Portan, O'i Lib, r7 il"tM I II M 1 1 1 I I I I ftl 1 1 1 U U4 UIIU I. ait.M OFFICIAL PAPER mi it nn m it wmihm m iMHmtiti i MY SUCCESS FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. I j S Is owing to my liberality in ad- vertis'ng. Robert Bonner. t 14 I l lil 1 1 1 1 1 111 I M 1 1 IT! 1 1 1 I I.I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1., h 1 1 1 1 II &aimj(I ii-iiiiiii!iiitiiiiiiiii:iiiaiiiiiiiiiiriiiirriiiiwiiii'Ki wnriHKiiil THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1895. WEEKLY WO. 6fi I SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 311 I OF leiiief SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. POBUtUHCU Tuesdays and Fridays BY TRE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, Editor Business Manager At !2.M pur !, $1.H5 for aix months', tor thriw rrtiiuciiR. iS ets. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIH PAPKKis kept m tils at E. C. Dnka'a A'lvertiBini? Agnnoy, fll and 65 iVlftrchantB EsohaiiB?, San Frnnciaeo, California, where cou racts for a.lvertisiior can be made tor it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives i:l' a, m. dully, except Holi day. West hound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion l:13a. in.: cast bound 3:30 a. m. Freight, trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:2.'i p m. and 8:17 a. in.; going west, 4:30 p. m. ana j.no a. in. crFICIAL DIBEOTOET. United Mates Officials. fiuaidnnt Gmver Cleveland Vioe-l'raaldftnt Ad ai Stevenson Hen-etiii-v of Slate Kichnrd 8. Olney Keoretary of Troasnry John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Seoretary of War Daniel B. Ijaniont Hmtrntnrvof Navv Hilary A. Herbert Postinaator-flennrai William U. Wi son Att'irney-tieneral J udoon Harmon Seoretary of Agrinmtnr J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor. ... W. P. Lord Honretury of Htate Tl. K. Kincald Treaeorer Phil. Jleterlian Bunt. Pulilio InrtruPtioo . M Iiwin 40 ICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted puperlor to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Vav( rley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. , a million dollar concern, w hose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER II . HALLOCK, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., V. 8. A. Hen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. WmS I M M ONlPtfl a1JiliaVljVaVJ''i iTtA ftaf "ftfaVi' JrPii.:.M''t,'' i ... t j,- TM U.S. GOVERNMENT! PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH Attorney General Benatorn Contrroaaipen Printer , Idleman McHmie Mitchell J liinarer Hermann ) W. K. Kiln .0. M. ( H. V J. If. .W. II. Leeds H. S. Hi-an. H., ,ram .liiduM F. A. Moore. ( C K. Wolverton SIxHi Judicial District. Circuit 4xm Stephen A. Lowell I -niniciiMii Attorney i.Johu H. Lawrey Morrow Connty Officiata. To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wats on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. frWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. a GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS 1 1VFR REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when tne Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria. Biliousness. Indigestion. Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated reeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. finnd disestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any nf the rnmnlaints. trv SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, ine King or Liver medi cines, and Better than Fills. S-EVERY PACKAGER Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper, J. H. Zeilln. & Co., Phlla., Pa. ... . W. Rowan .... J. 8. Hnothht .. ..Julius Keilhly ). It. Howard ,T. W. Morrow ri. W. HarriiiKton ... Frank Uilliam J. Willis Oe. Ird Anna llalsiuer ....T. W.Ayem. Jr Joiut Senator ttaoriwnntntivo oonti.'ndtr f'-mvtfll'mor".... ,I.M. litter. " l'Ur " tilieri " Trewirer AsMeewir rWnroynr ' School Snp't ' rnncT HI1TNEU TOWS) OrFIUKKS. t. Them Morgan r ...M.... (). V. Varnsworth. M. l,lchUr.tlHl. Otis Pnttrn.m, T. W Aynri.Jr.. B U llnMtf V J. HlftAUItl. r,.n. K. U Fwlsnd Mughal A A. KoberU Pm-inrt Officer. I...,n. (!, Vamr K. I.. HwUn'i l',,n.il,l N. H. WheUlone rMlted WatMi Und Oflimw. Tut DAU.M, (in. J, V. floors A. S. Ihtltn LA OHA1IUB, Oil! B. F, Wilson i. II. Kohhins 1 FHE EN ELECTRIC BELT lONE IXE8IS A few wurin days, bnt getting cooler. Oar school is progressing nicely with good btteudsnce. The lone danoing olub is in full blast and is K'-vioj? weekly sooial bops. Mat Ilalvorson was np at Lexington with bis wheel on Saturday evening. Regular prenotiioo; id ugnin Bunonooed for the first Sunday in December at the lone school house. John Balsiger depnrted tn teach n private school near the monutain, dur ing the winter incntbs. Quite a number from our vioioity at tended the sobonl eutertiiinmeut at Lex ington aud seemed well pleased. The people of this vicinity extend con. gratulfltioDs to Mr. Coohran and Mr, Sperry on the advent of a son and daughter, respectively, on the 9th. John CoobrBii is gaining quite n repu tation as a banter. lie shot and killed a monster wild out the other day and has stretched a large number of oayoies with bia rifle and traps. Many are prophesying a bBrd winter and oome what may, it is always best to be prepared for the worst. Hay will no doubt command a good price in onse of a severe winter Bud feed In general will be higher. Jake. Iome, Or , Nov. 20, 1895. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report ARRESTED Dr. J. J. Bill Arrested by Kngene. Marshal Day at From Eugene Guard, Nov. 20. At 4 o'clock this afternoon Marshal H. J. Day arrested one Dr. J. J. Bill, a traveling veterinary surgeon and dentist on a letter from John W. Minto, ohief of Police at Portland, on the charge of the larceny of a watoh Bnd other jewelry in a dwelling committed in that city re cently. Bill camo here one week ago yesterday arid has been plying bis vocation, lie stoutly maintains bis innocence. The offioers in Portland bnve been notilied of bis arrest. LATER. Since writing tbe above Marshal Day examined Bill's room and found some of the missing articles. Trad Mark Dr. A. Owtn The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. no neir (J If. B.Thl$ Company it controlled 6y nearly one thousand leading papm in the United State, and it yuarantrtd by Uiem. H . -r lt.Hl-ior KAWL1NS IHIwr.NO.il. (). A. It. MiUt Uiinuo. Or Uut bwt KnionUy of I rh month. All Tatanuu r lnlti tn oia. I' r. Hn. (io. W. HHITH. AdlaUnt. tl I 'MBauuwiM. MX ONCY LOAf mi 1 hi proi r. r I Mc r .r ONCY LOANED, "' hfrtHiri I'l tirvollal tlrel nirli-a uimiii in,nil rrin nil llMfnn trllh rulrm .rl(i- nf rale ill Intm-cl not iorfl in-r pnt p.T iiiiuin tnrtiri- ronrirol Ihat b lxn lkn br alhr com- puli Al-irr nii m.iiip. MKKVIN nAoKT. Hr flty. (Hnn, L UM1TE It ! ttri nvt r tL Km or vn 1 T dn mi 1 Lurair. M BUM oi nvppnar, what U known m Ui BOOTT MAWMILiU. I rxa i.oo riiT. koi uh. CLtAK. - 17 M irMUVIHI) l MUM'S EH, WILL AUD Tb 4bot n.inUll.mt r ftfl. tljr fof h. I. HAMILTON. 