J- J tjTOCE BRANDS. WhU yoa .ep lour subscription paid up yen an keep your brand in fre of charge. Allra T. J.. lone. Or. Horse Gtt on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on ruJhtear. and upper bit on tbelaft; range. Mor row oonnty. Ai-mntrone J. C, Alpine. Or. T with bar nn derToniV ehonlder of hor; cattle name on left hip. . , . Allison, O. D., EiRht Mile. Or.-Cattle bmnd, O D on left hip and horses same brund on right boulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkinu. J. J., Heppner, Or.-Hort.on. J A pon n.2d on lft Hank: cattle, eameon left hin. r)Sird. D.W.aTid snn.-Horset branded D B !'.. u:... ..la tho anm tin left flmk. on raeietv " - ,f, Uunif0 cropoii rm ii"' in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. 0'nH"r"! branded 7 Eun either ehoulder. RiinKOin Mnr- TOa0n0n1sSr, J. W.. Harrtman.Or.-Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split r. each ear Rrer.neT Peter, (iooseberry Oregon-Horses branded t B on left shoulder. Cattle same on oonnty. . Hr,es branded 7 osman, jerry ft Bi(,e on ngnt wm..., - nft ear hair orop ..". " - r o Barton, Wm.. Hoppner, Or -Ho nes, J H on I on llauge in Hrosman, i2tt r half orop "nd ngnt ear ni ,mr ' ... r Barton, v right thigh each ear. , . , n h.bs IB on the Brown, isa, TJ. V: " m Mor- He; catue sameuu iia". Or. Horses, oirnle cattle, same. Horses W. bar Cattle same on left bin right stil row county. "f.r?.:. 7ter nn oft hip; cattle, r "wrj.7Tna. Oregon. over it, on the left shoulder. "'P- m n u..nn. Or Horses brandi riihfU cattle, same, with split in .Tp n . Hennner. Or.-Horses, P B on left Browniee, v J., , d two splitand Grant county ,,,. Or.-Horses brand i.araiiw " y (UireB bars) on OIK ;T Caleb Or -Y 1 n nor on left stifle' TiAlC circle over it. on W-Jthf " ..nleft stiHe on all ooiw lef t shoulder only on all horses over o years. T1 a m iC V " or Lena. Or Horses H Con right aider; cattle same on rignt hip. ",r,r'M "il nwav. ()r-(t.lonn.pont nf fachear and'underhit, wattle in forehead horte. half circle 0 on left tfalle, Han Mor. ow ana uraM.m ., on in right ear, sp it in '" and spear point county. : - lnft B,ir on.houlder. Kar mao ew mip jtl '.nhJ"f hal crop in loft ear. All rang, riK'ifc - in Grant oonntv orww rightsliotil S.VHeJsaeon right .hip: ear mark ,. in urant county. Kiiliert. Douglas. Or Cattle right hip and S on right shoulder; horses, 8 on right shoulder. Kange in Morrow county. bmith Bros.. Bonwiville, Or. M?.,"?!6? H. Z. on shoulder: cattle mr on lefti houlder. Squires, James, Arlington, Or.; h"P"Xi J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, also now waddle. Range in Morrow d BMm counties. Htenhens V. A.. Hardman, Or-; horses Boon riSrttle'homonW L nght.ul. Btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or.-Gattle, S on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear. HwaggRrt.'G. W Heppner Or -Horse., on left sl.oulde:; cattle, 44 on left hip. Hnerry K. G.. Heppner, Or. tattle "L, on lefthKp off right and under ( m left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. . Thompsjin, J. A., Heppner, Or -H",,. Z Tip "et.S.T.,lnterpriBe.Or.-Hor86e. Con left eh4!"B.r.-,. vj H,,n, nr.-SmaU caoital T left shonWor, horses; cattle same on with solitin noin earn. itt i'i loft utiHe; sheeD same brand, Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or-.