IM Jli If NOTES AND COMMENT. Burke says that virtue will catch as well as vice, by contact. Then our good people who are laboriog bo diligently in the interest of nobler and better things should not feel discouraged. Aa their numbers increase and sphere of influence enlarges, if Burke speaks truthfully, virtue will triumph over vice. Judge Donny, of Chiuese pheas ant fame, was ia Eastern Oregon recently on business. Judge Den ny, though a very ardent supporter of Sen. Dolph last winter, is no less an advocate of the claims made by Son. John II. Mitchell's friends that he should bo re-elected. Senator Mitchell has more triends than any man in Oregon. He is the true representative of the people, and that is the kind of a republican to keep where he can do good work for them. ON EVEN TERMS. James Whitcomb Riley has completed a new Beries of poems in which he varies the treatment of each one to such an extent that they are said to show the Iloosier poet's versatility to a remarkable degree. Ho has given the oories to The Ladies' Home Journal, in which the first is about to be pub lished. A. J J. Frost has been en gaged by the magazine toilhiHtrate the poems, No fight came (T yester.l ly in Hot MiningH, and it looks as though that it would all end in a wordy battle. Col. J. 11. Kddy Iihb been ap poiutcd by Gov. Lord as a delegate to tho tranH-MiHnifHipi cuiigioHB which will inoirt in Omaha, Nov. 2oth. The appointment is a good one. Hi IX Nye, tho famous William of lioomerang fume, Itvturi'd in TatorHoii, N. J., recently on "1' arm ing Kxponod." Somehow tho nii'lieiiro dhln't think tlmt the "exixmition" was a micccm, but tho bad ggrt that followed I'.ill clear to tho outgoing (rain went t-xpomd ulhVicntly to piovn their identity. Wbra I lie (hill Ml. la i.f Hie Morning lUnil likn inll over Ilia miif.uw nf Hi tltrlli, Bill tie. wall f ir toll In-fur littif intf lulu I li" r mr, rliHril, -tliii, ili il.n e.-cila in tuaUtla or T.iiu'ul ih nf idiMnn.ilifl tuinyre, In Ink" a im-a? 'n f ill of II teller' iiioniHi'li Citd-ia, ami llm. alii, 14 ymtraelf from aitmiiiorii inllueiirea llirenleiihitf til health. If )oi liii ii'ii to rl liual, sleelril or mini'il 11 , mi, ne the mint ieentive, ami avi.i.l I lit. r ltrll Hi imiii r a iU'iki loim i nl.l H,e agreeable mnitb iiif !. into itm Air filiation tv Him gi'tnitl ulniinu hid, t in- Vltf'iralMitf III J rrtfulatiiia! ii.p.-rtra ifcimmenil II till n iiciiili. nf the furl llml la I.. H, r t ! cure, t'ae Ida Hitlers f ir ilii en, liiliiiim tieea, hetoiitie an I ki ln..) tioiilile, lit lira Uclm an. I clil it jr . klura (llMrrfrr: I lm II ,'!. , nfc'l, feel grateful fir IIIK.MHI a I f ial-1 In ai-l brr iliruunh ll.i. I-.,., 1, i.( ti (iiiml. an. I le Ij-rn. air ! .1-itoiiiii-iiitf Ilia Ixiat railaaji .!.. n.e . r t'elil.i, an. I a'lf.l a 1 anal the i nl 1 r..i . r innM of if ilinj Ilia ('.liin.ti at 1 1. a I' . lira M..r.i OWrvi-r ; 'li,e r,i..ll.-l n Til- tmiia U In Ida till 11 if IhiMik a en grraM tial r"neni.n, an I 1: ,.,,fc., liaa ni'l nominate I am l . I; , uiat Iimhi l lla.. . 