Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 10, 1895, Image 3

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C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
''For five year9, 1 suffered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills;
but could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and
leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles
Here and There.
was eeea on our streets
being twisted up in knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane, I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
In clay, in sulphur, In poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
AYEIt'S FILLS cure Headache.
Take Notice.
Harry Jones is in from Butter creek.
Wm. Bauuders was tip from Lexington
Geo. Noble
J. J. Acikina was in from his Rhea
creek ranob Sunday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
n alia Walla. Wash.
E. 0. Frey and C. D. Coleman are in
from the Hardmao district.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Ben Matteson, Booompaaied by his
wife, was down from Matteson preoinot
Rev. E. P. Green preached two ex
cellent sermons on Sunday last at the
M. E. cburob.
W. J. Browulee and J. 0. Williams,
ot tue Joud Day section, were in yester
day for freight.
A. rending circle has been organized
and meets Friday evening in the offioe
bills & Lyons. .
A premium to cash purchasers at
Phill (John's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tt.
Fhill Gohu returned home this morn
log from Portland where he has been
visitiLK for the past ten days.
Best aooommodation and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
ana Wash. Sts.. Portland, Oregon.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker,
Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
bamsick building, Heppner, Or. tt
Look in J. W. Vaugban's show oases
and see If you can't buy notions cheaper
than you ever saw them before. 94tt
When you want to feel merry call on
Linhe Sperry, at the Belvedere Saloon,
where they keep the finest wet goods in
town. tf.
W. J. Leezar sells a one pound pack
age of tea, "Grown" brand, at 50 ceDts
aud giveB in audition one silver plated
teaspoon. a
T. R. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line
See bis new ad. tf
1. The snm of Ave cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lints of wedding presentg and donors.
nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
aotlces of special meetings for whatever Durnoee.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
3ntertalnmenta from which revenue is to be do
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave
enis a line, mese rules will bo strictly adher
fld to in every Instance
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
jpon application.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
lonu Day and canyon city, leaves as follows :
Every day at A a. in., except Hunday.
Arrive" every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest aud best line to or
from the interior country,
Phill Cohn, Agent.
Extra Pele Star Brewery Bter
In Half Pint Bottles can be
had ouly at tho
City Hotel Bar!
Where high grade Liquors aud Cigars aro also
kept by Ted.
Hay Fob 8al. I have 75 tons of
excellent wheat hay on the Al Buyers
place 8 miles above Olex, which I will
ell very retwuttble. Good location (or
feeding stook. On Rock Creek, Gilliam
Go., Oregon.
6w. O. Q. Boyd.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. C , will find it to bis
advantage to call on or address this pa
per, 5tt
O. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where he will dispense at popular prices,
bavee, sbarapioa. haircuts, etc.
Bn Mathews ia now sots proprietor of
the oitr meat market where be keeps a
fresh supply of brer, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baooo aud lard, which he sells
for the lowest market price. Fred Bock,
the Portland botrber.is still with him. tf
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregnnian, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the 0r.ti. Ix.tti strict
ly in advance, one year, 1 60. No better
combination of nespp rs ran be made
Id the state. llesMew we will give as a
premium an additional Journal, tbe Web-
foot Planter, an strrienltcral paper.
Come in now ami enrvirirn.
The bishop of the Episcopal oluiroh
will not be present Thursday evening as
was announoed, but Rev. Potwine will
preach in his stead.
J as. Hart is suffering with a sore pro
bosois, the result of a slight aooident
wbioli occurred wliile at work In the
cellar of the drug store.
To retain an abundant bead ot bair of
a natural color to a good old age, the
hygiene of the soalp must be observed.
Apply Hall's Hair Reoewer.
Ed Reese, well known to Heppner
people, oame in this morniug and will
drive the branch engine during Pat's
absenoe ot a few days in quest ot dnoks.
