Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1895, Image 4

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    tiTOCk BRANDS.
Whtla iron s.ep your subscription paid np yon
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GU on left
honlder; cetUe same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row ouantr.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left ahonlder of horses; cattle same
on left hip
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O U on left hip and horws same brand on right
shoulder. Range, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Homes, JA con
tientArl on I ft flank: cattle, saine on left hi rj.
IHird, T. W. and sin. Hornet brand' d D B
on the left hip; ci tie the umi on liift flsnk.
crop off rigSt ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Kange in Mor
row countv
Mannietor, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Irooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Hnrke, M St C, Long Creek. Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, c?op off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder, ltange in Grant and Slorrow
Hroitman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear nnper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hipt; range, Mor
row oonnty.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, oircle
C with dot in net tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle Bame on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
Bhonlder; oattlo. same on left hip.
lirnwnlee, W. J., Kox.Or Cattle. JB connected
on leftside; crop on left ear and two splitsand
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; ltange in Fox ynlloy,
Grant oonnty, ,
Carsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand
edOon right Btille; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., Caleh.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle'
V with Quarter oircle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on nil colts mder S years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over IS years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
Cata, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H Con right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall. M M. Calloway, Or Cattle crop out
of faoh ear and iinderbit, wattle in fornliad;
horses half circle C on left stiHo. Uango Jlor-
owand 0 mat ilia oonnties.
Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double oross on
each hip on oattlo, swallow fork and undet hit
in right ear, split in loft ear. Kange in Grant
oonnty. On sheep, inverted A ami spear point
on shoulder. Kar markoii ewes, nrop on left, ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers. (Top in
right and under half orop in loft ear. All ratigs
in Grant oonntv. . ,
Cook, A. J. .Lena.Or. Horses, flOon right shonl
dor; Cattle, samaon right hip: ear mark sijuare
orop off left and split in right.
Currin. K. i., Currlusville, Or. -Horses, to on
'"(tlx' Kd. 8 HardmBn, Or. Cattle, C with
B in center: horses. CK on left hip.
Cochran, K. K., Monnment, Grant Co, (Jr.
Horses branded oircle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: oattlo sains brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears anrl dewlap.
Chapin, H.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded
Don right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca-t'e saaie
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
rlD.mglis, W. M . Galloway. Or.-Cattle, II Don
right side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, li D
on left hiD.
Kly. Bros.. Douglas, Or. Horses branded KLl
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip, hole
, in right ear. ...
Emery, C. H., nrdman. Or. Horses branded
I reversed (i with taill on loft shoulder; cat,
tie same on right bin. Kango in Morrow oonnty.
Klorenoo, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LY on
right hip; horses V with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Hepnner. Or Horses, F on
right shoitldoi nattle. F on right h'p or thigh.
Krenoh, George, Heppner. Or Cattle branded
WF with bar over it. on loft, side; orop off left
ar. Hors". same brand on left hip.
Gentry, F.lmer, Koho. Or. -Horses oranll H.
H with quarter circle ovr it. on loft stifle,
ltange in Morrow and Umalillaeonnf ies.
Hiatt A. B., Hidge, Or. Cattle, round-top
with quarter oircle under It on the right hip.
Hn In Morrow and Umatilla enmities.
Hinton AJenks, Hamilton. Or Call le. two ban
on either hip: crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh, ltange in l"nl county
Hughes, Hsmnel, Wagner, Or -J" CP F I,
poiineetedlnn right shoulder on tmrs;in e ittle,
on right hip and on left suK swallow fork in
right ear and slit in Mt. ltange in Iliiy.tJtrk
dmlrlnt. Morrow enntv
Halo, Milton, Wa rner, Or. llorss hran led
-O- (naille wth nirallel tails) on I'-ft shonld"r
('piltlesam on led hip also largs oinil ou left
llowanM Ij, Gillowsv, Or. HirsaaT (onus
wuh hir sioe IM on right sVi iHsr; nail I aaine
on IVl side. Umig' in Morrow and Uinnlilla
Hall, V. Iwin, Ju'in Hav. Or. -('utile K II on
rluM hio; h rs no on rlht sli'iul ler, limine
In tir ott co'tntr.
Hii4'ih, Ma', M..iiinr. Or. -Horsna a'ia l.-l
he irt on Ih" Mt ii He'ir- M ir-ow I i.
II ranker, H . Wntwt Or. Horses. M .n nft
l .ill.r esltla, li-'l hip.