11, al .Mr. I Mia I In I lloliil tiatr.l. I l.a llnr 1 Il.n i.tri li m 111 ! U- u Ilia i. .li 11 nrtl May Mi, r. H. Ilaakn a. ( liallama. I . aata " , a lhi 'ear nir- 1 Mill t. i ni,r.i f "f a leliilila'e I atatim I i.r i,.f .l).H-ia. Iir i r kill. l..t,l.i, lltieete, I'iih T'i ft i l-a I V , A left, Ji. fmt tii W m IMmiiii, ftlt frlli all Ma ai I I la fr.ilB M.t'hall. al- la a 1 air i f n' ff-. Wat. (af'f U a lua ; , gtuf lula I' if' rre I lakni I li "in onl if tua a wa, l!a aaa rrl.. an I nl In U riiil l-a!i' t'd-if aul 1 km,! lirarlr l t l -a (aiaa It, l. ti t-a ( rf? ill. 31 Ja, a II a. nil la Jat l.i tfatnj) arra a II ba'a t larufcf fi. m a 4ai', i, la a "fi ie U I Me-' at I fia U I . ( m gW" aim alaa iii n..t mt 1. I, I a f ..u t4 fcaf gaiua ai. t t. t 1 tr 1,1 N all fna J pt! ir a "You appear to forget that thia fel low Vauffhan has the reputation of being one of the most desperate crim inals that ever stepped. 'King1 of the Coiners' he is rightly named; but it is chiefly because ne is at the head of a dangerous gang. And because, by a lucky chance, you have found out that he is living in private lodgings under an assumed name, makes it none the less risky for us two alone to attempt his capture." It was in a decidedly dissatisfied tone that Mr. Roche, the detective, urged upon his superior officer the hazardous nature of the business they were upon; but Arnold Bond merely smiled good humoredly aa he re sponded: "Whatever risk there may be, Roche, I think I 6hall face. And as I expect to take our man entirely by surprise, in the very bosom of his family, I don't anticipate much resistance. Still, I am prepared for it, and 1 don't think that he will easily give us the slip. For the rest, you will simply carry out my instructions." The two detectives knocked at the door of an unpretentious lodging house in a quiet street of the east end of London. Almost immediately a respectable looking woman opened the door, and, stepping back, said, before Bond could speak: "Ah, sir; I don't believe they expect ed you again to-night; but it's well you've come, for the poor mite is very bad, they say." With the ever readv wit of a shrewd detective, quick to take advantage of the slightest error, Bond instantly checked the exclamation of surprise which sprang instinctively to his lips, and, stepping in, quietly observed: "Indeed, I am sorry to hear that. Our usual friend could not come him self, but, as his partner, I thought it advisable to look in again. Let me see Mrs. Sutton, second floor, is it not?" Neither of the detectives scarce ventured to breathe as they anxiously waited to see the result of his hap hazard remark. "Oh, 1 look you for Dr. Da ton his self, sir! Yes, second floor. It's rather dark, but I dare say you can find your way up. Lor! 1 uever knowed before as how tho doctor iiad a partner." "This guuUcman is merely a friend of mine. If you don't mind, he will wait for me in tho piissage- I don't suppose I shall be many minutes," Bond said, inwardly chuckling with satisfaction at the lucky mistake which had undoubtedly saved him and his companion no little trouble at the outset. Leaving his subordinate, who had previously received eareful instruc tions, Arnold Bond, with heart beat ing a Utile faster than usual, cautious ly mounted the dark, narrow staircase ami tapped at a closed ' door facing him. Then, without waiting for any reply, he instantly opened it, and as quickly Ntepped into the room and shut the door after him atrain. 