Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 22, 1895, Image 1

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    Fortlan Librar
I IMffl 1 MI II IH 1 Ml III! tl II 1 1 III IM till llltlMl
I" i mm mninini m at.
Is owing to my liberality in ad
vertising. Robert Bonner.
; Advertising brought mo all I
I own, A. T. Stewart.
din i miniMM I'lirrnniHiimtrnnn,!,,,,;!,,,!,,,,., oiiim..i
Siitij.Mi i ri rl l'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 ii't ii in i,i,ri in trims
Tuesdays and Fridays
. . . Editor
Business Manager
At. $8,50 per yatr, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots.
;or Ihreo mourns.
Advertising Rate3 Made Known on
rpHIH PAPKU io kopt on fil at R. C. Duke's
I Advortisinir A?ncy, IH and 65 Merchants
tixchnngs, Han Francison, California, wliore con
mots for advertising can be mucin for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaven Heppner lOHHi p. ni. dully, except
Sunday. Arrives (i:lr a. m. unily, except Mon
diiv. West hound passeiiRnr leaves Willows Junc
tion 1 -l:t h.. ni. : e.ist hound 11:110 ft. m.
Freljrht trains lcnvn Willows Junction irolnR
east at p. in. nnd 8: 17 a. m. ; Roinir west, 4:ii0
p. m and S.fiii n. m.
llultd BtaUw Offlclals.
1'iesidnnt Grovnr Clfivolsnd
Vim-Pros dont Art ill Mlevenson
rloo-etry of Mtnto Uiehard 8. Oiney
Kecrntary of Troasury Jrahn 0. (Carlisle
Soorfitary of Interior Hoke Smith
Heoretary of War Daniel H. ijamont
HenratArv of Navv Hilary A. Herbert
PoHtiiiastflr-General William Ii. Wilson
Attorney-Oeneml J udtwjn Harmon
Beoretaryof Agriculture J. Hterling Morton
State of Oregon
Governor W. P. Lord
Keoretaryof State H. H. Kincaid
Treasnrer Phil. MtitHchan
Hnpt. Pnhlio Instruction U. M liwin
Attorney General C. M. ldleman
u . ( G. W. Mollride
rjnnntor. i j ij M t,h0l
J Binder Hermann
"""M""' I w. K. tfllia
Printer W. H. Leeds
I K. H. 11 'ail,
Snnrnma .Indira. F. A. Mooro.
(0. E. Wulverton
Sixth Jmlltlal District.
Circuit Judice Stephen A. Lowell
i'rowwuliiiB Attorney Jolin H. Lnwrey
Morrow Comity Ottlrials.
Jnlnr, HeiiRtor A. W. Gownn
HeDmeentativn. J. H. Hootlihy
I -..nnty, Indite Julius Koiihty
' Commissioners ). It. Howard
J. M. ltak ir.
Olerlr W. Morrow
" 8iieriff G. W. Harnneton
" Treasnror riank i.iumin
AsMHMHir J. r Willis
H rjnrvsyor Geo. Lord
" Hchool 8np't Anna llalsiitrir
" Coroner X. W. Ayers. J r
Mayor Thus. Morgan
0 MincilineH O. E. r'arnnrorth. VI.
Liohtenthsl. Otis Patteraon, T. W.Ayars.Jr.,
8. 8. Horuer, E. J. Blocnro. .
Ksoonier .F. J. Hal I",
Tiwurer E. L. Frlaiid
Marshal A- A. Hubert
Prctiart OBIff r,
Justin of tha I' sacs
I nitfd HtateS Uud OrHrera.
Till DAM.EH, OB.
J. F. Moora H.ist..r
A.8.Himr Heowver
H.K, Wil.n It-HtMer
J. II. Kolilnns llmnivor
1 Pain of ten con
1 centrates all
J its Misery In
if yon want to feci It con
ccntrate its healing ia
a cure k
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted t nperior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond Is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind U. 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
Congressman Favors Various Oregon
. . . K. L. frenland
. N. 8. WheUlons
(1. A. II.
