NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! BESTJLT OF VSHXQ AYER'SPILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pilla for over thirty years have kept me in good health, never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced Here and There. He asked her if she'd have Ice cream, In accent! toft and low. The wind was high, the night wat, cold He thought that ihe'd say no. But he was wrong; she said "I will," With face supremely glad ; And what she ate that night, alas ! Took every cent he had. Boston Courier. got in from Monument W. 0. Hoy Tuesday last. Don Carlos Boyd is cow editor of the Klamath Star. Mrs. Isaac Large nod two children are on the sick list. Ci. D. Coats was down from Hard man early this week. Marble WorkB, Tim Bisbee are that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Tills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." II. Wettstbw, Bvron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer't Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. VI turn B'S. WJ . MS 2r 'ir'.m I A !. & JEC t JlD- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f 8 J 3 Z0 l 2 2 Ti 24 L 5T2 0T"2 7 T 2" & J 2 0 Take Notice. 1. The mm of Ave cent per line will be Jharced for "cnrds of thanka," "rennlu Until of reajM-ct," Huts of wedding pmenta and donors, inn oliltnary nntlce, (other man tnoa ine ami yr shall hlmanlf give u a mutter of news,) and aotlcwnl iwlil mwtlinin (or whatever ptirTKme. 2. Nntli e ol church and oclty and all other jnUTUInmenU Irom which rnveinie la to he de rived, shall lie charged lor at the rata of Ave jenia a line. Theoe rules will be strictly adher ed to In every tnatanre. Advortlaliiit rnio reuonable and madokuoWD ipon application. TIME TABLE. MtAire for ItaMman, Monument, Long Creek, loltif 1'ny ami I'ntiycm Ur. iMnrna aa Inllows i Evrry day t 4 a. m eu-ept Hunila. Arrlvmevrry day l p in., rxrtpt Monday, The rhi''t, iin kct and lct Hue lo or from the Interior ronniry. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. l'hlll Cohn, Agent. The Niles-Vinson, walla walla, Wash. J. J. Adkins and Mrs, both on the siok list. B. M. Dougherty is very ill at bis home in this county. Andrew, Tom and Frank Reaney were 10 town the nrst of the week. Tfilecriim: J. W. Vaughn and wife, of Heppner, are guests at the Imperial. Jay Ball and N. R. McVay were in Tuesday from the Gooseberry section. Miss Dollia Rnsh, daughter of Harve Hush, is quite ill with malarial fever, La tirnude Marble Works, La Qrande Ore. a. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner It is nearly impossible to tell the value of a man's love by the sighs of it, Ben Pnppen, of HardmaD, brought his ittle girl down to town reoently for treatment. F. J. Hallock, wife and children oame np from Hood River on Tuesday morn ing's train. T. A. Rbea will ship out 225 head of bocf oattle today for the Union Meat Uo., Portland. Rev. Green held his regular services at t us place last Sunday. He had a good congregation Clyde Thompson is quite ill with ormgestive appnplexy. He is much better at preterit. E, 0.: Lon Vernon, a young man formerly residing in Pendleton, is now at Hoquiam, Wash. Emit Soharff onrae over this week for a load of California bucks, leaving Wednesday for home. Geo. D. Fell is in Pendleton looking after some bnsiness mutters. (Geo. re turned this morning ) Wauted Plain or fancy newlng. Will go to the house or take sewing at home. Mra. Mhi-v HAndaraon. " A premium to cash purchasers tt Phill (John's drug store. Don't fail to get your ticket for the wheel. tt. Two rszor straps, hanging in front of W. L Buhngs