Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 05, 1895, Image 4

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WhtU yon wp yonr subscription paid up yen
can keep jour brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horene GO on left
shoulder; cattle earne on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on left shoulder of horeea; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eiirht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horene same brand on right
honlder. Kange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. J A con
nected nn lft flank: cattle, same on lnft hip.
Baird, D. W. and son. Horse branded D B
on the left hip; oa'tla the same on left fUnk,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left, Kange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded T E on either shoulder. Bange in Mor
row oountv
Mannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, liooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Unrke, M 8t C, Long Creek. Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left 6Br, un
der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Bange in Grant and Morrow
BroBrnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
B&ch HI".
Brown! Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right Btifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county. ,
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in oai ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., lna. Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyor, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
flflK RI.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattlo. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle, JB oonneoted
on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horse brand,
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Bange in
Grant and Morrow oounties.
Cain.E., Calob.Or Y I) on horses on left stifle'
XJ with quarter cirole over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts under 8 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
Cate, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
ltange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrlgall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle crop out
of each ear and underhit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle C on loft sti tie. Bange Mor
ow and Umatilla oounties.
Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double oross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Bange in Grant
oonnty. On sheep, inverted A aud spear point
ou shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on loft ear
pnuohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop in left ear. All rangs
in Grant oonntv. ....
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, (Won nghtshonl
der; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
nn ff Inft and anlit in right.
Currin. B. Y Currinsville, Or,
Horses, to on
left stifle.
Cox E1. 8., Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with
B in canter; horses. CK on left hip,
Coohran, It, E.. Monnment, Grant Co, Or.
Horaea branded circle with bar beneath, on loft
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tle same
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
''lilmglass, W. M . Galloway. Or.-Cattle, B D on
right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
"Vbr'Slrns., Douglas, Or. Horse branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lofthip. hole
'"xmery'. H.,nardman, Or. Horses branded
O reversed (! with tail on loft shoulder ; cat.
tie same on right hip. Kange in Morrow comity.
Florence, L. A., Ileppnur, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florenoe, H. P. Ilepnner. Or Horses, V on
right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh.
French, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
WF with bar over it, on left side; orop oil loft
ear.' Horses, same brand on loft hip.
Gentry, Kliner, Bono. Or.-Horaes branded H.
H. with a quarter eirrle over it, on left stifle.
Bange in Morrow and Umatillsconnties.
Hiatt A. It., Ilidgn, Dr.-tlattle. round-top a
withqnarter circle Under It on the right hip.
Itanira In Morrow and Umatillaooiinties.
Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton, Or Cat tie. two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left,
Horses J on right thigh. Bange in Grant county
Hughes, Hamnnl, Wagner, Or- (T K L
rniitiitrU-dlon right shoulder on homns; on oattle,
on right hip and on loft side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Range in Hayrack
dintrlot.Morrow iinv.
Hsle, Milton, Watfner, Or. Hnraaa branded
-O- (nettle with naralliil tails) on loft shoulder
Cattle same on tell hip also large oircle on loft
j V I ) -1 1 l- IT j ...
with bir a'Mive I'l on right ah'tul'lor; nattl lanma
on loft aide. Ilaugi in Morrow ami Umatilla
C"l"l'ii!l',"K.lwin, John Dav, Or. Cattle K II on
right hip; hora same on right alumldiir. Ilaiige
In Urant oonnty.
Hngtioa, Mat, Ilepnner, Or. Hnrana shaliHt
heart on the loft shoulder. ItntlKH Morrow o.
llunaaker, H A. Wagner. Or. Homes, V on left
honlder: rnltle. 0 on loft hip.
Humphreys, J M Hardniaii, Or. Horses, II on
Huaton, Lnther. Fight Mile. Or.-IIoree II on
the left ahimldoretid heart on the left an He Cat.
tie aaina on left hip. Hang In Morrow count .
Jinm, Harrv. llaiMrr. Ilr - Horaa l.run .l
II J on the loft atomldor; rn'tle lira idil J on
right hip. l nnd-rliit in loft Mr. Range in
Morrow county.
Jankin. M. M., Ilepnner, Or lloraea, home,
shim J on left alioulder. Cattle, the sains.
Rang " Mile.