Y M at Lini4m, Ur., tlui Urt Haturday of
art. month. All trtenun ars liivitoH to Join
i'i' u.h timit. W Hmith
' Adjutant. tf Commander.
on Tiiipro'0 rn,i l'roitl)r NrKotiat-I'l.-Ueara
tri-Mrvft to nmotuie nrt
InortKaiti-a upon Ui provinl (arms In
Oifiron. llh rwtrni irtlrs at a raU-ol lnt.Ti-l
tint to rirml -r cvnl M-r solium. Morlvws
noirof-l thai liai tiwn leSi-ii njr oilirr rtiin.
panics. Ad ln w lth in,p,
Hsser City, (ttoii.
L U M Ii E It !
mi'f rmi in I Ait. 1 1 tM up itM
drwrd Lomif, KmlMof Heppnef, at
what l mown un
I KK 1.0U) TUT. Rul'tlH,
I t 00
t7 m
ir tri.ivriiri m tin-vsm, will am
1 uu ( l.tui rt ,iltunl.
Tin '" .t..,lit u t siti ll fot I h.
UW PS 0! mw
rl4rL r.lr.
iihtm:il i okWrON
' To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
I law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
I to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
j your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
' 17-YVrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
) No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
vr - ,
paptrt in the United State, and is guarttntced by (rm.
YOC CAN III-Y I-''. i worth of dry (imnIs ami K'o'' il', ami then havo
ruoiiKh left nut of IU nl to punliaav a No. I Crescent lllrjri-le. This Is
a flrst rUu mw-hlns. Why then pay f Kw.ao for a bicycla that will !,
no bettor servli-e T
From the Oregonian.
A mectinn was held ia the office of the
secretary of the Ohamher of Oomnierce
yesterday to Loar the views of Congress
man Ellis in reference to desired im
provements iu the Oiilumbia river. Sever
al uentlemon, prominent in business
oiroles, were p'esent. Mr. Ellis explnin
ed his position, sUtiug that he was
thoroughly in sympathy with all the im
provements contemplated, including the
surrounding of the obstructions in the
Columbia river, between The Dalles and
Oelilo, the satisfactory completion of tho
Cascade locks, Bnd the oarrying-out of
the original plan of a channel from Port
land to the sea of 25 feet depth at lowest
of low waters.
Mr. Ellis appreciates tho advantage to
the state that would repnlt from the im
provements mentioned, and expressed
himself a pledged to the very greatest
effort to see the appropriations seoured
in the next river and harbor bill. Ho
was equally enthusiastic over the Nica
ragua canal, and stated tbnt tnure is i
strong probabilitv of a bill beiug passed
tor its construction during the next
session of oontrress. "All the Western
members." he said, "seem to be a nni!
on the question, and the opposition ti
the oanal oomes from only a small seutior
of the country, and possibly from some
railroad iofluerjoe that is acting under
the mistaken idea that it will be an in
jury to the railroads to have the canal
built. The impression, however, is
gaining ground that the immense devel
opment of the Pacific coast, that will
follow the oonstrnoHonof thiscnnal, will
so marvelouely affeot the local business
of the transcontinental railroads that
they will be equally benefitted with other
interests by the early construction of the
Mr, Ellis made a strong point of the
neoessity of having the hands of the
Oregon delegation held np by tho linr-
monions actions of the boards of trade
and business organizations wheu matters
of Importance are np for discission both
before the committees of congress and
before congress itself. ''Oln'r srotions
of this oonntry, particularly tho Eastern
states," he said, "have large delegations,
and are in such easy reach of Washing
ton as to seenre an advantage by per
sonal pressure that a amull delegation
from our section cannot have without
vigorous work on the part of our citizens
All of our interest demand that Chamber
of Commerce should be supported in its
efforts to send delegation and weighty
memorials to congress, when it is neces
Mr, Ellis left nothing to lie desired in
the way of pledges from him to aid iu
various desired ioiprnv tuents.
Wheeler Old Gottmuny has bought
Haiikinson building. He's remodeling
it, and is going to oidl it "The Kipling "
I wonder why?
Wilson He's going to add another
story to it I suppose. N, Y. World.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
At this season of the year there should
be less talk about love aud more about
making kraut. Atchison Globe.
It was a Gardiner youth, of very tender
age, who, wuen asked recently by his
maternal pareut the solemn question,
"What would yon do if mum rem were
taken away?" quiokly blnrted out, "I
would take my meals at Mrs. Haley's."
