Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 19, 1895, Image 3

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Kaccvery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsapas
" Some jear.s ao, as a. result of too
rlose att'ution to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
uualiln to look after my interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
SaisupaiilUi, began to improve at ouee,
V-t it
and gradually Inerenscd my weight from
one hundred and twenty -live to two
hundred pounds. Since then, I and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are nil in the best of
health, a fuet which we attribute to
Ayer's R-.rsaparilhi. I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
nf which preparation I cannot say too
much."-!. O. TIinson, Postmaster aud
Planter. Kinard's, 8. C.
Ajer'SaaS Sarsaparilla
Here and There.
Sheriff Harrington is back from below.
Miss Ethel Soerrv ia improving in
A 0. Pbttvt was up from Pettyeville
Jas. Doherty and wife were in town
Mrs. Geo. Cooser is ex pee. ted heme
very soon.
Emmett Cochran oame in from Monu
ment Sunday.
Ham Walker was in from Gooseberry
Saturday last.
Ed. (J. Aahbaueh dropoed in to see
the force Saturday.
C. F. Walker and son were in yeetor
day from Hardman.
rhe Nilea-Vinson, Marble Works.
vvalla Walla, Wash.
Geo. Lovelet came in from Little
Wall creek yesterday.
John Zollinger was in yesterday, the
first ti'ue for months.
Miss Florence French was iriTen al Musical Pabtt. The musical society A -X D Linn,
farewell party at the residence of her or gee olub met again last eTenina, that VlltCH, UtVSOUl
AYirU'tj H!l3 Savo DoC r's Bills.
sfsaatif'- gHaaifeMBTi
y x X" CP.
34 S 6 7 8 9
Jp JTTT2 13 iV 13 J6
7 & J 9" 2oJLf2l 23
24 I 5126 T 27 2ft X330
Take Notice.
1. The turn of Are onts per Una will b
ihirted for "csrds ot thsnks." "resolution! ol
respwt," lints of weil'linu present and donor,
intl obituary notice, (other than those the act It
ir shall htmsolf give a mutter ot news,) and
aotUxw of special mectinica lor whatever purpose.
2. Notions of church and society and all other
jnterUlnmonts from which revenue la to he de
rived, aha'.l be charged for at the rate of live
nts a line. These rule will be itrlctljr adher
ed to In every Instance.
AdrertlsinK ratua reasonable and made known
ipon application.
RUce for Rardman, Mnnnment. Lnna' Creek,
IoIib Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ;
Kvery day at a a. in., except Monday.
Arrives every day at p m..ecept Monday.
The rhnsiiest. qnleknst and best line to or
from the Interior ennntry.
Phi 11 Cohn, AucnL
Extra Pala Star Brewery Beer
In Half Pint Bottle can be ....
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where hliih grade Liquor and Cigars are also
kspl by Tvd.
La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner.
Harold Dunn, Bon of Oonduotor Wm.
Dudu, is having a tussle with eoarlet
Morris Abrahams, the well known aud
popular oigar drummer, was in town last
Ben Leland came over Sunday from
Long Creek aud ie located with Wills &
Wm. Barnett and C. N. Peck, of the
Lxu.gtou oountry, were in town Satur
day last.
Wiley Wattenberger's little daughter,
five years old, is quite ill out near
Mrs. T. W. Ayers returned from blow
today. She bs been under treatment
tor rheumatism.
Freuk Readiok, well known here as a
successful actor, will be here soon with
a strong company.
There will be a grand masquerade ball
at the opera house on Thanksgiving eve.
Don't forget tbe date. nh-ab,
Grandpa" Florenoe was in town
yesterday, looking very well indeed for
a xu&'j ol 85 years, nearly.
A premium to cash purchasers at
Phill (John's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for tbe wheel. tf
0. S. Van Dnyn has improved the ap-
peurance ot bis dining room very ilucu
by adding a lot of nice house plants,
F. A. Cook came in from Pendleton
Friday, overland, to look after D. M
Osborne & Co.'s Bffaii s at this place.