store yesterday, were purloined by t petty tbief. Mrs. Cbas. Hale is reported oa ill down at the ranoh in the neighborhood of the old Alpine postomce. W, G. MoCarty has almost entirely recovered from the effects of corneal ulcer oo one of bis eyeballs. Best accommodation aod courteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh aud Wash. Sis., Portland, Oregon. Wesley N. Matlook and Wo. Brandt have retnrned to Pendleton from bunting trip to Stein monntaius. Telegram: Frank Motter, who wss knocked out by a bad fall, ia on bis feel again, and able to attend to business. Long Creek Eugle; Orin L. Patter on aud W. M. Undio want over to Canyon Sunday, returning Thursday. When you want to fwl merry call oo Lif lie Sperry. at the Melvenere Haloon where they keep the Durst wet goods In town. tt. Elmer Slnoiim, the artist, will make cabinet photita for the nrit 30 dayi at Christian church services will be held in the opera bouse Sunday morning and evening at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. and Y. P. S. C. E. at 4:10 p. m. Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach in the morning on "Loyalty to Christ" and in the evening on "The Origin, Aim and Growth of the Cause we Plead." Wills & Slocum now manufacture to order men's, ladies' Bnd children's hose of excellent quality. You oan pick your yarn and they will make you a good, substantial, double beel and toe stock ing, cheap. Hose for ohildren will be made with double knees also. Satis faction guaranteed in every instance. tf. You can earn $5 eaoh day "giving" our absolutely indispensible household article away. New plan of work, mak- ng experience unnecessary and success oertain for either sex in aDy section. Sample dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address. Melrose M f g. Co., 30 Melrose Park, 111. 4t. E. O.: Friends of Mrs. J. P. Wager have reoeived the announcements of her wedding to Mr. Arthur 0. Wood ward at Geneva, Ontario county, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward will reside in Watkins, New York. The wedding occurred on October 3. While thorough in action, Ayer's Pills strengtbeu rather than stimulate the ex- oretory organs. Leading pbysioians recommend them because they are free from calomel or other injurious drugs. being onmposed entirely of the best vegetable aperients. E. O.: H. Y. Blaokwell will ship 200 bead of cattle on Nov. 1 from Pendleton, He was bnying feed for tbem Tuesday afternoon in the country near this oity and paid $9 per ton for hay. Feed of any kind he found to be very soarce. Charley Jones, the well-known "old timer" in the tonsorial line, bos again located in Heppner, having purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite the city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Salem Post: Mrs. Wm. Rasmus went to Albany this morning, where she will join her husband, who is preparing with the Enight of Pythias lodge, to prodnoe the play of "Damon and Pythias," in that oity. Pure drugs, chemiaals, paints, wiudow glass and a complete line of stationery at lowest prices and a ohnnce to win a $100 prize at Phill Cnbn's drug store, next door to Minor & Co. tf. The races are over and one by one the sports are vanishing. All that remains to remind ye denizen of of the festivities is the "merry-go-'round" whioh will be taken out today. For 822.50 I will furnish a first olass. bigb grade, high arm sewing machine guaranteed for 10 years. For further par ticulars oall on or address, N. A. Leaoh, Lexington, Oregon. 2t. Shilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures Inoipient Consumption. It ia the best Cough Cure only oneoentadose. 