H'l iiohws. i l Hardman, Or. II irm, II on
It.' II. .a
Ilus'im. I.n'hef. Kiuht Mile "r - llorae II on
lh left sii'iol lrvi I h"r on the lfi sti-t ct.
avll i.-l Ml hill, lll'ta-e in M'l'MS mwfil
.1 ni. Mtrr. II 1 t. Or - tir trsn It I
H -Ion the li.fi a-i-eil-lur; raMle lira id"d J on
rn'lil hii. also undorliit mi Mt ear. lUug" in
ftlmrnw puti'itv.
Jmsin.H M., ll oinr. Or - Ho
si,.. J on Ml -i. p iI It. Caul
Han e r'll.f M'ts.
lolo.s r..H I, Ml. Or -Horses
le'l sll'U, cslllx. s lis .in right lap
oroii in nt end sidtt n left ear
Kennr. Miks. Ilenliner. ir - Hoe
ha aa
II s.
cir'Ie I'
iin.l ir hall
RNY on U'l hip eaitla win and crop oil
9ri nader sl.nie na IM rtM
Kirk J. T Hinnr. Or. - l.rr an lefl
honl leri eat lie. all im lef hill.
Kirk Jasa. Hrponer, Or I horsw It on lefl
sk mideri rallls sens on tight side, mid'-ihit
rMhi mir.
Kanitrsrland W II. M.wit Vemon r. I I. on
asulei.n ngtil and left swallow f-ok In It ft
asr and nnW etoti in rwl,i eer, llnrww eoi
brsnd ia t"1 stl.eihler. lU'ig In lmn ormli.
U.ftm, Hieplien, .or. -H I. on l.tl hip
mi eeiii entp and split n rig't ear, H.tr.
wins brand left h.Hi.l.. Kings Uranl
I.iwsllen. John W.. I.s.l.r.,. Or. - II .rss.
Inlr half eitele J I. rs.ina-,'l on lft st,.nl
tr. I aula. sanr on latt ItM. Kange. nsr lei
In si on
lsi.ry , J W HiHnr Or ' llorss h'andi
I. ! Smb'll sl.-rlt l'r. rt ss n mi I
.l, sllUotef f.glit !. Ihraa sills In I KM
,,r 1. I.ra. ll..of Of - H .-"S , .l
d.i.iloa II ta ! .natiwai rail-1 s
wi II on la' sHont
M,M. M ' , ll....n. Or. -Csi'ls I,,,.. 1. 1
eirt-U oq right Kip, ho-aas ,na imi firfhl alilln.
Il' a in M ""W e it
M.n.rf, ls.af, ni.. H "Vim. M II .o.
flM tn'. M "' ahfll If.
M .,., e) J . M,.i.n- "' M s ( i
Mi l-ri S.ml 1st eailte an la n lari
II i.''oil nnr I s H "s a ; -i.ii!
till, r,M( I! . r.'il si I 1
M J lan, II l . M' in !! 'I,-..,
t ' m ' " ' ! ! M ' - S".
M '.k P- " Mi'n1 .
,ll l.a aiok n ea'lls .rn ,ls Is I a , .r i
a ' af , a- an I s'rl
M .1 .,, . ,.:'."
IH Kst .r la 1 - l'l ' ei "
f.. f Ksra a ins' I ! l" on In
lisnaw n ta .l I ai",
S n .. I,.-,. H , k l a N .-i
-,st -' rsl Iss a'a s as .-, - .s
N.-lplS .HilsatS.ra t -'I aaas.nrrla J
a'i S.i rs'lls eft lsi t-'n
lllia J.an'S I ssiril '! on stla
l-'t "hm rra, a si la'l loH. Usnaa
la iis .-..!
ll.las I'stii. lsH"iai. Ot I' O ihi la.fl
n ,. M-sn ria c'la II
'Aa-aa lfl 'n I. ai iaW
av I wsa .hi a-aaa Hi la 'lis l a ( ,
wsi.lll,is,l ' l K'ls II .. .ia.
(at ,l.-l..l,.-l aa '. -S lsilll..l tri
si i ni, I ia r-" , s rr.. iL 4
U t,,, ti.a ,rs I '. W .
fs.kaf tliwm. Its I s IN, II rrsa 1 1" ,
s. as' lar.
, tax I. l-sl-s.ai sua; IhI
K I. -." "Is I-' 'SI l-s , asm .
a", .aj ...! It. Ks-.a 1 - -l-'l
,J, i M , lt' Id II a. I ai
rsal a iWl S all tat, aa'lta, Ufl kigi
it la "- , .
