Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 15, 1895, Image 4

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Whjls yon a.ep jroar subscription paid np yen
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses G( on left
shoulder; oattle same on left hip, under bit on
riht ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oonnti.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Oattle brand,
O D on left hip and horBns same brand on right
shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or, Monies, JA con
nected on Inft flank; cattle, same on left hip.
Baird, D. W. and eon. Horse branded D B
on the left hip; ca tle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, undercrop in the left. Kange
in Morrow County.
Bartholnmew, A. Q., Alpine, Or.-- Horses
branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row countv
ManniBter, J. W., Hanlman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, ftooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
iinrbi Mfltd. lionu i;reek. Or On cattle.
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, nn.
dnr half crop off right. Horses, same fimna on
letft. shoulder. Iiange in Grant and Morrow
Hrosman. Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
nn riant shoulder; cattle B on the loft side.
r.aft a,,r holf nron nd riiht ear upper elope.
11..- UTM Unr.r.niK fit- ilriPRAR .T R flTI
HHRim, Ttlll., lini'J'ur.., - , - --
right thigh; oattle same on right lap; split in
Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horsos IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor-
Brown. j. C. Heppner, Or. Horses, oircle
P ih Ht in m ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It. on the left shoulder. Oattle same on left
Itnver W. d.. Heppner. Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder: cartie. same on ibii uio.
Brownlee, W. J., Koz,0r-Oatt,le. JB oonnected
i. .ft nr., r, ,,n loft ear and two splits and
middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the leu inign, naugo u t -v,
Grant county, , ,
r!.an Whitbti. Wairnflr. Or. Horse brnd
ed C) on right stifle ; oattle - (three retra) on
right ribs, crop ana spin in eaun ear. ,u.nBt m
I . -.1 U.pritw nfiimtif.H.
Cain.E., Calob.Or. If I) on horses on loft stifle
D with onarUir oirole over it, on inn siionmer
i -hh n nil nolle n-idor 5 years: on
loft .himlilnr only on all horses over 5 yoars. All
I- flxunt minntv.
..( Chun. K.. Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; catt le same on right hip.
li. Mrrr and IJrrmt, a nimmioa,
Oorrigall.M M, Onlloway, Or Cattle crop out
of f,ach ear and underliit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle C on left stifle. Kange Mor-
ow and Umatilla oontities.
i...i t H .Ii.hn Diiv. Or. Double cross on
eao'h h'ip'on cattle, swallow fork and nndoi bit
i ,;.,i,t r si. lit. in left ear. Kange in Grant
niinmy. On sdwp, invorteil A and spear point
n .huiihlnr. Ear marko" ewes, crop on leu, ear
T,niinhed uimor bit in right. Wethers, crop in
riaht and nder half orop in loft ear. AU rag
in Grant county. .
Cook. A. J..Liena.Or. Horsos, OOon rightshonl
dor: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark B'luare
orop off left and split in right.
win. U. Y.. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
i .. . . , :h
'., V.A. H.. Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with
Bin center: horses. CIS on left Vp.
II I.' U.,nmanl llrntlT. 1,(1
i;ormrnii, t. " , ., '
Horses branded circle with bar benealli, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, murk
i l....a K..I haiira and dewlaii.
Chapln, H.. Hanlman. Or.-1 torsos branded
n on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; c.i'tle same
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end ol
"WLT".. TO M Oalh.wav. Or.-flattln. HI) on
right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, U D
0nvlrJtH..Iongla..O,.-Horse. branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefllup. hi
n 'u I1.,r.lmun Or. Horses branded
'1 'irevo'rseil (iwith tailj on left shoulder ; caU
tlesamaon right hip. Kange in morrow oonni.y.
Klorence, li. A., llepptier. Or.- attle, ,K on
riaht hiu: horses K with bar under on right
n. .,.. H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, r on
. . ..I...., I.i,... nuiile. V on rtirht hip or thigh
i.- i. i ;. lleminnr. Or. ('attle branded
vuu -.il.' liar oyer it. on left sidn; orop oil left
II. am,,,, timilfl III! Illft llil).
iiih Kl'mnr. Koho. Or. -lloi sos hmnilnd 11.
u -in. . .nmrli.r riP'ln or it. on left stille.