1'rc.p. FACTS AHIi FACTS ! MiU CAN BI'Y li'i.00 worth of dry good! and itroonifi and then have ctiotiKh left out nf lltmnn to imn lnwi No. I Cn-x ent lllryt'le. Tlilt la i liml cIm incliliw. Why then pay ll'WDU for a blryi lo that will (h no blteriTvlre T T en at CKEtf.'KT (ron-her," weight 30 poundi, only J0. Llie' and OunU' Ma tatera all the way from 10 to TV B y' Junior," only I Hh pueiimatlr tlr- a'""'! marlilne. Our aperlal," Men't !'; Udl1, . FOR MEN AND WOMEN Tbo latest and only iclentlflo and practical ikvtrlo licit made, for eeneral use, producluR iccniilno current of Eloctrlclty, for the cure f disease, that can be readily felt and roiru- lated both in quantity aud power, and applied to any part of the body. It can bo worn at any time during working boun or ileep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE HHFrnATIS.TI 1.1 .tl IIAUO Kit A L, DEBILITY LA I'l K HACK . ISFKVOt H llEA8ES VAIIM4KKLK KI.I AL WEAKNESS I q POTENCY IAIUNKY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE t t nd will efTecl Mrs. W. B. Meek, who resides at Camptonville, Gal-, says her daughter was for several years tronbled at times with Revere cramps ia tbe stomach, and would be in unob agony that it wa necessary to call a pbvsioian. Having read about Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerned y she onnoluded to try it. Hhe found that it always gave prompt relief. It wan seldom necessary to give the second dose "It has not only saved na Iota of worry and time. she says, "but also doctor bills. It i my opinuiu that, every family should have a bottle nf this remedy lu the hnnse." For sale by Slocura Johnson Drug Co. JOX. Electricity. tirotwrlT the place of dURa for all Neryoua, Uheumutlo. ana i rinai i rouinea, ipplled, U rant taking Kidney and I'rlnal Tronblei curmln nocinliiKly hnpolii'S r.itea where every other known muane hai failed. Any alui"jlnh, weak or dlneaaed organ may ly tii la mciiiii t roimva lo iieauny activity bnforn It la tiKi lutn. Indlii'( riedlral men nio and recoramond the Owen Hilt lu their practice. CUR LARGE ILLUSTBATCO.CATALGGUE CiNitninef iillrat Information regnrdin the rure of a-nli', rhronlo and iiervoua illnrnxMi, prlrea, and hniv l.j nr.l' r, In lini-llr li. (irrinnll, h(dl(.b (ml Nurw.'irl'iii IntiKUKVi', will he Inn I led, lipi'D jii hIIiiu, 19 my ddn.ua fur tt c uta ieiae. Ik C?rcn Electric Belt and Asrliaice Co. Messrs. C F. Moore & Co., Kewberg, Ore., says: "We sell more of Chamber 1 swarm with children, and children, whether well born or ill, are common ly possessed of the "Old Nick." There is nothing iu the world that an unre generate youngster so loves to do as to pull a door bell and run round the cor ner to observe from a safe vantage, with fiendish glee, tho discomfiture of the woman who leaves her baking or dishwashing to answer the summons and ilnd nobody. In well-to-do neighborhoods the sup ply of mischievous urchins is limited. Among the tenements they swarm. Hence the high door bell is there a ne cessity an.l a defense. MIXED THE POETS UP. The Illi;h Hchool Pupil' Error and the Confualon Which. Followed. Now that the "sweet little girl grads" of hist year's normal class are being crystallized into the prim schoolmarms of years to come, the never failing sto ries, true and otherwise, funny and sup posed to bo, of class bulls and blunders tire cropping out and being added to ain's Cough Remedy than all others put the ahoiidy great volume of "English ouether, and it always eives satiefao - 88 She, Is sPoke; ne of the latest cimmvs nuiu hib iiijrii Hcuoui ana is iast- t ticn." Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox. Ore , says: "1 believe Chamberlain's Conh Remedy to be tbe best I have handled." Mr. W. U. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells well and i bigbly praised by all wbo u ae it." For sale by Bloonm-Johu-son Drug Co. SPONGE GATHERERS. Tha (Hen C'eCltic Cell 1 iii ;.. :CI lo Zil -1.il-. SlnM, CHICAGO, ILL. t.ie l-:tl CIUi4 Cell r-.M: 1'imni.Hn II'. I I . Annua ; L Ljyn WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, WMIWfaUVJ HI1W Hin iwnni THE PITTEUSOX rn r. yZ& Ilrppner, Oregon, MORROW AUD CRM It I RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED UITUni IT fyk& n'' or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Thrco to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. tr.'-. t'.ittna :S.;r, MaiNttaia Hu.ldlng. PORTLAND, OREGON. Jnltf- Wtrei yon ever up before this oonr l? riamp Chu't say, JuiIk. What lime does your houor git np? - Spare Mo- ineuts. Ehler Herri What, U 'nr Idea l faith T Jobliits Pntting a moki I on the plate and txpeolitig a crnwu of pure gold. New York UemM. lllHirniici. Sllieriiiteni1elit (HU'l ioiolia i ) 1 low did your IiIIhIiiiiiiI hiiiieii to lie o aoon after Keltit'g itisilMtl fur a ar;e niiiiiniil? Widow lie worked h tlln lf to death Iryinu lo pay Iiih pn miiliii. New toil We.kly. Mr Tiii.hle Aien'l j ou afraid lo stay iu yimr liouan alone, uur ImaliniiJ being way so much? Mr. I)iek-()h, not nt all. The pol c-nmn on lliia bent ia engageil tj tn) eonk. New York Trulh. HaMUll B.UK Dl MWl INTER OCEAN w. rtst?io. ti. manor. ' " ra.akf. TawucnicESEiiuiMisurmfis Most Popular Peputllcaa Newspaper of ttic West And lias the Largest Circulation. m afiw ... .... ..,,. M.,t .i .. . Mnl K((t,i.J. kul l fit' --3 y fiitm. Wli v.. I a Hiitt .-. ijl. J C i.a ut im n .1 wr.M m,, y,. ii t.fif Mtf Ur vr. I'in. 4iHUl Hill mr4 2 tin tuitska. r3 Mi. Yetirer Tomniy, d )" snt some nice J tin T Tonino Y's, ma. "I wa Koing t'i give yon aolna tu put no jroiir hrea-l, but !' ht lli key f I'm pai.lr)." "You don't need any k"j, m. Iran rriM'h down thriiiiiili Ihn trs'iwiui nJ open the dour from lli Inride." "Tlml's ha I asntrj to know. Now, j itt wall till onr In Let lines liomaJ." I'aa.erger-Capt tin, h" Ur ere we from land? Cal'laiO Atxmt Iwn mile. r.Meliger H'll I ' I" whal diretlon U it? Captain -HtraiKU J. .n.alr.-Til-Illle. hn aalau t h.ld lib an a"'J frii n. 1heapm4 id Ihe l.l' yrle liin, Ai4 hu II hertinf the rnlh "f alii, Ilia -eil lmmrrl la (ltn. H'pl he rellM el mw anil be (..llli-d Ihefltla A 1 .1 Ihrm.ll I.I. ). . A II. 