Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 26, 1895, Image 4

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Whtle 700 a.ep jonr subscription paid up jrcn
an keep your brand in tree of oharge.
All T J . Inns. Or. BonM WW on lert
ahnnfrlsr: mttle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear,' and npper bit on the left; range,
row oonnty.
Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine. Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of homes; cattle aame
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and homes same brand on right
shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile.
Ad kins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hon.es. JA con
nected on loft flunk: cattle, same on left hio.
Burd. D. W. aal s in. Horse brand"d D B
on the left hip; on tie the ss'ni on lft D ink,
crop off rigot eat, nndercrop intheluft. liunge
in Morrow County.
Bartholomew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horsns
branded 7 K on either shoulder. Kange in Mor
row countv . .
KanniHtnr, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
A H nn loft hin and triiirh: snlit in each ear.
Peter, (ionseborry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle sums on
right side. . n
Hnrke, M 8t C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle,
tw a v ..,T,n,tAri on Inft. liin. cum oil left ear. nn-
hoif ntf riffht. Homos, same brand on
letft shoulder. Uange in urum una morrow
0Brorrmn, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on risrlit shoulder; nsttle B on the loft hide.
Loft enr half crop nd right ear nnoer slope.
liiirlon, Win.. Unppner, Or. -Horses, J H on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split m
eanh ear. i r t.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses Iri on the
right stillo; cattle siimeou right hip; range, Mor
row county. ,. .
Brown, J. O.i Hoppnnr. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in cm ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., I.e'ia. Oregon. Horses. W Mr
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on luft
hiBoyor, W. G., Heppnsr, Or. Horses, box
brand on rissh' hip oattle, Bame, with split in
Borg'p.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on loft
ihonlder; oattle. same on left hit).
Browniee, W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle. JB oonnectoij
on left side; crop on loft ear and two splits and
middle pieoe out out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bangs in box valley,
Grant oonnty, . ,
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or.-ITi.rsej hrfind
edOon right stillo; cattle (throe hare) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in
Cain,K.. (;aleb.()r.-V 1) on hones on left stifle'
V with qnaiter oircie over n, mi
and on left stifle on all oolts unlnr IS yearn; on
left shoulder on I y on all horses over 5 years. A II
range in Grant oonnty,
Cate,Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Morses
M Con right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla n "unties.
Cornwall. M M, Oallow iy, Or- aHle nop out
of each ear and underbit, wattle in fori.li-wl;
horses half circle (! on left stillo. Hungo Mur
ow and Umatilla crmntiiis.
Curl, T. H.. John Day, Or.-Double cross on
.....v. i. ;.,, oiil .wnllnw fork and umlei let
n rit,i. r. split in left ear. It'inno In Onmt
oonnty. On Bhoep, inverted anil spear point
,.n .hmildnr. Kar inarkmi ewes, crop on left ear
....J ......or Lit iii right. Wethers, crop m
Kulir. and nnder half orop in loft ear. All raega
in Onmt oonntv. . , , , ,
nnlr A. J. .Lena, Or. Horses, flOon right shod
rler: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in nht
Ciirrin. It. i., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
1 , . H i. Hardman. Or.-Ca'.tlo, C with
!.. l,,.Mna (111', ml left hill.
I'onhran'K. K Monnment, (irant Co, Or.
,,y"r'rir' wl rein with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
nnder slope both ears and dewlap.
.......i.. u Hun man. Or. Horse branded
n on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca t.'e sa.e
brand on rignt auuuium, .
rlOaVs. W. M .OaUowar. Or.:ttle. K 1) on
right sida, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, It D
MHlr?Br?;.lilM.Or-ll. brand! KM
on left nhoulder, oattla same on loftlnp. hole
'DEmery"('.'H., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
n (reversed (i with tail) on left shoulder ; eat,
tfrsarnaon righthlp. Kange in Morrow county.
Klorenoe, It. A.. Ileppner. Or.- attle, LK on
right hip; norsas V with bar under on right
'VlorVHno.. H. P. njr.Or-ll,jL r oo
ght ihoumert oar mo, r r,l'VV' "
in urant oonnty.
Bayers, Robert, Douglas, Or Cattle J on!
right hip and S on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on
right shoulder. Kange in Morrow county.
bmitn Bros., rjosauviiie, or, norses,
H. Z. on shonlder: cattle, same on left shonlder.
Hquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jt) on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam counties.
Stephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 8 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, b
on right hif: swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, U on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry. E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W 0 on left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shoulder: eat Me. 2 on left ehonlder.
Tipoots. 8. T ..Euierprise.Or. Homes. C-on left
aVifin Irlnr.
Turner It. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital 1
left ehonlder, horses; cattle same on loft hip
vith Hill it. in both ears.
Thornton, II. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Iena, Or; Horses H V oon
neoted on right shoulder;catt!e, mine on right
Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L.
on the left Bhouldor; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John 0,, balem or Heppner, ur,
Horsns branded J on the loH, shoulder. Kange
Morrow connty. , . ,
Warren. W H. ( 'aloh, Or Wttie w wnn quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on lull shoulder, uuogei"
Grant connty.
Wade, Henry, Henpner. or. nurses oranoeu
ace of spades on left shoulder and left nip
Ca'tle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolfingnr. John, John Hay tity, or uu norseo
three parallel bars on loft shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both cars, ltauge in u runt aim .iiiinuor
Woodward, John, Ilenpuor, ur. tiorses, nr
connected on left Bhouldor.
Wutkins, Lishe, Heppner, ur. iiorees orannao
UE oonnectecl on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, hole in left ear: horses, W on right
shonlaer sonif same on left shoulder.
Whitfior nros., nuntiiigion. Baker Co.. Or.
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams Vesco. Hami Itin. Or. Onarter cir
cle ovor three bars on left hip, both oattle and
horsHs. Iltintfe tlrant connty.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
tor circle 07er throe bars on loft hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. Kange in (iraut oonnty
Wrtiii, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
nn uVi.nilrlnr. (battle. Rfime on ritfht hio.
Voung, J. H., Gooseberry. Or. Horsei brander'
TH on Hie riaht hi)iilie-
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
TO Til 10
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Y.'vcr' y r c ro about to buy n 8c win? Machine
iv. !. ili ecivi. il by alhirinK ndvertificmcnts
. ,'! I." I, i I to think you can get the bust Ui.ido,
.h . t finished and
.,7 BX 4
iost ropuiar
r o. mere song. See to It that
..1 buy from reliable mnnu
: trr that havo frnincd a
1 ! ii tat ion by honest nnd square
L.iiirii;, you will then et a
1'iviii:; Ivluuhine that is noted
!:-.) world over for its dura
ilii y. You want tho one that
i easiest to manage and is
For full details call on U. K.
Auint at Hopprjer, tr aadress
Light Running
Kronen, (leorge, iieppn-r. "j. .
WK.with bar over It, on left side; orop oB left
ear. Horses, same brand on left hip.
Oentry. Klmer, Koho, Or. - Horse, brsnded H.
H with quarter oin le over it, on Inft stills.
Jt'ange in Morrow and Umstillsoonntie..
i . .. i ii itoia. dr. ( at I e. round-ton K
.01. iinart'nr 'circle nnder it. on the right hip.
r. ' i- ki.... ml I malt anonnii
Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Oir--CsitlB.two!r
on either hip; en.p In right, ear and "pl.t in left.
Horses J on right thigh. Kange in tlrmit count
Hughe., Hamnel, Wagner, Or-F (T f t,
ronnwtedlon right shoulder on honuw; on cattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and "lit " l,,u Ha"" Hayilack
dislrtnl.Mofiw e.llltv
Me. Milion, Wstncr, Or.-llnrses hnndel
1 (cattle Willi parallel tails) on ..ft shoul l r
('utile same on lelt hip lo largn oinile on l ifl
Howard J Ii IHIl iWIV. Or.-ll'irsns t- (nros-.
Willi inr hIhivk ID oh ri iM 'ri il lr; at'l .same
mi b'ft snli. Iliiiig' in Morrow and Umatilla
I'l'iiil ' "V Iwin. John Hav. tlr ('utile K II on
rl.rl.i Inn; liore ' ' riUt shunl .,r. Hango
in Hi u,l C.lllllf. .... . I I
IIHKhiM, Mat, ll-Pti'i '. r-' ' Hnreas slia Iml
h.-ol mi Hi" l"lt ii il Ilan r Morrow t o.
II ,l,,.r. II A. Wii" (tr.-llonMM.H on Inft
t, , ill.ir. c.llle. '"il l-'t '"P.
Ilu il i'ini. J l M it ' "a". ' 'r. ii ivm. n on
'"lla-'im l.ii''ir. Kithi M le Or - flor- II on
tl, . I..-I .11 Mil lr'l I Ii 'I't '"1 t'l" I "'( 'l'l" ' at.
