TOt'K B HANDS. While yoo neep your ubcription paid ap yea Can keep your brand in tree of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Homes GH on left honlder; out tie same on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Baird, D, W. and son. Horaei branded D B on the left hip; cs'tle the same ou left flank, crop off right ear, undercrop in the left, liange in Morrow Ctmnty. Bartholamew, A. R., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E on either shoulder, liange in Mor row countv Bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Tattle brand, ed B on left hip and thigh; split in eich fir. Brenner, Peter, Itoosoborry Oregon HrirseB branded P B on left shoulder. Cattlo Slims on right side. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on ngnt stiouiaer; cattle a on the lert side. Left ear half crop nd right ear nopor elope. Barton, Wm Hppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, .T. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in lei ter on left hip; cattle, BHTie. Brown, W. J., I,ena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoHlder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G., Hoppner, Or. Horses, box brand on righi hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shnnlder: cuttle, same on left hio. Browniee, W. J., lfox,Or Cattle, JH connected onlnftsiile; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece oat out on right ear; on hnraos Hams brand on the left thigh; Hange in Fox vulley, Grant county, Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses bmnd. ed O on right stifle ; cattlo (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. liange in Grant and Morrow counties. Oain.B., Oaleh.Or. Y 1) on horses onloft stifle! u with quarter mrcie over it, on iort snoiuuer and on left stifle on all colts aider IS years; on loft shoulder only on all horses over 5 yours. All range in Orant oounty. Cats, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Omatllla counties. Corrigall. M M. Oallowsy, Or Oattle crop ont of eaoh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle 0 on left stitio. Hange Mor. ow and Umatilla oonntios. Ourl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and undm bit in right ear, split in left ear. liano in Grant oonnty. On shoep, inverted A and Hpear point on shoulder, liar markou ewes, crop on left ear nniinhnd nnner hit in right, wethers, cron in right and nnder half crop in loft ear. All rangs In Grant countv. Oiiok. A. J..Lona.Or. Horses, SOon riuhtshnnl der; Oattle, Bamoon right hip: ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Ourrin, It. Currinsvillo, Or. -Horses, H on leftat.ille. Cox Kd. 8., Hnrdman, Or. Tattle, C with sr. in nnntar: horses. (,K on left 1ID. Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant (o , Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on loft shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Ohapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded O on right hip. Oattle braudnd the same. Aim, brands 01 on horses right thigh; ca't'e same brand on right shoulder, and out oft end of right ear. n,.nuliuis. W. M . Galloway. Or. Oattle. It Don right siile, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, li 0 on lert hip. Kly, Bros., Donglas, Or. Horses branded KLY on left shoulder, oattle same on luftltip. hole in right ear. Kmery, (!. H., nardman, Or. Horses hranded 0 (reversed 0 with tail) on loft shoulder; cat tle same on right hip. liange in Morrow county. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Oattle, LI' on right hip; horses V with bar under ou right honlder. Florence. H. P. Haponor. Or Horses, F on right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gentry, Elmer, Koho, Or. Horses branded H. H. with a quarter cirola over it, on left stifle. Hange in Morrow and Uuiatillanounties. Hiatt A. B., Hidge, Or. Cattle, round-top K with quarter oirole under It on the right hip. Itance in Morrow and Umatilla oiiii"es. Hughes, Hamnal, Wagner, Or-J" (T P I. connected) on right shoulder on hor,,: on cittle, on right hip anil on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Itauge in Hay .lack district, Morrow conn! v. Howard J li. Gtlloway, Or. f' "P fern-, with btr above I'l .m rig'it m'i-i ihh.r; rattl ..