Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 26, 1895, Image 3

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    ' "
Family Medicine
She Ha Ever Known. Words ol Praise
from a New York Lady for
" I would like to add my testimony to
that of others who have used Ayer's
Pills, and to say that I have taken tliera
for many years, and always derived the
best results from their use. For stom
ach and liver troubles, and for the cure
of headache caused by these derange
ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled.
Here and There.
waa id from Goose-
When my friends ask me what is th
best remedy for disorders of the stom
ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea
son, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
family medicino I have ever known."
Mrs. May Johnson, 308 Eider Avenue,
New York City.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders!
KL x- y i"T2
34 5 6 7 8 9
JZ 18 JjfJSL ?1 H 21
Joe Lnckmao went below last night.
Mrg. Johnny Woodard was in the oity
Jay Ball, of Gooseberry, was in town
Thos. Gilfillen dropped into town oiet
0. N. Peck visited the Gazette office
Saturday last.
Ed. Day was one of Heppaer's visitors
Saturday latt.
Henry Jones dropped in Saturday for
a brief period.
Frank Holmes
berry Saturday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble
v alia Walla, Wash.
J.U.Giles was in from Lone
Saturday aud Sunday.
Mis Lula lioothby visited her parents
at LexiDgton, over Sunday,
John MoCarty ehippt-d iwo-oar loods
of cattle to Portland last week.
E. D. Palmer was up from his rinoh
near Lexington last Saturday.
Frank Waterburv left Fririv fur
Luutf Creek with a lot of freight.
Ji e liiber is indisoosed from an attank
of "Job's comforters" on his neok.
Hub aud Edffar Matteson and Wm.
Geieer were in town Saturday last.
Mis. Mollie Crawford is viuitioe her
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Andy Stevens.
La Grnnde Marble Works. La Granrln
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Mr. Eiikhiim. a oattle man of th
Wngner section was in town Saturday,
Troy PbinDS who works for Rnoh
Ooohrau, was in town Saturday aud
M. J. Davis. reDreeeutioe Drummond
Tobaooo C-i., St Louis, was in tiepijuer
ovir Sui day.
Johnny Morgan, son of Mayor Morgan.
has just reoovered from a severe attack
of erysipelas.
Joe Williams has abont recovered
(rom the bad effeots of having a very
rheumutio foot.
There will be a graud masquerade ball
at the opera bou-e on Thankbgivinp eve.
Di u't forget the date. n5-26.
J. W. YhUghan, successor to 0. S.
VanDuyn, has a neat ad. in this issue.
He is ont for butiutsd.
Mat Hughes was down from upper
WUlow oreek, Saturday. He reports
considerable wiuter above.
A premium to cash purchasers at
PtiillCohu's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tf.
Best accommodation and oonrtuoos
trentineutat the Im' rial Hotel, Heveuth
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Eaob25oeiit pnrohaee entitles you to a
ticket for the 81 00 b0)0le at Ptnll
Co tin's drug store, next door to Minor &
Cj. tf.
Elmer Slnonra, the artist, will make
cabinet ptotos f ir the next 30 days at
$2 per dozen. Ualiery opposite opera
bullae. tf.
When you waut to foel merry call on
Liflie IS j erry . at the Belvedere Saloon,
where they keep the Burst wet goods in
town. tf.
Died Nov. lOtb, at Shamrock. Gray,
on (Jo., Virginia, of consumption, Mr.
Amelia Bitbop, Bister of the late W. G.
An exchange snyt there it a girl in
Euwene who is so modest tbat sb pn It
down the blinds every time sbe changes
ber mind
Acute Dyspepsia.
Modern Treatment Consists in Ue
moving -the Canse.
Called Together Last Evenlnc to Act on
Various Matters.
Take Notice.
1. The mm of Ave cents rur Una will be
jharRtxl (or "ranli of thanks," ''rcanliitlons ol
reapwt," lists of wedrtln prt-nonta and domrs,
ilia obituary nutters, (other than those the edit
or ahall hlinattll give an a mattor of newa.) and
notice" of special mwtlnm for w hatover purpose..
i. Notices of church anil society and allothr
tntartaltiinents from which revenue la to he de
dvel, shall be charged for at the rate of five
.cut a Hue. These ruloa will be strictly adher
ed to In every lu.taiice.
Advertising ratoa reasonable ami madeknown
lKu application.
