Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1895, Image 3

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    mmm cured
By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsanarilla, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
np from Lexington
was up from Lei in g-
down to Heppner
eight clerk at the
returned from a
Marble Works,
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomfleld, la.
Here and There.
E Q. Sloau is oonvalesoent.
Ed. Matlook IB under the weather.
F. O. Bucknnm is up from Portland.
Dan Horner is home from The Dalles.
Geo, Ely was up from Douglas Thursday.
R. Lieuallen was
Jess Lieuallen
ton today .
John Byland was
early this week.
Ed. Oopner is now
LHolton, Portland.
Geo, Wright has
summer's herding.
The Niles-Vinson,
walla Walla, Wash.
Cbaa. Krev and John Royse were in
town over last night.
The oounty court with a full board was
m session this week.
John MoCarty and wife returned from
Portland last Tuesday.
John Donk and Holland Thomnsou
dropped in on us Tuesday.
La Grnde Marble Works, La Grande
Urn. a. (J. amith, salesman, Heopner
Emraett Cochran, Will Allen. John
Geinger and others are over from John
ihe literary will be open to the
public next Saturday night. All are
Mrs. John Warren was brought in
Thursday very ill, to receive medical
Mews, Long, Gaunt, aud Mattesno.
ot Mattesou precinct, were in the first
ot the week.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
Haotingtoo Herald: John L. Rand,
proseontiog attorney, is a candidate for
congress. So is ex-Cirooil Judge J. A.
fee, of Pendleton, J. B. Huntington, ot
Boras, and R. 8. Anderson, of Baker.
With these four adroit . politicians
struggling hard for the nomination, it ia
more tban possible that Kills will again
be the republican standard bearer in the
seoond district ot Oregon. That "too
many cooks spoil the broth," may be
realized by the above coterie of aspirants.
A good reoommendation for Simmons
Liver regulator is, that it is purely vege
table and strongly tonic. Then too. it is
better tban pills because easier to take
in liquid or powder and with no griping,
while the relief from Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspep
sia is quick and sure. "I find Simmons
Liver Kegnlator a very safe and valu
able family medicine. ' Kev. J. M.
Rollins, FairQeld, Va.
The Gazette is thankful indeed to
its patrons for the generous supply ot
cordwood which is being brought in.
Now cord wood is all right to burn, but
the printers and paper dealers insist
that free coinage of cordwood won't
work, so all acoounts due can be paid
in oaeh. In faot. it is preferable, and
the shop needs the money.
Died At the Central hotel, this morn
ing, ot fever, Fred Fredrickson, He was
brought in Friday last by M. Corrigall,
For whom he hail been working tbia
summer. Deceased is a nepnew ot
Postmaster Nelson, of Susanville. The
young man bad every possible attention
shown him, and received burial at the
bands ot the county.
The only permanent oure tor ohronio
oatarrh is to thoroughly expel the poison
rrnrn the system by the faithful and per
sistent use of Ayer's Harsaparilla. This
wonderful remedy proves suooessful
when all other treatment has failed to
relieve the sufferer.
x K xr .ITT"
34 S 6 7 8 T
JOU I 12 13 14 b W
24 li 1 2toTTl28j2336
Take Notice.
1. The mm ot five centa per line will be
Iharved for "cariln of thankn," "rraolutlona of
rotvt," lUH of we.Vllnn priwonta nt rtiuiora,
nd obituary nntlrve, (other than thOM the edit
"r hall liimoelf iflve a mutter of newa,) and
notice" olx'lnl mwtlnera for whatever purjxxw.
1. Notice ill church and noclety and all other
iiUTtlnme!iU (mm which revenue ti to t de
rtved, ahall be churned fur at the rate of five
zenti a Una. Them ruloa will be itrictly adher
ed to In rvrrf In.taure.
AdvertlaliK ratea reawtiable and made known
ipoo application.
Hte for Hardtnan, Mnnnmrtit, Lnne Crwk,
lohli Day and Canyon ( ttr. 1rava aa follows :
Every day at t a. m.. ncppi hmclnT.
