Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 05, 1895, Image 2

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    rfr, mfm
fight Mr. Dolph would hate fol
lowed the same course. A grea.
many men who were Dolph's
strongest frienda are no lesa strong
supporters of Senator Mitchell
It looks like Mr. Mitchell would
have every republican vote from
Eastern Oregon.
Eert Gregg and Harry Kelso
have leased the Walla Wall Union
Journal. It is to be hoped that
success will attend their efforts.
It has become current that Hon.
C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, is in the
field for congressional honors.
The Gazette will wager two t one
that he is not a candidate, nor will
he become one, though he is just
such timber as congressman and
senators should be made of. He
is a mau of ability and strict
integrity, and has hosts of friends
all over the Northwest.
C. H. Colvin bought the return
! part of an excursion ticket at Cas
cade Locks, and on the return trip
was put off by Conductor Glen
denning. The ticket was origi
nally 6old to some other person,
and the retarn portion bought by
Calvin. The latter wanted 11,000
damages, but the jury thought
that Mr. Colvin had only done
about 75 worth of walking.
With the downfall ot the sheep
industry in Eastern Oregon there
came about a considerable stimulus
in other lines, particularly that of
cattle raising. Else at present
there would be very hard times in
this portion of the state. As it is,
the inhabitants will get along
nicely till more rational laws are
passed in the place of some of
those dow in vogue.
Prizefighting is about at an end.
Of course this does not apply to
small impromptu matches, for
creating no particular interest,
they will be held in some out-of-the-way
place or other. But real
pugilistic contests between so
called champions is a thing of the
rat in America. It is well it is
so, for there is nothing in it; it
does net make the world any bet
ter or wiser. On the contrary it
is decidedly opposed to every
moral influence.
One of the brightest and moat
interesting papers in the state
today is the Portland Tomahawk.
Of course the Tomahawk cuts and
slashes sometimes w here there is
nothing to cut, but it is interesting
just the same.
The East Oregonian, a very
reliable paper and quito sensible
on most things, congratulates the
United States on having bought
about SfUXXJ.OOO more goods from
England under the (Ionium- Wilson
tariff than under the McKinley
law. Well, we'll be dinned!
Under the McKlnley law wo sold
our products just im readily as
now; if anything there wax more
demand. 1'ut iiihteud of taking it
nil ill goods, chips mid whethtoni H,
considerable of it came buck in
cash to Hpend among our people
who liirn American labor. Now
the l!iitiIi ruaniifncttiifr gctx
ffi.nOOXMt jeaily which ou-ht to
b i pent at home for th" upbuild-
iiig of h'.in pi'n,, Mini home in.
diiHtrics. Si'titimei t and huinM
don't go lg-tlior a little, bit.
The Durrani enmt wni nettle I by
public Ketitiincnt. The jury was
notjupproacho 1 by any human, no
word wan spoken to inllmnce them,
And jet they Mere ii.llucixid.
Tlierw U a rt of huniHii teleg
raphy which telU li ) eiiki r win li
lie H ill touch with l,U iiulieiiif.
Thin dime thing Ml with f ice
upon the l)iirrnit jury. Tin,
public wanted I'lirrant cnvicte
becnilKrt they thought h
guilty; find it .ki a p, ;,t d tl
like their nphiini Hit a 1 1 r
reel on. The jury f It thil
Luruan, though ih i t, ii.rti i.rti.m
t hang i'urrnnt. Il. v liu
their art wmi'd I ru al.ut i.p.
plait and would I n c I ilh
n,tl.umii). .No j ny l.oul l li
thlH nioTcd, but lit" hli I lilnili.
Whiln th writ.-r i incline , ..
liet that Purratit i guilty, tl.
Moure m r. t v n liiie
M.oUkIi t- reino. rii-ry dull,
thorn ora hroaka in it which Were
lifter cl'd; tl,e i- liUIII
IT i f W ittn w l.o r tu ltd ot. .1
iuuh at. 1 nw t ti.tx , p. n.
i during thtt 1 Mtunt a !mii.
gr t i thrill, klid ll. .t I." a oi.lj an
rdinary tnan an I wmi! I rnt. i n!y
r lumry a'l t.ti ii Such eti b nci
ia iot r lil l Tl. wntir l.iain
ruin I th r i f l'l 1U!i, roii.
icte f r a l a V i. t . ry t ,t ...