'hurrender yourself ray prisoner, Michael Vaughn, alias Ralph Sutton," he isuid, sternly, as a tall, bearded man sprung hastily to his feet with a startled exclamation and confronted him. A momentary pause, then, with an o ith, the coiner snatched up a chair and raising it above his head was about to hurl it at the detective, but as quick' ly dropped it, as his eye rested on the Kerviee revolver steadily leveled at him. I'm plied!" lie ejaculated, savagely, glaring ut the otlloer. "And in this loin-fool fuslilon, too. But there's treachery here," lie added, fiercely, "and if I-" 'Michael, Michael, " Interposed w oman a vulee, In pleading totiwft, 'you're feigelting tmnr little Jess. Ymi know the doctor said she iniint tie kept perfectly quiet. h, Jesa, poor mite, said the eonier. .o wonuer 1 lorgiit every tiling, when Bond hiinwlf jumped up before me like magic! Well, I'm fairly iiatiiH-d; Imt if it tvan't fur Iter," he lidded, with a bitter ciniilinvn, point ing t.i a lied in a corner of the room, "you'd never take nie In this squeamish fashion." Tim bed a occupied by a little girl of alioul alx yen rant age, who, It needed 110 aecoiid glance to liercelve, wn vrry m ar to death indeed. Hie was wide awuUc, ataruig in mule terror from tli detective toher father and back again. Nor did the white face of the colnar's wife, who ktood trembling by the bed aide, riprrta much leaa alarm than the child "la-fa el ar out Wfor you frighten my young 'un to death." aatd the coiner, In a quieter vole. "Xrvrr mind, J , ha went on, turning toth child and cuUlng In auch a Under and aiNitlniig ton that lloud stared Willi aatoiii-liinei.L "Carnal Hin I luill come I'u. a. and than you'll b u iirr, and will- Vaugtiao'a vole falUrad, and ha a lifted. "Ah. take him away, air, but don't hurry him nvrr what h vary well Uiiovi, mual I Ih a laat food by ha'll rt.-r iav to hi child! M hat hup lhar m.iy hae tvrit you'll take wilt) you. Imt tit t.iUe It at llila moment Tim wretched mother, unable to ar II. u U l another word, sank lut.i 1 1 hair, hid her fac In bar hand a and ga way an. bleu mitbural i1 g rirf. 'la I lie t'ciil Smalt going to tab Jroa aw at, I lien, ilnl.lrr' tli fluid said. feebly. "I'll, don t Idoaowant Iniiighl'" Than l.ioUlng at lh l.'tecttt with frrat, rarnrat ryaa. lit II Je-.a fontiiiiied. half Indignantly, half (MtlhaiiraHy: "How would tmir I n! tMi I.M j on to I laWan away If al.e an Id and wart led ,i Ij aU-n tt t H h. r dira Ifully l a I An lnt.liitiiarr amll vathara.1 iii lrrt inataul can Uia aura Una ne ef l.nt4 "lit Iriie. .. liieli," aahiaparad IK U('ii nar tils raptor ' l'. 1 , ill Ufifar, ah la nufhly ld. ao I t'.i iUi 1 aata Id btt fax Ivmrt 10 an iifa nf iJratti M r an t llilna-. "'' ft I" W fcffl l-artrfaaf qmel, a-i let r!ar lul and ! aaJ.s She was gazing steadily at her fa-' ther, who, however, kept bis face care fully averted. The pitiful, pleading expression in the sick shild's eye struck the detective to the heart, for it was a look which expressed more eloquent ly than any words the bitter disap pointment she felt at seeing one she evidently dearly loved about to be taken from her this night of all nights. The detective paused abruptly, hesi tated a moment, and then the resolute expression on nis features soitened suddenly, and he said in a half jocular tone, to hide the emotion he could not entirely conceal: "Stay, Vaughan; I cannot doit after alL I can't take such a cruel advan tage of even you at a time like this! That's all, and good night" "Bond! Bond!" cried the king of the coiners, springing forward as he re covered from his momentary stupefac tion: "Heaven prosper you for this! Bad as I am I hope I'll be able to give you your reward for this if it's years to come!" A moment later the detective had gone. lie had sacrificed an opportu nity of adding enormously to his repu tation. It was a year later before the author ities succeeded in discovering the "fac tory" where Vaughan and his