Jhna hi. felii. I,na. Or.-lloraes. olrrlaT oa
left an He; natile. same on right hip, nailer half
ornn In nM ami attlil n leri ear
K.nnr. Mik. Hammer. Or. Horse branded
RSY on left hip cattle aame and crop off loft
ar; nnder aloiMonlhe rlaiif
Kirk. J. T.. Hepniiar. Or.-llorses IHI en left
shonl ler; callle. an on Uf hlu.
Kirk. Jaaa. Ilnniinar. Or. hira II on left
konlder; call Is sain on right side, nndnrliit on
right ear.
kiimtierland.W.fl.. Mount Vernon, "r.-l I, on
aula on n.M and left ai l.-, awallow fork in b ft
ar and nnder iop In rtaiit ear. lloraea asms
branil ihi lef ahieilder. lUnge In Grant ronntv.
I.fln, Htnplien, ol.Or.-H I. on lofthip
in rat i la. crop ami split on rtgM ear. 11
Mine brand on l"ft houl.lef. Bang Grant
LimialliHI. John W., .,nta'VI Or.-H
bra.n.ll half lrrla J I. is,nnartl on left ahotil.
iter. CatUa. aams oa left bin. Range, near Lei.
ImIioi, J W Heppner Irr-llorw branded
Land a rn nlt ah.Hihtnr; celll aama on left
kip, attleover light aye, II. ran silt m tight
lord, Girga. tlat,,nar. Or. - Horaae t.rainla-t
doitlil II i.H.e.'U 1 attntriimi ealtel
awna II on let ahmililer.
Nana. M. I'. Heppnar, Or. Callle lira".)!
eircU us nglil hip; h-iraw aame on fighl alittn,
Ita ia in M -rnrw caiiilt.
Minor. tlar. tipine r. - 'alt, M II .hj
rihl hm. boraa M on l'l alBiulder.
t a'i, H. N. Hti.u-w. r. -Il.traiM. Ml
OQ lf.rl aiotil Ml raMIe aaoia n kn liu
Mil.'hll, lr. !. "r.-II mm, 11 on llgl.l
till', rwiiie. II on ria'H ai ia.
M'- la'i. II. II , Hn.wnavilla Or, - II ,r,
f , ira i.rtl aa-h ah''ihar ran I. M i , hl
M.al.rr. fra'.k. iUv, Or M il. .1,,..
iih l4 ark on eaMta ihi ntia a I n ar
9m S ar . aaea iiraii I mi iri atina.
M"lat. .. a em -a. Of . - ! H.ira
Wtlh Kalf cif . la aa ! ,a lell ah-Hi' I t .,n l a1'
f-mr hara .ifial oil lp on tha right e,d"
felanga m Mra'.l Ceiolt
Vt Aa li-a II Of II iraaa a N m,
ft ,.n fl al.'Hil l- . raMla aana.HtH.HK S'im,
.fits. r..,,ini.H if - ii.HM.nrfla 1 ,
lri il.ialt, ea'lla aana im lrt hip.
Illlia l,aaUnIHl II' -atiMiealile
mi lt Hip ihi H,iaaa. ' on Inft lliiga, Uaoaa
Ift lla-i r-.'i"lf
OiIm. 'iHf, Islington. Or.-1' O nn i-fy
H!. HaraiM, I'l aula I Hi. Or ! eaiila. O
1,1' e,araMl ihi M Hip, H.Ha oa I aft ii$t
) I wa'-le -a Ha aa in iirao e-Mily,
I'aara-Ht, IHata. K.gM M.I. Ih It ,..,r
r virta al.ial.1 an ltl al,-Hit'aff aa I II i ri
hip aula, I h l I"'' a '! , n
lri kill Ita" V'M M-la.