HUre for Hardman, Monument, lin Creek,
fnhn Day and Canyon City, Iww aa follows :
Kvery day at 6 a. m., eceit Huii.lnv.
A rrlvee every day at ft p m..ecet Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and ist Hue to or
from the Interior cnnniry.
1'blll Cohn, Agent,
Extra Pale Star Brewery Beer
Jn Half Pint Hollies can be .
had only at the .......
City Hotel Bar!
Where high grade .'j'iir and (Uara are also
kept by lei.
Hat FoM Ralb I hare 7.1 tone of
excellent wheat lift on (he Al Mayers
place 8 miles above Olri, which I will
ell very reasonable. Oon lore! ion for
feeding stock. On Itock Creek, Oilllstn
Co., Oregon.
Ctr. O. (). Bovu.
Any mveotor la Ftern Oregon wbo
deelraw the rvi- of an attorney to
Washington, I. C . will Moil it to bit
tvaoUge lo call on or addrree this pa
per, 6tf
AM who like t dauca Will HJ T the
m'nara In al tba np h"ita 1 banke
flvlntfeve. Tick-U II ; laJIre (roe and
(M-clalora ,Vl rents n.V'Jfi.
Matbewi Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Uairoutting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically.
Baths at 2a cents apieoe,
Mr. H. W. B. Smith, representing The
Carloe tjnua Co.. and II. X. Brodenck t
Co., both ot Portland, was wttb our
merchants over Sunday,
Wong John was oonvioted Satnrdav ot
assanlt on the person ot China George,
aud fined 815 and costs. He it serving
nit One oat in the oonnty jail.
G. B. Uatl. the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlore, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, bairouts, etc.
The date set for W, D. Noyee lecture
was inadvertently omitted In lat issne.
The Gar-tte is n-qaeated to state tbat
same will occur Tuesday, Dec. 3.
Wm. C. Geiger made Anal proof on
bis homestead hrfnre Clerk Morrow on
Kstnnlsr, with Edgar M. Matteson and
Koliert 1 . Matteson aa hit witnesaee
K. U. Sperry is bank from Wagner,
having accomplished little on the road
right-rf-way He ia Ihinkiog of taking'
his mules back Kaat to the near fatare.
Karl's Clover ltoot, the great Blood
pun Her, gives freshness and eleerneee to
the Complexion and cares Constipation,
25 cte., 60 eta., 1 1 . Hold by T. W. Ayers,
Pure drags, chemicals, painla, window
glaaanria complete line of stationery
al loweat prices and a Chance 10 win
(liMiprite al Pbill Oibn'a drug store,
next door to Minor k Co. tf.
Art Minor bae rttnrol from the
inottntains, leaving Ike Knnts, F. J.
Ilallork and H. H iloraer still io qnet
of game. Tbey have been suoreswlol lo
killing eornHbieg-elepbanie, perhaps.
It ia onlswfal lo kill deer Dow, and ibe
boya are all law abiding.
Tbe adjacent country Is eovereJ Hb
ibow, ami the weather la nl warm,
either. There ie no enow ia Urppner,
lq II is constantly In sight lo remind
Id detnE'O lhat erne! are bating lobe
fad. bil a"chlo'K,k" ie liable lo arrive
al nxwl anv time, and eelnima vttl r
It will be.
(From the Republican, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.)
Mi a. V. Curley who baa resided in
Clarence, Iowa, for the past twenty-two
years, telle an interesting story ot wbat
ehe oensiders rescue from permature
death. Her narrative is as follows:
"For ten years prior to 1894, 1 was a
constant eufierer from acute stomach
trouble. I bad all the manifold symp
toms of acute dyspepsia, and at times
other troubles were present io compli
cation I did not kuow what it was to
enjoy a meal. No matter how careful I
might be as to the quality, quantity and
preparation on my food, distress always
followed eating. I was despondent and
blue. Almost to the point of insanity at
times, and wnuld have been glad to die.
Often and often I oould uot sleep.
Sympathetic heart trouble set in and
time and again I was obliged to call a
doctor in the night to relieve sudden
attaoks of suffooation which would
come on without a moment's warning.
