Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 05, 1895, Image 3

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By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaiaril!a, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
Here and There.
Wna. Hughes left Friday for Portland.
O. D. L-..gan is ill near "The Saddle."
Pearl Janes risited Heppner yesterday.
Johu Spray came in Sunday from
Billy Donglasa was in from Batter
creek today.
A son of Marion Evans is ill with
kind uf tash.
Rev. Homer Gray is down from Helix
visiting friends.
Will Allison was over from Eight
Mde yesterday.
Uncle Tom Soott came in from Gallo
way FriJay last.
John Tarley oatre iu yesterday from
Jas. Hayes' ranch.
The Niles-Vinson,
.Valla Walla, Wash.
Marble Works,
Morris Mack was in from Long Creek
the first o( the week.
Ike Largf's daughter is reported as
beiug uo tUe sick list.
began to disappear and my general'
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally a3
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomfield, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
ft -THt
w sm? yr s,w
34 S 6 7 8 9
JL JUJ 2- J 5 14 J 5 IiL
JJL JL8 J 9 Jl z l 2 2 2A
24 5 20 27 T& "23 "30"
TaAe Notice.
L Tha mm of Br rent wr Una will be
jharKol (or "funli of thanks." "rplutlni of
reatwt," list ol wadclln: prt-senU and donor.
Hid obituary nrillccs, (nthrr Hi mi thoaa the llt
r triall liltiiM-W lva m a matter of newt,) and
otter of special hkh-IIiik" (or whaUtvsr pnrrMM.
2. Notlraaof rlmn h mid aorlitjr and allntlmr
ink-rtalmnenta from which ravntnie In to tx da
riol, shall be chanted (or at the rata of five
enla a line. The rule will he itrli tljf adher
ed to In every IiisUiipa.
Advertising ratva reasonable, and made known
lKn application.
Htae for tUrdman, Monument, lonr Crwa,
lolin I'ay and Canyon CHy, Ire follow :
Kvery dar at tin.. erept Huii.Ut.
arrlveeverydraa p rn,.rrrpt Monday,
1h rheatmt, quli k-t and fact line to or
Irom tha luterlof roitnir.
I'hlll Cohn, Aacnt
Eatra Pal Star Drawary Baar
In Half hul Bottle ran ba
bad only at tha
City Hotel Bar!
Where high frada 1.1'i'mrt and l'lr ar also
kept by led.
Die! riln! Ilrklr-c f'llea.
hjmptom lloteinre; itilen itet.ing
nd 1 1 1 at i tnoal at bight; woraa f
acralchiog. It alliwJ to tifitiuna
tumor form. hloh rfteo iex ami
nlraraU, becoming rr y ra. riwarvt a
OiirwtftT stofia lla llrlung anl tld
log, beU ulceration, t ia ml faaea
rernoTe the tnrnot At dfOggit. or
b tail.f.f Maa-ota. lf.Hwa)oa M.,It.nr 'lrttl trutiapatiaibl
ri.lladalt.ht". antrlaaaay. N of
Yti Fralffkeoo Imngbl in
from M. I'arruali'a Hotrly ytio.
Ml iaqiii hi n vrnini 'iin eeii - . i. ... f-.k lit
Jnhuny Avers and wife were in from
Butter creek yesterday.
John Murpby, of Fox valley, was in
towu last week for freight.
Geo. W. Miller bas been appointed
postmaster uf Douglass, Dreg o.
Frank Bros., of Portlaud, have failed
with liabilities amounting to $120,000.
La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande
Oro S (1 Smith Bdlasmnn. HennnAr.
P. Grimes Bud D. A. Herren shipped
seven car-lo.ids of cattle below Friday
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to the hnnae or take sewmg at home
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
There will be a grand masquerade ball
at the opera hon e ou ibaoksgiviup eve.
Don t forget the date. no-lib.
A premium to cash pnrohaaert at
Phill Conn's drng store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tf.
Rev. Potwine will hold eervioes in the
M. E. church next Thursday evening
Nov. 6. All are oordially invited.
Fred Krug upset his wood sawing
machine yesterday and it will be some
time before be sau get it repaired.
Best aocoratuodatlun and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aud Wash. Sts., Portlaud, Oregon.
Prna. Alt'y Parrisb lost one Case out
of sixteen over at Cauvon. Law break'
era had better keep out of his bands.
