Portland Librtrj H I M UIMIIHIIH tlllllllllll HI I M IHUMj i i ft ; 3 1 MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad-: : vertis'ng. Robert Bonner. OFFICIAL fhM.I'.ll 1 1 M'l I WM It M 1 1 t I tMYl .MM MWMfJ .. I I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all It : own. A. T. Stewart. I ... ! i 5.IHH lilt 1 lit II III IIHlMiimi.iiill iilllHtii M tf intiw J IH i itim a I lit m l III in i l l.l l Mil, M l! I rl;li THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1895. WEEKLY WO. 663 i SEMI-WEEKLY NO. 36 PAPER SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY TOE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, . . - Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At 2.3.l per ycmr, f 1.25 for six months, 75 ots. ."or three miMiuis. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIH PAPKRis kept on tile at E, C. Hake's AdvertiHinir Agency, 64 nnd 8S illnrchants Exchansrt, San Francisco, California, where cou raots for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:.1( p. m. daily, except Bimday. Arrives li: 15 a. ni. dally, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. in. : east bound 3:M a. rn. Freight trains leave Willows Junction Koine east at 7:25 p m. and 8:17 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p, m. ana o.nu a. in. SFriCIAL MBEOTOKT. United States Official. ('resident Groter Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Hnnretarv of State Richard S. Olnev Secretary of Treasury John 0. Carlisle Secretary of Interior HokeBmith Secretary of War Daniel B. Laniont rinnretarv nf Navv Hilary A. Herbert Postinaster-General William Ij. Wilson Attorney-Oeneral Juiison Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kineatd Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Snot. Pulilio Instruction (J. M Irwin Attorney (leneral C. M. Idleman u i (i. W. Mcllride wnaiur. I J. H. Mitchell I BinKer Hermann vuiiRrtmouieu.. ,. g yy Printer. . Supreme Judges. ' (R. k Ellis W. H. Leeds H. H. Ban. A. Moors. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'roeecntina Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow Conntjr Officials. Joint Henatnr . W. Gowan UnnrnMntAtWa. J. H. Hnotllht I'ountyJndKe Julius Keithli ' Commlmioners ). It. Howard J. M. Uaker. " I'lertc J. W. Morrow " HIrlfT Q. W. Harnnirton " Treainrar Frank Uilliam Aseeeaor J. r Willi. Knrov(ir Geo. Lord " School Hup't Anna Halsiger " Coroner T.W.Ayers.J HKPPNtB TOWH OmOKI. UMi Thou. Morgan Cninrllinmi O. K. Fsrnaworth. M LiehtenttuU. Otis Patterson, T. W. Ajrtrs.Jr B M Ui.mnr K J. Hlocnm. Keoonier J-J-J "l!nr,5 Traunrar E. L. Freelnnd Marshal A. A. UoberU Precinct Officer, f i k - liuiu V I. VnMilMnd .unn.i. Mi. tnw . Constable N. 8. Whetetune failed States Lead Officer, TBI DALLE. OR. J. F. Moore Ue-Uer A. 8. Biaira lteoei-er L4 0BAN0B. 01. B.F. Wilson iWi-tr J. 11. Kiibbina Keoeltec BXSltXT OCIXTII. KA WLlNS POST, NO. II. 0. A. R. Meet at Leiingion, Or., tba last Saturday of art month. AU veteran, are lntltd in Join. I!' C. Boon. Ueo. W. Hmitb. Adlntant. tf Commander, f ONEY LOAN CD. Mnri.e. .AvX. -Ut srs TvHir-l Ui tirKiitiaia Oral mnrtgad-s ilium Improved Isrme In Oreenn. with tasiern Mrtlra at a rsleol Inlrnvl not to rscevd per eent per annum. Mrt renetrea Uial Dave nen usrn ny oiner cum bail lea. Addresa with stamp. JIKRVIS aORT. H'ler Cllf. Orrcnn LUMBElt! Ifg RAVt rK EAIJC ALL KIKtM Of CM armrnl Lumtr. Mmuatof Ueppnef, woa u auowa as uie BOOTT HAWMILiLh rik low rtiT. Koi'uH, " CLIAM, I I 00 IT tC ft MI4VIRK0 IS HErr-WRR, UU. ADD L la on ar i.w aaiuocuu. Tat above quotations are strlclly fuf Cash. U HAHII.T0N. Prop. hatioaai foil oi ttmi . w. rexLAXD. to. u. minor. mSSACH A GENERAL B ANKING BLOTS COM.KCTIONH klsJe no Favorable Trma. LXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOL U crrx En. t orfxkjn I THE KINQ CURE OVER ALL FOR KTTT:TTTr T .flTA. Z. SCIATICA is 40 ICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond 1b as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. A BLACKEYK FOR SILVER.' 