ImUoatJ Libra r j f ii 1 1 1 m i a 1 1 M t i I Mint ram mm ij ii imm a tnMrw OFFICIAL PAPER MY SUCCESS : Is owing; to my liberality in ad-2 : v vertis;ng, Robert Bonner, S I hum in nt i ii ii ii in 1 1 1 hi iiiiii 1 1 1 ii imi i in ii i ml : FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all ; own, A. T. Stewart. e a a 9 him 1 1 1 1 1 i i in i t i i 1 1 1 m m i n iiMnittiiinii rum 1 1 1 iatvii THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. WEEKLY NO. &" I SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 8 8 I y or S. SEMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, - Editor A. W. PATTERSON. Business Manager At Ji.RJi per year, 1.25 for six months, 75 cts. for three mouois. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. TIJIS PAPUKiskept on file at E. C. Hake's AdvortiniLK Awmcy, Hi and 85 Merchants ExoIibcrb, San Franoisco, California, where cou raots for ftilvfti tixinx can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives ii:lo a. in. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion IMS a. in.; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction Rolnn east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:17 a. in.; going west, 4:30 p. in. and 5.56 a. in. drpiCSAL JDHaJECTOrEVST. United States Officials. President Qrover Cleveland Vice-l'reeldent Ad ai Stevenson Heoretnry of Htato Kichard 8. Olney Keorstary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Bmlth Secretary of War Daniel H. lmont Henretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postinaster-Oonoral William b. Wilson Attornay-ttenaral Jnilnon Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. Ii. Kincald Trmanrer Phil. Meuwhan Pout. Public Instruction . M Iiwin Attorney Uenerai i;. M. iiuemaa u . (G. W.MoHride Benators i x H Mil,n(,i, J Hineer Hermann uu '"" W.K, Ellin Printer ....W. H. Leeds ( It. 8. Ron, fainrama Judiraa K. A. Moore. 10. K. Wulverton Sixth Jndlcisl District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. Lowell ProMcaiin Attorney John II. Lawrey Morrow County OfHvials. Joint Senator Hepmsentative. i uniity Judge... 1 Commissioners.. J. 11. linker. " Clerk " Sheriff " Trnaanrnr...-. .... A fwmsnc Hnreyor. " Hchool Bup't..., " Coroner a ur n J. 8. Bonthhy Julius Keiitily J. 11. Howard J. W. Morrow .G. W. Harnngt4n .... Frank Oillism J. '. Willie m. Lord Anna HaUignr T. W.Ayeni. Jr HIPFltIB TOWM ornCEB. mvoi Thos. Morgan C mneilmm O. K. Faniswnrth. M Unhtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr. u u u ..... v 1 Ml.wmm- o"'.."'i " VT J. Mallnnk r .. V.--!,....! I rMnumi . ! - - - Maralial A. A. HoberU FreeiuctOIBeeiw. Jn.tlnar.fth Pnui K. L. Pl-wland tonsUbl. N. B. WlieUtune railed Rtate Und Offlrern. THE DALLE. OB, J . m Ifctrleier A. 8. Biggs K-osivr LA oeaiide, oa. B.F. Wilson llewMaw J. II. Kohbin lierwlvnt KAWLl.Nti IDS T. NJ. It. Q.A.R. M-wts at Leiingtoc. Or., tha last HalarrUy of act month. All vstarans nrs Imll-rl m k,ta. C. Bona, (int. W. HmTtt. Aillatanl. tf ('lannutrjiif. MONEY LOAN CO. rit Jinrurn-. ii Ji'ip""! r'M rfrtlf Nntotmt - I 11 - . ........ t. . , It.,. AMI mnrifi(i-s liini lmirurrl larms In Oregnn, with luiftn r!l-s at a rstcnl Im. rri not toesmxt rriit prt annum. Mortggt l-iir. w, um urn ' w ' '. ." , . . .. Mr.KVI.S eOHT, rur city. lrg,,n LUMBEll! ri HAVR ftlR WALK ALL KIHK OP C ilum 1 Lamhcr. IS mum ot Ucvpnar al tial la iiwbi as tb. M 1.000 PKIT. ROt'uH. " " ILIA It, I (0 17 1 f DPUVRRRU I HrffXRH, 1LL A 00 Tit aburs flotation turn trktly M Caait, I. HAMILTON. Prop. Rational BanK ol Vm nn. riLAp, m. n Rimior. TllNUCTi 1 GENLlll SINKING EC3NESS coM.i;crrioNrt U1 ttt Farnrat.U Trtxi. EXCHANGE PiUlGHT 4 SOL uriTNKn. f ourK)s Oatario-Hurns Slaie Lin BBRKS-C3HY0H STH9EUH M I A AVJ. Pt eoooooooooooooooooo! , Suob ills as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, P000000000000000009 ST, JACOBS OIL WIPES OUT Promptly and Effectually. pooooooooooooooooot 40 .CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond la as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Cataiogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., U. 8. A. flen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. EIGHT MILE NOTES. 6 1 6 i to U.S. G0VERNMENT1 PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH to to :8 To persons who served In the wars of the United Statesor to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new .law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. pfWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. l uc riw wiaiuio jiuyiy PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, f ) 6i3 P Street, WASH INQTON, D. C. (jty JT. JlThlt Company it tontrolltA by nearly oim thoutand leading nevt- f papm in Ike VntltJ Male; and it yuaranUni by Ihtm. to to to FACTS AHIC FACTS ! ! YOC CAX IH'Y li'-OO worth of dry goods and grort-ile, and then hava nough left out ol I no on to ptirrhu a So. I Crmrent nirycl. This It a IntrliH mat I, Ilia. Whl than ba( I US) 00 for a Llrrrla thai will ilta ao br(tr vrvlca ? CRfcM'RBT "Hrorrhtff," weight H bounds, onlf I ". l-tla' and Oanls" rna1tr all In way from IO to :'. "Roys' Janlor,n only In wllb piMuiuatle Ur- good taacbln. "Our Dparlal," Men ID. Udlr,', I A nrirM WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NCW YORK, THE PITT11S0N ITU W, ,2: yW3 tint"'. ". MORROW MHO GRAH1 ( HE INTER OCEAN -M TW It- MOSt Popular Pcpatllcan Newspaper of the West And His the La r. est Circulation. TERMS BV MAIL DAILY ( It howl U.dayl too pr ,tr DAILY (lth S.adayl . pit The Weekly Inter Ocean ici.oo os'TMUoticnss tt Hits Halt mm. mist, rltaw l (Kli.i J b.t(. Sinql'? Pure $7 DO. Round Trip $10 00 fs " f' ' ' pf yi nunss-cAsros a i a - , - ? M ' - , - aa I M -.-av r . i'k -.a.. I , a. 4 a. stay fl4 i-'T-Jrl (f fl A. a "Tttirtni Inn rsrr accasi i iw wi m Thc Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. ! l.Wii" Jim f, t m4. rca II IUUUllHtKiln Ii " H.mU If II ItHWK. 4 f- MS a taw waM W Bw IT IS A TVELVt-.pAOE PAPER. tvt mti vrw w ftirar. rw ikkiwi rrit at ciTtl' ntta r ai. rt ij ui H4 "i 4i. n rri'ra a'-V.J."-.T r'.rt' 's4 fcf IHAI MtMSI f1Al f M M M a.r4 l a ,w a h ( fc-ak k Ss1tia aa rwa Ik H,railltail MNOmi I, ISV t(Sr f 4 , U ru ... - THt inter OCEAN. Chi: 39 Our sobool ia getting along nioely, Miss Bessie Fitzwuter, teacher. Ed. Asbbaugb's wife and three daughter visited at 0. E. Jones' a few days ago. Nov. 12th we had our first snow. The ground was covered for a short time but it soon melted. Several of the young people gathered at C, E. Jones' last Friday evening and had an enjoyable time. Case tfuqua is still keeping bachelor's ball. Judging from bis pleasant ooun tenanoe he seems to be satisfied. Mrs. Furlong