-on', on left side. Hang' in Morrow and Umatilla oou nties Hall, K lwin, J.ihn Day. Or. -Cattle K ft on right hip; hors sa ne oil right shoulder, Hange In Orant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shall heart on the left shoulder. Hanve Morrow I !o. Hunsaker, H A, Wagner. Or, Horses, U on leP honlder; caltlii, d on left hip. Iliimtihreys, J M Hardman, Or. H irses, II or lef Hank Huston. Iinther, Fight Mile, Or.- Horse II on the left shmilderaiid heart on tlm h.fl stills Oal tie same on left hio. It tnge In M-t.-r-iw .otfit Jones, Harry, lleppn -r, llr-'l in hr in 1 1 ' II . I on the left shoulder; cnMlii bra i,t, .it , ,in right Inti. also uttit..rliit in left car. Uane in Morrow county. J il ii W i it, S. VI., Huoiiner. Or'.s, ho, shun J on left shoulder, ('tttui, Hi,, sac Hange "n KI..I.I Mile. .I,, Ims mi, Kelix, Lna, Or. Horses. nireUT n left stiHe; catlle, same on right hip, under hall orop in ri"!' and .nht n left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Homes hi.t"!' KNY on U'l hip naltln same and crop ofl left esr: under shine on Ilia right hlrk 4 T., Ileno', -. -II irsi '111 en li.fl hii'll lirj .eitiln, aw .in I..M hln kii'iiliei-U'ilW, II II iint Vernii.t. Or.-I Lnn call's .,it rigid and left si. Ins. swallow '.irk in I, f tr and'f eiini in rb.lit ir. ItursiMi mtmi brand on le't sh inlde' Hange In 'Irani miy, Li.tlnii, Hiepii'ti. f.ii, r.-K I, on left hip on est In. crop and split on right ear. Horses ants brand ou hfl sluiiililnr. liangt (nant eoiiMtv. Lienallen, John W., Or U,r... brand.. I liall.'lr.'le -II. oli'n-l I .el h.fl ', . it tier 1 stile, sant tn M hio. IC in ;n. ti'.ar l,i. Ing'im l.u!t", J W M.,.l..r Or ll,,r..,s Iiran,i I, S'i-1 o l l"'l si, 'I'll I .f, P-illi'l a-li'i mi -,f hi I'. ,H Irt nf r ..'III ), lltf nh'-t Ml r it' I, .-in. II . d.. iii.. II ,! . n tm II I .' l. I l ' . i rirt'lt fftr'ii tin; i , it ,i 1 1 . Or. .i.. tii,-,,, mi nht (iM-, lift a ttl M C'MIMlV. llwar. iiiiitiir fr. I) l riM hlu; hunw M nn Ift ahmil.lar, Muraaii, rt. N H "!. r. -tlw OH luft ahimhln flt aau it Iml hip, MiUilmll, IK !, iir.-llmw, iin nhi kini miii JJitn nM i.l. A'i'lr". In H a Or 1 1 . ,,. hari imi lull sli-tiiMc. nMl aM nn IhHIi Mpa, HII.T. I'iirr. l.nmj Dr. I' tt u ,f th"i.',. (Mmrn. J. W., !t.iig!mi Of ; I, ttmi tut . fi liimMnf I mills .ami mi f'u'tl liifi. wr,ii, Mltf kiV Mi!.. 'I .pi .r tar rtrxla alunl.l ihi I al, im' I ' I I .' I i .'i Ini. I 'anla, f in ill I"" -n' t il ir .(.... I. " on Inft liln, IU-:" Ki IH. t III.!'!, ilvlx'lil'. 'I i I' ,i ifi lout'tr, I'l'-.',' I. I.m' !' I'l ' 'I i hrii K I. V " '"I I it". m mi !M hiti IUn. M i 1 1 i' I'lM". J. " . l'H"i '' M . I u lft sIimiI lrj tl'lo, .i1 in I II! III 41 In R hit In 'i r liia, '., I-IH", Id i -rw ii n m. I' -lnnil. , i-ll K J M J I tt hll, U'IM dlllMI la li-fl Mfwl aliil Ml II,. fla-lll. Ilal, Anrw, INH'ltsn (!, It.. ilh nnr--Hi'l " ' ' I"" i'Ii, K lah Hr.. lliii. " '" ' I'M M lli rlM lnll l"l MMl. I n'l ! I .' lull frii ttf imtt mt ii I lt4ii 'K tt. Hi . ! '! i I !) o.. i.ili, hin ll 4 11 im nM Vi: l, i . i .. iri'i . .Tf ln I i m'lU ii n i,!l j !! " ". tt, Via II H..i.l'l. tt ,, ... till rlf'U Hf I'MI -! " (M l.i; ml rt 4 llM ' I I""' I ''. M lif'i'l i I! I , H4itf D M Itrvnl nl !(." ! flii I.... J. W , lUi iiW, Of l .i Ml ImimI.. I'alita. tl il.M hi i. M(fl,l,l W, If , lliii. H M .f.SU 1H Ufl ItfU, ! J H .in l'l tin., fin I nM . an-UfliH In !. S, I h , ll.iii. Iff -l., MP Wl kii tmnl- Wl kip , II -. IIihwIm. I If - r.Hlr " fi'.i . I H.. full .!. I . i l...i .i i .. .1 IU 4" it M i i It il,r if II , I M - . I - ,-,i'i m ..n I ' - '"I ( ' til J U If , .W I I H , u i i. i. j-'.s. it, s,, , lU M . , I It i, n m , I.