An insurance rate war is in pro
gress in San Francisco. Now is
the time to insure your property.
A general meeting of managers of
insurance companies recently
failed to accomplish anything and
the row goes merrily on.
Tods? several atate and municipal
election will be held, aod while it does
not affect anything nationally, will be
watched with ictereat aa a eort ot n
indicator aa to what will be the result
next year. It ia also probable that the
fate of two or three would-be preeidenta
will be decided today.
New York baa alwaya been a pivotal
state, tbonch it went overwhelmingly
republican last year. That doea Dot
indicate what it will do thia year.
However, the etate will doobtlea go re
publican, but it is more than likely that
the city will retarn to the hoae of
Tammany. Thia ia a rtealt of the
proper enforcement of lews, nuthtog
more. It is asserted that New York
City as a whole ia not law abiding, and
that Tammany winks at lawlessness aod
ia today courting that element to once
more regain control of the city.
The republicans will aarry Ohio bat
not by as large a majority aa that given
McKinley the last election. Campbell
is making a bard fight.
Kentacky will probably go republican,
thongh if Carlisle bad remained at
Washington looking after the ship of
atate the "old guard" would have been
successful. It ia just an accident, if it
doea not go democratic, and will "aboat
face" into the old democratic column
next year.
Maryland may go democratic thia
year, bat if it doea it will be by a close
strive. However, tbe odds are in favor
of tbe republicans. Oormao ia making
a hard fight, however.
Massachusetts, Iowa and Pennsylvania
are so surely republican that the result
ia just as wejl aa foretold. They wll
come op with the usual majorities.
Now New Jersey is ordinarily demo
cratic, but its position since Cleveland-
ism assumed to ascend the throoe and
dictate baa been very uncertain, leaning
strongly towards the republican side.
It is more than likely that tbe republi
cans will carry the state.
Tbe republican party ia going back
nto power again, it ia to be hoped for
the general good. It tbe judgment of
tbe people is bad tbey will make use
tbe first opportunity to rectify tbe error.
We trust that this move will not become
SeM Bicycle
'rize Given Aw
ILLS & WARREN, Druggists.
the food for all such.
How many pale folk
there are! People who
have the will, but no power
to bring out their vitality;
people who swing like
a pendulum between
strength and weakness
so that one day's work
causes six days' sickness !
People who have no life
for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate !
The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott's
Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil
will tone UO the SVStem p-ive the blood new life imorOVe We carry the most complete line of the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drags,
Will lone Up IIIC bJblCUI. give WIC LI",JU "CW iuc, mipiUVC Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Pntty. Glass, Stationery, School Books, Toilet Articles, Per
the appetite and help digestion. The SlgTl Of neW life Will fumes. Candle, Xuts, and Cigars, and tUl pay the highest caah price at any time for county and
be a fattening and reddeninf which brings with it Strength city,r"aU- Goods along Echo and Lone Rock stage route delivered free of charge. Prescript
De a iauenitl g dllU rcuUCIllllg, WUIUI UUIlgS WlUl U SirCUglll, Ho work a specialty. Mailorders receive prompt attention. Office of Dr. McSwords la our stoxa.
comtort and gooa-nature.
Bt tmrt you gtt ScotCt Emulticn wktn ft wnt it nd tut m tkttp tuirtitutt.
Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggbt5. 50c. and $1.
To every person making a cash purchase of 25 cents we will give a
coupon ticket which entitles the holder to an eqnal show in the grant!
prize. The person receiving the bicycle can exchange for ether goods
of 6ame value.
Pentlaxd of the West Side
says he has been severely scored
by the state press for his remarks
Hgainftt Hon. Dioger Hermann's
ro-clction. The "shoe must fit,"
PentlanJ, or you wouldn't wear it
Polk Co. Obnerver.
TnEfiE are a number of persons
in tlx' second district available as
candidates for congress but it now
appears hardly probable that any
one will be able to develop enough
strength to defeat tlierenomination
of Ciingi?B9u:n Ellin -Union Re
W. K. CiiANM.r.n's recent letter
to T. Clayton, secretary of the
republican state league of Colo
rado, ix full of good things ai.d it
i to bo regretted that the- (lazette
has not the fpace to repnxluco it
in full. It is Mrong for the bime
tallic standard.