ArrlvMevarvdaya'S p m..oifit Monday,
The rhw!"t, nut .! and beat Hue to or
from the luturtur rwimrjr.
I'hlll Cohn. AaeiiU
Extra Pal Star Brewery Beer
In Half i'lnt Boltlti ran be
had only at Hie
City Hotel Bar!
Whcrr Mull trade Lli'mri and Clttare are alto
kept by led.
An tmportmit oe Wltwn rititena
of ll'pptier air I the railnieJ eotnpetijr,
in which liiiut IVhdlHiin pmpl are
inteiraird. anj whn'li wae fraiisferred
from the circuit curl of Mirrow coonty
to tnw roti'te of Wv e-trnty, will b
poetport'd nnlll ibe brue'jr li-rro fur
trial. E U. It la mors tban likely
that tbe eae will liefer e-ala Coma tn
trial aa a move le oo fuot to Bottle the
ton ea tarn S3 acb Aj "glfing"
onr a'milill-lj tnlttihl bonahoJ
arnoU away. New plo ot work, mak
leff iprif nHi nnoeroaaary aal lanM
eeriaio f.ir filler t tn any efoiioo.
Hampt dcin f. Credit rtvn.
Krriilit rl l A 1 lr-. M..r.-e ITg. 2.fte,
Co., m Melre I'ark, III. 4t.
Mrs. S. P. Garrigups' mother, of
Salem, an invalid for many years, died
very recently.
Fossil Journnl: Ed. B. Smith,
Henry Hawk and Otbo Ward attended
the Heppner races.
There will be a grand masquerade ball
at the opera hou-e on Tbaukbgiviug eve.
Don't forget the date. n5-26.
A premium to oash purchasers at
PhillCohn's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tt.
Fossil Jonrnp.l: Dr. Hunloob and
wife ot Lone Konk were in town Wednes
day returning from Mitohell.
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and WaBh. Sle., Portland, Oregon.
E. O.: Mrs. J. B. Huntington and
daughter, ot Burns, arrived in the oity
etaiuraay eveniug tor a brief visit.
H. Chapin is putting up a good barn
on lite mountain ranch while bis neighbor,
Jons. Emery, is building a good house.
When yon waut to feel merry call on
Lishe tsperry, at the Belvedere Saloon,
where tbey keep the finest wet goods in
town. tf.
Harney Timts: Tom Stephens ar
rived last evening by Uaoyon atage from
Heppner, where be h.id been attendiug
the races.
Elmer Sloonm, the artist, will make
cabinet photos for the neit 30 days at
2 per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
bouse. tf.
E. O.: Dr. Harlay Fell, ot Prairie
City, will move to Pendleton in a few
weeks and locate here for the practice of
bit profession.
Andrew Neal and wife were in from
Lone Rock Wednesday of this week.
This office acknowledges a pleaaaot oall
from Mr. Neal.
T. It. Howard make a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
article, besides carrying a general liue.
See bia new ad. tf.
Dr. 'Geo Vaughan relumed from
Canyon City laet ratarday, and baa
been ooiitJnrd to hie room moat of the
week through illneaa.
All who like to dance will enjoy the
mNsqunraile at th opera hone Tbaoka
giving eve. Tickets fl ; laiiie free and
spectator 50 ceula. nfi 2ft.
Hqnfre lUrnelt, wbose death waa re
ported in the lat ienue, leavea oo wife
aa elated by onr reporter, aba having
died soma lima ago.
Matbewa Bros., City hotel barbershop,
tooaorlal artiata. Uaircnttiog, abating.
ham pool ne, etc., dona acientifloally.
Hatha at i) centa apiece.
The board ot train asked aa appropri
ation from the C'i. court to apply on
tba I'a'rieb ereek road. It waa pasted
over till tba next aeaeioo.
fliin or gray hair and bald bea.lt, to
diepleaaing to taaov people m mark nt
age, nay b averted for long tuna by
using Hall Ueir lMnewer.
