Tbe Bromine grans for dry countries is creating considerable interest. It is said to be a success, Clerk Morrow knows more about it than any man in Oregon, and should be seen on the subject. It is rumored that this govern ment proposed fo act as mediator in an effort to establish peace and freedom in Cuba. There is no doubt but that Spain has more than she can take care of in Cuba, just now. The failure of the State Ins. Co.'s bank of deposit, and the subsequent embairassment of the company was announced last week. The company owns some excellent property and will pay those in terested probably dollar for dollar. PINE CITY PICKINGS. MIm Ethel Sperry ii on the sick list Tref H. Bebert, representing R. P. Smith 4 Weather ia a little atormy at preeent. Co., of Chicago, shoe manufacturers, viit- I Ml Hnnnna ln.t siu. TKera will Via nraanhinff nPTI HnnHaV I I Rjntt Rrnni la rulmlntr a fin lnt nt fruit nvr nn I Ti r I - n uj ivev. v arren. nll uttla Butter creelt ranCh this ear. Scott Jauea Ayera has diapoaed of bia band Uvea on the old Chas. Hluton place, of sheen. Mr. Large wae the purchaser. Capt. Nick Law ion. a brotherinlaw of O. W. T . q , ,, . I Harrington, recently lost a scnooner, loaaea u. m. ouw ... .uo u.W; with cod coroinir down to the Sound. The recipient ei a new sewing macmne, tnia cargo was a vauable one. week. Mrs. Annie Crighton, daughter of Mrs. Julius Mr. John Barker and fnmilv havn r- Kelthly, came up ir.;m Portland on a visit " .1 . - I 1 ..... !, Brfo.. t. her husband, Jac Crightou TOlirj'. I tinnriv " n r.Fnmlnant riiinoflA Inwvnr and It is reported that the M. E. cbarob business man of Walla Walla, is in town, "ijhoo has leased the old store buildina sod FlT" wa boru ,n Walla Walla' and consequent .ill,,,,.., . . y 1b an American citizen ana votes me same as Mtl tit It nn fnp nrnnhnn nn.nnaao I ' r v-...., .nnrherMtlnti. rrans oioan 18 teeumg ftoout seventy gome people will go away without saying a head of cattle, w hich he ezpeots to be word about their back subscription, seeming ready for market some time this fall. not t0 comprehend that they are committing i urnrsp Than rnhhprv nmnff a mpftner irinir t.hrv The lumber is on the ground for the robWn tt hen r008t. The Gazette's patience is erection of a new U. B. church at this worn down close to the handle. pi ice. Work will soon commenoe on it. A young son of Homer H. Hallock was burn T.aot i T t TTotin. I ed by the bursting of a heated rock down at ' ' ' Rjilpni reppntlv. The rock wan almnflt at the turned from the upper country with a meUlnK polnt .andapiecewentdowntheyoung load of wheat, with which to fatten some man's back, creating considerable consterna- porkera. tlon Henry Thomson and wife report I Euf eufan went over to Pendleton " I IFrMaw ratnrnlno thio mnrn nr rlr Vmicrhnn t i t J 1 a a.: n. . s J 1 ' ' -. - n " naviiiR nau u piohhui ume an iub iair. C0Ilteraplates locating in Pendleton to practice That climate ia so productive, that bis profession, and the Gazette wiBhes him "Uncle Henry" returned with a new set success in his venture, should he decide to do nt tnnth 0, He Is master oi his businessinevery detail l nis peer is nut uueu iuuiiu. no caiuiui, men Uo Monday last, JJr. Mcaworda was help but succeed. on