With the Darrant trial over, the
Corbfttt-FitzstmmoDS blizzard blown oat,
tbe fall elections past, and the Vaoder-
bilt girl married, it looks as thongh the
Americao newspapers had hard winter
before them, says an eiobange.
Culled from the Eagle.
E. A. Smith aod son, Maooie, returned
yeaterday from Heppner.
Wm. Caehman and AlCrsfenretarned
from Heppner yesterday where tbey at
tended tbe races last week.
Tom Stepheos, of Barns, and Jai.Taj-
lir, of Biker City, pes'ei through Long
Creek yesterday eu route homeward
from tbe Heppner races.
Heman Uolwell, formerly a resident of
Morrow oonnty, will address tbe people
in the neighborhood of Cross Hollows on
the coming political queetions on Novem
ber 3rd.
John L. Rand, district attorney for
tbe Eighth jadicial district, is an ac
knowledged candidate tor ooDgress. In
the opioion of tbe Eagle, Mr. Band can'
ran fast enough to even seoore tbe nom
ination, let alone election.
Tbe Eagle is informed that the time
on tbe branch line from Beppner to
Willows jaoction has been ohaogod and
now makes oonoection with the through
paesengers on the main lioe. This
change makes tbe Heppner route far tbe
obeapeat one to Portland.
Deputy Sheriff Guernsey passed
through Long Creek yesterday en routs
borne from Salem where be assisted ia
taking a bunch of prisoners last week.
He says tbe Heppner-Cunyon City roote
is much the best route to Portland, and
(6 60 cheaper than by Baker City.
m m m sm a w
Wets, and
81X0 Bottle.
prompt attention.
Wells & Warren,
Itia sold on sruarante by all drnr-
rlsts. It cures Incipient Consumption
and la the best Coub. and Ctoud Cure. -
For mle by i w.Arers. Jr. nrnggUt
HTAS1 ED: Several trustworthy irentlemen
It or ladies to travel in Oreeon, for establi-b-
e4, reliable house. Salary 70 an'l expenses.
teanv tKisitlon. Enclose reierenre ana sen sa
il resseii itampel envelope. The Dominion Com-
any, Third Moor, Omaha Bunaiug, luicsko,
Ir it oost tbe atate 772 20 to deliver
five prisoners from Grant county to the
state peoiteotitry, with wheat at 30
Oenta and do sale for bops at any price
and uo quotation on wool; and if it
cost tlO.000 to maks the assessment of
Marion county what will the neit tax
levy amount to? Statesman.
WaiioraMr. Hermann will not go
back to Washington without inspecting
the Tulatin down io Tom Tongue's
district and the Molalla in (Jeorite
Rrowoell's. They may need improving.
If they do, be shoold not neglect to
shake the good people al'iug tlieir banka
by Imtb hands, that is both of his hands,
and assure them that they will be ira
proved. Statesman.
The K. O. my in a recent tMue
J ii de Iwell lias: made an exec
lent impieHniiii from the bencl
lakiii( intocotiHideratioQ that thii
it his tirht ctpetieure in this line
hiit conduct of the court is ex
ception!. In this connection it la
alno proper to remark that Judn
r,.kin 1 ait proven Limttelf to be
th ribt mail in the riht place.
I'l.is section i fottunate in having
mich rlean, earnest, faithful, true
and abl men on tha brnch.
The republican national con
vi iilioii will doiil tless meet ia Kan
I'raticixco next )ear. There terras
to be a gonrral rUtuor for the
leldiit; of tliA cnveiiti.iu on the
Villi! ciaat. lli courtesy is
ln the coast and 'Friacn, and it's
I. -n to on that tlm great tnetrojio.
Ii of the !'a(ifi? d not tale
can of the convention in letter
liat than rver lf.ira in the
liift ry of America.
A DIMPATt H to tlm Pall Mall 0z-lt
from lU'tns gives an account t the
trouble which led to the divorce suit
b-1 wcn Baronse (liana Holirero, a
bnlliaot writer knon under the noo de
plume of "Mania," agiinat P. W. Wil
ci, the Hawaiian revolutionary lea Ur,
bo wm sentenced t death iu January
of the pr-sent year f r the share hs cm k
Id tbe rrlxdlion agaioat the republic ( f
Hawaii, but which sentence was after-
ward (Nimmiitwl to .'li yesra' imprison
ment and 11') fine.
roNultf.v(lul, MAtTKKK
Sore throat. Any ordinary C iee may
be cured in one night by applyirg
Chamberlain's Pain talm aa direoted
with each battle. This medicine is also
fa. nous for its cures of rheumatism,
lame buck and deep-seated aod muscular
pain. For salo by Slocum Johoson
Drug Co.
