H lU I t III I M I I I 1 l, . , , , , , , , , ,mm s OFFICIAL PAPER I MY SUCCESS 5 .. Is owing to my liberality in ad-s vert!s:njr Robert Bonner. I i FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me I own, A. T. Stewart. all I 9 " Sill till! f lu mn in h i 1 1 , , , ,,; f , , ,( j e 1 1 1 1:1 I t! 411 mi THIRTEENTH YEAR rnnii i n u n mi , , iiMiniroin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SEMI iVEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHKI) Tuesdays and Fridays BY HIE PATTERSON MJBLISIilXG CO.MPAM' OTIS PATTERSON. A. W. PATTERSON. - Editor Business Manager At- S.5il par your. $1.25 for m months, 75 ote. 'or three 'nonine. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIN PAP MI is kopt on We at E. V. JMke's Advertising Agency, fi4 and 65 Merchants fcyehHH5u, Hnn FmncUoo, California, where cou racte for wivertiHinR chii be mud? ffr it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. ra. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenper leaveB Willowi Junc tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 8:H0a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction (toing east at 7:2") p in. and 8:17 a. m. ; going west, 4:;10 p, m. and 5.00 a. m. United States Oitlelals. I resident. Grover Cleveland ice-l'resldont Ad ai Stevenson beo-efry of State Richard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle becretary of interior Hoke Smith Heorelary of War Daniel H.Ijaniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William b. WilBon Att.ir.iey-Oeneral Judeon Harmon "l7 oi aifrinniiuia J. Stoning Morton State of Oregon. Hoveroor..... W. P. Lord Secretary of Stata Tl. K. Kincaid Haot. Fubbo Instrnction G. M Irwin Attorney General c. M. I.Unnan 8-Miator i W. McBride l J. H. Mitchell ConaTOW'iien J !?Jn!Wr HMmwui ( W. l(. Ellis rniiTer, ( R. 8. B .an Supremo JudRes V. A. Moo f 0. E. Wol' ..W. H. Leeds H-ran, oore. lvarlon Sixth Jndirial DlMrirt. Circntt JmU-n Stephen A. Ijowell rrua-amnii.f Attorney John 11. Lawrey Morrow County OHlriala. Jniut. Hmmt.ir. Ii:iirnenlative.. I nntyJudiia Comm'snioiirs... J. .'1. UH r. r: rv " Sheriff " i'rtfcoritf Aeeor ., Surveyor ; School Bnp't ('orouer A. W. Gowan . . J. H. Hnothby ..Julius Keithly ... J. 11. Howard 1. W. Morrow W. ilarroiirton .. trunk Uilham J. Willis Gen. Lord ...Anna Itiilsiger ...I. W. A) era. J HRPfNKI TOWM ornCKR. "voi Tun. Morgan u iiuwuinan 11. E. Farnswiirth. M, Lichtanthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Ayere, Jr., 8. 8. Horner, E. J. Blocum. HwnW.. K. J. Hsllock riwuror. E. L. Fwlsiid MarsluU A. A. Hubert t'reeinct Officer. Justice of the Peace E. L. Freoland (oDstahle .....N. 8. Whelatoue United Ntates Land (Uliccm. mi DALLES, 01. J. r. Moor It -irlster A. 8. Migm lUooit .r la oianok, oa. B. F. Wtlaon IWt.t.r . n . in iDtu n hrtr UAWUNr) Htwr.Naii. Q. A. K. i-t, ,1 lHM(i.n, h. tl iMt Hatnrdsy of act. month. All veterans ara Invited to i,in. I-V. Boon. io. W. Hit. AiUutaot. tf CnwtnMn.Ur. 71 I ONEY LOANED, rir.1 Mnrtgstc III ipnri rami rnifwrty N.,,l,t. mrm prviwnKi lo neaoilala nrt noria. iimii Itnpmvptl Inrms in Orcron, lth ...tern i .nlri.i raicof lut.