Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1895, Image 2

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    TUC 1 - ut I
democratic concomitant We are
not SHying that this represents the
Gazette force in any particular,
but from what a man up a tree
gathered trom our republican
friend, he was rejoiced over the
grand republican victories, but he
wanted the democrats to still live
on earth and go on as of yore
making stout planks for demo
cratic platforms.
The Marl borough-Vanderbilt
people make one sick. If the
English coxcomb and the foolish
American with money will get
married at once and hie them
selves away to the country of
dudes and lords, they will be
favoring a large majority of the
American people. It is absolutely
If the readers of the Gazette
will take the trouble to look up
last issue they will see that the
paper in its prophesies was not far
off in any particular. If anything
it has been a greater landslide
than the most sanguine republicun
While the republicans have
gained Maryland and Kentucky, it
only places these sUtes in the
doubtful list, with the chances
favoring the democrats. This
year they were torn up over local
issues, but had Cleveland kept his
bull neck and his lacky, (VHkIh,
out of the fight there is but little
doubt today that there would be a
democratic victory in each of these
states instead of (li!cinivo republi
can pluralities, But the demo
crats are great on the recoup, and
if rational leaders instead of bull
drivers take the reins then Mary
land aud Kentucky will return to
the fold of democracy.
In New York, Ohio, Iowa, New
Jersey and Pennsylvania the ma
jorities are very large, but not so
ovei whelming y big hh those of
lat election. These majorities are
healthier, however. There is more
of the solid expression of the
people in it. The greatest victory
all along the line comes from
Ohio in the defeat of Uriceium,
bossism and corpointion rule.
'The people have handed Mr. lirice
"what ho needH."
Eveu Ulah hovo gono republi
1 I , i lit i
can, ami me itutiitui nave
nought left but Mishinsippi and
New York city as a solace. IIow
ever, thero might Imvn been a few
democratic roimtablnn elected
down in Maryland.
Hut tho republicans should look
well to their ranks next year, foi
that which hath soweth discord in
the forces ot lack-sou and .ltITir
Bon, boHHirtin, in-iy lio vinited upon
the followers nf Lincoln and Gar
fiM. Then thero is n enitiiiii kid
gloved poiitingi'iiey, n lot of cunip.
11 i t .
ioiiowers Him mpHiiiKi'rn who
proHim, it appears, ti foist upon
the republican party that which in
in opposition to tho bi-ct inti-renU
of the jwplrt. The party shouh
tawarethat they do not iiltnii
to put nn Mitocuit in tli.- t'ti hi l.'ii
tiul rlinir, for even if rniivf.-r.fiil in
that they will 'n,. ih.ir miiks
mid'lciily di'fiinat.-1 mid the ic.
roaming hu j n t . r tedui'id ton
confiiBivl rabbit) and ru-ntt'it'd to
the fareiiid-i.
COL. Itmlley, of KiMitu.ky, in
now iu linn for vio. (.rfnidi-iit.
TllE rei l.'iit Im tu t nnrt
Nov. 'itU a day i.f tliniA-iv.
Tltt Orey-nUu" Sunday "!!,.
position Nuttd-i'i" wn a cmii.I
CrT. 'V. V. HuMrii- IimIhmmi
feetori'd t.J fall riti.'tiliip ly
Oof. Ird.
Republicans Sweep Everything
in the North and take Mary
land and Kentucky from
the "Solid South."
Bricelam snd the Administration Rebuked In
Ohio by the Election of the Republicans.
Uhioaoo, Nov. 6 The Torrens Und
bill bug bean carried by a majority in the
onunty of 77,257. The vote in the city
for it waa 75,319, and against, only 4887.
The country towns were tally bs strong
for the measure.
The Courier-Journal's Comments on the
Louisvillh, Nov. 6. The Oourier-
Joarnnl this morning Bays: "The demo-
Tbe republican victory is even
greater than first supposed. Utah
gives 2,482 majority and Kentucky oratsot Kentucky are asking where they
15,000. This election has settled 8,BDd today- u WM an 1' Tbe
, .i j governors race la in doubt. The let-isla
the hash of at least three demo- " .... . .. , ..
cratic senators.
nothing lost
Scott's Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking next
thing to a pleasure. You hardly taste it. The stom
ash knows nothing about it it does not trouble you
there. You feel it first in the strength that it brings :
it shows in the color of the cheek, the rounding of the
angles, the smoothing of the wrinkles.