'. Urn. mill lltlllltlllanilllllt.il!.
li , A. II.. Kidge. Or. rattle), riminl-top 4,
with uniirtur circle under It on the right hip,
i, ..I.. M. mill 1 1 Hint i 1 1 mill ti II.
Hinton AJmiks. Hiiiill"n.)r-(ittl..,twobis
,n,, i,i; eriii) n right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh. lUngein "Jlmnt enmity
11 .luliim. Hamnnl. Wagner, Or-h (T K U
, i. riirtit liouldnrou horses; on C'lttle.
on right hip and on left snl. swallow fork in
r,ul.i ear and slit in MU llaugn in UayxtMok
.i;i.i..i U..fi-oai minntv.
ii,. I.. ' Mihiii. Wanner. Or. Horses tirandwl
. ....ill.. ,.il, i.iiriillnl tails) on left shoulder
Cattle bbiiis on lull hip also large cinde ou left
llnwiinl.l L.'i'illowiy.Or.-lt.irswiT fnriws
i,., i,.,i hi on rintil iiiiil'ler: nntll-SHins
.... lti ...l.i ILiinn' ill .Morrow and 1 1 ill's 1 1 In
,iilntlns .......
Hall. Kdwin. J"h" "v. Or. -rattle K II on
fljl.i Ion: li.irs same on rinlil slmiilder. Ilnnise
iie.i,,. Mnl. HiIM"r, Or.-llorsoi shs M
l - I. .li .1 niil.l.ir. Ilnn" Morrow ( o.
It,,.,,kr. II A, W"r Or. Hnnies, V on left
h.inl.t..r esHle. on left hip.
Hiieiiilirsvs, i M Hanlman, r. Horses, II on
ll.,...,.n l.nll.er. Kulit Mile Or.-Ilnr linn
II,. l,.fl h,iiil...ra'i I ti"rt " the !" suria Cat.
. .... lri Intl. H'linre m 1'iT'iw "ini
t ,, tUrry. H'M-pn ' lir. wini.i
J nit Ilie left siHil.lr; ennie lira Hi'il mi
.1.1 I. in nla.1 iin.l Tlul HI It'll mr. IliHig i 111
llorrins cotiiiiy.
j,,.,i.,i. rt .. ILiiiiintir. Or linrsHe, hi
sltne j no l"H ti.illld.w. t'atlln. the M'lif.
IUmo " "- "!'. .
I hi. K.Ui. I .sua. Or.. M.iiws. rin-U r i
left iil1i caul", aniei nM 'dl'. om..i half
or.ntlnrt-, "li'l' n left "r
Knnr. Mik., Heppner, tH.-thmm hr,.,1-l
US V ,,n Ml hip esMts sains and rmp oil Ufl
ariBlklitf .insll 'lM
hlrk J T . Il.pnr, Or.-HorsM fW an lefl
ht.al leri eatll. " left hip.
Klik lmm, llettnw. Or.s h'trw II tin l-fl
.Mil l;atilasatiioo rwhl oiidfrlut on
"h't'tiXrUnd W.O. M.t inl Vemon
r,i,l..,u ns'.t and le'l si t. sw.llnw .nk in Ufl
r ami mnlr ( ,,,', ''"""
brsn.t tin lefl shtBilder. IU In UmM 'Mill,
l-.fl-tt. riiiB. fin, Hi.-M l im If 'I hiii
-.in. .n,l t.ltl nn rigiil Mr. II
Mine l.isinl lt shieiMnr. Ilnug Itianl
"r,'-t.lln,i..h W . .lt Or tl
t.i,i, l.-t I lf 4-llidi J I, .. I nil Ml litHtl.
d-r I all Is. fl on left hln. Itli, lies! I.
t JI..I,
iki.t. J W Mi.i'er Of ll,irs lsi I
. ami ti'i ll lt--il rHH n
1. 1 1 . itlnt nal.l lit"
in Urant county.
Bayers, Robert, Douglas, Or. Cattle I I on
right hip and 8 on right shoulder ; horses, S on
right shoulder. Kange in Morrow county.
