Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 22, 1895, Image 2

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L n H
M ra'i'jij jyj a kr
iiAJFf ir
Fall business goes to those who
advertise. None other need apply.
The authorities are picking up
a good deal of smuggled opium
just now.
The biggest ass is the man who
makes an ass of himself and doesn't
know it.
Salem has had n big fire in
which the woolen mil! was burned,
entailing a loss of 80,000.
named Sullivan at the second at
tempt made a job for the coroner,
and Sunday last Fay Clifton, a
fallen woman, took an overdose of
anti-kamnia with suicidal intent,
but was pumped out in time to
save her life. Harry Bentzen,
who had charge of the M. A. A. C.
Turkish baths, has disappeared
and it is feared that he too has
sought to bpcome fashionable by
adopting the new fad. It is the
opinion of the Gazette that any
man or woman who thinks that
they are better off dead than alive,
ought to be allowed to carry out
their desire. Most generally they
are right.
A Washington dispatch to the
Oregonian says that the postoffice
department has issued a fraud or
der against the Preferred Bond &
Investment Company, of Portland,
Or., of which W. G, Bailey is sec
retary, treasurer and general mana
ger. The charge is conducting a
lottery or similar enterprise.
Never Such Testimonials.
What the Mail Brings to the
Paine's Celery Com
pound People.
TlJE Mitchell Monitor is dead.
Mitchell is a good little town but
it takes solid support to run a
Tukkey will have to come down
off the very high roost and com
mune with decent, 19th century
It SEEMS almost certain that
Fitzsimmous and Mahor, the Irish
champion, will competo for the
heavy weight championship.
The Antelopo Herald irmu has
some more warts on his liver, but
they are very small ones just like
the man. You can't put u pump
kin inside of a goose-egg.
When the Chill Mists of the Morning
Haog like a pull over the surface of the
earth, it will De wen tor yon before
venturing into tbe raw vaporous air,
cluirgpil, perhaps, with tbe seeds ol
miliaria or provocative of rheumatic
twingefl, to take a wineglasaful of Hos
tetter'H Htomacb Bitters, And thus shield
yourself from atmospherio iofiueoces
threatening to health. If you happen to
get snowed, sleeted or rained upon, use
the sumo preventive, and Bvoid the
rheumatism or a dangerous cold. Tbe
agreeable warmth infused into the oir
dilation bv this genial stomacbio, its in
vigorating and regulating properties
commend it to all appreciative of the
fact that prevention is better than cnre.
Use the BitterB for dyspepsia, bilions
nefls, nervousuess and kidney trouble,
sick headache and debility.
wtJX Mm
Good Bor, Jimmik. Deputy Sheriff
Vaughn and II. E. Thompson arrived
with tbe prisoners, Bill and Ben Jordan,
in Portland on Wednesday last, and
lodged them safely in the ooantv j
Tbey had some trouble on the way down,
having come across a party that wanted
to take tbe prisoners away from them.
James Donegan, wbo was along, had to
use bis gun in keeping off the assailants')
The particulars reoeived are very meager.
One fortune shrinks while others swell,
Some laugh while others sorrow ;
One man must purchase his umbrell,
While others only borrow.
oxygen starvation
You can starve the body in more ways than one ;
you can give it food and not feed it. It neds oxygen.
The oxygen you get from the air is carried to all parts
of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One
drop of blood contains millions of these. When these
are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it
shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and
loss of weight. What you want is something which
will make more red corpuscles.
of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, is something
more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a
number of substances active principles which will
increase the red corpuscles of the blood,
goc.and $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Attorneys tt Ivaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
TflEKE are plenty of people
being talked of for congress in the
Becoud district, but the question
most important i, who will have
tho necessary voles in the ('(invention?
Brownsville, Loyd Montgomery, is
charged with having murdered his
father and mother, Mr. ami Mrs.
John Montgomery, and I. 1. Mc
Kerchcr. The motive is not known.
Tin: Portland reposition was a
grand micwhh, financially as well
as otherwise. Knily thin week
every dollar that wen miIim-i ibed
bh a guarantee fund, Hometliing
like $10,000, Hrt i, turned. This
is an excellent hlmwing.
Till, rate war between I'm third
and 'Frisco htill continues. The
rouud trip rate on the i-teaiuer is
110, first cIhhs, Mliile the S. 1.
railroad lias Chtablihhed tho rate
down at l0, regular fare back.