-Horses 11 V con nected on right shoulder ;cattle. same on right iir..ll.:j..o Wm ITnntiiier. Or. HorBes, U. h. on the left shoulder; cattle same on tight hip. orop off left ear and ngnt ear lojipeu. Wilson. John ,. Balem or Heppner, Horsos branded Jo on the left shoulder. MWrreu,' W iTt'aleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on loft si.lo, split m Horses same brand on leu biiouiuoi. Grant conuty. KHH Wade, Henry, Heppner. vir. nu.o ace of spades on left shoul.ler anu ,Bii m Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wo linger, Jo in, jonn ims vn.,vi " three parallel bars on loft ahonlder; 7 on sneep, ; i.it, oara. ianuo in Grant and Malhner E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO T1UC DON'T WRAP UP THE LAMP. Disastrous left hip Or.-Horses branded Or.- Itaugd I GIVES THE CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental "cSr'rin T. ., CurHviUe, Or. -!Iors. on n.f u ir,.lmn. Or.-tlaitle, Cwltb tr: horsr.tllionleft'iiP ran 11. K., Monninent, (jra branded circle with bar be rant ('o , Or. beneath, on left left.stitle. t)ox Kd. B K in oentoi Cochran Hnraes Drano' o ....,,,,,,. murU shoul.ler; oat 1 1 same . - under slope ;,, -. .,, branded (Jhapin n.. , hmll,ed the same. Also right ear. n.ii,,... Or. Cattle. H Don righr.&";iw-frk in each ear; horses. U U "eTv'.1 Br'.. IWOr.-Horsee branded KW on left shoulder, cauie io lP;:rvH..nardman. Or, GREAT NORTHERN Ry- UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane -AND bit in tHith ears. counties. no, np wifKlwara. jonn, riejipuer, ui, I..", ooimectM on loft shoutder. ... llIMMPAPfil IS Watkins, liisne. iieppoer, uwxi - iuuuiuu v DE connected on lelt stine. Wallace. Charles. Heppner, Or. t.attie, vy on right thigh, hole in loft ear; horses, W on right shoulder somf same on left, shoulder. Whlttier Bros., nunungion. Bakor Co.. Ur.- Horses branded W B connected on left snouiaer Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on lert hip, Dotn came ano horses. Kange Grant oonnty. Williams, J u. ixmg ;roa. wr nor, ter cin;le over three bars on left hip; cattle Barne and slit in nanh er. Ilange in Grant connty Wren. A. A.. Heppner, ur. norses runmnBn n on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Yioung, .1. H., Hooseoerry, ur. norm irauii- TMon the right nhonlrle" Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. "tv:n - THE BES Ocean fihout to 1m v a Sewlnr' Machine i, a l.v nlHirinL' ndvertiacmcnts ni,f! ),(; led in think you can gut die "tut iimuu, hnc-v. liniiihod und Most Popular fr.r ft mere son(j. Sec to it that Mtt buy from reliable manu i.t turera that have frnincd a ni talion by honest and square .it.' ilinp., vou will then get n i- i'wini; A'lai'hine that la noted t'-n! ivor'.d over fur its dura bility. Von wart the one that ii easiest to manage and u tv Light Running Pj"" There is none In the world that ftfp.nmera Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO '9S vr full dtdnila call on O. 11. & N Ar Dt at Heppner, f r address W. H. HURLBUUT, GeD.PBSB. Atft. Portland. Obegon Attempt to Regulate an ln- randescent Lamp. Several hotel men were standing in a jrroup in an uptown hotel recently, chatting. The conversation turned upon the eccentricities of .mosts. The manv odd ways in which different peo ple handle electric lights came up, says the New York Tribune, and one hotel man said: "Xearlv evervone now knows how the incandescent lamp is operated, but still we meet with some funny in utavir.ea nf iirnnranuc. Last week we nearlv had our hotel set on fire on ac emi ut of a niece of stupidity on the Dart of a truest. The building being rli-enroof alone prevented a conflagra tion. A woman came to the house who was in the habit of sleeping with a dim nrbf in the room, and the electric - lamD