-.,. I ,Hi-l M Iff , IvfOxHSni f',i ifl, ri't k J I. i. iti.l t,lp ri M J II-, it, l aula, f i.M Kit , )! t,t , ufi m, Mmv t) . II-,. .. H.-nm. tl if .i.. U ... i.f( k,,. If IU. -,. I l Ml Mf . w..,, im m i , . w n ... , - w I . J t 11 i m II .. ,M f ! 1 ifl I. I . S (.l,,iii.ll. Il. i l-t !., H W Ul-t-rm lb I S- I) t r, ti. ;i i , iii i-'t - 1 1,1, i. f..4 II , 1 1. n .. . s n i ..-I m i,4 i . ......,., .... ll. II Hfa "t l' - 4 W I.- I I hl i i, u . .4 H , in - naMMNHIlw tafl .., t H I ry un;a a fn. . t- l . t II.OV4I t - Ml Han4 f,.,tf a.' Il .f K-i IS ft j fcf Am i tsi ,4 a- I , (4t Iwavssa a I.-, a In I . M , s. Hi ajy ..,- -I a 11 ' Vts.-, - il I '. I , ' i t -. t I , Si, -a am S 1 Vim Wten, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses mnningA A on shoulder; Oattle. same on riiht hip. Ifoung, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brand THnnth right shon lrt- GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring" advertisement and be led to think you can get tne best made, finest nnished and Most Popular for a mere song. Sec to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have Kained a reputation by honest and sq uaro dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that MM! is easiest to manage and is f3 Light Running i-t'' There is none in the world that y'y-'Vr.SY?''- can er-ual in mechanical con v '.'-t'-ffiXi struction, durability of working--iVi parts, fineness of finish, beauty J in appearance, or nas as luuay improvements as the OMK It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, nlilte on both sides of needle (patentedntmt(sv has; it; New Stand (ztiO, driving wheel hinged on adiustablecenters, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WR.TEFORCIRGULAR8a TEH vvvi vmv. sifisTTa'a mmw V( inu Mil H llvmu ijuuiAva i::u:ia;iu :i;k, Mass. BoaTo, Mass. 23 TTs-oTr HoAn.'. ' 'H.CAili), Tt.T.. ST. LOI'IS, 510. l'Ai.l.AH, 'i'UXAd. HAS IijIASCliM, 'A1.. A17.AHTA, OA. prifi SftLE BY P. C. THOMPSON UO.; Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Send 5 Cts. for Sample Package San Francinco Office, NAPIT. li. QUEENSFKLDER db CO., No. 'J0 Suiter Street. IMS The thnmb Is n niifnlllnir Indoi of chsiseKtr. Tin. t-ipisn' 'l'). in. dlist.s s mnnnj Kill, prist rnrie; and Oriiiiires. I'lm-clv stilled if tht hiislulsli d lr, lite thumb of Uiom of silvaiirfil Id.-ss end businrsi ahillir. Ilollt of llir l)prs bi lons to the biirjr man or woinsn; and lH'nior.l's Fsinlljr Msi'irliir pre. ir. s uMirrlnlly for sui h pi rsnns tth.ilo vi.luiiis of tn-w lili'tis, roii ih n. d lii a -Ji in 1 1 fiiiue, re i tint Ik mind nf the uliiile mi, rill's fur a in. milt mnv l. r. sil In half in Innir. The I'niiii'sl 'J i ir h iliot.-t n iimniii'iii, cult ii r,-. ami a ,,r nl liiii-u , ,tf irr, sin I fn limi A tM-noa vim this lv of 1 1 1 ii it, I, tiior. oiiuliir rnj.,y Ihr In. rmv illin. inuii of I i,i. -l M'.'n.nis. 'Ilio Ar. li.l r 'I M., i Iiiiiii.iIid ,,la ,,1 In suit sh.l srt, hi, h fliui rstt .. sfill In II,.' liinfli'lli. nl inl-iii, t. 1 tur nl i,,., s, i,' V( in, Ii. . ri.,m. ilnml the origuisl ..-tifiMittr li? Is. l,,i,; iii., il,,- in,.. ci u hrsul of . i Ii i kit lli.wrr psinirrs, l,tih mil i I'lvrii in t. rjr mli'i-fbtr lo li nmn t JU.'nr uir v. The "I of tuts .itih Kurk nl srt was VUIHI; SI J Hie I. ,M.M, ,, ' 'I be nl.l In.-1 ft Ids li insi. u. fi.ii iii mi i iiiui.ti nil i.r ui, i. t u rx .u. ii.i in i s. n iiiiinm r 01 ur Msira. rtns, ml l hi. sit'ilrs sm s,, t.k fiiTlt snd siirtlilf ilnlrslid that th Uusiiim Is, la rrslllf, p.'fl-f-ll.i uf srt a.qks of lbs liitbi-M or.lrf 1 lis ' Ttw Is Hit Hi, mill of II, lliii.fcrf sml uf H'i, villi mil I Inlrf. rir. In lh"e .I..i,.k. n,i,tl,,r In liriimr. l a Vi.-.sJih., In rtrit ii nf Its niiiiif i..u. ilrtMnriils li rh r..t.