Now in the time to travel.
T'lK war cloud in 1 a. h
big ime, but it Hill i-o, hi fudoatHiy
like (lint w Inch e inn -t in toimtiicr
time to make a li;; tour and ll udi
lightning, and i. 1 1 1 j n ruin h few
drops. Hut it will tut go tilt
Turkey geti the In t licking ever
From tho Mitchell Monitor.
This issue of the Monitor closes its
firnt and probably, hint volume. That
it has lived in vain or that its life Lbs
been an "empty dream," we can not say.
Let some future historian chronicle the
fact, when prejudice or praise sIibII not
bo oonaidered of coiiscquenoe. One
year no the Monitor was born into tbe
world and arsnroed its first outfit of
swaddling olothes. Its life has been
brief if not brilliant. It has gone
through that period which all infants
pass muliiiK and puking in its nurse's
arms. It wan always a tender flower,
and seemed "b irn to IiIiihIi unaeeu" by
liny Kreitt number of putrons. H till we
cannot say its early demise brings up
naught but memories of an ill-spent life
or renolieetions of bitter strife. Tbe
Monitor has alternately enjoyed the joys
and griefs of tbe ootumunity iu whioh it
has lived; it has beeu carressed, eonv
monded, cursed, and condemned. But
its days have been numbered, and now
it niiiks to rest, but will "throw back a
smile like the sun iu the west." As to
our future, or as to future plans, we do
nol rare, at this time to disgorge. We
may or may uot "bob up serenely" elue
wlinre. This we will say, however, that
mi line lin has givi it the paper patron
Hue hIiiiII l o (nrulli ii or lliwped of so
inui'li iin h fin thing. NiMlter do we
liilfiul In let any "guilty mau eciiie"
our i'.,i plur. This edict m like that
hied is embodied in both the Mosaic
laws and the ordinances of the incur
porated town of Mitchell, with enac ting
claiice iittHi lii d which reads, "A mighly
Hiigi'l dtuoil, one loot uu sea and one on
Kiilid land, and said that lime should be
no mure."
Let ns now rritrral both the senti
ment and the language of the caption nf
Una arlli lo bich is lakeo from on nf
the biM.k of Holy Writ, either IUdikI or
IViili-ioiiomy, "Omul bye, F.liaa Jane."
I'd editor in, or wh, "lt' ky Moun
lieu" Smith. Ileppuer oi will rcng
iri' Irn ) !( of writing
WhBt exouBe is there for not getting
strong and well? Paine's celery com
pound, the world's great remedy for
nervous weaknesses, oan be obtained at
any druggist's in any city or in auy
oountry town. One can get a heartier,
healthier appetite, purify the blood and
increase its power of feeding the nerve
and tissues by taking Paine's celery
It is the greatest invigorator iu exist
ence. Oonvinoe yourself of tbe faot.
Try it.
Testimonials for publication are taken
quite at random by tbe present proprie
tors of this great remedy.
Tbe letters are never "dootored.
Titles are never placed before the
names of untitled people. Honest but
obsoure men are never said to be
"honorables." Everyday kind of men
wbo have been made well by Paine's
celery oom pound are never paraded
before tbe pubho as "Tbe Great Mr. So-
and Ho," or "The Wonderfully Success
ful Mr. Thie-nil-Thai." Cases of ordi-
nary sickness are never elaborated into
hideous, impossible diseases.
When it happens that the mail brings
John M. Franois, or any other widely
known man or woman who expressely
wishes others to be benefited by his or
ber experience, tbe proprietors of Paine's
oolery compound gladly given snob
unsolicited testimonials to tbe public
But one person's health is as valuable
as another's, and in publishing tbe testi
monials of people whom Ihfs great
remedy has made well and strong, no
particular emphasis is put upon suoh
persons' offioial standing.
The world is made up of what Abra
ham Lincoln oalled "tbe plain people."
It is tbey whom Paine's celery compound
has most benefited.
Here is a letter (verbatim) just re-
ooived from Louisa Pierce of Melette,
South Dakota:
"I used Paine's oelery oompound first
for rheumatism, and found that it helped
me very much. I have since used it for
nervousness and kidney trouble, and
have received very much benefit from
it one, and consider it one of tbe best
of remedies. Mr. A. Cady'a people use
it and think tbey can hardly get along
without it Iu the bouse. I know of
D.in Morrow came in WeJiitbJav from
Long Creek.