-n-.t not to trrri 9 t.r cpiu poratitmm Uoriaoae lll nv le. hy oilier paulr. Addrtu Ith ttamn. MKHVIS aORT. Hr City. On-emt. LUMjJEIl! W I HAVE rtR HAI.H A t.. Kit tW Or CX drmnl Utmtwr, l aillaa of llrrnnar, at what la known aa ll.a HOOTT MAWMILiIj. mr i.cuo rtrr koiuh. " " ( UAK. I la 17 M if rn4VERr in Hrifsrn, mtu. add 1 tAUSpert.WUIn a-'dllLltml Tb abara jioUtl n art atrlrllf f.tt t'aab. U HAMII.T0N'. I'rnp. UM U$. 01 km kll. r kiHHur. ra.lr. TRANSACTS i SEME ll Bl!i!Mi COI-hKCTIONH Mvl tm Faaila TflrM, EXCHANGE I'Ut'GHT & SOLD II Emm if OHKfKlN Onlarid-Barns Slane lice B UB M S-GHNY OH STH GE UK E H P ep OS'TAIUO tiUKS'S loatrra H t'a Il.i'a f. tn, a. r rttn tl O .la'14 la ( Mr. Sinqlo Furo 37 CO. Round Trip $10 00 fWI fi(ii r ! tt. iivns'x-cAxro.v I t H . . , . n -.. pm . I -I I .- . , -, ri ai it t4M at .. HEPl'NER. MORROW COUNTY. OREOON. TUESDAY. NOVRMnTua7 .CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverfcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. ' 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., USA Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. MB . f . T"e U.S. GOVERNMENT 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH I To persons who served in the wars of the United Statesor to their C Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars W on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. C?Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINOTON. D. C. IT. RThli Company U controlled by nearly one thou$an4 leading newt paper$ in the United Stale, and it guarantred by them. WEEKLY NO. 665 I Dnii-ir.fiii.L,i JNO.St'J) B-- I CONGUESSMAN ELLIS INTKIIVIEYTED. I ' ' - GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver Is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. aB-EVERY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. H. Zeilln & Co., 1'hila., Va. K lh-A FACTS Wmf FACTS'' ; OU CAN nCY IJS.00 worth of dry goods and gromfci and then have Y enotiKhlefto.it of llnooo to purchaw a No. I Crcacanl Blrycla. This la ',,' ; a Unit claw machine. Why then .y tioo.uo for a bicycle that will give ; "Buyt' Junior," only n with .iicumlic lire good machine. ' WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, . : IE INTER OCEAN Most Popular Peputllcan Newspaper of the West AnJ Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS Bl' MAIL DAILY Clth Sunday) 8.oo Pert,., iTk!LnteL.a.nl$14Q mr OCtAt kaaya HaaH af ika . t arutT utikThkc au Ihti .Lt or Aw M. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS HOT EXCELLED BY ANY. IT IS A TWELV.-.PAGE PAPER. .!..-, it, t-i Ht:iruiw Jiil .iil2Jf,irf fn " rH laktrtt MM ,rM' 'u4 MitfW 1na a7 Trade Mark-Dr. A. Owen THE QWEN ELECTRIC BELT FOR MEN AND WOMEN t.T1?.I't.OT,,t nd only scientifio and practical Wectrlo Dolt made, for general nsa, producina a eenulna current of Electricity! for 'the tail ated both in quantity and power, and anulled tp any part of the body. It can be worn at an. time during working houri oi VleeJ, and 7 WILL POSITIVELY CURB HIIFr7TATIS.il LI tlGO UKMiHAL DEBILITY n w m wni.11. At, Ui:.lKNESS K1DNK DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Elcrtrlcltjr, Irnnwrly annitaA, U fat taklna KKIney and lirlnal Troubles, and wiil effect c ircs In mln(tlybo.elc,. caw, where creTy Mlit r known means hr.s fulled. 