led out to attend tbe little girl of Wiley Wattenburger. She is ill with Sore throat. Any ordinary oaee may bowel trouble. A little girl of Will be cured in one night by applying Waltenburger'a ia on the aick list also. Chamberlain's Pain Balm as directed Onoe not long ago, a certain minister wltn eacn bottle. This medioine is also stated in the pulpit, that be had often famous for its cures of rheumatism heard it said at our own homes that the lame back and deep-seated and muscular Lord rnnr.d nf .nm.lhi'n. nr nth., ot 81118 "V blOOUffl-JOUnSOU toast bread and keep it dry. There'll be no danger of its molding. But moisten the bread with water, and see the result, in a short time it is covered with mold. It is just so with consumption. Its germs will not grow in the lungs unless everything is suitable to them. Weak ness, poor blood, loss of appetite, coughs and colds often prepare the ground for the development of the germs of consumption. To destroy germ-life the sys tem must be kept in a well-nourished condition. Do "pottos Scott's Emulsion, a preventive. It furnishes the reinforcements neces sary for the body to conquer in the easiest possible form. The oil is in a state quickly taken up and rap idly transformed into the organs and tissues. When you ask for Scott's Emulsion and your druggist give you a salmon-colored package with the picture of a man and fish on It you can trust that man with your prescriptions I so cent and $..oo SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York Mi i Mcrrow County's Finances, For the Six Months Ending on September 30, 1895. The minister broadly asserted that tbe Lord net er repented. We would refer him to Exod. 32:14. We often bear things misquoted In the pulpit as well aa iu our homes. M Galloway, Or , Nov. 14, 1895. Drug Co. This "Trilby" is gettiog stale. With sensible people, or those who have a tendency to sober, solid thought once in a while, it was always disgusting, golting uo con siderable attention except from those who fawn upon foppery and who spend their whole existence aping some sort of a fad. The persecution of Christim Armenians in Turkey Htill goes on, but from what can be gleaned from late dispatches, the great powers of Europe will combine to dismember Turkey if the atrocities are not stopped and the ponce of Armenia assured. This is in keep ing with modern civilization. For more than a hundred years the Shakers bavn been studying the remedial properties o plants. They have made muny diHOoveries, but their greatest achievement was made laat year. It is a cordial that oootains already digested fond and is a digentnr of food. It ia pflHotive in removing diatress after eat ing, and creates an appetite tor more rood so that eatioir becomes a pleasure. Pule, thin people become plump and healthy under its use. It arrests tbe wasting of Consumption. There has never been snob a step for ward in the cure of indigestion as this Hhaker Cordial. Your druggist will be Kind to give yon a little book descriptive or tne product. (live the balnea Laxol, which ia Castor (Jil made an palatable as honey. Ona cent a doaeVzi wtjy? j It in sold on a. aruarantee trr all drur- rlata. It cuius Incipient ConsumpUoa . im vuO DOSb VQUia iuu vruuv wum 1I liKKt"! and is For s ii) . rtl lh Jl . via CITT OF EXFFNKB. By cash on hand By cash S 41 13 1189 57 To cash 1230 70 INSTITUTB FUND. By balance last report. by cash To cash , 9 1230 70 9 1230 70 8 .