Ed. iio'id was over f.-c m Eij,lit. Mile
Tmsdiiy last.
Ii L. Ki'bonrne was in town ) enter
day on bueiiieNS.
Mis. J. J. Kobberts is eufiVri"'' from
an a'tfcfc of qniczy.
Frutk Trillions h .S returred f" town
afier a eummei'a i u.-iliiig.
Ioue merchants are said to bo doing a
splendid business this year.
John Madden was over from Lone
Hock Wednesday of this week.
Ed. aod Frank Holland were up from
tbe lower country Wednesday.
F. A. Hollabaneh, a St. Paul travel
ing man, was in Heppoer yesterday.
J. W. Beckett, one of Eight Mile's HEPPNER,
sturdy farmer-, wan with us Weuuesdny.
Miss Etta Minor departed last Monday
for an extended visit to relatives in Iowa.
Mr. I. Jacobs, representing Chas. Cohn
A Co., was among our merchants last
Tom Boothby is hauling lumber from
Hhiniltou Bros? sawmill down to the
planing mill.
Cliff Jones, E. B. Stauton, W. S. Mo
Kimmey and Ed. Ashbuuh were in
from Eight Mile yesterday.
Best accommodation aud courteous
treatirieucat the Imperial Hotel, Heventh
and Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
I). 1. XI-lll. .!... !..., n, ,., ,.i, rn.
Douglass, Wyoming, where he will enter To every person making a caBh purchase of 25 cents we will give a
the employ of Dr. Wilson, tho sheepman. COupon ticket which entitles the holder to an equal show in the grand
Each 25 cent purchase entitlesyou to a rpu tu t, n,. ,l
ticket for the 8100 bicvole at Piiill auc pcioou icuoiyiub 1UD JUD Mu uol wl U1UD.
Cohn's drug store, next door to Minor & of Bame value.
Co. tf.
Elmer Slooom, tbe artist, will make
cabinet photos for the next 30 days at I
M de Prize Given way
heartfelt letter from such man as several others that hve used it that I
Htate Treasurer Colvin of New York, or Urn not acquainted with, but oue other
Mr. Carlisle's private secretary, or j lady, Mrs. Ondell, used it Tor nervoiu-
Kdmund ltussell, or Mayor McShane of j m-ns and it mad" her well."
Montreal, or Hi v. Kr. Onel'et, or Com- I here in I ho testimony of thousands
ruodore Howell., or Mr. Oillmn or Judge , fame's celery enmuound makes people
or Ida Lewis, or i x Mitneti r to Umtriilla e!l
I II K lll'l l( H Al'I'l.K
Krnw Mormw Cnunly Ahmd at the Ore
(irn Udaalrlal i miiiiii nd
Kut lo ( ir.
Editor Oaittk:
Morrow county pi-opleare well pleased
lo bold up the ren.tr 1. ' Best at tho l'ort
land K.i ponitinu" ! tin rl nf Oregon
and we are going lo keep Hint credit for
otoe lime; hence many ut unr friends
wanlml In tb a" big apple whrn
tbey came back an I I bud piomiseil to
afford tbero an opii rtniiily. but the n-
obwej letter shows li apple are some-
lime sfob-n end "ill ! lii, per-
bs, thai tbe stealing and the bn-keo
promise are e iiiiHlile. lou rnsy ib
Iwk tbe letter in part or entire if you
Om.Mii iNin-Nraut. FirontrtoK, 1
roHTtxu. tr , N f. It l'3 (
Mr. V. A. Vtck, UtiifjUHVrryn,
tliiaHia:-! have onrs ut the lltb
insl, lo baud, eod la reply wonld eiete
tbt I llieiik )ou for )our kn.d i
preMint.a eDtainel Ihrtrio. tbirrlpii
itmn was ! iiecv, and ib"f
aeltiing In lb entire np.itioq lhl
ettraeml more atlriilion lhn d' I ).ur
rg apple I wee t.ll l batejoiir
apple parked In a ! I b rliirn I !
lull wttpn a rui rrw lti ( I In Moil
tngi.-ii Unlway . up ami k' I
lbl be ttegtil ! apple n l
Mf AIU relief iin. Ileppuer, emu-
Vm Hat Ayrtn i the Wnrlil's fur
A)ei'n Sr. . i.nlU rl j i) the eitraof
iliuaiy di'tiiictiun of baring been Ibe onlf
lilu.i.l puritW-r allowed an eitubit at Ibe
I i , i - , if ""'"i" inir, oii-ntr'. nmnuiariurrrs
mvor.lcil a country or uu iiiilivnuiil ...