"My troubles increased as time wore on
end I spent large sums in dootor bills,
being compelled to have medical at
tendants almost constantly. During
1892 aud 1893, it was impossible for me
to retain food, and water brasbes plaitued
me. I was reduied to a skeleton. A
oonBultation of pbysioians was unable
to determine just what did ail me. The
doctors gaye us their opinion tbat tbe
probable trouble was ulceration of tbe
ooats of the stomach and held out no
hope of recovery. One doctor said,
'All I can do to relieve your suffering is
by tbe use of opium.'
"About this time a friend ot mine, Mrs,
Symaotha Smith, of Glidden, Iowa, told
me about tbe osse ot Mrs. Thurston, of
Oxford Junction, Iowa.
"This lady said she had been afflioted
muob the same as I bad. Sbe had con
sulted local physicians withont relief,
and had gone to Ditvenport for treat
ment, uiviog up ail nope ol reoovery,
sbe was persuaded by a friend to take
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The result
was almost magioal.
"I was led lo try them from her experi
ence, and before many months I felt
better than I bad for a dozen years. I
am now almost free from tronble, and
if through some error or diet I feel badly,
tbia aplendid remedy sett me right
again. I have regaiued my strength
and am onoe more iu niv usual flesh.
I sleep well and can eat without distress.
I have no doubt tbat I owe my reoovery
to Dr. WilliamB' Pink Pilla. I only wish
tbat I bad beard of tbem years ago
thereby saving myself ten years of suffer
ing aud much money."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all
the elements neoesaar.v to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are for sale by
all druggists, or may be had by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y., tor 6Uo. per box, or
tlx boxea for fXBO.
Tbe board of trade, ot Heppner, met
at 8 o'olook last evening to consider
various matters of importsxoe. Tbe
president, Geo. Ooneer, presided, and in
the absence of tbe secretary, 8. S. Hor
ner, Otis Patterson was anDointed to
Bet in tbat capacity for tbe meeting.
a communication from Surveyor
White, ot Grant oonnty, euavestins that
he sbonld aooompaoy tbe appraisers on
tbe Parrish oreek road, etc. was read
and on motion of Henry Heppner, prop
erly seconded, it was decided to seud
Mr. White to Wagner to meet the ap
praisers on Deo. 2
Tbe ohair appointed Tboi. Morgan to
be at Wagner on Dec. 2, aud to accom
pany appraisers as a representative of
Beppuer's board of trade.
Mr. E. G. Sperry was not present, but
Mr. Oaoar Minor reported for him tbat
little bad been done towards saouria
the right-of-way or settling dunnages, but
one settlement having been made. Ha
found, however, that he needed the
as istanoe of tbe appraisers and survey
or to accomplish much.
The acting secretary was appointed to
notify Mr. White at onoe that his services
will be required.
On motion of Morgan, properly seoood
ed, a committee of three was appointed
to draft constitution and by-laws, and to
secure permanent membership under
said constitution and by-laws. The
chair appointed Thos. Morgan, Frank
Gilliam apd Otis Patterson
Ou motion of Morgan, fees for mem
bership were put at $2; does 50 cents,
I Prize Hood's
Barsaparilla more than any remedy I have
ever taken. I have never been robust and
was tubject to severe headaches, and had
no appetite. Since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Hood's Pills I am a well woman,
have a good appetite and sleep well.
I cordially recommend Hood's Sar
saparilla. Mrs. S. M. Gorham, Fillmore
House, Fillmore, California.
HftnH' Pi!l c cu ail llver ills' bl"ou.
"UUUS 1 noil. headache. 25c
Sore tbroat. Any ordinary oise may
be cured in one night by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm as directed
with eaob bottle. This medicine is also
famous for its cures of rheamatism,
lame baok and deep-seated and muscular
pain. For sale by Slooum-Johnson
Drug Co.
Justice Court. On Saturday Bfter
noon, tbe oaee State vs. E. Piper and
Chas. Valentine, charged with the
laroeny of three loads of straw, preferred
by Wm. Saunders, was called for trial
and dismissed before all the evidenoe
was taken, Harry Bagley for the prose
cution and T. R. Lyons for the defense.
On tbe same day at 10 o'olnck, a. m.,
Errest Piper pleaded gnilty to trespass
on land of Carl Crow. Judge Freeland,
who presided in both caies, fined de
fendant 85 and oosts.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable.
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. Ht. P., C.&A, 1. Ft. W. & C.
and the C. St. L. & P. Kailrotids.
WATBH dli,oo PBH rAY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary $7HI and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
HI- marl.