When yon want to feel merry call on
Lisho Bperry, at the Belvedere Saloon
where they keep the finest wet goods i
town. tf.
A sidewalk should be built to tbe
derxit before winter comes on in dead
earnest. To do this tbe street mut be
Elmer Slooum, the artist, will make
cabinet photos for tbe neit 30 days at
$2 per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
bouse. ii.
W. E. Kahler departed yesterday to
look np a new looation. He will prob
ably visit tbe southern oountry before
Clay Humphrey, a resident of Eugene
for many years, killed himself with
morphine at Portland Saturday last. Ha
was about 87 years old.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barbershop,
tonsnrial artists. Uaironttioa, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically.
Baths at 25 cents apieoa.
C. U. Gardner'! little aon, seven years
old. broke his left arm just below the
elbow. Friday eve. Dr. MoSwordi
looked after tbe sufferer.
. P. Hiue a a op from Lexington
Saturday and bas so improvrd in health
tbat he oontr roplatea res u mi oil the
practice of his profession.
CI. B. Uatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock ooroer,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Tbe Gazette is informed that a big
danca was eiveD oat at Mra. Benge's
blare, following the Eekeltoo-Beoge
nuptials. All had a royal good lime,
Karl'a Clover Hoot, tha great Blood
nnnfler. fiives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion eoa cores onsnpauno,
25 ota., W ota., II. Hold by T. W. Ayera,
father, M. D. L. French, Saturday last.
There were present: Edna Van Dnyn,
Mary McBwords, Bessie Sutton, Clara
Morgan, Lizzie Howard, Ida Howard,
Bertha Fristoe, Luella Nelson, Zoe
Patterson, Ester Ford, Marion Smith
and Virgie Crawford.
Yon-in ay eat cheap food and not be
seriously hurt by it; but yon cannot
take cheap medicines without positive
injury. If you use any substitute for
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, you do so at tbe
peril of your health, perhaps your life.
Insist on having Ayer's, and no other.
Ben Leland, the old veteran dry goods
man. bas associated himself with Wills &
Slocnm and will be found at the old
Blackman brick, Main St., Heppner,
where be will be pleased to see his old-
time friends The Gazettes congratu
lates tbe firm on eeonring the eeryioes ot
such a valuable man.
Mr. M. D. L. French and family will
soon depart for The Dalles where they
will take up their future residence, a
farewell reception will be tendered them
by their friends tomorrow evening.
Thev are indeed estimable people and
tbe Gazette regrets that Heppner must
ose them.
Ben Poppen is carrying around a very
ad finger, having gotten a splinter in it
which is oaueing serious inoonvenience
As troubles never come singly, Mr.
Ponoen's children are also sick. He
reports crops looking well np about
CliBrley Jones, the well-known "old
timer" in the tonsorial line, bas again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
oDDOsite the city hotel. Charley will
appreciate b call wnen in town.
Our Pine City (Galloway) correspond
ent writes a very interesting lot ot items
for this issue. It is a pleasure indeed
to handle correspondence bo neatly
sotten ud and so full ot matters ot
general interest.
The Telegram in a recent issue says :
G. W. Harrington, an attorney of Hepp
ner, is registered at trie tioiion. ine
reporter who does the hotels for the
Telegram, must not care much for little
being tbe regular meeting night, and
spent an enjoyable time in singing and
social amusement at tbe residence of
Hon. J. N. Brown. This society ia com
posed of tbe mnsio-loving portion of
Heppner' sooitty people, and it is safe
to predict that much benefit will be de
rived from these gatherings. Those
present on last eyening were as follows:
Misses Mabel Leezer, Laura Muir,
Jennie Noble, Florenoe Crittenden, Ada
Jones, Bessie Estes, Messrs. T.B. Lyons,
W. L. Baling, C. E. Freeland, James
Hart, Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Horner and
Mrs. Arthur Minor.
