Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 05, 1895, Image 1

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    J IX I I M l I t i l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , , , .
I i
Is owing to my liberality in adj
I vertis:ng Robert Bonner. I
i f
Si ii in i ii i i in 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 in in,, i hi i, m
aim a a mi m i m i i imiimi miiiiin,, ,,, M ,
Advertising brought me all I
I own, A. T. Stewart.
IliMlllll lll
. WEEKLY WO. 663
. i r Bx.rn.L-vie.ii.ii.iji ISO, 5461,1
C V f I iV v v v i v r - k 1 1 t t n I . I I : '
OTIS PATTERSON, - . . Editor
A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager
At $2.50 per year, $1.25 for si months, 75 cts.
tor three moucns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dako's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exchange, San Francieoo, California, where cou
raots for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. ra. daily, except
Bunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc
tion 1:13 a. in. ; east bound 3:30 a. in.
Freight trains leave Willows Junction going
east at 7:25 p. in. and 8:17 a. m.; going west, 4:30
p, in. and 5.56 a. in.
omciii niSBorosT.
United States Officials.
President G rover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Beoretary of State Kicharri S. Olney
Secretary of Treasury ..John Q. Carlitde
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Seoreiary of War Daniel H. Laniont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General William Ij. Wilson
Attorney-General Jndson Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor , W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Jletaohan
Punt. Public Instruction (). M . Irwin
Attorney General. .i. ............ C. M. Idleman
- ?. SrffiSKii
co .....: TrEii?.rmann
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. 8. Ban,
F. A. Moore,
O. K. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judire Stephen A. Lowell
Promoutintr Attorney John H. Lawrey
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, W. Qnwan
Hepresentative. J. 8. Roothhy
County Judge inline Keithly
' Commissioners . H. Howard
J. M. Baker.
" Clerk .T.W.Morrow
" Sheriff G. W. Harrington
" Treasurer Frank Gilliam
Assemor J. f'. Willi"
M Surveyor... Gen. Lord
" School Sup't Anna HaUiirer
" ( 'oroner T. W . Ayera, J r
hippbeb town ornctaa.
Moi Thou. Morgan
C mncilinen.. O. K. Farnawnrth. M.
Iiiohtentti.il, Otis Patterson, T. W. Ayera, Jr.,
8. B. Horner, E. J. Blocuin.
Iteeordar- F. J. Hallnck
rrnasnrai E. U Fraeland
Marshal A. A. lUiberU
Precinct Officer.
Justin nf the Peso E. I.. Fraeland
Constable. N. . Whotatone
I' n lied States Land Officer.
J. F. Moors twister
A. 8. Biggs Iteoaiver
LA obakdb, oa.
B. F, Wilson Re(tr
J. II. Kobbios Kaoeivar
O. A. K.
MeUetLxintaa,Or.,ttMi Isat HatortUy of
wefc month. All veteran are Invited In Hn.
;- C. Htm. (i no. W . Smith.
Adloiant. tf Commander.
ONEY LOANED, rirwt Mortgage.
on iiiipnitrti rarm i-rttpeny M-goimi-d.
Wear pre.er-d to negotlai Brat
mnngagu upon linpmvcd farms In
Oregon, Willi raaiern trtln at a rate of hiti-nit
Dot metcwl t er caul per annum Hortgagii
renewed that bat Immmi taken by other com
panies. Addrras wllh t'ainp.
Haaar t'lly. liragon.
rg luvi for xai.k a ix nvrw ot cn
drraard Lnmbar. M Bilisa of HnHDnr. at
bat la koowa aa U
FIB 1.000 rtlT. HOl'UH,
" " CUAK,
- I too
17 tt
rr rruvERrt) i Hfrfxm, wsu, add
L l& m par l.uw tiwt additional.
Tts abort q.ioisM.iin arc sirkll for Caab.
national Ban o hmi
WM. rKXLAfi. tD. ft. mHOP,
l!4 on FsToral-la Tartn.
OBlirio-llorns Stuc lice
A. J !
la It4rtit !all II t l, n. It4
ri l Oat la 41 boar.
Sinqlo Fare 37.00.
Round Trip Si 5 00
urns c.t.vro.v
t i h M -
, i -1 .- r
! . ft aa
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMES H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their C
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a m
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
lyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
V, B.Thii Company it controlled by nearly one thmuand leading new
paptrt in the United State, and it guaranteed fry Mem.
Ik-ir-A-- FACTS I.
