THANKSGIVING DAY. an experience for it, that it cannot recall the feeling. One thing is evident, that the American people will continue in power no party which has not the wisdom and the courage to deal successfully with those economic problems, whose right solution will restore national prospeiity on a lasting basis. From The American (Rep.) The rumor that the sultan of Turkey had been assassinated proves to be untrue. Thursday, Nov. 28, is the day set apart by proclamation of Presi dent Cleveland, followed by that of Gov. Lord, as a day of general thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day is chiefly aD American institution. After the first harvest of the New England colonists in 1G21 Governor Brad ford made provision for their re joicing together with praise and prayer. In 1523 a day of fasting and prayer in the midst of drought was changed into thanksgiving by the coming of rain during the prayers; gradually the custom prevailed of appointing thanks giving annually after harvest. These appointments were by pro clamation of the governors of the several New England states. Dur ing the revolution a day of nation al thanksgiving was annually rec ommended by congress. Wash ington recommended such a day, after the adoption of the constitu tion, and his example was occasion ally imitated by subsequent presi dents. During the civil war, Presi dent Lincoln frequently recom mended the observance of such a day after victories, and in ado a proclamation for a national observ ance in 1863. Since that time such a proclamation has been an nually issued, and custom has fix ed on the last Thursday of Novem ber as the time. Of late years, the custom of appointing a Thanks giving day by the governors of states, long confined to New Eng- Inud, lino boon aUujitol tluouR the country, and is usually the day set apart by the president. One notable exception, however, was that of Gov. I'onnoyer, last year. lie not only anticipated llio presi dentin the appointment of the day, but actually si t apart a differ ent one. Ilpyond general good health and enough to eat and wear, winch in some countries is n great di al, thero is but little to feel grateful for. The country lias been ruined by iniHinnnagemiMit and m inr u1. Ix.udou baukcm and Knglihh mer chants have been allowed to plun der it from idem to stern. The gray dawn of better And brighter days in the one thing to be thank ful for. They are mire to ruine, and isn't thirt quite enough after all? A monte-sharp was sentenced to San Quentin last week for tak ing in a greenhorn. The charge was larceny. The Northwest Fruit Growers Ass'n, recently in session in Walla Walla, elected Dr. N. G. Blalock. Pres., ond T. II. Coon, Sec'y. IS DWQffi OIT DISEASE. Dr. J. R, Baird, Well Known in In American Missions. Hatreds of Bottles of Price's Celery Com pound Prescribed by Him. Has Found It a tiieiwlng to the Afflicted Be yond Any Other Remedy. Dr. J. B. Baird is Dot only a mission ary, bnt what is not so well known, be is a physician of experience. His published aoouutit of the work be bas done in the state of Michigan has been read witb interest not ouly by those particularly conoerned in mission, bnt by the pablio generally. - Dr. Baird is known as a practical worker. His health was broken by the severe winter climate in Miohigan some time ago, and be seemed likely to be obliged to eive uu bis work. But be resorted to the use of that easily ob tained remedy, Puine'scelery compound, and was himself again, energetio and active as ever, within a few weeks. The reasonable, ntdisgnised way in which Prtiue's celery compound fortifies the body against nervous exhaustion and rebuilds its shattered parts has been freely explained by physicians, the best of whom today always looks to this great remedy where debility is to be overcome. It does its work thoroughly and speedily. Let