Misa Maggie Adkins leaves this even
inc for Davton. Wash., to attend tbe
M. E. church, South, Epworth League.
N. R. McVey earns in Friday last with
a load ot this year's w heat. His crop
this year-overawed ten bushels per aore.
Wbeu you waut to feel merry call on
Lifhe perry, at tbe JSelvedere Maioon,
where they keep the Quest wet goods i
town. it'
Elmer Sloonm, the artist, will make
cabinet photos for tbe next 30 days at
t'i per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
T. ft Howard makes a specialty i
snnnlvina etookmen with all Deede
articles, beside carrying a geiier.il una.
See his new ad. tf .
All who like to dance will enjoy tha
masquerade at tha opera house Thanks
giving eve. Tickets 81; ladies free and
speotators 00 cents. . n5 20.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barbershop.
tonsorial artists. lUirouttiog, shaving,
shampooing, etc., dona scientifically.
Bath at 25 oeuta apiece.
Thin or gray hair and bald bead, so
displeasing to many people a mark of
age, may be averted for a long tuna by
using Hall's Hair lUnewer.
Owing to the illness of E O. 8 perry.
Hon. Tli'. Morgan was chosen to retire
ent the ll'-pptier board of trad, and
departed yesterday rooming for Canyon
Call on i'MII Cohn for On wine and
liquor for medioinal pnrpuae. A awn
iileta line ( Key Meet cwr, ami a
premium tiokrt for tba 1100 Wtor
bicycle. tf.
Tom Crow wa to lt week from
(iatlnwav, Laving brought in Iba baud of
sheep over whose deetiny he pre.i.ied
a csuipteoili f Ibis summer. II found
fair summer rang.
Catilaio Hwaeney. V. 8. A.. H0 IieuO,
Cal. aaya: "Hhibdi's Cala'rb Jlemelv is
the Brat medicio I hav ever found Hist
would do ma any good." i'ric &ic.
T. W. Afi-ra, Jr.
El. Oelrbel and Vr l'attoo bar
located tV-lf and Cheater ot at Iba
rare trark for tha winter. Tby will
prutialily take op aom other tint set an J
train them lor lbs spring circuit.
George J.Urls, bf other t.f Al and
Frank It twrl. and half brother .f
(Vingreaernan Kill, arrived Mlnrday
from IVnora, lows, ( tha Northra
rc fid. lla will rrroatn a few waekalo
visit with relative.
Yon a earn 13 aaao day -glvint"
tndispebaibla booaebol.J
work, mat
tng eipefleneai oaoereasary and eqeeeea
errlaio f.if ail bar I la aay aaettaa.
Haffipla d' 10 f. t gln.
Kfrll.t Mi l. Ad lreM. Neiroaa W I t
S. W. DeWitt, of Washington, D. C,
Indian claim agent, came in Friday
oigot to taxe testimony ia toe matter oc
Iodiao depredation claims, leaving
Saturday night. Henry Heppner is a
claimant who barely escaped with bis
life, and lost every worldly possession
be had. Tbis was in tba 60'a, and
though be baa made money since, is none
the less deserving of what is due bim.
Rev. Sberrill came in Friday morning
from weet Yamhill and east Tillamook
where be remaine.1 two mouths. He
brought back some very rioh specimens
of tin ore, going from 50 to 75 per cent.
This is a good find and tbe Gasetle
hopes that Rev. Sberrill bas an interest
in these mines.
Henry Blackwell and wife were in
town yesterday, having arrived Sunday
from t'endleton where Mr. Blackwell
shipped out 200 head ot cattle. Mr.
blackwell found a good road between
Pendleton and Heppner. He is going
overland aud will return shortly to Fox
Ed. Smith came in Sunday from
Stockton, Calif., to attend bis wife who
is quite ill at Win. Rush's, near Hepp-
er. His last looatiou was not known,
but through tbe kindness ot tbe K. ot
P. lodge at Stockton be was found and
immediately left for Heppner.
E. O.: Barney Doherty died at Vinson
Friday morning at 8 o dock. He was a
onog man ot 30 years, unmarried and
engaged in farmmg. Being a Woodman,
tbat order took obarge ot bis remains
and will conduct tbe funeral services.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old'
timer" in the tonsorial line, bas sgain
located in Heppner, havicg purchased
Green MathewB' shop, Minor building
opposite the city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call wben in town.