$ 27 55 10 65 17 00 9 27 55 S 27 55 MCDONALD ESTATE- By cash on band 9 W 10 ss. State of Oregon, ) County of Morrow, 1 I. Frank Gilliam, do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid oat and remaining on hand, in the county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the oOtu day oi September &.. D. 1895. Witness my band tbia btn day or JNovember, A. v. ieyo. D Kank uilliam, uounty Treasurer. SUMMARY STATEMENT. Of the financial condition of the Cjuoty of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, oh the 1st day of October, A. D. 1895: LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstanding and un paid $29197 05 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon 700 00 Total Liabilities $29897 05 RESOURCES. By fnnds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to tbe payment of county warrants J962 77 By estimated unpaid ourreot taxes applicable to tbe payment of oounty warrants 20335 48 Total Resources $22298 25 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the Oonnty Clerk of Morrow County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by tbe oounty court of said county, for whnt al lowed, amount of warrants drawn, and Binount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of April, 1895, to the 30.h day of September, 1895, both inclusive: ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Amount of claims allowed. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved! and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Jury account Expense aooouut Bailiff s account School superintendent's aocouot. County judge's account County treasurer's aooount ... Stock inspector's salary Court bouse and jail account.... Assessor's aocouot Insane account Coroner's aooount Fuel account Criminal aooount, justice court., Stationery account Clerk's acoonnt Sheriff's account Road aud bridge account Pauper Hooonnt Couuty commissioners' aocouut. District attorney's aocouut Deputy clerk acoonnt Deputy sheriff aooount Amount of war rants draw u. FaRiiiHii Oiibkk Road Matters. lion E. (. Hnerry is out this week aettlins un affairs ah the route of the proposed Treatment Absolutely Painless t'arrish creek road. In this connection CURE EFFECTED tbe Oazetle will state that the report of prom jhreo to Sjx Weeks AMUR. UIUikHU, 111 UUUUOIH1UU Willi IU1B road and bis work for same before the Tub editor of tlio Arlington Record him a frank ami fair niiin nnr of cxpruHHing himwlf lliat will attract him now fiietnlH and now Imttim'HH, aud at tlin hatno t i mo Ioho iioiio of tlio old. In ppoakitig of tlio ropiililionn party in this htatp, lin faviurt united action on paraiinnitit iaaiioH, ami in any event, no diviHiou in tint rank I HE ()rct!"tinui n iwH out utronyly fur lion. C. W. TuHon for counrcHHiiian in tlio Hecoud dint rict to Biieceed I '.II in. J mlo M. I j. Olmstead, n prominent candidate oil tlio xipuliHt utato ticket I ant year, in very anxious to run for conrcha in Mm mcond dintrict on tlio repuMicnn ticket Hit inado liia aniiii'.inceiiieiit