'il wllb e (fin It.al delll.h . ilte II lliten'M the l,....f lad - jolt ll.l.ll They Sometlmea Turn Wrecker or Worae, It Ia Hinted. Everybody connected with the sponge trade, until it gets into the hands of the brokers and shippers, ia "colored"- any ahade between jet black and the hue of West India molasses, says the I'hilu delnhia Record. The hands employed in washing, shipping, packing and preparing for shipment abroad are generally paid fifty cents a day for ten hours work. As for the men who. do the dangerous part of it those who go down to the va in ships and wrest the sponges from the liottom thev w nw hlrerl the day or month or promised a dctlnite sum, but their earnings depend entire ly upon luck and circumstances. The owner of a vessel fits her out at his own expense and the profits of the voyage are divided up in Nharrs be tween himself, the Bulling master and the men. Kach Bhip carries a crew of from right to twelve men, and while the owners, as a rule, find considerable profit in the business, it is rarely in deed that a kikiiil'o Usliennun docs mure than make a tolerable living. It is durkly hinted that on favorable neeaslons when the "sponge rated" bus not been good theso men turn wreck ers, an occupation verging dourly Umhi p.nii'V, ami wiiiietiine when no proltl thin wrerk bus turned up for inontlia they are even tempted to decoy a ship from her proper roiirae and load her tiiMiu the rocks by a display of fuNe lights. The intricate navigation of themi waters, dotted by thouaanila of rniall rrrfa and Isle!, willed run I trsveraed with rtMiiparallvr asfety only by three rhanneU, haa always fur liiahed ileliMiiallliig lot of flotaain nd ji-taain In the way of shipwreck! mrrcdandiae to N'aaaau. enen ny llio Washington t'ost on a swei't-voiced lisping youth, with an in cipient mustache and a furtive glance that will wundcr toward the girls' side of tho study hall. They were being called up the other day by the English literature teacher and examined as to their memory of last year's work, and the sweet-voiced youth was asked for a quotation from Scott. He started bravely enough, but mixed bis authori ties before ho finished: Oh, woman, in thy houra of enae. Uncertain, coy. and hard to please; llut seen too oft. familiar with thy faoa, Wo lli.t unduro, thou pity, then embrace. The conclusion was entirely too much for the class, the red-headed corporal from I) company exploded In a regular vacutioii laugh, the rest of the room, including the teacher, followed suit, and the Kwii-t-voiced youth collapsed, vowing lie would never memorize an other quotation so long as he lived. wiwc oniHKcnc maxims. A PULLMAN PORTER'S REASON Why We a.. COMil'iO I OH Made oo FeurU Torre. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD IIIITSEIL tf OR www Ooiiiii-liiiiiK Slue line BV MAIL DAILY (withoyt Sunity) DAILY (with Sunday).. 14.04 per year tS.oo per yrsr ThWeekly Inter Ocean M-PArf THR PuTC OCfAw kf a aAaeajH tbe tlme ta eN ia N erwa ea mmt m eeet Mi ina tU TMI W 0H alUSiCAlICHO CO. 15 - tttue4o It i .NY t.lr. T-. caxvaaia whti. 1ilUlUUiUiUiiUU,,,,;,i!i.; Hay in (a or Our Klilera land a Contribute from Theuilore Kooaeeelt. JiM-osn remarks, friendly toasts and cheery greetings rather than profound pblloviphlciil truths arc to he ruiught usually mining those who continuously Ilnd solace iu wine ili'ltiklnjf. llut there Ik sunn' literutiire of wine proverbs, so culled, In which there Is an admixture of wit and sngiieity, says the New York Sun. "A cellar without wine, a home with out woman mid a purse without money are three deadly plugues," is one of the olilcxt and lest It noun of the wine proverbi. "lied wiiii; polsniis oysterM," is allot her. "Wine Is ii tunii'oiit llrst a fi ieiid, then an tiiemv." Is a third. "Ilur.fiind.v," It Wnii nl, I iM-.ving, "lathe wine of priiH'es, Silleryiif nol.lea, rlurrt of the gentle Ihiiii. mill Iter of the euniiii. n H'e." It sri'iu