Yoa Kelievs It'
Aa editor, who diet of s'trvation,
after making Dr. Tanner ashamed ot
himself, wis hriug assorted to Heaven
by an a-igel1 who hsl been aent oat for
that purpose.
"May I look at that other plios be
fore we ascend tu eternal hippinesi?'
"Kasily," sni 1 Ibe ang..-l.
Huthey went b-lov no I akirmished
around tiking in the sight. Th angl
lost track of the editor, an 1 wnt arinnd
h - to bunt him. IN fouud him ti
ling by a fiirLkCi fa-ming him-l( and
gzing with ri lure upon a lot uf people
in tbe tire. Thsre was a a:go no the
f irn. e which said, "IK-Iinqueot Hub-
"Coid," sai 1 th ang 'l, " must be
"You go n." sail the ed.t.r, "In
nt o-itnoig Tins i lisaveo enough for
me." Memphis (Teno ) Conimerei l Au-(!.
ty ot Morrow, State of Oregon.
F. B. Vancleave. 1
vs. V
L. H. Vancleave,
Defendant J
To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oreeen, you are
hereby required to appear ana answer the com
D'aint filed anainst tou In the above entitled
ult within ten days from thedateof the service I
of this summons upon you. If served within I
this county; or, II srvel in any oiner county i
of this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon yoa:
ana II served upon you by publication or oy
personal service wl'hout the ritate of Oreuon,
then you are required to appear and answer on
or before the first day of the next regular term
of said court, to-wlt: On or before the first Mon
day In March. 1. And I'l case yon fail to so
answer, for want thereof the plaintln will take
a decree szalnst you for the dissolution of the
marriage bonds now existing between you snd
plaintiff, and for tbe care and custody of the
minor child born as the fruits of tald marriage.
to-wit: K. A. Vancleave; snd for such further I
decree as the court msy deem Just.
This summons Is published l.y order of the
Hon. James A. Fee. Judge of the 'th Judicial
District of the state of Oregou, duted September
6lh. Ih'jTj. O W KEA.
;i-ii. Attorney for Plaintiff.
A Brand New Man!
It ia not meant that the max is so new, but that this paper ia called
upon to announce to the public that the Hard man mercantile
business of W. E. Kahler has been sold to
A Well Known Morrow County Boy.
He proposes to carry everything and to sell at prices in competi
tion with the railroad. This is no idle jest, and an inspection of Mr.
Brown's stock and place of business will convince you.
Ilardman, Oregon, Successor to
Tir Wm Wont n Ri'rr ?
,i ' ,,-a iu i uu v aui tx avi .
t iai&Js F.'f V, Wo.f o Pin
Put up Your Team ?
1& rm Are You in Need of a Saddle
s23e- norse r
Notice of Intention.
All these can be procured at Thompson k Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
The rentlemen are well scoualnted with Grant, Harney. Crook. 01111am and other counties.
IAND OFFICE AT THE DAI.I.E4, OREOOS. andean save money and time In mating tne.ie sections witn traveling men.
j Oct. is, 1.:,. Notice Is hereby given thai Prices In keeblna with ths times.
rnLinvrDcnM .cv T?T"XfXTG
JL J...JL V-' iVJ-X kJy-i--a v u -1 i
the following named acttler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In suppurt of
hsclalm, and that said proof will be madr
U-foreCoutity Clera.of Morrow County, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Ix- 9. t.. vli:
JAMF.-l it REA
Hd V.. So. Vra. f..r the E' NEH Hc. x HF.'J
PKVfec.;andsWtt,sW4Bec. ii, Ip. 4 , K.
I, K
He names the following wltnews to prove
his continuous realdeucc upon and cul'lvallon
Of Mid laud, vlr:
licljainln l.uelllng, Alirshsm I.uelilng. alter
J. Hcutiett, Joseph W. llaiil.ur, all of Hatdinan,
JA. r. MOOI'.F..
H't. Register.