every uervons sufferer, and evi ry man and woman who feels run down and tired beyond the power of a bight's THE FATAL TUOCSEKS. Clakk Wood is preparing to publish the Weston Leader again. It was a splendid paner under Mr. Wood's management, and no doubt will again excel. The gasoline launch of the millionaire, Chas. Fair, that was towed in at Astoria recently in a disabled condition, is again ready for sea, and is described as a very pretty boat. The mayotality fight at Pen dleton is being contested by Dr. King, A. D. Stillman and ex Slieriff Furnish, populist, repub Hcan and democratic candidates, respectively. It is hot. The Thanksgiving number of the Weekly Newsboy, a little weekly, published by Ilyman Oohn, of Portland, is on our desk Considering that it is published by a young lad, it is a bright little sheet. NOT A CUKE-ALL. The danger of th republican party ia that it will iniHtnko pro. lection for a cure-all, and think ita tank discharged it Im panned a new tariff. There are no cure-ftlla in politioa and liiiNiieo, any more than in medicine. Only ery aimple enpla think there are, and only quacka tm lit on the be. lief. The protective liey i a epecifto remedy for a ai.i(ifi disease, an. I iI mh not rover a'l the evila of our preiteiit aitu .linn, n.r ruape the inajmily of them. It will not prevent the frtendy and rapid appreciation t.f gold, which alone we recogni.o na our lndtr. form of money. It, tin-re. fore, relieve tin ate .lily ttarens night of debt, which wi-iha down rn lli the nation and all lh iu. duatriat rlaaaea of ita population, eapedally ita farmera. It will not put a atop to the intrrrational battle for pM, although it will make our own al'ik ex'tiie 1ml Icm arceU le t riti'i. N'. r will it confer uMti our Wmtein Southern elate a ejalria of I m k- In if tatted t the titda of IltrsTEM Pasha, an Italian count in the service or the sultan of Turkey, and recently the repre sentative of his adopted country at the court of St. James, died last Tuesday. He was an honorable man, and Americans were his friends. Capt. J. J. Winant, of the coast ing steamer, Dandorille, was swept from the deck of his boat while crossing Umpqua bar, last TLui day morning, and drowned. The vessel was swept upon the saudy beach, outside of the bar, and may bo recovered, 'I he gold reserve is going down rapidly, and is now at the $811,000, 000 mark. As long as wo buy iuro than wo soil, fail to collect enotigu reveuue to pay tunning expenses and stick to tho siugl gold htandard, wo shall have no other condition of affairs. t'linisTlANH, or any individual opMed to Mohammedanism m Turkey, will fare badly till the civilized Hwera of tho earth inter fete nuil dismember the entire empire. Political combination may prevent eoino of them from entering such a compact, notably franco at.d Hussia, but they should do if tho demands nulTeriiig humanity are to bo at a considered. Nun Hal Afera al Ik W ar Id a fair Ayer'a Haraaiiarillaaujoye tha eilrani- dinar j diliiirli..D of having tea tba Mil? til'Mtl purturr allowt.l an eibibil al tba World's fair, Chicago. Mannfarlnrart ( ntlirr taranpanllM aoaglit j e wf iiieanitoot.Ulnaaliuwlng of their foods t.ut tl.e irm all turned aaajr uo.ler tba ai'plit alino nt Ida nil ftirtiidJtnf tba entry of patent nie.lioine anJ boatrama. The dedal.... .f World's fair anil. rite in f.v .r f A)ei'a Naraaparilla in fTtt a foil..; "Airt'iHami rilla ia not a patent me.liplna. It tl.wa i.ol hr-long in Hi In! of (tram. It Iter uu tit tiienia." The following story comas from Chioago: A reut in the biuyule trousers of Wil liam Wallace was the in Jireot means ot bringing out a decroe of divorce today. Last summer Wallace and bis friend, Beojamia Fisher, were "scorching" along the stree t, when Wallace fell off and wrecked hit trousers so badly that be "scorched" hotter than ever to get out of the way of