1TMU.S. GOVERNMENT! I PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH (TS To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their m( Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a 2 relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars rev on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW 4 To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new Uj few r entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it 1 f(7) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present f) your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the f time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. vg) fT'Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. (fl No Fee unless luccessful. The Press Claims Company f PHILIP W. AVIRETT, Ocaerat Manager, f) f 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. ft) JT. B.Thll Company it controlled by nearly "me lhou$and leading nvs- f paper in (he United Ma'et, and I guaranteed t, them. ! JJr-A FACTS I FACTS! ! i i KPOV CAN Bl'Y liVOO worth of dry gooiti and gr ore lie and than have Y enough left out nf lloo no to purchase a No. I Creacant nirjrcla. This ll a first class mathlna. Why than pay 1100.00 for bicycle that will glvt ' CREttCEMT "tVwrrhsr," weight X) pounds, only 10. Lvllaa' and Oonta' roadster all the way front 10 to 'K. 'Boya' Junior," only ID with pneumatic tlre-e good raachln. , i "Our Special," Men I'i0; Udle', 1.4. AttKK WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, or f 'i THE riTTERSON I'll CI, j9& lUppner. fref.. fj MORROW AH0 ORAM ' From The Ainericau. A few duys since the gold press herald ed as another sitfn of the waning of the silver "craze" how silver was hard hit by the farmers, how the Farmers' National Congress met iu Convention in Atlanta gave silver a blaok eye. Below is the resolution adopted, a recommendation somewhat similar in purport to the plan proposed by Mr. Wharton Baker, editor of The Ameiioan some two yesramiuoe. "Besolved, That we favor th- free aud unlimited coinage of botb silver aud gold at the present ratio of 1G to 1, guarded by an import duty upou foreign bullion and foreign coin equal to the difference between the bullion value and the coin age value of the metal at the date of im portation, whenever the bullion value of the metal is less than ita coin value." This is how the eilverites were kuock- ed out, how the farmers gave silver b blsok-eye, how they bit silver hard. If moh bard blows oontiuue to be rained on the silver craze, a oraze heralded at expiring, if not already dead, the corpse will beoome a lively one indeed. The more knock downs of this sort the silver craze gets the (stronger it will grow. The gold-monometallists never went further on the path of reckless falsehood than when they so grossly misrepresent ed the real action of the farmers' oon- gress. The gold metropolitan papers that have lent their news columns to such falsehoods brve no exouse for sucb a base betrayal of publio trust and con fidence. To say that they were possibly misinformed in the 6 ret place, that some subordinate is to blame, cauuot be ao oepted as an exouse, for the blunder, if blunder it was, they allowed to go un corrected and their readers still remain misinformed. Misrepresentation of tbie character is too oommoo to be accident al. That such falee news is allowed to go uncorrected proves it to be inten tional. Mr. Barker pronoaed;-!. That the I'nlted States shall admit sliver bullion from American mines to coinage In Its mints upon the payment by the owner ol a seigniorage absorbing three fourths ol the difference between the market (Unidonl price of the bullion and Its urice when coined. That foreign silver shall be admit ted only for coinage