.lr 4 I . .aa. OV i K-m dis av, f
... . m !, I 'I J . ' I ISa
fl n,, i-. v-s r.a IS) la'l aa I la ll-a
tsM. k
h ..I atf Jaw. !!- IN M inr"
t . - -iatla i .'I '
i. s I kxs, ll-vr- M aa. I Hi
. ,i
M ..k lli-4" II .-aas .s- I-1 t
a IH ' s-'la 1 ns Its Ml ll
.. la'l a. a. taw ! - . Has t
H . et 1' l-im-'ra
stasia I ! a'
UM a s.ai
a I H
Sss, I 4 ,
. m -sw tsss t ajr M.l mm
ne'-i k y
.a a l.aeys'i.
Ik mm, w as M
la. fW TH asaiala
p . . a SS4 I S.,
e , i s-s s ' "
ii ' ' ' a ase. s.aa
l . I a TTs -ess
1 1 . ' It .-
H.i .s I I
U-r,-. s
i'i -
a .1 la
. ..
a. I
I - I
e. a a -
... fa-, M rsasaa, a r
(rV sa w'asattSI,
r fa. w r-a es-kar a- te kreiaa Pas
in urant oonnty.
Bayers, Robert, Douglas, Or. Cattle J on
right hip and U on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on
right shoulder. Kange in Morrow county.
Bmith Bros.. Hnsanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on ahonlder; cattle, ame on left shonlder.
Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horse branded
JB on left shoulder; cattle the asms, also noaa
waddle. Kange in M orrow and Gilliam oountiea.
Btephena, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 8 ou
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on ths right sida
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, 8
on right hir ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left ehouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry. E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underhit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
Left shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tippeta.8.T.,Emerprise.Or. Uorsos, C-on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left ehonlder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with aril it in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T., Lena, Or; Horses H V con
nected on right shoalder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on the left ehoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John 0,, Balem or Heppner, Or.
Homos branded Jq on the left shoulder. Kange
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same braud on loft shoulder. Kange in
Grant comity.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflngnr. John. John Day City. Or On horses
three parallel bars on loft shoolder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Kauge in Grant and Muihuor
Woodward. John, Heppner. Or. Horses, UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
Ills oonnected on lelt stma.
Wallace. Charles. Heppner. Or. Cattle. W on
nghtthigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoumer sonir same on left Bbouiaer.
Whittier nroB., nunnngum, BakerCo., Or. -
Horses branded W a connected on left shoulder
Williams. Vasoo. Hamilton. Or. Onarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
norscH. itange irant oonnty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, anar
tor circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
anil slit in each ear. Kange in Grant oonnty
Wren. A. A.. HeoDner. Or. Horses runningA A
on Bhoulder: Cattle, same on right hiD.
Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses bran dec
inonr.hA right snon Idea.
When yon are about to tmyn Sewlnp; Machine
ilo nut bo (tfimjiyed by allurinK' advertisements
mitt be l fi to think you can get the beat made,
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
von buy from reliable mnnu
l.xturura that have Rained a
regulation by boncat and square
do.iliui', you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one thut
in cuV.iciit to manage and is
V Light Running
There Is none In tha world that
can equal in mechanicul con.
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
In appearance, or has at lawny
improvements as me
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (fatftteii), no other has
It; New Stand (Vtrn'ral, driving wheel hinged
on nd Instable cunterBjthua reducing friction to
the minimum.
OttA-nn, Mam. Borrn, Mm. wrmnw H?t''f:,!I.T
Vli'VKI, IM. NT. .OT'H, Mn. IUI.I,. 1UJUM,
i AN i'ii-VNi'lKf 'J. a... att.k; A, .
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Aijcnis,
Jlcppncr, Oregon
.V.J. ?.( Suttsr .Srvcf.
The lloisne Is aa anfsillsr iAr
cl r hs-ss ler Ik sbr Ti Is.
ai.si.e a sr.t ai.i r"i
eM timfr. I li-si; sk4 IM I
tsieiMir 1 fp its ihi.e,tiW ih.s
r siefr.i tsi.se e4 Sms.ri i
S'.'''t i.-k nl llrMsi Ha ksws
let it, t-r maa as anaaMt as4
lrM.vl e I sw y etasSir feae ,
ra eitsil, f. ea.k rra.s i
imw a. -.sua nf arw tslaae esMi j
4- la 4 t e ssiia.l ie a ifsal Its 1
r-.4 i the hk m.-Mt aa I
t a ia 'sr s .art le ks aa i
k.r I i a I s ia. 1 n-a I. .1 .aira
t..ri. fa.latr esl a tse a4
a. t-.- ii. as iwe a p")
aina Ik t .4 lhrs.a wiii ita.es
'I' f as..-f ls Ulsrasf Sliraslaie
of lsasH s Mifetta 1 Va Ar
iMa in IMS.M a u, aa
Waait a4 S't. aakk u rasa
...r ie iks tMf aBs aai frits,
era ol mn tak NUsWa se
a.4 tM lha f inss a t'-e ae
l Isfale. IIm e-e taMasast .4
r-a'suse asst wm
le t a- is. as. a ssis. ' wt aa
! a.-as s Mwa. aa . sa Tka
is r4 is. .s easa ark aa eat ees
sini e4 Use raasas.s.
