STOCK. BRANDS. While yon .eep yonr subscription paid np yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Horses Gtt on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on ri?ht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row comity. Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on loft shoulder of horses; cuttle same on left hip. Allison, O. B., Eight Mile. Or. battle brand, O D on left hip and hornee same brand on right shoulder. Ilango, Kiglit Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hordes, JA con nected on left flank; cattle, sameon left hip. Haird, D, W. and son. Horses branded D H on the left hip; oattle the same on left flank, crop off right ear, undercrop in the left, lianse in Morrow County. Hartholnmew, A. R., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 K on either Bhoulder. liaaxe in Mor row oountv Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (gooseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cuttle same on right side. Hnrke, M 8t 0, Long Creek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip, ciop off left, ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand ou letft Bhoulder. llange in (irant and Morrow C"r)roBman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right Bhoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop Hnd right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, J B on right thigh; oattle, same on right hip; split in Hrnwn'. Isa. Lexington. Or. Horses IB on the right stitie; cattle sameon right hip; ranae, Mop Hrnwn. J. 0.. Hopnner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in center on loft hip; oattle, same. Brown, w. j., ljeiia, oi-ukuu Horses W. bar over it, on the loft nliouiuor, Mr, Cattle name on left Boyor, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip cattlo, samo, with split in Horn. P. O.. Heppner, Or. norsos, P B on left Bhonlder; cattle, sameon left hip. Hrowniee, W. J., Kox, Or Cattle. JH connected n uiuiJw nninnti left ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on trie lett tnign; iwiibj m Caraner. Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand. ed O on right stifle ; oattle ("iroe rmrs; on right ribs, crop and split in each ear, M-...,t u,i,l Hiirriiar mill tl 1 1 OH. Cain K.. Calob.Or If 1) on horseH onleft stifle tt uiiii ,i,iirt..r circle nvor it. on Jurr. shoi ildor and on loft slille on all colts nndor R years; on loft Bhoulder only on all horses ovor 5 years, n.unt n.,TI1,tv. All r.hnn. U.. Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip. ii...,u M..rrrm itml Umatilla counties. !rfiuttll. M M. Oalloway. Or Cattlo crop out of each car and nndorbit, wattle in forehead horses half cirelo C on left stitie. Kiiuko Mur. ... .mi II mutiUfi counties. Curl, T. 11., John Day, Or. Doiiblo cross on ..i, i,;,, .,ti cHltle. swallow fork and unilei bit in right ear, split in left ear. Itaiigo ill Unint comity. On Blimp, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Kar markou ewes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop W riibt and under half crop m loft ear. All rangs in Grant conntv. . , A .1 l.nim Or. Horses. MOnn riKhtshonl der: Cattle, sameon righthip: oar mark square crop oil loft and Bplit in right. Currin. It. Y.. Ciirriiumllo, Or. -Horses, to on leftat.ille. Coi Kd. H., Hardman, Or. Cattlo, Cw b 1.. ......t.i... iwirans. CK nil left 'lib. ( oc iran. 11. r.., nionimmiji,, un Or.- ii........ i.....,,l,.,l n (ruin wit h bar liononlh, on ft Bhonlder; catt le same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears ami dewlap. Chimin H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded ft on right hip. Cattlo branded the same. Also l,..l. CI on horsos right thigh; cattle sasie i,r...l ,.n rmht shoulder, unil cut oil end ui Oougla'ss. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattle, H I) on right side,Bwailow-fork m each ear; horses, It D "'V'l'u St'rim.. Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle Kama on leflliip hole in right oar. L' -u I' M llfiriliiifin -Horses branded n ir.,..r.l (with taill on loft shoulder; cat. U.Tsiime on right hip. Kongo in Morrow county, l- lrminn. L. A.. Heppner, Or.-( attln, ) , on right hip; horson. If with bar under on ngli nhimldor. vinrwiM. H. I. Heptiner.Or.-llorses. F on .i... ,., nulile. V on riibt hi p or t high. L'- i. I. lloiiiiner. Or ('little brainier Wtt willi liar over It, on loft side; clop oil loft ii.. .iti hrnitil nil loft, lllo. ii .... k l'.....r . k'.dio. Or. Horses bmnd'vl II u wiu, Ji qimrUir cin le over it, on left stifle. ii'. ;.. M..rr,.w unil ilmittillacounlies. II imI.I.. A. II.. Itidge, Or.-Cattle. mimd-lon K villi iitiartnr circle nnder It on the right hip, llHiige ill Morrow anil IlinatillaoniiiitioH. ii. ..I.,.. .VJ.hiUs. Hainillon.Or--Cnttln,twiibr I,, i, I it., i, in right ear and split in left Horses J ou right thigh. Ilangeiii (Irani cniinly u. ...i,, Ui.mmil Wugner. Or h (T K !..',( Inn nifht houlder oil Iiomimi; mi mtl In, .... I.I,..,,, I mi loft side, swallow folk in nhl ear and slit in left. Itauge Hi Hay-twk dlKlrlel.Mnrrnw ontllllv. IUI Milton. WagiHT, Or. llnrsns lirandwl -O (callln with immllnl tails) " I"'1 shoul.h (utile same on left hip also large circle oil Ii side. ll,,wrdJ !,. (Hlhiwiy, r.-Inrs.s ( (cross wilh bir iiIhivh Hi on right l.iuior; ci .I, ln snlii. Hang i in Morrow and nlllit s'un I ' Mini ill cin'iiitiiM. iiii I d n. John Dav. Or. I nitle r. II right lop; same mi right siioul lnr. hhiiko in liniiil rniinty. I hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or.-llnrsos slialc! beil mi the l.dl l oii...r. lU.llije M irn.w I n. Ililimilker, II A, S uglier, dr. HormM, nil lufl h..ul,..r.i''H". "o lft hip. Ilnmphreis, i M lUrdiiian, Or.- II irties, II on '"Hii-'ilri. Luther, 1'iglit Mile. Or. - llnr-n If nn V, loft ulimil I -ran I h"irt "li the h'fl stille Cat. Ui. HI.. n'l !'( lot". Hs'lg" in 'I.mmw ll(, J.eini, Harry, H.tpp'i"'. 'r H rti t.r.,n U I II J mi the h'fl tnil.l'r; i nitl" bra .l-d J on rnihl hip. nln iiii l-rbit m t-'fl fnr. dingo In M'rrnw rmintif. Jin, kin, M. M., llMpimnr, Or - llnf". !- Ilk J nn It.M 'in,i.1.f. I .,: th wi ns, linen " "d". , J.,l,.i..ll, l,nfl. r H.t. rire'e I left slille, ratit", ww ngli' hip, im.l.if h,,l( ur.ti in n'" '.( ''lii Irt'i er h.,ll. M:W, H ..M- , "' H-t" ltr..l KSV nn Mi hip i i!l.iito an. I cr.ip ott U(t m'; niitr )(' ''x1'! Klrh IT, l.ipl"ir, ' II W ll lft l,,.iil,..', c(H. nn !" hip, Kirk J-, M..p.ilr. r .1 Imiw II on lf l l .r. mule sa ii nil MgM sid". niid .rliil mi rihi . . k iii.l"U' I W II. V.finl "r. I I, ml r,iil. e fi.Ul i, l M si li- IIm till in I, ft Mr a'l ni'-lr "ii-l in s.t H r' mm irttl nn Mt h'M,eir. Lv. in ihi, I. .(!.., Ml..phtl. "'.H H I. nil !' Inp Ml ...'IU m.Li Si 'l p'.it "II lid'' " II - l. I . f. It l.,,..,,nn. J .'.n w . I, ..l , .. . I.-I liilf elr. l.. .11 i . il,. tt.r. 4 stli. ft 1 "S i1 I'll. ., I. ft .i, . , U-,l.e, J W. ttowrnw Cr Land on IkM i..wil..i cHile lilf, eul" rmiil "I", li'" M itB.t. tit IwM lua in ruth) l.l ll.,., t. I 't WM ttt m r 1 ' . ! l d.. II r t t .. I . M t' M .1. l ' . II. i t. "' rit, 1. .HI tl '.! '' 1 11" ! li .- iu M t I M f ). H. II ! I ' "' ' "VII tt, I I..,., !... M It ! N . ' 'II '' Irt, I. t, I,. ! Il.f I ' , lit.. J; ,,a'.t . la S H , .. (I It . ... H. 1, ,l I-, i t,.t In . r n . i. . . s tn 't . f-,. . h'mm t-' 4"t.t. ..... 