! lllaam. liar I aan.llf. II hmII'.hi
rfl al.Nil a,
I'll' l. ioi.hi o II , -a bma I
0 ll. . o. I I ni 1"fl al..il tH I sllla
t It, a ihi nl.l l,li liaa H r e-.a"i
I ,(.-. J II . l.-tt-ai-ia H . il e.Hi
..! m Iaf1 al,'al I-'. allla. Mm w t l.ij.
ii. Ih Ihi la aa t mi
1'iHlta. A I '.. I-H -, i t..Haa Ja4 f tm
Hi,il. lanta, I M J -"" I imi l.
fi li.. ttvv l"tw la Ml ar aa I iiy la it
H.at lar. liar I a a Or II
e. aa eia .la'la'rr
lairaa il a Uri t "
hn,i.a I fcfMk 111 !-. ,
II a
.1 Hi
Imti . ,1 tmt,
M ,.k Hrai , M.fM. f - m hra l. 1
a I . riHr l.ral la, ea(l I i'a Ilia Ml atn
mr.,1, na? ifl aaf a I daarlati -a a a, S. IUi,a ,
kl au l a IHII .an'i
aalraa tiia-i"i.
ln M a H rM
fima ban4 Ml
rifhl fci.
a.,aai afa "a - r
. " ( , l (l.lrtal'U, IV tl ka4a
i'a uaavrtaa Hle mt mw njM a. r
M,ni..ll',' ' 1' 1 u MaM
lmm Iwd'aWl tk.mt. IUmH I mfm
It -a. I 4 ilii'ia "ask
H-- I W . I'-I'l H -tl rrwas. ill
1.11 )wUtM. al. II m U'd is
BVeaU" r.tl-na-0 lt-aa.t
J H imi Mi mn- taft tip, ,a..
f.i M ak-.i.. la I-'
ll.-. " 'I I A I
lai K m llrl.iaU'lt I
i..i.a r-.. '
in urant county.
Bayers, Robert, Douglas, Or. Cattle on
right hip and tl on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on
right shoulder. BaDge in Morrow county.
bmith Bros.. Husanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle. une on left shoulder.
Hquiree, Jamee. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JB on left shoulder; cattle the same, also no
waddle. Bange m Morrow and Gilliam oonnne.
Hterjhens. V. A.. Hardman. Or-: horse o 8 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Btevenson. Mrs A. J.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. rJ
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
ewammrt. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Morses. M on
left shoulde' ; cattle. U on left hip.
RDerrr. It. G Heppner. Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underhit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thomrjeon. J. A.. Heppner. Or. Horse. 7. on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
TiPDeU.B.T..Ecierprise.Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner R. W.. Heppner. Or. Small canital T
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected nn left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses H V oon
nected on right ehoulder ;cattle, aame on right
Walbndge. Win,, Heppner. Or. Horses, u. u,
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John y salem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Bange
Morrow connty.
Warren. W B. Caleb. Or Cattle W with Quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses aame brand on left shoulder. Bange in
Grant comity.
Wade. Henry. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of epailes on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnirer. John. John Day City. Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horeea, UP
connecfxMi on left shoulder.
Watkms. Lishe. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
UK connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. Heppner. Or. Cattle. W on
right thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulaer sonif same on left shoulder.
Horses brundod W B connected on left shoulder
n: l, ;.,., .. . n ., u.A p.. n-
Williame. Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Onarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
homes. Range Grant connty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, auar
ter oircle over three bare on left hip; cattle same
ami slit in each ew. ltange in itrant oonnty
Wren. A. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses runninsA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
loung. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horse brander
THon the right shonlda.
When yon nro about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not Imj deceived by alluring advertisement
;uul l.o I 'l ;o think you can gut the best made,
rinc:;t rim.-.!iod and
Most Popular
for a mere Rong. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
ruii icrs that have gained a
re i in 1 at ion by honest and square
di'iilinjr, you will then get a
ScwiiiK T.Iaehine that is noted
the world over for Us dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
'( Light Running
There Is none In the world that
f1'V"', iL'if cun "l"a' 'n inechanieul con
, ,'5,43 atruction, durability of working
5 ,it parts, fineness of finish, beauty
J,' in appearance, or has as many
itiiprovenleIts 8 th
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
It j No w Xtnnd(Wen), driving wheel hinged
on ad instable centers, thus reducing friction to
tho minimum.
OlLifVin, Maah. TtoflTOM, Mam. 38 FTfioN Bqttark, N. T
''MiCANO. lT,r.. HT. f.OI in. MO. lU,M','iU3.
bM mitnrin,t m A-iI.akiA.a.
V. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon,
Send 5 cts. fcr Sampi.k Package
Nun fViiiirMr-i) (tfflpf,
y.ll'll. II UllKK.XSFKLDKIt ,t CO.
.V. !.') Siilkr Strfrt.
T1e Ihnmh I ta nfalllKt bidri
ra rhs artar 1 ae uarv 'I pa la.
di.air Mrtm ln srrai aur'i't
oil llrnilir. I loaal, aiHr4 la ll,
miilril 1 Tp, Itw ihaailinf thnat
ef Sttsira4 klias nil biiailnas
f ilar. Ihak ot lha, Wl.vi
In th k'if a,n f iiaie ttm
lirahaal r'seo,f Mauihe pre
..ra ai.lalli 1.4 k fai n
aiaa ,.ma rf arw .Waa ton
d na. 4 la Hia'l ae a hat lh
retail it ti.a h.i aiia a ,
f a t il, ansr l r ad la k I aa
kir 'la tiaal 111' li-tt .rata
l.flimaat, callar at,4 Unm 4
tum'K ra Ira, a4 t'lh A lrane
lS Una l ).( Ihoaak Olll lh..
CNtgi.lf vf,..f It ktrr ailrarlliaM
il iKa. ..,..! kWraii lh Ar
I II I lll Iran. al aa
trait si4 '. aha k HI rara
Wairv la lt M.affn-Srriil Ml tr,
1 lira !,,( ! I K IMkrl, t Hk
rta.ad fn.aa 11 w-gial .alin kf
I llna, ISr aval caaWtlra ia
V lii.( ua.f .a.alar. aak IU
' fliaa l.i .r? la,r.
l".a a Ri a. ar aa I ,a ia aa
I if litis aaia ta il ail
Ir.i.sii S'4 il i'aii,ii.
a 4 W aukd fr.aai th
. . ... I. . t . .. . . , . -
! a il, ,a at4,Mai 1 1, tar la k
1 ' ' aW, a4 Ika MHa,
4 J f ia. Si4 Iha aiil r a., ..a
" ' , ' s- 4 a.,ik. I -..', 4 Hal
M la. la a o, i-i
as if Ika KM
it 1 a-.l
-I fei 1 I
ahf sr-4 a.
' a I1 aakf ar-4 lat,
a4 Wia, a aa ai, 1 W..a laia.
r4 I Ik a 4a.'fa4 iMai K f
la ia't stat-aair, la a
1 1 0 aaaHr. a rt,'ia. la
k k IK ...a
a,w,l a ti4 laa oa aff
(. I In.,, (M f4 p( iKa ,f
! la s'f a rarat
". I Macarla. I aa Ira f aja)
i ii--1 i, ra r4 a Mrtail, w
M la f - f M'l ka M .1
a 4 " '!) ka
S Ila, a aa la 4.fae
H Jtaaia.. . .aa ISKuha.
t la-l III a.aa, !aaa t A
'' a .a faaai iju a we
I t, I , J
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a..r. 'a. - p 4 maun
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laaal ,
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a ia Ik. t,. ,
a a I. . f m ,tt , l ,k
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"4 . . , in. . .4
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t 1 .1 a lut
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. la v
uni. . mmw .rv
: 4 M ..-. a f
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details call on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, or address
Oeo. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Obeoon.
Stin Franolseo
And U point In California, ria the Mt, Bhu(
rout of the
Southern Pacific Co.
fhe great hiehway thronnh California to all
point Mast and south, Urand ooenio Kout
Of the Paoifio (kiast. Pullman Buflet
Uleeper. Hooond-olas Uleepers
Attached to i press train, attordina- snoeiior
accommodations ror Moond-olaa passencers.
For rate, ticket, sleepiua car reserratlon.
110. oan npon or axidrea
K. KOKIU.KK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst
Ian. r A V. Agt.. fortland, Oregon
Most Modern and progressive
For catalog!! or Information write to
New Haven, Conn.
Th temprtlvvlus of the twecsrd
I known te most parson.
Thsjr lllustral that (rssitr quantity la
Not always moat te be dtslctd.
Thts ceid ssprts th baosAclal flusl
lly of
Rlpans Tubules
4 temper1 with toy previously heewa
Ripsa TsbuUs t Price, te teate ken
Of 4 ru lsis, et y mail.
