Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 22, 1895, Image 3

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" Some years ago, as a result of too
oIosb attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once,
Here and There.
A man may guy,
And a man may lie,
And a man may puff and blow !
But be can't get trade,
By sitting in the (hade,
Waiting for business to grow.
If he be wise
He'll advertise.
Oar Sympathies Always Enlisted lu the
infirmities of the Veteran.
visitor to Heppner
Marble Works.
4 m'
S if' ' -
and gradually increased my weight from
one hundred and twenty-live to two
hundred pounds. Since then, I and my
family havo used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the best of
health, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation I cannot say too
much. "-II. 0. IIinsox, Postmaster and
1'lantcr, Kitmrd's, S. C.
fiver's i Sarsaparilla
AYcK'O Piiic Save Doc r's Bills.
M & JTj.
3 4 S 6 7 8 9
JL JUJ2 J ' 3 14 -1 5
Take Notice.
1. The sum of Ave rent per Una will tx
Jhsrired for "curds of thanks," "ruaolatlotis of
reapnet," Usui of weniliiiR prenenu aim donors,
nl oliltuary notW-na, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a tnatlor nf news.) and
aotlcva of special meetings for whatever purpoMi.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
tnteruliimeiita from which revenue Is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
nt a Hue. Thwe rule will be strictly adbor
d to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable asd made k new Q
ipon application.
F. O. Bucknnm is visitirjg his family
Ed. Cox was in yesterday from Hard-mnn.
Andy Cook was a
Tha Nilea-Vinson,
n'Blla Walla. Wash,
John M. Brown, of Lone Rook, wag in
town the first of the week.
T. W.,Marebal, the traveling man,
visited Heppner this week.
Tat Kelehar aod Mike Marshall were
in twu the uret of the week.
F. E. Bell and Geo. Dnran visited
Heppner Wednesday on business.
La Grsnrle Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Mrs A. B. ChaDtnan and Miss Ada
Chapman were visitors to Heppner
Mrs. Sarah Donohoo has been ill for
the past two weeks, but is able to be
about again.
Pilot Rock Record: A. B. Char man
was over from Butter creek this week
with stieep.
Sherra Horner and Ike Ennia departed
for the Blues Wednesday afternoon in
quest of biK gnme.
Ben Mathews and Jas. Young had a
little tilt yesterday which resulted nn
favorably or Jas.
There will be a grand masquerade ball
at the opera hons-e on Thanksgiving eve.
Don't forget the date. u5-2C.
Sheepmen's bay is being burned over
in Crook county. It is a tight between
the cattle and sheepmen.
A premium to cash purchasers at
Phill (John's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for tbe wheel. tf.
lherewillbe an interesting program
at the literary tomorrow evening and tbe
public; uru invited to attend.
"Shoo fly," Wulla Walla's Chinese
Interpreter, having oorap'eted his labors
will return home today or tomorrow
When yon want to feel merry call on
Lie he 8 erry, at be Belvedere Saloon,
where they keep the finest wet goods in
town. tf.
John Mol'arty returned from Portland
Thursday morning where he hud been
on business. He took dowu to car
loads of rattle a fe daa ao for a
Portland firm.
Kail's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, elf sr y.mr Complexion, regulate
your bowels and tnnke your bead clear
as a hell. Z5o , 50c., and SI Hold by
T. W. Avers Jr.
Ona. i'f the principal events of Port
laud Chinese society this week was tbe
marriage nf N. A. Tye, of l'rineville. and
Ah Chiug, daughter of a Portland
Chinese merchant.
Pure drugs, ohemioals, paints, window
glass and a complete line of stationery
at lowest price and ohanoe to win a
tlOU prize at Pbill Conn's drug store,
next door to Minor & Co. tf.
Served in Two Wars.
Ktage for Hsrdman, Monument, Int Crm-k,
lohn lay and Canrmi City. l.-av ss follows :
very dy at a. in., f ici-pl fundsy.
Arrive every dsy at p m..eccpt Monday.
The eheaiM"!, uiili-keal and best line U or
from the Interior cnmitry.
WALT. TIItlMI'SO!, "rop.
I'hlll Cohn, Agent.
Extra Pal Star Brewery Beer
In Half Pint Buttle ran lie
had only at the '
City Hotel Bar!