It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily
into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose
themselves in the ocean.
What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious
taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach,
take health by surprise.
There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat
taste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste.
Perhaps your druggist has a substitute for Scott's Emulsion
Isn't the standard all others try to equal the best for you to buy f
50 cents and $1.00 All Druggist
s Bicycle Pro Gira Any
WELLS d MM, ftogii
To every person making a cash purchase of 25 cents we will give a
coupon ticket which entitles the holder to an equal show in the grand
prize. The person receiving the bicycle can exchange for other good
of same value.
New York
ture is in doubt. The democratic ma
jorities in democratic strongholds have
been shaved to almost nothing. As it
When the Chill Mints of the Morning stands, with reports trom about 80 ooun
Hang like a pall .over the surfaoe of tbe ties, Bradley has a lead ot about 4000 for
purth, it will oe well for you before governor. The same ratio of demooratio
vnturmg into the raw vaporous air, nM wiii iBnd Mr. Bradlev in the ex-
t:niirgu, peruapa, who W Beeaa vi .. m-nn . Vr...,,
maturm nr nrnvnftnriVA nf rhnnmorirt I w u
twitiBPB. to take a wineglassful of Hoe- Later returns show tbatthelegislature
tetter's Sicmmcb Bitters, and thus shield is republican without doubt.
yourself rrom atmoBprmrio tnnueoceB
. l. .......:. I ,-. 1 1 . I. T t ...... I, ,. 4
lumnrmiiiiK n. ucnilUi XL juu ua(jcu liu I jj OHIO
Ufi miowou, nieuieii or raiut-u upon, una
the bhmk Dreventive. and avoid the
rheumatism or a dangerous cold. Tbe KtlmatM Dlffer to tne Republican Plu
nurepable warmth infused into the oir- rainy,
dilution by this genial stomachic, its in- ColCmbub. O.. Nov. 6. Chairman An,
vigorating and regulating properties j.n . ,ha jm,.n .,, mmi,
1, , . , li I UvlBIIUI Ui UU I4VU1UVI UI1U
it In nil a nnraA 1 c f 1 f a nf thft I
fnot that rirevent on h better than core. "co' "UD '"i""" "f " "
Une the bitters for dyspepsia, bilious- a republioan plurality rrom SU.OUU to
ess, nervousness and kidney trouble, 90,000. Chairman Kurtz, of the repub-
An Oft Repeated Story of True
Hick headuobe and debility.
lican oommittee, says the plurality will
be 95,000.
Young Jas. B. flarfield was elected
state senator from the 24th and 25th dis
What Chas. H. Hackley has
Western Michigan.
Done for
(From Grand Rapids, Mich., Evening Press.)
Tbe most beautiful spot in all this
city is inseparably ansociated with the
name of Hackley. Chas. H. Haokley
bus been in the lnmbsr business here
continuously siooe 1856 and in that time
has amassed a fortune whiob gives bim
a rating among tbe wealthiest men ot
tbe nation. But with wealth there did
not come that tightening of the puree
strings which is generally a marked
characteristic of wenltby men.
It is no wonder then that the name of
Charles H. Haokley is known at boms
and abroad. His raunifkeucn to Muske
gon alone represents au outlay of nearly
halt a million. For the past twenty
years be bas been a oonstaot sufferer
from neuralgia and rheumatism, and
also numbness of. tbe lower limbs, so
much so that it has seriously interfereJ
with hia pleasure in life. For some
time paat hia frieuils have notioei that
he bas seemed to grow young again au 1
ff I flOO worth of lovely Music for Forty
111 . . Cents, consisting of 100 paees 1
w. f w fu size Sheet Music of the .
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 5
selections, both vocal and Instrumental, 3
gotten up In the most elegant manner, in- -a
ciuaing rour large sue portraits.
CAHMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer,
fc: PADERiWSKI, the Great Pianist, :
aulliha rm 11 ana
2- Droaaway ineatre mag.,rew lomuty.
T7ANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
T ? or lartles to travel 111 uregon, tot estaon n.
ed. reliable house. Salary I7U and expenses
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad-
nressen utampen envelope, ine uominion uom.
pany, Third floor, Umatia Buuaiug, unicago,
ill, man.
We carry the most complete line of the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drugs,.
MedlcineB, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Stationery, Schnol Books, Toilet Articles, Per
fumes, Candies, Nuts, and Cigars, and will pay the highest cash price at any time for county and
city warrants. Goods along Echo and Lone Rock stage routes delivered free of charge. Prescrip
tion work a specialty. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Office of Dr. McSwords in our store.
Wells & Warren,
for Hale.
Ten shares of stock in the National
Bank of Heppner. Address Richard T.
Cox, Receiver, Arlington, Oregon, 64tf.
A Brand New Man!
It is not meant that the man is so new, but that this paper is called
upon to announce to the public that the IJardman mercantile
business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to
A Well Known Morrow County Boy.
He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi
tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr. .
Brown's stock and place of business will convince you.
The Mother Bird Carries Her Young In
Her Illll,
I had to make a trip from our claim
on the Columhia to Spokane falls. It
wan much nearer to no throucrh the
uiuuiiUMiiM on a eayuHC than around by Political complexion or tne empire state e
Davenport on the stage, says a writer legislature
in Forest and Stream. I started quite Kw Tobk. Nov. 6. Corrected return
irlyonii morning and was along up frnm n...i- ,11 theeleotion districts show J have reoovered the health which be
inn pm1in.! river wa n, as 1 cameor he Bengte of 35 republio.
law bird smr 'down from a tree and DB. 14 d'moor.ts sod 1 independent,
n 11. 11.. r ti: r 1
ciirrv somt thinir in its mouth. At first W asBemoiy 01 repuunoaue sou ui
... 1 .
I thought it was an eagle, but as soon democrat!
as I climbed a little higher I could see JD this oity the majority for the demo-
it was an old gray goose, and that it orBtio iUte tjcket j, approiimated at
l.ml uepositejl US nunien m me waver, 1Qfi0Q greBtM U)Bn ,he erBg0 mBjorit,
ihic m "- 1.....1 ..i;,ii. ...t,:..v,
swimming around, . ' ' .
I stoni....!. iriit off from mv cavuse irom xo.uuu lor oogmir, tor reooruer, 10
II ' n ir " ! . .
nml watched the performance. I had 17,000 for Farroy, for oounty olerk
waited but a few moments when one of
straight to a Cottonwood tree,, alighted
111 a limb near a tag nest, then took a incomplete Returns Indicate Lowndes' KIm
lew steps toward the nest, and reaeli- tlun by 1 5,000 Majority
ing over into the nest took a young gos'
! 1 .1 1.... ........
r",,"',,"Z ote for governor i. complete, and ..
lou. h the water it cut all kinds of Wlowi: Lownde., rep., 65,110; Hurst.
enpers.' deiu., 43.327; Levenug, pro ,20,3 14 i An
She aifiiln relumed to the nest and drew, peo. and too , 4.J.J. Ibe republio
K'nt uuother, which was the last. After tnl UBVe ft majority of 10 in the oily
watching them for quite awhile 1 oouticil and -led ibe ci tire oity and
""""" "J cii.Y""e r.i-"... ... u . ,ink,.t.. Innmniilete returoi
1,1 ....... Ih.llere.l awav and the Voii.il'. ,rora . inii"K '"
" ' " I ... mm 1 to
tern disappeared. There were seven dioate the election 01 Liuwnne., repuunc
little ones, n neiir as I could count. I Ian ondidte fr governor, by at least
have watched the wood duck carry her 1 15.(X)Q to 18.000 majority, carrying with
y.mng from a tree, but this was the binJ CoDtro!r RJ attorney-general.
oiiiv lime 1 ever saw a iriKHW inaso im 1 J.ui .ill rM.,1,.,,.
transfer. . .. ... .
