.i5MX-avji;kijIjV 1 PAPER 9tr ttrt imi itrtittii rriumim i eg OFFICIAL I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT i I MY SUCCESS I Is owing to my liberality in ad-? vertis;ng. Robert Bonner. Advertising brought rr.e all l i t own, A. T. Stewart. ; i tiMIIMIIIiiiiiiiicriiiniiiiii,,,,,,,,!!,!,,,,!!!,,,! .I.I 1 1. 1 1 1, I III I'UDI 11:1 1 I I ll 1 1 1 1.14'IJH'l'lil'Milil ' IIW HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1895. THIRTEENTH YEAR WEEKLY rfO. RR4 I SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 387 ( SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdays and Fridays m PATTERSON VCRIMIXG OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . . . Editor Business Manager At f 5.5 ) rcr year, $1.25 for six months. 75 ots. tor threfl nwriGW Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. at 14, C. Duke's lYlereimrits Eioh&nR3, San Francisco, ('alifomin. where cou- racte tor HUvortiBiiiK crii d matie ior n. rnTTItf PAPh'Tt is kont on tile J. Advertiairisr Agency, fit ami B5 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CAR!). Train leaves Hepnner 10:30 p. m. dully, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon- West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion ni pnst hound 3:;K) a. in. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p m. and 8:17 a. m.i going west, 4:;J0 p, m and 5.5b a. m. United States Olllclals. President Grover (Hevnland Vi.-a-tJroalilnnt Ad ni Stevenson Seo-ery of Htate Kichani 8. Olnny Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lamont dwntinrnf Nun Hilary A. Herbert PoBtinastar-General William h. Wrson Attor ney-Meneral J udaon Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. sterling Morton State of Oregon. RnTArnnr W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. It. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Melscl.no Bnr-t. PuM'O Instruction G. M liwin At.tirn.,v Gnneral C. M. Id'eman ' rji tir -. t . 1 1 ..... I IT. " . tii;ii me 'J.T. IGYGLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior -wheel. Insbst on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,' HOMER H. HALLOCK, INDIANAPOLIS, lND U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. 1 TSi U.S. GOVERNMENT I KS (3 PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH 7 fa Senators Congressmen Printer Hip rem e Judges. H. Mitchell J ltinner Hermann W. a. Ellis ... w. n. Leas ( It. 8. Bian . A. Moore, (C. K. Wolvorton Sixth Jndielal District. Circnit Judxe Stephen A. Lowell t roHTcuunn Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow Connty Officials. I.itnt Mnnntftr... ......... A. W. (rowan Bepmscntntive ' ninty JnilRR Joinm iseioners, , J. M. Kaker. CI orb Sheriff Treasnror AsHAHsor Snrveyor. Hrhool Bup't.... Coroner 8. Ho'-thlu .Julius Keiihly , . It. Howard J. W. Morrow ,.G. W. Hnrnmrton Frank Gilliam J. f. Willi Geo. Iril Anna Halsiner T. W. Ayera, Jr wavoi . UltPPNlB TOWK ornriEBa. ., Thou. Mnrnan C Minfilmmi K. Kariinworth. I.iclitonthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs.Jr., a u Li r IT 1 Ml, .ii in i,ri. ' V. J. Hallork rrirof e. v""A Mantis! A. A. llobaru PrwinrtOffleerF. !..:.. nf Kib 1n E. I.. Frwdand ",..tl,l. N. 8. Whsutone l nltd StatM lnd OfHreni. TBI DALLM, OH. J.F. Moors Herfstw A H. Him llolver LA OS AUDI, OS. B.F, Wilson J":"" J.H. Kobliios Kriver OESItXT BOOIITIE5. KAWUN8 POST, NO. It O. A. H. Mwlsit UiinKion. Or., tho lM HatnnUf of MMh month. All TKrans ars InvitoH to Mn. ' c u,mi Geo. W. Hhith. Aillntitnt. tf (VimmaniU, m CONEY LOANED. First Mortirsrrs l I on TmliMkol rami frolwrly i-sutlt m. Ms are prrHirHt t.i nraottata Drat ninrtifS upon Improvnl farms In niffnn. with rastrrn i.ril. st riol Inti-mt not to siwd iwr cnt iwfatnmra, MortK renewtd Uiat have hnn taken by other luin Mnlca. Adiirns wnn siamp. Hasvr City. )ron LUMJiER! Itrl RAVI rt)H MALE ALL KISm Of IH tf ilmwi Lomtwr. It nilt ot Hcpposr, at what It knowo m Uis riK I.W0 HIT. HOL'OM, - ltd) - 17 M t r nKLtvtitKt) ia Hternin., w:ix add A i0U wr I.MSI Im4 rrltH,ial. Tb abort qiiotatlous are strictly f"f Cash. L HAMILTON. Prop. Katioiial M ol MM w. rKatAao. ki. m mi r. TRIS'WTj I CENSHIL B1VKIM K5INES r-XniWT.K HO T. & SOLI) nrirsr.li. tf oumo Oiitiiii-liiinis SIjjc lir, BUUiS-&aHT01l STH5EUH H l, w .'. amS. P op 1 To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing; and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. fWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Jf. R Thil Company U controlled ty nearly ont thousand leading netct paper in the Vnitcd State, and it guaranteed by Uitm. SIMMONS GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS I ivfr REGULATOR (liquid or powder) eet all the benefits of a mild and pleasant P .. ii.-!. u- ui 1 laxative ana tonic mat puuucs mc uiuuu and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SlMMUMa livlk kcliU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache and constipation, ana ria or that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver l nrnnerlv at work. If troubled with anv of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, the King 01 uver medi cines, and Better than Pills. 5ff-EVERY PACKAGE'S Baa the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. II. Zellin & Co., Phila., Pa. FACTS AHIC FACTS ! '01! CAN ni'Y t-'VOO worth of dry goods and grorrtli and then hsre enough left out of lloo uO to purchase a No. t Crenrsnt Wryclo. This Is a first class machine. Why than pay I loo. 00 for Mcycla that will glv no bettor acrvk t t Y CRE-KTENT "Scorcher," wtlfht pounds, onlf I . Ladles' and Oents' roadsters all tha way from I'O to 7 "Boys' Junior," only 1 1) with pneumatic tire rooJ machine. "Our rptclal," Man's M; Ladles', '. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, i CHICAGO AND NCW YORK, Or THE PtTTERSON Kl Cl, ZzJl yAs MORROW AND GRANT "1 Counties. TTrJ ..' IE INTER OCEAN -U TlfK- Most Popular Pcputlicaa Newspaper of tne West And Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BT MAIL DAILY (without Sunday) 6.oo pcrcis' DAILY (with Sunday) fD.oo pcrytm The Weekly Inter Ocean tct .00 rrn tiar i A'rir rrwrtr Tt1 Mil l OCMAI k trmt 4 lit Ua M all IS It nmn SKUlMr Hl IM la Maiai ALL 1MB M AMI IHH M l W Ulmi-tl UTlkAllVe. OSTAKIO.HUHS8 ! Ii ifa IHy M P.m. 1 rttr al () , !(' I 42 binr. Single Fnro S7 CO. Round Trip SI 0 00 BURS'S-CASroS' pfi f U i H , 0 f The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. l has rM af Hw tak at i laMilf lit l-i( IH l lllilll Mltllx mi kwH ai MUsi liauiinakf II ait tL . M S. aa ail liM aakal k. II alta l Ikaaa 1 ML. KIMS ! tne oi.u. IT IS A TWELA-C.PAGE PAPER. TM- N"f K"l M tintr in (HiCaixi, Tit afl ir COTrfeCUl. it nti p i.r i i i i.i tin mi. n MiMlaiN an H mi Alilfllli t tHf! Mfo 1Mb M,UfUI Of 1HAI MXIfJl lHA"l ? hHI I AlfintM CAM. N Is la - Nk lit psils af ism katk M PalNIi s4 i Mmlsit, S r.aa,W Ikal la a, .at at 11m Snlr lal h4 U ! T '7 T O-Jt UtM-us.. A4ra TE NTER OCEAN. C;ft0. AttorneyH lit A 'I ln ' Ia)f itf it .,, i ii i. t.r .tM ii?t.ff taia l'M ! i;t w THE WE ELECTRIC BELT AM Trade Mark Or. A. Owsn FOR MEN AND WOMEN Tha latest and only sclentlflo and practical Klec.ii io lielt made, for fteneral use. producing a genuine current of Electricity, for the cur of dlwase, that can be readily felt and regu lated both In quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body. It can be worn at any time during working boors or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE flSt RIIRtTIrtjlTIS.TI LI Mil A GO UKNKIl A L nGBILITT liAItl K HACK Ni:itVOI8 lilSEASES VA ItiroCKLK BIH XI' Al, UI11KNES9 I T POTENCY K1DKEY U1SEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied, Is fi"t taking n nl Troubles, and will elfeci cures In seemingly bopeliKS cases whsre every oiiirr inuwn nicani nu iaiif?-i. Any alupgtnli. weak or diseased ontan mar py ii i ia means ne tousca to neauuy aouviiy before It Is too lato. I.edlttx medical men use and recommend tb Oweu bell lu their practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regarding the curt or bpiiio. chmntn and nvrroua Olscaws. prices. and how to order. In KiirIIhIi, (jcruiKii. Hwtdii'h ami Nnrwit-lnn IniiKUaKca, will In) irnlled, 1iKiO application, to any auarcss lore couta p-istago. be Owen Electric Oelt md Appliance Co. six orrtra ao oslt rsrTonT, The Owe Electric Bell Clds.. 201 1 211 ttal Street, CHICAUO, ILL. Tit UiomI Eloclric Osll Cititilnrmrnlln lb; WoM A HARBHH'S MITAKK. Tbe barber was talkative, like others of bia kind, bat the patron strangely reserved. "Hair cut?" asked the barber. Tbe patron merely nodded. The barber made one or two ineffect ual attempts to stnrt a conversation and then settled down to his work in silenoe. For nearly five minutes nothing was beard, but (lie clicking of the shears, bat the effort to be quiet was too great "Funny about these Sundey ball - games," he suggested at last. The patron said "yes" in an inquiring, oareless sort of a way. Tbe patron dido t seem to be inter ested, so the barber tried a new tack. "Oorbett's doing an awful lot of talk ing, it seems to me," he said. Tbe patron nodded. "Ever see bim fight?" A snake of the head was tbe only re ply. "He's a dandy, I suppose yon've seen him on the stage, anyway?" Another shake of tbe bead discouraged bim on the subject. "It seems to me these New York re formers are going altogether too far in their ornsade. Most any fellow is lia ble to want a driDk on Sunday," he suggested, in the hopes of striking 10'oethiog that might interest tbe pa- Iron ; but the latter only snid : "I sup- pise so." "I believe in a Sunday barber-shop closing law," the barber ventured inute or two later, "but I suppose even that works hardships." Tha patron intimated that it might "If a man wants a shave on Sunday be wants it real bad." The patron did not seem to be inter ested, an the barber gave It np. He yanked the apron off, shook it, and as be started to pnt it around the patron I neck again he asked lu a business like ay : "Shave, sir?" "8ir!-' excla.med the putrou, indig nantlv. A moment later the barber was alon in the simp. "Hang these slinrt-baired girls in bloomers! You o-in't tell them from men," was all be inid. Cliioago Post, WHAT WE DO WITH OUR FEET. In A r.mluloe Critic Whs Took Dalle-tit f timer? In ( Men's IVdala. What do im-ii tin with llii lr f'-et and li-gi lit ilinm-r? S.iuic thing tin y lo at tin uK'.