The lad's worldly responso kunoked the
pathos out of tho scpuo iudouble-qniok
order. Bangor News.
In her impotent rage her grace oould
only soowl at the Dnk, her husband.
"This," she bitterly exolaimed, "is
what a woman gets by buying what she
doesn't want jnat beoause it's cheap."
Detroit Tribune,
Lawyer (to female witness) SVhat oc
cupation did your husband follow?
Wituess He was a skippor.
Lawyer Of a sohooner?
Witness No; of a bank; he skipped
to Canada. Texas Siftiuga.
Jobnsey Jenkins, I believe you have
some of the elements of success about
Jenkins Not a shilling, old man.
Honor bright? You'd be welcome to I
if I had. Sparc Moments.
Maud Yes, it's a pretty fan, isn't it?
It was given ma by my mother on my
twenty-first birthday.
Mabel Really! How well it has worn,
dear. Moonshine.
Ethel Why do yon go to the sewing
society if they gossip so mtioh and you
dislike it?
Maud Beoause I'm afraid they will
talk Bb'tnt mo if I'm not there. - Harper's
It is now quite clear that, in (he event
of being drafted as the democratic can
didate next vear, Cleveland will hire a
substitute Globe Dt-moorat
The Sultan of Turkey la said to fear
treachery in bis own palace. Can the
new womnu craze have penetrated to
the harem? Wichita Eagle.
CRrUCKNT "Hron-her," wrlitht 30 pounds, only M.
LadlMf and lleiiU' roadsters all the way from 1 0 In IT'-.
"Hoys' Junior." only l with pneumatic lire a food mm liltio.
"Our Kpe ll," Men's I , Ladles', I O.
I ow's This!
We offer Olio Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any cn of Catarrh that oan
I not i cored by Midi's ('atari h Cure
V. J. CII EN EY A CO., l'n.pts . Toled. .
We Hie undersigned, have known
P. J. Cheney for the last 15 jtars, and
believe liitn perfectly honorable io "It
business transactions an J flnnn islly
able Io carry out any obligations made
by tiif ir firm.
Weal A Trnnf, Wholesale Prnggiala,
tolriln, ()., Walding, Kinnan A Marvin
Wholesale) Dinggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hill's CaUrrb Curs is taken intern
ally, acting dirwtly noon Him blood ami
I iniici'iis surface of lli system. Price
7") en's per Imtlln. Hold by all lhng
gisis. TesllmoiiiaU freo.
H4IMK t.MH.t.TA.
-t TIIR-
10- illlllS M;lc UBC;
-JK N l
ayr.tlUnlit'KSS I
!- ! Ii'y P. m. sn l
rttra al Oi.U'i-t ! ii t..nr.
Sinqlc Fsirv, 7 HO.
Hotiixl Trip $1500
nrtts.i tWXVnX
f '! ' '-'
l ,..."-''"' "I '-'- '" -
fc ,. t- ' " J ' "
.. . !..., . I l'.
f i r -
h -''. if It
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of fnc West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) 16. oo prr cr
DAILY (with fundsyi .....f.oo prr year
I The Weekly Inter Ocean (Ci. 00
l NT,! YtAK 1 S' -
Taken Iroi.i the loi Cni'k Caper.
Mm. Klla I! off. aisier of Geo. V. Ward
I of IMS nly, dieil very and letily receully
at ll'alock. She was III only on day.
ll is reported lliil r. Kill allien
leave Train I'll y for l'c,dletoii silieia
be gix-a to I'M'atv and prartine Lia pro.
W. II. An.brrrae, of Middle K-ik. start
I ad Li band nf sheep In the Mpptief
iOoilblry last week where b ill f . ed
I them during the ali.lef
Tle nail.ea'.f lis. W. Ilsye.,. f ttia.
od tleo. Ca'lai.arli, if Canyon City,
re mentioned a a irai.ta for Hie nurnl
alioft for ilialri. I allorney bril spring.
1H1014I retim'in'gun any or m pnii j
le.r wiiMo a mils i.f him, rraidrnt t.ff j
Mnalx'ry Valley, near I'rairl l'l'), has '
reiu,,e. hia ft. mi bin an I I'l.h ken I im
fri.ro reiu'il "iini to on wiHiin sln.1
gym ilialanra 11 f his fri..i,,e.