't . ,.. .... I .'i i, It i , ,l .. i, , M . , I el .. I" It', .tt, hif ft. li t Mi ' f .t l.a ..r tt in l"t ttti 1 Urn I- ' H-- k " S -.1, to I , I,,.... iv II ,.,,. tt .,t . i .l '-'tt I I. .... J- i I vell tt f fM. . It I, . . ., t. ! t, ..', U.'l ll.trf' k 1 ' ' it w. I !. e '.tn. m r tl ! .1 t It.,. l I't .,. Ht t ,- .,.-'tl .wt Mt I,..,. .-. Stt I I. I't I t M", I t I ., it .t i v t - tt IM If ' .'" 1 '" ' '' I,,,, . ,-.). I . t '-. t.-l .-f- LI. 1 ... li. m '- ' t . 11. U... ft 'I -t -ft t t..i I t I . k I. ..- I p .mi tt'l I . t r- I I M " ' m t t. t. tt I-- . , t. fc t.. Q) l- t.i' in 01 I, f. M tt IM lf t,. It ! w I, . I tt I " - a -. ., ,,. - ' ' - ' -'"' j .... ., m -. t . It , Ill l.-. I 1 it .... ! . Itt I .' !. . -f ; . s !' it i - t,.,, m '! i VW. 11 h tl 11 I m I I'M. t., i - at J -: . . '' ii . i ... i 1 1 air I ,,- ...- I t Vt "!:b.:llv'l '.. it-i ill in urant oonnty. Bayers, Hobert, Douglas, Or. Cattle on right hip and B on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on right Bhoulder. ltange in Morrow county. Bmith Bros.. Sasanville, Or. Horses, Dranoea H. Z. on sbonlder; cattle, same on left Bhoulder. Hnuiree. James. Arlington. Or.: horses branded JS on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Htephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Son right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Btovenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart, G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, U on left shoulder ; cattle, 4 on left hip. Hperry, K. H, Heppner, Ur. battle w u on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W Con left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left shoulder: cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tii)Dets.H.T..Knlerpnse,Ur. Horses, (J-on left shoulder. Tarner lt. W., Heppner, )r. Small capital X left shonldcr, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. J hornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderoool. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses HV con nected on right shoulder ;cut tie, same on right hip Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop oil left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson. John Q.. Halem or Rsnnner. Or. Horsos branded Jq on the left shoulder, liange Morrow county. Warren. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, ou left Bide, split iu right ear. Horsos same brand on loft Bhoulder. llange m Grant conuty. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses nranaeo ace of spades on loft shoulder and left hip Cattle branded Bame on left side and leit nip. Wnlfinimr. John. John Day City. Or On horses three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears, llange in urani anu mauiuer counties. Woodward. John. Heppner, Or. Horses, ur connected on left shoulder. Watkins. Lishe. Heppner. Or. Horsos Dranued UE connected on left stitie, Wallace. Charles. Heppner. Or. Cattle, W on righttliigh.hole in left ear; horses, W ou right shoulder eomp same on left shoulder. Whlttior Mros., nuniiiigion, Baker Co., Or. - HorBes branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams. Vasoo. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and Horses, llange itrant county. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horsos. ouar tor circle over throe bars on left hip; oattle same and slit in each ear. llange m (irant oonnty Wron, A. A.. Heppner, Or, Horses runniugA A on shoulder; Cal Uo. same on right hip. Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brandep TH on the right shoulder. THE BEST Y.Mkvi yon aro about to buy a Sewing Machine f'; jiit In; o v,:i: ivi'd by alluring advertisements ;n i !t; i 'i think you can. get the beat uutdo, Aiu st iiiii .hud and Most Popular f "r n more song, fiee to It that you Ijuy from relinblo mnnu f . 