IIP..I CHI HICAL COh 1 0 Iprves It.. T.
irvonaa ht PHI
lataaaiaa liinfc
Mak rwry whilt
Mhate ai waaimg
lira by old Ptra a
Calsllllall Slaail
Il aanl ,lai i iVa
eila 1 aaila4 kit th
puuiiiy swisia,
. hanarall the tv
a ha I I'fnilaat B.lrl
r fsriK Vaal
faia I cat
ka.aatlal llftjim
f.lMlrm,M. ska ie .it wtn
riTklUKk IHclkkTOl (o..rrilai.raa.
Hat a, a l, a aa, sua Mai W , I rr r
fce.-n,! a4ej 4 tVH 4) t.'
MinAHI.I e)tf tke-kW'ff '
It eat4a e-aak f 'ret
i l4.Mtl 4 l-M
imm fx A . p mm Mil
"' I I V" I -mm
I mw m IWa. 9 I! ffWaaTa
V leMk
ira.ci nftt m n Mini
lk etae 4MtsB. 4
na, ! Waf
The lttr eqlaMiptkiMl kr of Ibe
rUnil eakly lisflU ki 2 .4l end tla
riilar .fl'e H the Wklf rr"t)'e
k l fall. Art one Wril,iea f..f h
tlaiatla a til -ati.i f..f no )eafa
a.lfaarw ra vl l-.lb t lltl a.
Ukly Otrrnio f f I t All ni l nh
ertltarae tlr tt-Klf nl awll H ti f'
St'e.t. JTZ iTTjlV Lightest,
Simplest, jflTl Fill" I !r E5l.at
Urongest, 1 .1 J 1 J C"J 1 . Working,
5olld SaliJLajliilJMost
Top lrll HiJ Accural,
Kecclvcr. ilAir Compact,
t-SA. Calakajve Ul
trt H If S I . w f ' vat 4 M,
t4 wmm)9 m i tit-w4t tt t few !
vmm . rf ft-af trMl Kl
4. It . w4 frmm
l"4". P i t . .-.kf tftt 'k
Mrn I mtmm. wmvt mm W-
f n k WJ V, t,r i44(
AatM -e4 4at4atl a--4 taH k 44 Vex SV, A eVtrMl
Jsia .iu,is
,hbi ) ia el f erita
tbt iji.
Hi r- MtitiM t
"My dear aunt," said Mr. Loftue
Blackacre to Lady Grisscll Greybank,
"and if not, why not?" He had re
cently answered "interrogatories" in
an action against the firm which he
honored with junior partnership;
hence the form of the question which
her ladyship appeared unable to an
swer. "Of course," she said, with a sigh,
if you will not help me!"
The assistance she required was the
investment of the funds settled upon
her on her marriage by her husband in
the ordinary shares of a gold mine of
highly doubtful geographical situation.
As her trustee he had declined to ac
cede to her request, and had suggested
that if a season in London was a neces
sity for her daughters she had better
introduce a young American lady into
society in their company and let her
pay the piper. The cnoice Jay Deiween
that and letting 400 Eaton square and
spending the summer at Bournemouth.
I could not aaveruse, sigueu iier
"Of course not, ana it you aia you
would onlv be answered by the news
paper people looking for something to
write about. I have the very girl-
Miss Loftinia McNcase I know she
wants something of the sort."
What will she pay?" asked her lady
ship. The commercial instincts of her
maternal trraiidfather, which account
ed for her nephew's success in the city,
were evidently coming out in her.
Two thousand for the season ana a
percentage on marriage into tne peer
agethat is what I shall suggest. You
constitute me your ageut; of course I
shall take no commission from you,
said Mr. Blackacre.
Is she very dreadful?" said Lady
"Well, she's American," said her
nephew; "that covers a multitude of
sins; and till her father died tbey lived
quite quietly; high tea, you know, and
cooked it themselves. Since 1 met
them at Florence I expect she got
quite accustomed to a clean plate for
each entree, and shea reauy a very
nice sort of girl."
"But is she rich?'
"Enormously; old McKease died be
fore he quite realized what a pile he
had made, and for years she has had
no mother."
"Isn't there some proverb about
being born lucky as well as rich?" said
Lady Grissell. "You might put us in
correspondence, and then we will have
an interview; are you sure she is not
very bad?"