MesstM. C V. Moore A Co., Newherg,
Ore., ans: "We sell more nf ( lianibcr
Iain's Cough ltninedy tliini allolhers put
together, and it always pives siitief no
tion." .Mr. J. k. Allen, Vox. Ore . says:
1 Mti ve ChniiilierlHin'a Conch lU'ine.ly
In be the best I have IihihIIimI." Mr.
W. II liilrhooek, Coliiiubtis, Wash,,
Sli)s: ' CliHIIilierllilll a t ongll Krtlli oy
M'lls el and Is highly praised by all
who nae II." For sain by Klociiin Jnhu-
sun Img Co.
A Steady Increase Reported In Their Num
ber In This Country.
Tho latest newspaper directories
show that there has been an increase
every year since 1877 in tho number of
daily publications issued in tho United
States. On tho other hand, says the
Cleveland Leader, tho number of tri
weeklies has now fallen to one-third of
what it was an far back as 1809. There
has been a gradual increase in the num
ber of publications issued semiweelc
ly, and the weekly papers havo also
increased, though slowly of lato. There
are fewer biweekly and semimonthly
publications now than there were five
years ago, all of these statements, it
should be explained, applying; to the
United States and Canada.
There was a great increase in the
number of publications issued monthly,
between 1870 and 1891, but now there
are fewer of these than in 1893 and 1893.
The increase over last year is small.
There has been a decided decrease in
tho number of bimonthlies since 1891,
and the quarterlies have also become
less numerous than they were in 1893,
1893 or 1894. The dailies alone havo
not failed to prow in numbers every
year since 1877. Fewer publications
were issued weekly in 1893 than in
1891, and since then there has been a
loss, one year or more than one, in all
kinds of periodicals except tho daily
paper. 1 lie tigures lor every class, as
given in the Kowell directory for 1895,
which. Is just out, are as follows:
Dailies, 2,050; triweeklies, 40; semi
weeklies, 831 j weeklies, 14,085; biweek
lies and semimonthlies, 385; monthlies,
3,070; bimonthlies, 55; quarterlies, 183.
The relatively greater and more con-
aiani growin oi tne daily papers, as
compared with other classes of period
icals, means that tho American poople
are moro and more hungry for tho
latest intelligence of the world's doings.
nnd that the eagerness of the nation to
keep in the very front of progress is
moro marked than ever befor. The
improvements lately made in tho tele
graph, the telephone and rail mud serv
ice liave served the daily tmiicrs well
and they have madu tho mont of their
opportunities. More and more they are
iK'conung tho typical American period
ical, more popular and moro powerful
than any other. The indications are
that In the future their relative multi
plication and development will show,
even more than it has in the past, their
siiM'rior vitality and the leaning of the
American people to the pii-r which is
never liclntcil nnd never out of date.
In the age of electricity the t1
Icals of less frequent issue than the
daily puH-r, great, beautiful nnd npu
lar as many of tlicm are, can hardly
hold their own, relatively x-itliug,
agaiiiht the publications which are full
of the nervous energy, Urn freshness
and ilie terfK strength of the telegraph.
tions. Even the severe panic of the
summer of 1893 did not materially dis
turb these foundations. During those
trying weeks, when mines and smelters
shut down, and banks and stores closed
their doors, water, soil and sunshine
continued to do their perfect work in
the Union colony, tireelej seemed
like an oasis of prosperity in a desert of
despair. The farmers received as the
reward of the summer's labor mora
than a million dollars in cash for the
single item of potatoes. But this is the
chief crop at Greeley, after the neces
sities of life have been provided for;
and the wide reputation and handsome
financial returns won for the Greeley
potato illustrate tho wisdom of a sur
plus crop of the highest quality.
Greeley's civic institutions are like
her potatoes. They represent tho best
standard available, and are the prido of
tne people. Io sell any kind of intoxi-
catinp; liquor within tho boundaries of
the Union colony invalidates the title to
the soil. This is one of the original plans
that worked well; and the schools,
churches, libraries and lyceums are all
in keeping1 with this high standard of
public morals. A careful study of the
development of Greeley, alike in its
social and industrial aspects, would
throw much more light vtnon the nrob-
loms of arid America: but this cannot
be entered upon now.