Mr. J. W. Taughan haa purcbaead
C H Van Di)n'a grocery ora. bail
dnr to th City boiel. Ut. Tanaban la
an nprigbt bnameaa roan and will too-
Call oo riilll O.ho for Dot win and
bq-iore for medicinal porpoeea. A eom
plet im .r Key wt cwaea, ii a
prenlam ticket for tba 1 100 Wlor
biewl. tf.
filnlo t Car it nij on a gaarantaa.
i It cure incipient Onaamptioo. It i
l,e (wet i VinKbCu'eonly on eenlado.
so eta., and II. Hold by T. w.
Ayerm, Jr.
Probably a woman would be a bride
to ber husband longer if she would oou-
tintte making company of him. Most
women begin to sate their jam for
visitors when they have been married
three months.
There are twenty-five women in
Cbioago who are practicicg lawyers, and
fifteen more will soon be admitted to
the bar.
The "new women" are coming to the
front in Finland, too. They have
formed volunteer fire brigades in Hels
iogfors and other towns, and have done
first-rate work.
Massillnn, the great French preacher,
bad a singularly talented mother, waose
influence over his life was unbounded.
"Take your needle, my child, and
work at your pattern; it will come out
a rose by and by." Life is like that-
one stitch at a time taken patiently, aud
the pattern will come out all right like
the embroidery. Oliver Wendell
I Am Glad
To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla hat dona
for me. I bad the grip and its ill effects
tettlea au over
me. I had cramp
in my legs and
frequently 1 bad
to get up at
night and walk
to relax the mus
cles. I also had
stomach troub
les. I then took
Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. One bottle
cured thecramp,
and tnother has
;ach trouble
greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and
use Hood's Pills which are the best I ever
took." H. A. Melvist, Sisters, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In the public eye today.
I Yt JN la N
Hood's Is Wonderful.
No less than wonderful are the cures
accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
even after other preparations and
phpsioians' prescriptions have failed.
The reason however, is simple. When
the blood is enriched and purified,
disease disappears and good health
returns, and Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
oou true blood purifier.
Hood's Pills
Cummings 8c Fall,
Charley Jones, the well-known "old-
timer in the tonsorial line, bas again
located in Heppner, having purohased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite the city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
Marion Evans, of Evans Bros., was in
Heppner Wednesday with a load of this
year's wbeat. In faot, he is hauling to
this market. His crop averaged 11$
bu. per acre this year, which was pretty
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your bead clear
as a bell. 25c., 50c, and $1. Sold by
T. W. Avers Jr.
Mrs. J. B. Ely haa just returned from
a visit to friends and relatives in the
East, having taken in Iowa, Colorado
and Kansas on the trip She comes
borne well and g'ad to see Oregon again.
Pure drugs, obemioals, paints, window
glass and a complete line ot stationery
at lowest prices and a ohBnce to win
$100 prize at Pbill Cohn s drug store,
next door to Minor & Co. tf
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. 0 , will find it to bis
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. 5tf
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at bia parlors, Matlook oorner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
haves, shampoos, hairouta, etc.
Eaob 25 cent pnrohase entitles you to a
ticket fur the $100 bicyole at Pbill
Cohn'i drug atore, next door to Minor k
Co. tf.
Cheapen and improve your coff by
using obicknry. f or tale by r. fj.
Thompson Co. 2t.
Buy only tba genuine Bine Point
oyster. For aale by P C. Thompson
Co. 2t.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient
and do not purge, pain or gripe. 25o.
Hay For 8alb I have 75 tons of
excellent wheat hav on the Al Sayers
plaoe 8 miles above Olex, which I will
sell very reasonable. Good location for
feeding stook. On Rock Creek, Gilliam
Co., Oregon.
6w. O. G. Boyd.
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. it A , P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Ben Mathews ia now sole proprietor of
the oity meat market where be keeps a
fresh supply ot beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baoon and lard, which he sells
tor the lowest market price. Fred Bock,
the Portland butcher, is still with bim. tf
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary 7S0 and exoenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Kloor, Omaha Building, Chicago.
111. marl.
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
1 Good Jersey Shirt, 60 cents.
J. Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 cts.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 65 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
A 1
Will arrive in a few days, wh ich will be sold at low figures.
We are Sole Agents for Henry Mosslo & Son's Full Cream Young America
Cheese. Call and see us.