:i WJMM. FACTS ! ! jj
OU CAK BUY 13.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then hava I'
' Y anough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent niiycla. This Is
A a flrsKlass machine. Why rhsn pay 1100.00 for a bleycla that will glv j
i ; "Boys' Junior," only with pneumatic tire good machine. " !
; he inter ocean
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) ...Id.oo per year
DAILY (with Sunday) t.o per yrar
The Weekly
At A Mr4PtB tHB MM OCfl aaa aaraf ika flaxs la .M
The Weekly Inter Ocean
M mm aaiag a MlmM t. th awaaW a4 ka aartr II
!I !.'.". !" 'Uses f mMwfawl aS Hs kuU.
HtUllhSa, ItaUM axaaa.a-atia.
T I rft HI IC. a4 gM Ha ... tW twA k4
Ytm 'ZXmT " m trt ht of
!rrt?2V.r.2 JM"' ' 0 'Csoo. T s,t sin coiirwcui
. L.?.'-'!- tllKiNtu avHifv at Sims
rn! AMmt7irt.M ,H ''turt tHAl W1l IBS M
N is la kmrl h Im a. fW aa walk t faHI 4 I Nawta,
At) IraataM atta 1 li la t-t an4 aati'faHrf
aaaaaaf. "titt I'al.lw ai (.iMV.
OrritT IS Jt4TU)M,L Dk MfU IXO.
ur.rrtii. t . t (jkjoii
Inter Ocean $1.00
Almost everybody takes some Iaxativa
medicine to cleanse the system and keep tho
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator (liquid or cowdert
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthens the" whole system. And
more than this: simmons LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver. keeDS it activo
and healthy, and when the Liver is In
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick-
Headache ana constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Pills.
Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phila., Pa.
Tnda Mark-Dr. A. Owsn
T1.A 1.1.1 ...A I. . .
j . . uuij Kieuuuo ana practical
Eiecirio belt made, for nnaral use, producing
a genuine current or Electricity, for the cure
of disease, that can b readily felt and regu-
.sa.w in 4unmiiT iuu power, ana applied
time during working faoun or sleep, and
1.1 IIIAt.O
HKXI'AIj weakness
. V1. 7 uiniv.i, nisi laaina
the place of druis for all Nervous. Uheumatlo,
Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and will effect
cures nseemlnglT bopelcni ensea where everr
other known means hss failed.
Any aliiRglnb. weak or diseased orsn may
jy this menus be roused W bealtby activity
wis sinj lata".
Leading medical men nse and recommend the
Owen Uelt lu their practice.
Contains fullest Information regarding the curs
nf BolltM .hmtiln.n.1 .1 1
and how lo order. In Enicllali. German. Nwiitltb
;""TU inilKliaKea, will la Ill'lHC'l, npoo
application, to aa address for ceuts postage.
The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co.
aim orrira aso oatr factort,
Tke Owes Electric Celt Did,).. 201 to 211 Stale Street,
The Urfeet E lac trie Oslt Establishment In Ihj Worl
l.aHV,aa vnia aaaaa.
Notice Of Intention.
I AND OrrV K AT illV. Kit. OMf.noH,
J K .l..i,iU'r Ml. A. NiMIr e la li.-n l.y tlvau
that the Inlloaliii nnii-.J avitler liaa fl I I no
tice of hla Inti-ntlnn Ui m It n rifial priH.I In tun.
Hift ol his claim, and that said pr.,f will be
mads Iwfora J. M, Mmtn, I minty ( Ink, at
llr .m r, tlrrgon. on Notemlwr, li, idm,
lid. V.. No fim. ..f llifK', NW, KKta HW'i
and So, K', aac . 1 I a, It J K.
Iltiimnn iha lullnwlna witnraana In prnve
hlsrniiilniiniia midenre iiin and rultliallon
ol, aald land, til'
Jnbti t arml. Marlnn Kvana John T.
MrMlllau, Jame !' h. all ( lilnttim, or,
Ja. r. M-h.bk, K. itl.ler.
Notice of Intention.
l.D Orri'B af I. listatx (iar,f,a,
l.rinlf i, lt
vothr m nritrv mUa iimt hi
il li.llnali.i i.am. l 111. r l,aa niad linlir
nf nla ttitpt, M"H u matia ttttal t.rfi,l t aiiprHirf
nllilarlalm and thai aald .r.l will I,. ma.u
tli i IS Mrrm. I otii.ty ( Irrk.al llrppiwr,
rrvm, on iv. 1 1, I., if :
Hd.Mtf ..lll,.N'i',.uO i ;u ere,.