Where Mill grade J,
kept by lr..
mm and 1'lgars are alo
II tv Fn Rai. T liat 75 tons of
eioellrtit wheat bav on tha At Hayrra
plaoe 8 miles above (Jin, Licit I will
Mil very reasonable. (I hmI lnoatioo for
feeding Stock. On Rork Creek, Oilliata
Co., Oregoo.
6. O. O. Iloiit.
Any inveaior in Keeiern Oregon who
deir tha avrvla i-f an atlnrney In
Waebington. I). C , will find II to U
advantage to call on or addrew Ibis (a
inr. 6'f
All who lika In dance will enj.iy Hit
miera le opera b'n iliatise-
glvlngeee. Ticket 91 ; U ltra Ire ari l
peelalor fl rebt. l.i 'Jfi.
Fossil Jonrnnl: Rev. f. A. Parrisb
and wife, well known in Fossil, who have
been running a hotel in Weston, have
qui tbe business and gone with the
Carletou tl eatrioul compaoy.
Matried At the the Farmers' Home,
tbia city. No. 20th, Mr. David V.
Dickson and Miaa Olliw M. King, Elder
J. W. Jenkins ofllmatmg Tbe beet
wishes o( the Gsz-lte go with them.
Harry Bsgley recently reoetvad from
lion. 1'. II. Tatigue a pnirnf Hootch Ter
riers of whit h Harry is justly proud. Tbe
breeding I the lxat known, lb stock
having been imported from England.
J . W. Kerns, the city painter, ia pre
pared to do all kit (1 r f painting and
pni-er hanging and will do house clean
ing and take np and put down carpets.
OfhY on Main atrret, opposite Cm
hot. I.
Sieisl Thankagieiog s"'vioe will be
held on Sunday evening at 4:10 by tbe
r.nd-avor sooi'tv- All are cordially in
vite.l to attend and take part In the de
votion. Muhjwoi: I'rate aod l'nrpoae.
Scripture leewm, tbe DOtb IValrn.
Kli Keeoey recently received from J.
McVlcker. of Halt Lake City, the report
of Itie aeav made on ore recently sent
there, and coming from a mine np in
Washington. It nontalna tX Kt worth
of eilver aod l W worib of gold, wbicb
i ia indeed a good abowicg.
Y o ma eat cheap lond and not be
seriously hurt by it: but yon cannot
lake cheap medicine without positive
Injity. If yon nee aov enbetitnte for
Aier'e HarsspanUa. too do eo at the
p-ril of ynnr healili. perbap yonr life.
Ir.siel on having Ayer'e, and no otber.
The demand fr Aver' Hair Tlgor in
stien widel-eprad r'gioos a honib
America, Hpaio. Australia, and lodlt
be kept pe with the bom eosnmp
ll..n. which gte It bor thai Ibeee
people k aow good thing when I bey
try it.
(From the Herald, Woodstock, Va.)
There is an old soldier in Woodstock,
Vs., who served in the war with Mexioo
and in the war of the rebellion, Mr.
Levi Mclnturff. He passed through
both these wars without a serious
wound. The hardships, however, told
seriously on bim, for when tbe grip
attaoked bim four years ago it nearly
killed him. Who oan look on tha in
firmities of a veteran without a feeling
of deepest sympathy ? His townspeople
saw him oonfined to his bouse so pros
trated with great nervousness that he
oould not bold a knife and fork at tbe
table, scarcely able to walk too, and as
be attempted it, he often stumbled aod
fell. They saw him treated by tbe best
talent to be bad but still he suffered on
for four years, and gave up finally in
despair, uae aay, nowever, ne was
siruok by tbe account of a oure whiob
had been effeoted by the use of Dr.
Williams Pink Pills. He immediately
ordered a box and commenced taking
them. He says he was greatly relieved
within three days time. The blood
found its way to hie fingers and bis
hands which had bees palsied Assumed
a natural oolor, and he was soon enabled
to use bia knife and fork at the table
He has recovered his strength to such
an extent that he is able to obop wood,
shook corn and do bis regular work
aoout his borne, tie now says be can
not only walk to Woodstook, but oan
walk across the mountains. He is able
to lift up a fifty-two pound weight with
one hand and says be does not know
what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done
for others, but knows that tbey have
done a great work for him.
