mm THE MAJORITY SHOULD RULE. The Kentucky legislature is a tie between republicans and demo crats, two populists holding the balance of power. It is clear that neither party can elect a senator without the aid or the populiBts; that is, neither alone can elect a sound-money senator. Then the sound-money men of both parties should unite to defeat JJlackburn and elect some man who can be trusted on this vital question. His party politics are of secondary importance. uregoman. an party. The silver men would prefer a stronger silver man, while he is most too conservative for the gold-bugs, but he is a fair com promise. White's play, "The Demon of the Belfry," has been produced in 'Frisco. It is founded on the Durrant case and the murder of Blanche Lamont. A Peculiar Case. The Gazette agrees that in the event a republican cannot be chosen that it would be well to unite with the democrats, but the Gazette would prefer that said proposed combination causes the election of Blackburn. But it would be infinitely better if the combine could elect a republican, and if the Oregonian was a good republican paper it would rise above prejudice and Clovelandism and say so. It occurs to the Ga zette that the Oregonian has been saying all the time that the question is all "tariff" and that the money issue is not in it, but from the advice given to Kentucky republicans it appears that the "great issue," with uh, is not woith consideration, when there is a chance to down some "silverites." The trouble with such advice is that it tends to disrupt party organization, as like all good rules, it works both ways. The nigger's coon trap caught thorn "both gwiuo and a comiu'." The Oregonian is a great news paper in all, the best on the const and rivaling the loading papers of tho liimt. Its editorials are masterpieces in rhetoric. But they are ol'teu Hplcni-tic; they arc more frequently dictatorial; in all they are strongly wlf-ojiinionnted, The (biZftto thinks that tlu-wi are fata! mistakes, not Imthuho of any littlediHagreenieiit with that paper, but that it often has jiiht the oppo site effect inti'i-di'il. For iiihtniico, the Orcgoiiinn did mute lant winter to defeat iVilph than any other one influence, not because of what was aaid, but how it unid it. This is to Imj regretted, becauso a great republican factor like tho Orego- uian nhould do its part toward pouring oil over tho trouble water in endeavoring to re-unite warring factions, Tho rhanceM .are that the Ore. goninu will run n it eane re gardlen of advice given to it by rural "porous .t1nttt,H but all republican have nn interest in republicanism; they have a detdre to ie harmony prevail; to know that majorities are n-ajMt t'd. The Cleveland at) In of the minority nil ing tho majority i not popular in Oregon, and it ia the intention (.f Allen G. Thcrman, the "old Roman," one of Ohio's foremost citizens, is seriously ill. He is well along in years being 82, and yet is well preserved and may recover. Maher, the Irish champion, knocked out Steve O'Donnell in a little over one minute at Maspeth, L. I., Nov. llth, Steve got all the blow punched out of him in just three jolts. Eastern Oregon wants an open Columbia, but the Gazette doubts much if the boat railway proposi tion is the proper one. It will cost a great deal of money and may not work successfully when complet ed, while it has been asserted that a canal can be built easily, nature having done part of the necessary work, for less than the engineers have claimed necessary to construct the proposed boat railway. Give us a real open river all its naviga ble length, but the Gazette, as it understands the question, i8 not infatuated with the boat railway proposition. But if it's boat rail way or nothing, why