bothered her. She eitheV had to let it burn nrigntiy or else turn it off altogether. Finally she hit upon the idea of wrapping a towel around it. Then she began to niiot.inn whether the towel would catch fire. Then she adopted the happy expedient of wetting the towel, ihat was the worst thing that sue couiq ao. She soon dropped asleep, and, of course, the towel soon began to burn. A blazing piece dropped on the cur tains, and soon the whole room was afire. She was badly scared, and, of course, the contents of the room were ruined. Too Much All at Once. Whatever mav be the truth or the falsity of the stories that are told of the scarcity of the funds in a country orTitnr's ntK-ket or the scarcit y of food in his stomach, the stories ar; al ways told, and neither the projrre.-w of cJueation nor the growth and deveUnuient of the press seems to have any eifeH upon the crop. One of the late' t . omen from Kentucky, where the mountain editor, at least, rarely develops irit J rv Croesus or an Apicius, and this one is concern ing a mountain editor. A subscriber had remembered him very kindly and a dav or two later a visitor called at his oillce. "Can I see the editor?" he innnired of the crrimv little "devil" roostinrr on a high stool. "No, bir;" re plied the youth on the stool. "He's sick." "What's the matter with him?" "Dun'no," said the boy. "One of our subscribers give him a bag of flour and a bushel of pertaters t'other day, and I reckon he's foundered. ECZEMA From early child hood until I was ' grown my family spent a fortune trying to cure me ' I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i and was treated bv the best medical , men. but was not benefited. When all thines had n fl lauea 1 ae- I termined to b K 1 1 11 try S.S.S. and in four U III months was 1 entirely cured. The terribls eczema i 1 was pone, not a sisrn of it left My ereneral health built up, and I have I . , r . t j; - never naa any return oi me uisease. I have often I recommend ed 8.S.9. and i have never vl knnn a failure t.n (Mire. - ...... , inurllT T I n Never tails to cure. even when all other I remedies have. Our i treatiseon blood and ( I skin diseases mailed ' free to any address. I SWll-T SVEC1HC CO , Allantl, G. any return oi me uiscasc. i CHILDHOOD $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. .fflMnn,K oiuen swjiv to anv one who ap plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the montn preceong. ..nm- Ve secure tne orsi p ' and the object of this oner is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the (act that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, uch as the "car-window" which can be easily did up and down without breaking the passenger back, "sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock, "bottle. stopper,'' and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving : and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive epecial notice in A. w,innl Recorder' oublished at Washington, D. C. , which is the best newspaper puonsncu in n in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year s sub- tkic mirna . tree oi cosi. to ani our vuwi which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder, containing a descrrotion of his invention, wdl be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then attenuon tne meriis 01 wic mraiinni. . . All communications reganreu sun-wy Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Forelgo Patent, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 38s. Washington, D. C. " Siftrincl-editor etkisfafer. Writtormu