25 cts., 50 ota., aud SI. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who desires the services of an attorney in Washington, D. O . will find it to bis advantage to call on or address this pa pwr, 5tf Chris. Borohers' baa provided bis new bar with all the luxuries in the way of beverages, and be solioits a goodly share of the trade. Call on him at the Palace, Litkbabi Doings. The Heppner Literary and Debating Sooiety held their regular meeting on last Saturday evening at wbiob time the organization was oompleted. Written invitations will not be issued this week but the publio are cordially invited to attend. The question, "Resolved that Grant was a greater general than Lee" was the sub jeot debated at their last meeting. James Hart and Jay Shipley represented the affirmative while Chas. Freeland and John Hornor fought for the negative, the affirmative being favored with the decision. An interesting program will be rendered next Saturday. Editor J. L. Montgomery, of Marshall. Ill , Democrat, states that for many years he suffered untold agony from dyspepsia. At last he began to take Aper's Sarsaparilla, and by the time he used six bottles be was as well as ever. Cures others, will cure yon. Lkaqcb Social. The Epworth League of the M. E. churohheld a very pleasant league sooial at the residenoe of T. R. Howard, in this city on Wednesday evening last. Those present were as follows: Misses Maud and Alice Glass oook, Ollie and Mary Howard, Graoe Ball, Maud Rush, Lena Behme and Myrtle Hornor; Messrs. Jay Shipley, James Hart, John Horner, Chas. Free land, Floyd Thomas, Maurice Ball, Clyde and W. L. Haling and Wayne Howard. All present bad an enjoyable time. Is Your Blood Pure If It Is, you will be strong, vigorous, full of life and ambition; you will heve a good appetito and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood Is purel How many people are suffering daily from the consequences of impure blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and That Tired Feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla purines, vitalizes and enriches the blood. Therefore, it Is the medicine for you. It will give you pu.-e, rich, rel blood and Btrong nerves. It will overcome that tired feeling, create an appetite, give refreshing sleep and make you strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the publio eye today. Hri-rl'c Dillc the after-dinner p"l and 11UUU S flllS family cathartic 2SO. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, SbU Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively cures riles, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Extra Pale Star Brewery Beer In I!ult Pint llnttli' cmi ho had only at tli City Hotel Bar! Whir Mi'h .! U''nr and I'lgsrs lis lo k ly lid. T. ft. Howard niakrs a atwcialty in supplying stockmen with all needed articles, besidpa carrying a gonrral line hoe bis new aJ. u. E O.: V. O. O'urd. an attorney of Canyon City. wb practices law in partimrrliip with District Attorney Parnsh, Is in the oily. Msthrwa Urn., City hotel baiber shop, tonsiirlal artiste. Ilaircntting, shaving hxmixHiIng, etc., -done oieolifloslly lialhs at 23 cents apleo. Thr suit of the Long Creek Building Am'o V. Stale In. Go. baa been decided In lator of tht former at a reoenl terra ut cironit dirt at Canyon City. Call no f hill Odin for flue winea and liq'i'tra for metleinHl .nrr"e. A entn pi te line f f Key Weel rl.are, and a premium ticket for tbe IIO) t..r hum I. P.. () : II. Y. Marie ell and wile came In Mm.iUir eveniuc frnra Ibeie h"tue to L-.i t- Creek. Mr. Illsokw.ll