, nl,.(llo., limn III M i'roo iMit
I,.,. i M irv, II 'ot'n 'f I r - Mi', lirml'.l
II I ,! Vn. I, f'l . 'I' t'-f. I'ti'Mil ton 'd ' I -I mi
r. .1 lull. al ind aiai iii I 'fl Mr. Il rniu
Jll , r'w coaati.
JriUiu, H. H , H '"i"r. Or H ir., l.orsi
I i , J i',a l -'l ,t tl I r. I 'aKl.i. 1'iessiK.
.. l-'i.i Vi.
j hi. K..ln. I.'ns. r M.rtw T
Ifl wiilti. nl't. ! n on rirf'it tup. ilu ll lull
or "'Hi ri'- ( oli' n lfi ar
Kmr. lik. Il.'"er, nr. -II .rs hr,a l-
St oit U't hip rattle and orop ofl left
r: nn.t alone Hl (he ''h
Mirk J.T.. lUppner, Or.-H-waea wi left
(h'mlderi r(ll. U.0 hll.
Kirk J ll.inf. O'. i hnfw II on 1ft
b-Hildf i eailie u.ueoo Oghl !. and . tint on
"ki.XrUed W.O Moanl Vr..i Or - I ,..n
P.m.,. a riKtil n 1 1"'' .allow 'nek in U fl
r Slid idf i"!"!! t llh( ll'm.M(ii
bmii.t .H "'( h"'ild' lUntfsle '( "..,.!
,.riMi, HiH(n. o.ir.-H 1 1 on I. ft top
nn mum rntii an I pit 'Ig1''
M . Iiraad on M h'll Hang (in.nl
J W . Or II .r .
b'n UI half -unle Jl,r.int.l on l .'i l ,. i.
Ar I till. M on l'' bin. llVW "ar l'
Inrioa ...
Ahf,) W l(.t.n.r Or I..m(-(
ill I'll . .iM; r-im .im ..a t '(
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.m.IiU II r-H p-. luxine r, !. .
w n it tte !" - '
M C . H-fP .
r... I. .hi t.M hip.
Il IB M "W e-i'ilt
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There Is none In the world that
,,. ' 'u 'l can eiiial in mechanical con-
; ' 'I w3 struction, durability of working
"i parts, fineness of finish, benuty
k" Kl In appearance, or has as many
wkjjti1". improvements as mo
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (pattnttJ), no other has
H N..uStnniHVirnfi. driving wheel hinged
on ad justable centers, thua reducing friction to
tho minimum.
Oav-'ns, Muss. Bostok, Mass. JVionHo"m,ll.T
hi-, aiio, li-fc. HT. Uiin,Mo. ii.. -ut-r.
I H I'RAHPlfl O, I Al A ri.AKTA, I- I,
I r n f ' : t r y
2. C. THOMPSON CO., Aijenls,
Heppner, Oreyon.
.S'iih t'riim'im'O lj!lrf,
.v.!1. OHVKXSFKI.hKttA CO.
S.i. ;.'i .Siiffrf .Sfrvtf.
I ,
1 1-
I ...
lit ,
'.t t
II ,
1. 1
TV thntnk I aa nf.tllt-r Mft
lb urv IM
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
A Parlod of EselUnunt Among th FUh-
When the half-circle outlined by the
corks is less than one hundred feet in
diameter the interest becomes feverish,
and the float is a scene of intense but
subdued excitement, says Lippincott's
Magazine. Two lines of men, with
straining muscles, haul steadily on the
hand-lines, suggesting the athletic con
test that is called the rope-pull, and
even the engine coughs and sputters,
as though collecting its energies for
the critical moment now approach-1
ing. The silence is unbroken, except
by the voice of the superintendent giv
ing his orders, and an occasional ex
clamation, impossible to restrain, from
some of the negroes. The water with
in the net is violently agitated by the
thousands of fins and tails beating it
into foam. A great sturgeon is thrash
ing about him furiously, and the haul
ing is suspended until a man can go out
in a boat and spear him. The tug and
strain begin again; and now the mo
ment has arrived that will test the
strength of knot and the quality of fiber
in the seine. In the old method of
fishing from the shore there was a
gradual slope from the middle of the
river to the point where the catch was
landed, but in float-fishing it is neces
sary to raise the whole catch along the
surface of that inclined plane which
slopes to the bottom of the water. In
the progress of the catch up this slope
the strain on the meshes of the net is
tremendous, for the middle of the seine
is now practically converted into a
great bag full of struggling shad and
herring. The flapping prey is m sight
and every muscle is at utmost tension
Foot bv foot the seme coines in, and
at the moment it reaches 1 he top of the
plane the lead-line is held tutit, a dozen
hands grasp the cork lino ami draw it
inward, and the fish are landed in an
avalanche on the platform.
cures CANCER,
i Aloun-
4 N.
Geo. Pns8. Agt.
