Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 19, 1895, Image 4

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Whtta yon aaep jronr subscription paid up jcn
can keep yonr brand in froeof charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horte G(i on left
boulder; cattle snme on left hip, nnder bit on
rinht ear, end upper bit on the lefts range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. 0.. Alpine. Or T with bar on
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eicht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsos same brand on right
shoulder, liange. Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hon,g J A con
nected n left Wank; cattle, sameon left hip.
Biird, D. W. and sun. Horsei branded D B
on the left hip; oh tie the same on left Amis,
cropoff rinvit ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange
in Morrow Oiniity.
Bnrtholnmew, A. 01., Alpine. Or. Homes
branded 7 E on either shoulder, lli.nge in Mor
row nountv
HantiiHter, J. W., Hnrdman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on loft hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (rooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side. .
Burke, M 8t C, Iong t;reek. Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder, liange in Grant and Morrow
county. . . ,
HroHtnan, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nil right ear upper "lope.
Barton, Win.. H"ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
Brown! Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row oonnty.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in nei tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Monies W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on loft
Eoyor, W. G Heppner, Or. norses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on loft
shoulder; cnttle. sameon loft hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Koi.Or Cattle. JB oonneoted
on leftside; crop '-a, left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt m. . on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Hanga in loi valey,
Grant oounty,
(larmier Warren, Wapnnr, Or. Horum brand
edOon right stine; cattle'.- (three lmrn) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. liange in
i..nt un1 M.iprow c.i in n 1 1 fin.
Cain.E., Caleb,()r.-Y I) on hor"H on loft stifle
U Wltn qnarwr circle ovmi- h,,m,
and on loft stiffs on all colts n-'der ISyoarsjon
left shoulder only on all horsos ovor 5 years. All
raiiKO in Ornnt oonnty.
date Chas. K Vinson or lena, Or. Horses
H (', on right shoulder; cattle same ou right hip.
ltange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
...II MM (liilliiwiv. Or Cat tie crop out
of f.aeh ear and iimlorliil, wattle in fornlmiul;
horses half circled on left stiHo. ltange Mor-
ow and Umatilla counties.
Curl, T. 11,4 John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undoi hit
in rll,t r. snllt, in loft ear. ltange in (Irani
oonnty. n slump, inverted aud spear point
,,u shoulder. Ear markoii ewes, crofi on lett ear
pnuohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
riirht and under half crop in loft ear. All rangs
lu Grant oountv. , . , . . ,
Cook. A. J. .Lena.Or. Horses, Wlon right, shnnl
(lor Cattle, sameon right hip; ear mark S'iiare
orop off left and split in right.
Currin. U. Y., CuirinsviUe, Or. -Horsos, on
1..P4 .t;HA
iw VA. H... Hnnlman, Or. Caitlo, C with
mli. hurnes. CK on left Li IT).
-,.nl,ren. H. K.. MonnmiMit, Grant Co, Or.
ii - v..a..,l,l nlrele witfi bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears Biid dewlap.
i'4...i II Hnnlman. Or. Horses branded
Oonrigh't hip. Cattle branded t ho same. Als,
brands CI on horses right thigh; wV sane
brand on right shoulder, and cut oft end of
''',''',!.... W M . Galloway. Or.-Cr.ttle. li Don
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, It D
on left nip. . . . ...
vu li... Dnnalas. Or. Horses branded KLY
nn left shoulder, cuttle Raina ou lefthip. hole
: .... .
Wmerv C. H.. Hnrdman, Or. Horses brawled
I reversed (' with tail! on left shoulder; cat.
4i ......... fi.rht hiii. ltange in Morrow county
Florence, j. A., Heotmer. Or.-Ca'tle, LK on
right hip; horses K with bar under on right
shoulder. ....
Heronee. H, P. Hniitiner. Or Horses, V on
: .1.4 .i....,f,i.., , enttle. K on ritffit hn or thigh
Kronen, George. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
Wlf with bar over it. on left, side; nrop oil left
..... li,.... antne brand on le't, hip.
n'eetrv. Klrner. Keho, Or.-Horses brsnde l 11.
H aill. a iiuarter ein le over it. on left stifle.
ij . i ,, M,,rp,.4 ntid (Jinatlllscfiimlies.