the police. He went to bis friend James Unit and applied for the loan of a pair of biojele trousers. Hall aoo'immodated him, and soon Wal laoi aud Fisher were "scorching" onoe more, Wallace felt something bulky in tbe pocket of tha Mull trooser , and on investigation found it to b a letter from Fiaher'e wife to the owaer of tbe trouutrs. Then nrire "so iruhiug" wai in order while the Ltisb md a -ugtit Hull f.r sUUfaotim. H failed tu find the mm and went to his wife. She is a truthful w iniiiu, and t'isher bsgin pro ceedings for a divuroe, which was grunted him Nov. 20. Mrs, Fisher is in Atlanta, Ob., and her husbftod still has possession of tho fatal truuseis. baby bones are soft, so soft they scarce can be called bones in the earlier years ; gradually they harden, and furnish the frame which sup ports the growing body. The hardening comes from what chemists term " the min eral substances." When these are absent we have " Rickets " a, lack of bone-tissue, which shows itself in delayed teething, profuse head-sweats, and later, if not arrested, malformations and deformities. Such a baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver oil for its fat-starved body. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of lime and soda will give its lMe body the needed fat in an easy form. St turt yen ftt Scut ft Emulsion whin yt want it tni nt m chtap tuistiiutt. Scott & Bowne, New York, au Druggists. 50c. and $1. EIGHT MILK NOTES. Snowing today. Ben Willis and wife have removed to Oahfornia. Sheepmen ore bringing their sheep out of tbe mouutaina. Mr. Willis visited his friend sou Eight Miie u few days ago. Farmers that have their wiuler' a wood out of tbe mountains are glad After the election is settled, mil the Durrant case U ended, what then? Some of the farmers have buen farm ing but todxy th.jy are not ploughing and are glad to see the snow. Chickeo ari)8 look as though they had been thiuued out by the coyotes. It is very dicoouragiug to farinits' ives. E. M 0. EKifir Mile, Nov 21, 1895 J. B. BAIBD, PHTSIOIAN, MIHBIONARY. sleep to restore.try Paine's celery com pound. It will make tbe man or woman strong and active and a stout believer in tbia great remedy. Dr. Baird, who is now at bis borne in Indiana, Pcnn., describes bis own ex parience as follows: "It was about six years ago when I first tried Paine'e oelery oompound for nervous diseases and rheumatism. In tha severe winter climate ia the statu ot Miohigan I was at our mission station thera and became a great offerer. I n.e.t three bottlea of Paine's oeli ry com pound, aud was very greatly benefited thereby. I then began to advise my members who were sick to ubb it, and in uvery oaae where tbe directiona were strictly obeyed the treatment waa sue oessful. In a few years pant hundreds ot bottles Lave been lined directly through my advice. Paine's oelerr oompound is far better than any other remedy, and leaves no bad fleets in the system. Its tmtuifold healing qualltio make it a boon of life and a blessing to the afllicteJ beyond any preparation within ror reach." Tha great falling off iu the amount of rheumatism, oeuralgta and nervous weakness that physuiana Iisva every- knowledge that there is 'no need of snffering any longer from these com mon diseases. It ia now everwhere known how correctly Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. L. D .of Dartmouth college, understood tbe needs of suffer ing men and women when be prepared the formula for Paine's celery compound. By the use of this world-famous remedy countless men and women have saved themselves from nervous prostration. The cares of large families do not stop when the day is over. There is inces sant anxiety, wakefulness and concern for some member of the bounebuld. It ia no wonder that so many, especially women, break dowu under tbe crushing weight. Their very love and pride keens