of course give us that. Sunday's Oregonian contains an article with the caption, "Signs of tho Times." It is illustrated by or rather is embellished with the pictures of lions. Joe Simon, Edward D. McKee and Sylvestor I'ennoyer. Of course, these wor thies were interviewed. Messrs. Simon and McKee talked about sound money they think that it is wipular to do so just now, because nends of silver are dome their wood-saw-ing while the old ex governor, true to his convictions, reiterates what he has said before so many tirneH, that "It is an abso- uto fact that thin country, through its finaucial policy, is in a worse state of subjugation to Great Brit- am now than it was in 1770. TnE East Oregonian charges that the Pendleton Tribune has robbed the taxpayers of Umatilla cuuuty ot sevmul hundred dollars in an overcharge for the imbli- cution of tho list of delinquent taxes Tho Gazetto does not doubt tho truth of the K. O.'s statement A man who will draw !?" a day of the state's money as clerk on com mittees that did nothing, who will allow himself to bo put there by "the gang in order to help lor Maid their interents, who will stay ho drunk mont of tho time as to be unable to do honest work if it were to bo done, will not scruple at "raihing" a bill for county print- lug. This is tho MHino man who insulted lion. Stephen A. Ixiwell' fiiends by calling thern "Dolly Vardeii tioliticinns" and got sat dow n upon by every man, woman and child in Pendleton. F.ven the dogs gave him their undivided attention. Wkra lli Chill Mi.ta nf taa Morning llitnrf hk ft imll ovrr lli gnrfao ot Ids wttli, It will Ih) well tot you hrfor Yi-utiirii'tf Into Dim raw vaporon ir, i-Urg-nt, lurid . w itb III ol maUna or (reiiiliT of rli.tiiuatio ( ttitff. In Ink wiu.glaa.fiil of II. Mlri'a Mliimarli Hittcra. ml Itina ablrl.1 )'Mif.lf from innM(ilifrid inline ore t linalih. If ton baHa la tfrl aiioaml, slrt., of rian. npn, nag Ilia annul ftrrroliT. ami j Ih ilieiiroaiiain or ilaiigrrnns rolj Tb agrnraliU warmth iiifii, Into lb elr. mWiioii l lliia h-ihkI alm hi. Ha In-iigi-ralin: an I rrgnUlin .fi.rliea e-miniptiii ii in an (From the Record, Philadelphia, Pa.) Last July the Episoopal hospital ad mitted woman whose pale aa emaci ated faoe and racking cough proclaimed ber tbe viotim of consumption. She save ber name as Mrs. Wm. Q. Bowen, residenoe, 1849 Meighan St, Phila delphia. The cage was diagnosed arjd she was told plainly that she wag in an advaiioed atage of consumption. Tbe examining pbyeioiao even showed her the sunken places in her breast where tbe oavity in ber longs was supposed to exist. She went home to ber family a broken, disheartened woman with death staring ber in the faoe. That was tbe beginning of the story, tbe end as told by Mrs. Bowen, who no longer expects to die, to a reporter follows: "Tbe first symptoms of consumption came in the form of terrible sweats, both night and day. From April until Sep tember I was oocstantly cold and kept wrapped np in blankets through tbe hottest weather. A terrible congh took possession of me, my breast was sore to the slightest touch, and my limbs were like oold clay. Tbe hardest rubbing with tbe ooarsest towel would not create tbe slightest flush, and tbe least ex ertion would so exhaust me that I could barely gSBp for water. "I went to tbe hospital in July and they diagnosed my case as above stated. It was when the olouds were the darkest that the first glint ot sunshine came. Mr. Sbelmerdine, ft friend who lives around at 1844 Clementine St., said to me one day, 'Mrs. Bowen did you ever try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for pale people?' I had never beard of the medicine but in my condition could not tarn a deaf ear to anything that offered