Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 12, 1895, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Here and There.
Hi Taata was in town Friday last.
Dave Hamilton is in town this week.
Phill Oohn is below to visit his family.
Vinoe Kelly is in from Long Creek for
Tom Woolery was up from lone over
Arlineton is working diligently for an
pen river.
Geo. Briarly was over from John Day
last week.
his old borne at
Pectoral. The first bottle gave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptom s,
and I feel sure that one or two bot
tles more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley,
D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
aC-la.LV.l'al i
. 2 JTA-
3 4 S 6 7 8 9
JO JU ll 2 13 HJJ6
JLJ8 13" ZO l 22 25
R. O. Wills is visiting
Keoo, Nevada.
Hod. Tbos. Morgan cot back Saturday
from CaDyon City.
J. 0. Williams and Tom Davidson
were in Friday last.
The Niles-Vinson. Marble Works.
w alia Walla, Wash.
Johnny Orisman was over from Long
Greek Saturday last.
J. 0. Oohoe and Looien Powell were
over to Heppner Friday last.
Bob Wilkius' horse fell on him Sator
day hist, bruising him some.
Mr8 8. P. Garrigues did not go below,
as reported in a reoent issue,
Miss Ollie Howard was reported as
beiug on the sick list Sunday
Geo. Wright and J. J- MoGee were in
yesterday from the Hardman section
Johnny Nealen is oyer from Monu
ment attending to some business affairs.
La Gmncie Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner,
Dr. P. B. IVloSworils and daughter.
Mary, visited the metropolis last week,
Buy ouly the genuine Bine Point
oysters. For sale by P C. Thompson
Co. 2t.
S. G. Reed, an old-time resident of
Portland, but lately of Pasadena, Calif.,
died recently.
Cheapen and improve yonr coffee by
using ODicKory. jor sale Dy r. v.
Thompson Co. 2t.
E. 0.: Hnry Blaekman, colleotor of
internal reyenue for this district, ia at
the Pendleton.
There will bo a grand masquerade ball
at the opera hooe on Thanksgiving eve.
Don't forgtt the date. n5-26.
J. C. Cochran and Lawrence Sweek,
of the John Day oonntry, were in Uepp
ner oyer Sunday.
A premium to cash purchasers at
Phill Colm's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket f ir the wheel. tf.
R Allyn, nf Toll Rook, one of the most
picturesque spots ii Morrow eonnty,
was a vibitor to Qeppner Friday last.
Jiff Haves Nnd wife are over from
Lone Rnok. They were sooompanied
over by Jeff's mother, Mrs 8rah Hayes,
Al Emerson is in Portland having the
ii'iury to his band attended to. A hard
Married At the borne of the bride's
pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Akers, at
Gooseberry, this oonnty, Mr. Louis
Thomas, of Colfax, Wash., and Miss
Mary G. Akers, Elder Hwif. orhciating.
The oonple departed last evening for
their home at Colfax. The Gazette's
best wishes goes with them.
Ed. Smith started below with his wife
last night, on their way to Salem. They
were acoompamed by Sheriff Harrington.
Mrs. Smith was adjudged insane by
Jndge Keitb'y last Saturday, and will be
taken to tbe asylum. Mr. bmitn will
go on to California from that point.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old-
timer" in the tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, bavicg purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite the city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call wnen in town.
From Waosbb. I. N. Haghes, of
Wagner, oame in Sunday on business
and will remain over till tomorrow.
Mr. Hngbea is a live and progressive
merohant of Wagner, and reports times
very fair in that seetion. In speaking
of the projeoted road to Mitchell, Mr.
Hughes is of the opinion that the road
oonld have been built cheaper by tbe
way of Haystack valley, and in bis
opinion wonld have been a better road.
Of oonrse, it is some four miles longer
than the route selected. Mr. Hughes
says that a ohnroh has been ereoted in
Haystack reoeotly, or at least is nearly
J. W. Kerns, the city painter, is pre
pared to do all kinds of painting and
paper banging and will do houBe cleaD
lng and take np and pnt down carpets.