Hmith Bros.. Bosun vine. ur. nomes, oranneu
H. Z. on shonlder; cattle, name on left shoulder.
Hooires. James. Arlington. Ur.; Horses Dranaeo
J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Kange tn Morrow and tjuliam counties.
Htephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses BS oo
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Htevenson, Mrs A. J., lieppner, ur. lvalue, a
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. U. v neppner, in. nurses, t on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hnerrv K. (i.. Heooner. Or. Cattle vy u on
left. hin. cron off riaht and undorbit in left year.
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, tl. A., ueppner, ur. norses, a on
left shoulder: cattle. I on left shouldor.
TipnetB.B.T..Enierprise,Or. Morses. C-on lelt
shoulder. ,
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital I
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in botti ears.
Thornton, 11. M lone, Or. Horsos Dranaeo.
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vandemool. H.T.. Lena. Or: Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder ;caltle, same on right
Walhririva. Wm . Honnner. Or. Horses, u. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. John O.. Ha em or Heppner, ur.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Kange
Mrirrnw nnnntv.
Warren. W H. Caleb, Or (Jattle vy witn quarter
circle over it, on left Bide, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left shonlder. iiaugei"
f-iranl nnniitv.
Wade. Henry. Heppner, ur. norsos oranneo
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
f'.nttle hrutiilml same on loft side and left hip.
Wolflnger. John. John Day IJity.Or un norsas
tl.roo nurnilul hurs on left, shoulilor: 7 on sheep.
bit in both ears. Kange in tirant ana fliamuer
Wimdward. John, Heppner, Or. Morses, ur
ettTinnorsiH on left. shoulder.
Watkins. Lishe. n eooner. Ur. Horses pranaea
UK connected on left stifle.
Hennner. Or. Cattle. W on
right thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder sonic same on left shoulder.
uri.1. ......... .... Rcliii. Op
YT IlllMWl HlMl., iiuiiliuhwu. y"
Horsos branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams. Vasno. Hamilton. Or. Ouarter oif
cle over throe bars on left hip, both oattle and
horses. Rama Grant county.
Wi hams. .( O. 1 nna t reek. Or Horses, nuar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. Kailire in t-rrant comity
Wren. A. A.. Hennner. Or. Horses running A A
nn almnlfinp. lnttle. snme nn ritrht hin.
Xoung. J. .. Gooselierry, Or. Horses Dranasr
TN on the right, shnnlrte"
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
to this
Of Two Transcontinental
Up on the hill in a stately hall.
Servants are moving to and fro;
Solemnly wait, or In voices low
Answer the white-hired master'ssall.
Beautiful linen, and china frail,
Costly dishes of silver and gold:
Flowers, whose radiant beauty falls
To bring heart's ease to the hours worn old.
Only the master, stern and gray,
Only the wife, with her saddened face;
All, all gone, who with them one day
Sat at that table in youth and grace.
Some of the children they loved are dead,
Others are married Their years a few
And thus the servants, with stately tread
Are setting the lonely table for two.
Down in the valley, beside the road,
A cheery lamp In the window shows.
Over the casement clambers a rose;
Its petals white, on the threshold snowed
Singing softly a glad, sweet strain,
Margery (Margery's eyes are blue),
Some old couplet of love's refrain,
Deftly setting the table for two.
All the future la bright and fair;
Pain and sorrow are far away:
f-.ove is the ruling spirit there;
Margery's song Is glad and gay.
Up through the pathway wet with dew,
Sounds a footstep of hope and life;
Somebody smiles on his gentle wife,
Setting the cozy table for two.
Marienne Heatou, In Good Housekeeping.
Is the result of the usual treatment of blood
disorders. The system is filled with Mercury and
Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the
disease and in a short while is in a far worse
condition than before, ine common result la
for which is the most reliable cure. A few
bottles will afford relief where all else has failed.
I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial
Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen
to twice their natural size, causing the most
excruciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollors
without relief, but after taking a few bottles of
I improved rapidly and am
now a well man-complete
ly cured. I can heartily
recommend it to any one
suffering from this painful
disease. W. F. DaIeY,
Brooklyn Elevated E. B.