Al Emerson is back from Portland
and ia not experienomg mnch. tronlile
with bis Auger at present. The pbysi
oians below did not remove the splinter,
considering it unnecessary to do sr.
Tbe last wool of the season was ship
ped yesterday from the M.C. L AT. Co.'s
warehouse, and is tbe ouly wool received
by this company this year that has been
oonsigned. All other lots were sold
Mrs. A. Abraharasiok, aocompsnied
by her little daughter, Honna, departed
for Ban tranoisoo, Saturday last. Ilia
tbe intention to plaoe the little girl
where she will receive musical in
struction, having considerable not oral
ability in the vocal line.
''I escaped being a confirmed dyspep
tic by taking Ayer's Pills in time." This
is the experience of many. Ayer's Pills,
whether as an after-dinner pill or as a
remedy for liver ooTiplniuf, indigestion
natnienoy, water orasn, ana nausea, are
Ed. MoDiiid, of Lexington, waa
town for a brief period last week.
Selling Out 4
SO Till: t'.V'T fn'lf trhm mrrrKtiml u itttUtf lhat kt nr
thtj r,in tm.lrrml nr,nf t, k il I'llki-.j f.r..w?a
h tl . ir, in r-fW arvir.s, A is n Imf nn t the truth it mt in
h,i. HV fft f rMi fi umtfrmU ntrg o ri, bt V
hf vi f Hm Urtll , fW M ) n tmtl.Kj tk-it ma viJ
hnlnrtr nn-lUrr rri i0 tl 'f truthful It tUW brother af
rhantt th,rh ir orr aorrjr to mtf Is a-f thf rn wf It'li-nrr
tnrrrhilt.lt I
e e e
It's m, , t, p 1 1 la'cf t"rtt,un4 UUr trif
tf it a ttetm, .. frtl rJ im tt-xk nut trrtl mtrrtM, nt oxe
i.tlf l 1 r t rl.t ip us ni tl -r in '' thj.,m,
e e
(V - r "" Jntt
.VI J.
ft tfet m r
p in ' a) ml.
y-t (i 4
4 . t M tt h -4
ft h9 ft ff aVeMa M M A I k
Married In McMinnville,Or.,on Nov.
13, 1805, by Kev. C. C. Sperry, Wm.
Cochran, of Brownsville, aud Mrs. H.
M. Warren, of MoMiunville. Mr. Coch
ran ia pasi 82 yars of age and Mrs.
Warren nearly 70, yet they are both
quite vigorous aod will doubtless live to
enjov many happy years together. Tbe
groom la tbe father of Mrs. E.G. Sperry,
of Ueppner. Immediately after the
redding the couple departed for Sao
Joee, Calif , where Mr. Coohrao hat
property, aod will make that city their
Condon Globe: Bully for Morrow
ooonly! The county court of that
County last week made an order allow
ing tl biunty on c tyote scalps. A stock
men'e onion sbonld be organized Ihnre
tt onn lo supplement it with another
ft. Tbia leavet only two adjoining
eoaotiea lhat dtee not pay a bounty
Grant and Sherman; but tbey b-db
favor Ibe idea aod do doubt will fall lo
line within a few weeka. Coyote, your
oerse It Donl.
Fail Journal: Wbiakey and cards
are faat playing lha deaoe with Peter the
Poel, who bat for these roads to ram
rnigbl leont of Ibe shining lights of
Oregon journalism. The othr day he
waa lookad tip at Willows, Cat., for
getting on a jag. Ibe result of hie
aoeoeaa lo fishing fur eurkera al the
game of three-card miole, al wbicb be
ia ao adept.
Pilot Rock U-ftord: Miae Lnlu
Wright, daughter ot Mr. aod Mra David
Wilgbl, wbo bad beeo III with Uphold
fever for tbe peal wtk. wat called aay
last Todtv eight. A large eoaeotirse
of frieoda followed Ibe remain to Iheir
last r-aling p ana lo Ibe i'llol Itwck
cemetery yesterday.
Foa.ll Jna'osl: J. W. Oilaao lfl
h tot fur The lallee OO Hatarday. Ibe
IC'b, where h expMie to ml bi sister
X i. Clara A. liilman. on r reinra
fr.in an ti led vllt al ber old borne
10 N llamt-tiira Hbe relerne to
reilor9lh (Virnrob Itaaeb and rare
f if br father.