relief. It was after considerable tbonght and investigation that I con cluded to discontinue all tbe medicine I was taking, including cod liver oil, and depend entirely upon Pink Pills. I began to take tbe pills, at first with but little encouragement. Tbe first sign of improvement was a warmth and tingling sensation in my limbs. Finally the oougb disappeared, my cheat lost its soreness and I began to gain flesh nntil I was fifteen pound heavier. All this I owe to Dr. Williams' Pink Pill and I oannot praise them too highly." Mrs. Bowen is a lady ot middle age, a oburoh member well known and highly esteemed. She looks today, well and strong and it seem almost impossible) that she was ever given up by eminent physicians a an incurable consumptive. Yet snob is the case beyond all dispute. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills oontain all the elements necessary to give new life nod richnesa to the blood and restore shattered nerve. Tbey are for sale by all druggists, or may be had by mall from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., for 60 cents per box, or six boxes for $250. the doctors approve of Scott's Emulsion. For -whom ? For men and women who are weak, when they should be strong ; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for all who do not get from their food the nourishment they should. Poor blood is starved blood. You eat and are nourished. Consump tion and scrofula never come when the blood gets its proper food. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil with the taste taken out. It is for all who feel weak, have lost appetite or are losing flesh. No one else breaks up cod-liver oil as it is broken up in Scott's Emulsion. If you need it, get it. No substitute will do. wi r. w I I -It i n BY m uivwi mm ILLS t litt Driiiii 1 at . rWt TWO 5IZES, 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT ft BOWNB, Chemist, New York. weather all the stone ork involved in our contraot can be finished i.i thirty days. The same can be said of the low er entrance to the oanal, where a large working foroe is making rapid progress. Tbe heaviest work is at the coffer-dam, where there is a core of about 40,000 yards of dirt and rocks to be removed. Of this we are taking out from six to seven hundred yards a day and will in crease tbe amount after the present week. If nothing outside tbe ordinary oourse of events shall happen we shall certainly have all the exoavation work finished in two months from now. The ooncrete work on the floor of the upper oanal will be but a short job and our work is done aud tbe canal will be ready (or the passage of boats. We know no reason wby the locks should not be open for traffio by tbe 1st of March and we are doing all in our power towards taat end." g F K 15 JE 1 a fc; tt IftOOworthof lovely Music torFoHy-" a .j I M , . cants, consisting of too pages ' full size Sheet Music of the a hp latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular wj selections, both vocal and Instrumental, a gotten up in the most elegant manner. In- ciuaing rour large size Portraits. CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, T- ADEL1NA PATTI and MINNIE 8EUQMAN CUTTING. ; ADDRESS ALL OHDEAS TO " THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 2 Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. SZZ CANVASSERS WANTED. 2 To every person making a cash purchase of 25 cents we will give & coupon ticket which entitles the holder to an equal show in the grand prize. The person receiving the bicycle can exchange for other goods of same value. We carry the most complete line ol the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drugs,. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Stationery, School Books, Toilet Articles, Per fumes, Candies, Nuts, and Cigars, and will pay the highest cash price at any time for county and city warrants. Goods along Echo and Lone Rock stage routes delivered free of charge. Prescrip tion work a specialty. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Ottice of Dr. McSwords in our store. OUR PRICES ARE LOW! Wells & Warren, HEPPNEH, ORBOON WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladit'S to travel in Oregon, foi establish ed, reliable house. Salary $7X0 and expenses. Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago, 111. marl. liow'g This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that oan not b cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs , Toled' , O. We the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the last 15 year, and believe birn perfectly honorable ia all business transactions and financially able to oarry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trnax, Wholesale Drnggistn, Toledo, O., Walding, Kinnan fe Marvin, Wholesale DrnguiatH, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly niton the blood and mucous Rurfaoes of the syatera. Price 75 oens per boltle. Hold by all Drug- gists. Textioooiii'ils free. For Hale. Ten shares of stock in the National Bank ot Heppner. Address Richard T. Cox, Reoetver, Arlington, Oregon, 64tf. SUMMONS. ! a'ii ali.l ., 1 . , , k , 'ct Dial -rrvrtlltii la lltr than rnr. HTr flow lo ftiiMirt thfir lty j l' lb Il.llma fr li..i.ta, .i..iia. niuinr, fttivl in rt cry r uatftjn tin "irly oiani uti.m in tlioaUlrt. Hum ftr otlii-r fcl.rj Sr -I lak- this mMh.vdnf inr.n. entering into tlirt muti-M Im-m.!.- "! nMir in , r.l, an I all my tliil fiOMH'ia,! on. Will tlirJ '"",,rr l'l''' t 'Mi-lar, that I L U a (, ii my Krhtal tn"lhanli COUNTY COURT PHOCKKDINUS. Tbe following amount wa allowed to jurora and witnesaaa for September S:ii:S.30. Tb grand Jury witoesse were allowed total sum of $248.70; criminal witnesses, g'20. Miscellaneous bills allowed: Mrs. R. Lieuallen. f 3.60; J. W. Morrow, 14.40; J.P.William, mot; Wm. IVnland. 1H; OUfa & PrnJbomme, 821 50; Qen. D. liariurd & Co; 817.50; Harnett l!rot 824.40; W. L. Mallory, JHOin Aon J. Iialsiger, 8121 HO. Philip Plahro fS.70; T. W. Ayera, Jr.. 121.25, allowed gn.'.K); Oilliam A lilt-beo, f).H4; T. II, Howard, $0 70; (. W. Harrington 812010; J.J. Adkins, $:4. Iu the ram Htalo v, (X II. Oardner, the following bill of eottsws allowed ,85215, Jerry Proauau' olaim for f3 20 being disallowed eulirely. A total aroonnl nf $25.10 was allowed iu (bo case of e t. A K, WaUoo. Hcrlp iastia Ci'MlTnrd io tbe flap HtaU v. Milt Porll, Htatd va. C. II (lardoer, Htat . KJ. lUiyae, Hlala vt A. K. Wataoo. aliacrllaneon bill amouoliDrf to ll.X. war 1lne,t. O ils In caaa Hlal v. Wm. Van ArJ trnm cimtinaml fr Urni. MtMHllnnu bill llod la I be mnuat of f-MO 2il Cost ronDOlln to $."7 (A er lnw J io tb a Htat I.. M. Poall. Tb ahanff wm ordered to y on properly fur tale. K. (1. Hprr y, el al , aakad f r an ap- to aamal in lb rintrurtioo of tb l airiab rrrrk mad, which a niiiniv fur lerro A yol tmnnty of 1 fur t b !p aa allowrd. A Brand New Man! It is not meant that the man 13 so new, but that this paper is called upon to announce to the public that the Hardman mercantile business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to GEO. A. BROWN, A Well Known Morroio County Boy. He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr. Brown's stock and place of business will convince you. ltECOIIDHll'8 AND Jl'STfCE's CoCBTS. There has been more tban ordinary activity io the various cuurts of Hepp ner this week. As mentioned in last ssue, tho oase of Albert Ken was oou sidered the aeonud time by a jury of six meu who found the