and three children passed through Eight Mile on Sunday. Hbe bad been to Hardmau to visit ber daughter. Tbere was a sale at the Evans last Saturday. Rev. Swift cried the sale. Mr, Evans is maoh pleased with his new home near D.iyton, Wash. We are sorry to hear of Mr. Kahler's leaving this purl of Oregon. They are liked very mnoh in this community. Mrs. Kabler will be missed as a temper anoe worker. Grain is not so muob injured by the drouth and grasshoppers in some locali ties as was feared but still it is not doing well. by anv means. The gronnd has been freezing so bard at uigbts. Henry Adkins and wife were in this neighborhood on a short visit a few days ago. Annie Sawyer went with them to their home near The Dalles. Mrs. Adkins' brother, Chester Haling, also aooompamed them. Rev. Galloway waa expected to preaoh at Eight Mile school house last Sunday but as be did not make an appearance it was decided be did not receive the letter giving him an invitation to oome. Hope to hear from him in the near future. Mrs. Beymer has had the sympathy of Ibis neighborhood during ber illness and all are glad to bear ot ber getting better. Hbe ia a wowhu that ia much beloved by all who know ber, therefore great lorrow baa been felt for ber iu the great trials she has been oalled on to pass through during tho last six mnntbs, but she knows in whom the trusts fur comfort, lie doetb all things well. Mrs, Warren ia convalescent. Her aioknesa did not last long but waa very sever. They were strangara bere hav ing bnt recently moved in Ibe neighbor hood, hut fortunately her husband's relatives lived here which made it aeem more like home to her. We are glad lo know that she is batter. Hhe baa three little children wbioh tioed btr on re. Ibe Uregoo Agriculturist has grunt deal to aay in rngard to anbaoiling. We woold like to bear the opinion of some Morrow Go.'s farmer ou the nlijol It woold be IntHteiling tJ Lear their view. Anotber subject we would like to bear farmer talk about i fro it lra not bearing. Tb "Michigan Farmer" ays it a tr i growing vigoMtialy and is old enough Ii bear trntt eat two of tb large root in the fall ur in lb spring before they ar leaved ant. II ny oo tried it T W all would lik lo boar (root eome of th fruit grower la Etrn Oregon. e.m. a Eiiiut Mils, Nov. 13, small sister who wus euienniuiug big sister's young man. "Indeed?" "'Deed she did. But I got even with her. I went up to her room and changed tbe tags on her engagement rings, and now she does not know which is whose." Cincinnati Enquirer. (Jbolly (who has reached the end of hia rope) Aw Miss Oletimer I hawve finally decided to aw mawwy you, so to speak. Miss Oletimer who, it is needless to Bay, baa "tbe spud" You mean thatyou have decided to propose to me I pre sume. Cbolly off hand Aw it's all th' same thing, y' know. Judge. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report 9 mi An&OUWEEMZi PURE SI Well, Consuelo has ber title, and Charles Richard John Spenoer Church ill, ninth Duke ot Marlborough, has a big cinch on her money. As the Hes sian said to tbe Frenohnian who twitted him for fighting for money, while Frenobrnen fongbt for glory, "Everybody strives for that which he or she needs most." St Louis Star-Sayings. The announcement that Mr. Cleve land has resolved to carry out tbe Monroe dootrine would be