confed erates turned out the cleverly made counterfeit coins which had so long been passed with impunity in most quarters of the metropolis. But after infinite trouble Bond found out all he wanted to know and one night he surrounded with his men the counterfeiter's den. Bond had got within a few feet of the door and was already thinking how neatly he had managed everything, when suddenly and without the slight est warning the whole floor seemed to cave in beneath his feet, and as he threw out his arms with a startled cry the trap he had unconsciously sprung turned completely over, and threw him into a large, well-lighted cellar below. Before he could rise some seven or eight men had seized him, and, amid a storm of oaths and threats, bound him hand and foot, de spite his strenuous struggles. "You fools!" cried Bond, exasperated beyond measure, "let me tell you the game is upl My men surround the place, and the little joke will only make matters a great deal worse for you. You'd better" "Joke! repeated one of the coiners, with a fierce laugh. "Well, we'll see. What say you, boys? What says our oath?" "Death to the trap who bowls us out!" answered a burly, villainous looking fellow. "Surrounded we may be, but what of that? Haven't we means for getting away through the burrow at the first alarm?" AiHEACTH. a health signal. The baby's mission, its work in life, is growth. To that little bundle of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added happiness and com fort. Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty. Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby, can have, in the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full grown, new life. Be sure you get Sect ft Emulsion when you viunt it and net a cheap substitute. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $1. M Bicycle Prize Given Away BY WELLS i MM, Druggists. a -aaaaar-Bawaii u jfjj njim To every person making a cash purchase of 25 cents we will give & coupon ticket which entitles the holder to an equal show in the grand prize. The person receiving the bicycle can exchange for other goods of same value. THE FIRST. "Aye, but not if we stand chucking (j First, before makiDg np a list of papers to be subsoribed for in order to provide read id g for the family for next year, get a copy of Pnbho Opinion, if you are not already familiar with it, and see what an enormous amount and variety of readiug matter it furnishes, all carefully selected, edited and con densed. There is no other paper pub lished by reading whioh the buay man or wo ui a u can so easily keep abreast of what the world is tbioking about and doing. The readers nf Publio Opinion get not one man's views or one side only, bat all sidea and many views. Its sym posiums upon political, religious, sooial and other topics are invaluable to tbe student of effuirs. Teaohers in the publio sohool will flad Public Opinion's plan for the study or current popicsa most excellent method of enliving school work. Every onmmuuity, especially in tbe rural districts, should have a Cur rant Topio Club, with Fubiio Opinion for its text book. For particulars send a postal card inquiry to the Pnbho Opinion Co., New York City. Special clnb rate if taken in connection with the Gazette. For Sale. Ten shares of stock in the National Bank of Heppner. Address Richard T. Cox, Reoeiver, Arlington, Oregon, C4tf. We carry tho most complete line of the following goods that ever came to Heppner: Drugi, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Stationery, ik'hoomooKS, lollet Articles, Per fumes, Candles, Nuts, and Cigars, and will pay the highest cash price at any time for county and city warrants. Goods along Echo and Lone Roc-lc stage routes delivered iree 01 charge. Prescrip. Hon work a specialty. Mail orders receive prompt attention, omce ol ur. weswords In onr store. OUR PRICES ARE LOW! Wells & Warren, HBPPNER, OWBGON Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON 1 j Oct. 18, 1895. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof m support of nis claim, aim tnat sum prom win oe mafic before County Clerit, of Morrow County, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on Dee. !l, lH'jft, viz: JAMES S. RE A. Hd. E. No. 5078, f .r the E's NE!4 Sec. 33, SEVi KiV'4 bee. Wiaiuisw'i svv; bee. i, i p. o , it, 25 E. He names the following witnoBnes to prove his continuous residence upon and culiivation of said land, viz: Bedjamin Luelling, Abraham Lueliing, Walter j . Kcmiett, Josepn . Hummer, an 01 iiariimun Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 81-02. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 uw'l Till I We offer One Hundred Dollars R--wnrd for any case of Catarrh that oun not bo enrod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs , Toled' , precious minutes away in empty talk, interrupted another of the gang. Quick, pals! Here is an end to our snug little business, and ao let's make an end of this interfering sneak before we cut The traps outside may smell a rat if he doesn't soon give 'em the cue. Without another word on of the coiners stepped up to the prostrate ofilccr and, with a savage exclamation, slipped the noose of a rope over Bond's head and drew it uncomfortably tight round his neck. Auothor of the des perate crew at once threw the other end of the rope over one of the beams which supported the flooring above. The detective now recognized to the full extent the really serious nature of his position; and, half dazed by the terrible calamity which had so sudden ly befallen him, was giving up all hope of escape, when for the first time the leader of the gang Michael Vaughan himself spoke. "Leave him to me, lads, and get you along while you may. There's not a jiffy to lone, llarkt hear the traps! They're breaking in already." "We don't go until we've choked the life out of the rat who's put 'em on our trail Hun him up sharp and have him a pleaaant surprise to his friends," replied one of tho rufthina. With theke words the unfortunate ofliuer was jerked off his feet, but at the Mine moineut Vaughan suatchi-d up a formidable knife and at a single stroke severeJ the row atnive his head. "I'm with you. Mr. Itond," ejacu lated Vaughan, with grim do termina tion alatiixd upon his white fm-r. "Aha! see how my mutinous crew sink bark from your bulldog! And, by all that's lucky for us txith. here cornet your men. Another minute's dclav and I reckiMi it would have goue a bit bard fir u iNith. Alimt before he had Uolihcd speak Ing the long ecllsrliUe room became for a short space a scene of deperat struggling, lite wall echoing a chorus of savage cries and shout. Of all the tnetntier of the gang their leader alone offered do resistance, but taped Into moody silence. Only when the opportunity offered did he hUper In the detective ear: "Yon see, I haven't forgotten what I one protnivd. tr. although you hav only smasher's word for it. I'erhapa you didn't aonw It. but 1 re-ko yu h4 the life of my little Jm In your hand