II ,,,11. A. II.. Itiilge, Or. -CatHe, round-top
withqnarter circle nmler it ou the right ln
ll..... M,,rr,.a nml lln'.tilll mties.
Ilintou li Jenks, llamilloii.Or Caltle.twrilisn
on either hip; crop I" fig'" "Hr a-ri tpm in ion.
Horses J on right thigh, liange in ram eoniity
Hughes, Hainnel, Wagner, Or-l- (T K I,
MxiiM'liollitn null! shoulder oil hoi mom; on O'lttle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow folk in
right ear aed slit in left. Kill., in llnyick
dlnlrli't Mcimis ronntv
Hide. Milton, 'Vainer, Or.-H"ri hrie le
Ji I. ...III.. ,,tl, nirillel lailsl on I 'fl V ll I 'I
( itlle s.iine on lull hip also large circle on letl
ll'iwvd IL. 'UM'iwiv, '. '1 '"s t- ferns
wn U ' r n't ive i' I el rnUI 'i ildr; 'Mini une
ou I'i'l side. Hinw hi Morrow and UiiiHtilla
in urant oonnty.
Bayers, Robert, Douglas, Or Cattle on
right hip and H on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on
right shoulder. Kange in Morrow county.
Bmith Bros., Mnssnville, ur. tiorsee, oranoeo
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, m on left shoulder.
Houires. James. Arlington, Ur,; norses Dranaeo
J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Mange in .norrow ana u-uiiam connties.
ritephens, V. A., Horuman, ur-; norses ooon
right stirle; cattle honzontal L on the right side
Htevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. ur. unus, a
on rigtit hit-; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. Q. W.. Heppner, ur. norses, h on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry. E. U.. Heppner, ur. i ,ue " j on
loft hip. orop olT right and nnderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder.
Thompson. J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, l! on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
TiDpets.H.T.,Emerprise,Ur. Horses, o-on ten
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. SmaU capital 1
left shonlder, horses; cattle same on left tup
with split, in both ears.
Thornton, H, M.. lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on loft stifle; sheep same brand.
VanderDool. H.T.. Lena. Or: Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge. Wm . Heppner, Or. Horses, U. li
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. John O.. Hulem or Heppner, Ur.
Horses branded Jo ou the left shoulder, ltange
Morrow oonnty.
Warren. W H. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder, ttangeio
Grant oonuty. , , ,
Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses Dranaeo
ace of spades on loft shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Hay Ulty.Ur un norses
three parallol burs on left shonlder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears, ltuuge in uraut ana mamuor
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Ur
oonneoted on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, ur. Horses Drauaea
UK oonneoted on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. Heppner. Or. Cattle, W on
right thigli, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder somf same on left, shoulder.
Whittinr nros.. nuntingion. BakerCo., Or. -
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams. Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three liars on loft hip, both cattle and
horsen. liange Grant oonnty.
Wi hams. J O. Long ( reek. Or Horses, rjuar
tor circle O7or throe bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. ltange in Grant oonnty
Wren. A. A.. Meppner. Or. Horsos runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses branrter
Ttfnnth riirht shonld
El fla,! o
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
',X'4t u: J
u ru'o about to buy n Rewinir Machine
1 1: di'ci;ivi:d by alluring' advertisement!
i,i. k ii to think you can gut the bcit made,
t iiiuucu uuu
1 VI
Most Popular
for u were sontf. Roc to It that
I'ou buy from reliable nianu
! .. '',n cr. that have gained a
' v., liunbyhoncstntidsquaro
.i.. ili.it;, you will then gut a
; liif lOiuhine that is noted
t. 1 : o wni Id over for lis dtira
li.'Hly. You want the one thut
in cosiest to manage and is
Light Running
Thero Is none In the world that
can eiiial in mechunii;al run
Btructinn, durability of wnrking
jiarts, fineness of finish, bulimy
In appearance, or has us many
improvements us me
New Home
It Vns Automatic Tension, Rouble Pee d, nllks
on both sides of needle ifatented), no other has
it : New, St and ( ueHa), driving wheel hint" d
on ml putnblc coolers, thus reduxing iriutiou to
t ;l: 1., Illinium.
C ,.l"r. Mss. ItOfiTnn, m nr 5!1 Txii llet'r. II.