defendant guilty! He was fined $20, in default of which he wa committed to the oity baatite. Fred Hart hud previously pleaded guilty and reoeived 810 Hue, amlcoals added, wbioh he paid. Wednesday eveniug the oat ot Ot Wells, charged with disorderly oondiiot m the corporate limits -similar rase to those above mentioned -we tried in Recorder Hal luck's court, before a jury. The verlict V'iIty as charged," ami iu default nf 3 '" ' Committed. This did not clone the t-i-tivitios. Yesterday afternoon, Wm. Curry, who, a a witness in the ca. i f climmli'ily conduct, had heeu aoored by Attorney oiiu , t to mnire inut- ler by nsKanltinif ! itonghty hula at. toriiey down on Main utrtft, near Ibe i)cr photo gallery. The tiling reaullril in Curry wakirnr up hometa' neat, lit. i lea getting 825 II n w l.ioli be ia aervlny out in Ihecniiuly Jill. Ibe ritiK-nof tier by lurgM and ovrrwbulming IN THE JUSTICE'H COURT FOR SIXTH District, Morrow County, state of Oregon. uus I'atterson aim a. w. I'atterson, partners do ing business under the firm name and style of The Patterson Publish ing Company, Plnlntifl's, vs. Thos. Owens, Defendant To the Constable of Sixth District, Morrow County, mate of Oregon, In the name of the State of Oregon, we com mand you to summons Thos. Owens to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace, In District No. A. in said County and State, on or beinre tne atn aay oi December, A. u., iw, ar the hour of 10 o'clock a m at my ollloe in Heppner. in said District, County and Htatc, to answer the complaint of The Patterson Publish- liiir Company, a partnership, consisting of Otis and A. W. Patterson, founded on an express contract and wherein the said partnership demands JiidKment fur the sum of Seventeen Dollars and costs of this action, and iu vase he falls so to answer for want thereof, the Plain- ti II will take Jinle ment airalust him for tbe sum of Seventeen Dollars and Ilia costs In this action. This summons ts published by order of R. L. Freelaud, Justice of the Peace for the Sixth District. Morrow Countv Oregon. Dated November 8, 1MI5 E. I,. KREEI.AND, 3t W. Justice of the Peace. Hardman. Oregon, Successor to AV. E. KAHLEE. Notice of Intention. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at ThompBou & Bin us, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Uregon. These x-entlemon are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties. and can save money and time in making these lections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with the timet. THOMPSON & BINNS. TAND OFFICK AT THE DAIXF.S, OREGON, J (a t. la, lix.t.'i. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following named settler has nletl notice of his Intention to make lliml prmil In support of h'srlalm, and that Bald proof will be made hclorc County Clera, of Morrow County, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on Dec II, lx'i'i, vis: JAMKri H UKA. Hd. E. No. t).. for the K't NK4 Hec. V,. fE'i HK'Sw.aiiaiidbWi4Wfeec. ii, Tp. 6 8, H. 2.'i K. He names the following witnesses to tirove his eimilniioiis resideiiee upon and culilvatlou ol said land, viz: Hiiljaniln I.iielllng, Abraham I.nelltng, Walter Iteiinett. Joseph . Ilaiilater, all of Hardman, uregon. J AH. r. MOORE, MI. Heglster, lle majority favor lawful order, and any at lempl to violate Ihe ruatoin of resiiect- ablc aooiely and the well knowu law of lb town and ial will meet with dis ater. Let all nnderaland it and prollt I hereby. Now ts tb tin to gel lb Wee kly Oregonian, the greatimt neaapaper of Ih Wwl. With lbe(iKti.btb strict ly In adfanCf.on tear, I t N). No heller CotiiblnainiM f nepaM'ra cao l mad in the alat. Itraid.