Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 29, 1895, Image 3

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Family IVIeoicbne
Bhe Has Ever Known. Words of Praise
from a Hew York Lady for
" I would like to add my testimony to
that of others who have used Ayer's
Pills, and to say that I have taken them
for many years, and always derived the
best results from their use. For stom
ach and liver troubles, and for the cure
of headache caused by these derange
ments, Ayer's Tills cannot bo equaled.
Here and There.
Asa TliompBo i are iu
When my. friends ask me what is the
best remedy for disorders of the stom
ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea
son, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They aro easy to
take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."
Mrs. May Johnson, SG8 Rider Avenue,
New York City.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood disorders.
John Spray ia over from Haystack.
Farmers and st ickmen are olieerfol.
At'.oruey Loyos left Tncsdav for '0.111.
Al Evans and
from Alpine.
B. B Maun now gets bU U.zMte hI
Ed lib, Kinsas.
J ilin Barker wan over from Butter
creek Wednesday.
The Niles-Vioaon,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Mr Johnny Kirk
au uttack of quiuzy.
Aaron Templeton and Ool
are in from Haystack.
Tl e presoue of Cougre-mu in
manu in noted in Washiugton.
N-it Hnle is running a little otore at
Lexington aud is doing fairly well.
Eilwurd Brablvnn fatally HUot birnself
at tunne, wh le hunting, on the 25th.
La GniDde Marble Works. La Oranda
Ore. a. 0. Smith, salesman, Ueopner.
Thd (iHZtte is getting a few new snb-
sonbers low and tUeo. renardlt-sa nf
hard lioii-s.
The young ohild of Jas. Frnzer. throe
years old. was burned to death at Milton
last week.
N. BettoDdorff. of Waaiier. lft bin
dimensions for several yards of the Ga
zette He first of the week.
Marble Works,
is suffering from
Kirkh im
Tbe Great
Kple Took
the World
1 Si & 2 iC JJD-
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-IP JUJ2 J3 I 15 16
i j8 j 9" 2"c ri5iTs
Notice. I
, . Taint
1. The sum of Ave rent per line will be
jhnruM for "riirils o( thanks." "resolutions ol
resiwt." Huts of wedilitiv rtwnt and donors,
inn otiltunrjr notices, (other trmti thosn the ullt
tr shall hlniwlf tv a mnttur nf news,) and
nottr... of . Ul mwiiiiK" for wh'ivprpnrMww.
1 Nottres of church ami XH'Iflv and all olhnr
ItitortalmnetiU from which revenue U to le de
rived, shU Ue rhrii.i for at the rti of flv
jttiU a Una. Tliina rules will he strictly ulher
d In In evurr lntnp.
Alvrllsln rxtos reasonable and madeknown
ipou application.
A premium to cash Durobasera nt
Piiill Coliu's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tf,
H. 0. Wills, one of Heppnei's promi
nent merohanls returned Thursday from
a visit to Reno, Nevada,
G M. Grimes will shipja lot of cattle
Inlay. Thfy came from Haystack and
belonged to Mr. Kirkbam.
Mrs. Harriet Hxllock has beeu quite
ill out at Ohaa Wallaces place, but is
reported bs being muoh better
Best accommodation and oonrteous
treatmeutHt the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aud Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregou.
The b turd of trade should look into
the m .tier of seoariug telphone oouoeo
lious with the ''long distance line".
Tie "Chinook" that the Gazette
predicted in last ihsum has arriven aud
no snow remains in about Heppner.
Each 25 cent purebatie entitles yon to a
ticket for the J5100 bicvole at Fhill
Coliu's drug store, ut xt door to Minor 4
Elmei Slocum, the art iit. will make
C liiiu t pi olos for the next 30 days at
i per di zeu. Gallery opposite opera
llnllCO. tf,
WLeu yon waut to feel mrry call on
Ltche 8 errv, at the Belvedere SbIihid,
where tl ey keep the finest wet goods in
tof. tf.
lnere was girae tats a tvw fuys m
ft' out a race bttwern Jubilmn and
Dutch, but the G..zette is iuformed that
it 19 ol: Yff"
Mathews Bros., City bote) baibersbop,
tonsorial artints. Uairoutting, shaving,
ahhnipooing, etc., done eoieutittcully.
Baths at 25 cents apiece.
Times -Mountaineer: D. L. Freoob,
formerly f Heipner, bas Inoated in
the city, and baa asanoiated himself with
Elder Jeukius la the corset factory.
