Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 15, 1895, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
CUBED by using
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Here and There.
The ancients thought the world was flat
We moderns know 'tis round;
But still w'd take it, round or flat,
And put a barb-wire fence around.
John Ambrose is over from Hitter.
Frank Whetstone has returned from
Wm. Hughes arrived home Tuesday
from Portland.
Marble Works,
baok yesterday
The Niles-Vinann,
walla Walla, Wash.
M. D. French got
morniDg from Wasco.
V. A. Stephens returned yesterday
morning from Marysville, Iowa, ac
companied by his little daughter. Mr.
Stephens left Heppner the third of last
July to take his wife, who was very
seriously ill and not expeoted to live,
back to Iowa that she might die amoDg
ber own people. She passed away in
twenty days after reaching their desti
nation. Mr. Stephens remained in that
state daring the summer and fall, but
has returned to Morrow county, where
he still has all his property, to reside.
Danville (Tnd.,) Republican: The
infant ohild of Mr. and Mrs. J as. P.
Darnall died some time Tuesday night,
the parents not being aware of the fact
nnfil novf mnpninn ntiun if tit a a frtnn1
Born To the wife of Cbaa. Sperry at dead in bed. The funeral services were
held yesterday afternoon, the remains
being interred in the east oemetery.
The parents have the sympathy of the
euiire community in their bereavement.
(Mrs. Darnall was formerly Miss Cora
Patterson, known to many old residents
of Heppoer.)
Sore throat. Any ordinary case may
be cured in one night by applying
lone, on Nov. 9, a girl.
Al Hand has returned from a summer's
runtime up in the Blues.
Eocleman Bros., of lone, were in Hepp
ner Tuesduy and Wednesday.
0. E. Fell is over from Pendleton to
do some timber oulture work.
Wm. Douglass was in from Butter
Pectoral. The first bottle Rave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot
ties more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley,
D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
IFT tT'y l I 5 1
3 5 6 7 8 9
JP 11 12 1V !
17" J8 jf J 0 22 2 3
Take Notice.
creek Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. Geo. Gray Is confined to her
residence iu this city by illness.
Born To the wife of John Cochran,
nenr lone, on the tbe 9tb a boy.
Joe Beck is over from Hamilton, and
will shortly ship some sbeep East.
Jaok McKenzie is hauling down a few
loads ot woods from tbe mountains.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Orfl. S. fl. Hmith. HMlAflmnn. Hnnnner.
Mr. ana Mrs. Joe Bannister were id
Heppuer yesterday and gave tbis office a
MiBS Ida Fell has goueover to Pendle
ton where she will hereafter make her
Mrs. A. A. Roberts is visiting this
week out at Price Florence's, on Willow
Telegram: T, A. Rhea, a cattle-raiser
aud dealer of Heppuer, is at the St.
Heuian Colwell has returned from
Austin Station where be spent the
Tbe danoes at Matlook's ball have
been changed from Saturday to Friday
J hp. M. Hayes nud family have moved
into Mrs. Kiioup's property, over near
ttie sohoolhouse.
W. W. Smead's father, who lives
down in Well springs preoiuct, is re'
portel as being ill.
There will be a grand masquerade ball
at the opera boue on Thanksgiving eve.
Don t forget the date. d5-2o.
Tbe Mrtbodirtt sociable last Tuesday
night was well attended, acd most
thoroughly eujuyert.
A premium to cash purchasers at
Pliill Cotin's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tt.
Tbe masque ball on Thanksgiving
niuht will no doubt be largely attended.
See ad. in another column.
W.J. Brownies and J. O. Williams
It yesterday with freight, bound for
John Day and Long Creek, respectively.
Wbeu you want to fnel merry call on
Livhe sperry, at tbe Belvedere Saloon,
where they keep tbe tioest wet goods in
towu. tf.
Mrs. Judy Mitchell departed for Big
Butter creek this morning and will
reside with tbe family o! Jest Moore for
the winter.
1. The sum of live nnnta per Una will be
iliRrnwl for "curd n( thank," "resolutions ol
tiinpert," IlsU ol wedrtlm prewiuta and donnra,
md obituary notice, (otlit-r than thoae the ellt
)r ihall hlinMiK Rive m a niattr ol news,) and
Bottom o(nctal mtvtlnirn lor whatever purnoae,
X Notions ol church and soclrty and all other
VitertalnmeuU Irom which revenue I to be de
rived, shall be chanced lor at the rate ot live
,ent a Una. Thexi rule will be itrlctly adber
jd to in every In. tunc.