SO.fatttamfkUt.FREE. That the RAMBLER -'tililltitg fel Is one of the very beet wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It BtandB in theg front rank with all high grade machines, and If you uuy one you m " m Bide a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for snouio. jour wneci ixm punctured, It can be mended by yen in five minutes, as it Is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel runs. Sold In all sizes lor ladles or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each. THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, liprhtest and strongest wheel in the market, j i For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as 11 is consiruci.:u . .1....... I leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men women hovs and girls, with 28, 2G and 24 inch wheels, at ffi5, 155, MS respect- Sg ivelv? are spTiuiid Si urn grade wheels, with G. & J. higli-grado doubl locking edge clinciier tires and are fully warranted, M write for cita'oguc, circulars, terms and discounts, or call jH Before you buy a bicycle 4 on our numerous agents, in wju anu iiiunu, Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- ILL CYCLE COMPANY, "Rambler Bicycles." Main I Wl FRED T. MERRI U Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's I OM,re'' "uo"' Bl , imS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co , Heppner, Oregon. M BUMMONf. call eri:al in nieehaniciil loftliip, holr Hiirsofl branded ... ... 1,1 :,kii.i cm iih Knililiinir ; mil. llKiit V on Klorenoe, li. A., K Wtth bar undiir on riirht hio; brH ihouldnr. , or-Hnnw. flornoa, p,lth IwroTur i. .... , .. JiT. ' HI mar. iLDn'f. . - .......... - k . nartir cirdo ovr it, on lft UB Morrow and l)inatillnoniitii. WK, ear. (lnlr, H. with ltnnvn in HlKtt . i, .. l,a rlutit. Inn. S -2 in Miirntw and ll'mtiH'i . vvt.. ; hin- m I. In right oar and nplit in lfU 1 mllier hip,.nniii 1 . ,,, ,.,.,. J on rigm mmn. j.. , .... 11.- L CP If 1. gh.. Haninm www r. ... ""Tbt ' l o a. d n ,,,rk ,0 SlanrtttaMt. IUao ... Hay .tack ''rr-T,?:" Xl'V. r.-H l.rwl-1 '"-. ' .. .1 .... ,.fl M'KI'll.l.l. ,11, nniin nil lllp all innfoirmn .mi h.i - -.. y- , ,. "'; "f fil Btructiun, durability of working ' t'.'t parts, fineness of linlsh, Uuuty V, ;H in app:'aninco, or lias as tuauy l 'j r .l iinproveinciits as the New Home it 1,.,. A..ir,m.Hr Trnnlon. Double Feed, alike on both Bides of needlo ( fttntrdh no other has. It ; N.-wiSlnnllW' n7i,(irivinK wim-i nm:c. 011 ml iitHtnlilo ccuters, thus reducing- fiictiou to tne ii.u.mnuiu Vl'KSTC FOR CIRCULAns. THE HEW H0L.E SEYilKQ MUCHISE CO. '.J...'l,u;:- i' I'. Arr w-.A,-- ' on Horaita (cattlM ("ntthi nam" on Id. ,, i ti n .H,..,t. Or. -'! i'w t- ttoram . v... ,.. .,.1 lli.iia. Hi M'irriiW anil l inoniii tnr with h r n'mv mi ..ft until i1" ...! I....i llv. Or.-t'atHMK Hon linn, r, ..i.i. ll,.tfN Mil . 11 1. mi rmiii ..' ...... h ld th Ki ll rijl.l bin: Imr" In ilrmit oonidy-, ... .it a luff IS in. M ii n iilirv". J M H ard man, (r.-1l -re. II Hmld Mil r.-ll.ir Hon , .(. -i.'..,,l... I Ii m-1 mi lb" ' ni" :..".. " i-f. Hu In M . t it imr !..... Il.rrv. I.i,ni-r. Or - brill l "J.. .'.. nd, .l.il in lH -nr. Hun t., in TIK1M " W .T.r.L".r-",V.. Il.t.on.r.tlr -M..r., I. J .".n l..fl ..ll.lr. fall la, . . - - B-ll. I .... Mr - ll..r.-. nr. i r ..'...,,,- u,i,...n riaiil liu, nn lot half RN ,.n' Uft l.'i HIi"maaiid rf..p .B 11 k uiT J T ' Hi,iiri"r. r.-ll..r.- n W-ft eh.mldw. ttl. wfi hlli. k,k JaM, llimr, " ,t,7Hildi nattU n tmht ai lii. nndi.fl.it " k"'Un, W. (I. M. ...... V-rr.;.n. r.