It is not at all surprising to see the
immense crowds going to trade at
tbe store of
New Feed Yard Wm, Gordon has
opened up the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solicits a
Bhare of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioea
reasonable. Bay end grain for sale. tf.
Selling Out
The attendance at the Oregon Agri
cultural College ia large and few are
coming every week. It ia expeoted
that the enrollment will reaob 400 before
tbe year ends.
Tbe boys have again organized the
legislature bare at the college. Tbia ia
very instructive, various billa being
introduced and discussed. Tbey meat
twice a month.
Prea. Bloaa waa oompelled oo account
of aiokoeea to t ka few week leave of
tbe college. Daring Ins absence Prof.
Brrcblold will manage tbe institution,
be being senior professor.
Trot. French weut to Portland to ar.
range tor tbe packing of the college
eibibit. Tbe nhibit be been nadir
charge ot A. B. Ktdder, member of
last ) ear's graduating claw.
Friday evening there waa an eutr
talnm'tit given at tbe College. The
proeeds will go for the benefit ot Ibe
football teatna. Tbrra will be game at
tbe O. A. C. Nov S, between Fortat
Urove aoJ tbe college teams.
Coar alli, Nov. 4, PM
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
When we consider that Heppner handles more merchan
dise than the other seventy-two counties of Eastern
Oregon pnt together, and that P. C. Thompson Co. handle
nine-sevenths of that. It is not to be wondered at that
tuey have all of the local trade and part of that of Cali
fornia and Chicago, but they will not be satisfied till they
have the trade of Paris, London and New York also.
Get in with the rush and come to the
At the Corner of Main and Willow
Streets. Follow the crowd and you
can't miss it.
If you want bargains now is the time. We
are going out of business.
To Be Given On
Thanksgiving Eve,
Til 15
The Best of Music will be furnished and
Suitable Prizes Awarded.
ft fall llio Attention
TUT. F.('T Ihul ware a mert hml n4vrt,trt thai A ur
M( .'fi arin , k U linking Ihmttgk Aft
ttr, in fithrr wir-lt, A it n httt t$n4 Ik Irtilh i f ia
Aim. tt' rffi rhtim fo ttn-hftl Prg m tlmr, tml w
It ft o f M.ie an'rrM' fif U ti-i iaf.i Ikttl no m.im
Kf artr nm.it.tr .tut i-fiag: f'.'j h truthful In lA'ir bn.ltur tttrf
rh.ttU f w air a w mr mttrj Iq tnf I f ( rmt rHK II' jmrr
wrrr,f 1
M' inrtl IS ).t.l-!i fr iiti pmt tlnrk, mnt tmhet y srif
f4 it r! I. ". ffl-rl.f i,trif 4 trill ttUrtfl, m4 our
prtn n it rKt.ip mt nay t .r tn ftitrn Onytm,
C,if af r m I r-i t-t Jt rAat nj.
I'ry tU'lfflfntlf Yamtt,
i M
tmf ptmt
-:.f t-f l r4
,-. !. r"
Mum Ral aytr'a al Ik WnU i Fair
Ayer'e Hamparilla tnj ya Ibe eitreor
dlbary ditlmetion ot hating We tbe otilr
blo( pnrtfi-r all. an eibtbit at the
WorM'e fair, Cbiaagi, Mannfaetnrare
of mbvr aaraaparillaa eooghl by ry
ttja to obt via a abnving oftbair ((hhIs,
Mil they ra all tarnel aey nolr Ibe
at p!irM)B f tbe role fofbtJ Iiaf lb
i entry rf paivnl meJieinet ant noei rona.