a-4 ke a s a.Mka4 t--m btsa
sm gai tksa.-.s iia aaatsjaie
s-o w aatsssa eti.ie la trea.
l..k.e fa aa lha Mayo
t a esa lis esislte e am ss
Km'. e4 ats. t I sssss4 i KaS
M tt lsa s kJsS.ra la esa.
I i I sss t-4 iss aaas. -a a isaaas-ia.
e , Ji a, .a a.as ia aaora sm
. as 4 ' sa I. a easa
s . a-a, t-t tat as) iVe Sit
. I ilikwi.4ewk.iir
( i 4 '- S -a Ifc. K-il -a
M Is t ta.4ia H a a
Vi 1 . i i II a 4 sua a u isa
a A.e Vs. asa a aae 44a
a ......t...-. X. .a-,
f - rs.. t-aa.a aa4 -sasse
s-a ls f A a- a -as.aa will
Oa p,s. a-se Tap "4 :
1 1- sss. is a sees I
as- sss.-ssa, a. A s a -4 i
sa . i,t s. s- e ik a t ,
e raaf asa -a. t - IM
s. .. , - .! a-
It f-a a a. aaja .rsl a
a a a- s a... . . . e-aj
i - .11 a. . .s. fi I k knaa)
I a, a a lsfc ' .
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. A
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Oregon,
San Pranolsoo
And all points In California, via tha Mt, Hhasta
route of tha
Southern Pacific Co.
Tha treat hlahwsy through California to all
points Kaat and Nouth. urann Boenlo rural
of tha Paniflo Coast. Pullman BnSet
Hleepere. Beoond-elaaa bloopers
Attaohnd to express trains, affording superior
aooommodatione tor seoond-class passengers.
For rataa, tickets, sleapiuc oar reservations,
sto, oali npon or aililrese
K. KOKH1.KR. MansKer. E. P. ROGERS, Asst
len. t. A P. AKt. Portland. Oreijon
Moat Modern and progressiva
For rslslogtio or Information wrltn to
Nrw Haven. l!nfi.
Tht comparative value of theaetwoearoe
la anewa a most persona.
Thtf Illustrate that greater ajuentlt la
Net always meet to k dtalrsd.
These cards si press tha beaelUlal Mai
lt af
4 ceaiserss with aof prsvieuslr kaewa
Tipaaa Taawle t Price, H ceata a Wa,
01 4nt( late, " ad.
UPAkt CMlMICtl CO.. 10 lanwa II.. f.
sxaskeatretie the Krai
Waal rrtrtW as
ae era Fesis t
aaie. pus.lersia
ka assilad Irae f laae
Mt laarsisrftnai pssraaj a'r loisil wial.s
MTAltTMA IkCtiAfri CO .Pa'slaajs-f si
ktsai a) l.ca ae. s. a kisia as . t e Asr saj
nurtii riTtTf r a
t 1 s.s ,1 as t s s - ei'i.ia
at li s liiitS" a sa , as,, ,.
i 'a I vs ! t. ..a f s.
I - . s s Ulasabastslla
t - -a I si a -l a a
Is.Hmm's Vs. a ra.seaeejf saskaaa
taw a-S s-t a a. aa asal
I mw is-a e tX aiia
a..i. .a. a. . alias aasaet.ee, a4
aa S'a avs s a , aa' an. s.iw
is S fass- la T S ws.-4 4
. ... ,i .. , ... s . -i ku
e s a, ks.-.. a.. . . lrv
l-.l'iaa-.o,. ran a
, - 4 1 same .s. ..'s e --.
tsas If fas I.