A1vertllnR rabM reasonable and made known
ipon apiilloatlon.
State for Hardman, Monument, lin Crevk,
fohn l'T and Canyon City, leave a follow :
Kvery day at a. m., trrt Kiiinlay.
Arrive every day at 4 p in., eirept Monday.
The rheapeat, quickeat and beat line to Of
from the Interior rmintry.
rtiill Colin, AionL
Extra Pal Star Brewery Beer
In Half Pint Bottle ran be
bad only at tbe .......
City Hotel Bar!
Where blah frade IJ.iiors and Clean are also
kept by If I.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm as directed
with eaob bottle. Tbis medioine is also
famous for its cures of rheumatism,
lame back and deep-seated and musoular
pain. For sale by Slooum-Jobnson
Drug Co.
Judge and Mrs. A. Mallory departed
Wednesday for Reedley, Calif., where
they will spend some time visiting C. M
Mallory and family. On their way down
they will visit their relatives near Salem
Wednesday before leaving, Grandma
Slooum invited the old people and other
kin oyer to partake ot a farewell dinner,
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga'
Teno., says "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved
my life.' I oonsider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble
itexoels. Pnoe 75 cents. Sold by T
W. Ayers, Jr.
Charley Jones, the well-known "old-
timer" in the tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews shop, Minor building
opposite tbe city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
Oreeonian: Mrs. William Sill, ot
Heppoer, Or., with her two sons, who
have been visiting relatives and friends
in Portland tbe past two weeks, is now
visiting her mother, Mrs. John A Hurl-
burt, at Taylor, Or.
The Heppner sohool is prosperous this
year, even under adverse circumstances,
and tbe corps of teachers are doing
excellent work. The average atten
dance is 219, while the total enrollment
has reached 242.
Mrs. L. D. Boyed and two little
daughters, who have been visiting
frieuds and relatives in and about Hepp
oer for tbe past three weeks, returned
on last evening to their home in Hood
River valley.
J. W. Kerns, tbe city painter, is pre
pared to do all kinds of painting and
paper banging and will do house clean
intr and take up and put down carpets.
OHice on Main street, opposite City
For 822.50 I will sell a first class, high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years. For further partiou-
Urs oali on or address, H, A. Oaon
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
Married On Thnrsdav, Nov. 14th, at
the residence of tha bride's mother, near
Lexington, Mr. Eph Eskelson and Miss
Rosa Benge. Tbe Gazette joins in tbe
Volney McHalsy came In Tuesday
from Hamilton, going on down to
Arlington. Ha returned Thnrsdav
Elmer Hloonro, the artist, will make morninir. aoine on throush br stses
catnnei pnoios lor me next ou asye si that day
i per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
Toor, perished thing,
How helpless, now, thy angel-painted wing;
How tired of death the unaffected grace
That lingers on thy little feathered face!
Could any gem that mortal choose to prize
Assume to match the radiance oi thine eyes?
Some man destroyed what ne'er again can be,
In killing thee.
Say, silent thing:
Hadst thou the Heaven-invented gift to ling?
Couldst chant a sonnet, undented by art,
And thrill and win the chosen of thy heart?
Couldst hush the silent sobbing of the air.
With strains of jewelled laughter, free from
One fancies some of Ood's unsullied glee
Went back with thee.
Didst love to fling
Thyself upon the swelling breast of Spring?
Didst joy to thread the airy lanes with ease,
Or find a swaying throne among the trees?
With dainty prow and firmly planted sail.
Couldst ride along the billows of the gale?
Heaven meant the earth and azure safe and free,
For such as thee.
But, plumaged thing,
If deathly splendor can a comfort bring,
If but thy body, from its sweet control,
May send a message to the restless soul,
Rejoice: it hath a more than royal bed:
Thy mausoleum 1b my lady's head.
And I can fancy many swains I see,
That envy thee!
Will Cableton in Every Where, for Nov.
Pure Blood
is the secret of the restoration to health
which Hood's Sarsaparilla gives.
"It gives ma
pleasure to recom
mend Hood's Sarsa
parilla. It has cured
me of many com
plaints, and puri
fied my blood. I
was troubled with
my liver, had hip
disease and other
troubles, with swcll-
ing of my ankles.
For a lonsr time J
$'f!&$ cane. For S3veral
WaA years I was gradual-
breaking down. I had the grip in a
severe form. I procured six bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and it built me up.
My recovery I owe to Hood's Sarsaparilla.