"'i ',, P.i,. hr.I.mi' '!". In.'." :....
i, '. I illSl IM -I. In.. , T I N , ', I '..
,,. . . .... r,y
V. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
-Cattle K II on
ler. Ilanee
II..H I.' Iwln .Inhtl Dev. Or
rlulil hin; h'irs ' sa neon rl.ihl shuul
In irnl i'y- . , ,
llintlix". Mat, llopiiner, Or. -Hnrses sh Iwl
hoirl on (lie l"'l 'der, Itanit" Morrow Co,
tliiiiWer, II A . Wiotner, dr. -Ilorsei, M on lef
h i ll I n. eeille. l ''l hi,
lln'iinhrers. i H Haul nan. Or.-Il ine, II nn
ler Mink
llii,il, Ln'her. I'l ihl Mile Mr.- I.rn Hen
the left shu'll lursn I 'l'' "" ' "I-
tie vn oe left Inn. Kin l III 'I wn umiH
.1 i'ii.d, II irrv. ll"i'H -r lr-llii l,r,., 1-1
II .Inn Ifix left 'emliir; rn'tln lira iiiI J ,,n
rii'l.t 1, 1 1 . hUh iiii.l"tliit in I' ll enr. Ungi in
M,,riii rointr,
Jiriki'i, H- M , II.4'f-r, Or - Hnn, lmr
Sl, II, J ... Ml l lT. t lCe. II, 444, 11 4.
IUhj. Mi.
J ,hi, .n, Y,A,. I, r. -''. ei-UT..n
le'l ai le; evlle, M il on right hip, ini'l 'f h,!l
qimii in rirf'-t mnii ttit n lft eer
Kmiliy, Mike, lippeer, Ot. -Il irw li"n M
INY on Ufl hip rattle same ml crop oft left
r; nndr Ini4i Iha right
Klrk. J. T.. Ilepnner. Or.-Hons! 9 n left
sh.inl Uri mil Ih.iWimi Inn bin.
hltk. J lUiipner. Of i hr. II on lfl
I, nil. Ir i CSllU M n "U light ld, lllnl'-lblt on
tl4ft,l ev. . .
K.i,l-.fUe l W II. M.einl Yrtv'i Or - I l,eti
rsi tl ,1 il and I"'' -.swidh. '."k III U fl
9t aej r44,lr I'f'li Ml I'.'l't 4.,r . II, 4u,
IliS ul n le'l 4l. . il I ". I,i i In iin il i
l,.fl in. rlleoli-li. fit.t't. H I. ,11 l. 'lllp
41 C1III44 rr4lp SI'I 4 i,! HO ll.l'-t tV. I ,44,4B
Mil" li sli I vm Ml h ill l-'. IU 'fit
. I'.lf .
i.e,,lt4, J.,i,n V.. i llr
lfill hlf.nel J I.e.,iii44i-t . ... I ,.fi . . . ,
H.f. I sii,t. a ii" o'i , ti bio. l4',iti ne,tr Mi
i..Lf V
J 1. ,1 )
.Siiii 'rmirni'ii filli'i,
sm ii. it am: a: v .s vr.i.it r. r ,t t,
A'.. :.) S,iUr Slrrrt.
dt. I , nit. a ii-o'i I' n mo. in'il" ne.tr l1" 1
iiii-. ,,'Hi4t r ,to , I'. 1444 .ii in i j ,i I r fM 4r
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, tr address
Oen. Fbrs. Agt.
SdJti Franolsoo
And U point! In California, vi the Mt. HhasU
ronU of the
Southern Pacific Co.
fhe irreat highwar thMimh Cahforni! to all
points Itast and Mouth. Urand noenio I tout!
of the l'acino ('oast. Pullman Buffet
tileepers. Heoond-clas Hleeiiers
Attaohed to ei press trains, affording superior
voiKimiucMlation! for seeond-claes tiasHenuers,
For rates, tiekets. sleeping car rseenrattons.
to. oall nmn oraildrese
H. KOK.II1.KK, MRliaxer, R. I'. Ill XI P. KM, AMI
Ion. K. A V. Adt.. 1'ortlMinl. Orenon
How Postal 'OffldaU at Times Are Com
pelled to Use Their Wits.