-f in rniirr snisitc end I. I.llllf flrld t l.riHlli llrtf tvrff I '.t. Ism , end (l o( tlm Hsr. Is .ii..1r .rfr I unit Hii.iw, sml k.n( sre r iM.t ,,n i. ili Month,! In ....f mi,... ipiimi: II oill s hum ii m, s lu in .nio, Anrirssa U I, i.,. , dr. T rt,, IS j.. Itih hurrt. Sr ,k 1 Nnrsi km a furiton msf ssin tui lu i .in,. I, p.,-,. .r,, ni,nsif iMtfsmllf sn i il.surslit maliirs. n l if iwllsltt Intririfl .i h, I-.... .. ,,,, fj T..,.n,ti h In. m llapn.s l i... if... t,.n nu. i A .-'li, r..ii..W4 n., 1m Irene ii'.ll g'v In lias f f ifl. ..... trf .,., al.., d sulMirlNs IS ,: If . ars mi a. .oa nl. J i . .1 i.r e a;, '..,, f,. ,rnrt, 4 S.I...II It at sr..,( them Till Vim I as rs4 , ... ... ... , , p , f i.f njihf w f "l" i IU eutSft la tUWSlt IUU atf ' ("iHlif Tr.rn.rf si lvl sf lKsa Iwsrsrde Is known u miHrt petwrw, Tnr lt!tlfil Ihsl ifllfl eiisntltf l Nt !) sxasl Ix 4fits4. ." TlMN I sills same Ik fAt la si ll jr mt Rip.mi Tnhulcs 4sfrpfJaiiB ssf pislf ksesrsl D.I1P1M4 CIV 8 t 'r" TalHtl. iNit, f t sei N 1I sit j gists, mt kf mA. .'. BWM CmImicm, CS . tl IrrvM II , r. Tl ft!Uf tltucr ,f Ih rj i, - f t U. n l ll fttititf ri, ,f t!. it! Of(..iiai II A n:.w-it,,rsi f,, h lllit .t t it 4 f ,t ,, tra In .at.. , an ,f U I U 11 I5,i m.,1 Wr'f llnm ft ft .! ,,. ,,,! a'ltl.. i !' II .t1'n,lna t -f ti a artt ail )t I,, tarn. 1 MO 3 0 o E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO Til 12 GIVKS TUB CUOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. UNION PACIFIC RY VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R, Anent at Heppner, cr oddress & N W. H. HURLBTJRT, Gen. Puss. Agt. Portland, Obbqon, TO Scin Irorxolesoo 4nd all points In Californis, via th Mt. tj hosts route ol the Southern Pacific Co. tha frroat hiuhwsy throngh California to all poinis cast ana Month, lirnnd Hnenio Kouta of tho Pacific. Ilosst. Pullman Haffot Hlenpera. Hecond-class Hlneiiers Atfanhed to ezprnss trains, altoi-ding superior toaiinmodations for SBoond-olass oassenifsrs. For rta, tiokots. slosiiiug car reservations, un.u ,,r miiirHna It. KOKHLKK, ManKer, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. ftui. r. r, a Kb., roriiana, ureiron .Is. t-'V.' Mel, Jim1 Fastest mm Workl.i-, Mot Must Modern nd ptog;rc!islvo For t atuloK'ie or Itif.irnmtidi. wnin to T1!U MAKLIN I 'Mil MW. t, i),, Knv Mjvch, C -iin MJt ta JsStall.CT taHMta iEr,HIJK8aOTtrsTi IfyoiMiwlhePrtnlum" FY. l..,..K.t..r. A llr.u.,..ra I k ' W' Mke money v hile f j ! jpTEZHl ollitts aie watniK I Ji k -" tune hyold pr.K-,-s-s, t'litiilntilrlls nil Blsmt I ,'. 1 ' ''"I" , I It snd.lriHrilnsrvrry Vt I llluMiiitM J anulrnmlnl fur ttiilri i. i'maloiju - puullty Uusincta. a rttl.b. The "ERIE" mrclisiilrnlly the tvst wncii. t r iiii'hi main, '.t'e ar r.iiihc C.irl Attrnts. Hi, v ie c its- ue. msilr.1 lire g.vcs f"tM,'vrlnt,.n rtrlrra etc , H"iTS W!Tt n. TETAIDM A IRCUBATOR CO.,rett!nmi.Cal. lis Asm ll..s, tit li Mnin M , 1.. An, v- A. P. i a L, The American Protective Tariff Leagu 11 a national otgdniation advocating "Protection to American Labor and Induitry " at epla'ned by iti constitu. 1 on, ai (ollowi : " Ts et T kia t a.,, aSa'i bs a iu-t swem ltF-s fci a taf,f an .mpnrls. h, a aKi a4.t.,staiy .' As,r .sn .rduatf al nfuela aS" at In of gn latins. Thera ar no personal or piata pof t in connection wth theo'ganira. ton and ititiuttamed by mernbeishipi, COntnbut-oni and the distribution of itt pub'iCat'Oni. flMT C"Msil .a s-l .. trm M-ta'ss-a " S"J cr,.t Craiufiaa." I CCHO VV. . .oeni, 'S'f Sa'l f kl'sa, v f iih 1 HiHO VVa ! '.. a ta i 4m.t "" " t-t 0t la- ff ,..l... , W t'.Kaal aMa. ,4 j sj 4 !