j Tba iUewtnn t.t tbe Worbl'a fair eoiho
j fih- in t t nf Ayrt'a HaraaparSlla wee
.tn iffrft a fitlloe: "Ayar'a Haraapa
, title fi'l a plnl lunliclt.a. It rtiee
j a I Iwl-Hig b lil ut nnlrnna. it te
j hit ii tta t.la "
, Hrt un Ht 1Te f.im i. Filtire,
! mat bf l Ml, baa 4rt(Ul
1 1 rl wnt iMf i 'f w lltBry en4
4ry a"'. atfbiuai.fra'i4 eifadntre
ihtl eiia Iw. tl'inn ril nHt. Of
r.ti. I, t.it ! lb , rlectilr ft
I e .tm n 1 4 rwifii, T F;i Hme
. '- ioi l. in tl'f;." U'ftl
J .. l''l ! ii h-M,
. fUi .t Jnit (ttl4ia. 'Sl'ti Ibe
il t t IM fl'fl. W bae
lilt 'ai;. I . fitr 'm tin.e, b,a
i!r. fli' r'ii lt II, H aej
bo'l tit lb B'M I.I riiaae j
in b !.. ill, .( l !.' i rhmtf, j
tt MS IM ri.ae ia 1 1 M fi.t, it la
The Management will use every effort to make
the Br.ll n Complete Success.
Tickets, 81.00; Ladies frte; Spectators, 00c
J. W. RASMUS, Managkr.
b. a b
At Matlock's
Ktr)ln4y Ieiil. Maie by Hale time. Htfirif I5a1.
iini'ii an iii-
lit JIIXVe
b'n I tM it hl l- u
a i .
f ,f alia 1
Mr. T. !. Iltkiaa. ft aMa a. ; ItrfTXftt
re eate "bisb'a VtUlia m
mt t.t.' I ii i. !. rtiy j
f- e 4':i'l I fr
All lxiae eiia ! I l it, f.r iM an I atlifri.ry
aatf. ntr I'al-lr aal ltic..
orrirr. h SATtfi?4f. mask iriu.ti
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an ohjVct for you to trade with
him n Lin price are riht, and all gool that lie
handles are of the very bent.
on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
JToppner, Oi'egoii.
loiisand Busies of Potatoes !
At my ranch, ton mile nouth-ftt of Hr-iitiner, at lc per pound in
the field, Backed. Or will deliver hi Heppner hi lc per pnund. For
end k)UI(n-i, my crop cannot be beaten.
. tf.
aniiri.ln MfMrilf III (nal mn? rlrh. km rnt mn lHf mk tn mm ellhla a
I...I1 tint m I'j l il u,itn. n tain, iiikim,i an I ur a.
I an la) M4 itf Our
Systematic Plan of Speculation
erlfthat! f AM ! aa'il Mrti1alr 0fia riUr af4i
II w a l tnnaa larl ll.al !.. ara Ih.maaiula m n In all fa'a rt ha I hlM MtIM bn,
!. a,atenallt lrs.iff t .! I kttam l.ft.aia ! a f ar. anln lnm
h..aaM l"iiaia l.f nai l..a a l."lil rf la ,titfM 4.nar Im a.iaja In
at MMitfl 11 th.mm m Im. Ittiaat a ll.i.Mt.4
H la aatt la I 0a! IM ha ml. 1la t-t..t t..m rfiKMM.tf alkali ftli)l
en Oil tn in t.a m. Ilia aaa, fioia I ! al luteal llinxuli l . Do tt.tnt atf
tt'!faa'4 a airmail. Ira-ft'.f
hit . a rta m4 ll.a Hnla mmml lnt14 a f a4a rmm tmtth aMl an
II al kali., ua ila4 t l lai.a II Ulaaa at.a.lr ,.! II. al -! MB ,iwlimii la
l.'?l li"
l it apmlalke
t WBal t-
WMITK fO CONVINCING ROOIa,' """ ...!. a..
- - ' ..... . . . r k. rnitt "
K.a(lx l.tit I or Iff ! lalaiaM, Mt4 I" 'aw In a .4
f f lnKhaf lwlf K.mU .t a-l l"a
THOMAS 4 CO., leMkere ,4 reae.
241242 Riaiie enet, Ckieete, HI.
J. C. BQllCri ions. Prop.
Keeps the I;inest Wine?, Liquors and Cigars.
WT. J.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cish Only.
fM HMD mti tio pu Hwri vi WW.
5 d,n 4; ty ft, litr ft ltly m,t
1 trswi
ftf a kt-
tl f. Ttt ?1 ftA flf Hy
W. Arvrt, Jf.