Portland, Obhqon.
San Fronoisoo
And all point In California, via the Mt, Hhasta
rouie of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Tha mat hiirhwsr thronnh California to all
Doint. Kast and South. Urancl noenio nouia
of tha Paoifio Coast. Pullman Hnnet
Uleepara, Beoond-olas. Uleeper.
Attaohad to iDrasi trains, affording superior
accommodations for saoond-olaas passengers,
For rata, tickets, limping car reservations)
to, call nnon or address
H. KOKH1.KR. Maiisirnr. E. P. ROUEHH, asm
Oen. F. P. AKt.. Portland, Oregon
'" fi Shiest,
Simplest. ifaE"1"1
T"p Acu"u'
Urcrlvcr. vjjyii Compact,
Most Modern anil progressiva
I ,,r raisliiitiis or Informal I'm write to
Tllll MARL1N TlRl- AIM5 CO.
New Haven, Conn.
Booth's Experience on a Stage In
tala Slda Town.
I once produced Yorick's skull from
a real grave," remarked a Chicago thea
ter man recently. "It was years ago,
in Virginia City, Nev., when that was a
great mining camp and a stock com
pany was maintained at Piper's opera
house on li street. The theater was
built the whole town was on the steep
side of Mount Davidson, A street was
thirty or forty feet higher than II street,
so they had to blast out rock to make a
level for the theater. The stage rested
square on rock. We got along very
well until Isooth came there and 'Ham
let' was to be produced. Of course, we
could not get along without a grave, so
a Beet ion of the Btage was sawed out
and some workmen with crowbars und
picks dug down about three feet.
"Uooth knew nothing about this until
the grave digger's scene was on. I was
the first grave digger, and as Hamlet
approached I lifted my pick and began
digging for keeps. You know we
usually lift the pick aloft and 'do busi
ness' of digging, letting the pick fall
lightly on a box of earth, which is on
the trap platform where we stand. Hut
I pitched in and picked like a good fel
low and when Hooth heurd the steel
ring out from my hard knocks against
the honest rock he was the most sur-priscd-h
Hiking Ilamh-t I ever say. lie
got between the grave and the foot
lights, facing up-stuge, und looked
down into my real grave with a puzzled
siiiiU", and whispered:
" 'What have we here, grave digger?
" "We're giiin:r in for Shakespearean
renlihin,' I whispcri'd hack, throwing
out a shovelful of roi'k I had loosened.
"limit went on with the scene all
right, but whenever he fiu'cl nti-stuge
he would I' Hilt down into that real
grave und smile curiously. After tho
show he examined it more carefully
and got down into the grave.
$150.00 everymonfh given away to any one who ap
plies through us for the most meritorious patent dunnf
Ihe month preceding. ...
We secure the best patents for our clients,
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keen track of their bright ideas. At the same time w
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
such as Ihe "car-window" which can be easily slid up
ont inwn without hreakine the nasseneet's back.
"sauce-pin," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle
stopper, and a thousand other little things that most
any one can find away of improving; and these simple
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. ry to trunk ot somettuog to invent
Patents taken out through us receive special nonce in
tut National Recorder. Dubhshed at Washington,
D. C, which is the Dest newspaper puoiisnea in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub.
vrinrinn tn hi inumal. free of cost, to all our clients.
w r aim anveruse.iiccui lust, uic iiivciinuii t.n. ...v.....
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
.;n h var,4 thrninrhout the United States among;
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to Iheir
attenuon tne menw 01 inc invcuuvu. - , .
All communicauont regarded strictly conuoenuai.
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands In the
front rank with all hlith grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. t
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you v ant to bo happy, for should your wheel be';
S punctured, H can be mended by you in live minutes, hh it is equipped with tne worm ,3
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-pintea Bieei runs.
Sold in all Bizes for ladies or gentlemen at J100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, J160 each.
THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpusaed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- i
leal and scientific principles.