7 Any iltiti(lh. weak or diseased organ may oirAr:z$ pT.n. n rocommcui1 ,h OUR URGE ILLUSTRATED CATiLLGGUE rotiiRtnafiitleat Information reanrdlna Ilia etira aW.licatu,n, la anyadurca. for 6 centi i.uga. The Owen Electric Belt and Applianca Co. nam orrtra hd ohi-r rAt-Toar, The Oa.a tiac'.no Coll rid., 201 lo Zll SUM Slraef, CMICAUO. ILU The Urjwl lle?Ma Bill rtfebUhnentl. h: Ami Tie tmm 4 From the Corvallis Gazette. CongreBBmnn W. Li. Ellis and wife visited Corvallis last week, before de parting for Washington, D. 0. Thev have a son and daughter ttttendiug the O. A. C, and oame to bid them Rood bye. Tbey were the guests of Prof, and Mrs J. B. Horner while in the city . and Friday evening were tendnred an in formal r-oeptiou. Later in the evening the college band and the Bach Quartet serenaded them. In an interview had Saturday morn ing Mr. Ellis expressed himself to highly delighted with the results of the recent eleotious. He says repnblioau Buoeesa in '96 is inevitable. He does not olass Kentuok or Maryland as sure republican states, for he considers that differences nmong the democrats largely contributed to their reoent defeat, but he believes that they are doubtful, and there is a possibility of Louisiana and even Ala bama being found in the republican column next fall. Although not a rabid partisan. Mr. Ellis is a stern believer in the principles of republicanism and in republican oontrol of national affairs. He says that republicans at the coming session of congress, particularly those of the western states, w ill make a firm stand for proteotiou to the wool growers equal to that now enjoyed by the manu facturers. Dnder the Wilson bill, the tariff on manufactured woolens is GO per cent of that under the McKinley bill, wune rnw wool is admitted duty free. Lumber is another ootnmcdily the duty upon whioh Mr. Ellis thiuka, the present congress will be able to inorease. The principal matters of general national importanoetbat will be aoted upon this winter, Mr. Ellis adds, will be the Nioaragnan canal proposition aud a proposed national bankrupt law. Al though the congressman Las not studied deeply into the question, yet be be lieves that a national bankrupt law is urgently needed. An every oue knows, Mr. Ellis is an ardent supporter of tbe idoo that the United States should bnlld and ooutrol tbe Nicaragua!! canal. He will tun bin fiifluanpe to secure the ut most osjliU apprnpriutinns for our ofedHd river and Li.rh.ir iinprnvomouU. The Oregon delegation m ly bd drtpiidtd upon q W(,,k tiiiitelly for Oregou'a interests. Mr. Ellia i highly pleased with the Oregon Agricultural College and expressed himself as snrprisoil at the thoroughness and completeness of the institution. Mr. Ellis ie a genial and a pleasnnt gentleman and ha made mnuy warm friends during his brief visit in Cor vallis. Ho keeps himself in touch with the people and is oonntaully informing himst lf of their desires and nd. Tbe fiingreaiimtin and his wifa left Portland Monday for WaaUingtou. Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report An Alpena Miracie. MRS. JAS. M. TODD, OF LONG RAP IDS. DISCARDS HER CRUTCHES. In an Interview Wltli n rtAnn.. k. . ... p... tv , cue Kevlews Her Experience and Tells the Real Canse of the Miracle. A l'liir r i ton Muralng. ffum th Capital Journal. AFIKK TIlK lltl.ill VOTK. fmin llm Itcbraw Sp, A V-leveland, Ohio, cn.li.Ut- fr tx.litioal lii.rjors, wb l aniwera 1 1 ll.a biblienl nam of M. M.mtn, aigr.a him- air "Mike," that making, H an ii ohange fcmik, hi I (,.r iha bela. nn.r" oK A bright id- Hiaf, an I a hn.i to eitixens of tha ILhermnq Kritnii8 with txilittcal am!n(fm lo emnUla II If "Mike Moaea" or -JMm k KitmHu" is atoe, to appeal to llm Iriah liert, hy a!i'iti, not tin ar'.eoi" in Ida tP. Teraaciptur tha r iti. J Jwi tf Aaljtial Ihli.k .f tt.a hi.p omb. eatioliS it pertll.lt a fur InalanM Jokef O'llara." ui OXnnor." holimql.) O'llotilliaa, ami fu,th! I'robatam eat. Is. W. 1$. Mk. wbo raaldea el Catnpt.ittilU, Cal , a tier itaughlar aa for a..er )rai Ir. , h iltl ir,rr. f tl.r a'o.iiaeli, and ttiil.l ! U rli erf-ay li.at , a rail l.litatntai.. Ilaln f. ..Ih.iiI ( l,an,lti !.'(' .,1. I ... I... lii.' lr t.a r-i,,...i ,. , ij.iw,,,,, wi, J,,,, Mi ears. C V, Moore k Co., New berg Ore.. aaa: "We Ki ll rti.,re of Clianilter- iihi i uotigli lEme.ly than allothfra put t'.geilmr an l H always m-a Htit.fao Mrii." Mr. J. V. Alio.,. K,,. ii,M "1 lli.n (liamtti rlHln,a:iMn,'li It-mnly be I hi" beat I l,nvH ttllllltla'tl la W. II Hiiil.cm-k, C..!tinibns. Waaliw sna: "Cliati.berlaiii'a Oitigb Umn.ly ella well at'd la bfglily pm.e.1 .y ail w ho na it." Ft-r aale by Hlocura John, aon Ddig Co. OI VAN' fitH-HIX l (All. (From the Argus. Alpcnu, Mich.) We have long known Mrs. Jas. M. Todd, of Long Rapips, Alpena Co , Mlcb. She has been n sad cripple. Many of ber friends know the story of her reoovery; for the benefit of those who do not we publish it today. Eight years ago she was taken with nervous prostration, and in a few months with muscular inflammatory rheumatism. It affeoted her heart, then her head. Her feet beonme so swollen ahe could wear nothing on them: her hands w drawn all out of shape. Her eyes were swollen shut more than half the time, her knee joints terribly swollen and for eighteen months she bad to be beld up to be dressed. One limb became entirely helpless, and the skin was so dry and cracked that it would bleed. During these eight years she had been treated by a eoore of physioians, and baa also spent tmioh time at Ann Arbor nnder best medioal advioe. All s lid ier trouble was brought on by bard work aud that medioine would not cure, and that rest was the ouly thing whioh would ease her. After going to live with her daughter she beoame eotirely helpless and oould not even raise her arms to oover herself at uigbt. Tha interesting part of the atory follows la ber own words : "I was urged to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for pale people ami at last did o. In three days after I oommenced taking Pink Pills I oonld sit up and dress myself, and after using them six weeks I went borne and oommenmd working. I oontinned taking tbe pills, until now I begin to forget my crutches, and din go up and down steps without id. I am truly a living wonder, walk ing mil of doors without aaaManee." "Now, if I om say anything to induce tbote who have sunVred as I have, to try Pink Pill, I shall gladly do so. If other like nff 'rers will Irr pink Pills j according lo directions, ibey will