E. O : Congressman Ellis came np
from Portland Wednesday night, going
to bis home in Heppner. Mr. Ellis has
lately beoome a member of tbe Benevo
lent and Protective Order of Elks, join
iug the Portland lodge.
Pure drugs, chemicals, paints, window
glass and a complete line ot stationery
at lowest prices and a chance to wiu a
$100 prize at Phill Oobn's drug store,
next door to Minor & Co. tf.
For 822.50 I will furnish a first olas.
high grade, high arm sewing maobine
guaranteed for 10 years. For further par
ticulars call on or address, N. A. Leaon,
Lexington, Oregon. 21.
Hon. W. R. Ellis, accompanied by
Mrs. Ellis and Master Eddie, departed
last evening for Washington, via Port
land. They will go east via tbe Oaua-
diou Pacific.
Shiloh's Cure, tbe great Cough and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size oootains twenty-five doses only 25c.
Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. 0 , will find it to his
advantage to call ou or address this pa
per, Mf
' G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prioos,
shaves, shampoos, bairouts, etc.
Eaob 25 oent purchase entitles yon to a
ticket fur tha 8100 blcyole at Phill
Coho'a drug store, next door to Minor k
Co. tf.
W. A. 8 week and Peter Deardof!
ti rted ont yesterday for, respectively,
Monument and Long Creek.
Cheapen aud improve yonr colT'a by
using obicknry. For aala by P. O.
Thompson Co. 2t.
Mr. and Mr. J. IS. Carmtohael wera
in from tbeir ranch near Lexington
Buy only tba genuine Blue Point
oyster. For ale by P. C. Thompson
Co. 2t.
Ma. L. D. Royed i visiting ber
relatives and friend at Heppner.
Pat Kelehar and Tboa. (lllhllen wera
in town yesterday.
A neon Wright waa lo Monday last
William Fry Maiden Bla
Wife ia Cold
From the Eagle.
A murder as foal and sold blood J as
tbat committed by Hamblett two year
ago, and in about tba same neighbor
hood, bas horrified tha people ot Moun
tain creek preoinct. It was the delib
erate shooting and killing ot Sarah C.
Fry by ber husband. Win. Fry.
Wm. Fry and his wife have been
married a number of years, and are
grandparents, she being probably 45 or
50 years ot age and he 50 or 55. Until
about a year ago they lived seemingly
peaceably together, when they bad
some trouble about some cattle the
woman owned which the man wanted
to dispose of. Tbe result waa a separa
tion. For the past two or three mouths
she has beeu stopping in the "Basin"
with ber daughter. Mrs. Stoue, but a
few days ago left there to visit at Caleb,
saying she would return very shortly.
Last Thursday Fry passed through
Dayville with a four horse team ou his
way from about Canyon City where be
had beeu etoppiug. The couple were
former residents about Caleb aud fute
seemed to draw them together. Fry
probably reached his oabiu Friday,
Saturday morning, October 20, he I ap
peared ou horeebnek before the cabiu
in whioh his wife was stopping, near
tbe Caleb store the old MoNeal oabic
and roughly asked his wife what she
did witb the thing she stole from his
cabin. On her replying that bIiu had
taken nothing from his cabin, he grasp
ed her by tbe arm aud said, "Don't cull
me a liar." He swuug her around and
shot her in tbe face, tbe ball entering
below the right eye aud lodging at the
base ot the skull, fracturing the bone,
but not ooming through. The weapon
used was a 32 calibre revolver. The
woman died Sunday night.
After committing the dastardly deed,
too oowardly to commit suioide, the
murderer rode about two miles to the
residenoe of W. Cowne, juetioe of the
peace tor tbe preoiuol, aud Mr. Cowne
not being at borne, surrendered his pistol
to Mrs. Cowne aud delivered himself up.
Sunday morning he was taken to Canyon
City and delivered to tbe sheriff.
Fry is a powerful mau, witb rather a
torbiddiug oonutenauoe. A blataut,
boastful man, profuse of threats aud
consequently not looked npon as intend
ing to perform half tbat be threatens.
He has lor some tune been carrying a
pistol with the avowed intention of
shooting bis wife, it she did not return
to him. For oooe lis kept his word.