wm brooght in !r lm oes eouoecteil with etse FtMMlee. Ke'l'i Clover lUw.l will purify your J. II. JhMfi, of Iimglne, end Hld. rlory mr Ornptnion, rrnla! M D. S. lleHmen. r.f lUrdwan. were' )ovr boeele and make yoqr bead clear married on Wednesday eveolt g. KMef l-ll. iiV , 'JK and 11 rvold by i. W, Jnkin.ffl. Uiiorf. T. W. Aer Jr. f'llret l'll-l IMilr.jt rile. bytndnm Moielnre; intense Itching and stingily; nnwt at fluid; worw by ecrti'hitig. If lli.e- to continue tttmra form, ebich idteu Mied aud ulieiate, b-rnlnlug very mtm. rjwATXie OmrMKKT !pi the Itching and bleed lo, beala nliwatmn, and lo m"t ease removes tbe tortiot At drnggit. r y mall, for OOeenU. lr.He)ti Hon, riiiladelphlr 1 per dixea. bouse. Gallery opposite opera tr. Eyeball Removed, Dr. P. B. Mo- S words performed quite a delioate oper ation the other day. A. Anderson, who lives near Wagner, had the mUfortune to have one of bis eyeballs pieroed by a rye straw about two years sgn, a piece of it remaining and entirely destroying tbe sight. Recently tbe injured eye began to give him great trouble, oc casioning the removal of the entire front part of tbe eyeball. The operation was entirely sucoessfall and Mr. Anderson is doing well. Backingbam'a Dye tor the Whiskers does lis work thoroughly, ooloring a uni. form brown or black, whioh, when dry, will neither rob, wash off, nor aoil linen. 'O. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, can be found at his parlors, Matlock corner, where be will dispense at popular prices shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc. Tbe Heppner track, if it can be gotten for next year's meetings, will doubtless be under the supervision of tbe North' west Racing Association. F.aob 25 cent purchase entitles yon to a ticket for the $1D0 bicyole at Phill Cohn'i drug atore, next door to Minor & Co. tf Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & y., u. m. & st. f., v. A., v. rt. w. & u., and the C. 8t. L. & P. Railroads. KATB8 WU.OO 11CW XAY Cor. W. MadiBon and Clinton Sts., CSICA&O, IJjX. None But Ayer's at the World's Fair Ayer's Sarsaparilla ecj iys the extraor dlnary distinction of having been the only blood puriiinr allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other aarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away uuder tbe application of tbe rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The deoision of the World's fair autho rities in favor nt Ayer'a Sarsaparilla was in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa rilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." Wanted. Cigar Salesman. Good salary and expenses. New plan. Big gest inducements. Experienoo unneces sary. Samples furnished. IWply with stamp. L. Mkinhardt & Company, 4-5. Chicago. No Show on This i We will go back to the land of our Fathers. And during their absence Minor & Co. will be found at their old stand, selling at 10 PER CENT Under Competitors! If you doubt this statement, thous ands will come forward and con firm the same. MIS W ID DEI ! Styles too Numerous to Mention SUITS FOR $100, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 UP TO $20.00 USE TO SEE OUR LINE OF $101 DVERGOHTS Our line of Boots and Shoes are amongst the largest (if not the largest) to bm found in the city. MINOR & CO. Call and examine, we are here to show goods. We are the leaders. Others follow. Hay For Sale I have 75 tons of exoellent wheat luiv on the Al Bayers place 8 miles above Olex, whioh I will sell very reasonable. Good location for feeding stock. Ou Bock Creek, (Jilliam Co., Oregou. 