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Undi:rvvkar, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Iitc.
If you want bargains now is the time. We
arc going out of business.
I A enp i.f rori'Mr 'ff- la not wbole
Jsott". tiiihr la bottle of aaaddy
inaxlieiit One way It om a rstiable
aod sklllfiillf pfpafaj blnol pqnflsr le
1 1., its t'"inm ficta slimot. Ayef't
I M !(. anile s alwajt bnahl and apark-
jlmg h"ans it I so eitrarl and eol a
de f't .
!-n ll,a atiswla f Heppfirr, a
m h-4 a.lf oa )il. 1, slsO. by J. W,
. t..itnm atiil tatde rat lo Ibe order
iff O'w 'alUa.rti, IU0i. L r will en
1 f r at ' f - tiv riaft.ih' same In
t ! ft ! .ffi. Il H f ni veloeto
any p.-fsa "ti t, nanf
Mr. A. U'l-'t '!' f.-. t'o't-aal
ni V-. 2ll II al b i t 'i of
I la'l.t.rf f.if lh in l ai.il C'asslat
an1 f roily.
aiaiM ttan M i r4
. siirT-ii" wuh st- frt ttl.lv,
a I !! d a b f ll'.l'a Hafsa
fa'il. ili-l rw i'i. ti Hall
if t H, an-l aiw I ala)t !
tie Ibe l-'M, and p. it f -f ry a,.
. , I : lra I tf rl.illfse."
wmm : n
To Jio Giv;u On
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28,
-."r Tine
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
1 Good Jersey Shirt, 60 cents.
1 Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 cts.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner. '
tlVi7f arrive in a few days, which will be sold at low figures.
We are Sole Aeents for Henrv MorkIh & Knn' Full Cp. vn.,.,
Cheese. Call aud see us.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Focket Knives and Overalls
Tea Tots and Tomatoes
Also some other things and something else.
m p
e -I '
3 o
JL H h
i o
e aal
The Best of Music will Ik: furnished and
Suitable Prizes Awarded.
The Management will uso every elfort to tnnke
the Bl a Completo Success.
Tickets, $1. 00; Lidies free; Sjiectators, f)()c.
K::!:y Uuls
1 i'nv tlio Clllff at
l.Kjiior.0:um v, Tob.vco hVi
II Is tv)4 si :-a, (t'a.
j Th M 1 lutnliful TiM-n on th Omm4
r!l si n,s t.t iH!sf
Hi. il j vtMtj t rcatHiwil t4taaa4 sr
II tHU h'
Fi Tsr. Wm 0- I
r(l. i II l m t It
th' liM !, . I 'm Is
,!''( 'Mif I "' It'Ui s t's-M
I htm l Ik tfa tntlS
j b 'mm ill b w.l U.sa-1
lvw r Vaa lris tl 44 fc C I'f )'
(t-'Hn9 evrthlrg In th Hnr? of Frch Groceries
Ciiiiunn, Nuts, nritl ho km j CrorUrry,
Liinin und Tinwur
Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it ad oliject for you to trado with
him as bis prices Are riht, and all gooda that he
hnndlen Are of tbe very Ihhi.
on Main Street, Next
to City Drug Store,
r I e i ) i ) 1 10 1 O roL'o n .
i. a :noiioii:iOHst Prop,
Keej)S the I'incst Wines, Li(juors and Cigars.
s the Place for
Fresh Groceries. Chcao for
Cash Only.
At Matlock's Hull on
V Win! 'n vnt'l'lllini nn nmr
iM,MiHIiIi i WW M A LV.1.1
' 9
Ktf)Lif IbtiM. Ma.b; Hats trr'. Hiring faoJ.
Thrr il a til in the tiffniri r,f tnrn
Thnt, if loLrn ut tit ?, lm!t tm to futtunt,"
I ho fSil U h"T9 ri I m U
W tlb ft fall lib of
IInnlvni. TlriviiiT. )lrt-vnn-, 'iwknrv. WocmI
ntul WUlowu'tir. C'lMtrirTulm nt IUIitwl lHcc.
tv.., a l,a
1m -.a ! la ls !,!
f b I'trliisitrt tlarlaarx l..t- I-. n I ,o p.llra an I Vi llfU n
r'StfirtiSto'ck is Comploto. Notions a Specialty.
Iirt.pf, s UM'tl.
. !