hare n aaiiu to thank Ood for creating men who ate able to conquer that terribla diK-aae, rlieiimallnm. I ha?e ia my own neighborhood remimmended Pink Tills for the after effects of la grippe, an. I weak women wild impure bl,.l. 0.1 Willi good raaults." M re. Todd i very strong n her fait b in the ourative powers of p,uk p,j,( and ibey have brought a poor bt Ipleas bark SCORES OF Pitiable HUMAN WRECKS. I'awa V.r. in crippie nark lo aa ber own milking. Away Ik is ohnminif, washing, aeamg, knitting, and ! in fart almul all o her household duliee, i banks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. llr U',lt...,.l tl . L. .,,. . Ouyatl O.ba,,,. an Ore.n i. I . ". "" eoll,"" ' II. n.t ..J t ' .1 'r1".-:' I ' ' rator. -- . .. -,,,..,., pn,r,v a. t,,.r.jbm Tbe, ara for sale l,t 4ikl a. n.. l.nlar at l.ta boi... t, 11,. .....I I ,. . ' " " ' " bel.n Torne, a,..l I it. "' n" f ... U. IHne., lf(fk: i tTr' " " i l arsitsis una r k aifn I...I. frm wblrh ha never reentered. Ha rallied ' and knew li.a,.n, 1. y. Oi.,B. ,u! ttnd. ,i .,t.w g.,,1 poke a feat v.ir.la hut thai was all. lit A PI AMI rilK IKI! 1 1 baa gradually ank away eit.o. Ibm at.d bia dratb was l.au.lr.a ai..l ....fnl II leavrs a widow and ibrea a .tie aad two. I. .I,i, Ibrya'afl. W. O.ba-a and ftw.iga Oii w.n. rf halem; H.nry II. j OUmgn'e mt-l pn.mlnatil mni l i'. . . .... . . ..... , ,i atama u... t.n Ifuiupl rll.f. II WH,.n ' "iaiey. 1 1 be ,J. h iit,; f ll'iiMt: -in iif.it i .. . - tn If, ae..ed il e It I,.. h. ! '"- I nii.atn, W al i i 11,11a. M. Mr .mil imi w .,ia woirr ai. l lir. " b , 'Mil elt .ta-(..f I Hie. f . Ht. ...t I... .1... . - .... . . . . ' ' . ." .T"l Mn.ll tl.illll . . I . ,.i a beta a l-.nb. r ii... .,;"- - Mm" For aala I. hl,u. J..l....- """. IIr. .la it.eo.Ur if ant If d I l. ft ui IeeaMd ae a f.fio.f all l.ts Itfa and I'tiMhi Miitf ...i,ali.m lai deleim b og. t bttieh, hot waa a BiewUr .f ll.a 1 on.er Molil I'elrfa In wbieb ,a tie.k a deep litfft ll waa !.) kn a l.ta II .., I T. . .... , , ., , , Tplr. llxfiiti.t.Ia.U li,d,ld Tl.aietlUaeb.r.'leal ,eitnl ,;) ... u, . . 13 a a. 1 bu lay. lirtAI, I r f ) r, b i eottn i.n at ili iier, !'h. i.-i.n,4 at Ii a . All ''' alt'ii. Im ,rr, and U-ed tr.arda aa I ra'ia llnl'y i,til. l ailofil A '!' lei i.raar I Aa J. Ilti.ai.ua. .ly fc.i.l i f rV I! ii MM, Or , S .t 15, li, hotiae, I.yoo A llaaly, have a nambar t.f slight ly need and e-e..i,d haul plaooa, fceii la trade, naej la rooeett., ai.d ia f.-t lio brand l.ea? Inatrn meats, al.irh tby bate d terminal U eaerir1Hi fal bar than Iry In m.ka rmim fur. 'A l.m Inalrrimenla eotnprtM H piara plan" at IN. I !, m) ,. r, tVa-bl loenoael IA ti. IPJ. tins, fun, liu, 2ui ae. apwarl 0a, Urn taiea lo ! !, n aad apwar l. Nea.ly all Migb.eally .l t from wn to four limaa ibetr pitea. Almn. all f'omiaei.l makea (in eaarta anl np. rta-b'ai are rpreaeU . IbaUdtag among aanMne Mbers f I. ekenef. Kftat. Nieiawar, W.t, I.ikr, Hr. fiabaf. at. TriM la mr.nllf thai a!y THE INTER OCEAN. Cit afaV iViiorno.vH fit Fayfiw, All hm i'w.1.1 n la a i..w.r4 a t a.i.r,.o iMM'' '.- fal.la eM (d'.ei., ' N i tttfe hytlM ltH! ( ' I'.i'nl a e tf M,a Meal. ll.a I . -I . I,.l, ai..r If l" a a. ee.eaa .ar, M U JS-l UlUf ' a'e-ei f a ( ra raa -a trad la lit ala'a. l,tM l yita . s t-eetbtna aa a..li.t.al j al.li Uaee fwl llaeler, aa ace;ir ae, t'"" a anae.ti a ..... I r ua -a waa a tlt y .ilaf loaa I ,, in, aa ,y.