-.. . raM fCtHTM; IU4 fii aa-4 a4.aat rVa ( tt t i. !.... M " I J 8 Wa 3 St lt ha. v.. , $1800.00 OntN AWAVT0 INVDilORS. atlas aa MsVafSat tl skK(k aa UN swat Marat t lasal aaan ksr Mai ri. aS . W, . a. t wsai llawlav Sflra.t , 4 ttatat Wt.U Ltaaa, lll.. MA I -sa im twtw tlat at Ikat it's the simpi r, a mtxnoNS TiumiiD iokfinu, Bk s ',' k. ps. "",- "aama. ''Wiisj. , I Ikaawl ..U t., aW. - - af .v. aa a a Ma Ml 1-,-t Ui(h raiwaa tm Ua) I y a iM 4 t IT IS NOT JO lURD AS IT SIXMS. fs-s l,lm w IW is ,.nt. Was.. a aafaaaV..1 siSaM al,,, , l r . -.. - ,,. j a - tufa ua a -. ttm as t-mt a. a4 aw a anaa " na . J aa lt naai M4lM,.al 4 ha aaiaa-a-l IHta th I p. aama-MS kawa fwHj, Mhaa) lawaara a W l Ss.. .S aaaai it a 14. aafm A m' ax , si-. 'f ta-f Vsiaal jinNM rMi vrt vs a ca, lailaats B Aataa...M a4 I m,i( S-aaaaji. P,lt. al,inrf. fl C. S'.t. sStffZFz simplest. Wit1: itronsest, ejlTJ olld Xli T.,n kecciver i i m i I CHOLEKA THIS YEAIi. It Exists in Many Countries and Its Victims Are Numerous. But ths Health Authorities Sny That This Country Will Be Free from the Scourge- EIHcitwcy of Sani tary Agencies. For another year this country may be regarded as safe against the chol era. Up to the opening of the month of August it had not appeared in any country of western Europe, and the autumnal weather will prevent it from approaching the European ports with which New York is in communication, says the Sun of that city. The health ollicer of the port, who made all prep arations early in the spring for dealing with immigrants bound hither from the infected districts of Russia, believes that any danger which might thus be incurred has passed away, and, though the Jewish Russians are yet closely in spected upon their arrival at quaran tine, the inspection is rather for gen eral sanitary purposes than for any ap prehension of the cholera. Advices upon the subjeet have been received from all parts of the world by the au thorities of the marine hospital serv ice, and Dr. Wyman believes that il there ever was any ground for fear, there is not now the least. During the present year, and up to this time, cholera has existed in Euro pean Russian, Arabia, India, China and Japan. It is unfortunate that trust worthy statistics concerning it cannot be obtained from Russia, or from any of the other countries in which it ex ists, with the exception of Japan. It ravaged several of the wcntarn Rus sian provinces last summer; il did not entirely disappear last winter, and it has been epidemic since the early spring season. During the month oi July it has prevailed largely in the provinces of Volhynia and 1'odolia, near the territory of Austria, and, also, to some extent, in the Vistula provinces, on the confines of Prussia. It is said to be of an unusually malig nant type, and its victims are speedily carried off. In order to keep it out oi Germany, the Berlin government has established a "sanitary cordon" along the frontier, and all travelers from Russia are again this year, as thej were last year, subjected to a most rig orous inspection. Austria also has mads some provision for guarding the bor der, but it is much less complete thao that mads by Germany, and there have been many cases of the disease in Gali eia and liukowina. The cholera appeared in Arabia on the borders of the Red sea, early in the spring, brought there, as in other years, by the Mohammedan pilgrim from India to Mecca. Alarming account of its fatality were sent out in the spring months and upto June, but noth ing has been heard of it for some weeks, and its ravages doubtless have been allayed. All the efforts made (luring the past two years Dy the international h-initury commission to induce Turkey to adopt the precautionary measures by which its baneful power might be checked have been unsuccessful. From that part of India in which the cholera is nearly always epidemic there have been reportH this year similar tc those of other years. The permanent headquarters of it are in the valley oi the Ganges, and it is from there that its infect ion is carried into other coun tries. It is only from the Kritish Fast Indian records that any knowledge ol the number of cases of it can be ob tained. There can be merely guesses as to the extent tu which the disease prevuiU in Chinn. In the tlixpat. 