An Egyptian Curiosity.
In July, 1831, there were discovered
in the anoient oity of Thebes, the mum
mies of Egypt's mightiest Pharaohs,
among tbem that ot Kameees the Grent
There were also found seals, ooins,
statuettes, preserved food, and a few
rolls of papyrus, some of the latter
being of great value, ouriously bound
together, and, notwithstanding the
mould and mildew of ages upon them,
as easily read es if written yesterday
A queer little book entilted, "A Night
with Barneses II." has been executed so
cleverly, tbat the oxydized seal, sug.
gestion of mould, antique coloring, and
partially deoayed and ragged-edged
papyrus carry ft onoe to the mind the
possession of a veritable relio from the
dawn ol civilization. Mailed to any
address on reoeipt of 6 oents in stamps,
by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
My wife and I have fonnd in Hood's
Birsaparilla. She hid rheumatism very
severely, with
ankles and legs
badly swollen, and
hardly able to get
up and down
stairs without
help. Many other
remedies failed,
but Hood's Sarsa
parilla entirely
cured her. It was
only shortly after
that I was token
with tin same
complaint, affect-
Ing my limbs and
hips, so I just tried tbe tame medicine
with the same result. My wife and chil
dren take Hood's Sarsaparilla whenever
they feel the need of a medicine and it im
mediately makes them feel better.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Saves me doctor's bills. I am an engineer,
and welt known in this locality." Q. W,
Wyatt, White Bead Hill, Indian Ter.
Hnr!' Pilla easy to boy, easy to take,
nOUU S flllS m efiecU 250.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
WANTED: 8-veral trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel In Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary "0 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and selt ad
rirsed stainned envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
111. . marl.
Gault House,
B. &
Half block west of the Union Depot of 0. 1
Q., C. M. A St. P., C. & A , P. Kt. W. & C,
ana tnu u. bt. l.. r. KaiiroaaB.
Cor. V. Madison and Clinton Sts
. CXXCA.a-0. XXjXj.
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit line knit underwear, 86 cents.
1 Good Jersey Shirt, 60 cents.
1 Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 cts.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
Will arrive in a few days, which will be sold at lore figures.
We Are Sole Agents for Henry Mossle & Son's Full Cream Young America
Cheese, Call and see us.
J . W. Kerns, the eity painter, is pre
pared to do all kiuda of painting and
puper banking and will do bouse clean
ing and take np and put down carpets.
Office on Main street, opposite City
For 822.50 I will sell a first class, high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years, tor further particu
lars oall on or address, N. A. laob,
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
Hall's Hair Renewer contains tbe
natural food and eolor-matter (or the
hair, and medicinal herbs for tbe scalp,
ouriug grayness, baldness, dandruff, and
scalp sores.
Call on Phill Cohn for fine wines and
liquors for medioinal purposes. A com
plete lino of Key West cigars, and a
preminm ticket for the $100 Victor
biovcle. tf.
Khiloir s Cure, tbe great Cough and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size oontnins twenty-five dopes only 25c.
Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers
T. R. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
rticles, besides carrying a general una.
See bis new ad. tf .
Eaob 25oent purchase entitles you to a
ticket fur tba 8100 bicyole at Phill
Cohn'i drug atore, next door to Minor A
Co. tf.
Best accommodation and onnrteons
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Hts., Portlaud, Oregon.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
Hav Fob 8i.i-I have 75 Ions of
xerllrnt wheat hav no the Al Buyers
plao 8 milea above Oln, abicb I will
ell very reasonable. )nnl loot! ion for
feeJieg stock. On IUirk Crerk, Gilliam
Co., Oregon.
6w. O. O. Boyd
lbs weatber for tha past week or
more bas rivalled tba floeat aver dished
np by tha weather clerk fur either epilog
or summer, uraio anj grass are grow
ing fast.