He was in town last Monday, court
day, and was loud in his praises of the
medicine that bad given bim so great
relief. He purchased another box and
took it borne with him. Mr. Mclnturff
is willing to make affidavit to these facts.
The proprietors of Dr. Williams' Fink
Pills state that tbey are not a patent
medicine but a prescription used for
many years by nn eminent praotitioner
who produoed tbe most wonderful re
sults with them, curing all forms of
weakness arising from a watery con
dition of tbe blond or shattered nerves
two frnitful causes of almost every ill to
which flesh is heir. Tbe pills are also a
specific for tbe troubles peouliar to
females, such as suppressions, all forms
of weakness, chronic constipation, bear
ing down pains, etc, and in tbe case ol
men will give speedy relief and effect a
permanent cure in all oases arising from
mental worry, overwork, or excesses of
whatever nature. Tbey are' entirely
harmless and can be given to weak aod
aiokly children with tbe greatest good
and withont tbe slightest danger. Pink
Pills are told by all dealer, or will be
sent post paid on rcoeipt of price, (GO
cents a box, or six boxes for 82 50-they
are never sold in bulk or by tbe 100) by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medioitie
Company, Hcbeneotady, N. Y.
Farewell RaoBPrioN On Wednesday
evening tbe members or tne unrisiian
church of Heppner, gathered at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Rasmus
to tender to M. D. L. Frenoh and wife a
farewell reoeption. Mr. and Mrs. French
intend leaving Heppner for The Dalles
where tbey will in tbe future reside.
They have been quite prominent iu the
work of the church and Sunday school
at this plaoe and will be greatly missed,
but we know that wherever tbey go they
will take bold of the work that is before
them and do their part. The gathering
on Wednesday evening showed to thorn
the esteem in which they are held by
tbe ohuroh at Heppner. The evening
was spent in social intercourse and
music, iuterspersed by a splendid lunoh
of sandwitohee, cake and coffee prepared
by the ladies, and disposed of by those
present in a manner highly satisfactory
to tbem elves. After bidding Mr. nod
Mrs. French good bye, a very pleasant
and enjoyable evening's entertainment
was brought to a done
When a person is losing flesh a:d
wasting away there is cause for alarm. ,
Nothing so worries a physician. Coo-
sumptives would never die if they oould
regain their usual weight. In fact there
would be no consumption if there were
no wasting of the system. The oause
of this loss of flush is a failure to proper
ly digest tbe food eaten. Nine-tenths of
all our diseases date back to the de
rangement of the stomaoh.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial will atop
this wasting of the body. It acts by
causing tbe food we eat to be digested
so as to do good, for undigested food
does more harm than good. Tbe
Cordial oontains food already digested
and a digester of food as well.
Every mother hates
children take Castor
sweet Castor Oil.
to make her
Oil. Laxol is
Social Gathering. The young peo
ple of this town, who for the past month
have been assembling regularly once a
week in tbe oapaoity of a social gather
ing, met again last evening at the resi
dence of D. W. Hornnr. These gather
ings are made up mostly of those who
are members of tbe musical seoiety or
glee olub wbiob meets on Monday even
ings. An enjoyable time was reported.
Those present were, Misses Mabel Leezr,
Jeunie Noble, Maud Rush, Grace Ball,
Cora Rhea, Laura Muir, florenoo Crit
tenden, Ada Jones; Messrs. T. R. Lynns,
H. A. Emerson, C. E. Freeland. R. F.
Hynd, James Hart, W. L. Haling, H. E.
Warren, and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Brown.
Red Blood
Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That la Why the cures by Hood's Sar
saparilla are Cures.
That la Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures
the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum
and other blood diseases.
That la Why it overcomes That Tired
Feeling, strengthens the nerves, gives
energy In place of exhaustion.
That la Why the sales of Hood's Sar
saparilla have lncrea?ed year af.er year,
untilfit now requires for Its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
la the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the publio eye today. Be sure
to get Hood's and only Hood's.
HnrtH's Pi lie MT to b"T. easy to take,
I1UUU fills ,r in effect. 25cent.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Hnlf block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q C. M. & Bt. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & C,
and the 0. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary $70 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. Tho Dominion Com
pany, iniru floor, uniana winding, Clilcago,
Hall's Hair Renewer oontains the
nntnral food and color-matter for the
btiir, aod medicinal herbs for the scalp,
onring grayuees, baldness, dandruff, and
scalp eores.
