IrYOUAgElOOMNGfOR) mm it top B AZETTE VENEZUELAN TROUBLES. President Cleveland has gone to the seashore again to recuperate from the Btrain he has been sub jected to during the preparation of his message to congress. The democrats would do well to nominate Cleveland for president next year. They are already beaten. So they may as well run Cleve land, the man to whom largely tbey owe their defeat and let the people sit down on him so ,he can see himself as others see him a dead duck. Ex. Paul Mohb is out buying his right-of-way for bis portage around Turn water and Celilo. He is re peating the much worn story that the portage will be completed in highest affords. office this government A wab with Great Britain is something that the United States should not undertake without due provocation, but a thorough in vestigation Bhould be made in regard to the Venezuelan affair, and if this investigation develops the fact that England is attempt ing to seize the territory that rightfully belongs to our South American neighbor, we should in form them that an attempt of that nature would be met with armed resistance from the Venezuelans, supported by this government, and there should be immediate prepa rations to back this demand up with a military display that will IONE ITEMS. Considerable excitement is prevalent over the liability of a war between this country and England, with the Venezuela con troversy the cause. The Daily News, an English liberal organ, comments in this manner: "Presi dent Cleveland knows better than to treat the Monroe doctrine as if it were a rule of international law It is neither dignified nor politic for the administration at Wash-' ington to take up the quarrels of South American communities which do not deserve the notice of civilized nations. America will find some day that this sort of patronage involves a corresponding responsibility, and they will not like that at all." It seems that the action now on foot is a direct violation of the Monroe doctrine, and in respect to our forefathers, and for the best interests of our nation, it is requisite that our government stand firm, even if war be necessary to proclaim our rights. It tne ingusn press thinks that in taking up this quarrel as it terms it, we will in volve any great responsibility, wo, the powerful nation that we are, can shoulder it Right and justice inspire a nation to bravery as do tbey an individual. The Capital Journal remarks thus: "War be tween the United States and Eng land is threatened. It can be avorted only by surrender on tho part of England. Tho contention over the Monroe doctriue has reached a stnge which will produce the gravest anxiety on both sides of the Atlantic until the facts bocomo kuowu. If the American congress will nujwt t tho prowl 1 i 1 . . . deiii, unci oi una tiiero can bo no doubt, Circat Ihitain will bo given tho choice of surrendering or light- ing." Hho Las been given this choice, and a reply lias been ro cei ved, tho content of which have Hot yet been Hindu public. There is however, littlo dmiger of a war between Uichu imtionH. At (titra tion, tlio inure Immune uny of KttliiigallcoiitroverHieH, will likely to icHortod ta time to haul the next crop. This make our English cousins know much is certain, he has been buy- we mean it. Elgin Recorder, iug right-of-way and paying the cash for it. Pendleton Tribune. The Arlington Record must re member that the Gazette is a re- The Pendleton Tribune man publican paper; that it believes squeals like a pig when you pinch thoroughly in the principle of pro- him. Jle wasn t tne cleric down tection. lnen there can be no at the legislature who got there room for further difference on that because of ring influence on a point. In addition there should be committee that had nothing to do, a protection that will extend to the but his "sub" did. He wasn't the debtor and at the same time not man who was too drunk most of wrong the creditor. Legislation the time to attend to a clerkship, should aotbe tolerated