CsuUin Sweeney. D. 8. A., Han Dio,
Cl. : Huilob's Cata'rb Kmelv la
itm first mrdioine I have ever found that
wnnl.1 do ma any good." Vriei 6c
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Tnra drnaa. chemicals, painta, windo
gUsaaoda complete line of UlWnery
I lowest price and a ebanee 10 ia
ilndi.r cs al Thill O'ho's drug etore
Any inventor in Etrn Oregon wbo
desirea tba rvioe nf an attorney in
W.-I.i- - II (1 a, II fln.l II lii his
iWanLte ii call on or address this pa- i " "' Minor
' W ! ThaW. O. T. V.. of IlarJm.o,
All wl.o lika to dsoca will el.y tba give a nprr al tba ebntcb on Tbaoke
me-qiefe.lt ai ll.e opra honsa Tbatka- giving. betotio at 0 ocineu, p i
.,.,.,1.11. Tickets 1 : IsJIrS free sod I'llrw of aupnef. !tt rtM. Iba pf""'
auectstore 5(1 centa. uo.'.fl. U ba dvoled to tba Cofc.B.
K Ml.
If you want bargains now is the time.
are going out of business.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Pocket KniveB and Overalls
Tea Pots and Tomatoes
Also some other things and something else.
Yob raa Brlieve
The testimonials published in behalf of
Hood's Hareapanlla. Tbey are written
by honest people, wbo have eotunlly
found iu tbeir own experience thai
iinod'e Harsaparilla purifies tha blood,
oreatts an appetite, strenKbtens l be
system and absolutely and permanently
cures all diseases caused by Impure
or dofloieut Hood.
Hood's Tills for lbs liver and bowele,
act promptly, eaeily and effectively.
i i
To Bo G-i von On
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28,
JK'V Til 15
We Call the Attention
f-rw a THE FACT that when a mrrrhi! nitrr(iti that ht tr
.if ; or, in ttthtr rorrf. h U a Unr nn-t tUt trth it not is.
HV Ha af tlnlm to unJrrmll err one e, Ut
l,fj tiny mm t n.lrrtt ut; Ihul i an nlrt'ij that an w m
; h-tt orrr an,.lUr iwi-lig V 'l I tmthful t lU'lr l,rlh,r a,r
tUl nkirh r an -rrg to aif n"f !' '''r
i mtrrhanU)
IIV tat U 1 I'M f" iaf"f "" "
finlit or! i. frr.t,. frtUtUtf k nn4 tftl is-f nnr
Pe,s ore r th"tp oa
CtU a,. w aa on4 o iri a min jt srif a m
; ivtt sia;; Yonr
1 4 t. f
; , i S' !
mm M tl
Lit kbs rt Nor i, Tbe II. L. A D.
Hooiety of this plioe rendered ao inter
eslitiK program at tba court bouse laat
Batordav evening. Tba debate, "lie
sol red, Ibat a promotive tariff would be
beoeflclal lo this oountry," was discuss-
ed by lUy Hlaascork and lUibt. Uynd
for tha afflrmative, Jay Hbiplvy and J.
N. lirown fortbe negative; Messra. Hruee
Ketley and Tbos. V. Ayera, Jr., aud
Mim Lulu Donlbby aing aa Judge
and rendering their decision io favor of
thaadi'mativa. Tba reoitatioa by Mra
J. N. IiruwD and Iba lo by Wo. Utiark
are deserving of special mentioo. Tba
aoolety paper, edited y John H or nor.
was good aol sbnald be better sapporled
by Iba members of the eoeintv. Let
everybody b-nd Ibrir l.aaily eM,prtloo
and make txitb tba enrlrty sod aoelety
paper aaaoi-eaa. A gmxl vocal ssieciioij
lo Iba Mm of a trio waa rendered b
Measra Jaroea II art, Chsa Frelsn l aod
Wm Huark, and aa inleraaling dialogaa
waa psrtlotpsUd ia by Wissea Olli
Ilia aid and Graoa Ilall and Mr. Jamea
llsrl, A good program aill ba rendered
at Iba aeit mating, Ibt qqeetioe) for da-
bate mg. H-le.1, Tbat I We la
! mi re pio.sare In paraiil Ibaa msswa
st-n " lb :esksra Umg J N Ilmto,
W I. Ssl.ntf. Jsmn Hart, ItoUrt Uro l.