' of I'tbrr i.ri anlla aongbl by every
(.Hiliinioii ileccliC) di'liiiiu.U It. tneaae toobUm a Imwlng of their goods,
nut Ihry were all lurnrd away nuder Ibe
TlIK l'elidleloii ll. (). iN ini j. ,V. . li'1" "'"' ' Ibe rule forbidding Ibe
in,; i very dnv. 1 1 i.ewe 'V'V'1 ' r"' ,"r',,c",M -nJ -.
' .. a . J Ibe deeiHK-n i-f ll, World' fir anilio-
, . , ' ritn in nv r of Ayrt e Mrpanlla wee
nun iroiu lie l.ur mnl lin -u 1 1 a I , ,,, , f.,.,,: A)er,e rtr.i.
inaiilter nf liiiii llii. nil iiiuldre ""' I'1' n'diciiie. It .!,
. , , ,., ., ; ' '""it I" li f tiolf inn, hi
Ilinne ll leieiH. t,, I i.r ' ,;lll'i li.ip ell I In. r.U."
with it or tint, ji i i in'l li.ljilmt
ltd uiirn it fim.ln.- ni. l i . i.lmit. ' ' - A d,... p.rty
... . .r i : I i if f i , , ! given l the fai,niM ef Mr. end
ou i iloiu in In Imlf id 1 1'lilii ti ii j v .... ..... .
... . Mi, MAy le 1 1, in Cily, In the firm nf
lid I i'ddU cout.t). I..rpri... M, .,u0 M, Mr.
, O.iio McN on Ut Tualir etee).
Tin: (iaclte' editor v.n nL-ciiti" ' T1" "u,, ,,"n'u u'1 ,'n"
... . i i , I. miiir in rep.m . li.dlatoiu ae-
tlioel . I aot etliiitii.'r ntid lliuwe , , . ...
. , I enibUl aed en enj ll lime w re
Vrrjr littli MUnit IU wliticei.nhie!,,.,,,,!. Tl.oM.pre.rM m,t: Mabel
AlitelopA Mitiii la.t. r. How- llMf-n, l M.r; en I I'imi rree
Hcf, "ll" n iiiiii U ll lunch f m 1 . I'Hirl V-er. Jeneie Ktrk,
iiirJ.i..k. that junp-imit ,r,,,i ii:u:;,v::;;,eV.va u,,irr:r;
i . . . . i.i . i . t ' ... . . . . . " I I iio.I lil n w l I r m .'l'n
iiiocofu.r j.m.ii.) r.n IM..M ' ' ,, i In .l tnllrf , ll nol. I 'ml f.e in-
),..! ,..! I Lit,. ...11., l"-.t-..l J .t, Una IU..- nr 1
lil .r e.i i(l. nt t i le i lNHt 4 !.. wiiui I '!
.i . it.. . tl.erfk eine-rrle' l'n lui'l". ' il
fateii -that .. ,f )... 1 e. . , I ...! I l.! ll. .... ,l , V,.' . ..,., -,n I -.- n,. . f It-
th" d Itiit tie i" ' tut it ti i r. 1 I M itnr; mUtiM. iiei.it f , (T.i- ( Ihe !! l". ! I
- and iii g i... h... I eilil, mw l 1 In .tir t- I t''jl
I.,,, , ' bit' a- If lb.w. I., e mt nu; ..n ' tmiv
inr eiiiciin ill i,i ell tick tuiiiir form, w bleb cfie tta4( 1
I'.'llUii l liaf l I'n.t "II 1" lltceii ' ''''. Iwc rnm. ... Hihih, I btiriot f ('..ucKiti "
. . lirut l.-i ii. it. Ii o- au.l l'll t' uul; I itil-o.