- I l.otj Mil. rim.l an I M' .i t - ni;..- foik in h fl bra.") o. l-ft .h..-.l.i. IU- M. ln.nl mii.i.-m. f "n 1 '"' ea caiili. .. a., I .id.l 1 'i!!!ll;iia-.j.i -r r hnM .a;J-lr.-I.JI.r.in-.lna Ml .'.... 4r. t tiiknw '' U'i. rw l. t 'nit:r,rr.J W H..,.,:rrtr l,... I....;!;! C. THOMPSON CO., Ajenfs, Heppner, Orvijon. QCIOK TI3VIX3 t T O San Francisco And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaata route of the JSouthern Pacific Co. thmnah California to all point. Kant and South, tirand ttoanio RonU of the Paoiflo Coaat. Pullman Hnffot Hleeper. Hecond-claee Blooper. Attached to epria traine, affording impanor tnoommodatione for eoond-cla paesengara. For ratee. ticket., .lonpilig oar roervation. to. call nponoraddraM i IfiiKIII.KK. Maiiatrer. E. P. ROQERH icn. f if. Agt.. Portland. Oregon WHEN HER COAL GIVES OUT. TN THE JUSTICE'S COURT FOR SIXTH 1 District, Morrow County, State of Oregon. Otis Patterson and A. W." 1'iirterann. nartners do ing bunnies under the llrm name and style of I The Patterson Publish- I Awt Receiver. Con.pt. Most Modern and progressiva Jr r.tl"gii or Information, write to TMil MARLIN Vimi ARM5 CO., New Haven. Cnn. c s? y JT Then Kngland Will He Keady to bnaer- take Thla Tremendous Project. The Popular Science Monthly con tains an article describing a proposed isthmus or dam across the northern Dart of the Irish channel, the main ob ject being to utilize the current through this channel for mechanical purposes. The channel is 300 feet deep on the av erage, fifteen miles wide and the tidal current from the north is eight miles nn hour. As a result fifty cubic miles, or over 200,000,000,000 tons of water, pass the point where it is proposed to build the dam every day. 1 lie rate at which tho water moves gives each of these tons of water the power of ten- foot tons, and the power developed is therefore between lr.O.lKHl.OOO and '.'00,. 000,000 horse power. There are hills neur at hand from which the materials for the rtHin can 1 taken; and shipping may Iks provided for by locks, or by en lurtrintf certain canals. If the plan tdiould lie successful it would make England practically inde pendent of her coal supply, but there are obstacles in the way. For instance, says the Brooklyn Citizen, it would im impossible to transmit the electrical rx.ver produced without lots, and transferring it for more man iw imios is at present impracticable. It would nevertheless Ik- possible to use It in tne Lancashire cotton mills and perhaps in the smelting works of northern hng hind. Eh-etrieilt xinv also I used in r.ikinir. and if tin price of coal rose wmewhat it could t employed for hi'ttting. As an rngine require about i.iii. bm of eonl a year Per horse power to keep it running day and night, it w ill lie seen that England would in this new source of power have a sulisti tnti.f.ir her entire coal output. The Inn f'nmnniii' l'laintifls, v. Tlios. Owens, P.'fpnilniit. To the Constable of Sixth District, Morrow Countv, State of Oregon. i Ow.imi nf the State of Oregon, wc com mand vou to summons Thos Owens to appear i...f.,ro th unilereiiMied. a Justice of the reace, in District No. 6. in said County and State, on or before the 2iith day of December, A. D., 1W5, al ho,,. ..i in ,. ,.l,,cu a m.. at my oflice in it i., .um iii.irl,.! Cnimtv and State, to answer the coniolalnt of Tho Patterson Publish ing Company, a partnersnip, COll.l.llllK and A. W. Patterson, founded on an express contract and wherein the said partnership i, i, ,.!,,. ...,t (,,r th auin of Seventeen Dollars and costs ol tins action, aim in ctk falls so to answer (or want tnereoi, me t"ni.. tills will take Judg meat against h!m for the sum ol Seventeen Dollars and his costs la this action. . ? This summons is pntiiiKneu ny i.ruer ..i r.. Frcelaud. Justice of the Peace (or tne Mxin District. Morrow Countv Oregon. Dated Novembers, . .,,.