Office on Main street, opposite City
Call on Phill Oohn for fine wines and
liquors for medioinal purposes. A oom
Dlete line of Key West cigars, and a
premium tioket for the $100 Victor
bioycle. tf,
Karl's Clover Root, tbe great Blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
tbe Complexion and cores Constipation,
25 ots., 50 ots., 81 . Sold by T. W. Ayers,
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington. D. 0 . will find it to his
advantage to call on or address this pa
per, 5tf
The jury in the Albert Rea oase bung,
five standing for conviction and one for
aoquittal. The case will be oarried over
as soon as a jury can be empanelled
G. B. Halt, the tonBorial artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices
shaves, shampoos, bairouts, etc.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Hairontting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically.
Baths at 25 oenta apiece.
All who like to danoe will enjoy the
masquerade at tbe opera bouse Thanks
giving eve. Tickets $1 ; ladies free and
spectators 50 cents. n5 26.
T. R. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stookmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line.
See bis new ad. tf.
Eaob 25oent pnrohase entitles yon to a
tioket for the $100 bioyole at Phill
Conn's drug store, next door to Minor &
Co. tt
The first snow of the season tell this
morning, but promises to not lay on any
great length of time.
Nels Johnson, of Gooseberry, dropped
in on us for a brief period this morning.
Tom Mathews, brother of the Math
ews Bros., is here on a visit.
Many people, when a little consti
pated, make tbe mistake of using saline
or other drastic purgatives. All that is
needed is a mud dose of Ayer s Pills to
restore the regnlar movement of the
bowels, and nature will do the rest.
They keep the system in perfect order.
Dkatu on Black Horse. Saturday
morning, Nov. 9, at 2 o'olock, at bis
borne in Blaok Horse, Justice Beaman
departed this life, aged about 64 years.
Mr. Beaman has been confined to bis
room seven vears with stouiaoh trouble,
and has suffered much. Mr. Beaman
was a very estimable mau, and in the
days when he was a familiar figure on
Heppner's streets, in all his business
transactions and social intercourse was
known to be a fairminded, honorable
gentleman. He leaves a wife, and also
a large family allot whom ere grown.
The interment occurred Sunday at Lex
ington. Best accommodation and courteous
treatmeniat the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Cannot be permanently cared by the nK
of opiates and sedative compounds. It is
too deeply seated. It Is caused by an
impoverished condition of the blood,
upon which the nerves depend for suste
nance. This is the true and only natural
explanation for nervousness. Purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood with
and nervousness will dlssprca". ITood's
Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood
and will send it coursing through the
veins and arteries charged with the life
giving, strength building qualities which
make strong nerves. II you are nervouB,
try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same
relief of which hundreds of people are tel
ling in their published testimonials. Get
mm end
Hood's onfy noocrs
Because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only
True Blood Purifier prominently in the
publio eye today. Sold by all druggists.
HrrH'o Dillc nr bsbltnal eonst:a
I1UUU9 r 1119 tion. Price iSc per box.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Or., Nov. 11, 1895.
Crabtree. A CunnltiRham W B
Kirtlcy M V Latterly urn
Keimnger unns ncneic J j
When callliiK for these lettors please say
advertised. J. P. Williams, P. M.
Take Notice.
None But Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the eitraor
wood anlinter is the oanse of the trouble, dinary distinction of havmg been tbe only
ii oiood uuriner anoweu an exuiou at me
call on ,...,, r. , ... r,. Mrup
UUIIU inn, vuivnKW. mauuiouiuiii.
of other sareaparillus sought by every
and bv virtue of a decree and order of sale
duly made and entered on Nov 4th ls5, in the
matter ot tne estate ouonn n ueiury, uecesst.ii.
bv the County Court, of the State oi Orejfoii for
Morrow uotintv, selling in proDRie me uimer-
IsiimI rh administratrix of the said estate will
otter for sale t public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand on Monday, Dec l'Jth
lh9.'i. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day
at the front door of the courthouse, in Heppner,
Morrow County Oregon, all the following de
scribed real property belonging to the above
named estate snuaiea in ainrrow i;oiimy
Oregon, towit: The Northwest quarter and
the tsoutnwcsi quarter or section iwo win
Township two ('.!) South. Kange twenty-six pi)
East of Willamette Meridian; said sale is made
subject to all liens and lucumbcrances now
existing noon the said real property, and subject
to the confirmation of all sales to be made by
the above entitled Coi-nty Court.