have more man 00 repuoncBDs. id
senate will b clow, with rbanoe in
favor of a republican msjirttf. I in joint
i n . .... u 1 . . -ill ...... . ... r.
liimnuiiliiu, 1 osiioi til" irpuu. . "." "nn
The count v council of Iottdon ha Imh-d majority
1'ark Arr I'rotlilrd with Out-of IdM.r
Tll8 tntilti-ntut.l.'rer, llolima,
Las len fi.mi.'li.l .f tmii l.-r in
llif firl il.'ijrrrt !) ri.il.... !j Itin
Tiir onr.li"rr l'.ilish ilu b mh.1
Mi Vault tlult md inttiiL
Tl J'I'ln
r u'a I
f L I n-
kind to Hie i-liililrcn. Tliouhaudsof iMsif
little rrcntur.. from suit over I I fAH.
crowded dwelliiu's are U'ttcr In health
f..riis c.ii .lderatei action. The l.arUs I Nrt Kf oobllrss Usln, f..r lir..r rr
nr.- tlie great ilnygrouud of th Im- I M Hprl4. 101 J.
don clnlil. iu only chantfe from the Salt Lah, Nov.fl. Tba Tnbnnc'f i
c...w,lcd Immr and the dirty street. ,fi ,juio0 ulfrt lr return from 143
.. ro i .ms us only taste ot rurat 1 0ll0 pwrtPOli M Wlo..: Well., rep,
im mr nu iinmri in hits miu uunri 1 . m
a,,.l birds. Th rrk.. however . ar. ' g-''rOor, 13.0W; Unn. 4im, II.Hi0
f.,r ii.e i..,lfl .s..,i.. ....I ....I.... nut, net rfpubliran in. 1017. The tsm
im . his ste taken to attead to I prefliucU lst yer gv Csonno, rep
Hie wni.u.if the children they sre like- 12.213, Hawlioa, Jem., 12.051 The tain
ly to UMitsiwiM out ly others. h,i the pfH.ina(i KTa Alleo. for rongrw..
V commute r.,...iM..-.i .i.n.irvu aontf of e.. Io tl.u juJ.olal d.
k iiiimnMHiii iu 1 I" u't mi imitrmn, . . , . .t- it a
lli.sl.ury and Hr.sUwell ,rk. ,nJ Iriollh. toJatbo. .t0l to tba defe.l
ntn.lf mil.,', n.ei.t. at other narks Of all repOOHCao Bomiowi, lurirgw..
w It. re on 1 v i,e gy uuinsluui riist that I tar will b rpabllcan
It shall l set wrt rxiluslvrlr lor
had in youth.
To a reporter fo" the Press Mr. Hack.
ley explnined the secret of this trnii- for-malion.
"I have snlfireJ for o.r 2J voars," ha
tnid "with pain in my loer limbs so
severely that the only relief I could get
at night was by putting cold water com
presses on my limbs. I was bothered
more at night than io the day time.
Tbe neuralgia and rbenmatio pains io
my limbs, which ha 1 heeo growing in
ntencity for yesrs, finally became
chronic I rnad three trips to the Hot
Springs with only partial relief and
then fell baok to my original state. I
eonldu't sit still and my suffering began
to raaka life l iok very blue. Two years
ago last (September I noticed an account
of Dr. William' 1'ink Tills for pale
people mid what they h'ld do.ui fur
others, and some cases so nearly re
sembled mine thst I wss interested, so
1 wrote to one win had given a test!
mcitii'il, an e mintit pr.if.nmir nf musin
to Canndii. The rply I received as
even stronger th'iii th printed testi
monial s'l I it g ive me fsiih in the
me limne.
'I bcsn taking the pill an I fmnd
them to bo all that ths pMfenr hn I
tnld me tbey wont I tie. It whs two or
three month before I eiperieuced any
preoitibl betteruiriit of my eondilioo.
My disease wai of unli lung stsndiog
that I di I out expect epeesly rreovery
and waa llisoklul even to be relieved
I progressed rapidly, bowever, toward
recovery aud for the last six ruootb
have fell rnvself a perfectly anil raao
I nave rrr itniue'i.l.! tbe pill Id msnv
people and am onlv gls.1 to awiat
otlief to health through the uiedium of
M11 won lerful medicine. I esnnol av
loo mueh f.r what it has dune f.f nie.'
