Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 06, 1895, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
"Two years ago, I liail the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
Here and There.
C. E. Fell is over from Pendleton.
Sam Walker was in town todsy. .
A M. E. Smith wsa in town Wednesday.
Assessor Willis was in Hammer tni.
day. " '
SV. E. Kahler, of Hardman. is in the
No second band cooda kent at Mi nnr Jtr.
Oo 'a
Arthur, little son of Vswter Crawford.
is ill.
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
McHaly is over from Grant
Take Notice.
1. The Hum of five renin txir linn will h
Jharged for "cards of thanks," "nwoltitiona oi
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit
ir shall himself elve as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetimts for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertainments from which revenuo la to he de
rived, gha'.l he charged for at the rate of five
,euts a line. Thee rules will be strictly adher
jd to lu every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made k now D
' lpou ariiiUoatloif.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek,
lohn Day and Canyon Citv. leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. in., except HuiuIhv.
Arrives every day at 0 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest Ha ue to or
from the Interior country.
. , t . WALT. THOMPSON, Prop.
Phlll Cohn, Agent. v
couuiy. I
Jas. Royee, of Hardman, was down
M. C. Riley was down from Hardman
Aitbur Hodaon was in HeDDner
Jim "Minor" left on last niaht's train
for Portland.
Mrs. M. D. L. Freuoli left for The
Dulles Tuesday,
Dee Matlock is convalescent after a
severe illness.
Clyde Saline has sooepted a position
with W. L. Salintf.
A. G. Bartholomew was a visitor to
nur oity this week.
See the piotnre in the window of
Qerriu's new studio. It
The NiIo8-Vinson, Marble Works,
vValU Walla, Wash. ,
M. C. Fuqua, of Eiht Mile, was in
town curly tuitt week.
Frauk and Oscar Minor are oat bunt
ing in the mouutains.
Mrs. A. Saling and family bas moved
to town for the winter.
Nels Jones was in from the Batter
creek ranch Wedueaday,
Pearl Jones and wife were io from
Einbt Mile Weudesday.
1. J. Carl, mayor of lone, is in the
city ou pleasure persuils.
"Oaynse" Reynolds oame down from
VVul I u Walla Tuesday last.
Mr. Lundell and sou, of Eight Mile,
were in town Tuesday last.
The Uerrin portrait gallery will be
ready for business next week. It
Geo. Ilerrington went over to Grant
oouLty luesday on business,
II. L. Loom is, representing the
Uregonian, was here Wednesday.
A. J. Weider, of Sau Franoisoo, is in
tue city in the interest of his firm.
Frauk Rogers and Green Mathews de
parted this week for the mouutains.
Mrs. J. M. Beutley, of Pendleton, it
visiting uer sister, Sirs. a. a. wells
Trousers that you oan sit down in,
will be sold at cost. Minor & Co,
Boys may be bad (and sometimes girls)
for (1 ordinary servioe at wages; (2)
npon indenture, to work, attend eobool.
and he brought up somewhat as your
own; and (3) children may bo bad for
legal adop on. Address, W. T. Gard
ner, Supt, Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid
Society, Portland, Oregon. 3-5
Mrs. Lon Chappel, nee Miss Mollie
Davis, is down from Wardner, Idaho,
visiting friends. Mrs. Chappel is a step
sister of Fred Wilmartb, very well kuown
in tleppuer, and at present a resident of
Prineville. She will remain a few dss
oncer, the guest of Jas. Jones and
Charley Jones, the well-known "old-
timer" in the tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite the city hotel Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
Extra Pale Star Brewery Beer
In Hulf J'lnt Bottles cun be ...
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where high grade Liquors and Cigars are also
aepi oy iva.
Hay Fon Halb I have 75 tons of
excellent wheat hay oo the Al Bayer
pUoe 8 miles above Olex, which I will
ell very reasonable. Good locution for
feeding stook. On Rock Creek, Gilliam
Co., Oregon.
6w. O. 0. Boyd.
Any inventor in Etern Oregon wbo
deairaa the services of an attorney in
Waahinuton, D. O , will find it to his
advantage to call ou or address this pa
per. bit
O. B. Tlutl, tlie tonsorial artist, can
be fonml at his parlor, Mullock Corner,
where be will dispense at iMipnlar price,
ibavea, abiiriirtooa, haircuts, etc.