Cull on Pbill Cobn for fine wines and
liquors for medioinnl purposes. A com
plete line of Key West clears, and a
premium ticket for the $100 Victor
bioycle. tt.
Farmers and stockmen are rejoicing
over the recent precipitation wbioh has
started the grass and grain growing.
The rain which tell last night will do
much good.
The Christmas entertainment at the
M. E. ohnrcb, Houth, in this plaoe, to be
given on the evening of tbe 25tb, prom
ises to be a suocess. Tbe publio are cor
dially invited.
Shilob's Cure, tbe great Congh and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses only 25c.
Children love it. Sold by Wells A War
ren, Druggists.
Filot Rock Reoord: Roy Glasscock ar
rived from Heppner last Monday even
ing and will hold down a esse in tbe
Farm Record oflloe ODtill we get ont our
"Orphans Home ' edition.
Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A , San Diego,
Cel. says: "Shilob's Catarrh Remedy is
the first medioine I have ever found that
would do me any good." Price 60c.
Wells A Warren, Drnggists.
J . W. Kerns, the city painter, is pre
pared to do all kinds ot painting and
paper banging and will do house clean
ing and take np and put down carpete
Ollice on Maia street, opposite City
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heupner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day except Bunday. Shortest and cheap
est ronte to the Interior. P. Onhn
An opening enrial will be held at II
W. G T. U. reading room on Tuesday
eveoiog Deo. 10, which will be free
ever) one. and tbe pnblio are roidially
invited to atteol. Ad Interesting1 pro
gram will be rendered. ff i 0
Mr. C, H. Molsaao, representing the
Republican League Register, came in
this morning and is interviewing oar
stalwart republicans. Mr. Molsaao rep
resents tbe republican organization in
the state, and all members ot that party
should be loyal in giving assistance in
getting np tbis review ot republicans
and republicanism in tbe state of
Died At Cord oft Carrigallio. Co.
Leitrim, Ireland, in November, this year,
Maggie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Carty, and sister of Jss. and
John Carty, of Ibis oounty. She was
about fifteen years of age and well liked
and respected by alt of her friends and
acquaintances. Jas. Carty received the
sad news last Saturday.
Boys may be bad (and sometimes girls)
for (1) ordinary servioe at wages; (2)
upon indenture, to work, attend sobool.
and be brought up somewhat as your
own; and (3) children may be bad for
legal adoption. Address, W. 1. Gard
ner, Supt, Oregon Boys' nrjcl Girls' Aid
Society, Portland, Oregon. 3-5
Pilot Rock Record : In Morrow oounty
the dry fall has kept tbe grass baok, so
that now there is almost none for tbe
stock. Some sheepmen have been feed
ug some time already, ajd as bay and
straw are very scarce, we fesr that many
will fare rather roughly tbis winter.
Sheriff Harrington returned from Long
Creek Sunday evening, having in charge
hrnest Kussell, wanted in Ulaokamas
oounty for the murder of one Brown.
He was taken to tbe Junction last night
and turned over to the Clackamas
oounty sheriff, E. C. Maddock. '
Ayer's Pills, being composed of tbe
essential virtues ot the best vegetable
aperients, witnout any ot tbe woody or
fibrous material whatever, is the reason
why they are so muoh more eflective and
valuable than any other cathartics.
The best family physio.
One Dobbins was arrested Saturday
last and arraigned before Judge Freeland
oharged with trespass npon tbe land of
Henry Wade, lie plead guilty to the
charge and was fined 85 and costs, which
snm be paid, and was allowed to go on
bis way rejoicing.
Ben Swsggart bad $700 loss paid off
by draft just before the failure of tbe
State Ins Co. The draft was not hon
ored, as the baok of deposit bad failed,
and Ben will go down this week to see
if he cao depend on getting anything
out of it.