-t and Imii'lii'iiii - ln-1 llicin Unit the Hiiilia of thi-ir rliair urn) ntk n liv tin-ir tN-a. Mn- :it lii a wi-11 known llroudway restaurant tli-ut her i-vciilng, Kiiya Dm; imv vn U Uii, Id, and fsn ! luTts'l f. afu-r aim liH-l npn 1h-i- lniiij'i-r, by watoliin tliii in- m ilul i-xlrrnil'.ica. Some wlut luiil f, t t of gi-iu-idiis Irngtli i;fli( the In rU nf t lu ir IhhiIh mi tlin loMri r front rung of tln-i luiir. ami liunif fliolr fri-l up, ua It wore, whili Ihry ilin.-.l. Two ini-o wllh abort li'if an4 fei-t to mali-li act ii.iIIt kept on i.pl.w llirongl the meal. A f" wr.-ullitH Ihfir l-g arolllid Ih'e of the taMe. On laid hit h 't f-il flat on tha flixir al.rav, and ikI I lie rn'ht one apoa It, iliaiigiiig biiAC from tuim U tun". Nrl lioU'ol their ltif n tli chair rtitisr. vtil.-h lirnrM tin ir Uih,' k hiw'li tli.-ir iner li t I .iitoii td tn to sn.ii-l rnKiiiif tin" 'i-l ! 'r tr.t tl fl-or; few all.-re.l l!n .r jeo .l l lotiilig un-l.-r tin t ntin i 1 - Is of tli ltiali',-aii ,'. taiii'iin tli-'iii lipwiililli tc'i.r.i.f il,,.ir i i ' 'tnrirt la-nl tlm aiif afiniiml It atil na miuinoii l-iwalU off with another man In tl,f whole rf,i llirra rr rtol thr HiTi stlm pta-e-l llieir fwl fl4t ttpriii Hit. flmif aiil la fat tliem there. hU rvml.lo I help t UnnU tug f fof IW rwtllciHita, .t m,o tiiinMa l,a' an'ira flrla itiar ft thri?H h I.i tUf ing their l.iri:.k J- lislik fsa.fal C at. A funrl car In llUati'l U th'Ur' rl. moat trx-. bits I ',! J of mn Hfif I ri. jvii th I. f v rritlrrlf liiten tin-irr I n.g r,wr,r of tiU'k ''ii!i. 1 " t!e ."! In Hit i;!-t'fe'i ri to I'rolausrt 1 lr itrap ne rs''b t' tli troii-l ati l ail that i aati of t!i horas la l., o-iin eyre prm4 liifinfh the y hole. H,e r-ar llaeif la ilrin lr e.. l,tnao trirl a'aoln 14a, b. i'ii iifoiiw Ihng. 'iib Hat. rsj'lief l,t.intof 1m U- ie "Ihs lUrUf of frl.;. ; ouiV ii.u-tt nvire aasvreu.i. ' the rviTu. of pa lti. a wi- 'itlf j ti'l t' trmt I jr -e inaaa t.i ,ry I V.s' itrnrr ti.et tid Irnm the I the ':. cm I !.,, tl.erer i lo l.4 f. l.' -.Hi. IWM .f ' '.'. 4 c ..',. an I ir" t. r , j ff Mrs. W. B. Mek, wbo reaidra Camptonville, (Jul., saye her daotihter was for several year Iron hied at tunes with sevpie crumps in the stnuiHoh, and nuid be in niou agony tuat it was necessary to rail a phvaininn. Having rtB'1 hlK-nt L hamherlHiu a (Jolio, Cholera and Dinrrbnea Keineily elid conolnded to try it, Khe fonud that it always gave prompt relief. It was seldom neoessHry to give the second dosn ''It baa not only suved ns Iota of worry and time," she says, "but also doctor lull. II l my opinion that every family should havn a bottle nf this remedy In the house." For sale by Hloouru Johnson Drug Co. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 1 YXVWJI u ii im Scimig worn? WATSON LIKES BLOOMERS. Bought a Suit for His Dauehter and Wan Angry When Uls Wife Cat It Up. Silas Watson, a Sidney (N. Y.) farm er, purchased a bicycle for his fifteen-year-old daughter recently and also gave her money to buy a bicycle cos tume. When Miss Watson rode into the yard attired in a bloomer her moth er was ustonished, but the father was much pleased with his daughter's ap pearance and ability as a cyclist. The mother declared that her daughter should not be allowed to dress like a new woman. After the girl had re sumed her ordinary dress and gone to a neighbor a the mother took the bloom ers, chopped them up and presented the pieces to her daughter when she re turned, with the following note: "Here is what is left of your abomin able bicycle suit, which your father en couraged you to buy. No daughter of mine shall ever be allowed to parade herself in public dressed iu