Our Treatise on Elood and Skin DIjmms mailed free to any
aaasess. swij i &rturit uu.,Auaii,w.
St. Paul Kansas City
Vln-n vou :ire about to buy a Sewing Machine
3o unt U: deceived bv ulliiring' advertisements
'iiid he led to think you can jret the best made,
t iinitibcd and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliablo mnnu
f i .lin ers that hnvo gained a
re pti Union by honest and square
ile:ilini:, you will then get a
Sewing" Machine that Is noted
the world over for its dura
hilitv. You want the one that
it, easiest to munago and is
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal In mechanical con
struction, durability of working
..i.ria flm.nnou nf finluh. rirrtiltv
t'u llii appearance, or has as many
i improvement as me
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it : New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinijed
on ad Instable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
For full details oall on O. K. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. A (it.
Portland. Obeoon.
, Mi. Dohtiiw, M (is. suririoKBif tn,r(.T
euin, 11.1.. HT. I.im i I)i.l.". 1.AH.
KllANei',1 'I, I O,. A.NTA, i.l.
ret (ii!! ry
P. C
Jlcpjmcr, Ortujwh
A ijenls,
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Qnioxx: Tijvr.13 t
Son. Pranolsoo
And all point In California, via the Mt, Boast
routs of the
Southern Pacific Co.
the (treat hiahwa through California to all
points Kaat and Sonth. urana ocenio noui
of the Paclflo Coast. Pullman HnSet
Uleepers. Beoond-clas Uleepers
Attached to emress trains, aftorditi sniienor
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservation,
eto. call noon or address
K. KOKHI.KK. Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Al
Hen. K. P. AKt. Portland. Oreiron
Discovery of a Burled City in Turkestan
by a Party of Prussians.
In Turkestan, on the right bank of
the Amou Diara, in a chain of rocky
hills, near the Bokharan town of
Karki, are a number of large caves
which, upon examination, were found
to lead to an underground city, built
apparently long before the Christian
era. According to eihgies, says In
formation, inscriptions and designs
upon the gold and silver money un
earthed from among the ruins the ex
istence of the town dates back to some
two centuries before the birth of
The underground Bokharan city is
about two versts long and is composed
of an enormous labyrinth of corridors,
streets and squares, surrounded by
houses and other buildings two or three
stories high. The edifices contain all
kinds of domestic utensils, pots, urns,
vases and so forth. In some of the
streets falls of earth and rock have ob
structed the passages, but generally
the visitor can walk about freely with'
out lowering diis head. The high de
gree of civilization attained by the in
habitants of the city is shown by the
fact that they built in several stories,
by the symmetry of the streets and
square, and by the beauty of the clay
and metal utensils and of the orna
ments and coins.
$150.00 evetymonth given away to any one who ap
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
the month preceding. ...
We secure the best patents for our clients,
and the object of this offer it to encourage inventors to
keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time wa
wish to impress upon the public the tact that
such as the "car-window" which can be easily did up
and down without breaking the passenger's back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle
stopper, and a thousand other little things that most
any one can find a way of improving ; and these simpl
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. 1 ry to think ot tomsttung to invent
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in
the National Recorder, published at Washington,
D. C, which is the Dest newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub.
scripnon to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, tnus Bringing w ueir
attention the merits of the invention. ....
All communications regaroca sirituy wuiuusuu.
Solicitor of American and Foreign Patent" ,
618 P Street, N.W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
rf Rcftrtnce editor efthii fajer. Write Jtreur
SO-fage famfhlit. FREE.
MM ,
S Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands in the !
m front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake, t
P Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be t
m punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world
P renowned G. & 3. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
H Sold in all sizes for ladieB or gentlemen at 100 each.
M Tandems for two men or mau and woman, $160 each.
(S THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mecnan
j ical and scientific principles.