that makes but it was somebody else. Pretty money of ultimato redemption soon there will be proof shown dearer aid debts harder to pay that there was even no whisky in A dollar should be worth a dollar, Salem, and then the alibi will be but it should not have 100 ceats complete. added to its value. JOX. Senator Chandler has intro luced a bill for the unlimited coinage of gold and silver at a ratio of 1 to 15. It provides however, that should the bill pass, it shall not take effect until England, France and other foreign nations adopt like measures. This is another step towards gaining the proper monetary system for this His Grace And what dot country and should the bill meet Peot Jovt daughter? " I A lit with all round approval, the United States will take the lead in tho free coinage of the white metal. MBrie What's the secret of learning to ride a bicycle? Meg Reverse the soriptures. Marie How so? Meg Always let your left leg know what your right leg doeth. New York World. Considering the failnre of this year, lone has received quite a lot of grain this fall. A few inobea of snow bave fallen dar ing the week bat the mild weather has melted it. Those who have predicted that lone will be soattered to the four winds, have predicted in vain. Owing to the sickness of the wife of Rev. Drake, he will Dot be able to prrnoh here Sunday, tie will fill bis appoint ment at the earliest possible conven ience. There was a good attendbnce at the A. P. A. lecture the other evening. The gentleman and bis wire gave some solid faots, of whioh mauy people seem to be ignorant. They simke in a very forcible manner. Now that grain raining, hog and obick- en baBiness have played out, what else is there for the farmer to do but to break bis head trying to think of something to keep the wolf from the door? Your Eight Mile correspondent hits the mark. The powerful arm of the A. P. A. reaches Morrow oounty and captures lone. Over a dozen joined and formed a sooiety in this town and a tew more bave joined Binoe. Woe to all nnpatriot io oitizens who dare to rise up as cndi- dates for office. The A. P. A is non partisan and will vote for no traitors, whatever party. Our people extend congratulations to the happy young couple, Mr. Dave Diokson aod Miss Ollie King, obief par ticipants in the wedding recently held. Though the wedding bells in this vicini ty often become rusty and unmansgeable from inaotion, it takes men of Mr. Dick son's energy to set them going. Best wishes for the future. Friday morning witnessed the arrival of Mrs. Alice Keller, a sister of Mrs. Ferd Balsiger, and her son Edward. They bave oome all the way from High land, 111., via the Union Paoifio and ex pect to make lone their permanent borne. There is now quite a settlement here from Illinois and there is no doubt that immigration will follow. Ionb, Deo. 9, 1895. Jake, HER FIRST BLOOMERS. Bhe Did Not Know Which Way, and the Tailor Feared to Tall Her. From the Washington Star. A well-known Washington lady who baa become a great bicycle enthusiast intends to take an extensive wheeiing trip with ber hnsband. Becaose of the icoonvenience of skirts, she deoided to adopt bloomers, and left ber order and measure with the ladies' department of a well-known tailor. la anserto a card to "call at ber earliest convenience to try on," she dropped in the other day. The lady Biter at tbe time was not id, but the new woman said that didn't make any difference, she woald try tbem on snyhow. She was therefore ushered into the small dressing room find tried the patienoe of tho proprietor and cutter. who awaited her appearance, for she was gone a good while. When she oame out she was in bloom ers, but not in a ypry equable frame of mind. TurMDjj to tbe proprietor, she exclaimed: "Tis a horrid fit. I don't see how you ooald have made suoh a botch. I dou't know just how they ought to be, but I know they are not right. I can scarcely breathe. Where tbey ought to be tight tbey are loose, and where they ought to be loose they