Charley Jones, the well-known "old
timer" in the tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite tbe city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
Rosebnrg Review: Dr. J. L. Hill,
talked of as a candidate for congress on
tbe populist ticket, ran tor mayor of
Alrjany, Monday, and reoeive l 31 votes
out of a total of bb4. That ought to nip
the dootor's little bloom in tbe bud.
A Swindlb- During tbe last six
months. Senator Mitobell and Repre
sentatives Hermann and Ellis have re
ceived many letters, signed by different
persons in Oregon, requesting that tbe
book on disease of tbe horse by Dr.
Salmon, issued by the agricultural de
partment, be forwarded totbem. On a
comparison of the handwriting ot these
letters it has been found that tbey were
all written by the same person, and, on
investigation, it has been ascertained
that some one has been traveling
through Oregon selling some kind of a
recipe for onring horse diseases, tbe
seller assuring each purchaser that if be
would use tbe recipe he would be en
titled to a copy of this horse book by
writing to some member ot the dele
gation, he invariably writing tbe letter
at tbe same time. Senator Mitchell has
written a letter to the secretary of
agrioulture demanding" that a speoial
agent be directed to make a thorough
investigation of the swindle. Orego-
nian Di'patch.
None But Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been the only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Cbioago. Manufacturers
ot other Barsaparillas sought by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under the
application ot the rule forbidding the
entry ot patent medioine and nostrums
The decision of the World's fair autho
rities in favor ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medioine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums.
here on its merits."
Tired Women
Must have strength or they will be In the
suffering despair of nervous prostration.
The true way to win vigorous health is to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla which will build
np strength by making pure, rich blood;
thus it will also feed the nerves upon their
proper nourishment, create an appetite,
tone the stomach invigorate every organ.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
is what tired women need the one True
Blood Purifier prominent in the public eye.
Hood's Pills S
Uood'a Sarsaparilla
Cummings & Fal
Of the Old Reliable
It is
Pure drugs, ohemioals, paints, window
glass and a complete line of stationery
at lowest prices and a ohanoe to wiu a
$100 prize at Pbill Oohn's drug store,
next door to Minor & Co. tt.
ATTKNfio Ninir.r.
To Holler ot Folioii'S la the Klete
Id. Co.:
Tbe Mate Iosnraoea Co. having failed
W. II. Dermao, Dave Arkerruso, M
Kol.n, A A. Ten, tl. i. MoMaooe. W
J. Clark. Ton. O. Greene and M
Mailnra, all onmroerciel men, were pa
seogers oo tbe branch tram this mora
lug and are registered at tbe I'alaoe.
I It Is ofleo a tnvsterv bow a cold baa
I will take tip your policies, give you a be,,, csoghl." The fsot is, however
n nnliAv In a first olsss ooroosoy. and that when the blood is poor and the
.How vti rfedit for all noeatnrj " depressed, one berv.m pecnllar
, ' Iv liable to disease. When the eppe-
premion. ' tile or the e'rwrmtb MU. Ayer's Harse-
K h. FsFaXAKD.
parill shnntd be taken without delay.
Board of Tbadk Meeting The j
Heppner board trade met Friday even-
ing in the oounoil chamber, Pres.
Conser, presiding, end Seo'y Horner
present Minutes of previous
meeting rend and approved Tbos.
Morgan presented his report as right-of-way
agent ot tbe board of trade and in
all it was very favorable. On motion
tbe report was aooepted and Mr. Mor
gan discharged from further attendance
on right-of-way matters Bills
allowed: W. F. White, $13 25; Tom
Morgan, $6.75, Mr. Morgan was
appointed to attend county court of
Grant oounty, to meet on Jan, 8th
Committee on bylaws report progress.
Ou motion, further collections
were ordered on amount subscribed.
.R. F. Hynd was sppointed in
plaoe ol Mr. J. R. Simons as one of tbe
flnanoe committee. Adjonrned to
meet next Wednesday evening to adopt
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
y., u. m. tft Kt. r, C- ot A , r. Ft. w. s u.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Kali roads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t.,
WANTED: S veral trustworthy gentlemen
or Indies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary 7n0 and expenses.