6w. O. Q. Boyd. Nbw Fekd Yard. Wui. Gordon line opened up the feed yard next door to the Gazette olllce, and now solioits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. I'rioes reasonable. Iluy aud grain for aala. tf It is not at all surprising to Bee tbe immense crowds going to trade at tbe store of P. C. THOMPSON CO. Wben we consider that Ileppner handles more merchan dise than the other seventy-two counties of Eastern Oregon put together, and that P. C. Thompson Co. handle nine-Bevenths of that. It is not to be wondered at that they have all of the local trade and part of that of Cali fornia and Chicago, but they will not be satisfied till they have the trade of Paris, London and New York also. Qet in with the rush and come to the ODD COMBINATION SIGN Walt. Thompson runs stage between Ileupner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. P. Cohn, agent. Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of the city meat market where be keeps a fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal, sausage, baoon and lard, which be sells for the lowest market price. Fred Bock, the Portland bntrber, is still with bim. tf 'I' At the Corner of Main and Willow Streets. Follow the crowd and you can't miss it. KloHiM'k TroubU ('Bird. "I was suffering with stomach trouble. sod procured a bottle of Hood's Hara parilia. It helped me at much that I took more of it, and now I always keep it in the bouse and ose it for every ail ment. I also give it lo my children." U. K. riimpaon, Oooai-berry, Drrgon. Hood's Tills cure all liver ills. KorisL nATtiBinwa. A number of oar yonng people gathered at the borne of Miss Mabel Lir last evening to spend a frw hour in ecial amnasment. A good time was retailed. The fullowi g are the namse of l o present; Minara Laura Mnir, Maud Knn. In lUhine, Oraie lit II and Jennie N'dile; Mr. W. !. Haling. T. It. Lrnea, Harry War ren, l'h". t'rei'Uml, Jamra llavr. aud Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ilrnwri. BIG DRAINS. V WW llm Ulnnlinii t mil uiu nuuiuvi.j OF THE PUBLIC SO TIIF. f.Kt'T ( u tm ffl mrrrhnnt a lnrli Ihnl h nr Ihrf rm tm-lrrtrl' Anyone h t.iHtm-l thrtttj if; r, lt uthtr wur-U, a lir iinf Ih IrnlK is in, We ilo ni.l tl'iim lo mtt'lffll rrr on rt, f.f tl'ff '" itrrfU e, lif si o frlf i-i f'.nf -u kit r t-t! rr .rtjn.ia.i f'.'f f- lrmtlfl I t th'ir ln.lhtr nr r..iMft irki-h u nr trry lo mi it .f Iht trtt, r Sii-rrfcit nit I 1V mi tit V ! '.( I" i')'t er f'-t,ifi llt i 0 cutiU fi l il tt rl I". fffK, ' t trrll l"ll, itt prtft nr n ft.f ip M ' e Ffl'rn rtrtgn. a (,iln4 o)e-f r -?' mim jl wAif tr siy. t'rrf ttntfrnflfnliti W', HORNER & RHEA. I I ; 1 1 i: ' h (tinkM ! 4 9 ' I - - i. 1 1 4 l i t ,lym mipt0' e.Ne.' MawiaMll MwUl Mwhlnvrf if Ulsmartk, It r r anil lllhrra. The fammis and litlv nami'd (icrman, f haix-r. who ewntrl the ntntue r IiiKiiiarrk at Ii"iip. wm prlrllegwl to te on wore familiar t'-rme than anylxuly now llvlmr. pmliably, with bU sitlrr'a brad. II bad that brad In bis band fr day. aa) t'ie New Vurk Journal, and surveyed and mriuirnt. and mniilm',ot. It to hit heart's (wmtrnt. The mulle of bi ol- M-rratlnns and mensuration be nt eiiirnity p:i-ed at the dUr"! of j -Wnrr, and a h-n- baa prijonHled 1 ' Itiotitnte ritriiiirion 1tcHn (he ' -riti'' bead and otlu r-nut only In liht of tr, but In iinl of brain ' Height Snvery irrta'ly. a may t - 'inirje.. In the pret insn's favor. I 1 he It.wtiart k bej mi 'ire 113 and I TO In nioilmrter 1tiia.ll a(i-r. U - ! In Uudrn. ber ! run !.' f, o-il of I. Via tl.ry wieiirrd mily .f.e ri Ui V't hililimeter fr"tn f-.r" km,. to oel;iMt. Th ltot esler,!! n tlirr r.,uld frid UiO a Kt,t a ri'e rnjKKity of I.! rtti f .' 