- r.. l.. rnr.r.t,n.'u, 3W.-tW. Justice oi tne rcace. Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. NO'l'IVK OP AlVA TriTII'KM IIKKKHY ( IVES THAT l'tl)K.B iN and by virtue of a decree and order of ale In v i,l,. ami entered on sn, nn ii.-, u, mr .ii...i On. .'ntiili.nl John 11 (.entry, ileee.acd. bv thet iiinilv t:ourr, oi ineniaieoi "irnni o Morrow Cniuitv, .etllug In proliale the iiader .igiud asiidiiilul.tratrlx of the mid et,ili' will ..r... i... .a i. mt mi'i lc. aur'loTi. to in, ihkiii'". LlildiT lor ali In I ami on Mon iiiy. m-c utn iwi.i. at II o'clm k In the lorenoon of that day at the front dMir ol tliecourt hoii.e. In Heppner, i,.rrnu i niiiitv liri'iinn. H I tne niin'iii i- .. rlU.d rial i.r.u crlv ImMoiiuIiik to tin? aiHire ...Lit., .itiiii i..l 111 .M.trrow i ninny f.,un. in, i S.irllnvmt uiiartcr mid the sii'itli.t O'liutcr ol section two (.') In i.,..i,i,,ii, (, s.iut i Kante !emy .i ...i t.,.1 ,f ttil lanietlt. MerMlaii: in aie i inane i i,i ai Iimi. ami liii iiniiHTaiii now exl.tlng upon tbald ri'l irierty. and .uliject tn the loiillrinnlloii ol all nil., in ue mane uj tlic above etilll le.l in iny t nun. . m H. Ktm '.r.'iui. i. n.i. no. .Im.- of Sit4fiiilMr. ls'.i.v A.ltiiliil.iratrlx o( the wtate id John II, Gentry. Ini-reard. ., wi, Z King of Bicycles. If -iT- FINEST MATERIAL. uostrono. Timc SPEEDV.11AN WORIMAfHlP. Notice of Intention AND fiKFU K AT THK D X.VA. OKKIKIN a it, t .21. Ni.tbl hereby given thai In. lollnwliis u.Mii-d .elllerlia. Iilid nolice Vmir Models-g85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND Z-CENT STAinr rOH CMLguut. WIonarch Cycle Co. Tactorv and Main Offlc:-Lnke and nalstea "ii ANCHKS i-N.w York. San I'rnncltco, 5tlt Ukt City. Ueetrtr, Mmrai. tHtroil, ' WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOHTLASD, OKEGON. SENJ TAC KACiE c r.', i : SAV.pi.r ,S',II 'lllMl'l.l'd ttfflt't, .v.trf. n anh:::ssrEt.iKn ( mu, .V.i. .Snfft-r Strf't. "l';-.!. !.--. H.,...nr ,.- . ' I TViUl ULO. d.H.I.I II r.n." .n.t... 4,4 w, , .. n II on i - 1...I. n ,ilil Itll'i l' ." " H,B., im, (. VU, T. M II M1I U , ,.n l-i l ev.l. 7i I " Nt,. 1,-11 tlnt !. 1,1,; rinu II I t.A It. ,!. ' ' ,..u I,,,., (.( rit.t i,il.. .H II. tl , ... I .'. i . ii. I ., , u.; t.i in. ..,b ' I1 mU ,'H.. , . . 1 .Ml" ! .', II. ,ll, l. ... " '' "' " M ll.i. - ... n.w"1 '.' ' " nb I ..t nl l ' " 1 " " .. .mi t ' l,., (. in U,'i I S l !- I." H .-I I..l t I - ' Sn l,. t ...H,l"um Ull II, ..I : r. lU lil,, J..S ii'" m l-'i hilt, m lw.tw, la Unt ci iiiim, tft list Hma. I'l.i't '. .., Mi l,,, l . M f -". 11 I .. I .1 'I I't i m ll. n ' Ml. I I I .!, I ' , -11 I .... s. , v. M 'l ..... -.-, I,. ... ' ; t ' n '' - I rz.u F ! -I 1 Th cmparatilu of lha twocard I knows la moat paraona. Thaf llluttrata .! frar quantity to Not alwaya tnot to bo dir4. Tho cat 4 otp'tM tho bflclal qual ity or RlpansTabuks 4 comparoa with on jf pflouljr kow ir.nT.bul.l f'if, V ' Of rlll,,. bf ,B,'i. .'