purposes, at a seigniorage absorbing all of the dttterence between the marset (Loudon) price and its value when coined. I aw'a This! Wo oflVr One Hundred Uollnre Re ward for any case of Uatarrn that oan not be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., l'roprs , Toledo, U. We the nnderiiunvd. have known V. J. Cheoeiy tor Lb last 15 year, and believe bitn perfectly honorable in all bnainee trauHHCtioua and financially able to oarry out any obligations made hy their fjrra. Wm & Trnal, Wholesale Drngaisti. Toledo, Oh Walding, Kinnan k Marvin, V noleaaie frtlgglata, Toledo, Ulno. llalra Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, aoliuif dirwtly upon the blood and miiccui surface of the ayatera. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all Drug glut. Testimonials free. m si; . For Years Mr.-Biirikini Has Suffered. Paine's Celery Compound Soon Made Him Well. Publisher of Two Great German Papers Can Now Work Fourteen Honrs Every Day Sleeps Soundly and Peace, fully Every fight he Lives. HE INTER OCEAN - TM Oolirio-liuriG Slue line BDBflS-fii'uTMIIE Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the largest Circulation. DAILY (llhojt &ady) , 4.oo tc year DAILY (IIB) dyl IS.a pr yrar The Weekly Inter Ocean CI. 00 IT TZAR... .. TT , A M-WPPTt TH rslft tXCAJ MM ea. W the (Jaw U fl a M l Su M Si lt Or uUlM UtU.KIt. " BY MAIL OS'TAKIO-HUKSS H tfee Daily at a m an. at 1 ar rt at Obtatia I 43 fcojf, Sinale Pure S7 00. Round Trip $10 OO nuns's-CAxros' Ut '1'!''1' n4 -- r-raa al'af' i-k tt. i - . ca t """aiiis, r e a I tx fk The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It sl MMMl 4 tMMS . MkM MM kail, t tn a i t i of aH ai Maws). issjiiataaii tisitsilsis na taukio. Ill miaiiv ft t rntt 4 rM m mm a ' Tr'' .. m iM 0 ina taif IT 13 A TWELVl-.PAOE PAPER. ! mr xrsj h Htiirn tm k oo rr tm An cAnri .Tla!rAIIMt t. t r tuti,stn aaj t ! af I 1 1 1 flTl'." J"'" r.ri jWfc lAl MilKsaj Vh A1 rr m 9 e I Hi m 4.1. H Is M ewe 4 ! I el tar Ml la PiHe 4 l J4.r. Utnfc... TJfE JNTER OCEAN. CMtm Sleep is one of the things that cannot be put off from night to night. The punishment for sleeplessness is worse than pain. It means a shattered mind. It often happens that a sudden stress of work or anxiety robs one of the night's rest. The effeot is soon apparent in the languor, head aches and listlessness that ensue. It rapid and abundant means are em ployed to repair the exhausted parts the nerves regain tbeir elasticity. But if an unnatural privation of sleep is oarried beyond the stretching power of the brain the whole nervous system beoomea un done, and prostration results. Thousands of men struggling under great responsibilitiee or tedious work, anxious, overworked mothers and wives, shop girls who are forced to Btand on A BIMil LAU I'OLHY. from The American. lbe Mat orpartment haa now an op portunity of putting the oonntry Into its troe poaitioo at the proieotorof national rights oo this continent, and of retrieve mg the worst effect of Ha blunders in the Nireraguau affair. England baa uitl Mr. Olney's well-rueaol bat blunder lag offer of "good dffiofa" and "arbitra tion" with the quiet enuteinpt which Mr. (iresham tangbt them to enlrlain for oar diplouiacy. They have not avea answered the nol In which be alatad the American vie ottbe qaation, and Intimated that would rrgard any at tempi to bm force In Mrting tlelr alleged rights, a a Violation of lb Moo row Ikxitnoe. No doubt they hat not yt com to the eoneluaion that be means anything by thi but. "If be doe,' tby may av, "why tboold ha be talk log about arbi i ration f Who ever heard of an American aeentery of aiata wbo aa ready toctibnlt lb Monro Doctrin to atbitralion! VSbr, Ibey would aa '0 think 't ulmjtir.g th bindioa f'e of lb Tea IN.nituai.du.n.U to ai!i Iratbiol Evidently L Am ant re. II aoeao wbat bo ), hot I l.tu.ienng bit la ctUf to ta'oli tl. v te.of tn Jmgo j arty la tb Hut," Hi lb. (aM Mr. Oioey I; an I aeai an nttima lum to V6'i il. In which it I Ulnly latimaUa that V.nt ll afi.f lb NVaraga tytecJ.jj-will bat lo pay email money for arrealing lb llriiuh nJie Ibey foand lo th di'pii.J Wrr lry. Taa Awerlraa ipl are atehie Ibsir Mai erlit)til ai'b lha(b. aiteaitna to lra bw nacb mariom! lb re i. to M Hi.isttp. 