that night a year ago. ami mar I you'll agree now that I've paid a fair rrtee for It A f.r m but ther. we re on e term oore more.' . don Tld litu. We the nodersigned, hsve known F. J. Cheney f'ir the last 15 years, and believe bim peifectly honorable ia nil business trausHotious and financially able to oarry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Trnax, Whnlfsalo Drnuaist. Toledo, U., VV aiding, Rinnan k Marvin, Wholesale Drugglats, Toledo, Ohio. nail's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, sotine directly nrmu the blood and mucous Biirfaoe of the system. Price 75 cent per bottle. Hold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, Lj October 21, lS'.ia. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settler has Hied notice oi nis intention to make tinal prool in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on December:!, ls'Jj, viz: CHARLES b. EMRY. Hd. E. No. 31lfi, for the lot 4,SE'i SV' and VU SKi, se,,. ;!1 TPi 4 s, k. 26 E. W. M. He names tbe following w itnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation of, said land, viz: Anson E. Wright, James O. Williams, of Hardinan, Oregon, and .lames M. Hayes, Henry Bcuerziiig r, oi Heppner, uregon. JAS. J. MOORE, 882-9:1 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Leeer Bros, Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Yon Should PpPME For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTEL Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms! Airs, Tom Bradley, IPjrop, f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON lj Oct. 21, lH'.fi. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make tinal proof in support of herclaiin, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 2, lxti.r, viz: ANN E. CHAI'KL, (nee Mm K. Barnard), Hd. K. No. 8133, for the K'$ HVi'i, and Lots 6 and 7, Hee. 6, Tp. 5 8, K 2(1 K. W. M. She minion the follow ing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: Anson E. Wright, James o. Williams, of Hard man, Oregon, and James M. Hayes, Henry Sclierziiiger, of Heppner, Oregon. 1AA. F. MOOHE, 32-! Register. JOX. The acme of politeness was reached by a mining superintendent who posted a placard reading: "Pleas do not tumble loo the shaft." London Tit-Bits. It's strange that a j le should e hardest to see through when it is tliln ncst, riiUadelphis lloonr.l. At the Temperance Mating. I he Worker I am shocked to sen you in suoh a condition, Wbv. you are the man that came lu hero a few nights ago aod sinned a dnlge nut t-i diink for a year. Ill Alleged liiiHdlbler II tats Do, ru' fren', yoi ru'ix' havn taken adrantotre of tne sime'ime alien I ws nnder th iotlucnoe e.f l'i'tor. Hrmiktyn Life. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT TUB PALLET, ORKOON, J (li t. 21, lt'.i... Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-nnaied settler has tiled notice of bin Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and thai nld proof w ill be made h.-fiire the counjy clerk of Morrow county at Hi ppuer, Or., on Heceniber 2. 1W, viz : JK-.K EMRY, lid. K, No. 3211, for the N'i KKU. SE4 NEU, bee. 7, nndHW'i NW1, Kec. K.Tp. !,, K US K. He names tbe loll,, wing witnesses to prove his continuous rcsbluuce upon and cultivation Of said land, vli: Anson K. Wrliibt. James O. Williams, of Hard man, Oreiron, end James M. Hayes. Heurr K-berrlnger, of Heppner, Oregon. J,.