As the uame iodioatea. Hall' Vrge-
tnie oiniiian Hair H-Dewer. is a renew.
er of the hair, inolnduig its growth,
iiFiiith, youthful oolnr and beauty. It
will please yon.
I'u re drugs, chemicals, paints, window
glaiH and a complete line of stationery
at lowest price anil a chance to WID
The Indian epic of "Hiawatha" took
the world by surprise, writes Hezekiah
Butterworth in an article "How Long
fellow Wrote His Best known Poems"
in 'Jeoembfr Ladies' Horn Journal
Its form and its matter were for a long
timt) mysteries: How oould aGambridee
literary recluse prodnce snch an epio?
Certain critics olaimed that the idea,
form and magic treatment of the poem
had beeu borrowed from a Scandinavian
sage, and the implication greatly dis
turbed bis publishers, aud must have
oansed his fleusitive spirit great pain.
It partly eclipsed for a time the new
star iu the literary boriz in ou which all
eyes were fixed. Tba cri'iuism was dis
armed the wonder grew; a fixed star
had appeared. Bnt the msterv of the
poem is simply solved. Longfellow
desired to produoe au epic that should
be in sympathy with all that was most
beautiful aud noble in the vanishing
Indian race. Abraham Le Fort, an
Onodaga chieftain, bad furnished Sohool
craft, the historian, much Indiau lore
and many mystic traditions, with oertain
Indian vocabularies, in which the
mnsical and unmusical sounds of many
words indicated their meaning. These
traditions and vocabularies made the
work of the poet easy. Oue only needs
to read Soboolcraft, to whom the poet
acknowledged his indebtedness, to see
bow this monument to the Indian raoe,
their ocly great literary memoriul, was
Masonic Doinos. "Pap" Stroud, the
Masonic lecturer for this state, arriv-id
yesterday morning and is laboring in
this vineyard in ordr to instruct the
brethren as to tin "hows and why fores"
of Masonry. He was present at s
meeting of the Royal Arch last evening,
and immediately after lodge was closed,
the "Blue Lodge" opened and several
honrs were spent profitably. Today
and this evening will be spent in gaining
additional Masonic information. This
is not Mr. Stroud's first visit to Herp
ner, and as he knows everybody the
visit oaonot be otherwise than plasat.
As a reminder of old times, the Gnzette
will state that the cashier nf the First
National, of this place, Geo. Cooser,
used to brake for "Pap" w!en he was a
oonduotor on the old O. & C. That was
s good many years ago when Ben Holli
day, the pioneer stage aud railroad man
owned if.
We would like to look into the pleas
ant face of some one who has never had
any derangemeut of the digestive organs
We see tbe drawn and unhappy faoes of
dyspeptics in every walk of life. It is
onr national disease, and nearly all com
plaints spring from this eonroe. Re
move the stomach difficulty and tbe
work is done.
Dyspeptios and pale thin people are
literally starving, because tbev don't
digest their food. Consumption never
develops in people of robust and normal
digestion. Correct the wasting and
loss of flesh and we core tbe disease.
Do this with food.
Tbe Shaker Digestive Cordial con
tains already digested food and iB a rii
genter of food at the same time. Its
effr-ot are felt at once. Get a pamphlet
of your druggist and learu about it.
Ltjcky all Around - His numerous
friends in this oity and oonnty will be
plea ed to learn that A. W. Uilsey, late
assiaiant secretary of tbe State Insur
tance company, has seemed aud advan
ageous engagement without euylotsof
time on account of the recent disaster.
He has been appointed a special agent
for tbe Western Assurance company of
Sn Francisco, bis territory being
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Bnd his
headquarters to be at Portland. Mr.
Giesy in seourmg the position at this
time is no lees fortunate than the
oompany is which has engaged his
services. He bas an unsullied repu
tation for etriot integrity and is called
one of the best informed insurance men
iu the Northwest. Salem Statesmau.
Makes the Blood Pure
This ia the secret of the cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Kead this:
"lam so glad
to write that I
am now in per
fect health and
it is all because
Hood's Sarsa
parilla made
my blood pure.
My health
broke down
with troubles
peculiar to
woraen, m y
nervous svs
tcrn was shat
tered and I
had to take my bed. The physician said
there was little hope for mc. A neighbor
told of wonderful cure3 by Hood's barsa
parilla and I decided to try it. When I
had taken 3 bottles, I could sit up and now
I am perfectly well and strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done all thi3 for me." Mrs. C. F.