, I ' s.. " t - ara a s-.a
j tlTai;. f .. V.:' .1'
asaaaaaaaw j
The ritf iit."f. tsaarw f IM i
aWn, Vaaa Hi liall a f;.ai e. (he
seen! a f .fje rl Ida U. l t fs ,,.
all 1 ) sWil.ta . ke'
llallle a I tain, . f .-I tsatlei
alfsara (al lath He I laMa 4
w '' f- I ' AM ill stib-j
srlllasf fl INtP liari.M tl M;
IB ,,, t I
W.ak f (r. a f f 1 1 AM ill stih-
Sal,,!, .JrllTlS. LIsrrttMt,
Simplest, liUfiXlUl) v
ilrongest, I ,T J 'A f L"J I f"J Working,
olld I lij f I VUJ Moat
Top J"iR fi'jTijr Accurate,
kscrlver. tByyjt'r Compact,
'etatlt 101 4rae I
" ill l""a4
triV talakajwa
1st IlkL
f .1 WVIV '
She Lies Burled In a Ji'ameleM Grmva In
Greenwood Cemetery.
Only those who are thoroughly con
versant with the innumerable high
ways and byways of Greenwood ceme
tery in Brooklyn know of a section
called "The Hill of Graves." The sec
tion, says the Ladies' Ilome Journal,
derives its name from the fact that
nearly forty thousand unfortunates are
buried there in rows of fifty. One
would never think of looking for a spot
of interest in that locality. To find
any particular grave in this public
burying ground one needs the aid of a
cemetery guide. And even such a
guide has difficulty, since the graves
are known only by numbers. Upon
looking at the records of the cemetery
it was found that the special grave de
sired in this instance was in public lot
No. 8,999, and that the number of the
mound was 805. When the grave was
found it was not unlike the thousands
around it. The mound was sunken and
neglected; the grass, once green upon
It, is long since dead. A small white
marble stone stands at the head, upon
which is inscribed: "Mother and
Grandmother." Nothing is there to
Indicate the fact that underneath that
sunken mound lies all that is mortal of
beautiful Mary Duff, to whom the poet
Thomas Moore offered his hand and
heart, whose beauty he immortalized in
his verse, and who, in the maturity of
her career, won the applause of thou'
sands unon thousands of people whom
her name attracted to all the great
theaters of Europe and America, as
one of the most gifted of actresses.
Two KleDhanta Ouarrcl Over a Peanut
and Injure Several People.
Two elephants fought ovur a peanut
and nearly scared the life out of fifteen
thousand people at Lawrenceburg', Ind.,
the other day.
It was during a circus street parade,
says a local exchange. There are six
elephants in the show, and one of the
two big ones, named Prince, was
offered a peanut by a bystander. In
stantly his mate, Diamond, rushed at
him, trumpeting wildly. Prince
knocked Diamond down and the fun
The tigers, lions and hyenas added
their outcries and beat the bars of their
cages. Patsy Forepaugh and Johnnie
Kelley, the elephant keepers, rushed
on the big beasts. Diamond caught
Forepaugh and threw him thirty feet
away against a box car, rendering
him unconscious and bruising him
terribly. Kelley was knocked down by
The four other elephants were then
called in to capture the two rebels,
They crowded upon them, and after a
terrible struggle, knocked the offend
ers down and held them until they
were chained. They were punished in
the most severe manner for three hours
before they cried for relief.
Several people were bruised and
knocked about in the melee. One
circus man had a leg broken and was
hurled seventy-five feet. In the after
noon the parade was held as usual, the
elephants being e ntirely subdued.
Tha Hearts of (tnwt Warriors
Bequests of hearts have been by no
means uncommon. Richard Cirur de
Leon bequeathed his heart to the canons
of lldiii u cttthedrnl. and iti July, KIS,
this ri nmrkiil.il' relic wus onee 11 (ruin
linniL'lit to liifht after the lapse, of six
centuries; the heart, which Is tuid to
have been mirprisintfly lartfe, buys
Temple liar, was Ineliised in Ihixcm of
leud and hilver, mid withered, as It was
described, to the semblance of a faded
Itruee's heurt was, by liia dyinp; wish
Intrusted to IhnitrliiH to fullill a vow,
v hicli he was unable to execute In per
son, 1 if viiil iinf the sepulchre of Christ
Ihiuilas. "tender and true," promised
to fullill his rsovereln'a lust request,
and after Itruee's death, haviuif re
ceived the heart ineusi'd in russet of
If 1. Id, set forth iiimiii his mission. I'ro
t'ccdinir to .""pain, however, ho fell In
the thick of a Hirtit with the Mi sirs,
nnvunf previous to bis Dual charge east
the heart of l!riee from his breast
when he carried it into the ranks of
thr Inlldela, eryinir: "(inward as thou
Wert wmil. Ihiti;las will follow thee!"