-i. r. M1KIRK, S2-OT Register. H in n en wmiM be ehver if ere imt Isty A'o' lon (11 h. tb) NOTICK UK IMrNIIO.N. T AND OFKK K AT THE DAI t.K. OKEOON li iN-tnber 21. l-'-ri Nolbe Is hen bv given tlmt ton loiiow ini iiNincI seltler hss lllel no tice ol his Intention to make li ml roof In sup. port ol Ills claim, and tlmt said prool w ill I made belore J. W. Moriow, futility t'lcik, at Heppner, Oregon, on November :m, 1 viz: IRA D. M1I.IKR. ltd F. No llT'i. f..r tbe N'4 V'V -c. 4, and M',PlOhT .. Tp A It .'I r. W . M. Hh tiamc the t..',oHlutf ltiicftca to prove his continuous r.-. letu p uj.iui and ciitlvallon ol, ML I la' il, I.: Jacob Voiititf, Weler W Itratinnn. of David son, (ireifoii, and K.dlu D. Rood, Itllbert K. Jones, ol Mt'lil Mile, Oregon, JA. K. M'lOHK. I'l KeliUlcf. fie baa I.Alt pensioners within btr Uund ('m,usi lli 1'itmtnifif Jk VI hate u-f.i,. .t lh ma'tnenl -f the (Unit lon, ('hieag'H Ills, (Vr. MdMn A Clinton lte.U, and offer ton.1 aciN'mmo.lai! ,,t t rahl) rates. br lh.lf il.n li g a I In n.-l ef mI lfyte t,ie Aai a la ! (!ft? '.'l fu-t lie (UitU la l.lvn (tared. Vn. I'hoi-h" llnnits, of Jucciii'li ("it), III., mI.iI.I 1 7 hi rdi riois slut I. Coiisiiiiiplioti and tlmt there was tto I up.' fur her tut tf.i h ti I s ( Pr. K k' New lhe.iey i'ti:plrlelr rufe. ber and she ) li vd her I le. Mr, f o . Kittrrte, H I Fh rld i PI., S.i Kroi r, .. stlffi red Imtn a drrsJ'ul el 1, at ptwef '.i ing tviusnniploii , 1 1 b d iM,oiit reuli rver)lhll.,t else Ihrn Imiighl one litl!e of If. Kind's N' l'ienerjr and in lo ks cared, lie l nnluail Ibai.k fill. Iliaeuch reaiilu, of bicb l,i are iuiIp, thai prove I he Wonderful tf!l"a)T of this rnedieine in e Miifhs and e-.lle. Krre trial iM.lilestT. W Aef. Jr., dnia; 'ore. I'e-iqtsr site .'A", and 1. Till riH Casic IU I M.r K. I. klstl.wk. J. II M ra n b I Kri k (Idham arc .iiioi'in fun l Ihn ek llbhleh la toiil.l l, 'rlb re. i fool, d Ji ia from - 'ai e $, the f'Hiire-1 arannl ill tutbotii d'lTli'ull;, ll.oQab a s'.l rl koo lne re iai4 lime to g frj. It ia nnderaiiMkl thai il'anl e. )) aillinsti-e tbe fiathl of if ltc-er wtil l n!. i in rnal, ai.l lhef ! t i-l I Ifepp. bef doll I rf a!. are I i Ul'ia Rtsklnf . i.-j"t It tlVa r-a I filaillon f,te li ia 'am wl en li e r'd is aoltiple)! that II. X'i'i i.H la.U m,l cVIM Ki lle ief WVt'f I fill J 6A :yvwr'i Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binus, Lower Main Street, H eppner, Uregon. These centlemen are well acaualnted with Grant, Harney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties. and can save money and time In making these sections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS. it, n rnlrfr- smb. Palace Hotel, C. S. W DlYN, Proprietor. e is have taken full control of this popular house, and will make it strictly first class. MEALS, r CTS. BEDS, 25 CTS. Free Hatha snd Free 'Bus for all Guests An srroeaMs laxative and Krm To?nn, older I'nurirlt'aof icrt tf iria.L aVjohw. o4 t UX p-r ck airw. pampWa lraa ITH lift 1Ttorttr7?tfrm ror a-.v 4el il IMeaalat v. win r-ll , i4 , w a. I..,l r.b., n, ,M vl l r-r-, 3 T. a.i,.. .4H . tj t.r i lr.Ou.lfi. . a M Kt- Hi i'hi a.,! ,l,-,H aMMf, Ut' Jp-; I- . Lar . '.hi4. ft: nt t i. ,.