I Chicago Ideals
W nwmn wmnon Virivn nnrl Blrls. with 28. 26 and 24 inch wheels, at Jfi5. S55. J45 respect-
M ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with Q. & J. high-grade double locking edge!
ia ciincner tires ana are iuuy warrameu,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for cstalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
IS& 1 . Dn.kin. D.,.tln,. U'.nll In .va.ii tnun In Arannn Waahtiiar3
i OH OUT llUUICrOUB HKeUUB. XVaillUlOl AmandO ,, mi.vu .u u.u.j r. .1 ... ..t.a.....B
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormnlly & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main f
M Store, W Washington bt., Portland, Or. ......
S OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. ior Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
IM, 0im. H-ntmi '.- H'"" liwll
,l.,.ii,U II . . u I rltl
, II on lf .h-lll-r ....
St.,,. l f. Il.m, i. I .Ml l..,..ll
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jt xE kAJ. s,mp,e,, l"l3p"ua
tf SS Xi rung.t.IqqnTrJ Working.
fir ifj l?Cf Most Modern and progressiva
$ ViVt'l 4 I p l f tr i sulitKiifl or Infiinnatl.m wrlln to
wmlX WJ maHMm ci
Sesd fi Ct:;. ftr s.y.n.E Package
Siin Viiiii'isi'ii fiFJff,
.v.ir. n uin:t:sFt:uf;Kttco.,
,Vn. ;.' Suff.r Stmt.
Kello Hunter Brooks Found the Historic
luipleomnt in a Uarn Loft.
When the news came Into Connecti
cut that the Uritisli soldiers had fired
the shot heard "around the world,"
Israel I'utnam was plowing in a stony
field on hia farm in I'oiiifret. The plow
vanished from the unliuibhed furrow
and from history, then aud there, when
"Hid I'ut" took up arms for his country.
It was rescued from a Windham
county barn loft u short time ago and
bought for a song by E. A. lirooks, an
enthusiastic relic hunter of Hartford,
Conn. It now occupies an honored po
sition among his collection ot curiosi
ties. The I'utnam plow is a pretty
tough looking relic, but it is intact in
all its parts. It is interesting and val
uable, aside from its associations, in
that it is a capital type of the plow used
lu New Eugland during the colonial
Mr. lirooks has also secured a
wrinkled old image of Ilacchus, the old
est iu tho country, under whow benitrn
countenance travelers found entertain'
nieiit in the old Stamford tavern in
Windham town, Conn., in the seven
teenth century. The figure was carved
fn mi a lug of pine by ltritish prisoners
in Wuidlmtu jail iu l?ti.
1 ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
F. B. Vancleave, 1
L. H. Vancleave,
Defendant, j
To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregen, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
nlaint tilpd against vou In the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this summons upon you, 11 servea wiinin
this county; or, if served tn any other county
ot this state, then within twenty days from the
duU. of th tcrvice of this summons upon vou:
and If served upon you oy pntmcation or oy
personal service wiwnut me niaie 01 urugun,
then you are required to appear and answer on
or before the first day ot the next regular term
of said court, to-wit: On or before the first Mon
day in Msrch, lwm. Anrttn case you tan to so
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
a decree against you for the dissolution of the
marrlHire bonus now existing oeiween you aim
plaliitill. and for the cure and custody of the
minor child born as the fruits of said marriage,
to-wit: K. A. Vancleave', and for such further
iliMnt as the court 11111 v dci-in lust.
This summons Is puhiiHhed tiy orner or met
lion. James A. Kee. Judge nf the (ith Judicial
IHntrlct of the State of Oregon, dated September
lith, iwi.1, u n nr..
4-srt. Attorney lor nullum.
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
. l-'i
The comparatlvsvslut of these twotsrdg
la knows to most persons.
The? Illuatral that grtslsf quantity Is
Not always most to be tftalrsd.
Tbt tatds tiprtts the bentfUlal qual
ity of
iscsmparsilwlihsny prtvioiitly kaowa
DVltl'l I'M Ct'UB
RipaasTslHiUsi Fries, t ftnls ba,
Of giuiu, at fcy Mil.