Nor ia ttm lima to get ths NWkly
Ofci'inii.ii, Ilia greatxt oespaper f
l), Weal. With the (J. -He.b..lh strict
ly in !sancplforots )ear. No (tetter
c..n'l'ioiiin ( naspsprr ran mailt
in tlm slat1. IWal.le sl giva as
i r. nii'iru an a lJiUooal Journal. Iha Vb-
li Octnr2l. Notice la hrrel.y given
that the lollnwlng-named aMtler has tilrd nnilce
of his Intention lo make final pro"' In sui'pnrt
nf hia claim, snd that aald prool 111 be made I
rlnre tne rountf riers ot borrow eouniy, all
llri pner, Orr'n. on istrember I, isj, ls.
IM T. So. !r.. for the M . SW and W
sk'. er. .11. In s R Jf, E. w.M,
lie nam the !.!:. wlm ilnraa.4 to pr
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol !'! lan'i. tu
Ai.a..n K Vtrlitht. Jam O. Williams of
Mar.linan or.-if.ti. and Jamea V. Hares, Henry
scbrrtlng r, ui ii. i i.u. t, uri-a-on
SiJ n Res liter.
as a 1 sjh .
Palace Hotel,
C. i VAN K rrofriftor.
A arc taken full control of this
popular house, and trill make it
strictly first chits.
fsF Fre Baths and Fret 'Bus lor all Gussts
('.! Cm, II Moftiux, f..rui.ily
at llic lica l uf the) third rciuxMit,
O. N. (I , wa convictrl of t aitf.
Irux'iit rr-ooiitly, Imt the) raaa a
r-f risv (o th auprctnei cort, ll
ihciaiun of tli 1'iwr urt r.
rt .! an I thi ilcfm Utd ilisw-harg-
I. Morgan ti-d t 1 rooaidcrl :
a r tty man, I ut
'I'laii.tanre) an relationship with
I taa t" ia au.-h that tb l-o
rinri'.t l-o cj at ats J,,t!g fnotih
tiPtrr cinfiiiti. I. tlr .-i tf.. mi. 1 1 y i-'iainca out i f Morgan.
flui,r f il'fii (i r.i ! j
rtoni Ihs Times M .l italneef, (Df )
Althon.li It l at lat si I months
anttl tha atat e inventions mt in tliia f.M. lantrr, aa agnctiltcral
slate, onr rep'it.ll'an fn-n.s ara alrealy , (Vmi in nnsr anl aneweihi
angaed la usiint nominations f ir on-1
gres. Uf tbal ths noml- j !o'r Tt, MiartM.-Oa frl-
alionisKimvalenlt-i an alectioB. an I '"r nin last ihs H.po.r lt.srJol
b.acs) atari rarly . Tba over.beln.in. ! T,, ' ,t '",n,l '"''.
ffiblicao tola la.1 .ar has serve I li j '' PUt
pat a Ja-npr on th. .lemwram be-th- i UfJr rt prv-nl. A rHj
reo nJ no on. awm, to b. .a.bia blm-1 f,f b
Self Of allowllif bimaeir I. b- rO'h- t i Tl" "",W'" f s"oIS
lb r,.natl..n ('..n.'e-waa KU. ia ""'- ! ri"l. Tb
on to bat. a warm flrflil on bis hvo la ' lw" n.mllis. fon.i..n i.f J. R.
If b bol Is bia t lsr. t.,r all Iba mnniiea ! " . ' Ciilliata aa I L L Mat
o( f astern tlrw. -a ih ," -,' f foir.! U5.) for
Iront -ilh fr out lo balf a .- ' ,b '"U"- ' rnaH rre.k Ma t,
ran It Isle. ,ach. Th Ore, .aiso ys-W j "6l ot mhu "M ,,,,n4
J.y rene.e l it a,lu.t,..n. an, I arms ,"-" Treaadrw tW.r M.aor. f-
t lb e..clo..rm that -ith tl Mf , ' UD "I "Ji-rM. A
can t,. I. la r.s-tera t rr.to., th. ml I M 'J "'
aal.a la a:4 to It Cbarlet f '. ! fc'T rU.aaJ
i.i,na r!t..i bs. lot. t r.tw.u. bit nt " ntr,f
ttll.ssgmww. r-oemr,,.,,, (,, JbS) BealiOf
r-gtit, Nnn Iha tama ai la .r r-ec ; then a I j -o n.4
ilb l.llia. If I .ift'as) J w.nls the ,
anat..rbip to rtsiiis snlb hf sU mast, , r Tri0C tiara to aaV that
sisal la snib rtsn iq ii,. ('ni.,M H tnaakinif I. u ra.- 0
Mrfsaa.oaalsjiiMsj f t- f Orf. a i n,, nhout rnooy and without
orit K or inti n i ion
f ami irri' r. TTtiTiKDAiiks omr.i.is.