(, 4,-11 re ttt I i ! Hut CVTliHi. -3 a a. 4 hm VMCUCWTORK MUSICALf CHQ Cd.ri; f.iM tS(r t lg t flifi t KM, WiUIUiUiUiUlUiUU1 'imiii? SI800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INMNTORS. I BT LEST! F M'. Columhua wore alive to- J. ilny niid cnlM at Mat Lichten- lhrn ho might mnk a now dim-ov-ory quit' an tiifiuoralilrt an thnt of li.i'i ( bus) win n pioat diHCovcrer in bin iluv. Ili nouhl at thin time diwover 1 1 fim-nt nfock of Hhoca over ehowu in lloi(imr. abil the chi''ht an well. S hnt more does iimrtid man want ? Fir K4, i.,,nn that Vrn-Maf. M. I.ICIITHNTIIAL., Wain Mrl. Heppner, Orrgnn. Custom Work a Hjwcialty. TI I U N I ) 1 : 1 1 LIOI ITN I N O "Thcrf m a tuk in the affaira ff men Thnt, if taken at it $ flood, Irada on tofvrtunr.'' The flood is hr-re and ao it G1LI.,1A.M & UISBlfllfl With full line of Hnnlwnn. Tinwnif. aiaHrvni-ot Crockom-. Wcxxl ami tllowwaix'. CctlarTubx at Iclrot?lc 1Hchm. THE UGHT1.ST RUNNING GANG l'LOWS! Tlief mn tn llhl 1 hef Ns ulT In Ihf lf hi. Xttsaian (la for. tar r, ;a, yj, I W, Vwjlus sot M I lif ei ,lef. T, It IS ef ll.i llafe, ee fr ,1 I. I at lie f it.e Isllrf, lt, ('e if.aliv 1tv da 1 1 eHi' c ft lit ma-lla1!! f I ul. i lar. ( ,, viii .. or, .. ut ii. r .. f. un I i..,i ,i al .ta m- re, fif Klb !. ad aelil'fi . ( I if. Il I4- f .- Mr W. l alrek, , raail a al ('arp i.l. t'al . I ef ilsn.l.iff aetetat ' lffit.! I al I m e Kb e rit 1 1 llie H im eH, at I al I ! la q-l I ai I t xvaaatf ! il I 4 t -(.., ! ef I' a I l-.l I iti 1I1.H t' 1.. I I . let .le l l. 1 11 aae her sa-sia jel ea. H'l t't He. l? f.f lrat. oa ran hal He U-al lati.. Tte lai ei'.a's rtisaea me Sued a tnieeraK OAssaril, At If aahsone.1 if ih i H r. It h .l levator la at t ettak.l fca "I"wb. in e-Maer urae4. and. Uatn ! his hs. eroahe.1 a arti ! ha4 an I a'fNri.e-l the (. nil a tifUl r. titrnat..- ant loiuhtaf ij A fvreat.r, ha ,!ar4 l Wsl kmaeir (. ta e a fte. ; l.i. a ai fci u,',4 I ui, aa Ata, . t ton4 Ixe4 l-sr4 IH .1..f a:a.i, h,g tut fell fc aa la. ii.i at -a t!, una. h;e far f ,t;t .'t i i h4 Mk r.:t , ti- Isn't,! Atit e'. i f nsa ttt t t:li.f (,tiilta'n' I'ala l''r ifelJ tit n"1 l4ll, I ! mi M a'ao fa aeo ft f l.)ir i , lane an I ! ai4 a4 w ,1 a Ml ill. f t 'II ! a- j nei I l e aa I I ,.." I l.a , "liail a!4 .t -. I i'la t mt eia"a eji fmii a'i-n'4 ! a hnttla t lit tamr.ia I I e , a " I'ef ! hf el baa a S e mrmrm . taaal Mletita tW anrr etleola. a I ,a -'i m 9-m m a aaea aia aa I Sa a Hat ar- V let tva IT'S me simtfaTcnia js cstions TttAT HID lORRNLS, aa " aW aa W aaV at I a e4 va hW t i a " aaaia . "a-ak.. e -T". ! I Uum4 mi af W m4 a mm turn -4 a aaa 4 a-"aa . a4 awwt a..n. anaa t,tmt" ttm at the IT 1$ NOT M IHRO AS IT S1XHS. h wa e .-....a-a e - ea. v at .ii, i .s l C ,w.i...(li.r ,i i iia ara I ea na a T a aaV aja. a aa mm eaaa mm H mi II ' n, m mml a ma awa S a lul i am m a i mmmm. . -a mt I ' ? t.a, aa ra mi Aa --a a I . a mi w a a4 a w . . . . . , , a4 na I - tW 0'a 'lt, !!. (m eee a c , a -, . . .. It Weal. U i llaa (. H.t.. I a'irl 1 "'-" -t"-a ee " I lull 4 (If la. ata.f ,,.r,,,a. t . I Mi. IxMSi .i t r,r,r i r.t a i n..Mui..iakii. ioMNrnnrtvr.icv a eft.. M.ala AW,tte. It t. a, fc. ,il t. le al.te. I . U I . . ' rwaU. I...iwi ii it. i-Tl..fa. all m ; i.ifc i al J al. lie i. nl ... .i.. I a . . . ... ii- . - ' i I . .t.i . . . . . ..i . t ' ! 4 ir ! i f aif J-tm j V-4iW at a 61 9 I Tho only r.irlusivfi IUrdarare Stftra Men Tha Dallca and TcbdlcUm GILLIAM Sz J3ISB153S. iUpnr, . . . Orrpm. ItAIN UAIN Ike Keeley Institute Kor tho Ciiiv o l.iquor,().:tim ulTobncco IlaWts ll I InrtM tl Saieta, OfayuS, Ikt ,f f HrnHul Tirn on tk Ctxu OKSGfON rati ai iKa A.ttrta "flteenr iaBtlal. tra r'.r ft ia f ra.ne1af aieaefti rrtta'aar r Mi 1 1 uauu mj..n ! U I VII 'I 1 I Jail 1 Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office. . . . Tm Lascashik,: Insukanci: Co. ftfTft.N.W.. ! MAMt'llltasritK. Sfclrtfle), f, C , - . - . CrX(l,Al iCi'l tt t-? i e"