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at (ii. 5r, I5 respect- g
lvety. are splendid memum grane wneeis, wiiu u. 01 . uigu-gnmo uuuum iwi.niug t
clincher tires and are fully warranted,
nfnro mn i.nv ii hlpvnln. wrltn for Rntainniie. pirciilnra. terms and discounts, or rail f
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- f
ton and Idaho. ,ubv
rrtbu I. lviLnniLLiyiii.r. cummin, fa
Northwest representatives Oonnully & Jeffery Manf. Co'b "Rambler Bicycles." Main
Btoro, 327 Washington et, Portland, Or.
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co , Heppner, Oregon.
Solicitor of American and Foreign Patent,
618 F Street. N.W..
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
ry Rifmnct Miter tytiu paper, trnujernu
jo-fagi pamphltt, tKC.H.
1 District, Morrow County, State of Oregon.
Otis Patterson and A. w.
Patterson, partners do
ing business under the
firm name and style of
The Patterson Publish
ing Company,
Thos. Owens,
To the Constable of Sixth District, Morrow
Countv. State of Oregon.
In the name ot tne state 01 uregon, we com
mand you to sumnioiisThos. Owens to appear
before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace,
in District No. 6. in said County and State, on or
before the 26th day of December, A. li., i'.ia, ai
th hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at my office in
Heppner, in said District, County and State, to
naurpr the comnlaint of The Patterson Publish
ing Company, a partnership, consisting ol Otis
and A. W. Patterson, founded on an express
contract and wherein the said partnership
dnmnnds udirment for the sum OI seventeen
Dollars ami costs oi mis action, aim in cne ue
falls so to answer for want thereof, the plain
rifts will take hide- ment anainst him for the
um of Seventeen Dollars ana his costs in tins
action. , .
Thl aiimmoiis is nurillshed tv order OIK. I.
Freeland. Justice of the Peace for the Sixth
District. Morrow Countv Oregon.
Dated November n, m'j.
3S6-TO. Justice of the Peace.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
The eompsratlve value of thtat twocarda
Is known to most persons.
They Itlustrata that greater quantity la
Not always most to ba desired.
These cards ei press tha beneficial qual
ity of
4a compere with aay previously knows)
Ripens Tsbule I Price, o eenta boa.
Of 4ni(leta, ot by snail.
Ilfalit CHI MICH CO., 10 Sarao II.. M.
t4 cbs lt
1 1
. I
I '
lit .film Ufl
al 1
e a sm-aa a in ffi vtcy
and aiflinre, I bit a-n i tH
rli ,..,. 4 1 1 ib lh..io,. ihvm
H e.itor.l iw at.4 rm
(.let. Kikillllin Mm
I., u. ai se a.HBr. a4
V. c ' r He.ain
I e r.ii iit k pra,e a
v.im t4 aw Ma e.et '
tX 4 la a "-l ) ' S.I IM
f.44 olMie s I sl
l. a a ? W red la as I aa
k--l IM .! 1 h .!.
t. s.mi.i. e a.. e a 4
ptiil.lkll'lli lr0
nk IU,m iv 4 lk.,k vol IImW.
chcI 't eti..f (!- Iluretf otireellwa
nl l-m..H i(hiM 1IM A
,. III' i.i 0 l-0 4
l-s.n 4 art, adak am ran
fMt la ib aM"a'( mi ri
( M lnM ui i im a.
a4 Inn k ! 'U0 kt
u l., (a. ia th-M (naii
,.,i.e MMim, ofcxa owl
t Mtel'kK IO
kiK.ie )!( ! TVs
late fc wmk mt ert ea
otSl 4 IM rrcMlh
.4 V ii 4 fM4B IM
I i Ka,. It i H tliidie
ClllCKEtl RAismoPfits
IfvMi ae Ihe fak.ea 1 13
le.ketw lws I tj
kt.ke awwey whiiell j;
cm ana ao il Iflr
liiae Mr old ,
talel.ll'esll tknil
M i..JniiiliT
.! tmlnl k4 Ike
r . f t wm m v ,
nerianlrall I
(ho Hl
heel l-eilr amlrl
a o fM C
Areata, Six t
ha.saihMlte i
S,iuImL ,.( sit rafK
PB Aft, IS Il. Sll IK . "S
It Dae All tho Organs rosamar-d by Other
Animals of Greater I'retenalona.