1 be "Ji.go itty,"f wbieb wt ll'itl.b aoaaia tk with b til.lk,tbra. .txmt all ib Aiiri t--i': in, l.lf, af.w Ar.gUciwI Maa(, abo ! ant )t m.. l..iMw l.eatd. Ma i t all att gil tn MUf ! a t'ir amtil at eb lag ia t4 a ay it , ! ebat Ik tt.r M Irtiiii ( . 1 any lts .ffeAI a4 l-xi"!') fit lb wt'aent, .. I Mr tl' y . eacli el.a M ! lifttf l i...f . tl . im'Mit.i rigt.l I'll I ha wb..!. pi.t.im . k fallen , ht I tlt. I sto- a.U t.f n. ei.it ! V kin. MAX llt BOUIlM". Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report iJKfel? PURE until he was seen by the organist King ooming from the belfry. Yet in that, 55 minutes we must believe. If we believe Durrant guilty, that he murdered Blanohe Lamont, carried the body to the belfry, undressed it, hid the oloth ing and books in the innumerable orevioes where they were found, besides aooomplishing perhaps some other orime. Could he have done it? Does it not seem probable that the murderer must have remained in the belfry until long after King and Durrant bad left, and then came out unseen? The testi mony of Mrs. Crossett to the effeot thnt she saw Durrant and Blanohe Lamont enter the ohurch is, for reasons too numerous to mention here, entitled to but little oredit. For one, however, she lesiinea inai sue saw warrant witb a girl that she took to be either Blanche Lamont or Miss Turner. Blanche La mont was a delicate girl, weighing 115 pounds, MiBS Turner a regular Juno of excursionists on a visit to town. No lie would have guessed from their ap pearance that they were oattle thievea en route to the penitentiary. "Bring 'em op," said the jailer, as ho retired to provide room for the tran sients. Sheriff Comba went outside and beokoned bis men to come in. They obeyed bis signal readily, and were safely stowed down-stairs. Last evening, when they were being taken away, the sheriff told tbe gang to go outside and wait tor him. Ha wanted to speak to Chamberlain. The crowd lined np outside and patiently waited till tbeir guide appeared, to march them to the train. "Have you got those fellows hypno tized?" inquired Chamberlain ot Oombi, as he was leaving. But Combs was noncommittal. The eight prisoners were being taken up for cattle-thieving. Two were in 170. Mrs. Crossett was not certain as tor seven years; two for five yearB. two to the girls, bnt she was positive about more for two years eaoh, and the others Durrant. A.' to Miss Cunningham's tor lesser time, etory that Durrant told her be saw Bianone's boay on tbe platform while Piles 1 Piles I itching Piles. ne was nxing tne ourner, nooouy De- bymptoms Moisture: intense itohina lievea that. It is too improbable, too and stinging; most at night; worae by i a- I . . s.l ... . auBura. wppenneimer a testimony aooui Borate bins. If a lnwnri tn nation. Durrant trying to pawn the dead girl's tumors form, wbioh often bleed and ring is anotuer story not wormy ot ore- ulcerate, becoming very sore. Hwatkb dence. The rings were worth probably Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleed- 2or 3, and at most he oould have gotten mg, beula ulceration, and in most cases ouioo oentsor a dollar on them, lie bad removes the tnmor. At rlmaoi.t. . money in tbe banks, would be have done this? We think tbe jury should say be would not. The Han Franoisoo papers and the 8an Franoisoo polioe determined at the start that Durrant was guilty and every bit of testimony baa been distort ed, warped and twisted tn be made to fit tbe theory. Triflea light aa air have been held np as proofs, strong aa holy writ. A