Iirist CHtMICsL CO., 1 0 Strata II., T.
gt.M A M.rf-t ! I
mn I- i I. .
i &
tl U 1 , IMi.M S
I I ( 4 boll a4 art. kik ul ll r-
Ml Un I I (t m -f m ii. pr i i-
It! I A 4-r4 II Hi'giMl n M
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4Wi. s Mi'-ag r"' ""r
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44n.lr4 I f p IS lhiS.irt IS.1M
ttlV'M W M SIX M.tlw
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m im i.,iit f p.w tim 9m
4. n-4 li I ) 'Ml IS
f.,J i f it. . i.l. .
f. a koik s ft Dililii
!.- I 1 .ial 1 r kuiwtsr.
t.Siial, tM' a-4 s M -I
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ih 11. . 4 ll.. aiil lfc..
r i , U l l"it sli.l.-fc
9l Jul S.UiM TIM A
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Mt nwy wtxt 1 1 1
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Uai nii-lii
t.ii ltL.. mIm .i wKisi
HtltnialtJciattt t0.,rslata.faL
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I...... t,kh mill
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lAi.)'" I '"
Carrying Oat the ttrii. I'rotliilous of aa
Aiilaial l.uirr't HIIL
At Ilriilfiri-port, Conn., ft provision In
tho will of Frauds. Ives wn lati-ly car-
rii'il out, his fiuo horses ami well-bntl
link's hnviuir ln'i'n juit Ui ileivlU,
savs tlm New Vork WorUl. Mr.
Ivi-s was ft illntintrulhhcil tui'mtuT of
the Falrflcld county Imr and ft rich old
hui lii'lor. Rumor had it that w hen he
wasftvounir man ha foil in love w ith
llin Ix-uutiful Miss Julia Jours, duutfh
tor of Uct. and Mrs. Henry Jotira and
trrandilMUvhti-r ot Notilt Vcbstr. Mr.
Ivrs tiroooM'd In Mlsa Junes and ska re-
ieeti'il liiui. Afterwards she married
lte. Thumas lUwher, lirotherof Hen
rt Ward lleeeher. From the tlm of
her iiiarriaif Mr. Ies separated blm
self from the aoeiitv of Woaieu. lie
owned ft flue stable of thoroutrhhred
trotter. Two of thein, 1'rlnee ao
liyinv. were his ifreatesl faorites, and
as he sjieeiled them he seemed U Ims
fnruetful fur the moment and harry.
He owned ft knirn 1 of pedlifreed -.int
i r and setu-rs and he was an enlhusi
astic hunter. Mr. Ies died lat winter.
learinifa lartre estate, IIU will made
hi. llfi-Iiinif friend. tie.ree llsvrs. hi
eteeulor, and, ouUide of ft few smstl
WhiipM. left his whole rotate !o his
IsUter. Mrs. Whitlntf. of New llaen
I Hut the elifhti-entU ilaiit of hla wilt
j Wirated Mr. Ie' Intense affeetlon fir
' hi hore and doifs an afTeetl"
'Whi.'h. ne,-. ritr ilivrrted from Its
flrM nl-.WI. had rent.rr.1 II -1 on
J them. In II.Ui tsuw Mr. Ires directed
1 his rseeutor, Mr. Ilstea. to rhlnrwform
! tn death all the animals that he ttilfc'ht
! own at the time of hla death lathe
month of June flrt followlnif that
1 en ft In lotanstlon of this at of
: seemitii? cruelty Mr. les wrote In his
I frsr lest my A-va and horses will
fs'il tnUi the hand of s.nne one wh
will 4 treat them kindly "
Mr Ives was well know to te a hu-
ttisiie stid kind Ifarte l man. Ilisrsee-
ia ft s41ti.lrr.st hi order lindiiif ntn
and hy virtue of an execution lusiinl out
of the Clri'iilt f 'onrt of the Htatn of Hrevon, lor
the County of Morrow, on Ih tober 17, Iwi'i, and
to me dlri cti'd Slid delivered, iimiii s JiiclKinent
reiideritl soil entered In said eotirl 011 the run
iIkv of Mi'iiti-iiilier. isnft. In fsvornf W. K. Mat
Iim Ic, plsliilltl'.aiid suiilio-t Msry tirlwull, Slid
Mnrv Drlm nll as mluiltilntrntrtx ol the estate of
roroi-lliii llrlm-oll. deeested, Maud Iirln'o'l,
Minnie llilm-ull and John lirlwoll. ilefeiiiisiiM.
for the turn of Kleveii llundred KlKhty mven
nd M ini if-ll"-" t-'i) iKillnrs with Interent there
mi at the rate of a per rent, per nullum, from
the I'ifi ilnv of heptemtu'r. Is'rt, and the fonts
slid iliiliiireiiifiitp of mild suit ami of this sale.