bloomer costume, lake these pieces and use them in some articles of patchwork as a reminder of the folly manifested by yourself and father." Farmer Watson was so indignant at his wife's conduct that he immediately gave his daughter more money to buy another bloomer costume and assured her that she should henceforth be pro tected from a Bimilar experience. ELOQUENTLY SENTENCED. Judge Wound I'p Ills Hlfh-Falutln Hpeech with a UrIUIant Hit. North Dakota's Col. Hummer was in St. Paul tho other day telling stories. He tells one about a judge, saye the Pioneer Press, that wae shaken from North Dakota to Mexico, and the peo ple down there, who tired of conduct ing their own hangings, gave him a welcome and filled him up seven times a week. One night, after playing poker all night on the losing side of the table, he walked Into the court with hia hair pulling. He made up his mind to surprise the Mexico boys. There was a poor greaser to sentence for murder, and he let him have all he knew right and left for an hour, and wound up by Raying: "Hut hope is not for you. For you the zephyrs, will not sueoeaafuly combut tho ice king; the prairie will not endtio lu carpet of glory, and the little brook will never go singing and bounding on Its way to the wt for the delectation of your soul; never aguin will the moun tains aaiHUiue their green crowns, and blossom for you, Joae Mario Jararo, for " J OX. Cook (lomistrHS) Now I'm l -aviu of yer, I may as well 'ell yr aa the kr o' tlm kitchen door fits your etnrenoru. Tit-Kits. "Well, Willie." askel grandma, "have yon bad all lbs dinner you want?" "Nome," answer! tha trnlbfnj littles boy, "but 1 have ha I all I can eat." Ioilianapolis Journal. The prisoner nff- rel this eotirl a bribe of 60 cents to larn him loosa," said the indignant cross-mad Justine, "No, yotr bin r," replm I the lawyer. "It wa. 12." "Now, that's sun-thlu' like it. I stand eorreet.l. I t bun g"!" Atlanta 3 lOetltlllloU. iirMer Thta piano is rally my very oo, leu't II ps? I'a Yes, my dear. "And whu I tnerry I ran lake II aitb ma. ran IT "Oftainly. my rhil l: tint doo'l Ml any una. Il might Spoil f oar chenc-a. -New Yik Weekly. I'h'.V t I enpiioaa yon lov ynnr nw M,.r Very dearly, T'oinoi? Tommy (')lntf baby e 111 ) Tfre llnl I'd a g'm I 'I' raii.ar ha I a d g HomervilU J inrnal. Mrs, r. rlei.rti-(fk,re-. .,ra ('' ! nv.timef'e Mnblev. I think we ... a ... nnalil 1 1 V'Va lief s- meinintf. i oq mnai fn,n.l er she Las tien wil-j as lea eels I'lt, I'. f I'et-m - V"; t-t na lva bf a ee-l-o.'T. l'riokl FU. lie looked about him and Raw the crowd in court was staring at him wild- eyed; thi-y had never henrd him in Hint at ruin In-fore. Mont of thrin thought he bad gone mad. 'This won't do," be thought to him- self. "1 hcac tK-ople will think I am crazy. I'll let Vm down enay." He fixed hla rye again on the prisoner. 'These things are not for you, I nay; for, Jmmi Marie Jaruro, you will not 1m In It, It 1h the M-nlcni-e of this court that on nest Friday you lie hangi-d by tho neck until you're dead cuss your Muxi.