through tlio Oreniiian laat week X In-Ucva Mr. r.llii will liave an easier victory in llm roinini con, teat than lm liad in tln last Therf ia no ocaaion for a clian . t oonin tlint poxitior. It k" rrally taken a new man from two to four yeart to 'iearn tlio rope' o as to lo of any benefit to liia coimtitutMit. and Mr. 1 11 1 i a ia certainly lining an well an any rramniali. man could eipect liiin. In Ll caa wo I elievn it a go hi Idea to ' I' l well uiouli alonev" Condon (!lnl m Hal A)i al ! W pI.I I r Afrt't HaraapaniU ri j a tli ritraur dlnafj distinction of I, .!! l-oo liil til. id (inrillrr alloard an rltiibit al II. r Wurld'i fair, Clueati . MmnUncl'ifri l.f ollir f( r ln llk'l,l I ) rtrt) turan iotlain a i at ef llirir ",!, l-tit II, r rr all tan r l un.tt r th a'tklln f (! fill fut-t. lu g ll.a enlr) i'f aipi.l n,r,li,- (ir n.1 iiix'inma, H drciai 'O i f li Mif,'a fair auido. tilirs u f if i'f An Haraa) ari'ila M in tfl-l M Ml.m: ,Al" Hlt fill M fi'l alrlil nr.liln, tt t tiol twl.iff In ll Itat i f H'wIiaiK. It HI lif 0 il PIMil " Nrn t I il i ii f i.f ii.fi.nii. irg II, nl he In frtirfal, l I all hit f Wr tft. In ll,i"!a', thai I !, d.ap'.! i tnf gi"-fl ln'flinli tiH' at liar In.an, l n, ,i ll. A. 1'i'nan. AH lli-a vmn -f m t' nt l Ij ra'l ant IUir . inala I'haf l-f tit t an nr wf I.I. M : Kaaiaa. i lla.iai. tr. Sria YtiWm. tt.ftn ha r . 1 e j I f. rt ) l r at d"f H lh llt fl . I t 'ic a f ) . i . t ii i r,-.i al li.m il I 1 !) -., a I ) .,r " I Tim r t ifii i rr rtr county court of Urant county, has been 1 M t. U. .. JVULLLK VJU. acted upon by our board of trade ndrnt,M: lt""m" w.-m. Marquam Buiidmn, accepted. PORTLAND, OREGON. WRITE FOR TERMS Cuka IjAwhtit. Jndge Wbetatona SsJlirWlWlirrliriWlTniniT W& and a jury n( six innn are Iwing oconpied I j; "w "ff "H today, down iu J. N. Brown's cflloe, with JL JIaC JlV JLV 3 China suit. China Eeko owd "Hnlli- a inOO wmii.ai ivivMuk lor forty -van" some money, and the latter be- "TI 01U fr'"'"?!.'!" - lief in ir that Cliiua (IwirK and Kcko Uii. MkIhmi, livcliost na mm rnipuijr 3 . . . . . .. SflwMi.nt, hith vikjI anj liitnimcn.il, wem parlners, Sllfd and attached the p,,iirn up In Hit ami l-i-.int maiintr. In- wash..,Hrtl presumably the pa-tnerahlp g KHBTiZn. protieriy or licorue an.l r.onn. "MLoo I El)," a China nalivs ef Walla Walla, j- and a pretty brihl fellow too, is acting I TT. Total amount claims allowed and drawn. 10 00 308 40 39 00 468 20 450 00 166 66 159 99 20 00 400 00 10 00 12 30 87 00 325 95 373 13 1200 00 1200 U0 433 74 897 90 75 00 80 00 511 06 611 06 ( 7239 39 - 10 00 308 40 .39 00 468 20 450 00 1(16 66 159 99 20 00 400 00 10 00 12 30 87 00 325 95 373 13 1200 00 1200 00 433 74 397 90 75 00 80 00 511 06 511 06 Ssi Bicycle Prize Given Away 13 Y aa ILLS & WREN, tagisls. y ay asagaaj m aamji gam r To every person making a cash purchase of 25 cents we will give a. coupon ticket which entitles the bolder to an equal show in the grand prize. The person receiving the bicycle can exchange for other goods of same value. S 7239 39 AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING. WARRANTS UNPAID. Outstanding unpaid oounty warrauts on the 30th day of September, 1895 Estimated interest acoraed thereon Total amount of nnpaid county warrants. PRINCIPAL. 