Itruee's heart was afterward recovered
by Sir Minon l.ockhart, by whom It
was brought to Ntitland and buried
alnnjr w ith the Wine of Ikmiflas In the
Abliey of Mclro . When the remains
of Urne were disinterred at Dunferm.
line. In IM9. the breastbone waa found
wan through as as to permit of the re
moval of the heart.
Sao V ne lafalllbte fry a Maa A hs las
"lh you know thai the beat weather
t.rrilirtor In the world, aabl well
known phvaician U a I'hilasleliihia
Uetiird retsirler. "ka a well-developed
hard csirn tin any if the principal tw?
I have ne on the third toe of my rl'hl
fisit that Infofiii tne of a owiititf
cliatii'o in the weather far more relia
b!y than the aisfnal aervlee man w Ith
lua wraith i f aetrnliutf Itiatruinrtil.
Of rtmrae, I kten the roro well areJ
but that d an 1 make a pert le of dif
frntiie with the merit of It a a prv
n,tt. at.-r J oat alarul twentyfinir
hours bef-arar a change In the weather
the t-or q Isrifiits Ita predictions by
sharp pson that I ran only liken to a
red hot needle twins' thrust Into the
(ml f (he tso. The pain la Intermit
lent, and f r this I am thankful, for if
It ahouM p sin with. mt pauae It wtu!4
drive me daft, t ran s tt ti.i as
f.r the plirnon-tx-a. oof have I ever
U-rn able to gri a rra.a fin the bun
tlrvU of d.s tsars I know, many f whom
are affl .-ted the a me aa tntar'.f.
rs at Mien r f my patient are asaa-ftr
of a taiini'-ar iafaiiible l-erosnrtrr, and
niatiy .f tl.nn have cine t tne f ar ra. .
'osf I'oit the oti'y rr'.iaf I ran aiitfrrat !
t t. fTftioae l.s a eiKiatrf whetethe
''.her aer rhaBf"
K nifaey f nearly hua-lred
mile thrmih ihe Nih waa neeeasaary
f-af Ihe hw loah.-p of Xlah-fa'-an I.
H-auth AfrUa, lo r-r.'h the rtelr f hi
dUseaas, and h aata "It was a rty
r-M-fti ) -urnav. w itb arareely aay a'-eep
an-l l.uie f.l 1 Hi ruti lay aftrrrea-n.
ft-r mai hsrara' Irv,ii.s7 la rhsisf
dust an I brat. w realed I- at) krvr al
a !.. le ahaaly of p ao-1 m ad
I'r tfsrsi were h"4f i arws4. aa-l
tr Kiaa te4 a .a ahlrt. t-at
a:i aim beany at.-l f'4 to the
tiahcssv lei pi Ihat I aa Ifee r y
b !. j (a th wnrM Ihst fsaniea'sr
fut-ty. sattinaT tUa a iara. e)tct(
Vi !, Ilj
"ya. kl fc.l
r r 'i..ttf' w.ta mt rkt'
aa4 J tf ? tV-wa
nl I'U;. m tt't
pjt fiA'.asi 1 iwr fcUVt
In all its stages
completely eradicat
BLOOD POISON n1tbs8sorSe,S
ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re
moves the poison and bunds up the system
Valuable treatise on the disease and Ita treatment mailed free.
SWIH ijl-tcini- iu.. Aiianu. v..
$i;o.oo every month given away to any one who sp.
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
the month preceding.
We secure the beat patents for onr clients,
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid up
and down without breaking the passenger's back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock, "bottle,
stopper, and a thousand other little things that most
any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. Try to think of something to invent
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in
the ' National Recorder, published at Washington,
D. C, which 11 the best newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub.
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
YVe also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their
attention the merits of the invention.
All communication! regarded strictly confidential
Solicitor of American and Foreign Patent,
618 P Street, N.W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
!" Rtftrtnatdttor tha faptr. WriUertur
jo-t't' famfkUt, FREE.
L ty of Morrow, Bute of Oregon.
F. B. Vancleave, 1
L. H. Vancleave,
Defendant. I
To L. H. Vancleave. Defendant.
In the name of the mate of Oregen, y
erebv reiiuired to appear and answer th
ou are
e com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this summons upon you, If served within
mis county; or, 11 served in any otner county
ot this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you;
and If served upon you by publication or by
personal servico wi' 11011 1 tne state 01 Oregon,
then you are reiiuired to appear and answer on
or before the first day ol the next regular term
of said court, to-wlt: On or before the first Mon
day In March. IW18. And In case you fall to so
answer, lor want thereof the plnlntltr will tone
a decree against you tor the dissolution of the
martisite bonds now existing between you and
planum, ana lor tne care ana dismay m tne
minor child born as the fruits nf said marriage.
to-wlt: R. A. Vancleave; and for such further
Icrrce aa the court may deem just.