'lies there are oc casional referi-nees to ils existence Id the Liao-Tong peninsula and in the kingdom of t orea, and there is every reiivm tu believed that il luis been very destructive iii these regions. It was by the Japanese soldiers returning home from the Liuo-Toiig peninsula that it wuh introduced into Japau n few in. ml lis ttgo. From the trustworthy statistics that are kept by the Jiipunt se authorities, it Is h'urncil that up to tho close of July then hail In-en nine thousand five hun dred eiinen of the discuM! in Japan, more limn one-half of which hud proved fatal. Thin fatality may be regarded iispiirtnf the price paid by J it pun for tier victory over the Chines, lint that price n greater yet, for many nf the Jnpuiu-M? soldiers w lto nn jet in China lime fallen under the disensc. It ha recently been epidemic over a large part of the Japanese empire. In some other countries bctldcs, thus here mentioned, Including Mexico and t'utia, there have tnen ease of cholera during the year, tint It has, nut teeti i plileinlo in any of them. It hu been calliii.tte.l by g.ssl au thorities) I hit t the uveraife yearly num ber uf dint lis from holer the world over is eluM upon a quarter of a mil lion. It l now known that In ltiiwU lorn l,il year titer were nearly imr hundred tlioiiMind caw of the disc it sr. alsmt fitriy-Hv) jser will, nf which proved fliui; but tlm ravage of ths lit atiiiititf llt lttluiiia ar light as uti;,;trY I ith that ain..inf Asiatic. Verv II !mtn i n as v .. ly prra- lent In t i-.! rn Shiaaia. eastern Austria ami Turkey IhS )ear a It last Vi or. The government of tlicse coun tries l.i not ! sire that tlm accurate st.V.i tlcsi.f H ahail W published, atnl lite iiftlrUI ri'urt IfivrW therefrom to Uh- world are aim ay wide of tli tru mam, Thi1 riisrrlenii" of licrwany In rtvrnt tear baa funtiatii'il a rrtliarkablt itern. limitation of th rfhVlcney nf scientific and Military a'eiii I. In Win ping mil lh drradi d rt '- Nut I, inter- rstitit la lite rji-rli,tii-' "f i,!ati., and ) I Mi.irc Inlerrslltii Is tt al ..f tfio a'nlenf r Vmk, 1 (, l.eul'h t.sit l of II, ia . iy r. .li led I linm il a. rlv II ! ' r l-l. a tui H has r Ii I, ... rri,- n.rl t-m rmiiirtil Hsn ..n-rai at,.it ain.p I hrn I lis ot i.f lr Kt.iiti baa alri-aJy U rn ilrn hrr, that Iin rr 111 tt.rt t-a.n I a rhuirr ' In N Yitar m WUINCD BY Pit. ! t Tkl faalff HamaJ Ilia ! f I alps I 4 Irrsn tltaa tas-gasry. j A rmI kinrniar rm I ti in ihm fnna at Kmgri, m thi . A yonr-4" n an lii, t.r? t( ia!y f.iy4 t.t l a f ir. au4 Ka U f-l la MiJ h ilr.iin to iha frtin b aa nrjftfrniib: f'.atlrriy f,y f-le. T- -''' ti' iru f h f a-l V t si.'nsr f a oraHfiy twit iii a ti.- f.-r imv I!, nn4 ;;. ai.-i l,. I I t: ij r ,!,.-, 4, Mi '- ).,, lliSIISl. t it;t ti j.fa',l ! i t i a w.u ;... .t, I sU !' i' I r it . it,i wf Xkim lVl b! le Sll ainai 1 , AaVsstaaiw U af M )ut fTVrfr RCimDC?could get relief Ufal Uk irora a most bor- a-,MA Ul I J- 11U15 U1UUU U1S ancA T knI nnHa t.. I 3. . T , , , case x uau sucui UUUUICUS OI dollars trying various remedies and plrVsi cians, none of which did me anv guou. my migcr nans came on and mv hair came nut. foavinrr J , VU...JC 1IL r,T.l.. U.IJ t.l . 9 ptiictuy uoiu. x men went to HOT SPRINGS HoDiner to be rnrirl hv treatment, but very soon became disgusted ua.ucu jo iry o.a.o. i ne enect was truly wonderful. I commenced to recover at once, ana atter I had taken twelve bot ties I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S micu mc wonu- renowned Hot Springs had failed Wiw S I nnute.. Shrevenort. I J, Our Rank on rh niG9 a i. -r.... . n. j . AiiflrM. CtUtCT Cnr. Vir;!' -n r " CAIV I OBTATN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to WUSNa; CO., who have hod nearly fifty years' experience In the patent business. Communicoa tions strlotly confidential. A II mill linn k of In formation concerning; l'n tents and bow to ob tain tliem sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan ical and scientlflo books sent free. Patents taken throiiKh Munn ft Co. receive special notice In the Srientilic American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the larirest circulation of any scientific work In the world. 