Htesdy position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelop j. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
111. marl.
The World has the Money,
We Have the Goods !
They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop
goods either, but goods of today, bought
for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold
on their merits and at prices that will have
you to call again.
We Select Our Stock,
After careful examination, we then have
the best at correct prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will
greatly please us. We aro determined to please and
excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en
ables us to excel all competition.
Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or.
The Gazette man bad an interview
yesterday with Ernest Russell, tbe
alleged murderer of an old man down
in Olaokamas oonnty, recently. It will
appear in Friday's lssae.
For 822.50 I will sell a first class, high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years, For further partiou-
trs oall on or address, JN. A. Ijeaob,
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
Mr. Thompson, brother of Walt.
Thompson, cams in from tbe "half way"
station, beyond Parker ft Ulesson s
Sunday last, going ont again this morn
Tbe Chinook Las played havoo with the
white mantle on the top ot Heppner's
bills, but tbe Gazette is informed tbat
much snow yet remains in tbe mountains.
Mathews Bros.. City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Hsirouttiog, shsving,
shampooing, etc., done eoieutifioally.
Hatha at 2d oente apieoe.
D. A. Herrin has sent back for a 8100
"progressi a" Fox bonnd. Dr. J. W'
Norse, ot Talmyra, Mo., raises this
Elmer Sloonm, the artist, will make
cabinet photos for tbe neit 30 days at
(2 per dozen. Oallery opposite opera
house. tt.
Kaoh 25 cent purchase entitles yon to a
ticket for tbe 8100 bleyole at Thill
Colm's drug store, next door to Minor A
Co. tt.
Jsy Devins, F. F,. Bell, Hardee Long,
R Linallenod!0.U. Allison represent
ed tbeir respective sections last Satur
A three cornered fight at Matlock's
Saturday night demolished tbe stove
bat aid little burin ctboraiee.
co-partner hip heretofore existing between
9. W. Meadows and W. P. Rcrivuer, under the
Arm name of Meadows & Hcrivner, doing bnsl
uess as blacksmiths In the town of Heppner,
hai this day been dissolved by mutual consent,
8. w. Meadows will continue tne Business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills for the sulit firm.
All accounts must be settled by casn or note
Mr. Werivner desires to state to the public that
he will continue his business as wagon maker
and repairer at the same stand, and guarantees
satisfaction as heretofore.
Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, 195. 1M-03
When most needed it is not unusual
for our family physician to be away
from borne, tiuch was tbe experience of
Mr. J. Y. Sobenok, editor of tbe Caddo,
Ind. Ter., Banner, when his little girl,
two years ot age was threatened with
severe attack of croup. He save: "My
wife insisted tbat I go for the doctor,
but as our family physician was out of
town I purchased a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Hemedy, wbioh relieved
ber immediately. I will not bs without
it in tbe future." 60 cent bottles tor
sale by Thill Gohu, druggist.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Horner & Rhea,
.IIIAtXjrAftTt.fU fuR-
Dry Goods, Hoots
and Caps, and
Gent's Furnishin
than ever before.
and Shoes, Hats
a complete line A
Goods cheaper
Youth Fot 'lYnch',
e e e flees Netieel Gees uif
,iuvi.-i-Lr.- -'' t'iii'MA.
T. K. end II. W. Bartholomew, of
Cbiesgo, are visiting their brother, A
O. Bartholomew, of Alpine.
Wash Thomns in was in ton yestsr
dsy. He is busy getting some wood
dowo from tbe mountains.
T. J. Allyo was up from lone Katur
dsy to atteod r-gnlar communication
of tbe Mssooie fraternity.
Tbe Iloppoer Masons ami Eastern
Htar members are preparing fur ft big
feed oo tbe 27lh lost.
It is delightfnl winter so far. but the
old-timers ssy "Look out for January
and February."