. nrm CHtwicu eo., 10 ii.. Y. '" ........t . , - be followliiK u.an-l .euier na mv.i umi-v. S.lrri uSSrnYsr f iiJHiviS A' rATTEltS0X' Aa'iM Morrow Vounttj, IITP,cr, Orgon Cftit. till wotiM I Blamt S ci-titHa jvur ..r ..ri' lu,rM mmer prialiU'ril, or mini to 3 ronta a ton for rrrry ton of ...wil itianltttfil. I'.iit the po.t of utilU Imr tin. f.irop woiiiil U' rnormoua. H U .lonidfnl wlH'thiT tlii- Plan la pr t b nlili ii vet. I.nt U -liowa lu.w roiiiul IcM, arc the fi-nraof (hoar who think that livUiatlon mnal frn whfti tha v ri.nl aiipjily ivea out. Ili-re la mi opportunity t' Mi re lin pwrr ii.iiil'Ii to rtin nil thr ntilla and fur- na.ra in titvnt Urilwin. WOMEN A3 DOCTORS T lt.an.il t M rill"f w!M i ptj i j r f fl .i j i, an i. lb I i I. t... I . ,,! ,1. W l.H Lin. IU"- 'I. ,. i. 'i ' I .4 t HIM dl !. a Uri'M alu and ...... i nla I h , u 4 1 r O'.il,,, lU, ll ! !'! ... I,.. L. ..a M mm tl Bit r. r,.i.li . ... t f Mi " . 4 In M.,.1 ! ' ! r-.. t ii. al..W ! a ik a, I fal Mlis a-. i s .- 1 ti r.r,...i, i... awl t, i- u, l " "t" ana ll... 1. 1 t ib. m.g. . , l I l.t.M I'IN r4 ka. ..t M.f.i.M, 1M mt 111 l,-sia 1.. ..it 1 am l4 rax ..( in It. ft I- O. kM .1 I S ! "-- o-4 f H- vf-" - -'" tfk-M. Il -4 tlll " n""K'V bt. i.-"i -'t.i. . l ,!.. .t W ' i.b. ,. . m ri t I f t ,. T i ' j -4 CHICKEHRi'?lx?Y? U .km sj HMI4 ' "ln .1.1. in i. .ii i..t II ,.1 dt i'- ' s, it, la a.il a tMalttjr ImMaraa. I lit 1 1 ! i. m 4 V i ..k . Ol ia.a.' aX ThcnRin" h.ak!! II' r,.inia.!l m t NiM "" a.aa aii (i . ,.. ra.rol to .INH H....M lt. . i inM.ut. .! l.'.H ! I , r-. ; .ImI'iIb"1 " .1 l-i l t,i-tf.. m It I. I. It ,,i,iiat.,ti .1... . I I M, V l ' ..ti M, ''K I 'I i -ft .u t la I llM. H..I " t'l ' or.. .h '' " " K.4. - tt.fva M, lb f."l wmt t . i r . i I 1 It ." I . . i.. - ' t , ; J a4 .( -"- L-iri-l ' H m ., ,. ia .. ll lit . I, ! ! not n. m M I ItaKl.i , a. t m i , II I , l.. ll ..Wmi-n-' auk m art aaa K ,.rt.,t !t k. tt-m IK. , -al H. v. . .i.'.i' ,-., ... ' i .hi I. .a. a " a , . m Ih. .!. - "" ,, it . 4 i.t , i u4 tfcal It-. Mw.t a. la .. ff. I ... .A .'1 . t !! IH ., ti. fi t--.i, ttr Uo I ...a 4 II. I.t.. f 4 it... l t . .. M I "t ' ' , I I ,n .-1.4 f . V , t-t t . . (. ... -! . - It-. 'm. 4 -.. B4 ,'- f.. I.- , 4 4 M ll l''" tn.J L.M . .., Ift - Wtt.f .L l 4..a,t.'tM 'w i..i... Lt . fa.,. 1 Ilk ". l-a 1 1 i, i i iitM . t,tiirt a ... 1.-4 -. ', fc ,1 ... . I . ,. g ,k a. t -t M . la V.aavaJ . 4 m. 1 tt, a4 i COPYRIGHTS HT1- fTTf IMr Maattwr lnmstlM l I al4) aal-rll rinwl ln IK. .. N,.hfre In thf worhl latlirrr uplaf1 Hlii r.-thr ni.i.1. rti Moman liaa Iin.I mn haa aii. h ruthiit.iai.iic-Miptart In all hfr titiin a hrre in Am. ri. n.l the ni.-l. rn woman ha not la -n alow In liiij.r..ink the i..p..rtiinitie oft.Te.l her. It l hnr-l to mi nt l.n ny fli ht liiio w Ii Wli flu' ha not rnlrml toom , te uiivt .('itly with the atrrnrr ar. a. ..I In t n.- iir..f..ioiia le ha com- I .., i .i. .1 .!. t man (nun hi. f. .rtm r j.ll'l.'l, Hl ii'l 'i... " nii.uetM'tit.l iiirvmat.y. Tlw-re I i tlin) i. tr.tfflti t' wliWh the niMiu .inll.41 i l llltkii rn wtmian i ! ,. ii.. I. n,..t thn the i.ie.U. al. It U ia liltW liar.1 to ttllwhyahe .ImuLi rvin.-e a ,ttv.tlvtl.n f aawtnif la nra ,.rrTfuIliilfalMi.'tfin newoun I ruttiitaiiv think he w.mhl trrf. r .me 1 rallilii l.aiinir Ira tl.arfrrral le Ira i tur- att Mi l't. "'!. h i ur ili.tn't thina ahe .mM l" it, hut ! .1,- ....I a ntt-ri- t rrftunl the . l.4.i ff laoitn tl lh nu tatia. The) m n t- f.Hintl tn aiiif-t t. ry I. .mii .ma 1 t urce ii i rtiimi'm that three are at ! l 11, ,,i,i,i r nr.. mi liw-finiwr i wi, 1 1 j p.n. p. r it i Il.t. K.N.i .trtl. (,.r the N't tv T inllt'. err. . 1 1". , n m r., Mr ii.iiir. tli lollnalii alliie. I'rnvo lit.r.nitliiii.ii. r.-at.li-m-o iiltin inl rultltrallnn III Mill lito.l. !' . .. ,, ... , l.,n If riiJhl. Jtitnr. v ll'min.. t.l I1..II, llfrpm, ami J.HV-. M l.a).. liri.rj m hfttit;r. llrppiirr, r.