tromendonsly encouraging if it weren't for a wide' spread belief that the gnntleman pro poBes to use a shutter in the toting process. New York Mail and Express, Harry Darling, I love yotl with a love that is bouudlees and undying. Harriet Oh, you plagiarist! That's ust what Charlie Hweetser Baid to me only last evening. Boston Trausoript Ur. W. U. Met-k. wb relde al Camptnnvillr, Cal., aj bar daagbler u for eral year Irnnlilrd at lime ilb vr rrsmtw ia tb itotnach, and ohm It o ktinu igony Ihal II was nrary to rail phirlaii. Having rrl KiOt Cbambrlaia'(iia, ClioUra and Iliarrlt'wa lUttirilf b e'ltmladm. lo try it. Ml. funnd that II always gvt prom pi fflif. II was xlilum nrvaary to nit ! dia "It baa hl naiy xvr,! oa lot u worry and lim-,' sl say a, "bql also ,aor bill. my .lnl.n Ibal rvrry family tboulj bar a llia i.f il.ta rmi1y In , hon " Cor at by Mlueutn Juboaue Drag Co. .!OX. IreMeri ar aH going to llgbl lino Crisbaeaqaw Xaslaa:(;, Wrril ' IVm'J- pt,t." Tl, Dot tatcli dm rrry in lb" Jdiawiaa,i,p( campaign tbi year Inoeisvill (ittrtar-iortial (lrm ) Iaa )r was Wrmblteab af TbM )f I rtut.luao ar. Nul )ar fitil I a an )r. Tb tmerlk' favlloe didn't irrlti Iw Jay, Tl.r wasn't aay lo artita llatf4 tVinranL "I hope our boy won't aoquire any ex travagant habits," said the village inin later anxiously. Hi wife aaul she didn't worry. "So long aa I oan keep him in your old ones that I have out down," she added, "I do not think there is any danger."--New York Recorder, "What do yon think," exclaimed one emanoioHtfd woman. "I dou't know," waa the startled re Joinder of another. "Wbat do IT" "Our preaideut, Misa Toniasa Buoy baa taken lo smoking cigarette.'' .What! W must, Impeach ber al onoe. Ibe idea of ber doing auytbmg o unmanly 1" Waahiogton Htar, 'Earthly riches do not trouble me," aid the sad-eyed tnuu. "What ia better, I have treasure laid np in heaven." "J not like my Aunt Maria," replied Itotiudfaor; "she waa forever biding thing away wher she o mid not find them again." Boston Transcript. "Oreat Soot IT bowbd the bits Joe it take you four hour lt carry a mesag three tqusrr and return?" Wy," aid Ibe nt-w films boy "yon lol l mi lo bow long it would lake cnit to go there and back, an' I don It." Indianapolis Journal. Tb Wife I hawii't ilrcrnt dies to wear al lb ball. Tb lluaband -Nvr mind, dear. Vrry few of lb Indie Ibar will Lav decent on on, lioaloo Courier. Customer -Thar ar only two oyaler ia Hit !. 4'ailer That' slew bad. Coaiomer And DnLer if lbm is good. Wiii.f-Tl,al'slalil.-rbila l-ljdil ltfd. AT THE END OF THE SEASON. Sonin Reasons Why the Hair of the Sum mer Hotel Proprietor Turns Gray. These are the days when the big sum mer hotels at seashore and mountain begin to cut down expenses in view of the near close of the season. And there by hangs a tale, for the cutting down process is not unattended by trials and worry, says the New York lleralu. Of course the most expensive thing is tho help. Most great kotels require al most as many servants as they have guests, and when the guests begin to iXo homo by scores the servants have to be discharged by scores or away go the profits of the season. But servants are clannish, and there comes in the difficulty. They aro only engaged for a season of indefinite length, and know that they mustf go at its end. But many object to going while their