Ir. William' flak Till eontsin all
the elements neeemarV to ive new life
and ricini la the I.I.mkI and restore
lislter,! oervee. They ar for esle by
l drng(fil. or may bet ba-l by mail
from lr Willlsm' M-dmin Company,
Heheneeta ly. N Y., for Ma. per b"i, or
11 biee tor lifsk
Dtttriiit, Morrow County, Htate ol Oregon.
una t'atieraon ana A. vv.
Hstterann, partner! do
I11K bumneBS under the
firm name and style o
The Patterson l"ubllh.
ing Company,
Thot. Owens,
To the Comtable of Sixth District, Morrow
County, ftate of Oregon.
In the name of the State of Oregon, we com
mand you to summons Thos Oweni to R ppeur
before the undemigned, s Justice of the Peace,
in District No. , In said County and State, on or
before the 20th day of December, A. D., 1W5, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a m.. at my office In
Heppner, in said District, County and State, to
answer the comDlaint of The Patterson Publish
ing Company, a partnership, consisting of Otis
and A. W. Pattcrnon, founded on an express
contract aim wherein tne sam nariuersnip
demands Judgment for the sum of Heventeon
Dollars and costs of this action, snd in case he
falls so to answer for want thereof, the plain
tills will take Judg meut against him for the
sum of Seventeen Dollar! and his costs in this
This summons Is published by order of K. I,.
Fret-laud. Justice of the Peace for the Sixth
District. Mono Countv Oregon.
Dated November S, 1 S'.i")
86-99. Justice ol the Peace.
Notice of Intention.
I J ih'L 1H, 11..."., Notice la hereby given that
the following named settler haa flleii notice of
his Intention to make final proof in supf ort of
ha claim, and that said proof will be made
before t'nunty Clers.of Morrow County, stflepp-
nvr, t'rego!., on i"i , .ir.,., vu;
JAMf.S B Itf.A.
Hd. E. Nn. VI7H, for tbe EU NF.i His?. SV HE1
t.s "w. i" aim c- t o ? ow, . i, u o, iv.
r. k.
He names tbe following wltno.es to prove
Discontinuous residence UDon slid cultivation
of said land, vli:
Hisljamln Luelilng, Abraham l.uelllng, Walter
J. ili-niiett, Joaeph n . llsntater, all ol llardinail
SIM. KcgliL-r.
t (s tulH-r J, Nolli-e la herebv slven
thai the liillnw Ing namr.l wtih-r has nitsl in. lire
of his Inti'iittmi Ii. make final f.rtMil In aupxirt
of bis claim, and thai aaiil priH.I will tie made
t.it ine rminiy rlerk ol Morrow counly, al
Heppner, ure.in, on inffuwr i, ito, vu;
II Akl.Ke s, I.MKY
Hd. E. No. Slln. for the lot t.sKsi and H'
er:a. See. SI. 1 n, 4 s K .w K, W . M.
He namra the fnllimlng wlti.ravs In pmvt
hia nmiliiiinua mldetie Uwn ami rultlvallon
ol said land. l
Anaon K wnghl. James O. Wllllama nf
tlatilman. uregnn. and Jsmra V, lla)ra, Henry
schrrilna r, ol llri purr, (irogi'n.
Jam. J. NiHiRF.
2 m ReglsUr.
liardman, Oregon, Successor to
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson fe Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Uregon.
These gentlemen are well acoualnted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Ollllam snd other eoiuUtos.
snd can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men.
Prices In keeping with the tlmea.
Palace Hotel,
C. S. YW DlYX,
have iaken full control of this
popiihir house, and will make it
strictly first class.
fF Free Hatha snd Free 'Bus for sll Guest
liiililrcii at .s rlalu hutirs. hiw.ial el
t. ui l.ui Is jmUl t liytcl f srn isc f..r
(iris, sn.l In rvcty co (toman at
t.itit.uil Is tti cl.srjfe of the rhlUlren't
' tntisftiiim. 1 he nimt tu'lsl'lc llirnv
it i. .ii. tmufvrr, has Ix'en the tiilnsluc
1 1 n it a.iii.1 ils In Mel r is wrk.
h sre s iri at source if suiiisMin iit
l.i MI.IHV linlirru who have hrrf h4
an .I'is.fliiii.ly nf vUlttlia' the ecaslilr.