29197 05 INTEREST. We carry the most complete Hue of the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Stationery, School Books, Toilet Articles, Per fumes, Candles, Nuts, and Cigars, and will pay the highest cash price at any time for county and city warrants. Goods along Echo and lone Rock stage routes delivered free of charge. Prescrip tion work a specialty. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Office of Dr. McSwords In our store. OUR PRICES ARE LOW! Wells & Warren, HICI'l'NKH, OHEOON $ 700 00 S 29197 (5 $ 700 00 A Brand New Man! fAOt HI HSKI, Iht Urtnl Piunltt, MIKNIi SILIUHAH CUTTIHQ. Stati of Orjoon. (Limit, t.t Mnrrnw. t I, J. W". Morrow, Conaty Clerk of the O'nuty of Morrow, Stats of Oregon, It is not meant that the MAN 18 80 NEW, but that this paper IS Called uo iiprniiy certify mat inn rorpgomif ia a true uu correal aintBaimit oi me DoaaDer and amount of claims allowed by the county onrt of said county, for the sii months ending on the 30th day of Heptember, 1895, on what aooount the aame were allowed, aud the a nonut of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants ontrttanding and unpaid a the aame appear upon the reoords of my oflioe and to niv dflloial oiiNtody. Witness my band and the teal of the county court of said oounty this 1st day of Octolmr, A. V. 189.1. w. juohbow, Uonnty Clerk. upon to announce to the public that the Hard man mercantile business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to GEO. A. BROWN, ,.,l,.rpn.!,.r. J. N. Ilruii i. the TLHL?E.V"K TH8,CI1LtCH"-J?0'- law, Uruadwav Thratra ItlJg., New Yrk City. " orney fur plaintiir, aud (1. W. lU-a ! 2 caNvaaacnt wantio. atturney for defeudant. (The (Uztte loiirna as we go to press mat (ico. won the suit.) Akothir I'ntri rti. A prlia of 150 has Wnti awardeil to 1. F. Cornell, of Wpaiflelil, I'a., for an lmproemnt in lathe carriages. The pntaislha ninnthl) aari of Ihe whII known patent Arm of Julia Wcddi'rbiirn A Co., wha give Ihia sum rarh nioulh fur lb brat and aimpliHil liiTriition brmilit to their at trntli.n during I ha prMirHliog Ihirlr days. Cornrll was brought np un a farm and ha, I but lilt la eiprrienca lo mi-4'hstui'al work hen he mad this in vention. O.hi-r rrrut prit a winners ia il,a eoiiirala ar P. II. Martin, Vr lure. VI., W. I. tiate, E. E. Kalt, of "an llrrnardinn, Cal., 1'aoirl Itrioo, Jr., i.f Itmrmao. Mont , and A. I. Hiturooua, of (irnrawtl, N. Y. Hen Mat hen a U now aU proprietor of Hi City lural luarkrt wbrfw b k ( a frrah an ' 'l jf f twf, ptirk, mattno. !, aauaiK, liaiMa and lard, whli h It aalla for Ilia hiwral niaikrt piirvi. Kred lb k. Hi r,.rllii l but, -lior, la slill lib him. If ' AM Kl - hrvcral truM wnrltiy g.iitl,m.n II or laiHi t trawl In uriMiiiii, fin laialill Ii '1. rlUltli Ihmim HaUry ! ami rH.tim. hli a.l) hHiiii Knrliwr rrli'miu atnl acll n, dri'awl tNiiiiwi iiivIiin. Itii IhimltiliiM l oin. (iijf, 1 hlril rlixir, Om.Ii Hull. ling, t IiIi ukm, hi. marl. HI MMilS- N THK jrarii'K'H 'Ol HT nut hIXTII IMairli t, M..rr.. nuiiU. Male Ori'n.m. (Ml, l M. rfcili an. I A.W.I l'all. r..ii. pariurr ! t lna ImaiiifM itti.li'r tlii , tinn tiaini and attic if I Tlio l allrrin I'ul.lUh I Ins ( 'uinanr. r I'Ullillrta. I ll Tin