Acnt Mi
Daivillk, Or., Oct 28. 18U5.
Tired Women
Must have strength or they will be In tha
offering despair of nervous prostration.
The true way to win vigorous health is to
take Hood's S&raaparilla which will build
nD strength by luakini; pure, rich blood;
thus it will also feed thenervesupontheir
proper nourishment, create an appetite.
tone the stomach invigorate every organ.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is what tired women need the one True
Blood Purifier prominent in t he public eye.
harnumlouulT with
mhI'i $rintla. Ito.
Cummings & Fal
01 the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Vnlou IVpot of 0. B. fe
l., C. M. St. V.. V: & A , H. Ft. W. A C,
and the C. St, I- A 1'. HttUtviuls.
1A.T1C WU.o l'KK 1VY
Cor, V. Madison and Clinton St.,
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine kuit xinerwear, SO cents.
1 Good Jersoy Shirt, GO oonta,
1 Pair suspenders, worth 35 coutss for '20 coats.
Good canton flanuol uudorshirts Special largiu 35 eta
1 do.en good cotton socks, t'5 cent.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in lleppuer.
Will arrive in a few days, whivh will I ahl at low flyurts
We are Sole Agents for Henry Moule
Cluvtio. Call ami ive us.
Son's full Cream Young America
It is not at all surprising to boa tho
immense crowds going to trade at
tbe store of
IfANTEr: Several trustworthy gentlemen
tl or latlic to travel In Oregon, for establish.
tM. reliable house. Salary fvsO ami expense.
Steaitv position. Knelose reterenee ami self ail-
dressed stamped envelope. The liomlnlon Com
pany, 1 Hint floor, uniHlia untitling, t nieago.
in. man.
Tha Walla
Walla I' n Ion now
Sutler Their
Catarrh la the Head
Ia due to impure blond and oaunnl bo
ou roil with loo tl applications, llnod'a
Sarsaparilla bus oured hundred ot rase
ot ratarrb because it purities the blood
aud in tbia way remote the cause of
tba disease. It also build up the system
and prevent attaoka tit pneumonia
diphtheria aud typhoid fever.
IIiMiJ'a Pill beoome tba favorite
ralbarlio with every one who trie them
Nnaa Rat Ayrr'a at the World s Pair
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla tujoyi the extraor
dinary distinction of having h'eo the only
blood purifier allowed an nbihit at tha
World'a fair, Chiogi. Manufacturer
of other aaraaparillaa Bought by every
means to obtain a showing of their good,
but they wera all turned away under tha
application of tba rule forbidding tba
entry of patent medicine and nnalronia.
Tha deoieUu of tha World'a fair autho
rity in favor of Ayer'a Haraaparilla waa
In rffect aa follow: "Ayer'a Hrt
nlla ie nut a patent mediolne. It do
ont belong to tha list of noatrntna. It ia
bera on lla roerita.".
Pmtm ar .gtoroit. evening
at 9 orlnrk, 'H-l'ilre flaruell. a w
known and very highly reptxl eititm
ofthia ooaty, residing al Laiingtoti.
diJ of heart diaoaea and ongmthin f
tha lange. Tba old geallrtnaa bad
bo ill for eoiua da a. and itaagraly
an eioee Monday. II leave a wife and
Dnrolr f chil Iraa lla Uttrr of bw-li
ar all grown. Tha Oatla iitendstl
ympatbiMi It tba brted.
(lmi Minkb. Cha. II. Ford drnppd
Id recently from Oreenbom and brought
ith hint a very fine epeolmen ot gold-
bearing quarts. It aln ha quite a trara
of ailver. Tlii waa tiikon Irutn a cluiiu
iu tha aiitithnastrrn pnrt of (Irani
county. Chat, ha a!o oHurd np a
I laoer elaim that frnra all appearanoea
will yield well. Owing to lh l''k of
ater thia year, It waa impossible lo do
anything after getting ready for wotk,
but neil spring ba will push mattert
Naw Fiau Yam. Wm. (lordon ha
opened np Iba feed yard Deit door to
tbaUaaolta oftlca, and now aolioita a
share of your patronage. Hilly ia right
al knma al tbia tinalnea, and your
liorer) will tx well looked after. Price
reaaonabU. Ily and gram for l. If.