't'U'i'fs that Inivo KKlnt'd a r i i i M ; i.t ion by honest and sq unro cU'.Jiiii;, vu will then fret ft Setting Machine that is noted th'i world over for its dura i.iiii.y. You want the one tliut iii easiest to manage und in Light Running f hern la nnnn In fhft world thnt f ".':v .. ." J tan enuul in niechanical con- ' V '' " ' vl'i W-retin durability of working. 'y' tmrlH, linenesH of finish, beauty J ' ' ( t "l appi'aranee, or hus us iliuny ifyfX iiniirovuments as thu New Home It linn Autnmntlc Tension, Rouble Feed, nUlto on bciih Hides of needle ( patentrd), no other lias it 5 NewMancK (), driving wheel hinced on ad i nrttablo centers, thUB reducing friction to the iniuimmru WHITE FOU CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ( iwtre, Mahh. 1Vhtom, Mam. 8 Pui'iN Povahf, N. Y ' -'icit.i, l',T HT. 1,(1! K, .1(1. Af.l,At. 1 IUAU. h -N i'it.O ' A . . "T.VKTA, -A. P. C. THOMPSON CO., A gads, llcpimcr, Oregon. sen:) r'e.' I'.t, i.i. 1 1 iv .if i .' ii... i in r.aut, Villi I'niiifnf t 'flirt. A.I'f. it tiui:i:sst h:ut:it . co. '.'.'it Suit, r Slr,rt. M I taV fltf (Of ! lis? jMf 1 ( t fi'sm t " f ! ! t lb, tJ 1 l( Ita tKiitt.t-.4 ttMa j r 4t ' ttttt li 4 !' , MUtf. kth ft tlt"r t U-t 1 i tt Pmn cf tirt tM V mftAt 1 f Hmms m ! ()! faf m a fi tf-m c.(hih -f tU ' U to 4 l I t M lh 1 tv 4 W M4i f ft .f4b ? Nhklltt lr w b '! n 1 tfHi( ftt tfdMrt.t, in.tiiff m 4 ! 4 ft I, 4 i A " rt tt ft h n,h if ttVftf. H 8 t I lMat tW' , f t t Mi Wii At lis 1 4 aV'.f 4 i -1 mm t Tf tn w ItMfe & f,t ,4; ,4 r. t n,t, P.y tn H fiD fMitkl tf Sf -a. Ih .! I(wt4ti 4 ! tt mwf p lii9t MI ! t Urt m (. ..ia II . f.I lifc I'M f ta.k Ml flVl 4 laf t fr-fM t , V W U. itt ! :.! I !.. t4 ilt Mi -i-m Itni m i f 4 ...' f t !'tjs.4 ! If Ml , ! 4 T- M J.i fc. q-tt , -1 .i 1 V J . if. fx M ' 1 f 4 ; it H 'J AN'. J I J I 1 t 4 -ai, 1 ( I . i S 1-4 IN ltkf 4 4 J I 4 h-aH f4 f r - f 5 - i f" J L ' i i - ,i-if.f I.":. w. P L- .... I.. - l.a 1 '- ." kill iisi l.4a llM.ii.sil, 4 kaji mm llV W -I . - t -. - , E. McNEILL, Receiver. Til 10 E A. "IT GIVES TUB OHOICK - Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full detaila oall on 0. R. & N. Antnt at Heppner, cr address W. U. HURLBTJBT, Gen. Pbhh. Agt. Poiitland. Oregon. QUICK TI3VCE ! TO San Franolsoo And all points ln California, via the Mt, Hhaat route of the Southern Pacific Co. iRh points Kant and South, Grand Hon lo Itoute of tho l'suino (Toast. Pullman lluflot Hleepors. Heoond-olass Sleepers Attached to express trains, atfording superior aucouiHioitatiwnB for seoond-clKKa patwengers. For rates, tiokets, slnepina ear reserratlons, nto, , nail npnn or address R. kokiii.kk, Manager, K. V. KDUr.HM, AMI. (Ion. V. A H. Agt,, Portland, Oregon Most Modern and progressiva For rstaloKue or liif.irniat Un will.' to tmu MAkLt.N nun arms co. Now llsvrn, Cnn. ThtcOirprstlvtlutofthfMtwocfj4 Is known ts most persons. Thty Illustrate that frtatrr quantity la Net alwsya most to b itcslrt 4. . Thssa caids t sprtst ths tntncll qual ity of RlpansTahulcs iscotnpaif J with any previously hnow DVHtlMMA CI KB Ripana TalHilva t Prtta, ja ctnta boa. Of drugglau, or by mall. $nn CHttmcu co., to ft, V. CHlCKEHRslSIHQP&YS irf4MriKrin i I i.ka4 . i r la mil A fcieha llMHtf wtill 1 a MaS JI vlhn at Ml'"l01- J I, to Hi i.IH' ii ' I I t.ii.iniii-i 01 !,'". ,1 1 l mmi 3 -t .! VI 1 ll -1 I 1 (M I wt.4 1.4 HMfjA '' ivwitiy baMatsa. Msa. nt.ftnttly H I hl -4ltrM l lt I a ' r.' i I . ! ta ci I I instml cina I f ,tl Hi- ioHilH rrTirMUCl-AtPiCO.rU!aaia.Csl. C0PYHIGMT . 1 It . .. AH, q rwaxuaw M l r-a' ! laViam au wa tkt V qk M iq'4l A N 1 t, rtf liWii.k NNht Ual) ltlll a I lrg"ilf f ll t Ita la f ."!' AJ ufm i.l.