J. T. Jones, an attorney of Walla
Walls, is brre looking over our section
and may locate.
Mike K-ooy was visitor to Ilppnr
HxturJty, l.svibg reoovsrsd from his
rvecut nines.
Julibny Avers anil wife and Miae
Msv Hale were lo from Duller crrtk
Ils'rio's g!lery window is qiite at
trsetiva. liie gallery smII be opeo
A danee was given ont at Boh W st
ains' plans, at ' the esJdle," last Frldsy
L. O. Conner has lell boot and
aim bp lo the Abthan sirk baildina.
l'ipf bri.( of lb lor part of tie
ootitiir), ! lu ob hii'iifit hatarday.
Th ads. of Mnor k Co. ami
Ilorner k lib df s p-ci.l aiuetton.
I'liete CbarUy Walls. was 4oa
fnta his Balm fu'k ImuoU M.tuids.
11. . Vtern ant Tb--s. Itavidsoa
re lu from tvtfht Mt-e )Urdv.
(tarn To the wit of lUa Of, at
Lln.to, I4. 4, a pound girl.
It Wads is does frm AUa, and
li lue la li't kr t e'iuf.
Chs. fuel l d .n ' fvf!
LiTERAHY Notes. The literary program
of tbe H. L. St D. society was op to the
usual slundard on last Kaurday evening.
The debate was interesting and hotly
contested. The remainder ot the pro
gram was good. Tbe qtioati in ot hold
ing private meetings three nights
in each month was agitated after tbe
close of tbe general meeting last 8 a tor-
day. Tbe doors will be open to the
public ncit Saturday at which time the
permanent plans of tbe sooiety wilt be
made known. The invitation system
does not work admirably and other plana
will have to be adopted in order that
the society may meet with tbe desired
snooess. All are invited to tbe mil
riles! I'lk-al licking Piles.
hymptnms Moisture; intense itching
nd stinging; most at bight; worn by
scratching. If allowed to Continue
tumors form. hicu often hired and
nWrale, becoming very sore. Hwatnb a
Ommiit stops tbe itching and bld
log, teals ulcf riitinn, and in moat ease
r-mov the In mors At draggiats, or
by mail, for fiOoeots. I)r. HwaynaA Hon,
trlct, Morrow County, State ol Oregon,
W. E. Kahlur,
W. E. Dennis,
Defendant. I
To the Cointable of the Sixth District, Morrow
t ounty, state ot Oregon:
In the name of the stalo of Orccon, we com
maun you to mimmom n , h. Dcnnta to appear
before tho undcmiKned. a Jounce of the I'eace
In District No. A, in mild County and state, on
or before the 11th day of January, IWsi, at the
hour oi in o'clock a m., al my onice in iicpp
per, in nald District, County and Htate. to answer
the complaint of W. E. Kahler. founded on an
express contract and wherein tbe nld plnlnttfl
demands Judgment for the sum of Kllly-nne aud
3310(1 ( il.lM) Dollars and costs of this action;
and In case he falls so to answer for a I there
of, the plalntlll w ill take judgment agnlnst hint
for the sum of Kfty-one aud IM-lou Dollar! and
costs of this action,
This summons la published by order of E. 1..
Freeland, Justice of tho I'eaca for tho Sixth
District, Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated November iilst,
K. I- FltEKI.ANI),
:nil-07. J ustlce of the Peace,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
TjDderehirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
WagonB and Soap
Pocket Knives and Overalls
Tea Fots and Tomatoes
Also some other things
lug of the stockholders of the llcpiuier
Holloing ct lian Au 4-latloii will lm held at
their orhce la Heppner, Oregon, mi the second
Tuesday of January, li, between the hours of
10 a. m and 4 i in. of s d day, for the purixiae
ol electing- directors lor the ensuing tear.
Kit K lllnlioi',
Heppner, Or , Dee. S, lv.tt. gut Hee'y.