All my ills have gone and I feel like a
new person. 1 sleep wellanaeatneartll;
Mrs. Charlotte Kelly, Haywards,
, Cal.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only true blood purifier prominent
ly in the pumio eye today Try it.
For more than a buudred years the
Shakers have been studying the remedial
properties of plants. They have made
many discoveries, but their greatest
achievement was made last year. It is
a cordial that oontains already digested
food and is a digester ot food. . It is
effeotive in removing distress after eat
ing, and creates an appetite for more
food so that eating beoomes a pleasure.
Pale, tbin people beoome plump and
healthy under its nse. It arrests tbe
wasting ot consumption.
There has never been snob a step for
ward in the cure ot indigestion as thip
Shaker Cordial. Tour druggist will bt
glad to give you a little book descriptive
ot the product.
Give the babies Laxol, which is Castor
Oil made as palatable as honey.
Ufv4o Dills cur9 habitual constlpa
nOOCl S r 1U uon. Trice 25c. per box.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & 8t. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
aud the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Great Bargains
Bbokb Jail. Last night along about
o'clook, Os Wells and Albert Bei
broke out of the city jail, then walks'
to Lexington and took the train. Tbei
present whereabouts are unknown, and
as tbey were guilty of a misdemeanoi
only, no effort will be made to punish
them further, so long as they grace
Heppner with their absence.
VITANTED: Several trustworthy eentlemen
VV or ladies to travel in Oregon, forestablish-
d, reliable house. Salary J(0 and expenses.
iteany position, anciose reierence atm sen an
Ircssed stamped envelope. The Dominion Conv
any, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
ii. marl,
None But Ayer's at tbe World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsnparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
of other sarsaparillas sought by ever)
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under the
application ot the rule forbidding the
entry of patent medicines and nostrums.
Tbe decision ot tbe World's fair antbo
rides in favor of Ayer's Hares parilla was
in effect as follows: "Ayer s Harenpa-
rilla is not a patent medicine. It does
not belong to the list of nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
Ha Beta "Fill, d."
A reoent issue of the Telegram
tbe following :
"B. A. Uoosaker, an attorney ot The
Dalles, is at the Holton."
"Harry Bennett, a onutracter of Tbe
Dalles, is at the Holton."
bouse. tf.
Osoar Ii. Warden, representing F.
Chevalier A Co., and Max Mayer, of the
Hlumauer- Frank Drug Co.. visited
Heppuer laat week.
Matbews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Uairouttiog, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done soieotifloally.
Dalus at 25 cents apieoa,
Dr. L. F. Hhipley reerutly outfit ltd
bis buggy with two "boll's eye" lanterns,
Call on Pbill Oohn for One wine and
liquors for medicinal por poses. A coin
plete line t Key West clears, and a
premium ticket for the 8100 Victor
bicycle. tf.
Kbilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee
It cure Incipient Consumption. It is
the best CnngbOure only one oent a dew,
2octs.,5oots., and II. Hold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
j(0 wncbio came in l n end ay ir.ni
Andy Tdlaid'a ranch, and will shortly
and oow think be flao tackle the worst .Mt for tha East wild Joe lieok's sbeep.
rosdf ami tna unrieat nigbia. u will, perbaps, locals lo Wyoming
O. B. Uatt, the tonsorial artist, oan The lectara sivn at the one re horse
ba f iuod at his parlors, Matlock oorner, reoently by K. II. Hherrill, subject,
where ba will dispense at popular prions, -Morrannlem Unveiled." was of mnob
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. merit, though the audience was small,
Tha literary will ba open to tha pnblio t, o.ioa Hall's Hair Itenewer. grsy.
tomorrow night Aa Interesting pro- faded, or discolored bair assumea tha
gram has ban pMpr4 auJ lovers of natural oulor ot youth, and grows
amusement ar eoMially invited. luxuriant and strong, pleasing every
Hatch Iteno. aonom nanied br Lia 1 body.
brother Fred who Is recently from I'.ioliard J. V inrent, a globe-trotter of
Davlon. Wash., and F.ph tkelon. of fifteen years, visited Portland reoently
us Di ieen erouni in wnriii and na
seen almost everything worth seeing.
Many pip!e, when a little cintl
paled, make tlie niiUk of uiog saline
or other dralie purgative. All that l
needed Is a mild tl of Ayer's Till to
restore tbe regular movement of tba
txiwrls, aud nature will di lb ret
Tbey keep the system io prrfet order.
lUlvnr-Hjwrry-At in realdeoea of
th bride's parent. 5.M Fast Ankeoy.last
Wedoeatay evening at it o'clock, llsv.