Ben Malhoxs is now Hole proprietor of
the oity meat market where bn keep a
frrsh supply of bt-f, pork, mutton, veal,
eanaage, baoun anil I aril, which be eella
fur the lowest market prme, Fred Dork,
Die L'urt Ihii I btilrber.laatill witb biiu. if
Now ie the time to get the Weekly
Oregoniatit the irratiat Deaapaper of
the Wet. Witb tlieU r.t'e.b.tli etriel
ly In adf anoe.one )ear. 1 1 f) No belter
eotrliinaitoii of nneaira ran le made
io the slat. Il.ai.l.-a mm will give as a
premium ao additional Journal, tbe Web
foot l'iautrr, an agrirullcral paper.
Coin in now Mini Huttnffrllm,
ATrkNii'x iNturn.
To Holdm of I'olid-t iu Hie Elate
Io. Co.:
Tbe Mate Insurance Co. having fail-. I
Minor & Co bears other people's
burdens by delivering goods promptly.
S. W. Meadows bas two children ill,
but are reported ou the road to recovery .
La Graude Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. C. Smith, salesman, tleoimer.
T. R. Lyons, of tbe law firm of Ellis &
Lyons, returned Tuesday from Condon.
Born To the wife of Judge E. L.
Freelaud, Tuesday Deo. 3id, aO'lb.
Mra. Geo. Webb, the wifo of the ex
state trensnrer, died at La Uraide last
D. M. Hinith, of Nile A Vinson,
the Walla Walla marble dealers, is in
B. A. Uunsaker, of The Dalles, is In
tbe oity. Ben is a prosperous mer
obaut now.
Born On Wednesday, Deo. 4th, to
the wife of Chas. MoDowell, on Blaok
Horse, a girl.
E 0 Maddock, of Oregon City, sheriff
of Clackamas county, stopped in toe
city Tuesday.
An openiug social will be held at the
W. C T. D. reading room on Tuesday
eveoiog Deo. 10. which will be free to
everyone, and the public are cordially
invited to attend. An interesting pro
gram will be rendered. 394 5
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Cohn,
J. W. Kerns, the oity painter, is pre
pared to do all kinds of painting and
paper banging and will do house clean
ing and take up and put down carpets.
Office on Main street, opposite City
Mra. Jas. MoHaley returned on Tues
day morning from an extended visit to
relatives in Marion county. She was ao
oompaiued by Miss Mattie MoHaley, her
nleoe, from The Dalles.
Pure drugs, chemioals, paints, window
glass and a complete line of stationery
at, lowest prioes and a ohanoe to win
$100 prize at Phil I Conn's drug store,
next door to Minor & Oo. tf.
Tbe E. O. is an eight page daily dur
ing tbe month of December. The ads of
the E O. prove that the advertising man
is O. K That's Hallock Homer Hal-
lock Homer li Hallook.
For 822.50 I will sell a first class, high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years, tor further particu
lars oall on or address, N. A, heaob,
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
Call on Phill Cohn for fine wines and
liquors for medicinal purposes. A com
plete line of Key West clears, and a
premium ticket for tbe $100 Victor
bioycle. tf.
W. D. Noyes and wife, after their
lecture in Heppner, remained long
enoogh to organize an A. P. A. eooiety,
afier which tbey drove to Lexington.
Horner & Rhea have one of the best
show windows in tbe oity no use to try
to get around that. Tbe Gaz-tte helped
to trim this one that explains it all.
William Rasmus will put on "Damon
& Pythina" at the Marquara Grand,
Portland, on Feb , 22 and '23. There
will be 100 people in the oast.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Uaircutting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically,
Maths at io oents apieoe,
Latb Litebabt Note. Two very im
portant faots in connection with the
new era of magazines are illustrated in
the DecemberCoemopolitan. Its fiotion
is by Stevenson, tbe last story written
before bis death, "Ouida," Sarah Grand,
Zungwill, and the beginning of James
Lane Allen's new Kentuoky realistic
story, "Butterflies." Probably no
stronger array of fiotion has ever been
presented in any magazine money
oould not buy better. Nor has any
magazine ever had a larger number of
really distinguished artists engaged
upon tbe illustration of a single number.