are tight." The proprietor looked at tbe outter and the outter looked at the proprietor. The proprietor blushed, but the cutter, who was behind the lady's back, smiled, and boldly winked at his employer. Then tbe proprietor determined on beroio measures. Gently but firmly, he said : "My dear madam, if you will kindly return to the dressing room and pnt tbem on right side before, I think you will find that tbey fit all right." Sadly she disappeared behind tbe cur tain and said never a word. germlife The doctors tell us, now-a-days, that disease germs are everywhere ; in the air, in the water, in our food, clothes, money ; that they get into our bodies, live there, thrive and grow, if they find anything to thrive on Consumption is the destruction of lung-tissue by germs where the lung is too weak to conquer them. The remedy is strength vital force. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, means the adjustment of lung strength to overcome germ-life. It is fighting the germ with the odds in our favor. These tiny little drops of fat-food make their way into the system and re-fresh and re-invigorate it. Whether you succeed with it or not depends on how good a start the germs had, and how carefully; you can live. The shortest way to health is the patient one. The gain is often slow. 50 cents and $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemnts. New York HEPPNER, CORE FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN. may I M. II. De Yodno thinks democ racy will still stand a show by adopting the free silver plank. They will have to resort to some thing other than Cleveland doc- American Millionaire Well bow would two millions strike yon? His Oraoe That will do; only io view of the financial unrest in America, I want a gold payment claim inserted la tbe oon tract. I don't want any bimetallism in mine. Harper's Bazar. "I want a quarter from you for that starving family on Bottle alley." "Meroy! I can't spare a oent. My Major 0. T. Pioton is manager of tbe State Hotel at Denison, Texas, which tbe traveling men say is one of the best hotels in that section. In speaking of (Jhamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Major Pioton says: "I bave used it myself and in my family j for several years, and take pleasure in saying tbat I consider it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. 1 always recommend it, and bave frequent ly administered it to my guests in tbe otel, and in every case it bas proven tttelf worthy of nnqnalified endorsement. For sale by Pbill Cobn, druggist. DIGEST OF LAND AND FINING DECISIONS 1 ,1 Ml I ? I- I u li.o or uioy wm bid into oouvion ar, for ue obarity dance will oosl me nover to be remembered. By $200!" Cleveland Press. adopting a silver plank and making a desperate- fight they will only be A Matter of Prlooiple. "Tommy, do remembered as a party, never Tu lve J00' teacher?" fttmin to liavn control of tho mt "I wonld If she wasn't my teaoher," powerful nation, on the globo. "You can fool part of the people, part of the time, but you can't fool all the people nil tho time." aid Tommy. "She's Indianapolis Journal. awful nioe." 1'MTF.U PTATM VH. Knglatul WoMAS'n tointxT Im always boou "ttootaculur, but thorn nio poHsilulitio in-vor droiuixsl ot when the uow woman dicovrrn that the hired girl ha worn Iht bloomers out on a bicycle rido. Ci rant Co. Now. (;oNonr.H linn evidently rnn to lj generally tended an a hatidt cap to tho Dalit hi d prosperity. lUitli Dun and lUtletrooU evpros surprise that the at work' pro ceeding at WaHliingti.ti have hurt MiMnoaa so imio. r.voiiii'if loie. KrW' PrniuxTa motion i.t a now trial wm ow-ruled last Friday by Judge Uutphy and tin primmer sentenced to Im hang!, lie will taka an aptx'al to tho supreme court aod in the meantime mil !o con C nod in tho Sun tjitetilin prison. I T aims that Corbelt and Fit, iruraom are declined to meet in a pugilistic encounter jet Hie Utint rumor ia that there will In a fight January loth bet a eon for KUan l Fitiimmm, an. I