careful analysis of the testi mony shows that the ease abont Dnr rant is one nt very doubtful circum atantial evidence, and yet, owning to by mail, for 50oents. Philadelphia, Dr.Swsyn A Son, rttOH LEXINGTON Jaok Frost bring! witb him a bonnli. ful supply of oool nights. Hon. J. S. Boolbby made a boiine trip to Ileppner Tuesday last. Wm. Willmnt baa moved his family to town tor tbe purpose ot attending oar excellent sohool. tbeir feet all dy long, have little diffi culty in oonvinoing their friend ot the remarkable power of Taine's celery oom pound to restore their energy, renew their vigor and make them strong and well. Here is a letter from Mr. Max Btirg- beira the well known president aud manager of the Cincinnati Freie Press Company. Mr. Uurgheiru write: "The following alalemi nt may be of interest. I have been suffering from sleeplessness, insomnia, for matiy year, and although I have tried a'moet every thing to get cured, ronaulting the beat physician, and veu goiug setretal limes lo F.nrope, everything wm in vain. "I did not have a night' re.t for al most six years, that Is to ay I could not sleep for to hour iu ueoesun in a alogla night; you t an easily imagine wbat lb fffrot oo me bad ben. "After spending a fortou in trying for relief I had given op almost all hope, and when I first read abont I'ain' eelery compound I di I not have much faith in anything. Hut after bating od so many feinedies an I consulted ao maay phyalcian lo thi O iuiitiy and abroad I felt like giving th compound a trial. Hi r.ult waa truly wntiderlul "Tb Very first night about tit mouth ago tb.l I tried rlt" Celery couiooond you eo imagiD toy J y ab.o I f on ad that I lpt lt hour in uccc..in, a thing that I bad mil been bles with fiir i many year. I cililinid tb Ue for over tbre tuotiib wiib tbme happy feeull, aoJ etlbiiiigb I fearful led lb inele-ly w.,ul. rma back oo turn, I tea Av y II. t allhuugti I hava But tak.a lb e.nitHiwl fr mnntb I do lep every bight peacefully an I witboal lalarruptHie. "I ail re easily luiagin bat I hie rn an fur a uian wtiti wutk fourteen Bvinr every day In the year and ba charge of leu large aeejepaprra, J rtio-l-Uf any t a i el rematkahle on and t ImiuIi b glad If II.I tltuel. should ba lha mean uf l.elj lug Mliete wbn b nfleled Me I In lb aalold ftg i.r, an I for II.I feaa I flot full pef rawei iO ll Idas be i.f , tatnit.t la any way rh ," ioi atri i. rt ii r Prof. Italsiger, assisted by bia pupils, pnnnlat clamor and pnblic sentiment, I iM give an entertainment next Batur- tbe Jury will probably find him guilty. I day night commencing at" o'olock sharp. And be was found guilty. A large crowd la anticipated. Everybody it iuvited. Mrs. W. B. Meek, who resides all Frank Kmilh liif,,rin,1 va acriha thai Camptonville. Cal., says ber daughter .llU. rnmin ,, T.,,u k ,,, .H waa for several year troubled at lime . , , . " 7 . with severe cramp in the stnmsoh, and 'r ",HU woou weoneauay, ould be in such agony that it was bi brake gave way. causing bis team to a . necessary io can a pnveioiaii. Having run away. Frank stayed wilb tba read iutCbambrleiu'aColio, Cholera ..un ,,, fcl,.rt ,K ami Diarri'naa Kerned v she oono luded I 7" . . . -.. - to try it. Hhe found that it always gave hwU u,r" ,,im 'er lbe borsea, light- prompt relief. It was seldom necessary mg on bi bead. One of hi horse waa to Rive the second do. "It ba not inatantlv hill.!. Frank that ii'a oniy avet n. iota oi worry ana iims, ,,,,. ,.,.,! nn . . . un um m.v tiinHM lilllw. tl 1" my opinion that every family should have a fxittle of line) remedy in the ho.ie.n Fur sale hy Hlooiim Johnson Drug Co. COM Ml IN A IIYPNOTIZr.il. II llaadlea Klcht rattle Thieeee Wltheal I roes or llanilraffs. Jailer llns T. ibaitiherlaio bad av eral Monday visitor ye.terday, among I bent being eight prionr from (Irani oounly rho were on Iheir way t) HaUtn, io oharg of Hlieriff