Fadeuek, La Platta City, Colorado.
Hood's Pills
cure habitual constipa
tion, l'rlce 2jc. per box.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of tlio Union Depot of C. B. &
, C. M. & St. P., 0 iV A , P. Kt. W. & C.
Laxol is Castor Oil made as sweet as
honey by a new prooees. Children like
PUira for !lrdinn. Mniumpnt. Lnnr frwk,
lnhn lor t I'linymi Cttv. loiivm f ol low :
Krorf ilur al a. in , n.-i'i't Mmi'lav.
Arrlviocronr d)ra' 4 p m,.rin.il Hiinili),
Th rhproi. luli-kwl anil licul Una to or
Iroin Ilia Interior conn try.
W ALT. TII'JM frlON', I'rop.
I'hlll Cohn, AtrnL
Extra Palt Star Brewery Beef
In Half I'lnt IlollUi ran 1m) ...
hc only at th
City Hotel Bar!
Whi-rv Mtftt srnilr l.l.pion tii.l ( li(r arc iIm
pl l.jr Tl.
of the future
's evidently
II av For Halr I Lave 73 tons of
exorlletit whrat hay on the Al 8yra
place 8 tnilra ab Olri, abicb K mill
ell frry rrinlile. G od lucntino for
lefdir.g Block. Oj ISix k Crerk, Ullliaia
Oi.( Oregon.
6. O. 1. liOYD.
Any inventor la Oregon who
dwlr ibe ft an Mlnrtiey la
Washington. D. O , will rind tl to bis
Wantage t' Pall nil or a.hlrt lln !
ptr. ftf
O, B. Unit, th" tnnorml aitit. po
! f mad t li pari"', Malbwk cirorr, np lvl g kIiiio
hir hi "lit ill.ro- Mlp ip-lur
liv.., lmm-HMi. I iroot, !'.
f 1(H) priKx at I'hlll Unbu a drug store,
in xt dcMir to Minor & Co. If
Karls plover lv ot will puriry yonr
Blooil, tliar y.tnr Coiuplexioa, regulate
your bowels and ni ike your bead clear
aa a bolt. l: , bOo., and tl Hold by
Wells ft Warren, Uroggiata.
P. J. Hallo, k, Ike Eiinis and 8 S
Horner have reinmed from tbe moun
tains. Ike wis tbe bosa hunter, killlog
two well anitloM. Hunting sa Jpreity
giMxl up In the Pitiu creel, Soollmi when
the boy were out.
Thursday night aom of the bma got
mnd np down t tbe lixlvedere, but o
one was badly hnrt eduesday Krcord
er Halork thnugbl 110 apiece wonld
paiou np maters s-me. Ibe bois are
all good Iriendt again.
J T. Hosklna wa lo from Oallomsy
Wrdnday. lie mnrls Ibal work
would btfin on Ibe U B. church build
ing, and II d luterrnpted will aonn be
! Ooroiilpted. The brail b ol Ibe people is
! nri.it fair in thai arution.
"I eoflaiied til ing a ronflrmrd dyspep
tic by taking Aer's I'llls in tiros." This
Is the eipvrien) of many. Ayer's rills,
bther as an afiir-dinoir pill or aa a
rrmedy for livr oo i. plaint, indigMtioo.
(Umlei ey, wtr brash, and oaossa, are
lotal liable
This morning, Ml Kila Crabtrre, of
this i. fllne, tbe recipient of flue
selrrlmo of California fruits, inelndisg
porovBtiBtr and rkant, tutlivated
rain, Mrs L)l, niolher f
Mia IVarl I !. well kooea lo Uepp
i r people, Ibe dnuor.
T. IV. Howard makes apRiklif in
llll all tievdrd
From the Inter Ocean.
" Helen!"
Tbe managing editor
spoke sharply. Hbe
angry about something.
Yes, ma'am," replied the private
secretary, quiokly responded to the
"Write a note to MisaDoohttle telling
ber tbat we will dispense with her
services in the local room in the future."
'Yes, ma'am. "
"Hbe is drinking too muoh," explained
Ibe maoaging editor. "I am sorry for
ber poor father, who is a widower and
has to depeud oo her for support, but I
can't help it. She will have to go."
Til do it at once, ma'am."