it ill take place Ihro and one half miles from LI I'aao, Tctaa -State Journal. The battle ahip Texan, of the U. H. navy after being hauled up ou tlin dry dock, and exteimivo re paint Hindi', iim.lo a trinl trip in w hicli hIio nn't with another mm- Tnm Anjerry of the University of Texas bas trouble in meeting bis bills. To a creasing oreditor be said: "I can't pay you anything this month." "That's what you told me last month." "Well, I my word, didu'l If" Teiaa Hitting. Itiioon Let me shake yonr band, dear fiii tuno which inrt'HHitatotl further hoy; this is one of tbe happiest days of foritlv repair. Thi aliiti i tin-1 y,,,,r ', ,.r I'gWl-You re too previous, old man. ' . . Tin im! to lie married until tomorrow mounn..uo.. ou. ,muti, m nmi.i "That's what I say. This is one of the h UHOil to a bettor atld mot e I hari.f data of tour Ut" Yonkura proGtablo advantage, wore alio to 8ttiman follow t'.io fato of tho "(Ireat I'.hhIimii," bo toru to piece and Papa Well, Tommy, what do you Hold for old iron. In a cno vtmM CUus ! Irln,j y.u this ll.i-Lm.l llw.r I.. . I..t .J .,...1 Chriatmaa? . .. Tomniv-Ob, Jm tbesame as usual money nmsl fooliahly and could ot of f fuln(r , c,0 think of.- im utili.tM in a manlier more advautAgooua iu strengthening our navy . Harper's Riond Table. "I eau'l offer yon anylbirg," said tbe kind bt tod lady, "but sum Cornrd Km i iuuv'h ikkuo of tho rortland 0,l hbag.' Ti I'V'niii give a full account of tho trouble that has atiaou between Jitdii Whalloy and Thomas II. Tongue, two members of the bar HHMocixtioti, and prominent valley attorney. Numerous prominent and HtiiiiaMo attorneys liava ri I t.'Hxed their belief in the inmt iciieo of Mr. Tonuue. From all account I he rlinros preferred by Jiido Whalloy are unfounded atd prompted by tnnlice. Mr. Totigua i a man of integrity and ability and that ho would bo guilty of ucli an act, are inclined to doubt. However, such prtKvad in: aro a Unbrace to the legal fraternity. Fsoi.ioi pro comment is ft. teuaiva on the president's tnean Madam," rspliw.1 Meandering Mike, "it 'u I be my salvation. !' walked four nnlrs tiiio' to flud s buus where they'd olTff n nmrtbin' txwidra dark tnral an' wlb bnnea." Waahingtno Mlar. Made Ili a I'wl at Home. Prleoo Iopelr-Yoq say Ibis mas rfors work, eves after telnf kept in the roll to imIii! !.' that? Wardoo-Ob, be il xn't uilod lh dark rell a bit. T.u , urd bM Is S llartain Oat, and had an In side n'io' Puck. "Mtjyys aul tit many one ut ny dan-bler, ebt Hnpra yoo laks lbs lleaV "Dot, my Jaf sir. my Jthls are not so larg a all that."--ltioJ lllaller. I Wr 1 kaa lK-r MBrvnas and aak sbJ tttj Sl d. ti. ore t as bait a dat's work to ct'tigre, Tha money brokers rould t' Hh-.nt siaajjtac ay hii.I atiat.wtata i.f (hat V(iti,t.nn b I with Ilia othrr On I MWSra.1 I . ..i a.. ........ .( are n.mii.g la th, Trout and wtlli 1 ,i ; t m , , i lak nf It .! am now tl In i.ik and Hi" Bin tun inm pi'hitii urn The National burgioal Institute, Paciflo Braoob, 319 Bash Street, San Franoisoo, successfully treats all oases of Ortbopedio Surgery, Diseases of tbe Spine, Hip and Euee Joints, Paralysis Piles, Fistula, Nasal Catarrh, Bow Legs, Knock Knees, all Deformities and Chronic Diseases. Their success treating these oases is shown by thous ands of references from trustworthy people all over the oonntry. Persons bavinu efflioted children or friends should convince themselves of the excellent results of the system of treatment by this Institute. One or more of these surgeons will be at tbe PhIbob Hotel. Heppner, Thursday Deo, 12th, ooe day. OlHoe hours from 8 a. m, to 1 p. m., to examine oases. Send for oiroular. llefereuoe may be bad to J. O. Hsyea, Heppner, J. F. MoFarren, Ooonebprry, J. M. Kedford, Arlington, H. Windsor, Lexington. 