Hitfiia. IVipniUnt I Tr Oi- rmiaialO ( HUlh I'lilrlrl. Mnrnv a nt v . fiaio ( Orrf.m. In tlif name ill lha Kiaip of Orrgnn, wa ram man.l f mi In aitimtimia I h.M liairt.a to aH'ar lirl.ir (h nn.lrrlgnr.t a iuallri. of lti I . a, In luatrli I N a In ani.l rouiilv am! it on or Ih-(..w lli ih iit ol ln pinlr. i , li, al h hour ol lo nrliM-a a m , at rnv ofl.ra In Mr.nir. In Ml. luairlrl. ri.iitily an, iiair. In ananff Iht romhtaliil ol Tti l'ttiirr.n I'utiit.li- log Cnnittiv. a Iwrtiirrehlti, rolialallna of IMIa an. I A W I'allr.!!. fiMifi,is oi, mi rtr, la Ik t4. "If you die I wUI !. ii by tlm ki,l if t.Hir irrat all Ihr ri vt my 1 Itia rrmarltal'l vow waa ina.lt flftrrn Vraraagotohlaalik wife by lUlwlo I Murrtann, al that limt rhirf rlrrk uf th rrnn)lvauia frrtlil ilrpartmrnt an t a irvlrga nf Ua' h I'rtfra. tbf n-Tliit.Mi.li til i.f Hie .Miami nMvUtun f ll I'riitiaUtant riwd. IU f.i l.mtHl il ifv'a i.alv l.i th Tra. and rrmalnrd ftratisl tmulc It until lh ari lin. ni.urd to pit? by lh' rtoataDi'y t1 U titan's bivc, all.ua rd him lit aire p In amall td biMia brar by. And SIIKHIFFS STATEMENT. Of lb amount of money and warrant reoeifed for taxes and money paid to th County lreaanrcr by the Sheriff of Morrow oonnty, Oregon, for lb. six month, tion with the railroad. This is no idle jeet, and an inspection of Mr. ending on tbe 30lb day of 8-ptember, A. D. 1895. Brown.g ftnJ of bu8;De8a wj,j C0Dvlnce you A Well Known Morrow County Boy. lie proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi- q in you. llatr TO AMOI ST BECEtVKD. lii III foin ami f nrnnrjr In roiimy warmula .. In rliv warraula In avlHMil warrants . Total rwi-hnl PCKINO THE MONTH OP April sy Juns July August Brpt JIardman. Oregon, Successor to W. IS. KAHLEE. imi ii ih,m 77 p.m u.iiitis 4 i iu n i.vn KNO 41 1 Mtl I i t i 7 fV.rw IJI1IS Ml Kit H J-J7 As I I I I Pt'RISO TIIK MONTH OP Dati- HV AMOINTS TAIP April May I I I Jui.c July Uufutt Bcpt lk To County TrMrr ToUl prnUX to TrMtmir 'it ' i I rnifart nl hrtlii the tahl tr1iirrlilp IfHtattl-I l'lmsl . if (ha Mltl III 'tff1-l f1l aV tl llVt fsf tlls-Pf. tliffl Ull. II (U til Ink mI fnctii mat h u th tntt "cciit-TM liilrt aiii.l hit tm Iu lltlt HiiM'immot.iUp.i'.llihr.l .y nHi f of V I. Prrvltftttst Jiatt i Hi I f-w fr h HlH t.ift Viffit 4otmtv Otrtm hair I Nuifitirwi ft, r t. i-mri sn. s- r. if ti 1. MM U K or f Al.lf Non f M II Kit (CUV 9 T'MT IM K !! I IHt of tin fa-a- m (. rf ,i .Itilf t r Irffl in -t tH v ti ! Iil1ff ! rtatl l i.'tin M (lift lMaw- I 1 I IMtlll 1 H Iff llias Htjl tl jJaiH t..f W.itritN I as'liilt Hltiig n fMtf that i),l,.r i- Vf (. r l Mi'.U (I "t i ttm htg!.. .t r Ut i In I n. nn M.- im St- th, .. t 1 i.as -i Ii, .rt ai ..f It at dtf ; l Ihr tftt ..f I h tti K ' in Urn VI. I I ' l"l l -I- I a f l ! f-t -l.'ll l.t IS ttst ftft I I M ?. I ...i,T j l f tKMl I'f wartl.afrl t ft i 1 1 - - - ' w - M"- , (11 p . iin '(fa f fj , i "'iita'fl and harvard, bnl allil ail In u.i ..,. i . i .... i . ! I.. r. hut by tl.a al.lc.f tl,. I.m.b of ' "V.'I ' 't f .MSV ! Illff WlHIian tl lirvrd aal Wflt, f,ff fif i l-.'r-l H la .ta .- ....". i Ims rrara b baa krnt un Ikia a..ln. '- ' '' ' " .!..,! ..I tl . L a ' ! -- f '. n.