"This liquor habit is becoming a very
serious matter," continued tbe managing
editor, musingly. ''I don't mnob blame
those poor men out in Kansas who have
been holding prayer meetings iu Ibe
streel lo an attempt to break up tbe
aalooo bosioess. They are taking long
chauoet of insult, though. Ii'a no place
for men. Id m'lst-e what tbeir wives
are thinking of lo let them do it. We'll
have lo have a good special on tbe
subject before long.
"Meanwhile," oontinoed the manag
ing editor, coming down to business
again, "tell Mrs. Hlasher thai I want a
good stiff editorial on Ibe women wbo
persist in koing oat between the sots to
see a girl or get clove. It's an Insult
to tba geutleinso they take to Ibe
"I Lave that tna'am," said Hlen,
looking np from ber notebook. "What
"Leave a note fr Mr. i'rettyino
about his sooietv. Tic rereotljr be
bas mads the mistake of referriug to Mr.
an J Mrs. Jones Instead of M'. and Mr.
Jones, as every on knows it onghl lo
be. It's ioriruaabte."
"Yi-s, ma'am,"
Files! Pllexl Itching Pilrs.
bymptonas Moisture; intense ltobing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. It allowed to continue
tumors form, wbiob often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swathes
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and iu roost oases
removes tbe tumors At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 cents. Dr.8wayue& Son,
Thb Ball. Tbe Thanksgiving masque
ball given by Dr. J. W. Rasmus lact
evening at tbe opera bouse, was liber
ally attended. Tbe best order prevailed,
no boititrous conduct being permitted.
In all it was a grand sncoesB. The
prizes were distributed as follows: The
Quest costumed character, Mies Ada
Minor; tbe most comical characters.
Mrs- Walter Richardson and Miss Ella
Orabtree, representing "MoFarland
Mercantile Co.;" tbe best sustained
oharaoter, Blaster Itenben Wills, repre
senting a Ulnuess boy. J. bare were
numerous cbarao'ers, however, tbat
deserve special mention, but la-k ol
time tortiuls. "the salvation army
corps, however, was "all light." These
oharaotera were something new and
novel to Heppner people.
ana the U. St. L. it P. Railroads.
WU.oo I 12 1 DAY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
WANTED:-8 vera! trustworthy nentlemen
or ladles to travel in Oregon, for establish-
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices
Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
Good Jersey Shirt, 60 cents.
Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
-35 cts.
Vill arrive in afeio days, tvhich will be sold at low figures.
We are Sole Aircnts for Ilcnrv Mossle ife Son's Full (Irpam Vnnm im.i
Cheese. Call and see us.
Don't Forget to Call on the
oil. reliable house. Salary $70 and expenses.
eicHuy position, r.nciosa ri'tertMiee and soli ad
dressed atampnl envelope. The Dominion Coin-
miy, nuru floor, uniuna uuildlug, tlilcago.
Bittbn Bt A Doa. Several days bbo,
out at Felix Johnson's, Dick Howard's
little boy, some two or three years old,
was bitten by a dog. The little fellow
had been playing 'with Ibe doR (or
several hours nud were tho best of
friends. In sport the child straok the
dog which nronsfed him so that he im
mediately Bpranjf onto the ohild, biting
him eoveroly in the fnoe. Dr. Mo
Swords says thai, aside from a few sliiiht
soars, he will be none the worse for tbe
: C. Thompson Company,
bow's This!
We offer Oue Hnndred Dollars Re
want tor any case of Uaiarrb that oai
not b" oured by II nil's Catarrh (Jure.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Troprs .Toled
We Ibe nndersiBnrd, have knowr
F. J. Cheney (or the last 13 )eare, em'
believe biro perf cully honorable i.i al
business transactions and floiminlh
able to carry out any obligations mid.
by tbeir fjrro.
West k Trial, Wholesale Driwuiata.
Toledo, O., Welding, Kintian A Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeo intern
ally, acting directly noon the blood and
mnceiis aiirfaoes of the ntslxm. I'ricr
"5 cents per Ixittle. Hold by all Drug
If ill i. Testimonials free.
Bataa IK rra Oi.akd. ''Uunle"
LUh Hloao yesterday hrnnght the fla
site the rapping climix of onrionltit's.