i t i Ik. a fair Infi n ii. e tliut thimi who huve gone to trmil.il. of roiiipiliiiff in various works the iiwit hegina of wine drinkers have cIiom-ii tlirm ai a good cultivator chooM-o the liest irriiH-k, with inuclt lire -iin.l u In ii the siitliiirs of auelt remarka wen nut ilriiihlng "t'hsm- pngiie," It Knuii.o iliinlter'a saying, ia like i riiiii.in - iioihiinr more ex- rerahle If Ihi.I, iniihiiig morn rseellent lfgil." "l,ovr," hityn ariot her, "stole its purple lii'hl fr iu the wlm cup. re ia another: "The Ix.ttleUof the arUliMTarv, tn-Btiil like a genilrmao." Drink your rneinv'a wine; It's goxl as your frnti.1 a, an iiinMiiaiie but not iti.phll.rM.pble aaying. and "Ue- itieudH-r." anya aimther. "olives and wine tell talnat a mail U." ADMONITION TO FISHERMEN. Haiare'e s aso tn, aim uc u I WANTED-AN IDEA'eJi'S hln la M(I 'HltMiM Mw.af l.jo.a fnm MUk. wrne j"n.' "nun. irfwjr ! Anorfts Wolutftei, UCt fuf ttM4f i)fiMi.a.r. TV l BUBKS-GHHYOH STH3EUKEj M A .. w. '9 I nSTMtUhllVUSH ! l ift lu.ly al C l. m. I af rit e l O .ltt la 42 baars. Singlo Faro S7 GO. Mound Trip S10 00 f ajfr,ft livi r . f ('t llVHSWASYOS . .! .....a -4. re .. .. . j r . I i el . The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. Il be. eabtg el eaxk ewfltbee mt rka UmMf l ih in a ,i atitl SI letka f kM4 el IISUIIMaSy rlAHKI S e !. iH ITKAlt V II IS r H IM lAW. 4 -'"t M.e ..,.. mm eit b.e Mtnai l-i. M ele ta tlaeaa I rib M f I Hit bUM.Il. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. tnf rv7rt vr aw m ritiiiHt u tw cnic'Kt, twp ir Abti cTirCii a. I ii w up ai it ini tjii,nt stu l ala. .! r I II at imhiiii t inr m 1 1 w tna noH. tt mat ttivi h rain a I aami at taai. N teas 4 aaiiw st b h Mk la Mam I'l I .rw .' iaea tbe ft Tim aly Ui u.a 1. 1 ! T 'H tH Utriau-. THE INTER OCEAN. Chki Nt l'l wesrme' ball.MHi sleea.s ran lo I liilrfe l N Orlrai'.s IV fun. earlier N'.w eni - ll.l wrfe fl rx.is fniiie' aka'm, al, I l l.al on f lht pmii id atal.-e; !. b , s nil I bate It bk out l'f-l ko-w; li. iei lb. I .1 tl. r-!TiiK I-ANCAstiiKi; Insuka,ck C'o. Albert ItMie ? "t4ejelkef " Tbe 1- 1 ll" J'nfual M..nne Ikbllt bee awrel ll.e H'U'a f fl.le l repnMiaii A H.(I I fiel.'e faM pl.lif.-. "Tl a frlu..il.e," i ter !. ll.e l leioh l r.li" fe-f l,ej ll WM all, I,. i I, t ( !' i.fi lti J1 sry !' wM!" ina,ai'. Tl elnie l II ! .'' r'ilt -frei.t Mf. (jb'l.e l)il .l.ltly, e,l.l.,.:i Ik'iI li.ai r V I i. !? t l.ae l (! I ll. !' i I irfiual Me. II Me A fa. I. It ', H'l l.aee I i.e ti In ( I . I'a'la latl l lt la' I f "' oral (able of ll.e fi rft. . -1 1 r j ll'Mii. I iiitit l.'.tm l.la tat' t. 1. 1 willed ma le a t ''! IU I. I t. n-li'ol lap .if, ll. "Il ) ! t-ff sal e ael .11," I liie f ,thf, sa be I h.. II ',! , n.l l wild it." " kbw '! W'l ln'l Iw," i..eart. ll.e li'lle bo ' I I il I Id Uerl.ra 1,1.1.1 ah eat I al.e i.ni w'l el.a'.e l '' t C'topfii-.. blimilil bltxp wllh Our lleada Toward the f.eslne. "Iu riding on a rullman car," said a lotrd porter mora) than usually ob- M-rvsnt, aeinrduig to the hlcago I rib' line, "ali-ep wild your head lo the rn giiiu. There are not o many bead-on rollloii on the rallniada, 'SH'rirni'e baa shown, and tfaldi'S the danger la leaa from a nareiid rollisloii. The reowm for I hi ia tbsl every pawngrr train baa its ow n right-if-way and runa regulaily.and la looked f.ir by the train ahead of it. Tdi grratril danirer is from a train tn hiinl willed ii.ir.n l know whrii We luife at...H. or