iii- .. p.i ij.ij mr, i in in. !, uu-. li.., n. I i n.. fMf
T.icoii Kiiotiikhi im I'ki-io!. Mr
J.ihu ,M Vaughn, formerly a remilniit
of Portland, but no drpmy slienlT of
HurHHV cuiliily, ridurned from H iletu
)i-'i'i.'iv, aft'-r Inrnliij over lienjiinin
and William Jor Inn lo .Sillirintfiidt-iit
Oilhi'M ofthepenileiiliart. The JurdaD
fmuily i all nit the lonwii'-ot crowd that
pver mt.'KlHd a locality. The father has
rvi'd a term iu Ihe penitentiary, aod
Hiinlliei eon, Warren in under Indiotmenl
for siealmu'- Two niore of iu boy.
John and Itohert. were aio tried and
0 'lifli'liil, bill, peii'lintf aeiilrno. b ilh
eaeaiHd lrni tin' Harney county jail
and have not yel been Culture, I. A re'
ward nf f.'uKl i IT r-.l for them, anil lh
ehii iTnf lUrney county ilw nl fare
nmeii whether they are relnioel dead
or alive. It i surmlee I they are mak
Iti tf for I'lahn, tliroinjll li" Malhrnr
eouiilry. Two emiaine of Ihe llartief
J.ifila. , who livel In folk rotiolv, art
!n in tlie penilrnl.iiy lt etealiog.
ihi-g mian.
H ire Ibroal. Any ordinary eee may
Im. cured in one oiuht by apply io
rhainbeflain'a Tain Halm a directed
with eacb ttoltle. This medicine le aleo
f o in for II rnrew of rheumatism,
lame bek and deep-etel and nnaentar
pain. For eel by Hoe am Joboeoa
(riitf Co.
i i i aa
Caof Not aw.- W. W.Sina I wa ralll
d iwu to tbe lowrf end of Morrow oonolv
froenllv by lb III lira of bis father, and
wliii ibrr lNik few erop not. II
found thai l th virlnilv of Kllalber
wa a urcal'f aef'M of tfratg twioif
Wells & Warren,
We carry the most complete line o( the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drugs,
f'l,,,t,.na Dnlota Dili Dnrtr niuna Utntlolinrtr Bnbnnl Tlnnlr Trtl 1 nt 1 rttnloa Per.
f & per aozen. uanory opposite opera fumeS( Cauulcl)i NutSi and clean, and will pay the highest cash price at any time lor county and
. , city warrants. Goods along Echo and Lotio Rock tage route delivered free of charge. Prescrip-
Mrs. Jas. Robbison oame in from tlon work a specialty. Mull orders receive prompt attention. Ofticeol Dr. McSwords In our store.
waiia vvaiia VYeuoeBiiay io vihii, uer
hiHter, Mrs. T. A. lihen, and other
relatives in this vicinity.
Call on f hill Cohn for flue wines and
liquors for medicinal purposes. A com
plete lice of Key West cigars, aod a
premium ticket for tbe $100 Victor
bioyele. tf.
Shilo'e Cure is sold ou a guarantee.
It cures Incipient Consumption. It is
tbe best Gouub Cure only one oeut a dose.
25 cts.. 50 ots., and $1. Bold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
For $22.50 I will sell a first class, high
Krade, high arm sewing machiue guaran
teed for 10 yeara. tor further patticu-
urs call on or address, A. leaou,
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
Among the enthusiastic amateur
photographers, the (KZtte will meution
the deputy sheriff, r. J. tiallock
has a dark room, "out of sight," and is
making some excellent staggers in the
line of pioture making.
Jake toons. Wesley VV. Brannon, of
Eight Mile aud L. W. Lewis, of liardmao.
were found bv our scribbler Wednesday
evetiiiiii holding counsel arouud a got d.
warm stove. It runs in the reporter
mind that L. W. was trying to convert
the boss over to populism, lie was nol
very sucoeaful, however.
A Brand New Man!
Ll'l JII'l.l .
m M .aBT aaatkawk mi' m
Li I
tt. m
lie It is not meant that the man is bo new, but that this paper is called
upon to announce to the public that the tlardman mercantile
business of V. E. Kahler has been sold to
A Well Known Morrow County Boy.
lie proposes to carry ever) thing and to sell at prices in competi
tion with the rnilrond. This id no idle jetd, and an insuHction of Mr.