friends remuin, and it often happens that tho lucky ones who are retained refuse to stay out ttie remain ing weeks or dayB if their friends are discharged. So ao eud of trouble arises, and the wretched proprietor acquires gray hairs in straightening out the difficulties. Recently tho proprietor of ono of tho biggest of our nearby seaside hotels, having lost all but about forty guests, undertook to reduce the kitchen staff proportionately. There was immediate war, and even the French chef got red In the face and declared that if he couldn't have hia all-summer force he would pack up and get out forthwith. The proprietor couldn't yield and retain his profits, and tbe chief and his assistanta were ob atinate. So all that waa left for tbe proprietor waa to throw out the entire force, bag and baggage, and hustle up to tbe city und engage an entirely new force for the remaining two weeks of hia season. whom occurred the happy idea of treating them to a little music on a metal tray under a tree. After the tapping or tinkling on the article had continued for two or three moments the queen bee settled on the branches above to listen to it and was at once followed by all the swarm. It waa an extraordinary sight to see hundreds of the insects hanging like great black and gold clusters on the tree while the tinkling continued. It censed with the luncheon and the bees did no harm. In the earlier part of the performance a ludy was pretty severely stung. ELEVATING THE GROWLER. How the Workmen on Tall Buildings Ilatw Their ner Sent I'p to Them. Wulking along in front of a tall apart ment house the other day in which the fitters are at work, aaya a New York llcraiu writer, l waa startled to see flecks of foam floating down at my feet. It had been looking like rain, but inas much as I had never seen it rain beer before I stood 'aside to see where it came from. A sharp whistle from a man on a high scaffolding ia what I heard, and what I saw waa a conven tional "growler" swinging at the end of a rope. The man on the scaffolding lay face downward and gently swung the foaming cun toward the window below. Presently two workmen came to the window, clutched the liquid mes senger of peace, drew it in, took a deep swig from it and carefully launched it into the air again. The same operation was gone through with at a window of the third floor. Then the almost empty "growler" was drawn rapidly up and received its finishing touches on the scaffolding above. "That's a right clever way to manage a drink," said I to the workman below. "Well yes; when they drink fair," he replied, with the air of a man who had been cheated out of hia allowance. DRIVEN INTO HYSTERICS. Young Woman Heeania frantic at tb Might or rreeoaaa of a Cat. It's a subject that it frequently talked about, but it is a fact that tbe natural antipathies between certain peraoiaa ail ccrii oimi furnmii fresh food for wonder and conjecture constantly. Everyone know well enough the aversion that the majority of people have for snakes the horrify ing dread that their preaeuce excites. Muny person also "hate fata," as they term It. Their aoft, stealthy move ments excitn a distrust that frequently amount to aversion. It ia ncliloin, however, that thin ia ho pronounced ua in a chm) which excited Considerable comment in thin city recently, niiya the New York Tribune. It waa of a young woman who had always had a niont un oiiqiirrablo dread of the feline crea ture., and she actually could not en dure the presence of one In the room without losing control of herself com pletely. She waa no sensitive in this particular that ber family declare that um entering a room, if there waa a rat concealed anywhere. 