If I a, h fl . M
Ma nama Iha ..ilitaiiiff wllnaara Inprm his
Riiiiimwiu frai.iaiu U)n and cltl,alln ol.
said land !
M J n.Iii J Hnd. , H IUrt.lt, W. .
"auiif. an .l lli "'f. wr t ,
H . llo,
V lt ri.iar.
r .rrt t at titr ti i i, u ti.nn.
4 la .. 4 ..i. la l.t.l. ta
thai tl ..Ur. Iff i.amrd ai,i-r I rtiH tttf
I tr A r.l I . !,! ... ..... ... .. k A I. - .1 . . I ... .
I-.M hie r.tw. a. n ! aald .-tf a l, im
B.a la l-i I,., J IS , M..r..a ll.il, s
M H'M.sa I I II r .
Md K o 1. ii. a, SM cud Blu
Ita aahrw-a Iha ..U.ali,f a lln,aa. In rrmf
hta rt.iltiMt rct.aHa t.fia aid illtaita
l, aald (and li
jama H i (... fifi Sffv, llark Rilaf ,
(a.al V . ..,. .(..f ail l HaM,..an, .. ..,
it r
rVofcf Intention.
frwtrpir t i i.stM t i.iyi,,i.
4 t II I. . la I....'. h. i,al
ih .ti.,iMf ,.... a...r haa Sid a.ri I. a
a a M.&aB ...a! 4 1h b...... . .
B .all.. b( S-.al I ai f..-1 nl
pa v lain, a' I'.ai aaif f.n i if pr.
lln W W.rf-.a If . .f al MH.ar,
f tfwa'.a, aa. . i... ji,
lid iyi ., i.. rsa aa H T
11. Tr .
1 S
a a i r a --I aa . a. s. and II
M iaai iha I-.-. allh..,i l.t ptn
kU rMlla1t..aa l-al la awe "f S"t r 14III aii
a4 aaid ie-4 i
I lra k.K-M. M1 f Vw- Wna
ana a Biti, laiia i.kI, ail 4 Mrt-aaf,
R f lllail.
t" as tUa,
I$achr$' iamnatoti.
fVa H tt.i.ik a
fae4 h-f J6 lhfs . t- efta4.
4 tM J it . ,.. 4 lh .f.fi
f f 4 li H't Sh r r,a,j
I I Mtl H
: I
Urn i ii II i lilinannii n inJa--J
Will Have the Case Referred to the Supreme
uourt Holmes, the Mnlti-Hnrderer
On Trial.
San Fkancisco. Nov. 1. Theod ore
Durrant, assistant superintendent of
Emanuel Baptist churoh Sunday eohool,
was today oonvicted of the mnrder of
Blanohe Jjaniont, for whioh he has been
on trial sinoe July 22d last. The jury
was out twenty minutes and arrived at a
verdict on the first ballot. As there was
no recommendation of mercy the punish
ment was fixed at death.
The soene in the oourt room when the
verdict was announced will never he for-
gotten by fiose who were present. Judjre
Murpny fimsued his oharoe at 3:30 and
the jury at ouoe retired. Wnile the jurv
was ont Mrs. Durrant and the prisoner
talked and laughed together as if acquit
tal were a foregone conolasion. They
were joined by half a dozen friends and
the conversation was becominc animated
when it beoame whispered about that
toe jury had agreed upon a verdict. In
an iuetant a bush fell upon the little
cirole that had iralhered around th
prisoner. Durrant's faoe. Blwavs Dale.
assumed a ghastly hue, and his mother
was speeoiileBs. Then the members of
the jury filed in and took their seats.
Clerk Morris asked the usual question
as to whether the fury bad agreed upon
a verdict. Foreman Wnrmn n,iii,m
arose and replied in the affirmative.
"We, the jury," said he. "find the de
fendant, William Henry Theodore Dur
rani, guilty of murder iu the first de
As the aged foremau. pale and trem
bling, read the words that fixed Durrani's
fate, a low rumbling uoiae like the roar
or a mob arose from the rear of the oonrt
room. The next moment men were
oheering wildlv, while women wept hys
terically iu the eioitement. Tb bailiff
wrapped londly for order, but the
tumult oontinned for a minute before
anything like quiet oould be brought out
of the disorder. Jndie Murnhv said
that sentence would be passed iifXt
Friday, upon whioh day he would also
st a day for the tiial ot Durrant on the
charge of murdering Minnie Williams.