The reader might be puzzled to know
bow such a number oan be made at the
price of ten oents. But the magazine
itself affords the solution. It contains
139 pages of advertising, which, as the
publishers annouuoe, is from $1000 to
$8000 more net cash advertising than
was ever before rioted iu any magazine,
of any kind and in any country. It
breaks the world's record in the pub
lishing business. Moreover, the cost of
the artists aud authors wbo appear in
this number is divided amongst 400,000
0'. pies, bringing the cost per copy
proportionately low. The Cosmopolitan
tbiuks that tbe ten cent magazine,
bringing, as it does, the best in art and
literature into all olasses, in Bn edu
cational movement second iu importance
only to that of the publio schools.
None Bat Ayer's at tbe World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dlnary distinction of having been tbe only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit Bt the
World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
of other Barsaparillas sought by every
meaus to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under tbe
application of tbe rule forbidding the J
entry of patent medioines and nostrums.
The deoision of the World's fair autho
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medioine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is
bere on its merits."
Is Your
Blood Pure
If it Is, you will be strong, vigorous,
full of life and ambition; you will have a
good appetite and good digestion;
strong nerves, sweet sleep.
But how few can say that their blood
Is purel How many people are suffering
daily from the consequences ot impure
blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism,
catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and
That Tired Feeling.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood. Therefore, it Is
the medicine for you.
It will give you pure, rich, red blood
and strong nerves.
It will overcome that tired feeling,
create an appetite, give refreshing sleep
and make you strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
HrirtH'c OSIIc tl,e after-dtnnnr p"l aud
liSJUU S 1 1113 famli, cathartic 2ic.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Ruliahle
Gault House,
Half block west of tho Union Depot of C. B. &
Q C. M. St. P., C. & A , P. Kt. V. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Kailroads.
Cor. V. MudiBon and Clinton Sts.,
WANTED: 8 veval trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary $"st) and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago.
111. marl.
God help tbe poor; especially tbe
poor fellows wbo do Dot trade at
Minor & Co.'s.
Mr. Geo. Kolierta left last Topaday
evening for Blaine, Wash , to visit frienda
oo ttia way home.
We have ever SX) pairs of genta' pants,
and will sell them at coat to reduce tbe
hue. Minor A Co.
A premium to caab porcbaaera at
Phlll Colm's drag store. IWI fall to gel
your ticket for the wheel. tf,
Mra E Mk and aon. Will, mother
and brother f Mra. W. V Hcrivner, are
over from C"odoo on a vialt,
W. P. Arr cam to from Long Creek
Toendey, and left immediately for St,
Loins to attend medical sobool.
O. P. Walker took down a floe ear
load of bog from Inn Usl Bight. Tbe
average weight a a pouods.
lieat aerotnmndatloo and oonrteooa
treatment l tbe Imperial UoUl. HeveDtb
mod Mean, nia., i'ortleud, Orrgoo,
Is.oktn J. W, Vanaiian'a abnw eat
i and ace If voa pii'I l.uv m Hods rhir
ff . 1 1 -, ... . i i ... 1 . i . . . , . . -
i win up jur yiM'cie, it you limn ju ever saw uirrn oeior. vm
ow pioy in a flrat oiaaa company, and ' Muloa (Jure la tiI on a guarantee.
alio you crodtt for ail aaeartieJ , " tn, lnciplnt (Vmauoipiioo. It la
bretnlumt "", '""' "o'igbCiireonly one eenl a doe.
'' . v 1 2.1 pie., uo eta., and fll.
tf. h. I ri.rri.Akb. 4 Warren, llrngg'ata.
Hoi J by Walla
Horner & Rhea,
iiiunI'ruiui r.k-
Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, and a complete line of
Cent's Furnishing -Goods cheaper
than ever before.
Youth I; ot Lthcu.
r.ral ftatienei Beak 0ilit
A lady revivalist is over at Long
Greek, accom pained by Jas. Lauer, who
is said to be a second "oaukey". Tbey
are beaded this way.
W. J. Lerzer sells a one pound pack
age of tea, "Grown" brand, al 60 cents
aod (rives in addition a set ot silver
pluted teaspoons. a
T. R. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying atookmeu with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general hue.
nee his new ad. tf .
O. M. Reddish, reprseuting H. G.
Wells ft Co., was here recently and re
newed contract witb tbe Gazette for tbe
bhilob remedies.