An English merchant was advised by
his agent that a check of six hundred
pounds sterling would be sent to him
by the next mail, says Mr. Haines in
his "Forty Years at the Post Oflice." It
did not come and the merchant at once
made complaint at the post office. The
postman on that route was called in by
the postmaster, and, in answer to ques
tions, said that the missing packet was
dulv received and delivered. He re
membered it distinctly its shape, col
or and postmark. As his habit was he
had poked it under the house door,
with two other letters and a newspa
per. The merchant's wife had picked
up three packets and was positive there
had not been a fourth.
The postmaster went to the house
and examined it carefully. Then he
looked into the back garden. His eye
lighted on a litter of puppies. A
thought struck him.
"Have the dog kennel cleared out,
iNonsense! Why?"
Kindly have it cleared."
Well, if it must be. Thomas, take
out the straw."
On the floor of the kennel, torn into
a Hundred mis, lay the missing letter
and check. A current of air along the
passage had blown the letter about.
The puppies, naturally enough, had
pounced upon it as a plaything and had
had a good time.
A merchant complained of the loss of
a letter mailed from his office contain
ing some hundreds of pounds in Bank
of England notes. Finally an expert
from the post office department called
upon him.
"Believe me, sir," the expert said, "I
have an object in what I ask. Will
you kindly sit at your desk and recall
each operation connected with the miss
ing letter?"
With pleasure. I sit here, I take a
sheet of this note paper and one of
those covers. Then I write my letter
and fold it up so. Next I go to my
safe and take out the notes, enter their
numbers, fold thein, put them in the
letter and the letter in the cover. Then
I seal them all up as you see me do."
"Just bo, and what next?"
"Why, my clerk comes in and clears
off my desk for the post."
But you wrote this one at noon, and
the post docs not go out before night.'
Oh, yes, of course! I quite forgot tc
say that a money-letter, for greater se
curity, I put in a left-hand drawer."
"Which one?"
"Which? Why, this one. I open it
so and I bless my soul! Goodness me!
I am very, very sorry for all the trouble
I've given. Here is the letter!"
Mr. Jl. H. Cransby, of Ho.
158 Kerr SU, Memphis, Tenn
writes that bis wife had can
cer wnich bad eaten two
large boleain ber breast, and
which the best physician!
Of the surrounding country
treated, and pronounced in
enrahle. Her grandmother
and aunt bad died of
and when told this, the most
eminent eoocialista of New
York, under whose treat-
nanK aha wftA Tllaced. OO-
4i4Mut heeraoAwas hopeless.
All treatment having failed,
she was (riven op to die
R R fl. was recommended,
and astonishing as it may
seem, a few bottles cured
i. ... 4A,,nit And well.
. flnr treatise on tblB dis-
ftse will bo sent free to
any address.
Atlanta. Ca
ty of Morrow. Bfute of Oreuon.
F. B. Ve.ncleHve, 1
L. II. Vancleave,
Defendant J
To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant.
in the name of the State of Orepen, you are 1
rerehy required to appear and answer the com
p'aint filed against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from thednteof the service
of this summons upon you, if served within
this county; or, if serve I in nny other county
o' this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you;
and if served upon you by publication or by
personal service wi' limit the Btate of Oregon,
then you are required to appear and answer on
or before the first day of the next regular term
of said court, to.wit: On or before the first Mon
day in March, 1896. And l i case you full to so
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff w ill Uike
a decree against you for the dissolution of the
marriage bonus now existing between you and
plaintiff, and for the caro and custody of the
minor child born as the fruits of Bald marriage,
to-wit: It. A. Vancleave; and for such further
decree as the court may deem just.
'nils summons is published bv order of the
Hon. James A. Kee, Judge of the tith Judicial
District of the State of Oregon, dated September
etn, in uo, u w or. A.
7-I-8B. Attorney for Plaintiff.
1 I
!,,", 5lv ,-"rh:"t'
Simplest. ,U!i4iXl:le',t
Urongest.gfS'ilYl Working,
Top Xfclp'jS Atc-r.lt.
Kecrlvcr. 4tiy Compact,
Mo.t Motlorn and progress!
l'i,r rsiHlnKiis or liifiinntttleo viiie u
Till! MAIiUN riKH ARM.' CO.,
New 'Uicn, nnn.
I, , 1, IM iftM, ll",lii'"
I ,nl,U II r e ne-'l.