During the tumult that followed the
verdict Durraut and his mother were
lost light of exoapt by the few who sat
near thera. As the last words nf the
verdict were uttered, Durrant made a
spasmodic effort to arise to hi feet, but
before he could d ) s i his mother with
half sigh, bait moan, threw her aruia
round his neck and Hank back into her
obair. Ilia mother's grief seemed to
make Durrani forget hi own position,
ndfora few minutes be sat njib his
arms around her neck trying to soothe
her. It was some time hi-(ore Mrs.
Durrani oould Ifave the court room,
Durrani's father was not in the room
when the ferJiot was returned, and tie
first learned that bis son bud been con
v.oted when the oher went up from the
rrowj in (lis building.
Durrant rec iyered bis old tune ooio.
poanra as Bonn as lis l..ft Lis mother slid
prepared lo return to tlm ontinty jail.
With hid overcoat awung carelsaly over
his arm, lis aalked Wurly nut of the
room, twirling hi alight muatacbe llli
apparently a hllln o inrro as if ha
wsrsj merely a spa. tutor limteal of ths
pnoolpsl ilgqre 10 l ie ridding aaans.
Aside from His pcltor, Mrs, N idle,
Menrhe l.atiioiil'e aunt, and Maud l.a
monl. lbs dead girl's aisler, wer appar
ally th bsppieat p-rs-nn lo the Mom.
Wbeo lh Verdioi was aunouuOed, Man I
Lam 'Ol sprang from her snat, elapp
tier ban Is and llieri orird of sheer el -rileii,i,t.
Mrs. Nobis mited smiles
lib tsars and abook hands with a num.
bar of friends who crowd! afiond to
eongralulale her.
Ths cms III ba appealed l i lliesil
prs o emirt and it is ipoied nearly a
tear will ilapsa bfors a decialon ill U
- a a . .
Ne Will I'reaaal aa l4eara kalevey s4
Ibaa (thai ial aaa ali by
Ika aa alias
I'tllt-SIBI nils, No. 2 Wl.eu foil f I
re'l I'elay at 1 1 i'nipk, for argq.
met. la In ilia Holmes raaa, Mr. lU laa,
jSbior Sotiriaal f.y ),s dafaeaw, anbouas
. lhal bis aVilleafne, H.o. ii.akef, was
(ifT'llsg frursj Sotfipleb harv.se .rnals.
Iioa and was aa lay lbs ears l a h)sl
rlan. II sailed litis l i lbs alien! it, f
Ihtfoi.n ia t tew t,f ,a id I in Is
regdil I Sniiin.'HiWaaillli'a ratl iff
mala lbs rl'ili( allfes lo l,a jtiry
bn lbs defenas (ireaenled an !. leans
nrabam td lbs qaaslnxi l-y bflertag
Id Walts bis rigbl in I,S laxl Speavb,
a t Hears Will bs bfll lt ad IrtaS OA
eh sid Ualeai t,f wi by lbs rf,saS4
Ilia. ifcetrisi Atiorr ay tlrabesa bagaa Itie
pae-h al I'l S'i n'- lo. k. If etl4:
"lbs rfaaoawaiti nf I'-hMtltsBis
ta li s ieMi.lr q Ibis saas aft I It sake
b tii It m sraa.aDl wbea
J .I.S II. l Ibi .la.iaM ii I sl i.ra
Hoi rin,a, I -.u riiial S" ill b ia. 1 .S
sMtnuHsawsslik Is tfti Is trs's lis
oase from the initial step down to the
last syllable of the sentence. The com
monwealth has done so ; odo by one was
established link by link, makintr tho
ohain oomplete."
The district attorney reviewed the
evidenoe in detail. The oondition of the
body, be oontended, medical testimony
had proved, oould not be produced, ex
cept by ohloroform.
Graham's address, whioh was oonflned
in most part to a review of the details of
the evidenoe, lasted two hours and a half.
Ho'mes nervously Bhifted in bis seat as
the thunderous tones of tbe prosecuting
offioer rang oui. At the oonolusiou of
bis address a recess was taken until 2:30
p. m.
Messrs. C. F. Moore 4 Co., Newberg,
Ore., says: "We sell more of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy than all others put
together, and it always gives satisfac
tion." Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox. Ore , says:
"1 believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to be tbe best I have bandied." Mr.
W. H. Hitchoook, Columbus, Wash.,
Bays: "Chamberlain's Onnoh Rom,i
sells well and ia highly praised by all
wno use it.- ror sale by Blooum-John-son
Drug Co.