-rn .' '' at.. t -i ', a I i t I I t . f h ' 'i"8i7!t',""' '. sflff fifJ'jpV tightest, Simplest, fltf j,lljj nlr.t Mrongest, I ,T J ijf ViHTm Work'ng 5olld lUll ' Most Top Accurate, Kecelver. jsky Compact, a-i t I.H i I nl't tH.f. .li f .f f I . I . t I ! utiU'i s i q1 t! f fil -,i I, i a f 4 TABLES. The Unfortunate Lawyer and Dll CUent, the ?urse. The extent to which lawyers can ex ercise their imagination when pleading in behalf of their clients is almost be yond belief; but sometimes the tables are turned in a very unexpected fash ion. On one occasion, says the Florida Times-Union, Mr. Swan was engaged in presenting the case of a woman who petitioned the court to erant her a judicial separation from her husband, a workingman, and urged that as she was in extreme poverty she was en titled to alimony according to her hus band's means. With a voice broken in its pathos the lawyer dilated on the imperative neces sity of the case, declaring that his client was utterly destitute, not having a mattress to he upon, and not possess ing- the means to purchase a crust of bread. When the evidence had been heard the judge, who well knew the counsel's unlimited powers of exaggeration, turned to the appellant and addressed to her a few questions. "Have you, then, no occupation? "Yes, my lord; I am a nurse," was the incautious reply. 'And where are you employed? 'I am at Mr. Swan's," she unwitting ly rejoined, pointing to her counsel. It waswith the greatest difficulty that the judge refrained from joining in the shout of laughter with which this admission was hailed. FEMININE VANITY. It Crops Out Even Among Women Be hind the Bar. Vanity in a female prisoner would be merely laughable if it were not so sad to behold. It is, however, the one touch of nature which proves the hu man kinbhip, and there is perhaps some hope for even these poor, degraded creatures, if they are thus swayed by such harmless emotions. Prison ma trons, says the North American Review, would be perpetually busy if they checked every attempt made by their charges to adopt the lust fashionable coiffure. ' Fringes are ' going out, perhaps, in general society, but they are still amazingly popular in prison. Criminals will trim their hair as it pleases them, and the wisest disciplin arian affects to see nothing of the fringe. In the same way, once, when chignons were in vogue, the female felt happy whose locks escaped the prison scissors and were long enough to fold over a pad of oakum. The ingenuity, again, with which some prisoners will twist and turn their unbecoming uni form into some faint notion of the fashions of the day might have earned these artists good wages in a dress maker's atelier. I have seen panniers counterfeited and polonaises, skirts draped or tied back, dress improvers manufactured out of whalebones or horse hair; no doubt when the present bell" 'Skirt is fading out of fashion it will be largely patronized in jail. The craze for personal adornment leads women to skim the grease olf their Bcuntv allowance of soup, with which they plaster their hair. I once knew an aged prisoner who was caught scraping the dust from the red brick cell wall to serve her as rouge. AAMOR IN MODERN USE. KiiRllsh Ofllcora In Forrln HerTloe to Pro tect Thxmautvaa. In (lidcuKHinir the modern uite of armor by ofllcera and men in the for' cign "little wars" of to-day, an Enpllh tu'Contri'tui'tit maker, an retwirU-d by London Tid-lliU, myn: "I give you my iiKMirtiiii'o that an Immcnne numbor of thu oIlictTS of our army aud navy who Ijo ou foreltrn wrviof, fHtwcially when onn of our 'little warn' in expected, pro vide tliemselven with curtain easily reoojfiilzed liroU'etUinn. 