Brown's stork and place of btirducHS will convince you.
llai'dman, Oregon, Sueet'HHor to
Ar. .IS. IvIILlSR.
An eg-waMe Laxative and Krmr Tonta
Bold bf (rurrt orecnt by naiL Kftaftuo.
aod fLOOpi-r rarksgA. Mmplce tree.
IV U llUfortbTeUanllueaUi,ieja.
for al l.r I. W. A)rn. it. loiil.
ib.i be ui giii i.. ... i i - ;; , ,.n , ,,rf,. rn, ,,..
m.iI. al.l.l. lo llifir (Mll IU ; . ... ..
. !. i i........ ! Iie III I J'l "rt, f.i'la.n 'hi r'om
uijMo.wiu-is.ei'y..i,,fliVl,M,ki M..IW lo . ead...
in iisii ii if"inir.i " II,. I ,, .,) .1.1 Mu..h I,, alait tl
Mnier, lhee elioepr nil
o,. an.l l a.a.i win - r.p-, ...n. Ke..l I. iy i-lenuful
wnqii m ie-w j wiea -
have II will, 'li ''" I f ir
eihiNllon in ('hie' "
n.ieat ae hpint" p-l 1 "".
C'nia Tauui TUee ehleb
rlo eoxal l-r I bafor f'0lhie
Whvial.tne !! Tf lay- trial f if In
. . . . I ii. , " nf ni'ii Ml I hi - iriat r igi
anda.l-lay .el I ..- "' tu ,,..,u..f .... ,WI.. . f.v.
ilulilf ol elloeifi- ' .. ." (ien U la .! ai'l l lb. a
tll'll Ml
Iw'Snl f-.r rti'k"' dabt, elik'h, lfj
r !. inah noii,pf i f Uetinl Tl ,
uiwql-fil Caaa, Irt dlaf'tiiee etialhar
r ftol li )a n.lr. M M a lle, i H -''' ' I I
a .IwiU.I l f.-r of llll "lirl
" In Iwu in ni.lne at lb lnt j
a I M."Uli It alf finnan I id
fnglMti grily feibulel utMr I
N.t . a 1 lklb method of In'.nni'
1114 Die put. lie in fatl, eel l ref
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Anno or vpuraiion.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
Froin Thrco to Six Wecki.
i i- ri h.Nn TOT Msninaia ttnll'tlnc
AH1rtl -fl lru.la,.f1hf grni:,inn
f of i.ira In lrarl In "f.oi. I... ratal. ,l-h
4 rwllal'i h.itiaF aa-arv I at ml o c i. a
lra l ill"ti fn. iM IrlfrM.' a. 4 a. il a.
tfrar I lUi-iM rtv.t 1 lia l..roll,..n .',.!
rnf . Ihlf-I ri..f. Imab H i! ling, I htragn.
I 1. u
smut or eAi.K
Norii r i Hrnrnt unit t-ut iipra
'..I . ol ..I iln ir iihI Mr "I aa:a
..i.f n.a I. an I ai.lr'vl on in, u ii,.
t . I lif nnl.iH J .IU l.rnln .rarar.t.
t !, 1'a.iiulf I ...iri i. lh .!al ol l.frn. 4
!.? I .Hiittf arlting t.f.i.a (l,a ii,1r
, ir-l utlvlni'.'til i.l lb, Mi l ratal a III
..iff. lot Mk.a al pui. Ir aNll.n. lha lilghral
Hl lrl H ial In tuna I"! H..O-UI IW lk
! .1 II . a ll, bma M riaf
al lh lfHl .I.., rt IhamiM h'.t.aa. la Ilr..nrf.
H. .t.. i n.inlf nritn. all ll.a fnilnaii.g .1
mm it-i ral put"1 la.l.wgf , ha ai"V
MM ratals a.l air-l In U..ff. ...,..lf
owt-' l.ll ll.a Hollhacat ..aflrf n4
I. . klhtml M.lrf ..I alli.n Ian I,' In
t . a t.; if la i .' . ith Mai. a la t.l a! ;
..i ,. ,i,a .i M'i 1lai aal I h.i b
...i I In a Ha.a a .4 I . .a Ma
I t.'l'.g m." II-a aa. I t. a. -.! ill .'! . it- r.1
i .... .4 a . a. .a .i l aa l 1 1
,. ...t, ...,rt
wia a.tf nav.
tt l .ai I,,
1 !.(! ,t It iat rt I ! II
.. altf v.a. la
taan Tiij ii?K
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Morse ?