Dated this Mh day of November, 1K'.I5.
Administratrix of the estate of John II.
Gentry, Deceased. ilMi-IW.
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. Kt. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
I AT IS (S tt3.00 PBH DAY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary $7X0 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. Tho Dominion Com
pany, lhlra loor, Unmlia uulldlng, Chicago.
Hi. marl.
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices
Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
Good Jersey Shirt, 60 cents.
Pair Buependers, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 ots.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
Will arrive in a few days, which will be sold at low figures.
We are Sole Agents for Henry Mossie & Son's Full Cream Young America
Cheese. Call and see us.
Nrw Fbkd Yabd Wm. Gordon has
opeoed up the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and uow solid's a
ahare of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at thia business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Bay and grain for sale. tf.
Hay Fob 8alh I have 75 tons of
exoellent wheat bay on the Al Bayers
plaoe 8 miles above Olex, which I will
sell very reasonable. Good location for
feeding Btook. On Rock Greek, Gilliam
Oo., Oregon.
6w. O. G. Boyd,
1. The sum ot Ova oenta per Una will be
Jhanred for "ear.ls nf thanks," "resolutions of
fanrmot," list of wedding present and donors,
tnd obituary nntlres, (other than thou the edit
or shall tilninxlf iriv as a matter nf news,) and
onttcxsol special mutinies (or whatverpiirjma..
2. Notices nf churc h nnd society tint all other
StitartaltimiMiU from which revenue Is to lie de
rived, sha'.l bo charired for at the rate of five
jsnti a line. The rules will be strictly adber
d to in every Instance.
Advprttatnc rates rtaonablt aad madekuewn
ipoa application.
When you want to feci merry call on
Li "he Sperry, at tbe Belvedere Saloon,
where tbey Keep me now wei guoap m meR0.t0 obtain a .bowing of their gooda,
town ' but they were all tnrned away nuder tbe
Jack Lake ha been "laying off" for application of tbe rale forbidding tbe
tho past week, Emery Leezer taking bit entry of patent medicines and DOBtroms
nlnoe on tbe branch during Jack's vaoa- The decision of tbe World's fair autho.
t on. rities in favor ot Ayer's HarsBparilla was
. . .. ... in effect as follows: "Ayer's Harsapa-
f mer oioonrn, ne inn , wm . ... t , t medl0,n,t lt (,ei
camne photos tor ne ns oo not Won to tbe ,igt of D0BtrnU)s. It is
uwou. r -r.- hra on it mar ts
Wiilob's Onre, the great Cortifh and
HtK for Hardman. Monument, ln Crrak,
lohn Iiay and Canyon City. I as follows :
Kvrry dar at a a m.. excrpt Hundav.
ArrlvMcvnry day al S p. m.. rscrpt Monday.
The rheaprat, quickest and boat Una to or
fruin th Interior cimiitry.
Thill Coho, Agent.
Extra Pal Star Brewery Bear
lu Half Tint Bottles ( an 1 .
had only at the t .
City Hotel Bar!
Where hlsh f tad Liquors and Clears ar also
l ty leu.
Croup Cure, is in great demand. I'ooket give0 , lurprjM pllrty et jUe he
size oontains twenty-five doaes only c. M . . . v..