This summons Is published bv order of the
Hon. James A. Fee. J mine of the lith Jmllrial
District ol the etate of Oregon, date.1 September
Mil. I M!, i KKA.
I-. Attorney for Plaintiff.
l and by virtue of an execution laain rt out
if the t'lrcult t'ourt of the Htste of Ore ron, lor
the Countv of Morrow, on Octolier 17. 1'Wi, and
to im- directed and iteltvered, utHin a JiHltzini-nt
n-iiiicri-ii sua enu-rea 111 saia conn on uiu v.nn
sv of Hetiteniltpr. INH. Ill favor nf . K. Mat
lock. I'IkIiiIHI. suit sk'sliist Mary Prlscull, and
Mnrv lirlaciui as siliiilnlatratrlx 01 the rstnte ol
t'oriicllus llrlai'iill, ili-ccasi, Mainl Driscii!!.
Minnie Drlscnll sml John Prlscull. defmnlaiits,
lor the sum n( Kli-veu lliinilriil Klk'htv-ai-ven
ami KVHs) lllls: liollars with Intereat there-
st Hie rale 11I h per rent, in-r atiiiuin, from
the 1'itii dav of scoteinlH-r, ls-rt, ami the costs
sml illsbiiraeinr-iits of aahl suit ami of this sale.
And whi-reas, by sahl J ml xnit-n t It was ordi-nil
siIiiuUihI and ilta rpel that Ihe folhmlnv de
a. rlbeil rt-al property, to wit: The wcathsllnf
Ihe north raat iiusricr, and the east hall ol the
imrth-aeat uuartcr In at-f llaii o. In lowu-
ablp south, ( rsnre .".I rest of VYIIIsinptte
llerlillan in Morrow Countv. State of (Irs-aon
tutfi-lhrr with the tenements, hemlllameiits and
appurtenances thi-rriinto l-elons'iiie, he sold to
aailatv suslil Jnilirineiil. coats and accruliif costs.
I III nil tin-i;rd Pavof Noveiulier, l' St
to'rlia kp m. ol sal'i day. In front of the rosrt
hnuae door In lletipiier Morrow County,
Orr-aon sell all the rlslit. Mile ami Interrat nltlif
aalil di-lrnilaiits. ami all Ihe rlBht. title and
tn-ers-at of the di-trn laiit. Mary Prisroll. snd
hlrh Cornelius llrls. i.11. drs-t-asr-l had on lha
thdsy nl April. 1sh, or which any ol Ihe
li-lemlanta. or Ihe aahl Cornelius Ptlanill haia
si ii a had In Ihe alivt-l ili-a. rll"-l prrnils.-, st
ulillc auction lo Ihe Midi rat and I -rat Milde
i-irrash In hand, ftie pna-ee-ls to he appllnlto
he aetiafsylloii ol sal-l exerutlon ami all costs
that mar errrue
latvl (lehrr IT, I an.
i Wiertffol Morrow County, Ortaton.
Notice Of Intention.
I am. nrricu at thk dam rtt.OHK'Mt!
I i tss-piamr-f n, !. Notlre Is hereby file
thai the lollowlnf namrsl settler has riled n re
tire of hla Intention lo make final fitiwif In So
i.ut nl Ma rialin. ami I hat aal'l r-mof w til
mla beliir 4. w. Mi.rn.w, loimtv t lerk, al
Mi I pnrr. tirrt.m. on .Sinemtx-r u. isii, tu
W II 1 1 AM f B A K FTT.
li t r No tsM.lor the ar ia Na. KEk W
and ' sr'.aaaj . TP I a. R ,a K
llananira trie lolloalne wilnswa lo prove
his rssntlnumis mi-lrnre upou and rultltalloB
n aal I la ml VII
J .-in 1 armli has-l. Msrtofl Ksns Ji.hn
at- Villas, ,smrt la h. all of laiti(tn. or.