Ux Till r.RA! n.-Last Friday the
piledriver train pulled into Heppner,
with Larry lls)e, tbe Orst loootnotive
engineer for tbe branch, at tbe tbrottU
Tbe train is id charge of Oioduotor W
I). Harding, while Wm. Alljn, formerly
of Ibis county, is foremen of tbe gang,
Mr. Allvn has two brothers with the
outfit, also old residents of Morrow. It
is the ioleiition to replace rotten piles
ll log of the sUk tholdera of The National
Bank (if llcpiuier
louse, In Heppner, on the an
111 lx held at Its hanking
i IH-ftdnV of
January, letceu the hours of lo a m aid 4 p.
m of said day, lor tin puroa of electing dlrw!
tors for the eusii.ng y-ar
Mi K. Hlfill'T, i astner.
Heppner, Or., ler. 4, l'V. t.'i Jin.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time. Wc
are going out of business.
fell imos.
) Orande, Oregon, Nov.
I'.tll. Com
plaint tiattg liceii made al Oils nflice by lha
1'ily riM.-.l snout II ol imiic mi miile. ill..-.
Ins Hist U in. II Vanhlse, who mad llmlier
Culture entry No. l.ii al Ilia Un.l omi at I
tiran-le. Oregon, on the Can day of ei-eiitt,er,
sl, lor the 4 of V, Hee. I.lp is, Kl , .
M . naa winiiiy anaii'iotieo me sm trai l . mai
(lalmallt has failed lo plant a n T tree lim said
tract r.l la d al any time since Ihe entry of Ilia
same and that there la not now any tre-s gruar
lug thereon as ly law required
'I heretore, with a view of Ilia cancellation of
the .sine, the aald iMftlea are each hi-iri.T re-
J . C. 1 iOllCri 10 US, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
iiulreit and aiiniinoiie. to te anl ep-ar tiriora
J w, Morrow. t-.ninly rler
Oregon, al his oflu In lleppn
rlrr. ( Morrow rottiity,
r. Oregon. on ll.e
I rid day nl January, I-"., al the hour olio
0 dura, A.M. and produce am h lllinoi.y a
they may hare role eritlng lha aald allegations
1 he tins! hearing to h had la-tor the register
and receiver at Im iirande. I tregoli, un January
l.th, !., at louilo'k A M
H F WfiaoN. Iteglster.
'1"1 t II k'iiMI, Ke..-Ir.
hoi it r. of mix
N 'otter t naiiFHV hiiri that
relet SH'I l-t tlrtur id d--'e S"d lil-l'l
all aloes lha line aith tiw dries, and I ' duly made and eutare.1 on v. th -y
. ... . . I In the msllel ot the e.1.1. ..I I, W II
three weeks
nil be consumed In the ! da. i,t the i ounty nun. .i n..
Karl's Clover Itit, the great lllnod
panfler, gives freebneae and elearneMi In
the Cutnplettoo and rores (Vnliiiion,
2.1 eta.. Ml els.. l. M-.ld by Wslls A
Warreo, Irroggisla.
HtaTI iKsrassfS I'ounss.-As the
Hi aie losareoee Cimtisriy ha cl".l it
doors, policy holders should l. after
I heir ItiStiranre. Those holditg il tries
lo this rvirnpsny ran have same !
chst.ej for B iK'lley, with r red It
given for the eterol or re'orn
iremlun, by tailing tt the Usstls
.me. If.
l prolyl
lha uielerlgitel as a'linlotlrab.r of lha aal-l
eslale. w III otlrf for rati al pul.lir aM' Hon. In 'he
hlaheal l,l-..-f lot rash In hand on Salord
January It. Iv al Ho rm a r, lha lorer,.M.it of
II, al day al Ihe Iron! d .r ol Ihe court h'.oae. In
Hri.t.iM-r Morr,a i r.ui.iy iireg..,, all the M
ll-g dear rld leal liro rly la-l'.l.sll.g lo lha
aM.ta ,aui. aatate siluale-l III M'HH.S I oiritf
Itrrgon, loall lha ai,ll,pl tiartrr .