-a will glvo aa premium an wddl'lnnal jotirual.lh Wrb- not riatiler, ao ariciillcrul pai-rr. t "ina In now au.l aulwrllx". OrriutaM) u it In-bI chii a. l for union, for liarinony? TIk-ii it tnuat nullify it riur. ( oin fiU'i.L Mnjoiitic liotiM tnuat rul. b-uiora al Hardman, Oregon, l (I. A. I'-roan. All Ihoa owing Ma r rvitrat 4 Iu fall aat lt It.alr Maola either ty eaU or nut, on or 11 -r IV. J.l. w. V.. Kam. ?l Hardman, Or. Mrwwt. 0- K. Mr k (V, NVwrwrg, "tt , 1.11 m,,M ,,f I 'l,.r.,l.- J lln'a I '.nigh Umdy I ban allolbeta pul l"gtaf, aa I It alwat alvea aatifa II. ii" Mr J Y. AlU.i. rt. O.a , saw. "I twllt l'lin.rrUiu's Congh II oi' l t lit la av bandiiHl " Mr. W. ItiM .crh. l.luu,l.q.., aja: "Chart tcrlaiiia Cmgb Krrue.l) sella w. mI la blgnlr ft.i.rd I f all who ea it " for aal I f Monm J. I.n lhag (Vo. Mr. i. N. lUr l.lla lUgb tl.url.. ri.RtAxr i atrr. A parly a given by Mia Jentii Notila at ii boot of Mr. and Mr. F.ugeoa Nubl oo last fTeniog O, til norrjlxr of yonng f.:ti aaaemhlisl and arjojal.! Iim waa bad in aingtng and la; m trior game. Ilioaa "Meit wrrr follow. : Miaa Klororir t!'i'tn1en. Ad Jooea. Laura Mnlr, Co' IHim, Msggir lloinar, Malwl lrf-r, Mawd liiisti and JnM. !S ..Ida, mr T It. I.v.i.a. U .Id. II tel. Ilarr W arran, Jsm lUrl. t lit. rr. land, V. U Haling. John llornur and Mr. and Mr. J. N drown TCABIS AIIImiV. l-roai loi.tial i! hr-LrtailMma-Il. A IU.aba. arUlfik' K "'. I'll It I r -'tro I Will jhk k ot lUad Malt4 tw.U Ibal lb lk l (Wadaa a I wbaa ijKn t Hin. jar ligt.tnipg n ivVieg wp rx.),4r. t ll.f will ou.l I ti.a f...wg i 1 1 I If I, ra, ,.t, fr,.m .ua , lar-gaagr j . ,. . . i 1'a.urn l-lui. w,o taa ,nla T atH, wbu b .i iT. w.i. I r i .ii u ti,.i t!. ih i 'ii- ,tf,f u MF lb, Wf,t hm mitn,i - mt , , iitm ,., ,,m9i gra J.ut g fr.ii,trt tuuTi.n ' I Ml.thah rl In Ihiaatai. aal il'luia.!! Mwrb Uba.kr4i iii)l.T, wix'l l 1 lxrr. , n plrirg lulu . l.nla .f fbaaiog In U f . tl,ti.i if inn !; I It. I J ha-l I IbM aWlliiB It t I l .!' a t la ltil.ii"(i i f a.. i g f .f , thai lb (.nil. ma will find It ran-' " 0li( r. 1.1 rr at-; tatil I aalahltfb fei of tnn da I , t rl lb hn i-f -il lnl.. h I ffi. 4 I'l J 1 -1 i -1 I ... I t. I A areaea lataltr ad KrwT Tu "J ' t lir"". ait I f L Cm, uw 4 ,iAit t r. fr h (raw. M a, W 11U sitia 1 NoriCK OF INTENTION. TAND OFFICE ATTHK DAl.t.RM OREGON. j Ortnhrr 21. h Notlea I. hrrel.r Hrn lb.) the following named wilier has fllnl iuilli ol his Inleiitlon In make Anal proof In Snpnr1 ol hi. rlalm. and thai Mid inHf will ha made iTiurr nir riiunif rierg ol wnrrnw minor, a! leppnrr. iregon, nil lieremir i, a, tu, l IU1U Kih. F.MHY. ltd. K Nn. n. for the lot l.rt-.t. WV and W'f Hr U. Arr. .11. Tn. 4 H K. K W. M. He nami-a Ih. lolluwlng ailnewa In pr.v ni. rniiiiiiiimi. re.i.ivnr uiKin aim ruiiivailoa ol ! I land, vli Aiimhi K H right. James O. William, nf Mardmaii. Orrg'.n, and Jame. M. Ham, llinrr rvuriiing r, ol lieppner, irrgon. "J Vt Kegl.lrr. notice or imsNMon I A"l OFflrF. AT THF nAt.l.KH ORF.GON Ii Urt 31. i. N..ll.-e ! hrfel.T glv.n I lb. follnaliig name. arlller h filed nolle nl her Inientliiii In make flnal .na,f In oi.ix.rt nl berrlalm, and that aald prnnl a III l mal ioor in. rnnnif rlera nl Mnrrnw niiinif, al in'l'piier. ,ireg.n. on infmiii'i I, . ANN F. It A I-HI., (i.e. lin Y i. II I. K Sn siu. for Ih T '.. and Lota and 7. aee a. Tn s K J K. W, M. eh. name. lit. Inllnwlng wIIiifm,. tn I tor. her mtiiinnmi. real. Ultra upon and culUvailna 411. Ml' i i.nn vtt! Anai.a K. ttHghl. F. W illiam., ol Hard. anan, tirrgnn, and Ja.nv. at lia)ra, nrf m n.rsing.r. m iieipnvr, irgnn. Ja. f. M'wiRR, heg..ler Notlct of Intention. I l orriCE AT TH rIIF.tREiioN I 4 tart SI. ! N.Hlr. i. h.rt.f gl. thai ll, f,.ii.i,,g n.ail n-nin ku r. ir. ami., nf hi. Intention tn aiak. anal front la .111.' nl M rlalm and Ibal Mid nd a III h. taa t. Il..f II. r e..nlill rlr.g nf !''" r,..