Ben Ward, brother of Gen. Ward, of
Long Creek, is spending a tew daya in
Heppner, having recently arrived from
Tbe Dallea.
W. K. Kahler dot arted last biirht for
The Dalles, aocompnined by his family.
I hey will make 1 be Dalles their fature
Wben yoa want to feel merry call on
Lihe Sperry, at the Belvedere Haloon,
where tbey keep tbe Uneat wet good 10
town. tf.
Mra. C 8. VanUuyn and daughter,
Kdne, leave neit week for lodeiieod-
enne aod Kagooa Io visit Chea. and
Elmer Hloeom, the rtil. will make
cabinet photos for the neil 30 daya at
: per doieu. Uellerjr opposite opera
bouse. if.
Kacb 25 cent pnrehaee entitles yon In a
ticket fr the SIuO bevo1e at l'l.ill
Odio'a drog store, neit door to Minor t
c.. tr.
John MeCurty ships on tonULt's
traio a rar load of 11 eiip to the
I'ortland market Trice, tiXaiper bead.
Party. The following young people
assembled in response to invitations at
tbe residenoe of Hon. J. N. Brown on
last Tuesday evening, in the capacity of
a "Peet and Bhillow case" party:
Misses Myrtle and Maggie Horner, Mabel
Leezer, Florence Crittenden, Ada Jones,
Maud Rush, Jennie Noble, Maggie Ad
kins and Grace Ball, Messrs. T. R.
Lyons, Robt. Hynd, John Hornor, Jas.
Hart, Clyde and Will Baling, Sterling
Keithley, O. E. Freelaud, H. A. Emer
son and II. T. Bagley. The amusement
was somewhat varied aud enjoyable,
especially in tbe (ore part of the eveuii g
while all were iu disguise. Parlor
games were playtd until a late hour
when all turned their attention to tall;
pulling Taking all, in all the iiipetiv
aa an enjoyable one aud will long be
"Tke (in erne I'm pie."
Aa Abraham Lincoln celled Idem, do mil
care tit eigne about their alimenia
What tbey weal la a medicine that aill
roretl.ini. 1Ua simple, boneat ti
roenl, "1 know lhi.1 Hood's ."araapanlla
cored rn." la the beat e'tfiirumt la
fevor of this medimne. and Ihia la what
many thousand Voloblenly say.
Ilood'a I'll Is are the beet after-dinner
Hie, aMul digeetloa, core beadaclie.
CuMiarua Pitat lata Tbe Monday
school or lb M. K. chnrcb. Booth, will
have ClirtaitDM eieraieee oa the even lag
ot I. I'lh. The foromtttee oa ar
raagomeal ar preparing ao latereatlng
p'otfratn, abx'ti proiiiU Io be a siioca
Tbe puhlic "ill be Invited.
co-partner-hlp heretofore existing hetween
S. W. Meadows and W. H. Scrivner, under the
Arm name of Meadows & Scrivner, doing busi
ness aa blacksmiths In the town of llennner.
Iiai this iIhv been dissolved by mutual consent,
S. W. Meadows will continue the business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills for the said llrm.
All accounts must be settled by cash or note
Mr. Scrivner desires to state to the public that
he will continue his business as wagon maker
aud repairer at tbe same stand, and guarantees
uiiisiaciiuu as nereioioru.
fl. v. me wimvs,
Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, 1hd,. u;i-03
The World has the Money,
We Have the Goods !
They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop
goods either, but goods of today, bought
for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold
on their merits and at prices that will have
you to call again.
We Select Our Stock,
After careful examination, we then have
the best at correct prices.
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
We make a specialty, and by giving us a call you will
greatly please us. We are determined to please and
excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en
ables us to excel all competition.
Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
When moat Deeded it is not uuubiikI
for our family phjsieiau to be bwiiv
from home. Hnoh was the experience of
Mr. J. Y. Hohenok. editor of the CaiMn.
Ind. Ter., Banner, when hia little uirl.
two years of ae wan threatened with h
severe uttnok of croup lie savs: "My
wife insisted that I gn for the doctor,
hut M our family physician wan out of
town 1 iitiroliHtieil a b ittle of Uhamber
lain' GoilKu IWieily, which relieved
her immediately. I will Dot be without
it in the future." 60 cent bottki for
sale by I'billCoho, drnaiat.