(a A II .a..l a. ... -a a an I ia im i..i ,ia ,,f ff, ,f. lt, b ,n. ' a l many ,iai.i i,f Ibia ilea a rr .a drd with ealUra .Irf ita. aia iala allal.',a la we . -rael.lln,- aa La aaa l.. fcaoa,'J'. A I flaa w.Hil. U n ,..r a I waa lea It, I'.ka n, qnff II s "'". hlag ll.a alima . ,,a A waa a kia-l beaiW I Man, a fe rtla. I "' llawetet. Ibey j aal a lial te.t, an l lea twnt aa a .!,. ''' rartlr.tlas applealia. Ibal ai naa a ll ntalea 4af Maal anl rtting e.lwf.rlnry asay i jrttt.-.t al ibair naaa, A I !- '" I f -r A. e ll. e Vi- In ' " ",,r " '"vm. f.-a- Al,..h eaet, B.d.l,...,.,,,! s, u,,h A w)ta a. A 11 Alef, Tl.teat , f. iX??2-u'L't.m- 1 u . u"- M aaa spi trt i. b.a,a aiai., ' . i i. . ... le. !. ., -.era l' ab, a. iVa i " Mta , ..Mat a a i kaow tnr it. 'Hal" -I IbH.a' baa Ifcey t f ' lm Pr1' l IU aatiag la ! en U, la (a,ai,i i,aaa s'a It .,- O'aot.. a wa Unm 1... a ' ' ' I UI in He !... ' ' ' ' " ...i , l-',',"- I' l y l-a., a,,. jfcifl. If,,,, 44 a4 ettaat, kana Condi lion or Shabby GentllU-r Seen nt the National Capital. Washington has more than its share of "the cankers of a calm world and a long pence." Some are reduced gen tlemen, who just manage to keep their heads above water and maintain a deprecating front iu their club and so ciety. They are too lazy to work, says the Washington Post, and have long since run through with what little they have had in a brief splurge, and are now getting more shabby genteel and seedy looking every day. They retain, however, the debonnair air of men of wealth and boar themselves bravely, but oh, the pinching and struggling to keep up appearancesl Oh, the sicken ing ordeal of having to face the lodg-ing-house keeper, and, worst of all, the washerwoman! Oh, the mortification or neionging to a club, and being una ble to do more than sit in it, and stay there, to be marked by the servants aa a poor devil who never by any chance is able to reciprocate hospitality or or der anything, to have club dues amounting up with no prospect but through a loan to meet them; to have the cold shoulder shown by the very men who helped him to run through his money, and who now give him a cool nod instead of both outstretched hands. ThiH is the pity of It, yet there are men who endure it rather than leave Washington. Sueb is the upas tree ef fect of the life here on thorn. Lower down in the. social strata you find in these eddies of the stream of humanity, the hotel corridors, regu lur habitues, shabby genteel, social, political and business failures, lobby ists, promoters, hangers-on of official magnates, men dismissed from the army und navy, cheap sporting "gents," all with red noses to a man. Everyone of them has seen better days, and they all retain even at their shabbiest stage the manners of their prosperous years, but they are tainted with an element of fawning, and, sadder still, with a forced gayoty and familiarity, painful to see and e ndure. Here Is an ox-member of eoiifrress. shorn of bis previous impor tance and plumage, an exile and "back number" from bia former district, who hit turned claim iijrent, ,r