1 6 Famished by W. D. Harlan, land and mining attorney, Washington, D. C. PBACTtCB. Tbe allegations in an affidavit of con test will not be bell inanfUoient if tbe charges therein, taken together, set forth slate ot faots tbat warrant cancel lation. riUCTK'E AND BETTLKMENT. Settlement on a trsot covered by tbe entry of another oonfers no right as against the record entryman or tbe U. S, charge ot abandonment against homestead entry must fail where tbe entryman Is residing upon tbe land when tbe notice of oonteat is served, DSHKKT Land. Uoolamatioo i an accomplished fact where the water io sufficient volume bas hewn brought on the land and so dis posed as to render It available for di trihutioo when needed. MINERAL LASD. Land chiefly valuable (or phosphate deposits is mineral in character. When s legal location ot s mining claim bas been made on land returned as agricultural, tbs return of tbs ear veynr general is overoome, and tbe burden ot proof shifts to tbs party at lacking tbe mining claim A mining claim is not legally "known to exist" from lb location thereof If lb boundaries ot lbs olalm srs not specif! sally marked on the grnooj and due notios nf tbs location given. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON A Brand New Man! t is not meant that the man is so new, but that this paper is called upon to announce to the public that the Hard man mercantile business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to GEO. A. BROWN, A Well Known Morrow County Boy. He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr. Brown's stock and place of business will convince yon. iiardman, Oregon, Successor to W. E. KAHLER. Paul Schiller is in from Gooseberry today. Ralph Dittenboefer Sundayed in Heppner. Ram Leffer was in from tbe country Saturday. Otis Hale was over from Butter creek yesterday. "Hank" Soherxinger was In Heppner last week. W. L. Hill and Dallas Dampman were io Saturday. Jerry Brosnan, of Lena, is reported on the sick list. Judge W. F. White was down from Lexington Saturday. l.iuhe Watkins is bnsv harvesting bis (all crop ot oordwood. A King Wilson, s Portland attorney, wm tie re late last week. N. 8. Whetstone sold tbs China wood, four onrds, the other day. Joho Kilkenny 1 back from s brief vinit to friends in Portland. Mr. J. I). Manning is III at tbs resi dene of (. W. Harrington. Harry William, nf Peodleton, Is hers working with the plledriver. Nick Leathers and J. W. Hjlton were down from Uardmsn Sunday. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson k BinnB, Lower Main Street, Heppner, uregon. Tho. irntimn an veil acntialnted with Grant. HrnT, Crook. Gilliam and other counties. and can lave money and time lu making thuxe icctluni with traveling men. Prlcei in keeping with the timet. Thompson & Biisrisrs. LIVSRTMBW. IISFF1TXB. to to The Shakers bave mads a great bit. Their Ihgeetive Cordial ia said to be the tunat sot-ooaaful reined t Inr atumaob troubles ever Introduced. It alfljr relieves all pain anil die treaa after ratios, bolide up tbe lebls system sod makes tlin weak elrnog. The faot It, foods properly digeeled are better than aralld tootos. The Cordial "ot only cunlaioa fianl already lifea'ed, bnt la digester ot other fixda. Fi'od that is nut digeiei (ims more barm thee good. People who nae the Cardial Insure Ibeditfeetlosof what they eat aoj to this way get the tem Ml pf II aod arow strong. Tbe little pamphlets which tbs Hiakere have ent dratfirUt for free dmlntintmn. cotttaia mitt Inleteatiiic information on tbe enbjerl of J)eia. I.stot Is ! S mulnreol drags. It is nothing but l'tr Ihl made palatal, le. or-iim Kinrf (Irovor andonoxiurag. ing him in his rtT.nta t lotslat io favor of Jyliuny Hall. Tbey apparently sanction s-wy stop file and am freltrg Ttils fall Say i' was alrk and was SnnMoe.1 n bee tl alwal halt I ha lima I atviead feet to take ll.xi.l t NtraapanHs at It was ehe-r lhaa d-ietote and the finally rnxarnle.1 i diet A'l'f tak'IS It f . I i tlul dm tlit aaa a',l t.t alia J la Imtll on I l.ev ik I hate 'M (. I aav lMee .r.;t.tA.1tti.l fr..l. in K.I. i,ot.l ami t.titf t.aiiea ' '.!' I""'. !' "'""' . j ' ,..ajaf lis I kp II.hIs if thf rq;ttte( snl ai iy rnn a.vneaht fegrrt tha ..n of L s r..i I i. !. ail u iitMMwa'4 raisol b lm!j