All thesftcan bo procured at Thompaon A Uiune, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
Thraa gantlrmrn ni n rqiiiiliM with limnl. lUrncf. Crunk, fillllaia and olhar counli,
ami ran par inonrf ami 1 1 in. In makltil Ibra Ha lion . lib iratrlllif In. n.
I'rlf In kiwtliig Uh lh tlmra.
TMOM Lsoisr Bixisrs.
L:rxaTMr. itirnrm,
e U ... .v JaT-"-.'
T J.-1 30
Palace Hotel,
C. 1 VAN 1UN, irifluf.
hurt- fiib n full control of thia
;oniir ifme', . trill moke U
$triclly fxrtt clot.
iucds, r ens.
t r t'M n4 ft Hun it fttl 0f
! von i h MtiT iivt tint tr
ft . . I'll.. tl kl.l ati.A ft!
la at a a a a.....u II - I .. . . ftl I rtPI H'W ell. I.-II-- '
....I i. i;,.. ,i i.uti ;":7f"T - ., . b. at... i.ur ..4 .p-.r
l.ill..rtl rn; . ftietir Ihe I oil. 1,1a, . ffeil I ehal fftlMf ft
l l.lt 4m-llil ll.rt.l
it i ll' l lli t roUl.ro i f llila Hal i r iil iif M e ... ta. .tl .l . r Irt ,."
, , . II ,, .i II,. .1. . Halilla vfi a, .,, k... il,p M.o e llr 1
' a .1 'I 1. 1. , .1 ,. I ,, ,,,,.,, -j. II II.
. 'f omr il-ti U ai.e!f.lli.l ... " ' ': 'l! ' ' -;
roe. . , , " . ' . , t !? .im W l . a nl Hna aa l
'tai..nJ 'ii'l--! l r ! anrrh.i ,,... e, ,M. ,M
blalliaa al lltlilma., IliaJ ... 1 l H 'I... .I a..o.l. .i .1. i.l w t I,....
ilia,,., , ha.l,m.,r, ,.!". ' ' I .J'"
. (ll fraal nf lite llt. r i fl,, '
.M !' Mr AUela I ii'- .! Mi
..r, I
1 ai . r . n I all' I g l 1 la f
.1 Ii ii. al it urn in, . ), f
ll,-.- .1,, I....H..III-...II....MMIM. Ma
" ' i..l. H I It til. It',
inn I" t j th f i. rf' Ct.ln
U ! !'t 'i '.
i: S lut
.ii.Mi,tv,N.f.t. ln
i i i i r i h i pritia i.M.r F-tneii I ) g t H
ailtiag fig eab if .. or la -re a.l.. (' , i i H. t a
,';' K'Y w I i.- .h....
SMV. II'40iIh IV. i.... H.--I . II t ..,..,,.
mmm . m ( ., 9 S , W - A ' . I a.--! a.1
Wal U tit. ila.. Ula-a ' ' ' j a t
Mi! i-f al I M noni'lil, taif t tat 1 ' , .
' ! l ' ah I r ig at. l t ! ai .
ilil iflnii.Ut, hU-laal m. rl,... 1ai,. .f (.. h i. .,a Sailal
l ..il I.i ll, li'..f. r. he, lUkk f lM tt.. A I I'.a l . T
' ' K-i-'l.af. i;.gl. t). ... Mil,
I IM.ri
IF M'. 1'ulotiiliua rr lt tiw
day mnl rallnl ut Met I-lrlttrn-thetl's
tnifclht make fje iIummt.
fty quite a itirmntalU llie.1 f
U'.i. I hit ae ereat (lixviverer
in iiia ilr, tie woaM t thie time
ilieooter th fine! eturk f Shrve
erer ahnwo in Heppner, t.J th
cheapest M elL hat Wr iliV
tnotUl tnau eai.t ?
m. t.icurr.NTHAU
Cutta SVtttk .'-'fialljr.
Tin; Lancasiiirk Insl'ranxi. Co.
1 W, rilTtW.V.DT. oi...h.HeiiHihe wiirj
t a