Tbts yesr, chirkrn giszards have Ix-ro
found wild gold in (hem, bat Mr. Sloan
bad one that bail brass in It-two brasa
pin, firmly sticking in Die muscular
folds. The chicken was li the best of
health wheu killed, seem ng t. have ben
little lnr(inveninOfd by Ilia fortign
bodies in Its grindiog Bpwrlns, Tbe
pioa bad entered Ibe walla of tba organ
fully half their length, aud tl at pari
was oallonael lo m U denree lhal
Ibeir preeenoe e.nld have Caused do
pain, for Ibere was not Ibe allghteat
evideuee of iodamrnalion.
Hra throat. Any orinary eee may
be rnred la no tight by arpltleg
C!hamrMirlklfia Vltt tllm m AtemtttmA
"Then lell the city editor, that I want ,xtb Mr, b .lil,. This mdieine Is also
alH K iH'M.lr rarrylng a general
bl new ad.
. . . . . . . . . . t . i i . i it 1 1 . ...
mym ff J lit, .I" I I'I'll WRfBJ nrrrssui wmompi trui, .-r
J J il.ru rt unitrrttl nnyntttflf.U Is t,tUHi Ihnm-jh hi
ml) 7 lit, r .1"
. Il.rg f in u l
J h it; nr. in f
,il,rr Wtrlt, h U it l"ir ial thr truth is ! M
I,i.m. HV .i ! rf-ina fi uwlttmii rvrrt on ie, fr tr
,1,f nn eoa lo fUrr'.t thttt Is Ol nlflt-iji thnl no mon
h.i, rf r .i... f'.-r " I'i'J I' 'I ' '"""' tltr bn.thrr rr
r..ii.f iwhtrh h' or rrg tt p h ! H- f" '' r
mntli lull )
II IH, , ', i,t,f tn int)rtnr sf.-t,laf tttrv ff milt
If ! rU tn.fffh. ftrti f.'.MS I'fk at fit lr'l. nsr
r tl art ill r 1-" : "I " --' - J
CiU n 1 ' t - tr,!t ' r me t Jt wa if
fr li
, i
Awl lf t
t !; I t !
i r I
hi.ivitOl ,i
.'..M I fA.
ft .i . .. l ri !.
l if.. -. i i miii'l ef.
1' n ti.'.
, 1. 1 '
A1 14 s. I M M
.4 IH t
- - . t ...
. . t t . . .. I
good interview with Mr Margin. I he
pree'ulsol of Ihe biard of trade, on Ibe
lump In wheat. Tn' iwM ! be
g-KKi alary (bat. t understand lhal
the Ann of Meadame OiotKin k ll"iid
h badly )ieted, ant that Jennie
('linger made s much Ibal she blew Iu
fJXIot eelebraUng w b Ibe girls
on Hie Ixurd of trade, and siiaring
b-rrlf by baying her l.aabaed
diauoHid rng aiid eWktn eosl "
Tln. ai'U a wave f li e band, the
dll'-f "f II." f'lltlre HisliilMd hrt pfHa'e
-errl ty 1 1, J Lrr BtlrbUoa In a
editorial ia "1 he AUnrd Clatas of ibe
New M."
feaone for il rnrea of rbeoinalKm,
lama bek and deep-eealed and Wiiiai'olar
t'Min. Yut aale by h loo qui Jottaaoe
Irng Co.
A onp of muddy colfe ia not whole
some, neither ia a bottle of muddy
medicine. One way to know a tellable
and skillfully prepared htood-rtnritier is
by its freedo.ii from sediment. Ayer's
Saisaparilla is at ways bright aud spark
ing, because it is au extract and not a
iNTiinnM-iNii IlioaHAt'HT. There Is
lerhspa no American writer whose
utohiograpby would be more iutcrest
iitf than Ibat of Elir. ibetb Stanrl Phelps,
ud we are glad lo learn that she will
ainlriliiita a series of remiuiHcenoes to
tloCliirc's Magiizine. Tbe first artiole
ippears in the lVci mber number, and
ill coo tain irrnlleciioiis of her earl)
ife in Andover; .f her father, the ilia-
tluguiMhed 1'rofeasor I'bt lps; aud of brr
nolher, b raf a writer of elorics, some
of wbiub reached a rliciilaiion of l,(KK),lKMI
to Mi a.
hliilo'a Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures Incipient Coiisiimptiun. It is
the Ih sI ()tiighCiireiiiily imo oi-ul a (hate.
2i ct., .V) pis , and II. S il l by Wtlls
k SVntrv'i, lfogglt.