'Thew, mind you, arc well-known nrth'li-H of trade to the service. The eoiiitiinni'ht aud most tisiinl tvpe of thena roteftionn eoiiKihtn of fine but beauti fully teniH'red miiiflerlmiiiH, IneloKod In In Mift leather, whieh run alonir the iiliiiiilili rH, down the outer nlde of the iiriim ami over certain parta of tho ImmIv. TheM ean either lie newn Into a lnrtit'tilir tunieor they can lie adjusted M-pnrately and put on like harneaa. I he iiinxt valuable of all rluiltm. In con nection with aeeoutremeiitM, are thoe w uu ii trunrd llie ncai, ami in ciiva where the n gulatUin cap or helmet la not milHi U'iitly protected in thla way, ixm ia!l y inn. In ehaiun are wa n Innida the name and covered by the lliilnif." WORK OF THE MISSISSIPPI. ftrry mr lha fathrr f Walrra (arrtea Ihian a Hqitara Mlla of lnd. The Miw.Uippl linn In tha counm of ie triinirlH from the mountain and hik'h land within It drainage area aiinuiitil material t4i make 4'to.iino a-iunre inilr of new bind by fiHiiitf tip an e!imry whleli rtnilel from it I'tit' outfall to the liuif of Mekieti f r a li iik-tli of .-hi mil.-, and In width fnitit :mi , ti mile. Thia river, aa l4tit,'tiinn'a Macuiine, U atilt f ir iurf a. ill, I lu.i't. r Int.i the ifnlf. whero it i sjir. n.l mil in a fan like ahape over eail line of I VI mile, and U llliinrf up at llie r.ile of .n.j.iaai.tinu n a rear, or tit i mo-., ii. itni. h anil aa waa removed in the '..iitf ii. tUm of the Manchester aliin i aunt, a nl iif!W'irtit to make innrr tulte of hew land, a'dowimr 1T II hn io' t.i nil up the ifulf t- depth . )r.t. !.iw .Um of lh tnra of tl,U TTli.m Riay I conceived when the f t la ent.U re.1 that win of thia ail ha l,i l Iratikr1etl in. than l.0 tin'.., and that If the w .ot of It had to It carried tla at th Uert tale t w til, li brai y maU rial t earrUd i n llie inland water of Anurua. of, iv, fr fur U tilli of a ja nnv p r l"i jr n.tu- i,r an avitaifeof !.:( llie l il.t-n.r. titeoail WimUl te Hole a xin tl.aa t :. o"' w year 1 hrimth ml iui, i mt ami ItirnuitT ly ll.(iiin ul'rf I- u-im until II r tt imI It ! i'i ' li ' 1.1 Ho!-. i,e I i.i .1. ' Dm- nt point tritth f I'.e irf!, r..ii.tii'.ly !'. nrf U.e I al.a In - and bi.'..l.i tip land in ant hrf , mataamaily brvaalna' H v a.-n a trtn net b a hi. b li- UNr, n II, rttrrnMlM-a aifl B ii. a '' D-e batmrt It l thai an Aiwft. an Ko Km on. a.lrd a rnr.'t t't 1 Vv tdtit f l;iane r!. tt ! d!it. at an itrvfl la ti ! H tirtl ten ) ll.thil tk rl Im p..-l at an I tu. mM ha la pt ia ri ! i tlti is 11 a',f a lf iurf th wevl e V .f t' . n t t ttf ?t 1 dii"i p-vt , fi,.l t ' l a.'.t-- l t"n .,. iU al 'f I'.1 TURNING THE . j . I Mini.i r a- X a t'ti'l mit'.i-i FOR CURES SCROFULA. BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA. TETTER. BLOOD SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUN ty of Morrow. State of Orceon. F. B. Vancleave, 1 Plaintiff, VB. L. H. Vancleave, Defendant. I To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregen, y ereby required to appear and answer th' on are 1 e corn- plaint filed againBt you ln the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service ot tnis Biimmons upon you, it served witmn this county; or, if served ln any other county of thiR state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; and if served upon you by publication or by personal service wimout tne state ot uregon, then you are required to appear and answer on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, to.wit: On or before the first Mon day in March, 1S90. And lu case you fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the dissolution of the I marriage bonds now existing between you and plaintiff, and for the care and custody of the minor child born as the fruits of said marriage, to-wit: R. A. Vancleave; and for such further decree as the court mav deem lust. This summons is published by order of the Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of the 6th Judicial I District of the State of Oregon, dated September I 6th, 1S95. U. Y. K,A, 74-86. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the" County of Morrow, on the 2d day of October, 18115, in favor of E. D. Rood, Plaintin, and against Alfred Doohttle, XT n A Ttnnltttln on.l fnOln X, Mulfa 1 n Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and Five ($205.00) Dollars with interest thereon from the 17th day of August, 1891, at the rate of ten per cent per annum and Twenty Dollars attor ney's fees, and the further sum of Sixteen aud 20-100 Dollars costs, and accruing costs, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, the 2d day of November, 18(15, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court house door In Heppner, Morrow County, Oreiion, all the right, title, and interest which the Bald Alfred Dooiittle, Emma A. Doollttle and Cotnn & Mcf arland, defen dants, had on and after tho 3d day of September, 18U5, In er to the following described premises, to-wit: North-east Quarter of Section Nineteen (1!)) in Township Three (3) South, of Range Twenty-I nve r.ast, w. si., in morrow uoumy, uregon. i Terms of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to I be applied to the satisfaction ot said judgment, attorney's fees, costs and all costs that may accrue. Dated at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, tuts second day ot October, G. W. HARRINGTON. 8 M Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IH IIERKBY GIVEN TIIAT UN DEB and by virtue nl nn eio'cution issued out I ol the Circuit Court ot the Htate of Oregon, lor the County ol Slorrow, on K:toter 17, W.tH, and I to me dlreeU-d and delivered, upon a judgment I rciiuiTiMi ana eniervit in tiild court nn the run day of Heptember, in fsvor of W. F. Mat- liN'k, plniiitlir, and sttslniit Mnry Drlscoll, and Mary llrlscoll as sdiiilnistratrix of the estate of rnrnpltim IlrUi'fill. ftiMi..aH,.,l Mniiit Ilrlu.n'l I Minnie Drlscoll hii.I John Drlscoll. defendants, fortheaiini ol Kluven Hundred vi,.i.y....... I ami KT..IIIO I111K7 hSl llitllura urllli lnl.,ri,Mt OtnM. I on at the rateol H nor cent, per annum, from ... ni-.i,-ii,,-i , .n.-v, nii'i ,110 v.imn sun niaiiiirseiiiftitsiii SHtu sun ami ot t,lil sale. And whereas, by unl.l Jinlirment It was ordered. adjudtfed and decreeil that the followlnir da- crliieil real proM-rty, to wn: llie west hall nl I the iiiirth-esst iiisrler, aud the cast half of the I north-west tiimrUT In section No. HI In Town ship 2 south, ol rnliK" Zt east ol W lllainette I Merldlniiln Morrow County, Htsto ol (iri-aon. I Uielhr with the teiicineuta, hereditaments ami I appurtenances thereunUi Ik'Ioiikiiik, be sold tot nullity aald Jiidk'ineiit, Costa and aivruiiiR eosta. I will on the ml liayot Nnremlier. iv.i., at I n'rlm k p m. d ihLI day. In front nl the coart I huum daor. In lletiinier, Morrow t'oiiutv. I (iri'Knn sell all Iherlnht, title and Interest nl the I SHld deleiidaiils. and all the rliht, title and I Interest nl the ili'fcmlant. Mary i)rirnll. and I which Cornelius Drlxoll, decel had on the I lh day ol April, l', or which any ol the I delendanta. or the Mild Cornelius llrlacotl have siiiranainoiea-ci ne-rioe.i premiaca. ail ilille a.ittlon tn the hlihmt and beat l ldder I . naifl lit liatnl Ilia- Hd as Is a Tvaa a f ifll lwl tn I the satisfaction ol said execution and coau that may accrue. Haled Oclolwr 17, lWV 1 W. lltRRINOTOS. t Hhcrlirol Morrow t omily, Dreaon. Notice Of Intention. IAsn artu r. at tiik uai.i it. oiiKiioM, j (l.lrmUT l Is'A. Notice la herrl.v atven thai the Mlowlnt liame.1 settler hu llle.l no lle nl hla lutrntloii to make Anal prnol In sou. I i,rt nl hla claim, and that aald proof will Pel mad before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, al 11,-ppncr, lrcnn, on iiTmlier. IJ. via: WII.I.IAM r BARM?TT. on. r.. 30 it. iir in er. h. jiiv pei&i .d NH eK.' a,- ai, TP I a. K r I II name th tollowlna' wltiiew In nmv I hla rcaidrnca upon and rultlt atlon I nl. a. leii.l. l J"hn I armlchacl, Marlon Fvans John T, M Mlllan, Jain.