01111111 It, she would at once detect lu presence, and ml.... It tvi-r removed at once would become hysterical. In fact, it wa a standing Joke on her that on one ocra- s'oli like this she Imm nine nis,ilnteiy Irrtllied. and rushing up lo a young man. who wnaalotnl ntratiger to tirr, ncUcd liliu alsnit the tiwk. nobbing den-tM-rntely till the rat wna takrii away. The girl waa thoroughly ashaiiMtl of Iter taraktivan, an aim called It, but de clared aim v absolutely ivtcrleaa In Ibe tnalWT H011111 iiisllie't -It was no aubtlo odor told ber If a rat war any wber near ber, and tbe moment aha rletwtcd 11 ah atraightwey lunl all ber nelf poaMtaaloto. "Aryis tb Q,a uur," said Mr. IVUa Indignantly. lUt wor laikln' till 1'slay 1 site,. a at l.fat ralardV, talilll' lilts tliot toil olka. woffukf "Old 1 Ink lo wocfuk." sl I Man, eot.Ui.udlj; "t)i do loik to worruk, bill I'm Wlllio' lo drool nvawalf." Uaabliigttn Htar, Ibis tb day of Mi 11,1.. an. sail Ibat, bat LI sl bawd m.i nww d U. lb nail btlion n-lirlr, Hon tO'it. Utr lra;ttUt-.r, I lllig of llr ualiemaw, and Ulur II. so im)i. bv nae io iithar anil lbon maly rril yaaraarid know rm lrtwen tbst .. la-li.a , 3 et,nati,ala. bntut si-mis iL'-l.nofa . t:tg, l:ilabry, . OILS AT ASCOT. ta.r Mlarary Kt. A Hi, !e(a il B,Oe,aU IcvolalioS ut Ifana.riatio ull, a. Ibt-iltlng rwtqHe.ti o frll, rl.a' on (ral fi'.a lb U'swl o Sm Yfk f lnt fl html t(r -Oiatm inatlwr, wlil I Oil O.ntlfttsft lar.nsy)-7l,i ( wiiit b Snnra t sa f dattff I Itai, - 1 . ' " ! lor, irrwt l, U Is lrta. I II, W-Hil U U I.I W. kll Ji.,ttlt'mt I 4loo1o. Tbla ,!'. f.lld. I I...,lf I p,mtt 11,1,1 ..J l,,,,.!,,. t -,! lo d d-mat I K.f - HrU ,,u. r eyb U. I.nt.g ttirf,l ''" fil i.'la sl fr.. a t I II. h'.la slaia Usotiing ol,a Ma4 Thl(S Usalf l Ski Twl fa Anhlla. A eurWni Incident ff-curml at Aarot, nay lb l,oridi 'li lrgrapb, VM.iU a larga number of iileasant liu hr,4i par' Ilea Wer n)oylif lb llelia-bU I.f an ntn air rrsl In I ! garden larbind the grand aland a great awarra t,f be ketllnil down tut lb gueata a'roun'l a labln in a corner. ll,v bu"l and u(el vrrt Where U'ln .n a In their l. tine I a and gentiellM'n f.nitel their bain to rue-1 Into ntnWit.g likn aenaea ,,f "l"trl, Vtrt H oli'a " rvmin if lhwrmeUle. ti Ibe rold saloi-.n. ltd other menibrr of It tumbled Into tb rhMiaM eup In fa I, tb ! rrrate.1 the arentrl eH.ter ,at i..t t,.i,g ll.e Indie and gent'eitMM In iarwr f lb r'"iih.U Tbry were gtadvnily liwn t.ff It, luh Ut-tm t-ni.y t-y a, to HYPNOTIZED IN IO aiCKNESS. Kamnrkabl Little Ulrl Who Act Lib a l'aralytlo at a Wor. The moat astounding lnatance of hyp notism by suggestion come In a report furnished to the French Society of llypuology and 1 sycbology by M. Oorfdichzc, an c(icrt in meameriam, Tbh story lie ban to tell, nay tho New 1 ork World, In of a little girl of eleven In one of tho French province who used to accompany a cousin, who waj a country doctor, ou bin rounds, and In thin way got tounderatand a good many medical expressions. One