A TWSPAM Trtrt rMtV CKtA afcrex 4 Ifcf (law U aw
rfla N MeMkwe Mies awe Hi aeawfMif ALL INK
I Mat A Ml IHU tl.a Of UbHI.M Utl Sail M
M'a W. ll. Meek. e.a all
Hear Walked Inn 1 elluwatone lintel
nil MlugleU with the tiueala.
At the hotel which waa located at
tho Upper tieyaer llaam, but burned
last w inter, there wua last summer A
big black bear who slept under tho
house, and Ih-cuiiio mi tunin that the
guests foil biin, and mm evening the
porUTa enticed him Into the hotel oflice
with auirar. lie came in, walked
through the big lobby, amilod at the
telegraph Instrument aa though he
understood that it waa clicking mm
angea back ti the great cities of Amer
ica, and the walked t- the front d air
gn.ing out at Old Faithful, and hesita
ting about Ida return to the pine wiaals ;
tx-yond. This playful prank of tho
jeirtera waa, Imwrver, eujoyod nmro
after bruin had gone than while Le waa
hi the ho'. I.
The guesta. Mho IumI no fear of him,
out al the garbage Img or around the;
ground of the hnlH, tsere aotnewhat!
InTViioa nhell he took vioti of lh
big lobby, where liny were aitting
about the, big. ojirii ! fire, talking
aN nit what they would do If ber
should walk into the hotel. Thy sat
like at at oca, and Manager llowa, whe
had fed bruin fr.m bis hand notable,
fit that thla waa A rliaef acquaint
nun than li desired to cultivate;.
lie thmgbt the bear might best movr
on the iliutrijf r'm and play lti part
of Uie bull tu II, n rbiua shop, Mr.
Ilawie. the .Hi. tal .liot.M,'rapher of
the irk. aal near rnotigh to llm d.r
to lay lua hand litem brum, but ha did
Hot tt mpt U (ft lua ii lure, though
be Ik I In i n winliiig eara for A brar
t't rottie up aid ait for los
The k'Uk rntlniaiat were lei ierv
IKIoeen pre the .ott,,naiid get
snap shot lbey all fell nnrw rom
f.irtable when the lar wa awl ,ul lh
A Happy I'enple ami a lllh Htanilaril of
1'ulille Morals.
The (iretdry colony waa roiiqxisod o
tho best clclliellts of cnsteni clti.ell
ship; and the first and most iniNirtnnt
lesson it teaches Is that Moplc of t his
class are ri'siHiiisivc to such a cull as
Mr. Meeker put forth, lie did not up.
M-a I to the instinct of specula! i,,n.
pleaded for lii-W lnslillltiolis.il nd uliuei
al hii'h Iddils; mid he fouinl Hint lin n
of culture and of ineaii', were ready I
ciim rate heartily In sin li an uiid r
taking. Thla fuet buds ciicouniT"
meiit to those who are hoping forgre.it
lhiii'to is line from Hie devilopiiunt o
the nnd reg'oii.
Tin' site of the Greeley colony, W rile
W. li. Niivthe In Century, waa m
well ehosi'ii or, al least, it did Hot III
all ri"-M'el'i luei'l Ihe ri M-t-t ii 1 1ons o
Ihnst. M ho M-b cled il. I hey were Hun
f ue iiiinble Io realize nil lloir plan
Tle v in. i.c Home w tioiis llllsaulcul
lions, I or instill , lin y clii-iali
Ihe ise.1 of I heir i una la al I went V I hull
mi lid dollars, while Ihe actual cost wn
more than Iwinly liima as great
I roil culture was mentioned In II
,r.a' tos as certain In lie an lnqe.
I ml iiidustrv. but the anil and rliiua1
proVi'l III. .oila'. le, Ihe ilriMUl "I ll" j
iuiproti'd boiiM h ild e oiioinv, ba'J d i
a plall for e-, ra'le b.iUiri' S Bil l
laoicli ics. als.1 proVi 'l ib lusive. 'I hi fe
Wrfe other liipmlllllll Ills; bill lie
foii.lalie ht.il lanos of liri'atioii w r
all vindii ii , al I. mi Icy , a they bin
l en w In in i r and wherever lirougbi
fairly Io Ihe ti s.
ft t.. . . . i.i.ll: I l.l .
hoI'Vraph. .r..., ,t(t , (,, ,,, ,, ,,,. f . r,,v .,r.m.
e 1 1' j, , bil d llitt 'ot .( lilt i.il t olll't-l'
Surprise or the l'orker When He Dlppad
Ills Nose In the Dish.