Eiml to tub Occ asion. A lioutoo
county father mod mother tried to find
Dame for a newly born pair of jjiib.
It wm decided that the fattier tnuat
name them. After caalinif about and
Online oo tiamea that ei.ioily auited
bi n be determined to cud tbe atraiu on
bia ujinl tmJ named them Kale and
Duplicate. In the cntirae of time
another pair ot twine name and tory
were boy a. Imagine hia feeling when
tbe mother one day told him aba bad
nam d them I'ete and K Mat. Tbe Oa
zetteia convinced that Kenton ootioty
baa pretty good liara, at well aa aome
lair, everyday folka wbo follow the in
junction "to multiply aud repleulali tbe
1 triet, Morrow County, btute ol Oreiiou.
W. E, Kahler. 1
i'lalntiff, I
W. E. Dennla.
Ilefenilant. J
TotheOoniitalileoltlie Klxth Dlstrlet, Morrow
I'onnty. Htaleol On iinti:
In the name of Hie Htato ot Oreenn. weeom-
niHinl you to aninmiina W. E. Dentila to aiH-ar
wioie me ii'ioermiiiieil. a J more ot the I'eaee
in lnatrti't No a, in mild Cminty anil Mate, on
or lu'lore the lltli rtay of January, law, at the
iiiiiirm iu o i'iim'i a. in., at my oiui'e in iiepp
tier, Inaalil IUMrli't, ruiinty aiulatiitn.ioaimwvi
the complaint of W. E. Kahler. loundeil on an
exrin I'riulrwt and whi-n-ln Hie aid i.Ulnllll
demand Judgment lor llicniiin ol Kllty-one and
i. lml ( il.si) Linllara and nmti ol llila ai tlon;
and In eaae he tall an to aniuiir lur wa t ilinrn.
nl, the idalntitl nlll lake jinlument aaalnat III in
fur the um of Kfty uno and iU Hi Hollara and
('iii ot una aciioii,
'I II la mini muni ll iitihliiiii ,y order of K. t
rrei ianu, jiiiire ul the rears lor the HI
innirii i, M irnm cuiiuty, (irt-Kuli.
Iialeil Noi'eiulier '.'Ut.'lH'i;,.
K t. ritFKI.ANI).
JJ!l-07. Juatli e nl the I'raea,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molassos
Candy and Gud powder
Boans and other ammunition
Sewing Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Pocket Knives and Overalls
Tea Tots and Tomatoes
Also some other things
S e-
ol Urn i kli...T ,,( n, (,.,,u,.r
Kill lit I ii u Ix.hii Am i'IhiIuii will hit lirl.l at
tlu-lr othee la lli'iiuer. iiri-u on the .mid
1 IHc of Jallllarir. In i. IhIWim-II llm luilira i,l
I in a. m and 4 in. nl a d iImv, lur Ilia liur.Hiw
ol vlix'tlug iliri-i tora lur the rmuilnf tear.
Kl If 1H-.IHII',
lli'Iiner, Or ,!). .'i, h'i:,, i m-e'y,
Kurl'a Clover l(it will purify your
Ulienl, eh ar y mr Cunplc xio.i, regulate
your liowela and muke your bead clear
aaabell. 2.V, .VI.'., and II. Oold by
Well ft Warren, truigiata.
HUM kllOMlr.KV MI I.IINtl.
lli of the alia-tlmldera III Tha Nallnual
Fanliul lli ..inr Kill l lu-ld al t hatialiia
huiian. In lli'iiimr. on Iha t Turaday ul
January, iH-ia-rii iti hiMiri o IU a in and i p,
in ol uld day. Inr the iirHW nl eln-lliii illrno
win n, r ine I'ltmi.ng rur
I. ll It
lli'ppiii-r. Or., Ink-. 4, l
IIMII11I', 'al,rr.
t Jill
rilt iht If kl I'llea.
Nkw Fbkii Yahu Win. Gordon baa
opened Up the feed yard Oeit dimr to
Iha (azttn ofll and now aolto ta a
aha'e iif your n,tr inatfe. liilly la right
at borne al Una bualneaa, and your
boraea will lie well looked after. I'rioea
reaaonable. liar and gram for ale. t(.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time.
arc going out of business.
fell imos.