Anyime ht kn.ms i hllilrvii kttnist
that the ii.uemnt tittle ones raa ob
tain pUvlnif In the Mail Is In.-aU'ttlaMe.
tans ( IS. lMri.
Mtrhart Viii,s-iit, ir..fi-l,.nal ra
ifiticrr aint traiit,'Htman.f Uiism. Is ,
Im l the ltv IhiMitflit . pht h
uiM-i.f Miswinri in tsut. lat't
l 'n in !! matiii'rit Jixirnai nf
I st. 1 1 J -U . t least f -r tli !
rt .n .if ll.c river. f Hr f.rii.1
f lliia m.i ai In ivat rirruUlMi
1 he t'l-rtl in? wri an rlf ...r'tiiiarv
Ititrrist an.! n- small h) ilr.v'sjl.ic
'ui'. Iiiuiii. It a. It In. 1 udf- the
j t tn'. ! nr. t ( t. sii t the
I r-.ii ii iv irtry ..f April ti. ant thus
I r l,i' ii Hut . liatvr. In th alrrant at
J.rU' ! InlifM1. i.f ff'-'i'talr!v f.My
I." I I " anlt.'a ..f this niig-lify
rt r In a'.!n i .1 nil sr alm.st ln-t t
. ft fiiis-iirui d'b'r.'H One ! ki- e.
tlrsftifljj far. I
Amorioan fiirle Inl I im ulirro
ri)al!jr fritia.
TllS let rli iti n r. f
ia 1'i.ttlaii l t i n., . this .' k
Clrigga Urge I'lsrsllly
Tssvtos, N. i No, fi. Tb eeti
mat.l t'lsfsli'jr of ')rite. repnlilicso
eantliilste fnf invertiof, I 24,tt,
x H4nsrHt attrrs
lltanoa, So. 8. -The Mss.hnaIU
(Kiel slit r slsn.U: Heeate, 3.1 rr,'l"-
ape, 7 iletsv fate, Jeexs-falie aiii of
I; bonaenf rtraKttive.J?4rpoblie.
ana, hi demoersle, drtaerali gam uf
tl .asrnof (lrernhaUe is re-elretetl Ky
fil.4M llurallly, I tti U tlan bie t.t
lalily laet tear, Meoirlr..! eiftr.e f.
ems Jafra'e.t l l-ul T.i.
aa tsaesMsaet ire
T froifrtr 6'l iu. (!!. asv (undi.Tite,
4 is-l 1. V,ll,e ( hfrrl.T flten thai
the fnllna log namnt arltlrr haa flled ii.illr.nl
hr Inienlli... In mat. ftoal prmif In anpport nf
lirlrUlm. and lhal Mid prtsd will ma.1.
pnr Ih mi.nlt rlefS nf Nnf munlt, al
Hrppiwr Ortftn on Issremlirr t. Iw .1.:
AN K I tlI RI.im nn K BarnaMl.
ltd. K.So,lti. for Iho r.'t and Uiia
and ?.sw a. Tn R K M N.
she name. In. Iiillnwln. wlll.ri.ra In sm
hef mniiin.it rral lr uc usun snd cullltstlon
ol. Hii ...... .
wa V. II. hi. J.me 'V llM.ma nf Hard
man. orrrnn, mn4 Jamr. M llalra, ll.tiry
m nrsii..r, el Heppner, itn
l Bs later,
A I'lsrv Tt K -S-roe tnieebievriBt
K.y nr sknok o( man, three? a. k a
ha! a givee e( thr.ah Ibe (mot
.m.r ..f ibe 0tle buil llns-. last Td'-
day evemrtif, J'lal as lt.eb"p telling
to pfee Tbe .lafkne. .fenl.. li.e
ivrnetrabtr from b'lBa! eeen. If Ibe
nitereaat m some lhuiikM,l!rM boy, be
ebnnl I bave the aesl tf bis psele a4
.11.1 ab.ni fl'tera ronnde le give Ms
more n.r i.f th.nts'bt. If trclisnp
tie tw a atrB Btait, aril la eeni.i al
aUfh a til'k satain, e).'l tirnanse bleu
laiitlnllv n ftleo bark a 'WeiNing b-4lr
at.4 ee'firt than Trt. Th..ker.r
having M J.g np M p.ieti brka glsaa
iBJ iwssa.t l""'s la ami t i'r.ie.