Call oo i'hi'.l l!..liu f ir fine wines and
liquors for iiifdioin il pnrpon, e. A Ooni
plele line i f Key Weal clara, and a
premium ticks t for Ibe flmi Vulor
blO)lle. f.
At I KM I'll HI
Tu II .11' ra .f I'olici 'e in Ibe Male
In.. Co.;
Tbe Mate leaurtiDoe Co. having failed
I will lake up y ur policies, give you a
new policy in a first class oompmy, and
allow you (rii fr all nnratorj
If K U KatiLAso
NaWtSkli TABO-Wlii. UordoO has
avu np the fr. )rd nl diair o
ha lstie offli-e, and now solid l
ha of )oiir 'rohsg. Itilla la right
I liorn al Ibia l,ulnr, and Jour
Iiosmhi wdl li ill lo-ikiol after. I'rieva
I rrasoiiaiit. llsV io grain r.r If.
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Pocket Kuives and Overalls
Tea Tots and Tomatoes
Also some other things and something else.
ijSelling Out
Gkockkies, Gknts' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' SurruKS, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
Ho will make it an odject for you to trade with
him as his prices are riht, and all goods that he
handles are of the very ln-Ht.
Stork on Main Strkkt, Nkxt Door
to Citv Drug Stork,
r Ioppntiis Oregon.
.). C. MO ItCI I KWS, I'lop.
Keeps the Finest Wine?, Liquors and Cigars.
"Tlirre u it Mr in affmrt J tnrn
Thnl, if Inkcn til il jUnxl, im lo fm linir."
The IIikmI ia ln-rn and no ia
With a full Hon of
I InnlwMiv. Tiiiwiitv. ll;iHHvni'. r?itN'hfi'. Wood
iiml WIUovwiii"i.CMl.ir'rnliH nt H. im t l'rivs.
1 lirf run vlt In Ik klhl
i aiart a la lb II 4
Is dua in linpiire M ind and eaoaol he
ro. with lotl ai.ilwlio llosxt'a I
rl,rofila h m eersul hwlredsnf ea ,
nf ralerra b'anse II enltmi ll.e hlm4 ,
ei-4 in Ikie way renv Ibe ranae ttt
Hi mae. n twniii.ii np iiisiisisia
aiol pitriii a'lacs if ftinaiil,
li t.M.rr a ami lio. f.
II r.' I'lMs Ir e. Ol fnrle
.! f 'id eiMi tf u a !, jr ll,in
Our Fntire Stork of Mii.i.ini ry,
Unim.rwkak, Hosikry, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Lie.
At tut Y Jnk.-n ! J iii Jsr anl
4ltiM Kl''!, i Ivlwilire,
el tenon la llt.r., foil frrn ibe
j i i f b It- s in I'olU
..pl,U. N .f I's tst e rrnslief
' lnl e lilUe &!
' ll. T. M. IUHr ri..Mo-a
Tii" . st i.ii"l,'s ' ' r t4
m.f ,l' I eoni4r Il tmt
t .t a .ll,iiis' tit rnt I f I.
tt !! f'. ! 1 1 lr IrwMe
itsf' pre IS ft ' f
W.I . A .., ! e.
t'-t 121 I ' ! II a fl '. li eh
. I'. I ! e'm 4 ' !
1 1 . r ..-. V fff iin
i. f.'l o-i t tvt !'-, H. A
If you want bargains now is the time.
are going out of business.
KKKK imos.
lh only 1'nluaivB Hardwam H.ir Up h Th 1 ! itl iVtdUtoa
Ilr-pimcr, ... Orr-goti.
Tho Kcelsy Ululs;
1'or llit C7uiii o.
I I'juor.Ojtium ul Tob.irco Habits
l l li4 al tMeHi,
TU U -t l .itl Tce-a em ths CW
tail si n.ir m tm eartMlf
mo. i.j ,.i!ii trwiMl 41mm4 nwa
W. J. J-
Is the Plan: for I'rc-h Grorc:ri-s, Cheap for
Ci,h Onlv.
IHSH BUt. CAH1 H0 f.ll AlWtfJ HD.
..r M-rflol tl )KS ! dt In I l M"l
u cvcrythlno In tho lint? or Fresh Groceries,
Cntidt". Nuts, ii nil "ho l;cps Crockery,
Limp nr.i 'Ii'.w.it -
Stock is CompLto. Nwt.wni a Specialty,