From the K. O.
Herbert C. Oregg and Harry O, Kelso
have leased thn Wall a Walla Uuion.
Uuder tbe new mntingeuient its name Is
lightly altered, it bavitig previously
been oalled the Uuiou Journal, and ia
now the Walla Walla Union. Charles
Hesse rer has been conducting it for
several months. Mr. Oregg waa the
popular representative in Walla Walla
of the Snokesiuiiu Review, and waa
formerly in Hpckaun for that paper aud
in Portland on the stall of theUregoliian
lie ia reroguiziHl na one of the brighteat
young newspaper men ot the North l'a-
ciflo uoast, and, iu company with Mr.
Kelso, at o highly thought of iu tbia
section, will without a doutit make the
Union a m-cessftll journal. The first
mi m lie r under tbe mnniigemenl of
Messrs. Oiegg A Kelso baa a good tele
graphic report and tbe local columns
show a decided Improvement. The
Union returns ita 7 column folio form,
and discards all plate matter, to print
fresh new ot Walla Walla and vioiuity.
Waktbu. Cigar Kales man. Good
salary and expenses. New plan, llig-
gest inducements. Kxiiericnca unneces
sary. Sample furnished. lUply witb
stamp, Ij MgiNiunnr .V Company,
it). 1'biongo.
When we consider that Heppner handle more merchan
dise than tho other seventy-two counties of Eastern
Oregon pat together, aud that P. 0. Thompson Co. handle
nine-sevenths of that It is not to be wondered at that
the have all of tho local trade and part of that of Cali
fornia and Chicago, but they will not bo satisfied till they
have tho trade of Taris, London and New York idso.
Get iu with the rush aud come to the
At the Comer of Main and Willow
(Streets. Follow tho crowd and you
cau't miss it.
Hav Foil H.u,n I have 75 Ion of
emelli'iil wheat hav on the Al Havers
plan H mile alioVM Olex, which I will
sell very reasonable, (loud location for
feeding stock. Oil Itock (hei k, t lllliam
Co., Oregnu,
(ia. (I. (). Hot l.
1)KA1H in
Grockkiks, Gknts Furnishing Goods,
Stockmkns Sum.iKS, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
lie will male it nn object for yon to Initio with
him na bin prices aro rilit, and all kmk1 that lie
handles are of tho very best.
Wall. Ib utipson run singe between
Heppner and Monument, aiming every
day eiii-pl Monday anil leaving ever)
dav eicrpl huii'lav. Mhorteat anl cheap'
eat route lo tha inUirnir. I'. Odin,
lien Mathewa hi now nl proprietor id
the nitv meat maiket wbern ha keep
fresb supply tt beef. Hirk, tnuttoii, veal,
nge, haoon and lard, which be aril
for III" 1'iweel niHlket price, r real Iih k
the Tort laud Imli Imr. Is still with him. tf
To I)c Givi'ii
O Tttf, tM'T lAtf wae 4 IHfr4f aftrrfiar ff.al kt ;f
1 J (f fg rtm k I'ft nnff , a I lhmjh A
cO tn w""r,'. ,t "'
!.. HV rf'. rf i"t tt m l'fll nr f.f
,t,tt ..) f. a I'tmlt . fAif wriaf ta
A nor m V.tt ftuxth? V' I- f'".f I" fAirf.fAe mf
rAi.f ( . ' w h "-'
e,ffr. if. , a a a
W tr,!t IU f .lUt It r' $1fw,m4 lJwr fmrnt'l
, r"P ""f t f "r
' a
fVf I" tn ' aljf KA'tf r tf
t'Ts ft'ff'h J"'.
t l
11 - a lis-.
..'? .i f4 ewl
4 t a)'-'
in a iv
f- r"
IUu Ctnsa.-Yelr lay llarar Uianr!
. drank aoma fraeb oidr owl of galva
' eld bnekal aad waa nia airk tt
I b' "ira, rvajniritig Iba allot lti t?f a
j phytHa. T'i arid ia Ibe elder euing
la ,iMt wtili tti giae foitd a ifx
wbeH talrd IU lrld. Tba (Uletla
; l . f in.il that f in lay Mr. aad Ma
Atl io.or wad til from Iba
e.use, i, I 111 )ii l.y ll.s O L k N
!agt,, i f, ll. aad Ita a-, l'fl,
a!a alfk f r-a d'H l't g ft (4
Mr, MiM'rdr fafir II la
' I'. I kl Mr .! ill ntm witaJaa
1 .-iSf in al.teH It ! !a lis fil.