'tilr. It's !? tlila I'.' l'.' . li!iHe1r letUr I ollol. I ,..'l,l of I fftiii, Ksiit. Irh'e. !)rrtl. ' i m r -ti-iow tUfn ' .11 li with ll. j r". mi'" Hr ni tarr'.-il I firtd t ". -, In L.tnh p.fl l! k " i-n I fwi mN , .jii-o aM lMlr4 I t I i .ltt, l,..rrf. b l nriialr li the i-f llri'lfch aul.Joel, ! f rwA r-m. of ' a i In U lnerl II ) . f Kl n V). ' rherifeoof i tfut '!v -and be daf. demb, .Ufi. and a h j Va f,t wrta-- tf",r, ,t f,,,, ( are -A wor K ,h- if,.,,f, ia f.nwrly M Un,mtt -.; "m terrr;br m ; tut b,f La tre ti,(ai, 1 .. r . , f m. f,,f ,f,. rit f , ! 't; j.. . , ,.,,, , f I t U,e -l,.i f:,rH- Great Bargains .AT McFAllLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY'S Notice Some of Our Prices : I Suit fine knit nnderwwir, Hii rents. 1 Good Jerapy Shirt, (JO cents. 1 Pair Btiepcndora, worth Ilo ronta, ftir 20 ciua. Gmh1 ranton flanu! undcrehirtu Spwial iSnrgain 'Xt ctH. 1 dozen gufal cotton hik Iih, Ci ccnla. And many othur Imrcaina lowrr than ever Li' fore hoM in llepptu'r. A SEIV USE OF OIMG HBUS Will iimr in n frw ilnyt, u hu U trill l ml. I ul Imt fjurr. ftf f a,.i Avunls lor Iteiirjf Mi;c h eon's full Cirsm Viii' mntra tlirn. I all hihI ua, NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, iiki'.wku. oiei:noN. A Brand New Man! It is imt ineant lliat Hie MN la no M l.ut that thin j.a- r la rail. apuo i- annonnre to tliA imlilio that the llanlcuan merrAtitiln l.tjaiwesa t,t V. I Kal.lrr l.aa ln t I to GEO. A. BROWN, A Will Kn'ntn Mttrnur fount iy y. He .rus-a lo ferry fvrr) thing ai I to e II at iri'e in romp ti tii.n illi lb" railf-a l. Tliie ie i,o iille jf, ati I an iii rrli'.n (,f Mr I'r'iwti'a at'K-k laei,f ,iiii,-aa w, cirxihro joii. T. R. HOWARD DEA.L.S IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Surn.iES, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it no object for you to trade with bim as his prices are right, anil nil good that he handles are of the very bout. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, r-ioppiKii', Oregon. POTATOES !! POTATOES !! I uousanu Indies of aIiiaaci 11 At my ranch, ten mi lea antilh-eaet of Heopner, at lo per pound ia the fluid, eackwL Or will deliver at Heitur at lo cr poumL For aeed Milnlo4-a, my crop cnunot l heaten. J. "II. MANNING, IIEITNEK, OREGON. AttorneyN nt Xit'We All buli"M alUriitoil In a i-fompt an4 aallsfaHory manner. Nularlee I'ulilk- ainl Ctillrrlore. OrriCF. IN NATIONAL HANK Hl'ILMNO. Iim-NKIl. i i t t UUKOOM BID PROFITS ON SMALL INVESTMENTS SUM f f (tliliiwiti. Oit'U'iii. Hm ! lo TIIK PALACE 110TKL UAH, C. IIOHCI i KHS, Prop. pMuinlt.f , xirlf t sill mat. thif IWh. feul r r.q !. kill ellltlaa Kitll lin.a aa l. a .lnl - uiailo In i.iain, I f... i.l.,i a au I . s FOH EACH DOLLAR INVESTED I aa I- Va-la l.f tt-,i m Systematic Plan of Speculation Ml(.al4 fct ..a til a 'al -I in i..n ( a !' al at" i h a I ', n u. li .1 . a' !....' hi . ",.J lha I itK.. tKtoa) 1 1 afatA-an1 I'.'it'.f ihr.'.tfH i .w an i.f..a a ta.ra ii.Mt.u ,t.ii hi (.iii Ini , ! 4. !.. Ii n..t I.a a a.r .4 I.4 aii..lfM 4m aa np U. a. tiftnt m.w9 h. lb. I t .i a ! lh..a.w il la a an . la. I n al tl.. ha m i-m 'i Ii- .at 1 . ' an.' I aaaaaMla Mill !' ar .. ..a f lloai I l,K. Ital thtw,lt H. .. lfal Hfffta4 l,t4.malM lr. lh I". I fa 4m ! I In k-a i.illiiil.i.ntliU "! w.aa ttAm a lal .it.M h. ruH la,,a II .1 a l (! Hal l nl ' j '' t I- t V 1. ( it rr l- tt, 4 a THOMAt A CO . Banker aetf Bfekerw. 341742 HieHe Biiio, Ciiee, III. af afwaaawa-f la a ;r:allM Wwaal a " ' it.-: Iwjrs the Finest Wines, Liquors ami C IMIwm N0TARY PU3LIC -i'illllMillRINjll '., CONVEYANCER