"She s an American, my dear aunt,
of the plain type, with well, we'll
call it an intonation," said her nephew.
'The rest you must really find out for
As the business man of the family,
be found his relatives a little irritat
ing. "What shall you tell her about me?"
said his aunt, meekly, as he took uphia
hat to Ipav.
I shall tell her that you combine the
blood of the oldest families in Eng
land, with the oldest couutry seat, the
oldest plate and the most magnificent
diamonds in Bunkshlre. I know that
will fetch her. By the way, 1 fancy
you might, perhaps, get leave of the
court of chancery to sell these dia
monds, and have the proceeds invested
by your trustees; you d get no income
out of them."
Never," said Lady Grisscll Grey-
bank, turning pale at the suggestion.
Noblesae oblige I should say no-
blcaae defend, if I thought you under
stood French, or If the commercial
principles of the city would permit
you to appreciate the honor of your
"Well, It's no good getting shirty,
my dear aunt, sulil Iier nephew.
'Simple faith combined with Norman
blnml is all very well as long as you
haven't daughters to marry.
Her loilykhip gave a little sob.
"Won t she won t this oung wouinn
intorfi-re with the dear girls' proa-
"of course you'll have to give her
the rr(ua.il if there's belted earl on
offi-r'aiiU her nephew. "That's what
he wants: aha will hardly look at tne
since I explained to her that I was not
the llutiiiuruble Loftu IIUckaiTc. and
evi-ii if I wan ahe need nut mention it
in Intro. luring me to her friends."
"GimhI In avetiH'." said Lady GHat!!
"lou are. ahe knew the governor
was lir.l tii-nrge, and slip hvl no one
but her lady's maid lo trech Iier fciivf
Hah customs; she I quit unaopMstl
Tiair girl:" aal.l Lady CrUacll, kU
Ini him on the forehead., "i feel an
aorrv for h r. I am prepared to quite
like lu r "
'Ulil.li W about a Dear thanking
me f.r putting two thou. In her puckrt
a the old laty I likely to gel,' re
divtivl hrr nephew, aa he ran down
at a Ira.
Three day tatrr her ladyship 'was
kilting In the drawing-room when the
butler announced:
"Miaa Ii'IiiiU McN
The m inti.T of lily tlrlaaell Grey
bank aa ahe rim) to grert her vialtur
was mart I'l.iu eoiuldnation of aria
t. ar.it I li i.iL-iir with acini maternal
cuii.'.rs-'- ii ii .t; ami the vrry charming
ymitig l.i Siio Iirl4 out lirr hand
nith am .1 1 - it emit and a Wcuniiu
bitlalt i'l aiiitt'iU I'lreaiit tip.,0 Iier
lre evidently appreciated II
"Yntl nerd nut rail rue 'your ledr
.li.p." " auVi-atrd Lavly tiriwll Grey
tuiih. after a few minute rni
loin. In which she ala.1 had lsn
inoal favrt.bly linprreaed. "I.edrCirl-
. II would W more usual, and 1 shall
c !l Toil
I .-.ft in la -Lofty ( short," aald hrr
' I am sure we ahall gt on rharm
inlr tiVethrr." a id lidr tiriaaa-'il
"Vmt l 1 let me advlae yon aa to you
riu'i.e of iiotii. I'lial ton ii i.ii
I i l ariuibf 0'at a.(!y. I kia
aoiiH one klirf.it.t fairvr," a-ldi-4 her
l.lahu ".ia are I bate grvet ei
ttierHs In u. H matter. "
It tiiii'hl have twen tfi,-i4 that
jtAf lifiaaall was epwlfiah In
lavialitpg H result ot her eiperti
n-ep-n heralf, kef llt rrti)
I i rather a erltk-al g 'aoee towar4
Hut m there nothing thai tmi would
like to tar lo ," aald iJkAf UrlaaelL
"t imfht to any at ear, hy the war,
now fW4 I tm that yo 4 ot Uik
like mrfs at all
It w en mnfiviaaate eefrettWaa,
ft It nUrit'r maita Viae tftima
,-(a nervrHt. and j-ral . li) the
vl antr..i that ki tfal a He
aM v thai wa rjill Uf tulti; , It
rr!y an i'.,iv U-I tl.e itu at
In. h the k ' i'f the b-na.k..l t
'.ae. ei I M wate ti otity Viatf-
thst kh kit . ity ti k-i lu'f
l l wVfhV thvWiiile'm
From early child-'
hood until I was '
grown my family
spent a fortune.