Roland I) Oratil "lemhic! tba mar
riage of Mi D Hy Katbb-enHprrr and
Mr. William hieveos llalvor. Many
f riends of I ha eon pie prewtit, at.4
eej iyed lb" wed ling etipier served.
M (!, ,r la a u ilarnm.nl ruttlor.
(Jregnoiaa. Mi IMIr K Hn-rrT r r Ayers n raspanit aa fiiK-ioa'iy a
teUtit m and friends at H'ppuer who tt oi l p"ea'era ara duplared by a
joia la tba congf lultl-os. ! a-lmloiiriioo.
Lrxiogtoo, wer io town Toeedsy.
Pur drnas. elieminaU. naint. window
glaanda complete Una of stationery All who like to dance will enjoy tba
at oweet orioe aod a etianea to win a bumqmwi at ina opera umise i lianas
iH)pn at I'bill O'bo's drug store, I giving eve. Tickets 1 ; ladies free aud
nrxl door lo Minor Co. If. speeiatort ou rents.
Teachers' elimination was In progress T. It. Howard makes a speeisliy In
ear lota weel noder utrviaiD oiiio'htih sinosmeo wnu an oewieu
Hapl. llalsiger. ailel by Judge ir- artklea, beeidea carrying a general line
lao.l. The folio log were preseui: nea dis new aa. ir
Arthnr iiooaon, I. I. uixuap, tore y.Kt. ajt-.i h,-ilM, ..iiit .-.. .
Hfi.ilh, Vis Hayer aod Mra. M. A. UrU. ,h , Ue.ela at I'hlll
"Tuia Iha raMia.s ont-ll.s familiar
patty ry may ba arplied to micro ts
e'.l a lo mn. Tba germ of diaee
that lurk in Hi ttlonl are I'lrned out
and hy virtue of a decree and order of sale
inly made and entered on Nov 4th 1H!5. in the
matter of the estate of John H Gentry, deceased,
bv the County Court, of the State of OrKOU for
Vforrow County, sotting In protmte the under
signed as administratrix of the said estate will
oner lor sale st public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash In hand on Monday, Dec 12th
IMii. at 11 o'clock in the Inrenoon of that day
at tne iront aoor ot tne court house, in Heppner,
Morrow County Oregon, all the following de
scribed real property belonging to the above
namca estate situated in Morrow county
Ircgon, towit: The Northwest ouartor and
the Southwest quarter of section two (2) In
Township two CD Houth. Kango twenty-six C.lil
Kast of Willamette Meridian: said salo is made
subject to all lious and incuinberances now
exlKting upon the said real property, and subject
lo tbe continuation ot all sales lo be ma.lc by
the above entitled comity court.
mum. kvie tr..iiti
Hated this ftth day of November. 1H!,'.
Administratrix of the estate of John H
Gentry, Deceased. :W7-M,
UfflMTm AM inrH Whoranthlnk
II Mil I 1.1 Mil lUtMof aomeaimple
thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas : they may
hrlnir vnu wealth. Write JOHN WKDDK1U
BUHN & CO., i'atent Attorney, Waslilngton,
L). C, for their Il.suo prize offer.
Notice Some of Our Prices
Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
Good Jersey Shirt, 60 oents.
Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 cts.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
a m
Will arrive in a few days, which will be sold at low figures.
We are Sole Agents for Henry Mossle & Son's Full Cream Young America
Cheese. Call and see us.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
WagonB and Soap
Tocket Knives and Overalls
Tea Tots and Tomatoes
Also some other things and something else.
Karl's Clover Knot will purify yonr
Blooil, clfar y.inr Complexion, regulate
yonr bowels and make your bead clear
ass bell. 25c . 60c., And $1 Hold by
T. W. Avers Jr.
Any inventor in Eastern Oreeon wbn
desires lbs servinta of an attorney in
Wsshinutnn, D. O , will find it to bis
advantage lo rail on or address tbis pa
per. M
Nkw Fekd Yakd Wm. Gordon hs
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
tbe Qazette office, and now solicits) a
sbare of your patronage. Billy is right
at Lome at Ibis business, and your
borses will be well looked after. I'rioes I
reasonable. Ilav and grain for sale. tf.