The Best of Music will Iu- furnished
Suitable Prizes Awarded.
fWwtt. Ti-i -""i-.e I m la
-,ir .n.a lt at. ,.., kfyf
M t t .iit, i.d Ite.rl-r lait'k
yi,t 1 1, . 1 a, I a 'ui rt' taal
el faaa 11 IS a I II t
)'' f loal f ! -'i I I
et , tlt- lj A. M.
H. n-mttl. I. f-t. ?. , f.
J, H l , J W. li- ,.. 1i,
A A. Il -'U. ltv I iM
ttwr Vi, It.., W ll.t'il a.
tmalf ij Hia- l . le
akal Iw.wa poia ,! ft' tiviir
kaa V't(i g );.. i4 ! ...
I'ttatv v,ii.mu rl l al T It
l.)t ail ! k np lla j.f.
f' 1 aat rmw4 SU M )
tUtl nh a' !!
J '.' it. t it.-., it g h i
1 ar, lal,Mat a4 isasi la
I ! Iim 1 rw. ("-itatf-a,
.Clia.'Of.ll fJty 1 Ai..
Tho Miinogernent will uso every effort lo muko
tho Hr.ll n Completo Succrsr
Tickets, SI. 00; La lies free; SjK-daturs, 50c
J. W. RASMUS, Masagi.k.
par mm
At Matlock's Hall on
Stork on Main Strkkt, Ni:.t
to City Diujc. Stork,
I'OTATOHS!! l'UTA'l ()I!S!!
h ft
At my runt-li, tt-n inihn aviiith-fnet of 1 Iiht, at lo M-r aUDtl in
thn field, aaokod. Or will dtlivi-r nl IIfiHT at o r nii(l. ror
a iv jMitatota, tuy crop cannot I mi Ix-al.-ii.
,w tf. lir.lTNKU, OUKdON.
l,nl rlian the? u k al'hlaa
.. a.. m.- t
alilAti bnr1t all Hala-ah tl' h, r..i.
slxrtl lima as I'l swalul iln In Oram. I ..ul..
I ! MavU hf Oti ii
a-S, a W 1 t af I 1
v'i vm bvstcmatic nan 01 bpccuiation
uflf1!"! tr ' all rr,l ijiMiiUiHf, t.tmm ii't'i 9im
MM "" t. H.l '!.., nm ii....,m. I, ..I mom ! i !' II. I till"! aialea wkn,
t. . o Kali,. it,r.n ,h t.i,.ta e l .,, i,.,Hlr.iat
I. ii....,m'I a. !! l4 ! a I,m.mi,. ,4 ! Ii.. i, u0,mmtm
iis n wtf I., ll' m a l,4 a l ll,,.-t.'
tl la aiw, a ( I o.i !. aa o. iai .i,.si f.m r II I r !! It, t at saaftta
m u.u ia f . ahnlitaaaaf Im t 11 i'l t.at lio,.,,i M.., h IH,-fM.aif
a'lfl-l StSt!!' I'll,
ih.( . an I'- la " i t ., I l-JK sMaa a
o.i h.n. ii, . .. U. II l.,n. a .ii fti o. tii p . la a
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WMlTC fOf CONVINCINQ fHOOf ",'"" . ,i .,-,.,i.n..a
- k i w.il i-, i i ....! ..., i All 'Hit. "I as
h!' SNa'r1 'O" l'itf llihl fftf- fi I l-i t., ) i.- f a.l .
tut IxObal Ii, l-x al'l
THOMAf 4 CO., Oanaara a4 Brakara.
a4l242 MiaOa 0iiait. Cni. ata. Ill,
rrtii vi'Ofiinrn vnrninr i
I M i KA til t WW r i
. I MtlLUllMII 1 lain it' I I
i.lill Vl
VfHti u' r' iv j.
I. O. MOItCJI I KKS. 1'i.ip.
it i n " "
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigar.
Leezer Irots;
Is the Plice for I'rrsh (iioceiies, Cheap for
Cash Only.
fwti iuo. emi w rff nwm a two,