Ami wlierisa, bv said ImUimmt It as ordered,
ailjinlifi-'l slid ilis ree.l Unit Hie following de
. rllied resl proM-rlv. towlt: The witthslfnf
the iiiirth eimt i'irii'r, sun ineeati nsu 01 ine
imrth-wett iiiarti-r In tii tioii So. :tl in Town-
hip i south. "I rsnite ." et 01 mitaineiie
Meridian In Murrow County, Mate of Oregon,
toKi'lher with the teiiemeiin. Iiereilltameiiit ami
siiiirleiiiiei t lliereiinto belonging, be sold to
iun.lv tald jiidsmenl, emit and aii rnlng eotts.
I w III 011 the -1 -r. I isynl nenilier, !'.i.i, si
2o'riK li p in. of ani l ilnv. In front of the court
limit., dour. In lli-pi r. Morrow Cnuiity,
Ori gon sell all 1 he right. Mile and Interest of the
tnld ilrfi iiilaiiia and nil the rinlil, line ami
In'eri tl ol Hie ilefeii laiil. Marv lirtsenll. and
w hit h Cnriiellns UriM-nll, lUn stiiil had on the
ih day id April. or wlib h any of the
ili'feliilallltt, or Ilie ti I orneiiiit iirim-ini ii.tv
Iih e had In Hie atuved diti rllnd iiremltet. al
intilli-sni'tlnn In Ins hlulii'! anil lu tt I nloer
or rath lit hsn-l. Ihe ims-eed In be aiitiliid tn
the talitlti'lliin of said rw 'lllnil aud sll coats
that nmf sii rne
l atinl fh tiitwr I", lV
Mi i sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
King" of Bicycles, f
Notice Of Intention.
I j seMeinlit-r l I"1! SoIIit Is heretir given
thai Id Inlliiw lug niin-. trttler has flll tin.
In e nf hit liiteiilluli to mate ""al ftoof In sup
1..H i. hlti laliii Slid lhal said lifmif will M
tnt'le la-lure j, w. aurnit, 1 ouiiit . iera. ai
li-iiief, tlrrgon m Unmlf . I.', I, U.
IM r. Tin .mt liirinepr.'s ew -4 1
11. Ni.nt- '.tM. n,Tl !,.
He name, ihe Mlnitliig ailnewe In Bring
hi minimum teti.lriire u poll ami cultHaliou I
of Mll lainl. Ill
John latnilh'l, Vatlotl Fitnl John T
Mi Millsa. James leih. all of lliiginn, or.
JT i 1. r. N'K'Sa, Ku g later.
Notice of Itlcntion.
l.ti orrn a f U iiii og..s.
VI lrn.Ui l V
VOTti . IS lirHISY Mi 1 HAT Till;
. i,,ii,, sing ntrt .e .r lit f ! ii.-t..l
I hit Inienllm ! I 11 prl 11 s.iit.ei
.! hiarlalm lhal M'l l ' - t !!! tw mad
l.h.i.J W tMm I " ? t I.IS.SI He.nf.
I irrgott, on So l ls
rjAMII MATItrws.
114 Ml) f.. Ihe s, Sbd st.fl,
1 .. 1 u . : . w m
lie iiamr r,.i.,w w w i
,1,1 ittlH.lt m.wi SiiS anil rulilialios 4.
..t.t ii. ,1 1 1
u J tvi,. It J IiM.w, p li.rtt, w. u
sailnt. ail id Ml I "'. Moiron 10 , ir
p. 1 , 11.1
g a Hrglif.
Four Models-S85 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAOO. ILL.
"BRANCMUS s-fsew York. San Francisco, 5slt Uka City . Deavtr, Memphis, Detroit, Toronto.