Aft-r Dee. I, IT., the Gaxette will
hym.tom.-M..,etre; mtene. Itohit.g ' ' ' t? I ' V' lU"m
an .gingj m.t at night; won, b" . , ' i','1' "'k- , ' '''V
.crab bing. If allowed to cmtmne "'" '-,7 '' nppo-i.ton that
tumnra form, .h.rl, often I.Ih and I 0,b TV' " ,,," r' M "" M
Aa an tmnfuet tnelioin, Ayer't
('l,-fy Ii rlorai Ukre the leal of all
I uiw ri wediea. For lb ibf and mra
ol 1 Wlifeiplna! rough, of Ihfoat,
li I Iba d ir gfooa (,ulintary tfaaMea
.iwi,i,hib tnitg are ao lib, it la
lata! lab!, trlt)g p'otnil to art, aur to
l a nti Ao i awr Tber
I will b rrg'i'ar iyiebia artl4i al
ll.a M II ahareh. adti.lf ta,fbinrf mttA
ii'Mul, iu no'i.i.rf ft.ua aiMlie
tbe 9 ml rf !! 'i on"lhe fhar. b;
l.al It i aud lat l lau'l." (:, ,1 1
tfli j "lb-Va'l . f II... Tb-f
(; b t'th'a "al t and at-
(aitlnft al IhxIiU'lb e''l laf
at 7-X A r iial i.i.M... u ei'n. l.J
14 alteaj all tbw arv ea
F. V Oai, F of.
nlrerale, Womlng very tore. Hwatki '
UlKTMMT atopa tti it.'l.ing and lilee-.
ing, lieala ulrwf altoo, and in maul raaea'
removea the lomnra Al drinruiata m!
hy mail, fur fJc-i.ta. r.Nwayi,aft Mon.i HeM-ner. Addrt
I'lilladalphla. I Cm, Heeelver, AlllUgtutl,
Onlnpli U I.
fur Hale.
Ten aliarva of atork in
the National
a bard T.
Orrgon, Mlf.
ktrsssyj v -"If
"jlw" aC mH V
f , iYrr -LIT
Is I Slocum
Have just pur
chased a job lot of
fine, stylish cloaks,
in ladies' and c hil
dren's sizes.
Thee Gela MM mm
Cleaew Oul Oeferw the
1 14 mi lie ftaeeew m4
frieaa will ae Meal
AaieniaHixfiy Lew.
11; I hm,
M'irr kii k.
Hmih' ri,aM-.,a
M. T.
f t. ,
ear I I:' I e-..idr 11 ih IimI ft fit
f -r a ttnitvl " I tr a 1.'
f' liinf fn, li ft lil-wj !., I.
if.'t. I'r ' ! f m 1 Itf 1
Vr. J.
PI H i: for
!;rcli (inrcri:s. CI
(M. Onlv.
inn 9tio. am ui twits a mss
.1 . c. no 1 ten ion s, p r .
a 1 mmiaa 1 a a a
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
"Thvrr it a Hlc in if nffmrt oj turn
Thai, iflukrn al Hi Jtmul, Im-h on Io fortune."
Tito flood U lu rtj atnl mi in
g:illia.m cKs HISHIOIO
With a full line of
llutilwiitf. TiiiwaiK. CIlaHetwaif, r:iiNUorv. Wood
iiml Wllluww a in Collar Tu I ih at HftlitM-k l'rlccai.
Tr ma an liihl
1 Utf run iu tat alfht.
TLa only Eicluaiira llar.lware Ktum Lrtwifo 1 lio Dallet arnl rctillflon
GILLIAM tfc .lilaSUKK.
Hr.Dcr, . . . OreK.ti.
h Kechy Uituls
! I-'or tho Cult) o
l.i'jtn ir. ( u m tU 1 obac co Habits
j It la li4 al . (,
I U X-mi H't(t Tow a pw tk4 CW
al H.tft.i tnt ymtfmH
mh i,, ....a l.i.nal traaieat 1aia4 tare
it..q I r
ln every thing In tho lino of Fresh Groceries,
Cunih- Nuti, imd nu k rpi Crockery,
Liimpi itiifl Thiwnro.
Stock is Complete, Notions a 5pocialty,