trying to cure me '
of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was treated by the best medical I
men, but was not benefited. When'
all things had m fi P 1 tailed I de-1
termmed to Is If 1 1 1 I try S.S.S.
and m four U III months was
entirely cured. The terribls eczema (
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have I
never had any return of the disease. (
any return oi tne disease, i
i nave oiten
ed SjS. and
nave never
yet known a failure to enre.
utfo. w. irwin. Irwin. Fa.
never ran to cure, '
even when all other I
remedies have. Onr ,
treatiseon blood and i
skin diseases mailed
free to any address. I
5 Win SftClUC CO., Atlsnu, Ca.
that passed into Lady (Jrissell's eyes as
she answered froze her blood which it
was quite calculated to do or not, at
that precise moment Miss Loftinia Mc
Nease fainted.
It was not a dead faint; there was
nothing undignified or unpleasant
about it; it could hardly be said that
her features were invaded by an unbe
coming pallor; but her expressive dark
eyes closed, she held a perfumed lace
handkerchief to her rosy lips, and
with a low moan sank back in her
chair. One of her ladysb'p's own
daughters would not have succumbed
to indisposition in a more becoming
manner than this unsophisticated
daughter of a Yankee mill-owner; it
really was one of the most winning in
cidents of the whole interview, and
Lady Grissel Greyback bent over her
with the tenderness of a mother and
her own smelling bottle in her hand.
"May I lay down?" she murmured
"You 6hall lie upon the sofa," whis
pered Lady Grissell, slightly accentuat
ing the "lie.
"But some of your swell friends will
come in," murmured the graceful be
ing, dropping in the arm-chair.
"I will conduct you to my bedroom,
ana order the carriage to take you
home," said Lady Grissell. "My maid
shall help you upstairs.'
"If I may be quiet for a quarter of
an hour I shall be all right 1 think I
can get there by myself; please don't
ring, your ladyship Lady Grissell.
So she herself accompanied her up.
stairs, and with her own hand drew
down the blind, while Miss Loftinia, in
spite of the gold-topped smelling-bottle
in ber hand, apparently fainted
again, with her head on the lace-bor
dered pillow, and her ladyship returned
to the drawing-room to send a message
to her coachman.
Ten minutes later Mr. Loftus Black
acre called, and was duly concerned to
learn of what had occurred.
"ahe is so charming! I am so sorry
for her; she looks delicate," said Lady
"Does she?" said her nephew. "Well,
I'm glad you like h" n-Wv "
sue is wonaerful," said his aunt
'If she did not call my friends swell
and if she always talked with as little
accent as she did when she was ut her
ease, I should hardly know that she
was not EuL-lihh."
Women are so wonderfully adapta
ble," said her nephew.
"Excuse inc." Hiiid his aunt; "I told
them to bring in any letters that
came, lam expecting an answer to an
invitation 1 only sent out last nitrht"
And she took a couple of letter from a
silver salver.
'I don't understand," she aald.
Dear Lady Greybank, I uiu sorry
not to call on you toiluy, but some
friend of mine who are going back to
America right away insist on my going
with them to ace the Tower of 1oinlon.
Yours sincerely,
. "Lornnu McN ass,'"
"Rut she's here," said her ladyship.
"I suppose ahe changed her mind,"
sail) Mr. Blackacre.
Some women do sometime. By the
way, who wak the pretty girl I met on
the stairs? I know her face, some
how." You met no one on the stairs," said
hi aunt "No one has been here but
Ml McNeaae."
"A lovely girl with light blue rib
bon all over her hat Miaa McNeaae
ha oue rather like it," said Mr. Black
acre. But that ii Miaa McXeaae," said
l-oily tirlaaclL
Sklttlea." aald her nephew. "It was
not unlike her maid, who la one of the
beat-looking "
lint hi aunt had rushed past him.
and a iliaptaylng an activity in as
cending stairs uuauanecttd In o digni
fied a lady.