tilly .I-.ttojcl refr-rrnoos . VrneruM. ( , pj,.n ''f-t - .eiMa. by flr at !het j-Uoo i'l I tr. j tipw tlto fso .f it, that bo ft.irs I ..tit 11. i I.. il - .1 'M'f'.a t. 1V !. will Tltt wia.len tm'.l prul is Wing takpn by Ctotclaiul, K. or P. Msrrtas 41 lbs regale meeting- ol In liklar, Nu 2) lat the following offioers were elected foe the eMQieg term: (3 C, K R Mala bars; V. li, I- n, K.llbbi prelate, M L. Car,! all; M St I, C.C Hargfnl; K of K A . K I. Voroi; M. of T., ilfdaHalissi M. ot K. W,L. Halm,; St. et W., Tbomss QtiaiJ; I. O , Otis ratterat.a ; O. (t, J. 11 hitanns. Aiuerlraa CttraTafaor. It la no wvnilrr that foreigner ocofl at tho whl ma of rich Americana when one hear of audi a piece of extrav gance aa U hte related: Laly Hrrca ford, formerly the ducbeaa of Marlbor vutih, who w as txirn hers In the United Slutee and who married a rich New 1 orker, who afterward died, bat lu retumitl from a trip w ith her hualmnd Lr4 llcfTfiirl. They trsvehsl awav on aione into Norway, paiU Inor thou aainl iltillara tor a fishing at ream and Caiitrht two (Uh. As It la I.ady Ilerea. ford's mny, tbs devotion muat be on her aide of the houae. T. R. HOWARD 13TCALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! He' will make it an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of tbe very best Store on TO I-Ioppiier, Main Street, Next Door City Drug Store, Oregon. Utlla Slant la tattoaS. "Doe lsery anrrWe In Fngland?" Sks the London Chriat lan World, and this la the answer: "After reading Hatiirilay'a 'epeeial' nuaiber of the 'rk'hiKilmanter' on the aubjeet of 'Half timer.' we find it difficult to answer that question in tbs negative. An In pectir writes: 'I eiamlned a child w ho r at & 30, worked at a mill, and then walked a couple of mllea toesami nation. Another girl of eleven mae aonn. after a. m. and walked through the ff4 snd anow nearly tw mile to the mix Work emimriiml at land continued till M, when there was aa Interval for break faaV tho rhitd Do leaving- the mllL At work Sfaln till II so' all bonra In all -'and then din ner st the mill. At I M the child trudged, off to achool.' IIitw many Hrttuh rhlldrrn are liable to thla sort nf eiprrlrncrf No! Ira than ITO.0001 hhame on u'" hach facta are a shams Indeed, to any etvi'.lird. not U aay I'brUtlaa eotiinmnltv. nSa- 3 T I-l 33 Palace Hotel, a i vix m rrifk hntr taken full control of thit jftyuhr houtr, ami trill make it $lndhj frit clt$. MEALS. r CTS. IJEDS, 2." CTS. ffee Hatha aod Free 'tut for all Oneti, Tbe wtfa of Mr, U Itohloaon, s promt netil iirnberma of llariwtek, N, YM e elfk ilh tbenmaliam for Sr. M"ft!ba is epeakipg i.f it, Mf. KtlS n eatt: "C'htmberiaiii's t'aia lUlrs le the rifiiy tlilo thai tVe her Say real prtfi: HOOT .unifies- 1. lb only tbisf ' her say real tt t7JI-'Vvait- from pals, for tha rllf of pais It fr l ' I " f 5,4(TtlK' S.ati.l be heat" Maa . bad eaes i VL j t ?Tlii , , cf I bet ai alia m baa twee tared b . j I yt;, tMrTJ iv rr !! otrenisei b. Hie by I'LUIl If .V-W ' bava Ibis In.luatg at ,s i;i,t, ' !, an ,it actions ar r. d iu ,m a J b k. Tin re- tut it is abu-et an farter T-Utait it!i IU -ishesif ll.w'r'r'J.'I''l'r' M1 i.a.,..i t. -..t ,,..;,,.., -AS armeato f avatfva a4lrrfrt To I., ,..i In I i h V I lerl If Ml. E,tMa t i H. a I . f , I. uk ai.l la plt I. til Vtlk u t.'OU i.. r . k. K0 IIO'.Z DISCOVERED HT 10ST! " ' F Mr. rolombtis were alive to . . day and (alien) at Mat LicLton tlial's ha might make a new diaoor cry qatto as tnernorabta aa that f 14'.ri. fliils was a great diorrrer lu his day. He would at this tiruo diamver tha fSneat st-c k of Khoos trr shown in llept-nor, aod tha r hoapeat as el I. hat ntora dues mortal man want ? M. UCinr.NTHAL. Cuatoni Wmk a Hiws'ialljr. LEGAL HUSKS. Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office. . . . aaaaj4inwa.Sa i Oik Paita NOTARY PU3LIC '-.CONVEYANCER CALL AT nt ric . .i.i 1 rw viii r ru I v im that HaUm rill gst it nset that jUrpJ tin io the wrif-t l tfl the a, txal.te II I eaT H . M M I m I-hfh i