Kvcry oyMiT hus s lmnitli, heart,
liver, u Moiiiat'h uinl other necessary
interim! orpins, inrliidiiijf a M't of cun
nitiL'lv devised intestiiies. The mouth
In ut the hiuult eml of the ovster'a ImnIv
neur tlie liiiiL'Onf tho shell. It ixovnl
in hluiie, Mij's tlio St. IaiiiIh Hepulilio,
ml, though not reuilily Uisoovered by
un unprncticetl eye, may lie easily lo
cated by prntly iiuahinif blunt bod
kin or similur instrument olnnif the
fnUU of the aurfuoe of the lualy at the
luce meutloiied. Connected with the
mouth ia the caiuil which the oyster
usea in ciinvcviuir f'xal to the stomach,
from whence it pusses into the ruriotia
little act of netted end twisted Intes
tines referred to in the opening. To
diM-orer the heart of an ovslcr the
fold of flesh which oystermen rail
the "mantle" must le remoyed. Thla
la fatal to the oyster, of course, but In
the nil crest of science and for the ben
efit ot the "curious" it la occasionally
done. When the "mantle'' has been
removed the heart, ahaped like a r rea
ct-til or horned moon, la laid to the
view. The oyaler'a heart la made up of
two parta, just like that of human be-
Inif. one of ivIih h recelvi a the blood
from the irtlla and the other ilrlvra it
tlirniik'h (he arteries. The liver ia
found in the iinmediale ticuillr of the
heart and stomach, and la a queer
ahaped tittle nr'on, which la aupponed
to H-rfnrui ail the functions of a blood
and by virtue of a decree and order of mle
dulv nisde suit entcreo on imiv -un ikk, in tne
mutter of ihecstiiteo Jiilin li (H'litrv. ilveessen.
bv the County Court, of the State ol llrcmiu for
Morrow Countv, sctiluir in )ironnie tne iinner-
sl'.'iied BSsiliiiltilstrntrix of the suld etsto will
tier for h!c st I'li' lln nui'tliiii, to the liliMiest
bidder for i'hkIi lu i Hiid on Miindiiy. Pec l.'th
Ikh'i, t II o cluck In the liirenooii of tlist day
si the front dnur nl tliecourt House, in iiciincr,
Morrow Cnuiitv nicnin, all the follnwIuK ile-
si'rilii'd real property beloiiKlnu to the sImivb
minii'd entste lusted In .Morrow I oiiiiiy
liri'Kiiii, to" It: I In' Mirtliweal iimrtcr ami
the foulliwi t iinii'tcr ol sei'tioii two i i ii
Tnwii.lilii tu I ! Siuth Kanue tweiilv t (Jiil
Kasl ol willanii-tte Meridian: snld sule Is mnde
sulilect to sll Ileus and liiciimheraiu es m.w
exlllii( iiimiii lh-iili real pmperty. and subject
to Iheeontlriiistloii of all sales to bo nisde by
the alxive ciitllled Co -nty Court
Ilslisl Ihlsiith day of Noveinlier, l'H.
Adiultil'tratrlx of Ihe eatate ol John II.
Cel. try, llccenscd. iW-t4.
ti King of Bicycles. r
I N o
.1-1 I
I 1 t.A ' e.. Bkni'M la H il fl fl H si .
i i vk.,i iihum i' i" tv. i m rwjvausviv tyr n
Lf it Tl W e.'M-("" IM TteM 1 I I f k I XV
i ft n.k. is. eft m jri pyiw Smjjguisj f i f
M ! -..Me.,..vf . ..a.4ikS 4 COPYHIGKTS. V
'1,1 " l'k- SM ... , ,,.. ,. ... .... . mm
I . I iJm i,UiI-ib-i I . A llft.(W..S M l.
I .1 , J .( I ft IS 4...t4 sik f I m,.. m i'aleftle ft"- k-
If. ' fti ktifti. s of 1 (. i,ft .-. A... e eftift'-aftool ae. k.ftft
r 11 f .... i ...-..-. ..., " - . . . . .
r J k ...... i e '"- , eft.,, ,nikftei..fttiMft Aftftevi.ftft. ft4
. t ' - w-m w -' t mm es 4H t I ' !- ay
1 . . . . ft. ft. A . i i a. 1
. V t a . ..' LiMoAii,,,,
V Jtf,tft((.t M ' ...llsMM f
"i V -sv, t, l" af ft
f ' , ( 4 . . . t4 irtb t
. ( f ' a 94
, ( a j. . .1 to ' tv4 la.
w, , a . 4. s i o tWP,0,
. '-, eV H ) 4
ft-i a. r.t -
i ft. .. . i to
a. . . i. fmmf eioa
'Mt ftlft.lft ftft Sftft-
ft. 4 I ft ! ft-O
, -' - '.e I" .s. ISO
.. ft, Aft-1"
fc.O !, 4ml PM.ll.elf,
Notice of Intention.