T. ft Ly.r an I C. E. rr!end, t tt lb
em maiiv aid nf alive, rrepaeMvely.
Tb ji,o"g are Usiug aa aativa
psrl aftd ai WFtsiog ialnusly and
lb. is a-. rs.a lo d'lubl Ibat au
g.o-.ae drit from J d ling aad
kii.g lu lb ' y. antbing beleg
,lrf, In tul aha! Is-t el riot I y
n. sl rMsrUf. Tb rt.i will ba
.10 I-1 ll, abba sie nit Mslufdsf
rtmihg aid !! l.i"l ! aMa4
i.i ilf a ill li.4 i' " r mlnthe
. iMKa f-mrn ii. Sl s Ja Hart.
T il l.'i.s and Ik M ll;ld, abo aill
I. Ua)ilig ltiU.ii
The Best of Music will be furnished
Suitable Prizes Awarded.
The Management will use every effort to make
the Be.11 a Complete Success.
Tickets, 81.00; Ladies free; Spectators, f)0c
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
Ho will make it nu oljoct for you to trade with
him B8 his prices are right, ami all gooils that he
handloa are of the very l0Ht.
Stork on Main Street. Next Door
to City Drug Store,
r-leppiier, Oregon.
J I),
One Thousand lliisliels
"There la a (i'lf in the aflairt nj turn
Tlml, if Inkm al Hi Jltnnl, Irwh on lo fortune."
TIim HwmI ia here and no ia
With a full liuoof
Il'iixlwaii'. Tinwuif. OliiMHwat-f, ?if k-Uctv. Wrxxl
mid WUloNvwmti. Clar TiiIm at I!lro'k I'l iri'H.
At ray ranch, ti-n tnih'a aoulliaal of lloppnrr, at lo pt-r pound in
the fn ld, aackinL Or will d-livr at Hepptirr at lie r kjudL For
aed jxitattH-a, my crop cannot le Iwatcn.
el. Ji. MANNING,
Tlirr ton Hf'il
1 li.jr run t.R In II. hll.l
llio ouly Ihclunirn Hardware Ktoro lii tw n Tho I)alla and IV
GU-UAsM t lilsSHlOlO,
Hejijiner, ... Otepin.
dl UjO
Its Keeky Wilule
fil! filsf M'i Tii
rr f loins M 'ara neMB
r4 'iut t.il ' t't'i efs. 17.
erairh.KC. If all. I lo a.iiaaai
lan,. ra totnu afcieU I'lee aa4 !
air.iil.. tr.ttiUi tsif ' taal
For tho Cum ot
l.i'juor.Dj'ium tii Tobacco Habit
ll Is laM al !, ftr-..
Tkt H.t linwttl Toa-a on Ik (ut
r'i si is r,,ts ins MrtWmis
srwtif n. t fi. 1 rss sMMii r'tMS4 nrs
(isratl ar it' i i I tll I I f I 1 1 " 4?l
,a. bele !.i-h., aal ia av-l ILI ll 1(1 lk
Plenty of them at the
Gazctto Offico. . .
,j. c. noiicn ions, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Li(iiors and Cigars.
, J. Leezer's
Is the. Place for l;rcsh Groceries, Cheap for
C.ish Only.
At Matlock's Hall on
tet-4 IiM. Miik't'i !!! ttm'. iriu Hai.J
f l-i c s
,! 1 s i H
A4 f ii k-.f M " sa
J .,( M fr.
t It s II " a '
pMIS'Mt M.
Wall. Il.'-.o.!' a ms is lia
The Lancashiki: Insuha'-xk (o.
t . . t I . .
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1. FiTTtCW. iT. 1L''WjlLJ.tXii
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