The editor of a Missouri exchange
says that the world is to onmo to an end
in Deoember and exhorts merchants to
advertise so as not to be losers bv hav
ing large stooks on hand when (be flnBl
moment arrives. It ulso says that it
would be to the advantngenf subscribers
to pay n p, clear their conscience and
seonre the mhiiencn of the papers when
Uabriel blows his trumpet iu tba morn
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga
Tenn., save "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved
my life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a ilHbilitate.1 system I ever nsed.
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble
itexoels. F noe 75 oents. Hold by T
. Ayers, jr,
I'asa Rogers, a very prominent resi
dent of Butter rreek, ia in towa visiting
friend. Cass baa h pack of greyhounds
with him that are very valuable, having
the fioeet of breeding. In addition, be
baa aboil dog. Ibe Osr.ctte ia not oo
to Case' combination in the dog bus!
liess, but it is presumed thai the bouinle
are for tha cbase and the bull pnn to
hold the game after it is caught. Whin
the editor goee out nn Butter creek he
has ' tip" enough to keep out of Mr.
Itogrre watermelon patch.
Selling Out
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
1 Good Jersey Shirt, 60 cents.
1 Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 cts.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
IWill arrive in a few days, which will be sold at low figures.
We sre Sole Agents for Henry Mossie & Son's Full Cream Younnr Amirlc
Cheese. Call and Bee us.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Pocket Knives and Overalls
Tea Pots and Tomatoes
Also some other things and something else.
Our Entire Stock of Millinkry,
Undf.rwkar, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time. We
out of business.
ffc fall ilie Attention
rrt O Tilf. t'Af'T lftl t tnrrr fcif alrrht thnt h ur
JfS ll.f ein s).-rsf 1 nmjnnt A it liillimj thn,yk li
C J .f ; i-r, in t.thrt r.rf, A 1 "! IA f ruf. it ( In i
him, U't ifn 1'4 rl-iim In k rrs. II rrwrj n Wr, ,hI
.lf n ) l Irrttt . fA"f it an lrinf.i- lA'il ft m-im
Amis i.rr o.tfcT .rwt ils I truthful to thrir l.o.fAer surf.
1 rfcrtafs tr . mtru ft i 'I !' Ihfpurr
mrrthitul I
i II innl II, . ! lit ii'fft nut lirlt,nt Ilut0 fm m U
I ft (I t rU im. frttK. jlrll I f v N A '"I. H!
i.nrrs ' f 'A' ' " ' '"' ')"
fVia f ' " t4 w mt n J'1
! IVr Iifir1fu''-1 I't-wa,
i m . . t iii-.'ili'iW(
i . i.(i,.t , i t' ""
i ill.r ihioi.ii ' F 1 ' "t
,t. ,-KI. I- I. t " ' -
,.. - i - i
I n S
1 - I - ...
Ov , ' ' f
Tha onr of Hhenmalism ha often
lai'd medical skill, bit It'a prnvenlion
baa Item er easy bv an oora-ional ds
nf Siromoiit Lifer lU-unlulor. It kei,t
ID liter well reuillateil, and tha sjsl. m
fie frnrn Kiian. Thereio la Ills secret
of health. "I hav usl II for years for
Indication anil Constipation, mud alo
found it kIvm no relief from a Inneb nf
Ithenmatiam." N. llngbes, Lordsborg.
N. M.
A liictik rhanga In lh WrnperalO'a
yeaterlay mnrnlng ohanaed Ina wnul.
h "pattering" laio-dmpt In bltf, white
(lake of soots. Later oo it Changed lo
minora of ido mad tula, 'this
ealberwlll rlnnbllMt b followed dy
warm days blob will bt i0elUt)t for
rar g and fall auwn wheal. No dntilil
lb fall f soow la beay op atKinl Ihieh
errk and a-tjacenl parts, which iodi
calea lhal der aod elk ara ah.ul rip.