-nn hi.h-:" Tin ru una a sigh of relief from the rrowd. Tlie judie bud auveil hlin-lf by a timely return lo the vernacular, ml I 'o. I'lurimrr'h anilitora wrre an i.ii.i no l-i t.i -t n-y th it lin y ill in't i-ur the hjUggi-Hiiii'i for an rxtraai-a hum. Mrwara. C F. M'Mire k Co., Newlierg, Ore., eats: "We eell more of t'hariilier- laln'a Ongb lUmedy Ihan allolbare put p geiher, end it always live ealmfeo tl- n." Mr. J. . Allen. Km. Ore , says: 1 Mlrve I'heiiibcrlBiu'eCuiitfh llroedy In tb best I have bandied." Mr. W. II llilrboork. Odiiiiibtie. Wash. aye: "Chsn.tieilaiu's Congb Remedy alls wii and la lilgbly prstee.1 ,y all bo mm it." For sata by Mloturn J-.ho- eoa I)iug Co. HOW TO KILL SQUIRRELS. " New Method of Exterminating; the Feet Discovered by a Hpokaue Man. A. T. Church, of Spokane, has dis covered a sure way of exterminating the arch enemy of the Washington farmer the ground squirrel. Mr. Church's method of extermina tion, says the Tribune of that city, comes under three important discover ies which he has mude by a close ob servation of the ground squirrel's habits. 1. He has discovered that a squirrel won't dig out of a hole if any obstruc tion is in the way, so he won't have to dig through solid ground. 3. A squirrel will not dig into a hole if it is obstructed so as to make his en trance difficult. 3. A squirrel will not traverse any ex tent of territory if he is not sure that there are plenty of holes in whioh iie can hide if he is pursued. In the vicinity of Mr. Church's place he has filled all the squirrel holes with briar bushes, and for a distance of ten rods the squirrels have entirely disap peared. If briar bushes are not handy, Mr. Church says a wad of paper will answer the purpose jtist aa well. Mr. Church bus examined the results of killing squirrels with powder, sulphur and other materials now in use in the surrounding country. He is firmly con vinced that, while the weapons used will kill the squirrels, they will be Just as bad or worse the coming summer, because a home is already in readiness for them. If the holes are stopped up Q ,.iimls do not s"P'n 'h iv and spreuu over tne country. "Tho experi ment, moreover, will cost nothing, and I advise tho farmers to try it," said Mr. Church. The Earth's Model. Four leading French scientist Vil- lard, Cotard, Scyrig and Tissandiei have succeeded in mnking a wonderful model of the earth. It ia a huge sphere, forty-two feet in diameter, and has painted upon its outside all details of the earth's geography. At Paris, where the pygmy world Is being exhibited, an iron and glass dome baa been erect ed over tho globe. The building la oiyhl-M Ii-1, and is well provided with cli'vutoin and stairways, which ni.iU.-i U mi i-usv thk for the visitor to eMimiii" "nil part of tint world." The glo'ii' v. eighteen tons, but I a so iil-i-U- l -!.m d that it can easily lm rotn'i- I by n .mull handwheel. The en tire 4 ;rf iiv urea is five hundred and twi -,' ,lv, iVot, which is sufficient to exhi'. l a I the inoiintuina. rivers. isln i I . r.:i 1 i-'n li-s, oven to tho princinal m v: in'., -i i of the latter. Piles! I'lleat Itching .'Ilea. bymplonis Moisture; intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by aerati-hing. If allowed to Continue tumors form, ahloh often bleed and ulcerate, bernming very sore. HWAVKH OlirrMfNT slop lbs Itching and bleed ing, heala ulceration, and in most eaaee removes tbe tumors At druggists, or by mail, for Wlrwuts. Dr. KwayneA Hon, I'lilladelpl.ln. HIS HILICilON ALU jihi I l lbs utmost l nl Ilia Vllllah. e'l," sal I the ben Ine I will Ml ,4 ll a nt,r V'. y-M ea'm y. Vtif enVt T" H'lfa lie tills , Sa-ae' ftl lcf e . l sea, cai-a rs I i.i (T'si 7 llr fe," tb ri l I."- I'i"k. Ida rne. mn IS l.s ! I V "' A1 fej ere lb nie.el l.y In fi I," sai I Me latb-r. "Yii. I tLsl e i."si4 J.etmle U.f. "Isn'l II it !. s e4b ' mssri M -t leM IHe estns fstrilyTj llrfi IUti4 TMe. , Wt, a y o.e II Was Anv klna thai Was Ike Ifenilaei. In the ''lUminUcwni.'ae of an Kml grant MUealsu Is lbs following cu nous sne.