A. W. PATTERSON, A (jmt for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Tin: Patterson Publishing Co.
. 9 - f
iat lMfjM t Is. --
It aa 4f 1 sravaMl tf Mf4,
4 tat. m. feM tffvi
tu mm f - kM t '
UgMt 4 af p - in 1
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mi s tv, a ta, at iiasstt
11i gnSj iilarntn, -fnj IU
fVail ttevtlt iial'IU to si. l IU
rafilr ii i-f lla tlttf li"pia
tsl VI r. ssl-'il i ( It
tl. " i..-4 l-af-ig) f t t.1 ,.t ;
t li.. eft gl I. i a I' liiii a' 4
tk I .. -. f f I !l AH 'i mlm !
arilis pe( l.if stln-ii li.u -f
na )r it a-lTsara Uit arl.w- ttfj
It: a saraa. j
Is t! I itlUm llurt.io rw''tit. a
....ni.il,ti tttst aa eiit i-le. With Uf S
an l f t Wlnri'l t 'Mh t h ma. hma
al -! if t"ie trs s
! S W
Tlir ar nn th IVi'-j l.iff laisart. t
tfie .n!!irat .!aka, rn'aV! ffi
f inr III At ml'.!"! ars'a. t na.rr ;ng'
that ea -S itt nf t?u wi'S est at lrat
ten njrt,l nf flah "-f !s. IM fcer-t
w 1'J ftniiim sit Sriii l"l th nf BH a
Jesr A stit as'sra'.-' f ;a" IKat a
ssl wJst .i.ltt,f Bu r lhaa
ten t.a.U pet Jaf. tMs rin at Is
l.ntl ir. ht theia II " ti;m,r
IHe av-a's ira w 1.1 V rt i.lrtil f.n !
fa. t ' iha anvKlit , f f.!i ,i finie I
li 1 tif'snt ff IMf t t s .stl 1
stM-.t t.-w.- i'4 u I-, w i. . !:;' r
a 4, s at t .(" f '- ii"
A a i f i is mf a.ariatra
l"s f sa t , fi ft '!isa 're
pi''.rl biu'i, a 4 niait ia f tsl
poTirk" r ltlNTIn.
An rn r at tn l r rii
lkllr t ! I M'l glS
I l It, 1 1-. 1 - namiil . n 'f I r I
1 1 . ct i. il. i.ll.iM ! t-uw4 In 'f-
trfi ,.f I- a t n.l i-l l t HI
. hi. J V .it.. I . .1,1.1 . I t. Si
II-1 i-'ii. i''r n X.'- --' 'a l ,l
Si. Ili'l I I l lit
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In fcmg
, n lii.-n
1 1. 1
in r
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II. I. . .. IM I g till'
t.1 4 1 . .
I.. ,. .,., fn.t S l!f,
ikk l K i li.il - aii l-' ts '-
r Mam
aa ag'ii.
Notice of Intention.
IS I il. !
tag t.m.
i. W. e.t "!
IK. I- ..
S 1 1-1.
at I ftt
,.lt.. M ki . g
I a t
lt lhal
ftwlr l
I ii-.l ail -- all "a-i
W ta. J H W . h.Mf Ili'l ! Mfr.
--, a . I
suing i ut i . a
Hi j -. Ik. li i a '1 ,.
a a m a t , , .
Or T a s f
it - a pt i g h i.iig w. i.
1 1. .... .i ,....-. i : . t"- i - ii !..
' I
.! i. a: t'" "i"' '
? t . - iir
t U ttlaJ-a Us a P fsa aS)te. ti!
I a t'-a Ik i Is aalf a tnWM,
Mrt. Mar? UfcJt -a.
Il 0 1 L
euro BOUND to Take Mini.
Leaves No Conftlpntlon,-
(" H. as as a l t'i !;'. e I ls'ts. sr4 Mslatis. Tt f
r IliM a fltt la ! "I.l. f44 t s i ragrtt .g ar , Dat
H.)M, ftU I . i-.l.-P Mri'lCAL Ul.
FaclaP, Cel.
III tV' faiamspwt