Mr. Harry IlagUy, aroiiiUmg yon tig
law aliideat nf lleppnar, baa kindly
Mitiaobtv.l Li arl aa It.a f lacatla'a aiiiai
IfNlitnr. Tbia la wy difTWII i laca to
1 ClI. yt wa ar qmla aora thai Mr. Hag-
U-y wl'l aMl lo rfr tlmao I. and
i thai Ida sily lotii.g part of our
I ppiiUli"0 will batra rt-nchl In ,,.
P'am t al Ida prod net t,t bia veraatila
. I'-.
i i
K'''r J W. Jenkins ram op from
Tf I'lUa VlMMday. II r-'tiitnn(v d
a f.'artd meet i tg al limgloo
Ultlt kighl whirb will pn.hshly
ii,Mau f -r lq data ir Iwo wavka.
I wrl ) f.rh llefipner, tniwatrvr,
n n'n..l ninfiiieg, al lo tha tnmg,
i..(i.p, .nl Ilia will tw nnnQliCJ
1 On it atit i,f rpnr, a
i x u I :i.lr ua Ii I. aigiid l J w
Vi- 1 ! paiahia it I ha Irfjef
.4 i M is .llfa.. i Ibafio h r wdltoa
h s ! f "t tr'ui'M i tttm n
iliti -it .it," i i ' taloa li
To lie Given
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28,
r Tine
The Best of Music will be furnished and
Suitable Prizes Awarded.
The Management will use every effort to make
tho Ul n Complete Success.
Tickets, 1. 00; Ladies free; Spectators, oOc.
J. V. RASMUS, Manage.
an) B rierpt tha .
W II Nmaa. nrgai ir .( ll.a
A I' A . I -l, i ,I..h abd INag-n, i
( a- a ll.a (I tJla ! a f Ibalka Willi
'hrl'iraltt lft'ta i.ii tha taftlnf lf ;
I'M. j
I Ml
IWaiiu kaa K.
l.a Ih'fa U-li . I , II a blol, '
lbsael i 4 I iltoi. ot I a f at f -
I'or tint f'lllti r,
l.i'jtK if. ( ): ii m vA 1u);u i o 1 IdU !
It la Iaaia4 at , !'. n.
IK t.t Hmuhfut Town i.a I A IWI
't a wa ' 'i t 1 r
Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens SurruEs, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
lie will make it no oljtct for you io trmle uith
bim as liin irico aro rilit, and all yoinlu thai lie
handles are of tho very Ix-ht.
Stork on Main Street, Next
to City Drug Store,
ITommer, Oiviroii.
as r i
.J . C. 1 50 ltd I 10 1 JS, Pi-op.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Is the Iace for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
At Matlock's Mall on
1 i i m
Al i i)
i i i i
MKI 11V I li. HI141 MVt
t t
r.tut)f Ialll. Matin 7 llala I'.rna'. HtrlnjC DattJ.
a)a taB. A fi fm b " f I'M I I lit
! li.. lf .f at ... f, a l' a a-i I rlfAl III A i
aa! ! r n.a t,t.a ... asusi iia lili'ltllJ I ' I J. 1 1 1 1
i ta it a last S.M-ti iin ll-'-l a
: a .t k'l I t l a . 1 1 In.. I I ., 1 mi
! t't f ..ai,llr in h l lti'ia ja
' II 'I l"ii a al t t, ) t.i,,tt
a I f 8artiait, o Iba lar aa I tNwa.
kl iaa.
Plenty of them at the
Gnzctto Offico. . .
Otis Him !
T! I U M ) 1 : It laic II ITN I NO
"Tlirrr it d Hit in tlf njfmri tf tnrn
Thai, if tnkrn nt tt Jim!, Invlt im t fortunr,"
1 Iki (I'mkI ia li"f" tril ao ia
GIJLIAaM I US li 1010
Wild a full lint c(
IIiMlvvrr. TlnwHtt. CIIhw-utih', 'rK'Krt v. Wncxl
HII'I VH)WVIII.'H''rill lit IHllf K'li I'lllM'as.
Till. l-KillllST KliNMNC GANG H.0AS1
1 V. .
a. 'I,n
..a in ua a'i1
t li" rifjtjr Kirtiiaivai Har lwar Hf,,ra I rlar. n 1 1. Ial!ra an I Vl 'llrlnn
llrtiuff. ... (r!.i).