-a bra. h, all of lli.elon, ur. X.'.t. Jas. r, M.-'SS. Krflster. Notice of Mention. t.0 Ofrni r U tiP Oatona-, N-t'ti tnUr i, tmS VOTICH 14 IIKIlfHV .lkJ( TIIAT 111! i ioilitalna namr-t ai llief has ftinl turtle I ot hla lnteitt..n to tnak Anal t".--l In nipH nl hiarlalm. and thai aald pr.-.l will bnidi l-..,rJ w i . .iii.ij llcpewf. on mi, on I " la ; ftKMJAtfl MATIir, IH Mil lf ti,e-4ai and S H wm,1. Ii. I a. M r, a t. M II nainea it, loiiitwina wo.., fopimi nia i ... -in. .., h.i..iH npnn and tilttiaioe nl. aal. land, vlt M I ltni, K J H.l. w, n Hrt,W, u aitna. ail ol llr pf, M..f rw . p. r , aliens r lctalf. MrTlfK or JSTtXTIuJi. I. ai nrm f at in pAt i nHrooii, o l Id l im.l a. turf ha a ! on- Ik. ( f t. lnte,,iu,n I. as a,. p,. in .nt. It il hi r '. al ! aald pn t li I I ,! tmt.trm w . fo. i mi i ira. al ll, l" i Ven'' I ta tU ! iii't s i a a i ii a k. II i K n . !.. t a, and . a v an- rip u i. w. II t.n o. i,.iuiina w ii .. Mfimi htm n i.imnM.ini'liwf nl at.. rilltla I i i rf r"v. a fciiy. ail m - A r ''KV asr. Node of Intention. I atirrSi 9 fit I I a i.titi'r oa'"V I ! ii i. M.m im a.i-. a ! m I -I . I -a-. . a a .l twl' a I a.. i,.t ... i. " ai a4 m - -i I fct na, a-t o-i I i an j w w m...' ttm, ) t i ... 1 1 1 1 a M i i.ti a hi " ' a , It T a a a w w w- . a J, a4 . II l f ' I. , i.i. ri ad . o,iiua I at ai. 14 ' t l( Ha'iw. t.4H f J J . ta-a '.M, a.) el ll--'. k f i!ai m aw ttdihttt' I tiinctton. Soft, a fa Mtai u a t a v ottia ttf r. . '. . . a t a-.t -aft m i h m -4 lc .- ? W4J -f I "" v I . 4 - ) -. t raH f m . - f f, I , - m-'- I m'M ft 1 s ThJh6 RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands ln the front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Eide a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want punctured, It can be mended by you ln five renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, 1G0 each. THE RAMBLER is the fasteBt, lightest and strongest wheel In the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, aB it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $46 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge clincher tires and are fully warranted, Before yon buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call ? on our numerous ageuts. namDier KUBtiers namea iu every town in Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY. NorthweBt representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main jsl Store, 327 Washington bt., Portland, Or. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise- need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. LIQI1T. STRONO, SPEEDY. HANDSOftlL Four Models EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch . . a t. l aCIOry HflQ main V7IIICC ; Lac - BRANCtlliSt Naw York, Ban Pranctaoa. 5alt Laka City, Dcavar, MamphU, Detroit, Tarouto. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OIIEGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tin: Pattiirson Publishing Co. I W s : WITH. mm : Yoiuv BOUXD to 'rnlvilOm. Leaves No Connipoliotv to be happy, for should your wheel beg mluutes, as It Is equipped with the world Ideals j FINEST MATERIAL. S85 and S100. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. -a ea- uiirn Iff onu iibisicu 01.9., viuwijtt iuu 1 1 - Morrow County, Hejmer, Oregon, OUR STOCK VOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD o 22. Bin : mis ! w- " w nr jr in ' irri"' a-ttj't-i ha r a 1 f - e '" J5M r t -wat t,. ..,; ! r-.i if .