brokrn iiiii ll.iiig etui lia-rn lor-fil to slop. This la Hie Hid f resaoll f.iT sleeping lliia way, but Iderti are other. "You get Ihn draught In the right pla-e," th prlr conlinued, "wild your bead toward the engina. Your head feel eool w it doul bring rim d lo Die fl.eid of air you would gel if you Were lail'itilig Ihe other way. llut the ni'iat important reaaou fur trarellng tht way U Ihe mailer of Ida t'lreuU tlou of your l..pl 1 he motion of the train la atr-ii.ar and steady I ha I It M'ti.ta tail the low aid tbe end II. la farthest from the eriffine, I'ut )ur f.l to ll.e ri.fine snd the bll if a away from ymir bead, b seing ll vl and ray, fc-i J'rti ran real l.aasil.ii.l U hen yu bat g4 yimrwlf fiir.l tloa way, sod. ttwrir, hare r"t In Die rtii ldla .f the rar, U.auae It la Ihe j nuirrr r l rtrr thai h l ae (!, Hi- M jl art rsdy for a f a l-m tha' it waa H (I. Iiight S alee p. TENEMENT HOUSE DOOR 0CLL3. Tb.re le I be tear Heel Waweaee rf l'te.la Ibewa lnb am Ike iMwe ("eeae. MraUgefS In this flty l.fleo uoM.e lntd.f are aliiMMt iuasrial-ly 'la'-rd oiit or tw feet bifl.er oil ll.e ! ..ir pMt i.f boner q fnrimtil S.ati i than l uaual In U)n e pi'li- , iis In VI, '!. !, aad the ilimie ry j I atwai prorie rf ln'n!ry. Are "" " t fe f..la tallxr thsa Ihe ii h slid mi ! In ! lie We.' , irt ,h . ,.,.j4 l It I . '.-.a u e ni ii a ,.,.. , ft .... . .. . . . t" ' i I a. I. N..w ie ll.e lima oi.n.H, "--l-l-" " l.ftlh.le Ua.la flea fl.j- 1...10 I.. ,,. We.. WMhltiefl '-tt.. re. ' ,,f , , n , "r i .. . . ,, ' ' ,. a'.lll..il'il'lu..ri'-.'ili ' .1. t e e-e-e, n... ie we wi-i ajive a t I ,1. ...I I B.I.-I ll . ra w bi..i tr 1- ..I. : .. ... t , s; I i.a Jew 14 I!. Ilemllwnrk a. a Waralafl le Tbrw la lie Tralbfwl. lUlwsnl flaig. of t iiii lntiatl. dls roverrd a aini'uliir freak if nature while eaiiiplng on Iii. k' rlvrr rei-rntly. Ilii'dupon th aide of the Ihuralone rlirT, lu arly one bmidrrd f-l from the ley. I of the river, be found ill the atone a well defined liUelie of lirge Wsah lligtoti. The featun .t.iiid out In bold relu f. (kii.g unitliwaril, and make a alnirularty striking likeneaa of the I'aiher f Hi ountry. Not only are 111 well kriowrii and familiar forehead, n.e and He mill Mi ll al.;M-d, but Ihe old aijle 1 l.oUer alt-Kil the an k and the Irl cornered bat are ki-t ra.ily tra.wd. The fj.e .-U.i aia alertlt four and iMie ba'f by three end one half feet lu il.nien.ioii. Tha mcifrd (xrtrail ru raaily b breit fr.u Ihe oprlla aliote, ai,. the wonder Wlhellthad le.t Uf.fa lii n' tll by Oahermea. Mr. I isig remar Wrl to s I ir.'iniiaU la I al be la f Id 1lB- ere by Prrrej- d. h. a an a.liie iiitloa la fl'htfB.en Ut l-e Imil.ful Talet'bwn M I berb. b. .),!.. rl ra of Ihe 1. 1. ph.-nlo syateat III I .riiili.tM.atii ran Ii" tea placed ! e. 11. hi. mi. .il witlil hriat ehurrd lat llial 1'f and ( ia. ti.ally take part la) i. mii. 1 h 1. 1. i li'-t.e wires MB a'rtl.-l.l IM . Ihe pul..t. snd Ihe llsUaV rt si the wider rwl nf t!esyiem rsa bar ll.e l-Cna- f Ike UlU U ia tv lb rf"i. thai iagilia' Sod II, a aerin.ttb Le r. 1 cmtfhlrf em ihe r -nrraf ii can t d.a ... M,i l,r.. 1 1, t e are H141.7 law of . r ...,i wli n li.l 1 w Utrluni i.f r jr, ,1 t n, ll.e k an4 i ' ';.. t:..a !. i"t"? U prw . I f. ti " t.-;;, ty tSaa ol w i .1 ..t-.it .tt i.n.H ii tV tm fit M AfvCII . T I Ma HMII.AMI I f linU-V ' 1 1 i ' r t .! L I l(.s.atit MlaMrKlxoU 2ZZJ I C'-"- u' b-f iM its air ! i ,artlle V .fc