k. Hon Iwelte HI In Tow l.l - thr i i a.,,,11,,
Itar.ga taeoty Ihrpa l.'l, I a.l tSlltamella
Mrri-Han sal-f aaie la reade sii, I to ail !(.
liiifliioiniteiitiotii'is et isliog upon lha aald
fal tf..rlv. aud S il.i I lo II, a roonro-
(all aa ea lo I tua-la hf lha linn aolH.e-l
( o inly 4.urt.
AMilir ke,p
Administrator of II. a eaiala of . IS, If
flrlan. .aM
Iwud this .in lat 4 en,ir K "i
Sw f$iu TskD. Wm. (hn has
opeexl np the feed ysrd test d'r In
Ilia Osaedta .(?! e, an1 tn anile ts a
share of your ffroasge. liilly te right
at borne at Ibis trainees, n, ,r
bore t sail I.e. ie. after. I'rieew
ameshl. UsV and f'aie f'tf salts, tf.
AI'KIMslK ton a NUIIi a.
V"ti' f. t iirsrsr idtri
li sM.it M l.sa in 4i
if a,ti..ud h
llisra-iiiit t.o,rt .f M..rr. so'iulf rtg,.,i
a.1a,l',tslraot r l, salale rd AI.Hn I.
In.rhia .1 and ail t.ao..a ha.i
a.ain s sgal-si aald ea-aa a' t,.tia
v, l...aai,t tt.a aa-aa, n-.iy sarlnad. said ad
ft li.iat.atot al ll.e . . ..I J a a" . I
Hi i."' . tr-..i, it., in ait mouths Irma Ih
4aia u4 I'.i h-li.a
J A .eifrsr.
A l.ln.tua.f
I 1 Ha-. AU t.a? A-1r
iil . In, r..
"There i a lidf, in the njjfmvt oj tmn
That, iflaken at its floi, U nit on to fortune."
Tho i1xHs is Iuto aud to U
With ft full line of
II.trl wait. Tiitwui-f. CJhiHHwaii. CJnK'korv, Wcxxl
ftml WIllowwHnnCi'iIjtrTithH at IlHlrixrlc l'rlt'Csj.
Ttiey run aa Mghl
1l.r run in lha elht
Tim fttily Eicluaivo Ian!wa.r Klri ln twcfti Tb Dallit ami l'ci tlleton
Hriioer, ... Orrtfuu.
EI I Ml I I For tho Cunt o.
G616V IKlltllw , L,'iu"r'oi,ium u Tobacc uw,s
V I It ts torai.4 si swl.aa, (",
fns V -sf 'ensflaf 7W on IA4 Otef
rail si O.iertg se. Inf fa rt lea lata
etrwu, eon lean. Jrtaxa.aal art's la Sad Sara
Jte Itsnni.fee. r.f UsrlmsO. im !l. w W '
lnt Hit) lay atti Jeaiefay
Ur'a-h't-aline- es in i-.s t"4y er.4 t .1 lit t T 1 f ' f' C
r..fi.f.it ar.ie .l i.sdt. , I S tllC rlACC f Ol ITCSlI V jTO( (TIC ( AK, ) l r
r t r v i
re.i.. L lM Un v.
f.nsl.a'e i,f at.e k la ll. Sa l .sl
H .i k .f ll,pfcef. A4JeM lw Lard I.
Oit, Kseclwr. AMisfttfB, Onr e, osif.
ffiHH 8l'V, CHB iW PUS tlWirS VV HMD
jr. w.
Sa4 to f. IV Vss t.y. " '
Hns iverythlria In tha lino of Frcnh Groceries,
Cnndicfi, Nuts ond iho keeps Crockery,
Lump iitxl Tinware.
Stock is Comploto. Notions a Specialty,