Children love It. Bold by T. W. Ayers M"- E. J. Boyer, last Ir.day. 1
" frtaaat Oik fciatk,laa Tl.a ntnatltlt
Ike EnnU. Art Minor, F. i Halloek
and Judue Freeland Kuodajeri np on
Diloh ereek In qnt of gtme. They re
turned borne Monday bipj bat empty-
Ture drngi, chemicals, painta. window
glaaaanda rnmplets line of stationery
at lowest prior and a chance 10 win a
IKKIpriEe at Phill Gbn's drag store,
next door to Minor k Co. tf,
Sckpiiibs Fartt. Mnriel Jones was
home ot
ner Oib birthday. Those present were
Grade Farkiua, Mamie Dunn, Etta
Rogers, Willa Minor, Ethel Hsger,
Rertha Frisloe. Lunlla Nelsoc, Faunie
Kirk, Lela Caraptwll, Lulu Campbell,
Lut is Uaamas, Koy Jones and Uuy
Itoyer. sapper was served which was
much enjoyed. Mim Muriel reottived a
number of uice resents.
Jne Efkelano aa up yecterliy from
Lis Imma near Ixintoti, sod infirms
) soribe thai his father, Jas. Ekrlaon,
is over from Uuh to visit bis ions, Kpb
aud J-w They hail t-t niel fur fifteen
year, auj th visit ia mulually enj .)d
The oi l itentlrman i vry spry for a
man of 71 years, and prop" t winter
to Morrow Co., an J pwrbap may remain
Ion csn earn IS each dsy HglvingM
onr a'MKiliitol; indipenilita hoabold
srliola aay. New plao tf work, tnak
pg Hpreno nuurrraaary and snereaa
errtain fur either l n aiy srrtiuo.
Hatnpl d- 19. C'eitil fiven.
Frvivht pnul. Ad Irea. il r,je M Tg.
Co., l Melr..s Park. III. 41.
By osiog Hall's Hair Ilenewer, gray,
faded, or discoloied bair ssiinies the
Mrs. J. O. Coehrao, of Monument, I natural oolor of youth, and grows
snfferel recently tbe paralysis of the luiuriant and strong, pleasing every
left limb Itelow tbe kuee. Mie is body
gradually getting better, however, aoa
It is bojd will soon ba slxiui again. -jbe I'AHaisii Crisk Koad. Un.
"J ntotue rascals out' -the familiar Tbos. Morgan, mayor of Heppner, re-
paity rty may b applied to nlcrlee uroej Hatarday from a f isil to Orant'i
a, .ell "''Itn, court wbera ba bad been to look
ina iqia in o ui"s I . . . , ,
h Aver's Hi rssoari a aa eff ctaallr as aiier ma i arriau orera ruau pnjm s
the old pnaimustere are displaced by a Tbe matter was taken on by the boom
new adaioistratK.D. able bdv and the road eiiplk-aitno
ti.. en. ki.l n.,.nMt invited I allowo'l. Reveral bills ol ilaroag-s were
va liaaetta raach dowo to lat Konday's put in, aod if tha same prove to ba Just
dinner, and as it ia not often that a
nesiter maa ais a fnll feed, ba
ram away almnat lonodered. Mrs
Ilcadley should either not put ao many
j.khI ihina on tha tab e or invlie as
ftai.tam Hweeney. IT. H. A . Han Dieao,
Cal. says: "Hbibib's Catarrb lUme,ly is
the first medicine I have ever found that
emo Id do ma any g iod." Trice 60c.
T. W. A vera, Jr.
Don't Forget to Call on the
P. C. Thompson Company,
Nails and Tobacco
Oysters and Axle Grease
Undershirts and Molasses
Candy and Gunpowder
Beans and other ammunition
Sewiug Machines and Cigars
Wagons and Soap
Pocket Knives and Overalls
Tea Pots and Tomatoes
Also some other things aDd something else.
Selling Out
Our Entire Stock of Millinkry,
Undkrvvkar, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
If you want bargains now is the time. We
are going out of business.
i i
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him as his prices are right, And all goods that he
handles are ot tho very beht.