-lot: ritak. formerly of Walabe's regiment, sosa sni'rtig tbe ofh errs of the IrUb brigade who Wrol on half net at Its diaaoletion. He had rv- liialin d on half pay i hrtig that be I- esiiis the oldrat cluiii l In tbe army lis oblsinxl Ma proinntlirt) to lbs rank of inair general after a a.mir,at curious nUrte iUi tl.edukeof York, the cwimmsndrr In rbirf al Ibsi lim llarlng aoil' ite-l the lion- of art audi a,r of bia roysl liiffbnesn, b rrlrl aa Inliinstiiifi Ibst ti iluks would ra re It bim at lbs borsv yuarda aest day lie puu'tual In liiaatteiniaiitw.aii'l U li.f lntr-l"a tatbs tsimmaivlrr In . f lew-s! by lb customary -. l. "Well, eoloftsl, wbsl ran I 4o 1 you?" -I rr-i. lr,"rpli4 Ktah, "tbsl Ibera a a Irseel fs-Nnlne mil. In whir l. bip ' lil'l I imtliSfliliif ol'inrl n his roslt f' nervl. "True, lid. Ms-ki toil rive to a Uses to ask 'u of what rll?W.ii yoi aetr" I am of the rvSiftoa ft a maj- lie duke tow4, a4 lteit was f ascites! et.de orrjci; i yAiio4L vtksn inunjo). sfasAet II- (-III I HI) hi.. e l.e.O S aa) ,t si ktr, I tVett-UetfH frVe ftett He A'Ufl-HQNCVMOON novinot. I.rttrt wU tUn r. If It Btr tj Sate Ut w4. T-t I C by apj.r.r j In submit. I.i iit i, n. nil ssr itti lo. A lit sr. ti s J. 'swl ,k-l V .. EARLIEST OF ROSES. The I'rnsenre or I atiliaga Km Itevrrlbes by llcrinliilaa. In s li-arind artirlc on roars I he Quar terly Ucvlew any a: "Tbe riirlient eer- tain tnn-e iii lireek literature of tbe rose as a i tilli'iitid flower Is to be fun nd lu Herodotus, in his account of (he rise of the boue of Macedonia. l bs aoiia of Ti iih iiiis, be says (tiook vlil., I.IHi, fled Into another art f Mliccd. .11 l.t. Slid t'U Up Ihelr sImkIc near the ganb-iis of Midas, lu thrse e-nrilena are rosea wlm li grw of lliem- H In s - tl.nl is. as upiij., wilbollt lit if Ii a'tenti.iii 1. 1 pruning or bud-llnr aweel that ni others ran vie with them iii this, and llieir hlosms have a many ss aisty M lats spiers.'" Kvrry ros-grower w i.i al once tvir- libwi In Hits l lm in. .st venerable of all r.isn rc.ir.'.s, llin original r.is rrnll foiiS, still more Itmi t)o lliiiusand J cars afterward on" of Ibe smrelest In many an old l.i.gHsIt j aidi n-lbs old I'rovcii'i- or ruMnifii i And II la a .i--. s'limet or ii -i i ne lit" of a hrri'Hph il,rs'tr, All the fail lery ia inade l-y bsiid ami "the sbewl was iiii.il.i" n " 'I b I--I. i f. m nd I-l II. .'gran tterw not iiiuiiiiiiitb -I and lb" luctbiels of lint al lr lei aeii.l.Uiv-e I.i l.tpllan -si. in, a M i . at -.n of ll,e di sd ass arrie I trtit. f..r In the sn. grs Ihers .rvtkul.a a)Mit-. fioin tli real f I-.IO line i,,s1,. d Uimrily Is hal ll,e human laiin a Ss ' ltokin .j n at li.e e,ds an I s-..jd ool " II. tcaW... i.t 'i..f i ..nd. is l'f mii s In tii A'.l oty, rta.t.'y nlits i, n n itioiiiai a.t -t -; l airv " I l-ii.l a s'-l tr i f II, r- ma.fis It StNS .1 I ,lf l.t tl,. T l ',rtld ii a a I Sl.-I J.fseif it la- batii.f s hoolil t,iM, H.g, i,e'i'l l4 ami triwn, naif l.sir 1 be no ttgrt$ rM Miinli.anera (s. ,(.-'. ' lbs favde were I "I I. ' ens Sfi-I Am. ils , Mtiiuiiits l.'airitssf ami It's soft, lb latt'f eV''tl years rt'.d. ara lb mt'.f li'il-e" B!iT tif lbs oees) Ui 'anions f.i'y I-s I' ssai. ttt C.eus's. iwlirf lend. !, na'b Ists y r4a4. SS ffr te. as tha Uad.i.f feasdaal ;;n ..;. t i.f U .; I. M it i. -us .,;". eni ffwsj a ',!., !.. .-' n Its tf I. I, . , h J . . I ,t f a t l.f , 1 I,, I .ii.i ! t 'ai.' V f. i , .-. i ' -1 lewl'si .ssA'si tt "i...s.'