(rilr al i.r'nrr. iif , mt iwni'i r m tis . 11 1, r St '. 1, i. f ii.. v, ry arv w- an,l ',',. a, Tp ia. nK. II. Iian It., fntlnwlng m llnp,n s in .f. m. r... ti.,. un,a mi i.iki upa and (uiiliail n Hl. 1a I l i,a..n f W rl.'.t. l.mM O W Miatn. nf Hard .. irrrn "d w Hajra. II, f h,i.l. vl lUi 1 tr. rg..n j, t yimr Hot HE OF laftNllo.1. f" 0Rmm -a 4i '-. ? - W . I . W . , . Wai-" THE Palace Hotel, C. S. Y.N DlYX, Proprietor. have lalicn full control of this popular house, and trill make it strictly first class. MEALS, r CTS. BEDS, 25 CTS. Free TUtbs and Frr. 'Bug lor alt Gueali HI LEST! IF Mr. Colambn were Alive to il ny ntul rnllotl lit Mat LicLtfu- ihhYt be raigbt makfl a dcw tliscov ory quitrt a momoialile aa tbat f li 'Z ( una waa a pmat diHOovprPr io liis day. He woul-1 at this time diacovrr the fiiifft atock of Shop ever ahowD io lOppner, and the cbfapput aa wpll. bat more dix mortal man want ? rw (Nf. Orlalaaf .ko. Jgnrldar. M. MCIITKNTIIAL. Main atrwt, Hcppnrf. Oregon. Cuatom Work a Spcilty. TIIUNIiKU LIOIITNINO "Tln-rc it a U,lr in the affair of mm That, if faltrn at Hi jlonl, on to fortune." Tbe flood ia here and ao ia G I LLTAM Sz BISBKK With a full lice of Ilrtixlwans Tin wati.. OhtHHwnn Cwkcrv. WohI nml lllovvan'.CMtftrTubH at I U lnx,-lt lricci. THE LIGHTLST RUNNING GANG PLOWS! r m- i- t aMaa4 lmw(, !, it i- RUPTURE ; 'A 1 11 I Atrrti t T"r tut 1 r unroot I il. ii ,1 ! Vol. la .l , gii.a ii ,i n,,,..k. irl li:il bu h IUa nl Inlnll.. U9 mak. g' .1 r"! In . l'"lH ..! Hal Mil .."l I I ll,.r J W M t c. ("..ig. al IU 1 enrf iiff.n nn ,,...,.,, lt, mi ! ih 1 r in r ,-,, ,4 .... t awi. , . a4 m , a ip . . r w t t aca lt.a fr. i4iag Hm mi tn I w aI ll.l. el . i i 4 til Ja .-. . 1ifg W5t k aannaa ft fa i a tl.ia ! a t. l.t in A .. tA h at.., kttg" j r ti'f. a.) at .g . Iii.f ma aa ligt.t 1 brj ma ett Iu tb alghL 0aMlU1lu Ikotirr NO!- f ta HtfT nVW Tt Tl m aiixak'i k.nktd'ei'1 M.n, J la.Mf.iul a I awff, 4-Orf a g.l ..,ikaaa l IH. ara a ag erea aa 1 nrr ii.irn iu urn , , lil-to. ; u ,0. foBh, . u !), Bf I aa at.aiat Jit.ei It (,,.( 1. Tl I la cati.rvl l.jr h fcr in Ih .,-n f.r .,.ia,r.a, 1 tb nr,l .rl.n a nf lb w..f 1 1 ha ; 7 gJjT f .J U Li U. lJ iTTglT? m 7 4" . L)T lake I -ir-gf yr lhart Uatul. ! " - .at .wt.i4 alf. T rrtB.t , , ' , WITHOUT '." ritVi'k'a . j lloa -Ta ar ifcrw, U tiara lWtM M a. ? Itil ; K 'a Cf OC ' ' i- ''m - il ! Hi I.i lHt ,W'f "'''4 Vt.'" Um M M 6,Wbl!T,lCt U.V..tKkf-.-J t..W-M...T,rr,..i.,aMH, trpyblicaii titi -iil is.itiit.lMn.'tai4 . t-.i .. !.! IU l l- a 4 1;. ; LTftCTtO 1 J.-.. ViUJ I'X-ItZT'' and it 1 A IA it t.ow, tht niU'Tw, IW.r.l Uumi, r-, Hfci..f U t I .rM r..Uf I. f, Ti'C: S V. l-njatroi, l ull f r AlU. m. ai.,1 ,u fc.t ..r t Tb mwMa f , ,RlTL 10 TCRM . I 1 .... i ...... . -.. . ....l... tl.a ..l.a I. ... H a an tn Ul l(.a .- dl I VV ' V. 7 ' T. .71 i 1 ... ' VI ' 7 ' .V" 7 0 r PR CO. ma m 1 w ' aw m -www ' w 1 ' - ' - - ch ... n. lis ,! 1 I ft) l.i'-; t ..,. ,. aal J ,mt a . la'i tl U I tl, aaw 1 aal atlw tj all (itUvLi v( ti.a fr; all.., 1 aij fag,;, ij ,au.l gwBifsai,-, ifrvilrw. Utta a4trf, rvU- 1 1 1 : 1 a Wail. tfci r- maa alaaf. taltwi lliri-t ! Vision', a.f.vlf f .. t M Hat aal l.atir af J.g al .f I - lag, fit.- ! r Kp Tb only Kicluait Ilardaare Bure l.ftrn Tbe D!p and iVtdlrUm GIL LI AM Sz mSBKVX llfrro'. Orrgnn. KAIN KAIN h tt; Uule Tor tho Ciiit o Liquor. Opium U Tobacco Habits II M Inr.iH M Pa m, ' TU jV I fWfii.I Torn on fa (W rail at laa Aai.rrg Aim fnr artta)ta; (nwewniai InatiHal a,aaaa4 aar I II . Plenty of them at tho Gazetto Office. . . . Tiik LxNCAfiiiRr. Insuranxe Co. MANCIIKHTHM, MNObANII a It timtuif if .t . l h filllt. A. "JII. "M'f " a .a Wi. -aBaa.iaTaaiaaaaaa.aaaBaBmg