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
I-LoppiioLN Oregon.
ill bava to ba iiaid by tli vevt ot
Heppner. It la claimed Ibat to any
sveot lb. total amount of damage
elattued will not aggregate over 82"0 or,
al th ml, l-'VK). It looks aa tuonub
tba I'.rrisb orck road wonld li fp-n
tor spring Iravsl.
"Ta. t'.aiai.a reol."
As Abraham Uocilo eallsI Ibem. di not
par. in atgus abont tbeir abmen's
What ibey wsal is a tneliriii. Ibal will
ror. Il.rra. 1 li Simpla, bluest lal
n..i l lima ikat llmiil'a Marsai anlla
mlr nana Ii bava a pllel.f.wk f-lera. ,Ur.d a tba Ul argument la
l,,f f.nl in tb deplb ol an Inab or mof, , (.ot. mtt tb,9 mi.
lr Mwords aa ralW and Iba I m,oy n,,m,UlU volootarily say.
Hnoe Abrabamalek. bila tlaylag
lih atna ehlldraa halnrdar. bad Ida
To Do Given On
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28,
'I'l IIC
One Thousand Bushels of Potatoes !
At my ranrh, ten roih Nnuth-fMbt of Hepjiner, at lo mt ound ia
the field, aaclnnL Or will dHiver at lle..inr at I Jo rr kjudi1. ror
bchh! jKtatH-a, roy crop catinot m Wnti-ti.
i. n. MvisrisriXG,
pal left I W doing ell.
We Gall the Attention
TTtl THE ".IT (hit rhrn a mer.hant o'r(ia ll.nl a or
'SfS Iht-f raj a.'lerar anfnm t0 , h it tntkim'J ffcer.aa ttf
f ) t il . "r. tilhtt mmrilt, k is m hnf mnd Ide f raffc la a.f i
ii. tlV fo anf rfiiat fi un-trttrU rrerj ass , tr
tlitf f l-i K'hrtl s; if I am fiisjf'i. Ih.tt ao avi
! K it our un,,lhtr ;rof .iaj Ihrg fc trlkml J Ikrir l-t.lhr SNr
r'. if. (whi. k tr ar a.rry It My M a.J lh ri trilk tlryfn r
1 ax. rf i-ia s I
a a a
Wt l.i it lh put,;, lo a"'foMf llrk, an 4 lUt yosj !t
ftn4 il a rU ta, rs( -.'. l'"k "'I rl mtUft-l. Hm4 Oae
prftl nr a fhr ip as any sf .r la l'ulrn Orf jnm.
C.:im4 " aa ' tr,,t t tr4
1V fcttistmH JVarS,
W mm.
1 II Mhl's fill, ara lb. lrM afi.r-ditiaer
( ills. ait diga.U'iii, sura !.
'Flic Best of Music will ho furnished
Suitahlc Prizes Awarded.
a ik
i . ft ii
,.i',st .i
f"t .. frmt t tSat
(I ,i , ti r4 .
f, f im ff I . a sal !
fp l, (4 a .la.a
- i ' aa I 't
. - s ,.
i i i ' a
' LldaART ST On f Iba twX
Interealing proframma. In Iba bi.tory of
Ilea llepptirr IIfary and Dramatic
rUeteiy ,i rt l-ie-l at II . mo r I liooaa,
H,tutUy van.g last, l'b Vkv I'fe..,
! Ja. Ii.il 10 lb.ci.air. Tba tubjert lot
i .lib I -IU..IV..I. Tl.al Immigra-
ll. a ti.'Q I' tbill Hiaes bo old ba
f...il.ie " Il a WBeallf a
.1 i a l't si l... aa I. id am'waliv. i
..... Stf.liV. l....d Ibal ll.y a.ra ll j
Ot la d. I.altrs-, abd OI UlalH.J ll.al
.,.; .ulj.U O-a of Iba b i
t . ,trt ,.l rHK 0 .aa II.. aUj
... . Id b I'd' t".k I b. i
slf ". .H h.iardaf
, l . o.iial i,lar. sad a. I I.I..Mrr ia
1 1 1 1 a o" I I." ' I 'II aillba
( ltat.v NNofa ifaaioa
fr.,; Manda .' fai g I
! wVI'r, liviag 11 a.gbbofbon4 r.f
! Iba bos na al f ! I"l "
! ff ll ta'l sg - . 'm lb say.