"Everything," I 'd the oorn-fed phi
losopher, as he be o bis daily lecture,
"is of eduoational alue."
"Even prize figbts?" asked tbe fresh
est youth.
"Yea, even prize fights. Hath not
pugilism taught ns tbe names of the
governors of Texas and Arkansas!1 In
dianapolis Journal.
Harry I cannot offer you wealth,
Marie; my brains are all tbe fortune I
Marie Oh, Harry, if you are as badly
off as that, I am afraid papa will never
give bis consent. Soribner'i.
It is sai l that an Atchison girl wbo
was considered a dream before she was
married has become oroet and disagree
able sinoe. She merely beld iu until
he got a husband. Atchison Globe.
Little Brother Bui why ain't it prop
er to eat a fuller's pie with bis knife?
Little Sister Deouti'e that is ths
easiest way to sat it. of oourse. Indian
apolis Journal.
Mrs. Gray How oould yon go and
tell what I told yoo to tbat gossiping
Mrs. Black f I thought you oould keep
a secret.
Mrs. Green I can; but that wasn't
a secret, you know, after yoo bad told it
to me. Boston Transcript.
A trying oflunpatinn The judge's.
Philadelphia Record.
Antiinr-I think I bavt a good Idea for
a dnttt-livs dory.
Ilia Wife Wbat is ths idea?
Autlioi I will bars lbs dntsctivs
Ira os an umbrella lo Hs original nwnsr.
Ilarlnm Life.
Mrs. W. U Meek, wbo resides al
Campion villa, Cal., says bsr dsogblsr
was for several years troubled at lime
with severe cramps ia lbs stnmeeb, snd
would lis ia snnb agony Ibat it was
nereaaary lo rail a phvaielau. Having
read almnt t'liamterlaio'(illo, Clmlera
lid Diarrhoea Itemed aha eonnlii,la.l
to try H, Mh found that it alwsjs gave
prompt relief. It was seldom tieoeaasry
lo gits lbs second does "It bs mi
only saved ns Iota of worry ami lime,"
abt sys, "but also din lor bills. It f
tnv (it'inion that avert famila alwmM
bats a holds nf Ibis remedy ri ,
nmiae. rr sals by ttlooiim Jobusoo
Drug Co.
lis I'lay-s III Wenaaa U Let at lb
Italia ass I's4ltaa
rrm the furllaud Tlf ram.
Froro hberiff llousar, if Cmalills
soualy. It is la-amsd Iballbs taaa Frank
I'ssjm, waalrd bars for soils ltla anoaay
with shinh In pure baas Klaard Caiaay
a ondan leg, and than risrstpplng with
lb piocawilauf In f ff ills, Was SHgagad
la lbs ssiti liiisn.ea In f astern Off goo
At Tbe Dallas IVaas SndesvoraJ to
ratfls i if bogus dismaad f.r tbe allagxi
srptaM of ar baatag a wood leg for
t'sfaey, but as lbs eily marsbal got o
bis llek tS l'fk ffatieb lasts kb I Mil
loofuad np mi I'andlaloa, Wbils fa a
dial' II I'aaas ollaelad 5 Ofl a
walrb faffl, ! bis rsra-af was rut
bofl by lbs iifhWrt of lbs Uw, aad ts
as Bfrealad. For '! reaenfi, bow
str, lbs grad J'irjr al thai lara lal I
ti is I. si I.Irs and bs was rlaa4.
I'aaaa aa all ba'd frM al VsaSIa
Walls, brs be Is aadar arrawt
llts llriffis saiald al (t off faslar
day, but will ssrt t-r lbs kfifnar ibis
A wows whlSb kawaetls 4a flay Jet
' al.ool I aol i.ea'aeled bt ona, 1 1
' B-st .melbtng it.iMS lhaa a Riala
I el irrilail , au I iba "iM II I ra
i bated lbs lll. Tks A ' C.ri
'aaH.f l, is nsaspt t wr as4 '
M t'S.
Lyrics are little tides that flow
Tempered by song'a celestial wind,
And voicing, as they come and go,
' The thought and musio of the mind.
Christ is the captain, Prayer the mate,
And Faith the pilot of the night.
When through Death's dark and silent strait
We voyage to the Land of Light.
William H. Hayni.
-From the Demorest's Magazine for November.
From the Colorado Farmer, Denver, Col.
David S. Green, wbo is past middle
life, a man of fine physique, strong,
vigorous and buoyant, went to Colorado
in 18G0 and now resides at 2127 Grant
Avenue, Denver. He is well-known in
Colorado and Indian Territory as a
oattle man, and is also known in Colo
rado mining oiroles by "old timers."