Pretty nearly everyone knows or
ought to know what an old-fashioned
'candy pull" nienns. It used to beat
the "apple bees" and such other coun
try iilTiurs away out of sight, and waa
X much sweeter way of enjoying a win
ter evening, snysthe Hartford C'ouranL
It chanced recently that a family in the
jutsklrts of the city thought they
would indulge the children in one of
these pastimes, ond things were made
ready. It was just at the end of the
hint snow, and when the molasses had
been boiled MiMleiently and had been
tried" by dropping a few drops on A
bit of snow, the dishful was placed on
the snow just outside the door, the
quicker to cool olT and be ready for
pulling. Home half-grown pigs had
been capering about the yard, likely to
keep warm, and one of them chanced
to come ii j m i n the dish of sweet htufT,
which by that time, had become con
hl.leiably cooled otT on the surface, so
that when the fellow's nose 'ouched It
It wns not in the lenst unconifortnble.
The supposition is Hint, with his usual
liviiriciousiie'-s. I he fellow plunged hi t
"niout" ii way down to Ihe bottom of
the vessel. Naturally he got a pretty
wnriii rccept ion when be hit the mid
dle of the mess, and quite naturally,
too, be pulled - pulled for dear life.
Tho half i o., led cui.dy tdiick to biin
l.l.i' ii le eh. nnd with an audible grunt
he lie I us best he might. The 'iiio
who were chatting within while tho
ctMilin' process was going on hurried
I i Ihe door Just in time In see piggy
light ing out, candy and all, for free
dom. They gave cluisc, but ihry might
as well have tried to catch A cyclone.
The yot'tigster llna-lty run himself nut,
m Io rpenk, the candy having mean
time cooled out Millii iciitly to make it
quite a iliftlciilt iniiltcr to remove the
ciieuiiibnn from the Hn.r brute'
nose. It i . understood t hut the "pull"
that nnsilouii f.r I ho evening waa in
If li n 1 1 ly postponed.
How Hall's aignai via lltieyeil.
hie day reci nllv while A New York,
I'elilis) Ivani.i A I hio freight trailiwaa
approii'-l.iin' Mcmlviilc nt n rapid raUi
of sM-ed. a ini'st ri tuarkiible thing oc
curred A brain .can. vU.o wa rnling
oil the i iigilie, baiiH in d Io hak back
nnd saw vilial he aupwi as the
eoudili tor's arm w ii v hie fluid n ull V f"T
il'CMl brakes. lie not died Ihe l ie
tfiie i r. mid mi i iih r;'i in y slop waa
liai le, a ft. r he h an Investigation re.
vcnli.l Ihe fid , nl what l.c 'U to Im
ll 'I'lo- !! s si,'i,.il waa only Ihe
lad of a big 1 1 as steer thai bad ll
some in iMo r protruded tlinnich a hole
In tlie si le of Ihe ear. and waa waving
w itti ll.e it i iid. 'I Ins is rlialu Ihe first
Iroe story i f a ImiSI a gnaldig A Irain Ut
I sms Hi I fa, k.
In I'.u- m in Turin an a Irain waa re
cenllv aioj.pt-d I v a'i rpi'.hira. The in
u wi re r mi .' tl'i' Ira. k when the
r.its s'rink Ihein. ifii'',uig thi-iu Intii
llli. l', i. t. n he h li,a b' Die tail Slid
Win Is Ml a . 1 .1 ( v that another halt
lo.,iiie was "'i' d l i ini-ve Ihe train.
'I le Mine Hi. i f I . . ; i - I In KanaA
il'iimg !!' 1 1"! ol lixati'in,
Can., loat.l V.C.I, ss,. . datigl.ler fr-.r.t d-r. A-r. tb-veranda, and r,,l 1 "3' JTTl TLT T v ffl T?Z? TC01
. . . i. . . Acroaa the lawn Ui tha one w,.ela , - J r trVTi ' : i L ' '"it -
AAl.yate,.rAf.l.,,b.rJ Al III,..' M rP -U JlTl.k. , I. -X.m si w iw J?
lib i rsopa in lb stoiiiarh. and
mil l IU "rti tyiff Ihst il
I A htairiai'.
lahaa'er ll'iwe loel th itt
that while ha watd't k"f
4i ftieiel.y. And urn Intin.ata.