them always at work. They "live on their nerves," as the saying is, till there c iroes a timo when flesh and blood can stand it no longer.' It is a simple thing for them to keep well and strong if Paine's Oelery compound is straight way unei at the earliest signs of failing vigor. The tired, "dragged out" feeling is soon entirely removed. Thre will be no neuralgia, ro persistent beadaohes, no dyepepm, no haunting pain over the eyea, no nervous exbanation when Pitiue'a Ofloty oompound ia used. It wbera noted oomea from the wide spread i makes people well. THE MOVU AMH.WITV reellac nf Iy4 MouUi.mrry I'areaU. rr III Al.sKT. Or, N'iv. 22 ( His paUh ) Edward (Hkey, who will I ao Important witness hi tba Montgomery and M Keroher murder eases, ia in the fllty. This evening h !.!: "One of I'm Monlgnraeri'a neighbors relate an Incident whUh bas an ira porlanl txario( on lha ra and an tha air waa not any too plentiful, he, In ), heoam frightened and gave vent (I yello, not calrnUted t be in harmony witb a vault. IIaring faint sound prodding from the vicinity nf the vault a. ho ohanoed to pi a that way, tha s-iloti liberated tha couple, who wera a'mnt half clinked for tba want of air. Walla Walla Htalesmao. Wth lUn.a ui. Hurrah for Oil liam eountvl Tba Iron bora will ba tending to lonMlDtf thronuh her from una end to show tba anoatural aoumwiiy oi yonog ,UB otbpr Wloio Mo,b,r ,,ar. Montgomery toward cts pareoi.. iun w oodersland that tha O R k S. baa l.triatar Kotm-Td rr.gram ren dered at H.a iMerary anilely (tatardsy evening al was a drol.led sae. m. Tba ai.iiina was ara mnA anprreuliva oa. 1 ba ilrbala, teaitvel, That tbera is mora leattra ia pursuit I ban poaaraa lon." waa wall and ably dlaaaaaaj by hwa wbo parlieipale,). The decision waa rdrd In fav. if tba aalia Ti e aoug t y Krai k Tbaaa waa hv and tha spreb by C K "! and, tm peta itiating tha h-Ua aimed Bias, brong!,! dD Iba b'Miaa. feegra falea, enlillal "It, turkey WmKldealar," glv aa I t Meaara Jaa II art. Joba II. .r. tifwer , o..r a I Mi.s A la Mtnr, aff -Med . Oaigbbor says that wbeo I.iyd Mont gomary waa raturtiiug from a hunling trip tba day bef.ire Iba tnnrder be stoppfsl at bia hone, and, wheo atked wboaa gun ha baJ, ba replied: "II belongs .i that darua-l lather of mine ' " 'Toiiungbl l l h ' J f ir elf to apeak that way i.f ag ! a father aa yo Date, aai I lb aeighWs ife 'Ton Jo't ku ,,r n,y t""iher. aither.or oti woul l ft"t say wa Iba herll-M anaa.r " Tt.ta waabild l M-. (I 'k-t f lb..e bo baard young M.m' H l!.e Vila languag. o molu led Iu build a brauob road from Arlington through flilliam and Crook eonotiea, to iolera. rt tha Oregoo TacibV South of rrtnetille. Tha Inlentioo ot lha O. RAN. ia to begin early ceil spring, and tba new r-l will raa through Condon. F..i and Piinrville, croMing tba Jobs lay river at Paraoas Kerry. 1 here are good tnnea al.ea-l II. ! rottnly and all i f hr I'-.'la bata rra. ua to rej nee. t .iti.b.q (IIo'k W bra a peraot la I ... g t!e.i aaj a.t ing away thera la ran f.-r alarm N. . tiling o worries a pli)ii'tu. li.a-auni.liv-a wmtid n-rf J.i if lhy mid regn Ibeir lal we.gbl. Iu fa. I Ibefa Am l Irrtu i f rtirnil curt wool tie rti e xiamnption If there wera .il. - -..I M I.. Li Ir. ii,.l of syalew. 1 t.a Oa.iae Will W WWW aiw w-m - " Hannah mnr.ler eaae. aad the grand jury will at Ibal lime meet b tuVratigala Iba ttrownavt Ha tnof l' fllea! niea! klag Ptlr of th a ! ot fj -at) la a failure .i p oner. I iligvl Ilie l '.l eaten. Mae-leulha f all our diaeaara date bwk Id Iba d rangemetil of lha al'.Riaeti I be Mikr I (' lil atll Stnp I'm. w.aling i.f It.a K'l.. arte bf C '!. J II. f .! w eal l.l te .beMlB.1 htB.H-M.M.tne; . aa In (,,r nn.ige, f.