Iteei-tre ewiS ran l liabtas to gel
ll I isetMrtent thai Ibe l.l.". tw t are,
U l ea ll M la U4 b a ismi ihi-, lfe miy
l a'tu l r"tsm le br:tb. A e.m
(l.itil al It.le llte ta e.ab ia lie
tari- n f.twa A e'igbl f ilvlr
ii.. J..M la lt. b. l. trtMgs -f
rsf fatll-m i-aMing l l. He laag. ImIi g j w.tg !..
pa ..ainixi.ta i,. ..i ts a.y m earn
tin il ! ie l tnnf lh I l wl tho
aanl ulailnsl eaw "f fsis'fb lt, Irt
t ll ' I
tinre Ihmsl. Aay nr.t asry ee ess
t-. run-1 in nna bl by sriUieg
(tismiwtl.ln a rati Italia as .lireLj
Mb eacn tIHe, lt.i tn p. m tt'n
f.a"" f"f tl r'ae rf tinmsil.m.
lame tek an I swaird sal fric..is
fain. '.r ssl. t Hm J .i.aa
I... t. ,. i.. .'!.. e ine m-n. ( " I
"" sllM.,n , . tMinJlg af l viUlis g Ihe
W..M.4 l.e If mi. .,! If .i r...,.fl hi ..n,, h ea)M, M . naif
, ...! .... .. thai. 1 li.
. , ri.4 ii. t f ll.e livrr i -a the Ml tl
A miriD of i.nr lltat (tl , ,ft..M,r it.t bs. W rt
Kl.tl s e!mj! J .t (... J in l,e Inar.f. a n. .na ha bresj
rnuair l y U ma . u, L
tsi tt t l 'tl l-lfi.l fri1.irai
ict"ni Umt il t etrktlj rtef..a.
kit thst th'l el.oii! I i;s . tiist.U.
fafttirii tf it .11 in Htsl.c
Li. V , art I !U( 1 1 .
tfioie f ea. U Iir ii, !. :'. I
p et tuelf rut -v. f Hit t.(s,f
lh gs.nrr i.f the cjwratt. at the e.
aa i-f el-raia.
an t bf rnnlg
hi,.!, ten the
!.r It l e Me. .,iial th ba II;
,ih rne4 . a k-.ie ei.i.m. (
msli. e ll il!e f gl bi'l '
rtlgt enpree ?
1 -r; a initi h rr. iaup a Ibe fra.l-
t' f Cuat riai l. k t'A c-f dry t'e-
! I Ike llrae M gl Ibe Werfcly
Orv ai. t' eSse ,
l,e e.l W Mb l.ll-- I""! ' i
I. I a.ta-r. ' . '
. ' . ..I .. ..f. ea t-e na le
Ti- l r taMy anaur Prism d a (aibeei.ie, NIk i I
" f'- a tbe i.: i C Kbtaa t. -s-w m .. aa e4 -tub-aal Y a.ssl.lle
iW.fl m V?lsV. t f. l"IO ,fil llssUe. afwaitin fatsar,
, IV-p i In ") n 1 itMb). '
1 -r a) t. uf "T f
a I
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day ami calleil at Mat Lieuten-
thal'a lie might male a new tliecov.
ery quit an memoralile aa that of
H.f'i. I una waa a great diwHiverer
in hia day. He would at thia time
discover the fini st stork of Shoes
ever khowu in llepimer, and the
cheaoet aa w ell, vv hat more does
mortal man want ?
The IU., (htvima ,W X'rrkaai.
Mala Wlrrvl, M.-pnrr, Orrfon.
Custom Work FH'cially.