Vive mlnutfk later he u ringing
lu r Is 11 for her maid, w hile h lay
wrrpitigon lur lied with an empty
JvwpI tea In her hand.
I'iv day later he feared that the
ansii ty nvi-r the future of the police
tl fn'.itif the tri-rybatik diamond
mi unhinging her mind.
Hutiirr until l In hi .-hi differently, la
the I'nvB. y of the li'iuackreprr's room
ah eohfldt'd to the butler: "Il ain't the
fear of not grtling them bark thal'e
kr. plug the ol I laaly awake al nlghU:
It' the frar that if they are got bark
folk "II find out li k-dd them long
at'o, and thej're alt paale." And the
p.illr ili-i larrd that, railed in o laU
and anppU'il with kurh Indefinite In'
(.r mat ii n. pursuit we tU. And
u ll a, and the Ml lire) bank
l a I their London aa..n. lilaek and
Hi-Kirr nu t
Norn r i tirnriiTi.nra tnT i mik
M lt llll.ia ft atarullrMl taat.f .,!
r.l Ika I llaull I rw,fi l Ika Slala 4 I ifi-tor,
II, I fMir.lv rf ttrrrm ail I -,.!, I? , la
In a. .ir.it aM ilrttl, mfwm 1...1,i
rvn-t.f"l r4 nlf-l la aal-1 riairl aa tk In
la nf a 1 1. wl.i ah fa I r f a kja(
lal I .m.IiI (,.l i,.l',. Malt lrl.
Mart Vnai-ll a a la K-lHral'lt r-l II,
rlar..il. aa
h aa4a1a ,.i
I a lfta.MI 4.car1 aiui I'r...!.
Mlaaa HIr..il a4 J.ia i4ar.ii ..'a.1aal
1. ih. M 9 fir Naaalfl iighlf
a "4 a .b Ilia' a., a.iiar vllk Inla.al ih-t
j l IK. r., o a.f rani rf aaaam, f..m
IK. la 4 aiutbi r 4 la.
a,H .I'.i'M .... M aal'l .ill w M thiaaa.a
1.4 tkrlaH M MM 4wi M aa.
a-l l.i-l 4ar ll. al Ik l.ll,.aH.a 4
rrtK4 fl f.fiarlr. kt a 11 T a Ml.sifnl
Ik aarlk .. a " a4 I i M l rrf IK
a-nl a alf la aarf a h. ft la ?.
thlsrilh aJ rt.ff 4 irtaaaaM
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aiht ana ka4.4tlaaaaa aa4
f rrarw lliaraaal) kri I. 4 k.
aa a4 a-fa-l naM M "f 'i( a
Ul aai Ifc r4 lIH aaak t.'. l
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a II la Hfro ! at
tm t ..; 1 lkH.ki. ll.M l-ia'aal ai Ik
aa 4.lalaila aa I all IK. f.-l l.m
'aaM ia la .f.ai laal Mara rM
kb k I nfaa.l t.Ml. 4raa. ka I M Ik
MH n rl laa r. , a f al Ik.
4 .-a IK. a.,4 i p. .i
t ... k4 ! IK. -.-! -A ar.ia .
t'.Ki . 1'riMl 4 I Ml till.,
fa la lM r u,,m.I ka ka ar al.l i
a i-a H '4 i" 4 . -
tl al a ar a-.
i aa4 l
rtf t arWU, Is l1lll
1 N
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact It stands in the !
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Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE 11 you want
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Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
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NorthweBt representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
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How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
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It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
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Tin: Patti-rson Puhlishing Co.
"V 1TJ-1
Lenvcs No Contipntlon,
Vmt It. a .l M .11 iW-nm. P.r tl...U..! U,),f T,. art.
f IMt.MM'1 in II . .rl.l. I. a l tl.rri.i. Jt a,r '
A'4Sa,r',, r" U"' 1 ff-ATiw wri tril. cxk4'
to be happy, for should your wheel be i
minutes, as It is equipped with the world 1
26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $45 respect-1
with G. & J. high-grade doubln locking edge
Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
$85 and S100.
Cycle Co.
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Lax City, Deoraf, Msmpbls, Detroit, Terocte.
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
OV . . .