Is "t :i.l'-, j..t.e Is herrlf (lien that
lha following named aellr has Ble. nnirn
ht-r iniri,t.ii l.i inase ri'ial t-f-'l In ii l-.rt !
hrrialm, and that aald .'.f will I- made I
li.ffOa me fcunljr rlef S of wr,rr.w ruMJ, , I
lleppner iire'" n lereoir 1 vif
0t H a frl. o.e !n F karnaMi.
HI K. No sin. f-r lh r.'a and Ua
an. i 7. i, ip 1 1 s a
" ' F Mr. Columbus were alive to.
. . day and called at Mat Lichton
thal'a ho might makes a new iliacoT
err ooit aa rnemorabla aa that of
ha ram-. II, a f..inwmt wltnraa- lo pen I 1 1 .f j, I h Ig Wa A CTPat dlfKSOTOrer
7V.7n'..,,,Br,"r"',,',t",,,r",,'," hii hU day. Me would at thia time
Uiacoter the fini nt atock ol blioo
eror howo iu Heppner, and the
cheapf-wt aa wi-ll. vV hat more doea
mortal man want ?
TV f. rViviaf Ska JTrerSaal.
Main ttrevt, ll pnvf, Oregon.
aentinii(L I !- liti a. I i
tak thi'ir ip iliti n m 'h raw.
aa tlitt f I'utlat l. I.iUi l the
amis! rtieat al. il r ii I (;!. rr; l-
fad rt,ti!a .aa f r . j i!li. n si I.
Ilhapa, sill ii.
Sena! -r John II. Mi'. h'U :i
ta a wal.xtrr, tiit J. ialaiuf.
The t K f ( Ii rtitt .a lolling 1
d with thi. Mr r. I srrjr
U( k l'r.rtT. the hro of
irisny a l.ar I f oi.t.t l altte io ths
tin:. d.r-! at I'. rllaii 1 i f stiaunir
Id'ti Uat InUjf tnrirrjing. a.li
sy a t I abla I" a.w a rnre- tf
snnal can . late, but ar.a f aa raay-li
a Siewl, If ll to a.rtnf
eaali' M. tas a t Ha sOe-g'fi to
led a eeo at .f, bnl ab la i'l . tth
lofevat a rifllaul St. at gmUtg ll
I'mia wbte-H j !.' Mr I. is aH
oil l I 6aM 11 ' 7 " ll
V lietoa Tril4 tsisa lb i ts t -! s .
sf b-a' I of f ii s op li st t)sv, I l if
Ma..t at fault. M inTmilTlTnTnTTTTT f rfff T?m
" - " ' - T
Il iVti llct-.n Tnttuti tsar, (a a
t e ,cal on s t i:M,,l"t,l Piattrra
Th j-e I id I'tnaliUaJ vnrily
'abt a- in is io ItratJ.-a ft ".Jaw
I hud t' ran itn-ir trpqllicaa
ajr M a an I lla
lna t ISiia-M James V4 i:isn,a. of ItaM
lrn. Of fin and James n llajca. Ileary
a. tirff,f. of lleppaef. nt.nn
s-j in. Kr r.
Kotict of Intention.
t A"ri orrff e at th k it.i.oRri..
Is ( 11. I' Nmirla hc-(.y glu If al
i. f. .... ( nax.d ii;f ka r4 antiiel , , . .
of h. mi, to aai. Snal f in xii I V. Ualoni ofK ft specialty,
of hia riaitat nil thai ! -f.-f til fe w.a-l I
h cunfr r.is ol e..,nit al
lOt'fD'r. or . n ; i vis
ji rani.