Notlct of Inttntton,
T Af OFFICE AT tHK Pall F. OiK.i'X
1 Is-l tl. Is ,,Hlr. ta ht.t,y . lira lhal
lh. Imlnain. aaanrd u... rr ta t!rd nmir.
nf Ma tntetttina in maa. Snal pml m ante"'!
nfsiari.im anllhsl.sl-1 pm.lalll b. tttad.
Kuw ia. emnaiy rir ni n.rr mnaiy at
ii'l l'i'i. 'r , n ! l:. til :
III f .. lit. ayw. yi, tv
iw !..! '. . 1p I H A K.
II n.m lh. Inu.,lti( m Hnraaa In pimi
starnniinunna nwilmt uyua s4 tullltalloa
of hh '.i
ImoI M rtaSI. J.an II IS ltuass, ul NaM
an.n its-.n aM J.mra M Hat, Henry
ar in(r. iii- u.t. iwt.
i AS t, ni.'r.a
n Rr...r
iit us or imhhiuh
I kp vttu t At Tr t4itF,nariMce
e iiaJn li m nn. ia gi
ik.l tin IiMIi.ii mH ai ;mt Ma S.o4 e
fi r4 sia I" i..ii.. 1.1 K.a. S...1 ari ta at.
hl H kia an lhal ai4 front I'.l h
Ulnia J a al I min.v n,i
H.-aaf . .H.f .n mn i. ta.v, a $
ISA I Mill
III f , . ik , .a w w. I, a4
l ,l,tar Tp . S ,l I a M
II 1. iMg a ll si ml V a.
l mMlsww. r., .iw. i. M. IM :il. ItWS
M Mil i..- a tl
im.. a Imf SI r.' VA fe.aSM.) M fi.M
- iHrrMi I t i k..l. ... a
. m4 I i.KI .!"., U"S
ja r "
an a. Ma
"There i$ a title in the affairs of mm
That, if taken at itsflwl, JiWj on to fortune"
The flood is In re sod so is
With a full Uoe of
Ilnnlw.'ui'. Tinwnii. OliistHwnrx', CTitM'Ucr.-. Wood
nml Willowwnni, CVl.tr Tubx nt IkHlrtn'U lHcet,
T ma an llhl
1sr rnaofliHibeaiibt.
ill tin's iitlH
4 asar. ) taiaf'T aHM Hvwt TV
e.-.-i i f w.rn a'A t t.M
ii. ijr-i i t.' e- - a !
l'rt lTfVvr"'',;''""r-r"
U 1 1 U ,w-ia4 .s
t . , it ! i
Vntf. f I Htsvsr cum that TUt
.1 f. !r S-l. l.f
a I ii.wi.iiii ..-... . Mi
! 1 1 a,. i m taw..4 H'lr iK.f
m ,... ! , ka . a a.,
tmtn 4i.w.l tit s . wl a mi l.i
i i i , v . 4m, i yi a i
aaai-aa a... I (t a I I I M a
ftl si fitrM ( . i j
1 a Ai I I al at a te tail
a-. I. --. as to- v i. ,r-m i . .....
I - n ' A a. oi I " I ti
t A Ifr .l W Itaa s4 .. f Is ' r.
a I llllla.
The only Kiclu.ir- Hardware Store Mr. n The Dalles sod IVtdletoo
Hppropr, . . . Oregno.
! It M asraUrJ al a'.a. Orafsaa.
Tobacco Habits
's. Of. tin.
T 31. ! pHttfut Town on fie Cbf
r! si is. A.av mmm tne aantoalar
"f et'asiAai tnsta.tMia.a4enre
v il, lVsnte eaae slag rwlaawai
It. i f-ne a I Maeai, afmrg .vary
4ay fs.1 M-nlsf a. tvig .v.iy
Jay ei, I t, hh-ial eK,.p.
art eaie N ih t.rvsf. I. i e.
jtrti .
Plenty of them at tho
Gazette Office. . . ,
Thk Lancashire Insurance Co.
M IAM. IIi:tltli KNUI.Arall
I K liTiTli'jV, iiiiVT i l? L-!' '1 -- ' e. w J Jt v a iynrn