3 a year. Sample conies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 12.60 s yeur. SlngtB copies, t4.1 cents. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new nouses, with plsna, enabling builders to show tha latest designs uuil secure contracts. Address 41UMN & CO MKW VOUK. 3i BEOADWAT. NOTICE OP -ALB. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of a decree and order of sale duly made and entered on Nov 4th 1895, In the matter of the estate of John H Gentry, deceased, by the County Court, of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, setting in probate the under signed as administratrix of the said estate will oiler for sale st public auction, to the highest umuer lur casii in nann on Monday, Dec 12th 1895, at 11 o'clock In the iorenoon of that dv at the front door of the court house, In Heppner, Morrow County Oregon, all the following de scribed real property belonging to the above named estate situated In Morrow County Oregon, towit: The Northwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of section two (2) in Township two (2) South. Range twenty-six (26) hast of Willamette Meridian; said sale is made subject to all liens and iw.u existing upon thesaid real property, and subject iv, mi? euiiiiniinuoii ui an saies to ue raaue by tha .hlivn nnttrlnil f'nniil, fn,,... 3 MRS. KATE GENTRY. Dated this Oth day of November, 1S95. Administratrix of the estate of John H Gentry, Deceased. 387-96. nary likinp; for mince pie began to show itself when he was a boy. He seemed even then to feel that there was something abnormal in his appe tite, for he went voluntarily to Bloora- ingdale asylum in the hope of being cured of his gluttony. After he came out he believed he was cured and be gan to study for the ministry. But in a fatal hour, about two years later, the mania for pie came upon him with irresistible power. He broke into the housekeeper's closet in the Auburn Theological seminary, where he was a student, and gorged himself with mince pie. His relapse so preyed upon nun that he went to tho faculty. and they advised him, he snys, to drop nis studies, as it would be det rimental to the ministerial call uig for him to enter it with such a fatal appetite for mince pie. He would be lilct'ly tosulTcra soizureof his mania at a supper in the church parlors or at the tatne of one of his flock, and create an unforgetnble scandal. He took the advice of the faculty and went to peddling' clothes-wringers and bed springs, but his mnlmly was now so deep seated that be subordinated every! lung to lit craving. He devel oped an unusual cminitig for sti-aling mince pie, or in petting thi money with whieh to purchase it. "I would be tempted," said he, "and full: go to i restanrant and cat a pic and a hulf or two pies. I he. nine as helpless a v.o urn to the minee pie habit us the drunk ard is to the drink habit. Sunn-time I have pawned my overcoat or my watch when I hiivn seen an uneommonlv luscious pie in a window and have not had enough ready money to buy it." Then tame the forging of the note and the pie orgy which ended In his ar rest. After hearing his htory a cum mission was apiminted to inquire Into his sanitv. and It is likely that, In steud of U-ing sent to a wniteiit!nry, he will be placed in a lunatic asylum. He U descriiH-il as a thin, ncrvons-look-lug man with a wild expression, which Is disappointing, for many a man of New Kngland ancestry would Ni glad to cultivate this lunacy If It would not spoil his comp!ekm and