J Oi t. .'I. I"i. Notice le hereby itvn thai
he folliiwluir iinaii'd nclllcr hsi nlrd nollre
f hi Intention to make final proof In support
f hi. claim, aii'l Ihsi nalil priftif a III lie nisdr
cfure the roiintv clerk of Mnrmw rmnly al
Heppner. nr., oil Ih-cellllier I. IWi, vl( :
lid. K. No it'll, (or tha Ss pKIs. "F St.
i-. 7. and W. NW"i ere. 0. Tn. . a. K E.
He names the fill Ilia Mltuevee to prove
his eoiitliininia resilience upon sinl cultivation
ol said land, vis-
Aiisun K W rlktil. Jsine (I. w iiiurp. ol nsni
mail, linsuil, ami Janus M. I . i . Ilrurr
M herilniirr, ol Heppner, (ircsoi'.
. I. M'"'nr,
!ts.'.!il I'.rKt.ter.
A (S-lolftT il. I".! Notice Is herrhv liven
lhal Ihe lolloa l"( named settler has filed no-
Hi ol hi. luletilpin In make n isi pni.il in sup-
rftirlnf hl.ilslin and Ihal said pr.ftd 1)1 la
niftde lielure t. w. Morrow, i on hit lera, at
llrpulier, Oregon, on hmnnier l, I sua, M:
IKA II. M 1 1 ! H.
lid r So HIT". I..r ihe , sWi. see. 4, ana
Mi.er.ift.Ser VTl m.H.'lt W M.
He names Ihe Mlnaln ltnrftra In prove
hlsroiiiliiiions rraldenco Uftn ami cnllltatlna
ol. said land, vl
Jft, ..hs Yoiin. w eie si Sft'inaii. or isivui
ami. Oregon, ami r,lm I' K.l, (Hlt-rt h.
J, Hire, ol i.lghl Mile, Oregon.
ts, r. s'sm.
1 K Kegi.ier.
i.... I
I, 1.
, H .....
j. . 1 '
te-t loHI aa.Oftea.ae. f.
i a 1
ft ..ft I
...... .. .
U Mt aw. V
1 1 ss ft a
ir ..... . . , . a
e . - - ' - a4
, . ,,.,,.. I. .0
se eft . k i -a seo (
Tl 'egilftf eiil-r 'I. t. tine ,.f Ike
rWmi Us Ut I teg' He ta f .'." at j Ibo
tog"! Ig f '( tha Wk,iv ib'rla
s, i t -le .t .f 14 ..g I he
( ''a at I Istitf vsrla
.Ivfthi'e i aa i'l li I'" lla.e'le asj
WeaVIt t). tl 1 -o f "I I 1 All M ante,
gft'tlim tg ejirtf O elf gu t,",l l.'H fvg
roe Irsf la a Irseeo I i l-a out 1.1 v
U ' "
IMdlllea of Marriage.
Half the welillnira In the rouutrr are
c Icbrated on XYri'.ncaday and Thura
day. atllhty has m- re than the aver
aire number. Friday la not a favorite,
aa few iiiarrUaea are relebraled on
thai dor. M Idowera are more incltned
to marrr than bachelors, a ud widow
nn ire Inclined than spinsters. Il.it h
facta are rlisiurutty in favor of the
c.iintiaratWe advantage f uvalriiuony
for one l-o. h l r that uiarrica lartween
the B'es of lift jr and fifty five seven
wldovter remarry Wt wren t h r a -.
These ate mamaffra oul of an eiial
Bumix r of tat li lai the actual nu'ti' j
ber of bailirl.irs marrsid wiH lie the ;
g-Tratr.t ,nty In proportion aa thry t-
re-e.t by aeten I J one Ihe actual num
Kir of wUlowera lhinf at tlteae ajfea. j
I'nder the aame ((nl,t ..p, f. r every .
H'itnt. r ni.it rlr. I IviH.m thirty and
sigly-ftre twn wI.I.iwa ans n married j
A llereatiiorf I'aftl ttajeo. j
The ofTVi-ei .f rtriia'rr of Vienna, j
the capital of the Austrian empire, waa
r'rsle.l by l.fppee Mria Theree ,
oef a hnnUre-l Tear- ajT'. ae-d ha re
me rie.1 hrf.litarv and aoUhle-a qier
ii,'itui'n In mr lime and dr, o4- J
i i;hsi,hiiii nnwtrf i?iiiiti here..iarir
i ii.,Ti,m f ntoriarcha The fa.