He is a member of the Trinity m v.
church of this city and well known in
aietnodist oiroles, and a familiar figure
on the streets of Denver. He is a gentle
man of intelligence and oulture, oom
municative and affable.
On the first day of February, 1893,
Mr. Green received a serious injury to
the spiue, oooasioned by slipping while
supporting a heavy weight. The injury
was very paiuful and in a lew dayi be
was helpless. Through tbe long months
of suffering tbat followed he was reduced
iu strength and fL-eh until bis ueryous
system was well nigh exhausted; bs was
brought to the border land of paralysis
His entire right side was threatened
nn mis malady. The soinal
nd base of the brain were a battery of
pain ana lorinre, and naught was left
him but to uffer on and wait for the
While in this condition iJ
hopeless of help (as his physioian and the
oeei medioiil oounael proved powerless),
is attention was prov idenliallv nailed
to Dr. William' Pink Pill, i . .
aun a i". am m
drowning man clutches at a straw an ha
caught at Pink Pills and immediately
oegan to improve. Ueoommenoed their
use about the middle of Maroh last and
oday bis pains are nearly gone, all tbe
ilarming symptoms of Paralvsia hava
disappeared and lbs original Injury is
rapidly improving. His general health
aud llish are reiluminu i.i. ....t
.--a. , UCUM
atioily of spirit and vlvaoilv a ra-
itored and an hour' conversation ia
aiiffloiont to convincs ods that to Tiok
i'llla is doe a char, am almoal titrA..1A...
, -.lu.uua.
In eon tarsal ion ilh a representative
f I he Farmer, Mr. Green aald: !
have pot hseo no ths street for sevsotssa
months till Iwo or Hires days ago, but I
am so much belter. It is a surpriss to
ros nd lo my friends, ye, and to my
looior, loo. 'I be faot I bats bean at
death's door. No m.s Ibongbt liters was
any help for me; even my doctor tbsngbl
I neter would bs any hetisrt Dot bsra
I !!) walking about as yon see, tad ta
me it Is wonderful f , p.trbans ton will
hardly believs me a ben I tell ton what
lid it-it ass Dr. Williama' Tink Fill.
tor pals people."
It IS dun to suffeflng bnmanilv tbat
lbs story nf Mr. Green be lold. His
kindness of heart snd generous impojees
wotibl rei iioa 0 sprea.ling lbs fans of a
remedy Ibat baa brongbl bin. Irom tbe
alley i.f Uealb lo oj if lbs pleasures ot
a losing Imhii),
III pbyamian I a g-nllemsn wsll-
known iu Denter, bs lived bars many
years and built up a good praclio. I
is bmed mm. led and In good laadlss
iolbsle ojs liral clichs in lbs eltj.
Anyone wicbing li do so. ran rsadilr
all.fy loinae If as ,i lb fU b.falo IS-
Dr. William' l ick Fills pmtaia all
lbs slemebl bery lo gits Baw Itfs
I nsbnea to ths blond and reetora
aballefed rt.s Tbat era a.,1,1 In
b.ie (nater in b oas l.etw, by lbs d..ta
or huadra.ll at tJ eebi a ti. of all
b..iefr2.Vi,ai.dri.ay m bed i all
drtiartf latsi s.f diraelly by mail from lr.
Williams MadulOS T.I., Hi baliacl r,
N. Y.
JolrfS (rata) H.a .feilaH
swaare Ibat ton bit him tales up-as lbs
'. H ts af d-hlal 1 1 Mkf
lbf.1,,1.1,1 i.i mil)) -lis, )r Haasr;
it's fala. th bit bin hit ones tbe
lb' sl.aj loirnetH bit bint wbsis
bis bd bin -Tit lit.
Tba Wily peftliaitent SOf faf SbruBie
ib Is 1.1 lbritf bl i( lbs toiisa
I" IU)terB) .y IU U lblitl Md twf.
Ialal.t of Afar'S KeKaparllta. Tbis
-fidarfiil fart,w.y .rotas S'lSnsssfql
b. a. i.lbay traalaaant las fila4 lo
tali lb soffaraf.
lb Mlals Iraaiaaew ts lt a as,
IS wbieh il SI by IKm a ta
liil ll Aaa.ikli..af..i I.Vl.lnarass
' t d H a lall.y, Ittte a-asy
n, 1 1 bats a tr aiuait-g s asset .(
Vn avsiy bvw II