems to le deinnt rated by the record of longevity In Philadelphia, a matter on which Ihe elty pmb-a Itaelf con siderably. During the firat half of this year the obituary rolumns of the I-r.lfc'i-r (..ntainrd death nm l.-e of U:u women and lo men ho had live. I to or hrynl Ihe age of m years. The rreatrr part of the d.-sths were of reb dents i.f rhiladelphU Thirteen women and twrtily sis men lived to or beyond the age of iw years. The esireme ages resolied were W years by one woman and M by three men. One colored man has a r-e,rd all himaelf. Hews Johniiibai.n. a well known ehsrseter In l'hi:sdrlpbia. who died on February at ihe b..ne f.r agl and Infirm col ored fpl. lie clalm) u be IM years o,j. but Ihe ra.! autheM, infor tesiion made him out to be U?. which was tceepted at being prob,bly eof. A (ImhsI laHtses I hear." ai I Diana the hustresav he rested her l-m foe an insust on the pedestal "that VgAa ll U 1 i lUotU.- c,c.U',4 the Cyst of j S..arvei "v, ti e e V rU VI ai V Ur . Viwa, i ti e EAMBLER nut i it Is one of the very best wheels ever made 1b an Indisputable fact. It stands in the' front rank With all hieh &Tftde mnnhinpR nnd if vnn huv ona rnn will m.ba ,i..i.. ? Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you 11 can uk uieiiaen py you in jciiun ncu j. a. j. cuimner ores witn wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at f 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each, THE RAM BLER is the fastest, IU1 U1"B" n,,u iiuiaouny ii is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men, women, boys and girls, with 2S, i 'i. -"i-"'. ... mniiri. neciB, vuii u. a j, nigii-grade double Inrklnir edire a clincher tires and are fully warranted, im-anig euge i Before you buy a bicycle, write for cnta'ORue, circulars, terms and discounts or call s3 1 ton0audnidahUB ' Kamb'Cr liUMn Wante'1 "' CVery town OregoWBshing! FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CDMPAnv 1 o&M i OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner. Oregon mmm.wmms.mmmi How's Your Liver? 'haiBr8lrisraSa. This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise- need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power Four Models ' Jtimsr ol Bicvc as 1 in wt cxnrNT- FINEST MATERIAL. SPEEDY. HANDSOHE. trS SCIENTIFIC W0RKMANSHIP. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMr FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Off Ice Lake and Halstcd Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. BRANCHES i-N. Vorlt. S.n PrancUco. 5stt Laks City. Denver. Mrapul.. O.trolt. Totonlo. ' WhBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. Am W. PATTERSOX, Agent for Morrow County, llcr, Oregon It to Advertisers at a great finpnci.il sacri ficc. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin- Pattkrson ruiiusniNc Co. : "V I'l nuns : 1IIFII : Youro .BO USTD to Tako 'Km. Leaves No "Mfpntinry , Csjre.ll. M.IM ti tlr,.M I...,.., , nf..ai. li .! ..,,. H. i.l i. u i, " " V . rfa'ti-o, cv. J " nri v no llllBlBJLG, Ml want to be happy, for should your wheel be! nve minutes, as it is equipped with the world lightest and stronReBt wheel in the market J 26 and 24 lneh wheels, at $05. $55, $-15 respect-1 JefTeryManf. Co'. "Rambler Bicycles." Main! House. - 885 and 8100. OUR STOCK V OF . . . ; SPACE IS i . TOO HEAVY : AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD l 1 F1IIS