HI f n "!. ! Ika fw r fV
- ! al', ,w S. Tp a l
III msm ..i...nf uliwim In arnts
a a m-.iin Mlf n-s and ruUlvalloa
a aal'l i l vll
tnam I llol. Ja-n O W V'aa of Hard
i'c. a d Jam M ll.M. Ilfnlf
S Mlll(, M IO 'l.
j. r n'oiit
)T l B OF ITINtlosj
IA-ri irrt t 7 77 mi t ra or..oj
J ikWl ;i 14 Vlt U .'afcv
If-al lha .u.w lf iad a' Kaa S d im
tb l hia r,,nit..a t a at S-al in a ,i
Ml 4 a .a.a aM Hal aa I I I l
a-i i. -e I al i ...... it r m
II . I f.t tttrf i aa .nii , i.i
las wins.
HI r t " If la s saw a
ir ,t,h. i tr i s.it M
Ma t.ma) ll. I 'haii woiiaa.a S awaa
S?a 'w.iiB.wii la a a ad ea.iosil'.a
at aad .a - tt
Ja... ln.V Raeai ol iai
a -1 S lala ! k ol. U I'la
t - 4 , I M. , Vt "
js r v -t
Say al a4t
"There it a U,le in the affaire of men
That, if taken at ttt xl, iyi on to furhme,"
The flood ia Ore an. I eo i
With a full line of
I Inn! waif. Ttnwatv. Oliissiawatv. CitH-hi-rv. Wood
nnl Willow war CVIarTutisi at 1KIiih-U I'i ic.
? Inn an ll(l,l
1nt lua In lbs algal
The only Kirluaiva Hardware Su.re trtr. n The I)alca and IVi dlfUn
Ils-pinr, . . . Oregon.
MiaxiU ll !fit
giiS 1-6 Keeley Inslilul.
1 13 11
l'.i, U (i.aali Ii Mil ! ! t
Ik 4n.aet -a lat S)s !. ! ! I
aUiut Ti l jcara. lemraay aaa V st-u sniti Lira I iba . tjn a ! r ino (jTTTTT-. . ... -
n,.,,h if ge.,.tiPm,n. iB4 Mxtmm::':r:1
lis ItwfSlal SS Iss fM Hl SSIS . ; w , - - t
UI"Miy ilirii'n siic'i a I ll' wiiii in tSiMII tll'tll I.n-si inai wwi
J I 1 1 ; i
t 1 1 1 . 1 a
tat at tttf Os J 1 lv
ai al av l S'aa,
I iaiaxiallialnnliM tM fa
as a4 - t ia
, i , M m u .1 n.l n
a ivi is oaa a -a i a
i ait I llttll
For tho Cutif oa
Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits
It Is WaM al aa:aa. 0tt,
TU V.ol ti"tHfnl JWsj pj fM (W
rs t SI IM dillto S o ama-nt.aa
a.(.f ma'.ii tiawiMa)l fta aM ant
- a-. fc a ai al
- l...i. f . a .1 aaaalls ateta, aiaH Mail f a SV- t f a-as a
. . .. - ib.Mhas tasil.l.lea 1 M if -. t !- , ,
pnf!ifcM,ut(i Jiany a man un-'r.i .u,. . u amte. . mmH t f. air.. - fi.4.,,, Mt
In a. ,a ., would t are. n iMIm h .i.4 ia s.,.n.e. am
let! .itig a a S 191 hia mura.-a
l.rtisa list
tttraa itiisi.ur. rrrt
i.i. t et
III, .sist fTT .
Sa. aaaa a.. .
taf at mi ait tirsi ma .sj "t
. . . . . , . . ..... . . ii . m ... L...a. .. e-- - " - -- i
atficfl ai. I e i irt i f t Im.i i I all t t Til I Ii lial tlilDUi'. a I.. I I. , maisiaatni.'.T."' a. . . t..-. , v..
i lit.; I a
fa- ! SJ
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4 r
I vu i n i VI' c
Hit 1 1 i k
iJl.Usllj IHJ.UtU
s iwiii. w I infill Ui tllU
1 n.t7Ttr Office.
' sv a v ihvvi a s s
t law
. . a . . --..,-- " . " J -"'.ii . . t a. ........
ff.tii ii.lerfsMM i !,.( . ' tal ,tii1 a , s-l litt.e Ihi-v.h he hl Hni.af aias.4. Ma-1 !'. Uh jIM ''ituttU&nfi Ail.k-at
en '
1111. L.( a iiikK Inu'rancf. Co.
AfsatllKssj r MM, (!, AMI
L I. hTTR- A I'OT ji;f !? Ma tts wiit-i.t