keep him wake ul.'lit. RAVAGES OF GRAIN SMUTS. Ma of Pratrtttloa Out linn! hf Iks Arl mil oral ( nUag. The rarogrs uf the grain smuts ar reviewed ami the means of prevention outlined in report of the agricultural dertment. The oat smut, which I found throughout the Tnitl Mate and is known tm every continent, prob ably has the w Ideat distribution t,f nv of the speclrs. The uffirlal estimate d the dtrtH t !. from It 1 eight per rrnt of the crop, at-. til eighteen million dollars, annually. Mittklng smut In hratll. enat the cm n try tnanr mil lion of dollar annually. Jsomr'tlitioa fifty or seventy-five per rent, vt the head are tinuttr.1 and the sound praln Is ao cmtaminatiHl with the frti, spur a to tie nearly worthies fr fbiur and w..r.i tnan urir ..r -.. in tu eas I. uftrn spread from farm tu f.rm tv thraahlnir machine, When once Intnaluossl. f 1, , n hrh a t n. errasr year hv year iirttil a Urpe prf ee,tf of the cr.p dratrornl. The smut au;:y rur a Um f tea p r cent, or f the wl,.t rr,.p. and ha even been rrp.irt.-d a detf..v Ifif nf r fifty prr rrnt ..f a rr-p la ..IS. -Mv fl It 1 very .l.r. uTt to pre vent, and tuinarr trvatiitent t.a iim. e(Tn t W heat rrrr are i0 trr .t ae-ure aas hrat front fieUU kinnn t y t areful em'nt Mrtt at In H'rie trt I. frre frm l.e arnal. It ran, h.mever, W e.irtite. (. ri rt nwfti wheait t. furnish .r.l!,r f , in, lrar, IMh the r-.mio.. anlh! I dt t..Mta t.f aniMt ran t er.1trt i'hr'j..! rase, and by thatm t rMr ra , r..ny m,;. ,f d :r attnm: y Cat .... ,t eatt tm eradi-tv bv to n-n- 4 . e.-ere.l treatment f lb lr i cf rMiyn -f, n1 !,.t(f. li t'r Ht a. aw ( rft j, t.i Ic m, .f f,M tq v,ar., r iMt aid iwf a,.1rIta f. ,!,,. I i,0 h 4 .-.e n. j..., a I tr, f,.t, aw, B t( ; ' f e In l'te . t n..( ,t i ssr trt .:.t a 3 a Je Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an Indisputable fact. It stands in the front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel be punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or pnnnnr.nlnla atonl !,,-, , -."ft f ."x,, D.bVl IllUB, a Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at ?100 each, gl TandemB for two men or man and woman, J150 each. S THE RA MRLFR is the fastest. Hirhw. m For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- fW, inal O 1 1 1-1 cnlnittlAn ,alnr,ln1n. Chicago Ideals Fnr Tilioin. Wftrnnn hnvo rrlwla u.UU no ivViv r i '.:t V, ". L" tj I clmchtiand are fully vranted, ' Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctalogue, circulars, terms and discounts or call tonTnd Idah"8 mMr KU8UurS W'UlUcd every towu teeou"washing. f 3 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, I I KwSffPoaiJd"? Jel,-yMa'"- Co' "ambler Bicycle,." Main! f DTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. mMmmmmmmmmMmsmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmml How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exerciseneed it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle .Livery, Power House. King- LIQHT, STRONQ, SPEEDY, HANDS0HE. fflW$&M 5CIENTIFIC ' W0RKMANSHlP' Four ModeIsS85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Office; Lake RANCH!2St-Nw York, &a t'raadKX). Silt WtbB SAFE Si LOCK CO, Agents, rOUTLAND, OltKGGN. A. If. PATTERSON, A tnf for tT r ' mm It to Advertisers at .1 great fmpneial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin: Pattekso.n Publishing Co. 1 11111 ": WITH PREHIISS : I1IFJI : flu Vouiv UOXJXB to Take 'Kuu Lcnves No Cc?ntlpotion, r" lawi l i4M.r.,'4ltli la M iii cW,u mVmV RAMBLER I oc n i t. .i . r.r,i,v,vwneeis. . respect-s ' m-gTaae aoubl" K edge of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. and Halsted Sts.. CfffCAQO, ILL. Laks Cltv. beaver, tUmptU, DrtraurVwontiT Morrow County, llcppnrr, Oregon OUR STOCK V OF . . . a : SPACE IS I TOO HI : AND WE TOO HEAVY ,:XARE WILLING TO UNLOAD r ti&J 1 E W Ills' . ,, , ' a. .. 1 . fc . , 1 ,! u id 1. 1 ,T: " i