U charitably supposed to be prueticing law, while Milking down lower and lower every day. lien. U a once pro.ermm busi ness man who m-ciiin to have taken a contract or made a weger to drink up all the whisky in town. There a poor wretch who ban e.Miit the best years of ins me in oin. e, iius lust bis place and h now one of tbe .ri.rcshl.ni of hotel corridor fhoMs. There wmie broken down politician, wbii baa been hanging on lu re for years and has filed applica tion enough forotlice to Uirt a paper mill. Tbe hotel corridors are harena of rest for these rxir, barmleaa, heart broken 'eaubers of a culm world and a long jsvaoe." A GIRL'S NOBLE ACT. (iallantly Kaeraae Three I'aople aa4 Oala a Medal. Few more gallant feata hata aver li n p. rf.ii med by women than that of Miss iJvans, the iluiii'l.t. r oflir. !ena, of llvthe. on the Southampton water, aaa tbe London Hlamlard. Walking tin the pier with a friend, alia heard tha cry of Ibree iH nwme wh.e Ul had Ih i h , it,.U.., near tlm pier, llannlng btl l. e.-fia. al, sprang Into lb w ater tiii.l Mam I r.incl.l tha one near est, a ..imi!i, aof. ly i., ib atrpa. Then ah v;itii uif ngnln to tbe other, a man in I a i;iil. V.a'Hitig ber oppnttuiitt, i" lm ufi;'-.l to ,.. U.i iti IhiOi, ami n, ..rir.i lii. io until a r. waatbrawa ti In r, and abe w aa ibrn aide to gel tha i..eu I i II... pi, r. Tlie girl u p.g down f..r Ibe Iblnl time, when Mlaa Ktaii dhed. brougbt ber totba eurfai-a, ami l..l ber lU. Ui tl.a piey, hUa aaT. tug Ibne lirea It llCj. iilt to know wbb b U lb iiMirw remarkabla-tba cmiae i , played. Hie skill ltl. win. h. I.i,,.,r. by ,rr ibitbea, a be am -er.i .1 it a.i..liiia Ibe drowning yrip Dial la o often fatal Ui IreiMi tabu alt. inpi r v m., and brougbl tba t brre i f .i,. one after aii.it i.rr. In aaf. iji l-tibe plrr. It I a f-at of wbi. Ii Ibe U ,t n.sie aw ii.irt.ee, wiil.a't.per,'l I lrri. n's, ta.rtjl.l ,aa every right l-i f. I n.l r.,ii . and. e uU4 aa It was by a J. ...eg la ly. s alttxiat if li.il ii.e w,! I...., I .rrer.bnt In lb an lal i f ftrn! retiiilf!g prearnr of .lid. ibl.l and eimlage ( a ladeas ""'''r tlal a awlmmer, hr err.ir... ab.ml.l I hi abfa to etippnrt atiitue t. ilrwnii(g -rr-i.a and u. l-orf augl.t In lb ttip .f " iier of ll.rin ,Ver Waa lb Myal llun.atie a,aiya Itiaslai Mller d are., and lbra ran b ,IU 4Mibt tbat tha a-t wi, rrita tha h gkaal ttarb t.1 dttttftMi al lit r,i, a 4. f-at t.a anaa) lHa , fcaa. ' I Mi Uoi ttieta la a eollaa. Uoa of plawnts Km.- aaH Ini,, I ane.ailier, at Ibe .Saw V of k Art war abow. lo ia H..nd-.pprr. ' V v l '.ey era tar, Baa." ,h,r4 " IS.f e,h., -liprwr ' I W f.Mid f etaala a,.a.t Bn a ! try ft pttwalf I iii wa I ea tm II In AW tai .. atenCI tn9 re 1 1n i b.na w.-M .M wvwt, a Iwany f' -f I !,a IS. rl.ll.lra,. , . - r m MM m 4.lhtia,, and tt f , f V aa,t!. mf Ik tha llim I, r aladoa, aey t.kef at I I'l ' I. Ileal a e-t r "r tr a, e. a n,, . 1 e f -f l a.,..l ia .!.. ., . la I ' a J ta f . t-., I . tt ,f M . I'"" ' f.,.t;, . ilei a da r-l rt f Ut (tarat was J by W.aa Wt4l aS ')") 1"S I'MfiM J tr mrux in juti)al uAr mLtivti ' i. t I.. I a ,..,M . lT T m .,if -j i , . , a A . s ' a lunL I1 v-t atji dw a ii . I a . I aait . ,,k - I, wis k- luAs.m 'luaL if''"" "il- 4AWv s.V,V J