day she fell 111. The illuenn waa alight and she wan on the high road to recovery, when her cousin, the doctor, happened to aay unthinkingly and smilingly In ber prrneuc: "Oh, good beavensl hbe la paralyzed! At onon tbe child exhibited every symptom of tHtrnlyni ami alio retnaiued in that state nt the will of the doctor. Aflwr- w arils nc asked her it atie waa not re dlining consumptive, and Immediately ahe began to suffer from the dreadful Coughing and bliant pilling that Con aiiinptlvo pu lie 11 la have. hbe seeim-d no rxirnordinarlly opea U every nort of tnesim-rlc "uggentloa" that Ihn doctor tried ber Willi half tb disease kie n in meilical annals, and one ly onn she responded to them all. He needed only lo remark that she waa cured to have ber perfectly well a mo ment Inter, I'erbapn tbn strangest of tbe rxperieneen ah til through vra when 01m of ber acbodmnte got a per pellet In ber rye. i'rutn pure sympathy the t bild Imagined that b bad Ibw nanm Irotil.le U, and aha rubbed ber rye to aucli an extent that nb felt tb n in of It for nearly a year, I p l Hals A K.sittlsb pM-r nay tho native of Mi ye now use khiven Ut apread their butter, but that oh" idd lady decline logo lo J ir lira wlore she ia not al lowed, acording lo lha old babit, to spread l. r biitt.-r Willi Iter thoitib. Aleill.rr ii.hal.iUnl of tbe island a l.ratd ili ,!iin,f lo a friend the other day Ihal having a.,!. , bi be must How a" I a w tfc to do Ibe ,tiiig liS!g. I II..! I'll at It. blag Piles h)ii. I. tna - .,isture, lliUnsw lleblbf and stit gi,g; tu-m al lbl, anra by acfsi. bing. If lloa v,aiiaae lnncOS f.oro. birth I'ftea blewd ed tit, eta le, la.,mlt.g Vsly .fw. HwatDII Oif wist i e lb llcbifig and td4. mg, bsl uiewralMHi, aa l ia nvt raae rni. saw lb Inae fa At dreggMt,! I h.a.l. I4 f-ie-Ma. f Hsii,il Hu, j I'l.i!. Cy"TT, , ,a.BT H? ISS IE5 . Cut s tUCTtO wlkTw ANO AI.IA.CH ttJt TO Tm C1 feistg Cjiar KOlNTw O" AOVASiTAwl OvI) Atk IMlT ATO t ' I tasirt we ' eM ba ttwwaaajs. It -'t. sllkaaik. It Wa sftas4 a--.-a . i. . .i . -w-i i I . . . fa-M mHUmmm &r w 4VV IT' I J ft r w- ' w f Iw v'l I ID I m V fAfMI " . . " 1 . 1 ' Aafrni 1 ' W TW -4 - al..r fo I II .f lo sow , M ,(((M ttl09tt tualfl 4 ,l.e. ! '..l".?,,! ?. )T . ( .".VV j - -tM.H.,l..e.-.wr.a-.atM tUm. fl), rSZVht ' i' ' ' ' I uTJll" "U T'Vfa'i, Wall. Id. I lb i4 'l f tC f ..., IV,wl,...,s w ill M i.H ..I il tt lJ.."t. it tr cWn -t mmmm ., l,nl.... r..v.g ...b aol,......uJ Z FT" 2 ''iVJiZ:' IJZIZZXZ '..,nl. af..t Ii,, I e, ,ltialr stwwdils n-i wiiti; II a van I Ibai ( V-al '4 We , 7" kn-,, i e-n l' '.' H Hi r vf , i'i. 4 la J It a s tf li.a a al li.e I- I l. n g - I' a I Trt s- i,l peak ml, () ratty tV'ta in In day il.n a 1 ilt.: is-k rt:r, 1btw?l .tiii a it f ' t ij- , Tt Cn"iI tan Ui p-, ,l sll It 1 t ',' ate lilairft of lta Cae lt iti It walawa) raftiaf. I. at, tm , jJtal. l y a H- f ') at. I 1 at. . ,. I ( aa f , !!, Ml, irl iaf, tf n t 1 ail ib 4 .Un 4t 1 tb N9 wiOtoiMl .- itaat. ! all Ua waw laH. - w-l l. s- si s v '.I x 1 s 11 1 1 a aa iwaaseita t aaMSaxa. aa-w Um e iaaiw Ttir J IIMIIir VatlM e 4 rstMUr Vsw e l Trs Is . u ea-,-.a hk 4 Is a as e'l a4 a- I a-aa I llia4 4 (wsalaww an ', fla a .- ah . taa, ,, aara- al ea-a. a t S'isei m sw SaWaS -! .4 Iw4 aav laaM lisat THE O'-EH ELECTRIC BELT ASD APPLIANCE CO., a I la ill wire, t hti. ' 'tll 14 yswlffjsi