Hay Foh Halb I have 75 tons of
excellent wheat bav on the Al Havers
place 8 miles above Olex, which I will
sell very reasonable, Oood location for
feeding stock. On Itork Creek, Gilliam
Co., Oregon.
fiw. O. O. Bo vii.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
lie will make it an object for you to trade with
him as his prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are ot the very bent
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Heppiujr, Oregon.
k Thousand lklicls of Folate !
( 'olio's drag store, sett dwr lo Mini k
CM. If.
llrst erwtmiti'HlaMnn and rarltms
treslmealat Ibt Im(rll (Intel, Hvtetilh
and Vtaeb. Mis., ( orlUod. Orcein.
O THE FAf'T '' ' xi'rrAiiif alittdwt tknl U$ or
Ihrf ei narsr 1 dsynst , fc IS fdU'S thmt$y Kit
h-il ; or, i'o utt.tr tnirih, kr u a bnr an t th lrth u f in
a.. H'r rf.i titl fliim In n-trrH rrrra f.f r
tit ff oy i f Uttil u; fil is am a-lntlj IM m e.oo
JUi -r neoffrr .rot Vtf h trtht ! thtir l,tkrr .rfr-
rhntti IfrA.fA tr ar mrr9 tt fly it .f fft' r.w sr. U'' tr
tut rtlifti )
H' n7 th0 puhltf N i;ivf rmf lntk, n4 Mtt fftu sr.f
t.4(r"l.rA. jlr,l.t.,M ltk ! tt Urtl,Mn1 nnr
pnrti ar at rhtip mt njr sf. r Is ,'isfrj frgo.
Ctll If s no-l r rti4 f mn jut W s.
i m r
" . I f '
k.i i k. si r
111! f
t i ; t r.
rmH lit
,.f n t 4 l ' tf mt
tU mi H-mt llWi
Dak fararlf Urmmt
. Ifyi would rrsUt I'tifQiiinnle, limn
jrbiliS, lltlinll fever, and wrtislenl
I n(;i,s atd el Is. These ills eHeek lbs
I weak Slid fuo dowa systetn. Tbey ea
I And Hi foi.lh.il I wbere II. s bl.n.d Is kl
j pure, rirb and fall l vilalily, tbe et.
IUKI and diestliili vlgorrtfis, wilb
! II.eHl's Hrprlli, lb OAS If 0 blood
1 1-". Is rills tntm liver Ills, tonsil-
l , Ii ll-iaseeo, jqndlAe, Sli k head
f he.
If you want bargains now is the time.
are oinj; out of business.
ilLL ! !
At tor ranch, ton roil en Routhnet of IIciinr, at lo per pound in
Iho fii'ld, aack(sl. Or will deliver at I Ipnr t lc jxt ound. For
aited (lOtaliN'R, luy crop cnouot m beatou.
rl. Ii. MANNING,
.j. c. lioucri lon.s.Pi-oi).
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
To Hi; Oiv.-n On
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, u n.e ihce fo.
i I I'li'.sui. DsLsta. Crl-IBl C
I ( I .gl.i f !. (' I'lt hm t
1 "i'. !.! ml aieiuiierrriil Ibat ll
'l!llif svlil-trs Lv Iwn ai-txMnUd
d. !.!. li t II Nli"rl KI.IfiJ
.illation, 1 1 Ul.ll In KugfUbt,
ri I. Jsausir 31 I- Si. I' 1: Ctils
.!. I ,f lb iakailU tm, I I.
A. hif r.1 bm (ny t itjr , Ire
f'(.ill ff IUa l.tft Onaid, lae
MUat.ril. !!. A. W. fal-
!( i4 l. (livr lisM, VT. fl.
t-4t4 It As.l.kl ll is. T. U
ll.ilf IU IVI mt, Cl "!.!. V.. ti
JmIso, t IU .i IK. ..,,!
f mUi t4 Im I'. I . Il.w an4 C.
C IV cHf -f i j. p.) s ((if -C
'F Tin:
Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
KieiSIC !
The Hcst of Music will be furnished
Suitable Prizes Awarded.
and A
At Matlock's Hall on
rk.i!Tho Mnnuocmenl will uso overy effort to mnko
tho III II o Comploto Success.
Minos, mm 8
slash) by !(' W, Mnaa l'4
wtr;";:'. (Tickets, Sl.OO: Ladies free; SK:ctatrs, HOc.
J. W. RASMUS. Managlk.
(u U.iU.s l
It siy al w
i fr.h sof y'f t-iti, n,'l ,
.- 4 !!, wfcirh b ''
j M ai'l.l ft4 fWivk.
UnraitsVT.UU.awiUUa. tf