-4 cfo Attorneys et HEPPNER, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON Khilob'a Cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is iu great demand. Pocket size contains tweuty live doses only 20c Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ay era Jr. Chas. Tilden and wife came in yester day from Little Wall ceek, and depart ed today with their household effects to make a home out in tbe Wall creek seotion. Call on Phill Cohn tor fine wines and liquors for medicinal purposes. A oom plete lioe if Key West ciirars, and 1 premium ticket for tbe 8100 Victor bioycle. tf. Pat McKelvey, a brother of Mike Mo Kelvey, aud an oldtiuier here, arrived reoeutly from tbe Wood River country, Idaho. lie will probably winter 10 Iieppner. Aa the name indicates, Hall's Vege. table Mioiliau Hair lieuewer, is a renew er of the hair, including its growth health, youthful color aud beauty. It will please you. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A , Ban Diei.o Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medioiue I have ever fonud that would do me any good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. Lovd Montgomery, the Brownsville boy accused of murder, has partly oou feased to tho crime, lie now enys be killed McKeicher becauae he shot bia mother aud father. Fr 822.50 I will sell a first class, bigb grade, high arm sewiug machine guaran tee! (or 10 years, tor further particu lars cull on or address, N. A. Ieaob, Lexington, Oregon. SH-tf . Jaa. P. Rhea. Frank Pmith, J. H. Edwards, R W. Turner, A. (J. Bartholo mew, W. (J. MoCarty aud lletuan t'ol- well, all of this county, were ootioed on our streets Saturday. Mr. F. W. Hinsdale, representing the Northwestern Mutual lyiie Ins. Co , ar rived Friday last, bnt will depart thia evening, tie bas been fairly suooesful, considering the timra. Mrs. Julia Bradley, proi.iielrjM of the City hotl, desires lo iofcrru tba pnbho that she will give a speoial I haDksgitfiiig dinner nu lhursday next You should not miss it. John W. Doak la quite ill with pleuri sy, out at I reaa lbompan a. 1'resa waa in for medicine yesterday, and reporta John pretty ab k.and hia brother, Holland Ibompann, rather ailing. Tba W. 0. T. of IIardmn. will giva a supper at the church on Tbatka giving, beginoiug at 5 o'clock, p. tu. Price cf supper, 25 cents, lha proceeds to ba devoted to the Union. A burning tlua al lha Palaca bold, early Saturday morning, scared a great many peepla who wera tip. ai d awaken ed a good many more from pleaaaot slumbers. It did no raiaagn. II is rumored thai tbi obildrea of very well known family, patents deceased, are in actual waol. The father waa a (J. A. H. man. The Ixtte would meotioo namea, but fears tbat soma nnneceaeary bumiltation might b lo- tiiaied. The desired iufomiaimo, bow ever, eao ba obtained al Ibta i.ffloa. M Bicycie Prize Given Away BY ILLS & WEN, fin. Ill H UillUI IIBI I I To every person making a cash purchase of 25 cents we will gwo a coupon ticket which entitles the holder to an equal show in the grand prize. The person receiving the bicycle can exchange for other goods of same value. We carry the most complete line of the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drugs, Mediclnca, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Putty, OlaBs, Stationery, School Books, Toilet Articles, Per fumes, Candles, Nuts, and Cigars, and will pay the highest cash price at any time for county and city warrants. Goods along Echo and Lone Rock stage routes delivered free of charge. Prescrip tion work a specialty. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Office of Dr. McSwords in our store. OUR PRICES ARE LOW! Wells & Warren, H 13 tIJVI2 W, ORISOON njwiwtu.,1 Kl I II Tal X tmeeentadoaaa . IJJlJ ! by ait drnar- ffta'a, eurea Incipient t.miumplUia esul ia 12 beat Couah atul Crous Cura r..r aeia bf 1. w. tr. it. li'.fiot It la a"ld pflj a aTarante I, Ittfes irrtra. imr. pvHtin r nrrpjiri A Brand New Man! t is not meant that the man is ro new, but that this paper is called upon to announce to the public that the Ilardmau mercantile business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to GEO. A. BROWN, A Well Known Morrow Cuuniy Boy. He proposes to carry ever) thing and to Bell at prices in competi tion with the railroad. This is no idle iet-t. and an insDPction of Mr. Brown's stock and place of business will couviuce you. Hardman, Oregon, SuccenBor to W. JS. KAI-ILJUR. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Morse ? All thpae can le procured at Tbomrmon A Binoa, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Three fi-ntlrmen are well acquainted with Oram. Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other rountlea. and ran fta t m..nrjr and II mt In making with traveling mu. I'rlrrs In lre.lng with lha tlmea, TllOMPSOlSr cfc fill JaT 'iILaifc-aja T II IS . Palace Hotel, C i VAX I'llX, rwtrirtor. hair taken full cmirol cf thia lojmltr hnutr, nml trill make it if net It firtl cltis. MKALS, 2: CTS. niCDS, 25 CTS. ra Hatha and rra ' M all Gomu aaj almgitigi mI at 'alil. y aorah' If alUl l f 'M.tiria larimra ttm. aniii .ftea an J uUar at. N-i. tnlha1 ' " rw1aa ()iTir al.'t a ll. Hb'i a ai. l l-lwl-lag. I.eala u I r tat ..!, an I la Iu ! e rtu-te lb ianra M lfitni. f l mail. I. 5uta If Hi)i,H.m, ItolalelfLta. rt t t a Ami.a - f 4 ftl'la aaul ! Il.a rtnelrjr. mA l ! ft wan leiiaa) altnul ra uali Mr K'aigta' all". Tb wenl N a I (it "Iba Ian ot d..f. N Ihia & r iM a an." .tali an 1 rwmrer Cmmutitiea, ai.d eo-; ''"",,a aomaewei.i Aa tnieraaii alila tltir farmera and lUotri ta U"" ' ag.iaaaaeti i ,i , . . .. rimiJii tliU Oulf ba b"I.lig la- eacai-froia U clutohr. t.f N arwyoUUr n I tl, nutr, bo t, now appfot tiala tha frttita cf ll.eir N tirt -1 uk Ihta aib 1 r( t, vm. alU, or tU party l.irh ia t.tUy UMaa. .a. I,. II. A. l . rail aej aeiu Ul , . i....,!, a - . taj iiTHir'w m Ha.Uc.ccw tour, la tha Imuji ... ::7.:W " U. ui ibi Iwa (.arm than g x-l Tha l'.r (VinUH-a alrea.1 JigetfJ an. I ad gMlert'f f .! aa welt. r,anlrm ffa.h llnrls I, I .if tan, Jha ll., rriS ill 'aa. I W.ra racing ltr li. liia t'r mf a-l-r-'rl i r w niia. I'. U. 'irtf ra il'ief balea rl.i .I'f a lake CaMr at I l'alf (V.I, l. mala kef Oil. Lit,la I'aai.iit.i Haari.a ,Hf fc-.a seta hi I I in ll.a ('urtallaa at.. I Meiklial i li i'i h. a . Ia H.iti It ttt-wkirtg, aa4 I il. -t;... i. la Iba etraing. Car- j Jnkt .a ..ra.'li. aa atl il.H utaa al 'Mrt .ar tf...rlhr ri.ll,n, 1 f t-r l Oa ri la tt tt.i-a. l e) l.t kw I w a4 t.a 4'vi e,it I Hm 1mtmint r tun- r'". IMM li'r. l-aba P U t : r.g. t hlr(, I mt , a-4iH Ttr Nt. ti niMir ivri tr tt , g Hr, ..anMi 14 ll ln nt HlrAt uw-lf I it f "i m pf.a. a a ; rf,r-l .( r-'-l WJ J mw i i r. .... I, a 4f. aa4 rat a: - Il.e ,fc.M- f.-4 lb. . 5-" -Ml.-. tiViaV t.,l la fine, .. nneaU-B, ; .r.u.u'k I " - ' 7 .bV'.V"' ' " ' Wl "4 1 - I ZH XXZXVZX. .m m a a alt iti ah mm jk a m Ia. a A-.til.t .a afe sa ffiaa m m Tv a I f t awhA 1 ft 1 . ?r e my a I a a 'I. UekaJ la I'.a aaaii. isa lair igae ia ' - i , aj i iiiI lien as Alii K 4m siaiia J ma a a taitoL --a a-1 1 aL.U a a. . .aa aaara a i I Oil IU rtoat r !,. -ll Cii.1 al ! eall aaJ MulMl Me'oal. V'. Z ... J I ..t.i-l- V '"TV " .''. lee,,.. flta wi far-, n -w mw - - . . w( , aj ffwaj f (i ft. 1. i.a i n u- if v.M,- a. Ua ibm "'a a - i a T I a rat. I vtlUl.N(i-fi if fj , a tjrv-Han it (. T'n.U'M . f Hk I la Iba Haa ( lUrt-tee. A 1 Jaa Ik- bar J T t'ii, iitf, 4'lia, Ur , vilf. DISCOVERED IT LR3T ! T F Mr. 1 Colaiubu were alirt to- and railed at Mat LirlUa- thal'g h might make a nw diaeoT. ft y qtnt m mrnurat.l aa that -f ll'.'i I'hiia waa a grrat diaootrrer in hia day. lie would at thia tim diacotpr the fiurat Wk of thne eter ahowo ia lleprnr, aod tb cbaajwat M r!L bat Wofa dva tnorUl tnan aot rw n t rv' ' f w KnWa. M. MCltTHNTHAU Mtia ar4. Nr. t ' Coatota Work a Fci!ly. dfi ox Plenty of them at tho Gazctto Office . . . i