4t nil sieell
M ,,i M r . Mi..ii, Or.
en, I- ,,o tiithl lni.
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Tht roaipet-atlvtaal.it of thttt twacardt
It know a to most ptraona.
Thtf lllutlrslt that f rtalsr auantlt la
Net alw!)ra moat ta bt siit4.
Tbtat (aid! sipitM tht beat Rclal aul
Hy of
4s tampan Willi aajr pttvlautly (tvtw
Ripaaa Tabaltt i Prlca, o ta(a a baa,
Of druifisls, et by "'I.
Iirtbl CnI MICH C04 1 lrac II., T.
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He Dared the fart of Trcttv
Girl's Cousin Lona; Aro.
In Gothenburif, Sweden, lives an old
woman who, when young and comely,
passed much of her time with titled
relatives In Home and Vienna. Fifty-
six years no she vinited Rome. In No
vember she returned to (.othenburtf by
way of llerlin, which, although a tiny
capital in those days, pussed ns one of
the lions of central Europe. She knew
nobody in llerlin, but the relatives she
had been with in Rome had a cousin in
the university, who was Informed by
letter that the younjr woman was eoiu-
ltir and he must meet her and show
her the sights.
-'I arrived with my chaperone and
maids," wrote the old woman to a
(iotheiiburj: newspaper three waeks
ago, "and was welcomed by mv Oer
innn cousin, a I hnd come to call him.
He was very hearty in his manner,
lfewatatiill muiculnr your? fellow,
wit ha MtfimMiiilieund pi'rulinr. peni"
tratitio; eyes, llo seemed almost un
cunny to me, yet was a delightful com
"I'lir three days the younir man was
my constant ciimpanion. To b sure
ho could apeak mi Swedish; but his
Kreni'li a rfi i t. I never had sucli
a devoted cavalier. I was proud
munch of my (ivrinan cousin. Only
too mi,ii cbiii Ihj day when 1 must ay
ff.Hi.i tiy to mm lit lierlin.
" '.ny eousisi,' he aald, as he shook my
hand in psrtinif, 1 have a word to say
to you. It is merely well, cousin, 1
am not your cotiMu at all. Mr friend
who Is the real cousin you sought, was
so busy preparing for his rumination
Hint he lir-tfM luc to a't in his Mrs
during your tis.it. My name is tutu
von IlisiiisrcW '
"I limked at him In dumb astonish
tnrnt as the e.irruir was driwu aav
.My a lrniturr mas mrr.
"Nearly forly enr aaed. The olf
cure lltsmartk lu I U cmne prince
and had laid his hnn.U on tharrowna
and ii t ion t,f r.nn.a came ti Her
lilt s.-aiti, and at nl my ejrd with a few
tsriUen words to the prince. An lumr
Islrr I rrernnl an iiivilalion and isrnl
to the chant eilnr'a (-aiare. The prlnre
rrin niiTre t me prrfrrlly, and e boon
rre Urt p In coiiwrsatlnM.
" I have you to thank. lie said, 'f.tr
nit only views of lU rlin'a art irsllrrles
and niiiM-tims. Mnr te parted I never
1 and by virtue of an execution Issued out I
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on October 17, ISH'i. and
to me directed and delivored, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In said court ou the I'Jth
day of September. 18(15, in favor of W. F. Mat
lock, plaintiff, and against Mary Drtscoll, and
Mary Driscoll as administratrix of the estate of
ornclins Driscoll, deceased, Maud Driseo'l.
Minnie Driscoll and John Driscoll, defendants,
for the sum of Eleven Hundred Eighty-seven
and H5-100 (f 11H7.H')) Dollars with Interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, from
the mt'i day of September, 1WI5, and the costs
and disbursements of said suit and of this sale.
And whereas, by said Judgment it was ordered,
adjudged and decreed that the following de
scribed real property, to-wit; The west half of
the north-east quarter, end the east half of the
north-west quarter In section No. 81 in Town
ship 2 south, of range 20 enst of Willamette
Meridian In Morrow County. State of Oregon.
together with the tenements, hereditaments and I
appurtenance! thereunto belonging, be sold to
atlsly said Judgment, costs and accruing coati.