J. I). CoroU and two deputies, say lb Portland Tel gram. Tb Jailer waa both sorpriaed and aranawd at Mr, Comb' evident maelery of lb art of hypnotism, (or he could Call II nothing elaa, after be bad eo Llro handle bia prisoner. h ber iff Comb dropped Into tbe Jail eorrider yretetday nmrblag and case ally inquired for lb Jailer. A trusty brought him onl. I woald lik to know," II, (Irani eoatily (ifflaial said, introducing l.iru- -If, "if I ran put eight me a la her until lb aflerotma train leave fur Halemr rat of that kind. However, hi many friend ar glad to him improving and able to he around. Wood hauling la very dangeron work, bene more care bould be takeo to avoid aocidenla if possible. Tba (Kwiple of this littl city wllneeeej th aad fuueral ol (iramlpa Harnett ai ba was familiarly eallod-laat Tuesvlay. Uis a if died Ihree year ago, and slnoe then tba old genlleman baa been vry lonely. II tn a very boneet, oprigbl and eoiiiairtitiotiarilisan, and bia death will be aadly f. II by all abo kaw kirn. Th family have our ameer sympathy la tbeir dark boar of aoiruw. Thy name alll long be rmRilera., While Ihy luteil OlMMdty tninifti. kil lltoii .rt a lili Iheenr.l. milerel. Hale lib tlif n.n.io la beav.a boo. Ileal lii.'l- muM farewell say. Till a. meet lit II. y brai.uly bums. Aid Uii'l.ily Iu iny c-ii l luuli we yur bwly ur. Ami toy, f-l falihliil eenaal fli.ii Tub Jut,i.r Joaia. LstiKiiT'iv.Or, Nov. C, KJ. A aoiigU inch wteisl day alter day. Wby.ye." tall lb Jailer, .kia.t t,. negteeUd suv (..ager. It around aniMmaly f .r tb pri nrre. -Wb' ar tuuf ma? ()li," Ibe shenfT repliml, laHilnally, "they're not ort tba walk watting." Tba two bia went otet.ir and the Oral riutiiy t.fTMal p-.ioM toe liltl kn4 nf tna slaodiag oa F. arth elieel, lw la admiration of lb I'l.se I 'k Hi. re wera ao Irin fa II, na. Ibey might have been lakee f eletn. mean aimethiiitf nuir Ibaa mere hieat irnlaii'io, and lb emar It I re li.ved tbe Utter. Tk Ayer'e Cherry ct..ral. l m pritBi lo a.1 and tnr bi rar. A ea'ty aa UedaeeUv II ben ei lent Ibal every h.fll,.rn at at bad . 4M , . rpurni-ai. siiw arano VM-invy la iani.ea ,r ,,)m.fc,n,, ( 1,,, ,4 Mary land and Kentucky l i Ibe republiaaa Mseei C V l'i A , Ntr, 0 ,!, " i f I t.ej,li I.' (.jsj Uo It Ih.a ll i.ll.ei. (.i l'iete, abl It .lest. tee itle'so llwi " Mt t. f I I. Ire . ie; I llie CTieei K.f'.ia'. Vt k ft'Sfte-le l-i - tl.. ..! I .i. I .. I..' VJ. W , II Hitil ewe, I - t!t.l W..I., . 't.isl.i.iiti (ab isi i s!l M m kel:y tree4 It all eelt" f ( t ly HI -41m tftsg 0. I fna tk. Tl Mmt.ialn ) Itie r licl m ll.e Il.irrabl 1 . will 'pinl.abl li kti'iwa lo'l.y. W here Inline. I ll.e t..l.ni'it.y t.ry ebieely, ' bat p.ruw. Ibe aaaeiii Iwllyr, ) and rae.l r4fse ll.l, a'.ile fiuf f4,U if 'ifll.t et'H'l lew)' .li'H-g, tb.'.y -if.le ar In 1 1 fevfet. ' A iN.II'f if ft!, atii'it Ibe ilf I Vide t t.i-t I. tn la lb be .s eaeai - la fi Ibe llff I li .'i.iim.-ii I'.iaarl fis4it d..! f l. At.-I ' fikl (.eee I a p-tfet 111 a. I a'fiel If l .fl., 'bat e.ti,e 1 1 a . ,e ui.fl i ,e in I is f... l.tir.g , Ik leetit ey I bat e l'4..l ael lMM, saJ it w. aaly t4 si'ej fr II l b "tv4 l iW rtnrejt - ' CwtN ILICTUlO IkTk AND AFUAftClt INtuNI TO TMt IC aatar oint o aovasiTaoi ovim Abb iiitatoh f.t. I t nr. e.-.i iS'ilMlMeiMI. ni -1 r Irli. alile h I li Imi ia lit s M.ulte. It ... 1 , .4 11 .wl I. II sea be .e.et.4 n.rum.Hlia .v,.- ki , a mwm.mi'K u, U. -4 nr Ml . i mm 4e 4 mi I I he see e I lie, . , , .4 .... . B ew -m. ... V t mm . 7l f UmtUmy T- sjsara,-',. mi IctMLH no MtoiciKtt mctataav. -l all etw ieeub tumtn m a f. ,uvei o ' sMe a1 e J . a. ih. eraae le iililee, ay le et'fe.ttss. ttr Sltatsj ri r'TWir TltM I llse rtear M Trs Ms M i4hI fmn ml sWtmee. Ivl es se M e4 M w Illee4ee4 f e4ele- " liew. ati us Si'ww. mn t e4 Ita. inaiieie' 4 IW'l tMye sv4 WH 4 v4 e4 Iii'im, THE OIEH ELECTRIC BELT AKD APFLlWiCB CO. H M III ate lireib I h'eeee.