II, a Uar, be did not
The Weekly Inter Ocean
, , M I' a axMlAiag a IbIm4 laaaoh aaeaWa4 hw taasilw.
fS-J i tHa irtsitisitla taw H H Mki4.
II iiaiimtsa-v luiimnti ..i.i
ill ttlsai I V ir IS tl It WI !.. a4 ga Ms r4a Ik Wtl ml b
. i at H ka S-rfuMal tasa. M mhm 1 Ml S1 W OI
IHi, aonn
fur ivta rxr j n wi smi n in (Hie too tnr tr ami C)t prut
tlttisur tl I "t I Ml SI II i.Ms 'atos ! sa Al l M I II
ansHii ii io ihi vn.tiif ihi, ri'wit o- inai hIhis ihas am1
i 1 a i a If i i t n k.
N M la whii ia h-r a1 lfc k-sfc m rntts a4 I naia
taae .M I'.al M aw ml the taMai a l,Ma M OM V 01! ns
u,h"H" THE INTtH OCLAN. Chiccia
beieaaary to call A l,ir'ai. Ilatipg, l rrr.a with
read aU.qt Cliarnlieila.A'sO-lle, Cholera ' want turn to Infringe Ida rules aca.r.st
ai d (liarrlioea lln.e-lv l,4 c .i.nlu e. .b U lug aiiow-l in Ihe Mfiof of
jlolfyll. Mi.-f i'iii I II al ll aUa)a gata ,.nir.g r-snii. And A Uar, g- ntie 'd
, ..mpl fllef. ll waa.-,.m l,.c-a..iy t,tw,Urm , W,lp.,t I-. r.,.,;, n-.t I
ll.. At. II.- s.et I .1 'HI,..,.. I .,,, ,.ri,ileCrA fi'rt iriven to tl.a
j 'H.ly attr I na I id "fry ki d liev.
Sl,e f III, '"li'll (l'l .(.!,. lolls I i ...
' . . .. ll.tl-ar. Mil Ihe t i. im
I ! ' y fannly sii.-m -
- ri
ai ? illAf.t
lias a
t l'.ile "
l. t. ,.
r I aa -
f snoly nl
l..a li,i-. ii I'
I, I hit.eii'i, J .,l a. A
la miI(
Lot II, let. W hi. h S',,. e. lulli l,.
Irn I, oil 1. 1 a . t Mr ll'nsi- has ,)
I OH. atateifl tl.eie (io. In! l, l.i .i
" V: V- ' ( Ak.aa.sll.ai.
ia ll. lime to afM ll.a H kly
il.eoaian, tte f.ea'eal nr f.at'or if
i a Vti.l U,'l, l,.t. H.,l..l, .., r
ly ! a If a-re, ... i .a', n Ni tlf
evei l ina'e.B . ' K- ( i r ea l. i,,s le
IA H .tale, ''i ', .1 I -ie a. a
... ii.i un aw a I 'iu- osl joi"l.il f W e
f '. n.'.Uf, aa s!fi.fiilt. jai
j lA 0'W I i'deasf h f
HO ai0IClt A8 NICtt6Af .
...iii, liwiiu S.l'. ii.l t.al l. 'O'l
l.liu out at the sil'e l-. J.i.l U j nl ii 4,,.4.uiMiM.M aaaiMsa,ira Ii. e 'w i
ft titr oniv lilt lH' Ikiaa is Iks Mt f.l.it.
- - - itt. ni'i ia-- ' si ei .4 K,'ea.
I. mi .. h tr-ii-a ar I fl f f A l i. i . at a-l a--. I t e-. !. Ha.a4 flal-aa
t.,J nail-. ..' f r I. Ihe - ...i A-.i an t -
, - , . , i ., ... t'f l 4a.ti K. t4 l-l al Ai ..-
liaiH i.ai I . -
U.S. Ill preail. fit .H llf 'j'
.., and lb f J rai let, w.tli ft. I..
4 B t. " " I'alMI
( .,.,-i Ti
Is r-t'lafc.
At ! Ill !., I htrag.