I win on ttie iro uny oi novemiier, iwn, at I
o'clock n. m. of saM day, In front of the court I
house door In Heppner, Morrow County, I
Oregon sell all the right, title and Interest of the
said defendants, and all the right, title and
ln'erest of the defcu lant. Mary Driscoll. and
w hich Cornelius Driscoll, deceased had on the I
'Jxth dsv of April. Ishs, or w hich any of the
defendants, or the said Cornelius Driscoll have I
since had In the aboved described premises, at
nibllc auction to the highest and best I Idder
ireash ill hand, the proceeds to be annl edto
the satisfaction ol said execution and all costs
that may accrue.
i atcd Oclober 17, IW.
(i. W. HARItlN'GTON.
ftHVMl Shcrllf ol Morrow County. Oregon.
f.llltl I lllllff to visit
V. Tirora.
them aai ." N.
of Intention.
I 4 h't. 11. IV'.',. Notice is hereby i
v given thai
the following named settler has filed notice of
his Intenlloii to make flnsl proof lu support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made
lieinre j, w. Morrow, county clerk, at lli ppller,
vircgoii, on nveiiiirtT 'ii, i".'.'t, vis :
n 11.1.1AM C. IjK I'-K K.
IM. No liK'.l. for the NKU Ma. See, 12. To ft
, K 2 r.. kihI N 4 s', sw. 7, and Wt S'i
Kee. . IP, ,iK. Rt-l K.
He names the Inllow'ng w ltnoes to prove
his continuous rcthU ui c ii ou and I'lillh silmi
oi sum latni, vir.;
Kdiiar M. Malloii, I;oIm rt I'. Miitteson. Nor
man A Kelly, Ijinrs I'eulaiid. all ol iieppticr.
n. r. iiti in.
S711.90 ll.'Klster.
Notice of Intention.
the tn'.l.i lug ii sir nl teitlir list II lid iii.li, r
of hi. liit.-iiiinii to make tins! prMif In ii.prt
of hi. i l.iin. ami thsl 44,1,1 .r.N, a HI ,e nis le
iieior loe i ninny i i.-rk ol Mnrrow riiiuity al
lleppiii-r. nr., on iH-. enii4rr . i.vj.., tl ;
JK-K r. M K Y.
II I. . No t il, f..r the N', V. V. NEW,
hi'. 7. ami sw 1 . N VV . mv. s. 1 n .. S. H K.
He I1AUI.-S Hi. foll'iwliit a itui-t.es l.i tirnrt
hit entitiiiiHMtt rpst.lciicc uiHiti and ciilttvatloo
ol Ml, land. !
Aiixm K U right, Jsinrtd. Wlltlsms.ul Hard
niaii. "r.-unn. ii, Jaun t M llia. Henry
ei'lier4lllger. Ol llr.piier, t'retron.
ai-M K.ui.i.r.
44T' t .
That the
Is one of the very beBt wheels ever made Is an indisputable fact. It standi In the
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. i$
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be j
punctured, It can be mended by you in live minutes, as It Is equipped with the world S
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated iteel rims.
Sold In all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at flOO each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, J160 each.
THE RAM BLER 1 the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability It Is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict median-1
leal and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
ror men, women, ooys ana gins, witn zn, ana men wneeis, at n.i, ., mo respect- Eg
lvely. are Bplendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge S
enncner tires ana are tuny warranicu.
Before you buy a bicycle, write for cntalogne, circulars, farms and discounts, or call t
Rambler KustierB anted in everjtowu in Oregon, u ashing- M
on our numerous agents,
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf, Co's "Rambler Bicycles."
store, si i nusningtou bi., roniann, or.
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power TTouse.
Four Models-S85 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halstcd Sta.. CHICAGO. ILL.
BRANCH 1-St-Mw Var. 6n FrancUon, ll l-idte Cily. Iet.-er, f UmpJ-.K. OtliK. loM-.tn.
A. H. PATTERSON. Aumf fur Morrow Counhi. Hnwner. Oreaon
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MO.lrr IK. w . r. uiu.n p A frrUIn
ITfntlrri'iiri riiirl ban lm art cf
raiii, dii.l iIh lr ronlsinr.l a rlmw
1 lnirrlirlii. liia Irnanl (rem UjMHif
in. oat .!, 11 .-rr It li-f 'u. ! llial
i a If tan I ariil lh fenliimi n.i Im'.a
1 ilit riii Mniiii 1h amal if !!