-tr J I. r . 'r. r. ;..01 lt.1il.trr. "SoliCR '' IXTINiiOS. f AM'''l'Fli K T Tilf IMM.r.r!K'iH. I. it.tl.r.'l. lw N.ttli t. I.nb (vtl II..I Iha l.tllital.i limr.l ariltr-r hit Bl't lio. lite itt hi. liiiiitlt.M t" ! enal .rot.l tn ip r.,.1,,1 I,,. .I.liil kimI that l;l phwl atll t ina.lr l... t w, ..lira., ,t...nii t it-.., llrl'Mwr !...". nM Norlnttfr , i.H i 1 ' lu. Ii till II It III f S.t I IT. I..f the N, , "ee. I. til ti. .aw i Ii. I H .1 f M M lit' immra ). ..llnaii allttr r ..!.. 1,1. , .iliu. rral'lrm u " ultlllnli .... . . ... fc ....,. .La rl r;r w iif.'in.n, . it..t ,n itrron ! .ata l. hl. 4IMrl It, tmtr. ..I r i.ht Mile, wn at'"- Ht-fi'trr. NtVririe'or int imhw. i a!i nrrn r. ttk pi i tiii..i",'. t tl lrt rS.4re I. rlr..T I Ih. .,!lita ln ... TO.-1 PHWT .-. - - ... . ,..i.,i .... i.t in.ip H...I ., In Hpi"." .rf hi., i.l-a o' I"""" """"" r.n. l .rt.w rnnntr. . 1 M. I. lrn, ftl I'"".' . t ll. ill. .a I ..1 in : s:-. ..mi.K4 ti .il a- ll t. I a K , It M II. i..,t lh ..ll..aln .inw"'" M, .-.., i. ........ fr.i lit -w awl ,utiititta ol a.l-1 U'..l, ' ...k.M a tsrtlil. J.mt. t. ll.i. ...n .". i-1 J"t M M. Il"t . hrt.i.. r, ( 111 T'f. r"B. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great fmnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tiik Pattkkson Pum.isiiiNn Co. j j. 1 ! Hoft.trr, "I 4 ""I il ttntt or iumiim V. l 1Hr I "nr.. tt. ,4 4kah If ....a aoa 4 .M 4 a tV a . a . at t-'tt l Alt' .-.... I'l 4 k- I.. ,IM -4 mt-t .4 a, t w . a. I.-. . .-. a, fc la M.. a,4u i .a ikM m. . tin r ' m m - l .. - tt. IMI .. - , tllt U4 . .' t ' " ' " . w . ---- - --. a e4--k a - - "'irj' L ... ...i.. ..-if Ml i. I t.O a, ! .tf t I Unlit tt..f (. t4 J , fefilar iWn t ta 1 '41. Al "" tit lb h !f,. a.Hiaii tl l 4m.w .ra,lif I li i In the t nitt-l Mtrn llltcir num- , I. r I Urv)f auifn. tit-l rifry )tar i 1 ) U r. In.lre of the tximt rm If liiile t nt I.I.) ho. i.f p.irr.rall thrill- a, ).. .. t.v V ! e-M..hr..f Ihrae , ...iH n he ritne.l th. if il.pl na i Mb. Msh h 4itr. nn.l tHeworl l at J lr.-e i mu, h the faitirf t y tW ft nut Wt" MH tlll.4er. I 4t IV n.ao U fin'.e hlm:f Int. the llf that thejf I t lt rrf -il t,n..UJ, vf tUir Ult.o. Wtutl ,1 t. r tt il.xt.4e r. Uarn a rUa ti4 e.tti.rfinthetr far tw re 4u . ir d4 c I r '4 ' ttwm n.tiy of tins wm la lb tBe4kal j.ti.!.i.m. , i m it.i. r.t In te h e , ff ! !.. I r-t , f 1 ! t . e ; 4it ti a l'-, itt-4. 4r I fii e. ! In It. r4ati r ttl.;ib Vm p a ft 'R 4 1 IHt Oil I . onri'ii.. ,,.,.,.'1 aTif.ff i.a . "".." L., n,.l I-. H...f ! f t .., -"-. ,.,,,.(. I .i-l I ' ' i-i,. ii,. r-...lt t,.. .4 M wttt, al tMrtit r there j,n - .t i.. 4 ... v..i f tl -t 1, tt.. w . i .. . k a w 4 Ml'.. I- 4 "' i ,,,.,.. mi n .f.. l fti'it'!.. t.i ... 1 1. . .it . . ,T,..V -" '' a,., ir a-t J." M,. Itlf aH ,...,etl r,. "-- J, Ml I It., I !- It.. 1. :A " t. (.. t t a....i .4 i if , r t mr tut 1 1. tti.. t .t. t . ' : m.4 ..i. -t . I -t - f . .1 .1 -4 - - f. ..I w I . mi i t. . I, . .... t- ' I Mt t t t,t.i n . - ? . 1 1 ''' A. 1 P. HSS : n : PIUS ! Ynurn UOUN I) u. Titk,;-Kiii. n Lenvc No ConlirnVnn, (tH II, ! I Ii l.'l- a.. . ft ...Ii. ..(,4 t to ... at. I . ' ' ' .!.!. e. ! 1- 'U ! f ' VtnV i tt.. - .'' ; ,1.1. . I ai ii li-nf " . . i It a J I t . ft t W. t t . i.t, .. ... na . ' .i iti., -. 4 Yt-e.rlf ll , . .., a . . . 4 , t ... i. ltitlllin l(.,l K It I ' - - --. . , ... , , a, , lilMi. kit irit, o,. .- , Hll f . Mtl it re. "m e' f" in t:h I . . , . - . t ' 4 ! M . . W S4. - tI r " rt rwi,cx o4w tear i a) I n ' - "" la tn t.m In ih k-n tiail I