: ,aa. r. M-iaa, hniatar
Hollc 0 Intention.
e drrn s at La tisaaps Oaans,
ssi.Mmlr an. S
V'oTHit u Mrarnv .iU that ih
41 li.tiueinf tiama-l erllirr haa tl4 rn)tre
M Ma lnlstili-n Is ansae Aiil prm I supamrl
.4 hia r )ai-n and that aal.l pr. mi Ka inade
wi.-'s 1 W M..fr..w. 1 mi 11 if (, terk.al llappoer,
lirsw-ni, on ll"sll:
114 Ac. f..ftt.,'aav,s4. t ta
Tr I a. k r. ft w M
Ha him lha l..ll.. II. altmaas I Inpmve kU
rT.i,tliii..,a tra.,arKe ui-a an4 cuiilssllu et
aa' I land all
M J Iwsm ft t II tM W. ft tUiratl. W
aili.a. ail wl list piiar. M.rfffW I a . or
. r. witws
"s sa kaaiatw
MiriitE r IMIMHa
1 At
stirrrtir at tf rAtiM tir'io;
a lrli-lf I ais ..(. as Kstalf (Has
that His t;lras aamH rtlef Ksa 0la. SHa
II- nl fsta IntetilisMi Sn anaSa -al pl-wst la s-f-.rt
,4 h ai-i a- l H at aal I f.mlll
k a la tml.-m J M . "Mt I lk,
ftsl l-tsaf, lrf--s waj fcmstsla- I tatt
kli Hoi aa I r 1 1 lir
Ml r asss 1.4 11 a , ', s4 H
a r te a r, a m
II i.Msa) Ike I-. . ..n. a wus as al
r, a r-r-. im-a raw! lawe ! 4 a.iaiMI
r-l aa 1 ai an
j laws M Nm r't rwa, Mark Kl'tf.
Ial ssilfswll. i.l M ksHani i"r"S
ia r Mia-Sk
? aa aeiasal.
of Inttntion.
I Mfi
t uar nr i"t.
I 4
at II lA s. I fvaaaatlaa Ikal
I sl s s.al a.'ir aaa S r-t s.' t. a M
S I' alt-a t saaa i-al sW la a-1 t rl -t
la t aisa al tal aai (,r-.J t-l l asat
as...v ta ta-ssa.. w-.sii nail IH.ff,
!. -aaaa Js. ta. a,.
UIUH -fl t
N sa is. a f m !tTfl
I 1st H t a. t.ss
Hi.t-M IK. .-' -at Sf al. a.ass
la f-.'lsa aaa. Isl arJ Sa4 f tiSI
( aa t M a.
r I M i'i s. f i"aa Wa
aa Us ta - -4, m i 4 llsrtssf.
t w
1 arl
M aalas4-ll mt tmm aw If a Will
r t im f tmtt i
Mr. Mm Utmm.
j " ai aa , .
Is one of the very best wheels ever made
iront raiia aim an nign graue macmnes, ana
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want
punctured, It can be mended by you in five
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizeB for ladles or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each.
THE RAM BLER ' the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Hi For men, women, boys and girls, with 28,
S ively. are splendid medium grade wheels,
...i.iiici nice snu sic luiij naiiauvcu
M Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
g on our numerous agents. uaniDier Kustiers anted 111 every town In Oregon, Wanhing
?? ton and Idaho.
m rarn -r
I I , b W I ,
Northwest representatives Gormully fe Jeffery Manf,
m Store. 327 Washington St., Portland, Or.
una 1-Mic.KSUB,
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a
not own one, call at
Ike. Ennis Bicycle Livery,
S' King of Bicycles.
Four Model3S85 and glOO.
Factory and Main Office; Lake
UKANCties :-Nw York, Sm FrancUco, 3alt Uk City. Denver, Mstnphls, Detroit. Toronto.
A. M'.ZPATTEIiSOX, Agent for
a r . mmMT' rs. ,r v 11
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Tiif. Patterson Publishing Co.
PRENTISS : fflFffl. : FILLS !
Voiii'o BOUN D to Take 'Km.
Lenves No ConUpntlon,
('airaa) H. M 'l II llrnar.a tr H'sUrl J MUri. Tt Plf
frtis-s)tstt rM. H.rVl H rri.f s hr v
ra-f) r4 t- ft IHLSTl.tH Mf I'tfjlL a,
(II LV,loU Pirs-n. Km rrwciM,CL
Is an indisputable fact. It stands in the ;
it you Duy one you will maKe no mistake, bji
to be happy, for should your wheel beH
minutes, as It is equipped with the world g
26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $45 respect-S
with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge j2
Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main!
Age. ior morrow uo.
Heppner, Oregon.
remedy, and if you do
Cycle Co.
and Halsted Sts.. CHICAQO. ILL.
Morrow Count;, Heppner, Oregon.
. - jj
' & a a a
. A T T? WM T T IMP.
j mLa f llLflllVJ