I aiiLoaU ! I ii"U. Wuiif -rr. on
Ihrir nrr I t l r. Ii nf Ilia leria of
1 ha luf, atnl I ha luattrf h I to
J arltttal f lfl arium'Bt. Th
1 fen lnt lii'itie.l that I'ipi ant 1'ij.tv.
I li .l tref raila-l. writfha I onlr
1 toa'ita np'-aa e a, ant tHt'f lri
' a ft, ' 1 I l,'l l'Mlll ir, -,tt
-.u ,, i f.-r I . .-Un I . If r. 1 1 -ii ',..,1 1'n I
la.r't fi v,!,.an t I li Irn.
f . I, ai.'l l jr .l ! rr I...
u.-ri. . I Mm i.i.- I l, ta i4r-
rr ;-.T, an I n I.T In i.nar; Un-
fitnf. I ) ir rfmrrir la'ht
ral. l rrtlnf 1H ift I . l!i
aan ao-l l" ao.l !' I. .i '
8r4 an-ilhef bma In tf l f f ;
brnir t rf t t iif m1f t a p'
a It of B ffni- f--f 'a'ti Af 4la-
I rt l.-a lrU-ffaph
f AMI "Kr'U K ATTMK. l tl If. OKKLOM,
i m-litlw-r .'I. oll.a It lierrh
tin.! Ihe l.illi.a let n m,-. I filler ht r)lrl no-I
li. 44 of lilt iiiieiit,,i, 1,1 intte rlnat irool In tiir
-,,r I 1,1 hi. 1 lal'n tinl Ii, tl a. IT.4,,1 a III
1 m.le U-li.rr, J w Mi.rr.ia, 1 ..niilr ''k. al
Hi -4i nvt. iif. "n, on N.neii.i.r j. v'N xt:
Il l f So IIT-i. I..f lh S t ,. (J, ant
He rnnnrf) lit f.,!.a In! allnattit ftfAt! I
li e.iiill'iii,iiit retl leu. uii n. -ullilUna I
01. Mi 1 l fl t
J, 4.1, it V'iii". v.iri W llrtnntn of ! M
t..n (ir..... t, r.aln l. kaa, lliirl k. I
Jniie. I l!nt Nli. If, ..n
f. V'IRIP.
S-J II kettittrr.
MtrirK or istr.stios.
I sn orrii r t Tim riireKriins.
It I4,l..l-rr,'l I"". ..ll.a t hr.erl.r K.I
llttl lh I..' lea . (I.H4.1 telllrf htt fl I.. I aitll. I
ol hit 1'ilri.l.on M In... Antl 'H4..i la ,,4j,ff1
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H.f.i, r HiifM. )tmr fl Mll.m. r.1
tl.f li ,tn 104. .n ti.-l J.mit M lttta, Itanif
ajht'rl-.g I M llll4tl, littft
1. M'ail'f,
J K.fiti.f
VTMl nf tT4tiJ
sn im 1 m tiir tn our-'.
I.I ; S..II It I T (l.aa Ih.l
wir4a 1,! ial t.i.rl att t4.44.a..
!.. Il.-r.ltf l. 4j4t ei-tl I-.--.I In t 11 ,. of
h..r.tla i.l I K.I Mil I all 1 44 a.,l
l.i.... lii.r.i.i,l i .11 of ..4.a .-...nil nl
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t I l.-tt !
1 1
44 v.-4 t
OF . . .
It to Adversers at a reat finoncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tin: Pattlk.on Publishing Co.
. )att
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a t tlt. Il.,if '
!44f 4, j
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hoi it fif Irttntion.
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"f i.!'f " a ra np.m !.
.1 ..ii-V' t'- iil . f tH falaI a., rta
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It -4j 444 4t-.l -. O . t l.-4-.f I
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, J, a ,,! a- A'va-.a, Ofato.jw,
'UiM Va4 l.4t flaMf, . ,
Lnvcs No Contipntton.-
't.l II. aa a.'l a 'l It ! -a.aa lw Jl,
C .i I I I a a .! I MJ ft 'i
la-a4 of 1 . il fa,l! tf m I.
A I l a.irtia ltra1
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n,riiH, tn trii. ccV.