! maer cf V u nni I .t fiimiH ail the
j i ' t . . arj f. r !' rvi.v. au-4
I'ipilit r if f art) In 111 fra-'tiaJ
'. .r A' t I e (!' i reaa
hnuC v ai.-l f.n't dnvg'a. t.a asn.,tha,
., and tg t un r JauJ tUlriy fctr
f savicf fci wv:,.
Not Kit or IMtMliDI,
t in orrii e atthf rii raonr.roi
a Ihlolft-rit. I""S Ki.(l.e le herel.r given
Ihal Ihe l.il low lug namftd aeltler has Bletl hotlro
..I hi. luleiilioa ( make final pSniI In gupporl
i,l hi. rlftlm. and Ih.t ftl I p"il a III M rnale
ldire ltier,ini( rleik ut wortow rooiiiy, al
lleppnef, Ufrgon, on lfti emt.f 1, u
" i II tkl gas (WHY
II I R Jlo. Ilk, lot Ihe l.rf t sl v a I, end '
SkV. See, II. IP H . g vi m
Mr tiftmre Ihe ..lloalng ailneftftfta In provg
hie ronllnitnue realdenro upon and rulloelpio
ol sail land. !
in... g Mrleht. Jamea ( Williams
Ha'dinan. Oregon, and Jami-e M llarra, Henry
ft. h. rill. g f, ol llrpperf, lf-.
j.,j. jiisntr,
ISJ Od fcrglftteg,
Four Models 885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office .Lake and Halsted Sta.. CHICAQO. ILL.
BRANCH US i-New York. San Francisco, Salt Lak City. Denver, Memphis. Detroit, Toronto.
1. Hr. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
0 OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
e e
matter of business we must sell it.
Tin; Patterson Puhlisiung Co.
Horn It of Ntrnoj
IA;r nrftce. at Til PaII g rgijnt,
J (SI ;i M S .ll.ft la hUTl f gl.ea Ihal
(he ltli.ln liame-l ftftlllrf ha BlM Sollr.ol
hat piiftiitidi, (.. se ial la enpfftwt n
I,.. ,!lm ai.J (h.l ftftt.l pr-ftl aill la. ssevle
' ll.,l lh. r.. 111,1, 1 ; nl W. rmtnl, ol
i llr. " ' ft-ftftlf I ! '
ASS g I llliri iiift in r r.".ft"i 1.
IM g Si. i 1.4 ih t ",. si.-l Us
at,. l.ta- 1 l. i liH
h. ' II. .(l..alg a(iM. penfte
.t r..',iip,,i .". ri.i"- uia S'"l miinaipia
( Sftl l l.n.1 . l
Ana, ilh( l."ft. 111 la-ftS HftM.
I J.,,,. tl Hal., Ilftiift
ft. s .irtlagftt. "I II1 1 "-"'
i A f ViaiKF
J ftj riftgiftlef.
hot kt of InttnUon.
4M nrrt. . T Tug ttt : . narioj
1 1. 1 t s.t.ftla kftt ? gla (he
I..: a l -tf i ftfti . t fte e ft-l at! M
hie iftftii. - i a al g..-j (a ertetMt
kliitia, miA kftil ! ai l he "et
!(. 1 4h ' ii 1 -4 fti -..- 1 stt at llf
sol, (Hg.'n. ! a l all
ir. a at 1
Ml t ft s 1 (Sftt , - I
VSre k lil1ijll ; is i 0.
Hft Mftftfta (ha I - r.ftl.-g aiw.l (ft fnft.
. i . .1 i.cftrft e I 9 I'atle
ift. Ii.-t .1
; S !" ! . " lrl, t ftl l. g W a'lftt
I a. , 1 raft ! e.l e h.'ls,
Oet e-
1111 : PUIS !
ouro BO UX D to Take 'Km.
Leaves No Coiutipation,
area 1.. ae w 1 se a 1 l .. n.r-ftfta, ftig l,. .,, , ,, Vale.'t Tea eeilo
A wift ft. . si a i't im 1 i.( u . I 1 t . -1 . . ' r,r
---. . . ... .- . , . r " re eet.i t rnail
fetli'f,.5l!.fM, ll'.tMHH Vniril. (II