Taa'arlar Alb-rt IV s Vs.lls a4
' Ff4 llsl arraed aa L ag lha ,
! e5.t.4a ti.bl liih.a. a. I Iba Um-
al. to M ia1 Ihat l- V '
afa s,.af.f to an aa. Il I- fll4
i ,. M asa.ae W I -f lh. d.
baa' id fii'.-, lb..,
p.l ...a lot Ibia ai;i ! .1 -aM
an. s-at al i4si". !"
Tho Management will use every effort to make
the BUI n Complete Success.
Tickets, 81. 00; Ladies free; Spectators, f)()c
J. W. RASMUS, Manage.
At Matloek'sS Hall on
M.(.iriili i.r.if!lf .III maaa ..ant fl' I.
sl...f1 II ins aa l.f ai
r .III maaa ..ant n h. i.ni ei.a .eia ran inr mass s-i sua. a viini. a
fnl i- mallMit In liralii, l'r.nil..i.s sml k.
Can a. br Out
Systematic Plan of Speculation
orlftal4 bf wa All Snrrrsal.il Srntan na a f'S-'i's. ststem
a a .rl iihisS la'. Il.l l".l a.a ihinimim. "I mrii in an im.m ... ... . ..." www.
la'sa am..Mia star, mi, vaffiia rr.n m
llml l..i.alt u. k I !,' ba
bv mallr lfalll. ll.fn'isli bMaan l....r. mil.
Ira) IhimaalMt ..llaia l" ! "' IM I .! a NhI"Ii4 ut lao auixl
n.'.la l.f ll,.aw hi l". a ! ll.wiaaml
l la alan a far I lt.al Ihnaa tin snaSs II. la'rt ''" r..mialllf Small aallMla
nn I ..n ara i-...s ah.. II ta aa l(...a I l.l au ami llnral (!.(.... a I.L.a.iS aho UmwusI
n-l"'."'l Sr...ail' na-iu c .... .j
fhif .iai. O.wa tt'n fl.B lla r.a ,miHiiii iB.w..,mi,ni ...cip ..... .-" .- p.
II. sl i.rt..r iaa inaikH li-a i la.ia II bdnsa . si-a l; .i..6l ll.al lla ua u.tmnvf l.a
rra(.i ,rtiiaa
li... U.Satl S
ttl l4.ii.ar lubxiuailoa avl.liaaa
THOMAS 4 CO., Bar.kaea aarf Beaaara.
241242 Riaiia Baiiaiafl, CMaaaa, III.
mil la.. Ma ' l-.ll. I t b.a.... ,..,l.lrs ALL VRIC.
.i!... maifiM li.4l.. f i i v lll.aal I.iim. In Mtacl t u ......' a..4
tii i .in
r.aaf)..-!? IfcVlUd.
VftVL1 I
)M) 00
lilt L0
Ma-If . Itsla R'.a'. IMriag r.. I
TIIKPALACK ilotkl bah,
.J. C. UOllCriKItS, Prop.
a i aiaia aaaaajaaaasaaaaaa-aamaa
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors nml Cirs.
ni;, utmt,n notary public
...r.--a aral.l t . .U!l I ilHl I Nilll s r r 1. 1 I CJ A M f C D AT
Is the Place for
Fresh Groceries, Clicap for
C.ih Only.'
mutt WQ 0frtfl tQ PIU HW4I1 Qi A0,
tt, lf ftf .r.t...i.1 irt, VIN iwuviii a ; VWltVLIMIsLvLll
- - - - I a 4 i I. aa mmm- hatf I
vaMavsayMsA'A asaiaia...avsasSassMaa)Wa.
rrt.-tii L.lU jn.yi