-ian iiiii mm iura l twain t.y riatiaat frlrf at. II lala. and thai 1.1 man lona-a f.if lb t-rt.U rl hi Ji'tilh aa Ihe rjrla of I lion m . 'alaii, a l.ii... Voal al Tkaaa 4aMaa ; ' t . a I s a t at , , , . m i. ..s,.a I" i n ii l. r-i . a 1 Pf at OP OlKHI". I M County if Morrow. I I. (I. W. llarrinKtoo, ahnriff of (aid oonnty, do berrby eartify that I ha for r-iinn aiaiam-nl la currtol ao I Inia. Wilota my band Ihia lat day of Uclibr, K. IK U. W. UakHMoron, Huariff of Morrow Coooty. HK.M1.ANNUAL 8TATK M ENT Of lha Connly Traaurr of M orrow Oonnty, Oragoo, for lb aii moolha todiog on lb ih day of HrpirmW, A. P. 15. of motiay reecstaj aod paid ont, from whom rtHMMvcd aad trots what a.mro, a ad oa what aoooaol paid oal: t'UC IK i AMOIM4 kfckKIVtP j pam titiT loirtJ i(.xil iMMIIlHtlll KM 1 lb. .1 Ti a mo not oa band from taal rar"! , - aoi'a na'd f'nu) tat I.Uand lH Iboriff.. " - - - tspararaad " .. " M rtr.-a Afraara-.ll!lfc.... - i,, Aaaaaaof. " flora .. Joa'teant r . Htata Traaaorar i mm Tt .... I7f.3 r.3 W 15 HO fi-iiv, w on 10 on 1ft, -6 ii Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse All those can be procured at Thompaoo & Dinna, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Thxar tntlrmn ar aall arqualnt lth fSrant, llarnry. frmik, Ollllan and ofbrr cmintlM anil ran aavt muiwy anil lima In making thta an liuua llb lrattllii nu. ' frtt'c In kswflnf vita lot tlmra. Tl-IOMPSON BTisrisrs, uvzJiTuxiT. sxmrxii T t'ir. aMoini rit otT .Pt4L I Mi it, I'" Kr am -nal pai l uttl (oaoly Warraola IT(jW M MMll I t III SiMHI Voi.l tfrM uitn TMt Hit , ,ova'l. l ; i" K... ipi., Iy anvanl Mid nnl Nbm4 hniil. Warfaatt. if balarwa fra'al f.iad aa baad ...... lit bataaoa il"l f and oe I ad ... ..... tllS ti Ifl II IIMI 41 1 75:5 H 'iua nr-ii iaua.1 armv ik.i list at ir;in ara 4n; iart i-.n i . outuf it.f ty fttU sfnr.e mho ar iV.i' Zlxitm n inir(us or a. a ut tbfr I. ...I I. ...i ha. I.a. i Ha .ia M m' .at r. afel j a . U . a. a .i i-t a i i tf balaatHI r.aa.1 laal l-nl Hy cash riJ H N(Xk Ptatarrta lr-tt !. Mrth. Thrt ara ti,i waa ifitena rf-nio' r lha t a rTa 0f ,if,ir ln ' ev',gaia;r ,.f '',,' '' at ,.t.-fa,a. Th' ? . li st tU ar'a- i ,'...', t. ." ini ia it j a cf tf.-t ' n1' I..'iiib Knt l I", iraa.nif . f,l ' 1 "Vi i i 'a as i is i j i , fa I r''r s.(. i,. i,. ik Paialal rir" ' " -1 ,;- J iiifru a l 1 1 i i a , i (, i . I a- ' I'a .1 1 waal i'a fa a a -, .4 .. I'l i i rtf aVoalKa. liars-lf.. a fw itiax tl. j ,' I I rai T aa f il.l in la Ni l f. , I t M'f ! Adlaaaa III. I a4 (. C I. Aliw. UTf fc. c 4 f la raab paid fnl rt I alar . . . fit l'aai- i fcaa.l Ual tri i; faaB i.f Miat ltaafr .... tUtaava) ra LavJ. .. . . . a.tl Tl 1M 4T ) ao far I W ZX I W 11 I Vis M 9 li-1 81 r T IT. 33 Palace Hotel, C. I V4X MIX, tojwt hair Uikrn full cmlrol of lhi$ yoi'uhtr hou$f, an trill mikrit nfrictlyfirtl c.m. MEALS. CTS. BEDS, 2., CTS. fW Tr fWlhs aa4 Pra 'Una far all Utiaais DISOTED JT LIST! IF Mr Col am bus were alire to day and railed at Mat Liehteo thal'a h night maa a new diaror. erjr quit aa raenorabl aa that of 1492. t'biU i great diaootarer io bia Jay. Ila wool.l at thit tits di(HNTr tb fiurs) tUick of Hhoea Tr boo in Heppner, auJ the cliMp-4t aa welL oal tnora d aortal rata act f yw 14. (Viaaf SW Vaj. M. MCHTr.NTIlAL. Mai Hrm. H !. rVf a, CuaUno Wot. f-j-viajt.